` Genealogical Society of Whitley County
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Query Page of the Genealogical Society of Whitley County Indiana.

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Whitley County
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ACKLEY — Seeking information on my Grandmother, Leona Grace ACKLEY. She was born 12 Nov 1881 in Churubusco IN. Her father was Isaac Lorenzo ACKLEY, born 16 Aug 1849 in Churubusco IN. Her mother was Mary Eleanor Hutzel, born 31 Dec 1849. Grandfather was Western Ackley. Any information would be greatly appreciated. (8/97). Carol Grams, 419 E. Melody Lane, Gilbert AZ 85234-2463. Email: ssmarg@AOL.com.

ADAMS — Seeking information on the parents of John (1854-1937) and Andrew (1859-1935) ADAMS. John married Bertha E. - (1864-1932). This Andrew ADAMS wrote a very authentic history of Texas and a popular work called a "Log of a Cowboy". The father of John and Andrew may have been Andrew ADAMS b. 1821, son of James ADAMS and Jane MOORE ADAMS. (8/98). Betty Wood Houghton, 640 Holly Springs Estates Rd, Franklin, NC 28734. Email: Houg@dnet.net.

ADAMS — Seeking information on Robert ADAMS born in New York, died June 29, 1854 in Whitley County. He was married to Chloe SHAW. They had nine children, Rachel, Lewis, Allen, Mariah, Levi, Julia, Eliza, Zillah and John Q. (5/97). Debbie Philipp Holderbaum, 3006 21st Place, North Chicago, IL 60064. E-mail: Skip310@aol.com.

ADAMS - see Craig.

AKER — Seeking information on George AKER b. 1839 in Portage Co. Ohio Served in 5th Indiana Battery. Buried in Coesse Hope Lutheran Cemetery in Whitley County. Any info on brother? Washington AKER also a Civil War veteran who died during the war. (4/17/2002). Reply to J.K. Aker, 2003 Wahalaw Nene, Tallahassee, FL 32301. Email: AkerJ@nettally.com

AKER - see Rummel.

ALEXANDER — I am doing research on the ALEXANDER, BELL & CREAGER families. Will trade information. (1/98). (Address & email updated 11/4/2006). Michael Alexander, 7203 Avalon Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46819-1705. E-mail: mlcd@comcast.net.

ALLEN — I am searching for ancestors of the ALLEN Family who lived in Whitley County and Allen County--descendants of James Allen and Eliza Morris. I've taken the family 7 generations back, but can't find the progenitor in the U.S. (1/14/2001). Margaret Schmidt, 400 E. Randolph, #2323 Chicago, IL 60601. Telephone: 312-938-3991. Email: Margo2323@aol.com

ALLEN - see Stoner.

ALTMAN - see Macon.

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ANDREWS - see Jones.

ANSPACH - see Anspaugh, Miller.

ANSPAUGH — I am researching the family of Solomon and Mary (HIVELY) ANSPAUGH (ANSPACH). They were married Sept. 19, 1844 Thorncreek Twp., Whitley County, IN. Together they had 4 children: Eli, Catharine, David and Olive. Solomon's parent are David and Sarah (ZARTMAN) ANSPAUGH. Mary's parents are Daniel and Catharine (EGOLF) HIVELY. Anyone wishing to share information please contact me at Lisa Long, 6451 West Carleton Road, Adrian, MI 49221. E-mail: jlong@cass.net.

ARCHER — I am searching for any information regarding John D. ARCHER. We have papers mentioning he was married to Marget or Margaret BURWELL who died in 1872 in Columbia City. We also have that he was married to Alsina VANHOUTEN on December 29,1875 in Coesse. We do know that he is buried next to Catherine A. in the Coesse Cemetery. Thank You. (2/16/2000). Sandra Roby, 7306 Kristine Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46835. roby7@earthlink.net

ALBERT - see Young.

ARMSTRONG - see Stoner.

ARNET / ARNETT - see Young.

ARNOTT - see Young.

AUER — Researching the AUER family of Whitley County. Jacob AUER b. 1829 and his wife Sophia PANNE b. 1829. Eight children. Lived Allen and Whitley Counties. Jacob & Sophia buried at St. John's Lutheran church cemetery South Whitley, as are some of their children. Jacob's brother Michael AUER b. 1824, and his family lived near Peabody. Associated families LEDERER, BUSH, SCHINBECKLER, SCHOENAUER, SIEVERS. (3/97) Lynne Emmons, 284 Bluejay Cres., Oshawa, Ontario, Canada L1G 6X5. Email: Emmons@interlinks.net.

AUER - see Schinbeckler.

AYERS — AYERS/AYRES - Searching for info. on the family of William and Catherine (BLACK) AYERS. Married 1 July 1848 in Stark County, Ohio. Found in Clear Creek Twp. Huntington Co, IN in 1860 then in Jefferson Twp, Whitley County, IN in 1870 & 1880 Census. Children: Melissa J. (SHOFFNER) b. 1850, Mary E. b. @1852, Emma C b. 1854 in Ohio. Children Addison A. b. 856, Eliza b. 1859, William C. b. 1861, John S., b. 1864 and Samantha E. b. 1867 in Indiana. (3/24/2001). Mary Patrick, 31 Sunset Hills NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49544. Email: MapSap57@aol.com.

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BABB — Looking for information on Alanzo and Alice BABB married in Whitley Co. Indiana September 25 1901. (01/97). Sandie Steele, N7990 Six mile Lake Road, Iron Mountain, MI 49801. EMail: SSteele@up.net.

BAIR — I am looking for information on a Henry J BAIR born Dec.29,1855 in OH and died May 10,1937 in Whitley, IN. He married Emma Jane KNIGHT in Whitley Co. but I don't know when. I believe his father's name was George BAIR who died Feb. 27, 1895 I am not sure where. His mothers name was Rebecca (I do not know her maiden name). . (9/11/1999). Ellen Palmer, 707 Haas Road, Weiser, ID 83672. E-Mail: Palmer6@earthlink.net.

BAIR - see Hill.

BAKER — Searching for descendants or relatives of a Zachariah (and Rebecca?) BAKER who moved to South Whitley, Whitley Co., IN prior to 1887. Zachariah was born around 1826 in Harrison Co., Ohio to Iven/Evan and Melinda BAKER. (3/98) (Revised 6/2004). Tami Stallard, 8310 Ellerson Green Pl., Mechanicsville, VA 23116. My e-mail address is: Stallard@cavtel.net.

BAKER — I am trying to discover the parentage of Jonas BAKER - born Feb. 17,1822 in Pennsylvania. Family history says born in Lancaster County, PA, moved as a child to Stark County, OH where he lived until "of age" or 21. He married Mariah/ Marie HAINES May 28, 1843, daughter of Curtis and Marget/ Margaret HAINES, 1st of Earl Twp., Lancaster Co., and then settling in Montgomery Co., OH. Mariah & Jonas were married in Montgomery Co., and in the Fall of 1843 moved west to Whitley Co., IN. Jonas died 7/15/1890 and is buried in Eberhard Cemetery with Marie who died 10/4/1887. Has anyone found information on the parents or siblings of Jonas BAKER, or of Curtis & Marget HAINES? (11/21/2005). Jo-anne Smith, 1 Meadow Lane, Chadds Ford, PA 19317. BakerSmith@comcast.net.

BAKER - see Mason.

BALSLEY - see Foust, see Tulley.

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BANTA — Seeking information on John Q. BANTA, a physician in Whitley Co. in the year 1850. In the 1850 Census, he was 22 years old. His wife, Eveline, 25, and daughters Helen M. 1 year old, and Mary G., 3 months old were also listed with him on the census. John's daughter Helen married James Madison O'DELL, and they moved to Austin, Travis Co., TX in the 1880's. Any information (or contact from relatives!) would be appreciated. Brenda Odell, 3400 Surrey Lane, Baytown, TX 77521-1959. Email denbren1@gte.net.

BANTA - see Myers.

BARBER — I am trying to locate the family of my Great Grandmother Mamie Gertrude BARBER or BAXTER. Father was Alan BARBER or BAXTER, Mother Angeline HOUGHTON. Who lived in Whitley County, Indiana in 1876. She was raised by her Aunt Axie Jane BARBER OR BAXTER. We believe Mary BARBER or BAXTER was the mother of Mamie Gertrude BARBER or BAXTER, birth 08/25/1876. Mamie Gertrude JONES may be the name she used when she went to school in Whitley County, Indiana several years later. (11/13/2008). Ruth Peairs, 6775 Portola Road, Atascadero, CA 93422. Email: BigCityRan@aol.com.

BARBER - see Barnes.

BARNES — Researching Fielding BARNES family. Fielding BARNES b. 25 Apr 1807 Mercer Co., KY married 9 Dec 1830 Eliza Ann McALLISTER. Fielding died 30 Dec 1894 buried in Troy Twp, Whitley Co. Children: 1) Fred b KY md Mariah. 2) Zachariah md Marcia A NOBLE. 3) Phebe/Phoebe md Amon WOODEN 4) Minerva md George Henry GRANT. 5) Lucy Jane md Frederick BARBER. 6) James M. md Elsie C. WALTERS/SWAYZEE. 7) Luke H. md. Phebe NOBLE. 8) Mary A. md George S. NOBELS. 9) John Hector md. Anna Eliza TRUMBULL. 10) Sarah "Sally" md Asa BILLS Jr. 11) Deliah F "Della" md Albert D FINLEY. 12) Jane md Bernard K. KEPNER. 13) Maxia md John A. NOBLES. Family lived in Parke Co. IN 12 years before moving to Whitley County. Will exchange info. (03/97). Sharen A. Chambers, 4661 East 100 South, Marion, IN 46953. Email: halfpint@comteck.com.

BARNES — Looking for info on the following BARNES. Fielding married to McAllister NOBLE, Asher married to Minnie, Gary married to Vonda, Richard marred to Naomi, time is around 1860 on. If anyone has info and would like to exchange please contact me. (8/26/2008). Lloyd E Barnes, 35 4th Avenue, Oswego, NY 13126. lbarne1@twcny.rr.com .

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BARNEY — Interested in exchanging family information with anyone researching BARNEY. (1/22/2008) Please contact Barbara Barney Clark, 3838 West Hamilton Road South, Fort Wayne, IN 46814. Email: Barb2580@aol.com.

BARNEY - see Beard, Early.

BARR — Looking for information on Samuel F. BARR and his wife, Fannie Charles Barr. Known to have daughter - Nettie BARR who married a LANCASTER. They lived in Churubusco in 1879. They are buried in Eel River Cemetery in Allen County. (2/11/2001), Dale Barr, 1209 Twp. Rd. 653 Ashland, OH 44805 Email - b4riddle@aol.com.

BARSH - see Wagner.

BARTLET — Looking for any information for my Paternal Grandfather:  Arthur Frank BARTLET, born about 24 March 1879 in Columbia City, Indiana.  Father was Phineas Allen BARTLET.  His Mother was Anna Elizabeth GRAY, born about 3 Dec. 1850 in Crawford, Indiana. I would very much appreciate any information or direction you could give me or another area to pursue.  (2/27/2009).  Janet Bartlett Conaty, 128 Wildwood Drive, New Bern, North Carolina 28562. Email: KandJConaty@suddenlink.net.

BAUMGARDNER — I am searching for descendants of Moses and Sarah (SHOFNER) BAUMGARDNER, sometimes spelled BUMGARDNER of South Whitley, IN. They are buried at the South Whitley Cemetery with several of their children and grandchildren. (10/21/2006). Sue Ellen Cave Ash, 10818 SE 96th Street Valley Center KS 67147. Email db1753@dragonbbs.com.


BAXTER - see Barber.

BAYLESS — Seeking information of Jack or Charles BAYLESS, foster son of Carl DREYER and Minnie Elizabeth HUNZIKER DREYER. Jack BAYLESS married Ardelle HENDERSON, had sons Sidney, born August 20, 1933 and James born March 10, 1935. Minnie DREYER's obituary from Whitley Co. in 1974(?) mentions a deceased foster son Charles BAYLESS. Would like to know the natural parents of Jack or Charles. (6/4/1999). Richard M. Payton, 4899 S. Dudley St., #F22, Littleton, Co., 80123. Email: Rpayton57@aol.com.

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BEAN - see Loutzenhiser.

BEARD — Researching BEARD family. All were Whitley Co. residents: Henry BEARD b. 1815 married Magdaline;sons, Harvey BEARD, b. 1841 married Lydia ELLIS; John BEARD b. 1840 married Mary ?; Levi BEARD b. 1845 m. Louisa J. BARNEY, be 1848; Isaac BEARD b 1849 m Amanda McKOWN. Also GILLAM family. My grandfather was Eston GILLAM who married Eura BEARD. His father: Solomon b 1840 m. Sara Jane STUART; his father James GILLAM b. 1816 married Christiana REA; his father,William GILLAM b 1793 m. Phoebe COOK and his father Jonathan GILLAM, b. 1753. (11/98). Evelyn Faulkner Casper, 1765 Long Beach Rd., Big Pine Key, FL 33043. E-mail: G1H2ost@aol.com

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BEARD — Searching for information re: Elam BEARD. He was born about 1866, married Cora McCURDY 9/15/1888 in Whitley Co. Elam died in 1903 and left wife Cora and children: Willard BEARD, Lela Belle BEARD b 3/5/01, Wilma BEARD, Nellie BEARD McNAMARA, b 1/05/1893 and Lucille BEARD SIMON, b 7/27/1898. Any information would be greatly appreciated. (9/4/00). Sue Horvath, 11156 Crooked Stick Lane, Carmel, IN 46032. Email: xmpq45a@aol.com.

BEARD — William Harvey BEARD (son of Henry BEARD and Magdalina or Molly CLAY) Married 1st Lydia ELLIS, they had 5 kids 2 lived to be adults:   1). Edwin BEARD and,  2), Eura BEARD. After Molly died he married his 2nd wife: Elizabeth Ruth SCOTT (daughter of Elizah SCOTT and Lavonia DeWITT) they had 4 kids and 3 lived to be adults.   3). Lawrence BEARD married Ida BERRY.   4). Pearl BEARD married Alfred BROWN.   5). Lima BEARD married Zelda CONNER (daugher of Isaac CONNER and Elizabeth BROXON). Looking for information on any of these surnames. (2/5/2006). Connie Cadwell, 10255 Marquart Street, New Carlisle, Ohio 45344. Email CMCadwell@earthlink.net.

BEARD - see Conner, Ellis, Hughes, McNeal.

BEAVER - see Swinehart.

BECHTOL - see Decker.

BECHTOLD - see Geisler.

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BECK — Looking for information on Samuel BECK, b. ca. 1846 in Hancock Co., OH. I think he married Eliza VANLUE, but unsure on this. Information that I have has him in Whitley, IN with children Lawrence, Frank, Charles, and Dora. Dora also supposedly married unknown RYDER. Any information on any of these people would be greatly appreciated. (5/99) (Email update 2/2008). Karen Fry, 723 E. Sandusky St., Findlay, OH 45840. Email: KLynnFry@mail.com.

BECKER - see House.

BEECHING — Interested in sharing family information with anyone researching BEECHING. (8/9/01). Martha Beeching Jones 212 W. Country Gables Dr., Phoenix, AZ 85023-5250. JJones3549@aol.com.

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BELL — I am doing research on the ALEXANDER, BELL & CREAGER families. Will trade information. (1/98). (Address & email updated 11/4/2006). Michael Alexander, 7203 Avalon Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46819-1705. E-mail: mlcd@comcast.net.

BELL — I am searching for proof of parentage for my great great grandfather Robert Smith BELL. It has been assumed that his father was Rev. Zepeniah BELL and mother was Margaret SMITH. Robert is buried in the Evergreen Cemetery, Laud, Whitley Co. Robert S. is not named in Zepeniah's will dated 22 February 1878 and proven on 19 June 1878. The only indication that I have is from page 337, History of Whitley County, Indiana by S. P. Kaler & R. H. Maring, where Roberet S. BELL is listed as a brother-in-law of Leonard S. MARING. who married Elizabeth BELL a daughter of Zepeniah BELL. Very willing to exchange information. Help and assistance is appreciated. (8/21/2001). Louis E. Haley, 1 Towers Park Lane Apt. 610, San Antonio, TX 78209-6421. Email: louishaley @ sprintmail.com.

BENNET - see Chappel, Sheets.

BENTZ — Seeking connections to John BENTZ, born 1830-31 Ashland Co, OH, possibly to Frederick & Elizabeth FRIEND BENTZ. John lived 1850-1864 Huntington & Whitley Cos, IN; died 1864 Civil War. Married 1859 to Susannah SHOEMAKER. Children: Reuben, Ephriam & John. Susannah m-2 Jacob SHOEMAKER & moved to TX about 1890. (11/97). Brenda Reeg Robison, 8905 N. Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46240. Email: BooksBoop@aol.com.

BENTZ — Seeking more data on these BENTZes from Ashland Co, OH to Whitley Co, IN to determine whether mine are in same line: (1) Jacob BENTZ b. 1833 OH, d. 1903 Whitley Co, IN; married Nancy Ann SINGER 1856 Ashland Co, OH. (2) Adam BENTZ b. 1848 OH, d. 1931 Whitley Co, IN; m-1 Eliza CUNEY; m-2 Malissa PENCE VANCE, widow of Benjamin VANCE. Jacob's parents listed as George & Mary in 1907 county history but as Frederick & Elizabeth (FRIEND) Bentz on his death record. Adam may be Jacob's younger brother. (01/98). Brenda Reeg Robison, 8905 N. Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46240. Email: BooksBoop@aol.com.

BERRY - see Beard

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BIDDLE — Looking for information on Hiram F. BIDDLE b.1839 in Champaign Co. Ohio, s/o Henry and Sarah SIBERT BIDDLE. Sarah d/o Henry and Catherine SIBERT of VA. Hiram married in 1865 in Whitley Co. Elizabeth SMALE, d/o Abraham SMALE of Penn. and Margaret KITSON of Canada. Children of Hiram & Eliz. BIDDLE were: Rosa Bell GARLAND, Ida Collista NEWCOMER, Elmer Otto, Charles Case, Alletha May POLAND, Clara Alice CHAPMAN, Arba MANFORD, Edith Pearl and Odie Blanch LANCASTER. Will be glad to share. (9/9/99). Cynthia Nelson, 420 Adams St., Elgin, Illinois, 60123. Email: Nelcyn@foxvalley.net.

BIGGS - see Whiteman.

BILLS - see Barnes, Noble.

BIRNEY - see Deem.

BLACK - see Ayers.

BLAINE - see Jones.

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BLANCHARD — Seeking information on Charles Logan BLANCHARD Sr. and Viola Jane (HAAG) BLANCHARD who lived near Columbia City in Whitley County. Children were Esther, Violet, Winona, Marion and Charles Jr. Parents of Charles Sr. were Oscar BLANCHARD and Mary (HOLYCROSS) BLANCHARD. Oscar had 11 brothers and sisters, some of whom were Scott, Tom, John, Goldie, Barbara and Effie. (11/98). Mark Blanchard, 12938 E. Deep Lagoon Place, Jacksonville, Fla. 32246. Email: mblanch@jacksonville.com.


BLOOM - see Hildinger.

BOATMAN - see Fritz.

BOGGS — BOGGS, MOHR, WITHAM, HARTER, FLECK, CROSS and related families. Have questions and answers. Richard J. Boggs, P.O. Box 1210, Pahrump, NV 89041. Email: deboggsbus@aol.com.

BOGGS - see Craig.

BOLES - see Stallsmith.

BOLINGER — Am looking for any information for Peter BOLINGER who d. 3 Mar 1909 in Columbia Twp., Whitley Co., IN. Have his death certificate, but am seeking anything about his father Nicholas, where did he go to and who was his father. Any help would be appreciated. (3/3/1999). Cora Hursey, 686 Kienle Ave., Westerville, OH 43081. Email: coralou@megsinet.com

BONAR - see McKown.

BONINE — Rachel BONINE b. 13-Feb-813 in Blount Co., TN and d. 30-May-1895 in Whitley Co., IN. Rachel married William DRULEY 15-July-1830 in Richmond, Wayne Co, IN. (9/9/1999). H. Neil Smith, P.O. Box 1688, Porterville, CA 93258. Telephone: (559) 784-2244 Email: nsmith2@lightspeed.net.

BORN / RIDDLE — Researching the family of Christian BORN b. 1857 in Adams Co. married Clerminda RIDDLE b. 1864 in Noble Co. Children all born in Whitley Co.: Forest, Ernest, Marshall, Firmer, Velma, Letha, Charlotte, Eben, Sylvia, Garland (Barney), Eldon, Marjorie. Christian, Clerminda, & Forest are buried in the Hively Cemetery. Seeking ancestors and descendants. (04/97). Janet Sue Milam, 108 West Ollie, Floydada, TX 79235-3847 Email: JSM@TexasOnline.net.

BOYD — Searching for information on William CARDER and his wife Elcy BOYD. William was born abt 1808 and Elcy BOYD was born 1814.  They lived in Whitley county as did Sarah BOYD and her husband Jacob ROGERS.  I would like more info on the Boyd linage.  I will share what I have.  (04/2010). Helen Johnson 401 East King Street, Moravia, Iowa 52571.

BOYD - see Carder. Haynes.


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BRADDOCK — Interested in sharing family information with anyone researching BRADDOCK. (11/02/01). Martha Beeching Jones, 212 W. Country Gables Dr., Phoenix, AZ 85023-5250. JJones3549@aol.com.

BRADEN — Seeking information on John K. & Samuel BRADEN. Both landowners in Jefferson Twp. in 1862. John K. BRADEN born 13 July 1836, died 6 Feb. 1908 in Whitley Co. Parents of John were Samuel and Margaret BRADEN. (04/97). Jim Braden, 3382 South 65th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53219. Email: JBraden@execpc.com.

BRADEN — Seeking information on Phoebe BRADEN. (09/28/2000). Barbara Bott, 10428 S. 44th Place, Phoenix, AZ 85044. Email: Jazzbks98@aol.com.


BRANDT — Looking for Karl/Carl/ Charles BRANDT listed in 1850/1860 census, Richland Twp, Whitly Co. I assume he came to USA bet 1843 and 1848. Born ca 1800 Hanover Germany. Wife name?? Mebgena. Charles Brandson (Brandt Sr) Will dated 02 Dec 1872 , in it is stated "please place a gravestone for your mother & me on the graves. They went to the German Luthern Zion Church in Columbia City IN. Children: ( 1850 census) 1 Charles (19 Germany), 2 Christina (10 Germany) married 25 Nov 1860 Whitley Co IN Anton (Andy) BOYER (my gg grandparents), George (7 Germany), Louesa (2 Indiana). I have copy of will in German, and have had it translated. Buried St. John's Cemetery b 1800 d 1873. (8/98, updated & address change 4/23/2000). Rose Landmesser, 5546 Mesa Loop, Granbury, TX 76048. Email: roseland@flash.net

BREEDLOVE - see Olinger.

BRENNEMAN — Benjamin Franklin BRENNEMAN b. 1848 Lancaster Co, PA; d. 1921 Whitley Co, IN; prominent Baptist & Prohibition worker. Son of Abraham 1796 PA-1876 Whitley Co, IN & Elizabeth RUSH Brenneman 1802-? Whitley Co, IN. Have tintype of store front lettered "B.F. Brenneman" that sold cigars, crockery, etc., pobably in late 1800s. May have been on east side of courthouse, close to original Flox's. (3/21/99). Brenda Reeg Robison, 8905 N. Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46240. Email: BooksBoop@aol.com.

BRIDEGAN — Charles Elias Bridegan was my grandfather born about 1900 and lived most of his life in this area. His father was John Bridegan but I don't know who his mother was. My father Donald Bridegan was his son, he had older siblings (Robert, Joe, Marion (sister), and Jackie (brother). His mother was Roxanne Lee MOORE. If you know anyone who can help me, please have them reply by email (Gravesubj@aol.com) or by snail mail. (12/98). Roxanne Bridegan, 1716 Springhill Drive, O'Fallon, MO. 63366-3929. Email: Gravesubj@aol.com.

BRIGGS - see Whiteman.

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BROWN - see Douglas, Golden, Henning.

BROWN - see Beard

BROXON - see Beard, Conner.

BRUCKART - see Richard.

BRUMBAUGH — I would like to know the parents of Catherine EARHART BRUMBAUGH. She was born 1809 in Virginia and died 7 Feb. 1890 in Indiana. (8/26/2001). Dorcas Beaver, 1228 Southwood Drive, Waco, Tx. 76712. Email: Harold_Beaver@baylor.edu.

BRUMBAUGH - see Dull, Hyer.

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BULLEN - see Miner.

BUMGARDNER - see Baumgardner.

BURCH — Would like to contact anyone with a BURCH or DITTON connection from Whitley Co., Indiana. . I have quite a bit of information on the BURCH family. Would be glad to share information. Thank you. (1/12/00). Pam Navrat, 400 Sherman Drive, Newton, Kansas 67114. Email: tsnn@southwind.net

BURKHOLDER — Michael BURKHOLDER Jr., Henry BURKHOLDER, Golda, Viola, Idella, May BURKHOLDER, Solomon SNYDER, Mandilla SNYDER.   (8/31/2003).   Amy Derrickson, 331 E Del Norte Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80907. Email: DericcA@pcisys.net — Website: www.pcisys.net/~derrica.

BURWELL — I am seeking any information on the Ike BURWELL family. They moved to Whitley County Indiana from Fort Wayne Indiana in 1861. Ike BURWELL was married to Mary Jane LEHYMAN. Mary LEHYMAN (born approx. 1831) may have been from Pennsylvania and Ike may have been from Indiana or Ohio. Their daughter Christina BURWELL married Edward D. HAYNES in 1877 in Whitley County. Other children of Ike and Mary Jane Burwell are Lucina, Henry William and Mary Jane. I have found Mary Jane on the census in 1880 as either widowed or divorced working as a servent. I have not been able to find anything on Ike Burwell anywhere. Any help would be much appreciated. (10/98). H. Markano, 10780 Oakbend Dr. San Diego, CA 92131. E-mail: JMarkan1@san.rr.com.

BURWELL - see Archer, Swigart.

BUSH - see Auer.

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CALDWELL - researching the CALDWELL Family of Larwill, David and Julia CALDWELL, who came to Whitley Co sometime before 1860 from New Castle, Delaware. Surnames include CALDWELL, McHENRY, SWINDELL, ROLLINS.   (7/16/2006).   Betty Nuttle, 6201 Sharon Drive, Fort Wayne IN 46825. Email: BNut5130@aol.com.

CAMERON - see Elder.

CANNON - Looking for parents and siblings of Mary Ann CANNON born Miami OH 10-10-1821 died 11-4-1863 Whitley Co IN married Samuel A MINER 2-7-1844 their dau. Mary E MINER m. Reason HAWN 11-17-1872 Whitley Co (my grgrandfather). Appreciate any help. (2/28/99). Dennis E Magley, 106 Burson Avenue, La Porte IN 46350. Email: ddem@csinet.net.

CARDER - Seeking formation on the CARDER famlies that lived in Whitley County in the 1800's. Also on Isaiah Burritt McDONALD who lived in Columbia City, his mother was Elizabeth CARDER, originally of Culpeper Co., VA. (5/97). Ashley Carder, 25 Black Gum Road, Columbia, SC 29209. Email WACarder@scsn.net.

CARDER - Searching for the CARDER family who lived in Whitley county in 1850.  They are listed as farmers.  William age 42, Elcy 36 (my line of BOYD family) and children Lydia, John, Mary, Joseph, Jasper, Nancy, and William A.  I am searching for Death of Elcy and the marriage of William and Elcy. (11/13/2008). Helen Johnson, 401 East King Street, Moravia, Iowa 52571.   Email: HJohnson@IowaTelecom.net.

CARDER - see Boyd.

CARLTON - see Talley.

CARMEAN - see Ireland.

CARNEY - Seeking info on Alonzo CARNEY, b. Oct 12, 1871, d. Dec.4, 1921. Married Ida Mae FOREMAN Nov 23, 1898. They had six children, Cary Delbert, Golda, Carl David, Gertie, Claude, and Edgar J. CARNEY. Appreciate any info (8/97). Robin Carney, 1289E 300S, Columbia City, IN 46725. Email: rcar@fwi.com.

CARTEAUX - We just happened to be driving along Road 14 approximately 1½ miles west of State Road 9, and spotted a red barn with the name CARTEAUX over the front door. Had no idea we should be looking in Whitley County for our genealogy. There are approximately 6 generations of CARTEAUXs in the United States. Anyone with information on the Whitley County CARTEAUX's would be appreciated.(8/30/2004) - Tim Carteaux, 8066 N. Angling Road, Kendallville, IN 46755. Email: TimC@locl.net.

CARVER - Seeking information about my grandfather Edward Stanton CARVER born about 1872 married Nellie Gladys HOSACK 1890-1895. Edward had a brother Fred who lived in or near Columbia City in the 1930's. Edward also had two sisters: Ella and Flo. Would appreciate any information. (1/98). Jeanne Murrill, 300 Woodette Drive #801, Dunedun FL 34698. Email: jafrtm@gte.net

CARVER - see Hosack.

CAVE- RUNKLE - BAUMGARDNER - SHOFNER we are interested in hearing from anyone working on these families. The Benjamin CAVE and wife Dicy RUNKLE (dau of Peter RUNKLE, of Champaign county Ohio) moved to IN in 1848.  Many members of the family lived in South Whitley and in Koscuisko County next door.  Perry CAVE, married Sarah Elizabeth BAUMGARDNER, and they later moved on to Wilson County KS. As far as I know all of Perry's siblings stayed in IN. Would like to exchange information on these families. Thank you. (4/99) (new email 7/16/2006).  Sue Ellen CAVE-ASH, 10818 SE 96th Street, Valley Center, KS 67147. Email   db1753@dragonbbs.com.

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CHAPMAN - Searching for Sanford T.CHAPMAN b.1846 Whitley Co., son of Wilson E. CHAPMAN b.1810 NY and Lucy Ann MOSHER b.1819 NY ( her parents Peter and Mary MOSHER). Sanford married Minnie L. SHEPERD b.1845 Ohio? Sanford and Minnie's children William T., Samuel, Adelbert, Frank L., Pearl, Charles. Wilson and Lucys known children Charlotte, George W., Sanford, Martha. Lucy remarried to Samuel MINER after Wilson's death in 1861. (4/98) (Updated 9/9/99). Cynthia Nelson, 420 Adams St., Elgin, Illinois, 60123. Email: Nelcyn@foxvalley.net.

CHAPMAN - see Biddle, Watson.

CHAPPEL — Requesting any information on Sylvester CHAPPEL, m. Matilda BENNETT b. 12/25/1857 daug. of Aaron and Ester (Hattie) MORE BENNETT, they lived in Noble County, IN and both buried Thorncreek Township Whitley County, IN. Their children are: Lenora, Adrian, Rosetta, Myrtle, and Florette CHAPPEL. Who are his parents and where did they originate? (6/98). Janie (Paulus) Dzina, 1725 Lakewood Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32207. Email: - daisy1jane@aol.com.

CHORN — I am researching John Lewis Chorn of Ky. who lived in Whitley Co., Indiana in 1850, age 65. Who were his children? Did he pass through Bartholomew Co. where the name CHORN appears at this same time period? Are they related? Who was his wife? I have his family history in Kentucky but nothing personal for him. Help, please. (8/98). Ellen Belcher, Rt. 1, 222 Powell St., Gurley, Alabama, 35748. Email: ellenbelcher@mindspring.com.

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CLAY - see Beard, Harrod.

CLAXTON - I am looking for Isaac CLAXTON. who was born in England or Ireland in 1813, emigrated to USA in 1836 and came to live in Indiana. He is in the 1850 Indiana census with wife Sarah and 5 children. The census was taken on Dec.14, 1850 in Allen Co, Ind. in Eel River Township. He was also in the 1860 census with wife Sarah and 8 children, a farmer. and now lived in Noble Co. There was a child aged 13, Mary Jane in 1850 but no mention of her in 1860. (8/99) (8/30/2004). Pat Claxton, 1034 Alameda, Brooklyn, MI 49230. Email Pat29Claxton@yahoo.com.

CLAXTON - I am looking for any information about an Isaac CLAXTON, born in Ireland about 1813. His father was William, born in 1785. Isaac came to American via New York City and went up the Hudson to upper New York. WE don't know where exactly (we think around Oswego) or how long, but he appeared in Indiana in 1841 when he married Sarah CROW. Our father was Wilbert Tyde CLAXTON. His father was Ira CLAXTON and grandfather was Richard. Any info would be appreciated. (7/23/2007). Sharon Claxton Sundling, 14055 Red Barn Circle, Chelsea, Michigan 48118.  My email is SherrySundling@yahoo.com.

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COBLE - I would like any information on John Henry COBLE and his past. Born 1 Jan 1891 Died: 5 Nov 1957; Woodlawn Hospital, Rochester, Fulton County, IN of a heart Ailment. Residence: South Whitley, Whitley County; North Manchester, Wabash County; Silver Lake, Kosciusko County. Father: Samuel COBLE; 25 Oct 1868-7 Dec 1912. Mother: Emma HOOK; 26 Apr 1868-8 Mar 1938. Married: Bertha METZGER, 28 Dec 1912. (5/98, Email update 2/2010, Email update 1/2013).  Eddie Coble, 809 Putnam Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46808-2336.   EddieCoble@gmail.com .

COLCLESSER - see Simmons.

COLWELL - see Rollins.

CONNER - Looking for info on Harvey Franklin CONNER born 1854 died 1934 wife Agnes E. (GLONKIN) CONNER born 1851 died 1890. Children Henry 'Harry' Vernal CONNER born 1882 died 1950, daughter Goldie Agnes (CONNER ) KYLER. Judy Robinson. E mail: nonaguard@earthlink.net.

CONNER - Looking for any descendants of the following: Isaac Robert CONNER born in Ohio (parents were Thorton CONNER and Sarah ROBERTS) married Mary Elizabeth BROXON born in Indiana (parents James BROXON and Margaret TYNER) they had 7 kids and 5 grew to adults:   1). James CONNER married Flora KISER and Pearl THOMAS.   2). Harry CONNER married Mirdy SMITH.   3). Ida CONNER married Emmet KAUFFMAN.  4). Chester CONNER married Harriet MOWERY and Velma NICODEMUS.   5). Zelda CONNER married Lima BEARD. (2/5/2006). Connie Cadwell, 10255 Marquart Street, New Carlisle, Ohio 45344. Email CMCadwell@earthlink.net.

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CONNER - see Beard

COOK - see Beard.

COOLMAN - see Martz.

CORDIL - Looking for information on the CORDIL family of Whitley Co. They lived in South Whitley at the time of the 1920 census.. The fathers name was Harry CORDIL, mothers name was Nellie CORDIL. they had 3 children Dale Robert HOLLER, Margaret CORDIL, and Paul CORDIL. If you have any information on this family I would appreciate the help. (6/7/1999). Carrie Weber, 11930 Grand River Dr., Ft. Wayne, IN 46845. Email: CAWferrets@aol.com.

COULTER - Seeking information on the COULTER family. (2/97) Luana Halliday, 1106 Logan Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368. E-mail: DocHall@waypt.com.

COVERSTONE - Searching for Josephine/Josaphine COVERSTONE who married Albert Brandriff HUGHES on 8 Feb 1896 in Grant County, Indiana. Josephine was born in Thorncreek Township, Whitley County, IN. Her parents were Samuel COVERSTONE AND Jane WEAVER. Hoping to find information relating to Josephine's husband, Albert B. HUGHES, and any living descendants that may have family memorabilia to share. (11/13/2008).  Suzanne L. Benoit, P O Box 917, Harwich MA 02645-0917. Email: Benoitsl@comcast.net

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CRABILL - see Miller.

CRAIG - Looking for descendants of Chauncey CRAIG. Lived in Whitley County in 1850 with family of John Burns. Chauncey was 11 at the time. What is believed to be a brother and sister Vernon and Ursula (b. 1841 and 1845) were also in Whitley County at that time. Chauncey married Almira or Alvira ADAMS but unknown if this took place in Indiana. (11/98). R Craig, 12281 South 3600 West, Riverton, Utah 84065. e-mail rhcraig5@aol.com

CRAIG - Researching James S. CRAIG 1834 NY-1921 IN, m. Sarah Ann CRAWFORD. James S. the son of David Craig c.1809 SCT-1854 IN & Mary WOLCOTT c1810 NY-1856 IN & a brother to Alexander CRAIG, Ellen CRAIG (Mrs Enoch) JACKSON, & Lucy Craig (Mrs Joseph) HYNDMAN. Sarah Ann the dau. of James & Rachel WOOD Crawford, both born in Ohio. James S. & Sarah Craig's children were Alexander B., Clara (m. L. E. BOGGS), George J., Ira, & Viola (m. Albertus LOCK). Most of these families lived in the Churbusco area. David CRAIG had a brother, name unknown, in Smith Twp when he came to Whitley Co in 1845 from Madison Co, NY. (8/28/2000). Brenda Reeg Robison, 805 N. Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46240. Email: BooksBoop@aol.com.

CRAWFORD - see Craig, Jagger.

CREAGER — I am doing research on the ALEXANDER, BELL & CREAGER families. Will trade information. (1/98). (Address & email updated 11/4/2006). Michael Alexander, 7203 Avalon Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46819-1705. E-mail: mlcd@comcast.net.

CREAGER — Researching CREAGER, EMLEY and THOMSON families. (9/24/1999). Bonnie Beekman Teusch, 432 West Park Dr., Huntington IN. E-mail: bteusch@fwi.com.

CREAGER — Have been researching Peter CREAGER (1777 – 1849) and Elizabeth Rike CREAGER (1790 – 1870) to include all of their children they are my fourth great – grandparents. Adam CREAGER (1815 – 1881) and Susanna Stoner CREAGER (1822 – 1890) are my third great – grandparents. If anyone has information into these families with all of the children would greatly appreciate any assistance Peter and Elizabeth Rike CREAGER moved to Whitley County Indiana around 1840. (1/2012) Karen Ball Campbell, 3248 Revere St. Aurora, CO 80011. E–mail KarenSue61@comcast.net.

CREAGER - see Haneline.

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CROSS - see Boggs.

CROUSE - see Decker.

CROW - see Claxton.

CROWEL - see Crowell.

CROWELL — Seeking information on the descendants of James C. F. CROWEL (born: 1830 in Preble Co., OH, died: 1897 in Whitley Co.). I would be happy to share Crowel (Crowell) family information. My book: "The Crowel Family History" is available for use in the Peabody Library, Columbia City, IN and should soon be available in the Fort Wayne Library. Steven A. Schonefeld, 1105 West Ensley, Auburn, IN 46706. E-mail: SSchonefeld@mchi.com.

CROWELL - see Ellis.

CROXTON — Searching for ancestors of Philip "Ward" CROXTON born 1826 in Seneca Co., OH m. Nancy "Louisa" FOSTER b. 16 Aug 1842 in Orleans Co., NY d.02 Oct 1916 Coesse, Union Twp., Whitley Co., . interment Coesse Lutheran Cem. Need Ward's death date and interment location. I am descendant of Samuel H., one of 11-17 children of Ward and Louisa. I have genealogy of family all the way back to England and then some. I would enjoy swapping information and corresponding with other descendants of CROXTON's. (4/99). Kay (Croxton) Hilliard, 5920 S. 500 W. -57, Columbia City, IN 46725-9455. AC (260) 691-2357. Email: hilliard@fwi.com.

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CULLIMORE — Searching for Daniel CULLIMORE and Sarah HAINES; my ancestors are buried in South Whitley Cemetery: CULLIMORE Daniel — died March 21 1862 aged 68 years 2 months - Sarah — South Whitley-L-2-3 CULLIMORE Sarah — died September 9 1880 aged 82 years 1 month 9 days - wife of daniel — South Whitley-L-2-3-2 My research shows Daniel born in Wexford, Ireland, about 1794, immigrating to America, landing in Salem, Mass in 1819; married to Sarah HAINES; on 4/18/1826 in Frederick County, MD. Sarah Haines may have a brother named G. P. HAINES;. Records show she was born 7/31/1798 in MD. I’d sure like to find obituaries on Daniel and Sarah and of course, who their parents were. (5/14/2006) Janice Dukes Martin, 72877 Dinah Shore Drive. Suite 103, Box 171; Rancho Mirage, CA 92270. Email: dukesjdm@dc.rr.com. New Email (08/31/2011) — Janice Dukes Martin, 7125 Carbine Ct NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109. Email: dukesjdm@comcast.net.

CUMMINGS - - see Dirst.

CUMMINS — I am looking for information on Olive Mahala CUMMINS/CUMMINGS that was supposed to have been born in Whitley CO in 1862. Her parents were Joel Cummins/Cummings and her mother was Catharine BLANCHARD. I found a Joel and Catherine CUMMINS in Noble CO, IN at a later date but Olive had left home. She got married to Henry William SNYDER in Princeton, Gibson CO, IN in 1879. Can you help me with any of these people. (9/98). Jim Screws, 110 West 9th St., Lexington, NE 68850. Email: jscrews@yahoo.com.

CUNEY - see Bentz.

CUNNINGHAM — I am looking for information on the CUNNINGHAM family of Whitley county. Father Thomas B. was born about 1809 wife Meriah 1810. Children: James, Adam, Margaret, Wilson and Thomas. Adam married Margaret and had Alfredia, William, James, and Homer. (11/98). Michael Cunningham, 3927 Sequin Drive, Bay City, MI 48706-2045. E-mail Mrcunnin@AOL.

CURTIS - see Spencer.

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DAVIS - see Druley, Young

DEARDORFF - see Henning.

DECKER — Looking for information on John DECKER who married Ellen CROUSE 8 June 1851; their children were Henry W., Mary (BECHTOL), Lavinia (STAHLSMITH), Amanda (WAGNER), Norsh (JORDAN) and Belle (RUSHER). Would like to hear from descendants. Jean Decker Allread, 48 Wildwood Court, Southern Pines, NC. Email: Allread@pinehurst.net.

DEEM — : I am a descendant of Louis F. DEEM and Catherine (MEYERS) BIRNEY of Pa, Oh, and Smith Twp., Whitley Co., IN. I would enjoy corresponding and swapping information with any other descendants. (4/99). Kay (Croxton) Hilliard, 5920 S. 500 W. -57, Columbia City, IN 46725-9455. AC (260) 691-2357. Email: hilliard@fwi.com.

DEEMS - see Jones.

DePOY — Am interested in contact with any of the DEPOY descendants in the state of INDIANA. Have a very large documented database in which I can take most of you back to 1728. I know there are a large number in Whitley Co., IN. Can I help you. (6/98). Contact: Charles L. DePoy, 11817 Hollywood Place, Wapakoneta, OH 45895-9488. E-mail: bevvy@bright.net.

DeWITT - see Beard, Trembley

DICKEY - see Hoover.

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DIMICK — Nelson B. DIMICK, b. 10/05/1818 in Seneca Co., NY; d. 2/9/1873 in Cold Springs, Noble Co., IN; buried Lakeside Cemetery, Larwill, Whitley Co., IN, son of ? and ? DIMICK. Married Anna STOCKWELL, 1/21/1838 in Medina Co., OH. Anna was born 6/24/1816 in Whitingham, Bennington Co., VT., the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth BLANCHARD STOCKWELL and d. 11/07/1894 in Columbia City, Whitley Co., IN. She is buried beside her husband in the Lakeside Cemetery, Larwill, Whitley Co., IN. Nelson had a sister, Mrs Jackson SADLER who also lived in Larwill. To Nelson and Anna were born (1) Charles Horace DIMMICK, 1/31/1839 in Sedalia, Medina Co., OH, d. 4/9/1904 in Columbia City, Whitley Co., IN. Buried in Nolt Cemetery, Whitley Co., IN. First wife, Josephine HUNT, m. 5/21/1863. Second, Mary Louisa TINKER, 2/20/1869 in Whitley Co., IN.; (2) George Nelson DIMICK b. in Medina Co., OH, d. Port Huron, MI. (3) Sarah Elizabeth DIMICK, b. 11/16/1848 in Wabash, IN., d. 2/26/1913 in Payne, Paulding Co., OH. Buried Wiltsie Cemetery, Harrison Twp., Payne, OH. Married Dr. Joseph D. McHENRY 4/00/1864 in Indiana. Moved to Maples, IN to establish medical practice, then to Payne, Ohio where he died. 2nd marriage to Nelson Ephraim PRENTICE 2/22/1903 in Payne, Paulding Co., OH. My grandmother was the eldest of Charles Horace and Mary TINKER's family. I am researching the parents of Nelson B. (6/98) Beverly A. DePoy, 11817 Hollywood Place, Wapakoneta, OH 45895-9488. E-mail: bevvy@bright.net

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DIRST — Seeking information on Fred DIRST, born January 26, 1901 in Churubusco to John Cummings DIRST and May (VANHOUTEN) DIRST. May VANHOUTEN born in Noble County 31-July-1878. John Cummings DIRST parents, Albert Leroy DIRST and Jessie (CUMMINGS) DIRST may have lived in Churubusco area in 1890 -1900 time frame. Fred family moved to Arkansas about 1906. (5/7/2000). Charles F. Dirst, 340 S. Missouri, Morton, IL 61550. Email cfdirst@mtco.com.

DITTON - see Burch.

DORAN - see Hicks.

DOUGLAS(S). — Seeking descendants of Michae1 DOUGLASS (b 1774) and Lydia POLLOCK (b 1777). Most of their children settled in Whitley and Allen Counties. Prominent names in this clan:- BROWN, - DOUGLAS, - DOUGLASS, - GONGWER, - McCULLY, - MOSSMAN, - POST, and - ZIMMERMAN. (9/96) (updated 6/98) (Email updated 5/00). Bill Sowers, 1746 Fairmont Rd., Topeka, KS 66604. Email: BSowers@kscable.com.

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DOWDEN - see McNeal.

DOWELL — John W. DOWELL lived and died in Whitely Co Indiana. His son Isaac was born in Columbia City and Isaac's son Samuel DOWELL was supposedly born here. If there are any indexes to birth and death could someone look up these people and let me know where I could find the certificates/obits etc. I am trying to prove the connection between Samuel and Isaac. His birthdate and parentage is critical. For anyone looking I'd be happy to share any DOWELL records I have. This family settled in Ohio, Fulton Co area. (01/98). (10/99 Email Inactive) Kathy King, 5828 SE Burley-Olalla Rd., Olalla, WA 98359. Email: Kathy@PJware.com (found inactive 10/99).

DOWELL - see Helms.

DRAKE - see Stamets.

DREYER - see Bayless.

DRULEY — Laura A. DAVIS DRULEY and Cassius DRULEY were my maternal grandparents. I am trying to find the date (ca1995) and place of her death and burial. They were married in Whitley County, but may have moved. (5/7/2000). Maxine Scott c/o Rebecca Sussman,12432 Antille Dr., Boca Raton, FL 33428 EMail: Rebecca@expert-help.com.

DRULEY - see Bonine.

DULL — Would like to communicate with anyone on the Jacob DULL-Sarah WILT and Virgil BRUMBAUGH-Ella DULL lines from Whitley County, IN. (4/11/2001). Buanita Juillerat, 1731 Atlantic Avenue, Elkhart, IN 46514. Email: BJuillerat@aol.com.

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EARHART - see Brumbaugh, Hyre.

EARLY — Does anyone know of descendants from Harry Oscar EARLY? First wife was Laura MILLER. Second wife was Mary Mildred BARNEY. Harry's 1956 Obit listed sons, Kenneth of Huntington, Lee of W. Covina, CA and Geneva (Mrs. Forest LEE) EARLY of Three Rivers, MI - three grandchildren (no names) also mentioned. Mary Mildred died in 1983. Harry O. & Mary Mildred EARLY both died in Whitley County & buried at Blue River Cemetery. Willing to share family info. (6/11/1999). Joan E. Lambert, 31646 Delaware Avenue, Livonia, MI 48150-3825. AC 734-422-5725. E-Mail: JoanL@flash.net.

EBERHARD — Researching the surnames of KOURT and EBERHARD. Christian KOURT moved from Switzerland to Ohio, then to Whitley County, Indiana in the mid-1800's. My research indicates that his grandparents were named EBERHARD. Has anyone else made a similar connection between these families?. (3/24/2008). Virginia M. Smith, 393 West Main Street, Plain City, Ohio 43064. E-mail: VSmit8@columbus.rr.com.

EBERHARD - see Krauter, Sell.

EBERHARDT - see Hicks.

EGER - My Great-Great Grandfather Fredrick EGER lived in Huntington Co. and near Coesse, is buried at the Eberhard Lutheran Cemetery. He has a military stone without dates of birth or death. I would appreciate help in finding the date of birth and death (around 1889-1890). I would like to know where his wife is buried, her name was Elizabeth (Melissa) EGER. Maiden name was FETTERS, and she was previously married to Levi RUNKLE. She and Levi Runkle had two daughters named Josephine and Emeline RUNKLE. (5/98). John Eger, 6990 W. Cedar Ave. #309, Lakewood,Co 80226. Email: DenJohan@aol.com.

EGER - see Kneller.

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EGOLF — I am researching the EGOLFs that settled in Whitley Co. I need help to fill in some of the blanks I have with 200 names in my gedcom on EGOLF. Will share info. (01/97). (Email updated 10/99) (Address updated 1/01). Robert Orcutt, 50655 Glen Meadow Lane, Granger, IN 46530. Telephone: 260-247-9826. E-mail: rorcutt@earthlink.com. (Updated 2/2011) - Robert Orcutt, 13908 Barnett Place, Fishers, IN 46038.  317-598-9248. Email: RSorcutt01@gmail.com

EGOLF — Seeking decendants of Joseph EGOLF born 1802 in Ohio and Margaret HIVELY born 1805. They had the following children. Julia Ann born 1825; Lydia born 1829; Matilda born 1829; Jeremiah born 1832 and Catherine Louisa born 1834. Would like to share information. (4/97). Luana Halliday, 1106 Logan Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368. E-mail: DocHall@waypt.com.

EGOLF — I would like to make contact with any EGOLF families or EGOLF descendants who currently live in and around Whitley County for the purpose of a possible EGOLF Reunion. There should be descendants from EGOLF who died in 1829 in Fairfield County, Ohio. Several of his sons moved to Whitley County, Indiana after his death. (12/10/99) Patricia Ramsey Bogel, 8427 Sakaden Parkway, Fort Wayne, IN 46825. E-mail: PBogel@gmail.com.

EGOLF - see Anspaugh, Friend, Hoop, McClain, Sevits, Young.

ELDER — According to census records, Samuel ELDER was born in PA about 1790. He died in Whitley County, IN in 1880 or 1881, according to county probate records. His wife (maybe not his first) was Anna CAMERON, born in PA about 1807. His children were William C., b. abt. 1830; Amanda, b. between 1830 and 1835 (m. Silas GOODRICH); Jane, b. between 1830 and 1835 (m. Levi HEWIT); Sarah, b. 23 Jul 1838 (m. Lester NOBLE); and Cynthia, b. Sep 1843. All of the children were born in Ohio, probably Seneca County. Does anyone have any information on ancestors or descendents of Samuel ELDER? (8/98). Gary Schnell, 2985-A 29th Street, Greeley, CO 80631. Email: schnellco@aol.com.

ELLIS — Searching for information on John ELLIS who married Ellener WALLS. They lived in Huntington Co. and Columbia City, Whitley Co, IN. Their 4 children were: Lydia Ann ELLIS who married William Harvey BEARD, Miranda J. ELLIS who married James A. CROWELL, Margaret ELLIS and Edward Likercus ELLIS who married Eura Louise RODERICK. Any info on this family would be greatly appreciated. (7/99) (10/2017). Robyn Merryman Sheets Email: Robyn Merryman Sheets.

ELLIS - see Beard.

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EMERY — Whitley County EMERY family researcher (4/97): - Linda E. Hollenbaugh, 10765 South Raber Road 92, Roanoke, IN 46783.

EMLEY - see Creager.

ENGLE - see Haynes.

ENYEART - see Enyeart Family Data

ENSMINGER - see Schoenell.

ERNE — Seeking information on Tobias ERNE, born 1821 Wurttemberg, Germany. Married Rosanna MAGLEY daughter of Conrad MAGLEY and Maria SHORER. I am looking for ancestors of Tobias, parents, grandparents, siblings, etc. Tobias ERNE is my great great grandfather. (08/97). Linda Schrader, P.O. Box 432, Ten Mile, TN 37880. Email: Windeewee@aol.com.

ESSINGER — Looking for information on ancestors and descendants of Jacob, Nicholas, and Mary ESSINGER in Whitley County, IN. (1/4/01). Ron Essinger, 12128 CR 24, Arlington, OH 45814. Email: RGESS@aol.com

EVANS - see Trembley.

EXLINE - see Jackson.

EUBANK — Looking for any information on Oren Emmett EUBANK or anybody related to Oren. Twice married in Whitely Co. First to Hattie Elizabeth HEINLEY d/o William HEINLEY/Elizabeth KOURT between 1905/1907. second to Ethel N. SICKAFOOSE d/o Henry SICKAFOOSE/Sarah HOLM between 1909/1911 Oren was the 3rd son of Henry James EUBANK and Charlotte SWAIM born in Indiana June 1886 . Henry James EUBANK is my g-g-grandfather and Oren is my g-g-uncle. Would like to be able to find his decedents for record. (2/13/1999). James Eubank, 2841 N. Columbus #6 Tucson,AZ 85712. e-mail j11thphx@azstarnet.com.

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FAULKNER - see Myers.

FEISHTHORN - see McClain.

FELLERS - see Ireland.

FERRELL — Seeking information on Charlie FERRELL. (12/96). Kim Remmel, 6634 W. Mescal Street, Glendale, AZ 85304. Email: NancyHelen@aol.com.

FERRELL — I am researching the FERRELL, GILLAM, PUTNAM, and SMITH families. They appear to have come to Whitley Co. in the early 1850s from Fayette Co. Ohio. Peter SMITH came from Ohio later than that and married John SMITH's daughter Julia SMITH. Other family names from Whitley Co. include LYNCH, STEINMAN and KNIGHT. If you have information that you are willing to share please contact me. (10/7/2001). Deb Vodde, 1269 Stephenson Drive, Troy, Ohio 45373. Email: jdvofam@aol.com.

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FETTERS - see Eger.

FINLEY - see Barnes.

FIRESTONE — Looking for any information on Floyd W. FIRESTONE Born in 1898 and married my grandmother Kate (MOORE) (JOHNSON) FIRESTONE. Floyd is buried in the Eberhart Cemetery in Columbia City, Indiana. Would like to locate a picture of Floyd. After the death of my grandmother in 1927, he married Mary FIRESTONE. (8/23/2000) (updated 6/9/2002) Thomas Johnson, 220 Oak Circle, Elkhart, Indiana 46517. Email Tomrj99@aol.com.

FISHTHORN - see McClain.

FLANNERY - see Julian.

FLECK - see Boggs.

FLICKINGER - I'm interested in the family and descendants of Sylvester FLICKINGER and wife Elizabeth SAPPINGTON. (3/1/2006). Ken Cool, 107 South Baxter Street, Auburn, IN 46706. Email-address: KenCool@sbcglobal.net.

FODGE - see Hughes.

FOREMAN - see Carney.

FOSTER - see Croxton.

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FOUST - Seeking information on Frank FOUST, Jr., who married a daughter of Cyrus BALSLEY and Fanny KRIDER TULLEY in Whitley County in the 1880's. (6/28/2000). Viki Tulley Goodner, 24224 NE Berry Road, Battle Ground, WA 98604, RGoodner@internetcds.com.

FOX - See Young.

FRANKLIN - Jeremiah (Jay) FRANKLIN 1843-36 OH - ; marr 1865 Sophia Jane TREMBLEY. (10/11/2006). San-Dee Lyons, 13339-105th Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5E 4S3, Canada. Email: SnKLyons@shaw.ca.

FRAZER - see Trembley.

FROMAN- see Herman.

FRANCE - see Johnson.

FRAZIER - see Stamets.

FRICKWEILER - see Wampner.

FRIEND — I am looking for information on Henry FRIEND b. 1845 m. Rachel Ann Egolf, daug. of John and Mary EGOLF. who are his parents and where did he originate-they lived either in Whitley County, or Noble County Indiana. (6/98). Janie (Paulus) Dzina, 1725 Lakewood Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32207. Email: - daisy1jane@aol.com.

FRIEND - see Bentz, Harrod.

FRIES - see Riley.

FRITZ — Seeking information and descendants of Ferdinand FRITZ who married Anna WALTER in Whitley county.  I would like to find a picture of them.  I know the are buried in the Boonville Cemetery.  Their daughter Emma FRITZ married Isaac BOATMAN.  Isaac and Emma BOATMAN are my g-grandparents.  Any info would appreciated. (7/09/2008). Dennis Roberson, 2662W 1125N, Seymour, IN 47274. E-mail DRoberson51@core.com.

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FRUCHEY - see Ramsey.

FULK - see McKown.

FULLERTON — Seeking information on James Fullerton. He was born in Clark County, Ohio in 1845 but resided in or near Columbia City in 1862. Joined 100th Indiana Infantry in Civil War. Married Mary Jane GILLELAND in 1865; she died in 1867. Any information would be greatly appreciated. (7/99). James R. Jones, 23606 Lawrence 1230, Aurora, Missouri 65605. E-Mail: btsoom@dialnet.net

FYFE — Seeking information on my uncle Robert Fyfe and wife Isabella and daughter Elizabeth who lived in Columbia City in the 1930's -1940's. Elizabeth married William Farragher of Youngstown, Ohio. Elizabeth and William attended Ohio Wesleyan University. Robert and Isabella are buried in Greenhill Cemetery Columbia City Whitley County Indiana. Any information would be greatly appreciated. (1/13/00). Beverly Fyfe Mazzeo, 58 Leona, Drive, Pittsfield, MA. 01201, Email: mmazzeo@berkshire.net

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GAFF - see Smolek.

GARLAND - see Biddle.

GARRISON - see Windle.

GEIGER — Anthony GEIGER born about 1815 married Mary and/or Sarah. They lived in Churubusco. They had 9 children. One son, Daniel GEIGER 1849-1925 married Rebecca GLASS 1849-1910. They were both born in Whitley County and died in Mishawaka, IN. Interested in exchanging information. (12/96) Peg Loos, 570 Willowbrook Run, Alpharetta, GA 30202. Email: peg.loos@sid.net.

GEIGER — My father, Virgil A.GEIGER, was born near Columbia City in 1902. His father, Bert C. Geiger, died in Columbia City around 1918. Bert and his father, David GEIGER, were both timber buyers for the Simpson Lumber Company. Let me know if you have more information. I'm the last male GEIGER. (5/13/1990). Robert Geiger, 2024 E. 10th Ave, Spokane, WA 99202-3442. Email: rgeiger@ieway.com.

GEIGER - see Harter.

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GEISLER — Seeking information on William GEISLER born abt. 1839 and m. Margaret BECHTOLD b. abt 1845. Children Lizzie, b. 1864, Rosa D., b. September 18, 1867 m. Frank A. LANGOHR May 26, 1885, Adam or George A.(?), b. 1871, Charles, b. 1874, Maggie b. 1826, Dora b. 1878, Lena b. 1880. Any information pertaining to the above names would be greatly appreciated. (6/4/2000). Linda Schrader, P.O. Box 432, Ten Mile, TN 37880 or e-mail Windeewee@aol.com.

GENTH - see Hughes.

GEPHART - see Paulus.

GILLAM - see Beard, .Ferrell

GILLELAND - see Fullerton.

GILLIS - see Johnson.

GLASS - see Geiger.

GLENN — I am searching for any leads you might have on my great-grandparents: Great Grandfather: Frank Parker - married on January 4, 1901 to Great Grandmother: Emma Evelyn GLENN - daughter of John and Matilda GLENN, born September 3, 1879 in Collins, IN. She died in Sherwood, OH on December 19, 1937. Their children: Jennie, Mamie, Alice, Perry, William, Dallas and Ralph. John and Matilda GLENN were also the parents of Alice and William GLENN. William GLENN was living in Columbia City when Emma died in 1937. If you have any information on these persons I would appreciate a reply. (7/98). Carol Hancock, PO Box 36, Edon, OH 43518, Email: HancockC@bright.net

GLONKIN - see Conner.

GNAGY - see Herrick.

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GOLDEN — Seeking information on parents of Martin GOLDEN and Bridget BROWN, probably from Ireland, who married in Fort Wayne in April 1840. They had at least one child, a daughter named Mary GOLDEN. Any informatiion will be appreciated. Bernadette Connelly. 104 Van Drive, Kathleen, GA 31047 Email: . bandb@peachnet.campuscwix.net.

GONGWER - see Douglas.

GOODRICH - see Elder.

GOSSETT — Searching for gggf who resided in or around Columbia City after being discharged from the Civil War. His name is John L. GOSSETT, son of Milton and Naomi GOSSETT, born in Ohio around 1843. (2/98). Joe Baker, 7835 Woodstone Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45244. Email: TJHS03A@prodigy.com.

GRADELESS — Descendants. & relatives of the GRADELESS Family. Nathaniel and Elizabeth 'Betsy' (WAUGH) GRADELESS. (9/3/2006). Donald Gradeless, 1402 East 225 South, Winona Lake, IN 46590-2041. Email: DrG@gradeless.com.   Website: http://family.gradeless.com.

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GRANT - see Barnes.

GRAY - I am looking for information on Eam Sylvester GRAY born June 3, 1869 in Whitley Co., Indiana. Married Mary Elizabeth YOUNT in 1885. I know they lived in Oklahoma in 1910 but no information of where he lived between 1869-1910. They had four children: Mabel, Myrtle, Bessie and Clarence. Eam GRAY died in 1919 in Highpoint Township, Bazine Kansas. Any information would be very helpful. (1/27/2002). Ruby Martin, P.O. Box 635, Dighton, KS 67839. Email: eagle@st-tel.net.

GRAY - see Bartlet.

GRAYLESS — Seeks descendants & relatives of the GRAYLESS Family. William and Rebecca (WAUGH) GRAYLESS. (9/3/2006). Donald Gradeless, 1402 East 225 South, Winona Lake, IN 46590-2041. Email: DrG@gradeless.com.   Website: http://family.gradeless.com.

GREEN — Seeking marriage records for Lucy Jane SMITH and George GREEN. Birth record of their son Benjamin F. GREEN born 17 July 1864 Columbia City, IN. (01/97) Lavada Allshouse, 3281 Oro Grande Blvd, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86406 E-mail:- coco@ctaz.com.

GREEN — Am searching for Jennie or Rosella GREEN. Parents unknown. Lived in Whitley, 1899. Have photo with gmother and sister Rosella, on back states "Jennie GREEN WEAVER, 29 yrs. old. Carl GREEN WEAVER, 5 yrs. old. Rosella GREEN, 22 yrs. old. Taken in South Whitley, Ind. 1899. our cherry trees." Any help appreciated. (10/98). Harold Williams, 200 Sesame, Mesquite, TX 75149. E-mail: willhn@flash.net.

GROWCOCK - see Haynes.

GUYNN - see Hughes.

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HAAG - see Blanchard.

HAINES - see Baker, Haynes.

HALE - see Huston.

HALL - see Jones.

HALTERMAN - see Stoner.

HAMILTON - see Miner.

HAMMOND — Seeking descendants of Jacob HAMMOND and Elizabeth KEMERY, born in Columbia City. (9/96). (11/99 new Email address). (01/03 Name & Email change and remove mailing address.) Linda Libician Welch . Email: 4kittens@sbcglobal.net.

HANELINE — I am seeking any information on the HANELINE/HENLINE family of Whitley and Huntington Counties. My Great-great grandfather was Thomas HENLINE (1822-1871), his son was Jefferson HANELINE (1841-1911), married to Elizabeth Jane CREAGER (1842-1903). Their daughter(s) Almeda (1865-1946) married a Jacob WEBSTER/WEBER, then John HENELINE; Mary S. (1866-1948) married Isaac SCHRADER; Clara Margett (1868-?) married Ruebin SCRADER; Mamie Della (1870-1944) married Milan PASSWATER; Jennie Alva (1874-?) married Ephraim SLATER; Hattie Gertrude (1879-1952) married Harmon KEEFER/KIEFER; Also, my grandfathter, Elmer W. (1872-1932)., Arthur Lincoln (1883-1908), and Homer Leroy (1880-?). Any information on any of these or their descendants would be greatly appreciated. (5/4/2004). Thomas Elmer Haneline, 715 W. 170th St #12, NYC, NY 10032. E-mail - ThomHaneline@hotmail.com.

HAPNER - see Richard.

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HARROD — Seek info on family of Simon Roger HARROD b. 16 aug 1865 Columbia City IN. He had a cousin Sanford ROGERS and brother William HARROD and sisters Jane and Emma HARROD . Emma HARROD married Homer CLAY and Jane HARROD married a FRIEND and had daughter Della FRIEND. (6/13/2002). Talma Klaassen, Box 305, Whitewater, KS 67154. Email: TBK@wichita.infi.net.

HARROD - see Herod, Herrod, Rogers.

HARSHBARGER — I am attempting to gather all I can on The Harshbargers in Whitley Co. My Grandfather, Samual lived there as well as my father, Marshall McNagnie. Any information would be greatly appreciated. I would be very happy to share what I have. I have about 10,000 names in the computer. Don Harshbarger, 975 E. 6600 S. #64, Uintah UT 84405. E-mail: Uintahguy@aol.com

HARSHMAN - see Huston.

HART — Seeking parents and siblings of my Great Grandfather, John HART, born Dec 1849died Dec 8, 1878 and buried in S Whitley Cemetary, Cleveland Township. He married Mary Ellen SHORB, daughter of Andrew SHORB and Mary PHILLIPS on 25 Dec, 1877. My Grandfather Clarence Jefferson HART was born 10 Sept 1878 in Whitley Co. John HART died of pneumonia when Clarence was only 3 months old. Mary Ellen's second husband was Enos PENN. John HART was a member of Masonic Eel River Lodge #510. Any and all information would be appreciated. (10/29/2000). James J. Wild, 1220 Old Carriage Lane, Huntsville, Al. 35810, 256-880-9736. Email: JamesJ.Wild@worldnet.att.net

HART - see Jones.

HARTER — Seeking information on Henry HARTER, whose wife was Mary. Children listed: William HARTER, Daisy Mae HARTER McNEAL, Anna HARTER GEIGER, and Rosie HARTER SLAGLE. (1/97). Mark Beard, 1869 Inglebrook Drive, Woodbridge, VA 22192. - Email: MBeard@dandp.com

HARTER - see Boggs., McNeal.

HARTMAN — Hi my name is Harold L. Baker. My mother Anna Augusta HARTMAN was born in Whitley Co. IN., in 1903. Her grandfather HARTMAN is buried in South Park Cemetery in Columbia City, IN. Family history indicated that Peter HARTMAN was born in Lehigh Co., PA., IN 1814. I do not know who his parents were or when they arrived in America, I have started a search project to find this information. His wife's family (SCHWANDER/SWANDER>) were also residents of Lehigh Co., PA. I would like to hear from anyone interested in, or, who has earlier knowledge of the HARTMAN family in Pennsylvania. The local HARTMAN Family historian, Rebecca Estor lives in Columbia City, IN., and has volumes of information about the descendants Peter and wife Savilla (SWANDER) HARTMAN . You may want to contact her as well. I know she will be delighted to receive any new information About Peter HARTMAN or his parents!! (10/01). Harold L. Baker, 1924 Michigan Blvd., Racine, WI 53402-4759. Email: hlb923@directvinternet..com.

HARTMAN - see Nolt, Stamets.

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HASS — Looking for the family of Abraham HASS. My 2 great Grandmother was his daughter Lydia Jane HASS born 24 Dec 1857 in Green Co., Ohio. She married Jerome Curtis ORCUTT on 3 Dec 1874 in Whitley Co, IN. I'm aware of 5 other children in this line Abram, Benjamin, Clara, Ida, and George. (10/24/99). (Updated 2/2011) - Robert Orcutt, 13908 Barnett Place, Fishers, IN 46038.  317-598-9248. Email: RSorcutt01@gmail.com

HASTY — Looking for family history and infoon Roy and Nora HASTY. They lived in Laud, have both past away. Do not know what graveyard they are in or other family members. Children were Beth, Lloyd, Walter and Ruth HASTY. Nora HASTY died in 1976. (1/3/1999). Candice McCabe, 8931 Bruce Street, Thornton, CO 80221. Email: CandyfromCO@webtv.net.

HARTSOCK - see Stoner.

HATHAWAY — Seeking information on Carper and Blanche HATHAWAY who lived in South Whitley. They had 3 children, Glea HATHAWAY-KREIDER, Murray "Phil" HATHAWAY and my father Quenton Donald Hathaway. Their farm was on Hwy 14 right before the railroad tracks before entering town. I believe my grandfather had a brother named Dwight HATHAWAY. Any information would be helpful. (11/97). Linda Foster, 212 East Weile Ave, #2, Spokane, WA 99208. Email: LFoster@ior.com

HATTLE - see Stoner.

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HAWN - see Cannon.

HAYNES — Looking for parents of Peter HAYNES born 1787 in PA married to Susanna HUDLOW had son Peter HAYNES born Jan 20, 1819 Preble Co Oh died July 12,1889 Columbia City married Sarah ENGLE b 5-5-1830 in Starke Co Oh died Jan 21, 1898 Columbia City had daughter Mary Elizabeth married Jacob MAGLEY any info would greatly appreciated. (5/98). Dennis E. Magley, 106 Burson Avenue, La Porte, IN 46350. Email: ddem@csinet.net.

HAYNES — Searching for information on Ida Della HAYNES (married unknown BOYD) of Columbia City- my Great Grandmother. Born 1878, died 1951. Also interested in the GROWCOCK families of Columbia City. (3/16/1999). Rick Boyd, 140-2B Oakville Drive, Pittsburgh, PA. 15220. EMail address: rboyd@mailexcite.com.

HAYNES - see Burwell, Haines.

HAZEN — I am a descendant of Isaac HAZEN b.11 Feb. 1810 Sussex Co., NJ, d. Feb 1810 Smith Twp., Whitley Co., IN m Rachel LeFEVER b. 08 Feb 1813 in VA d. 17 Nov. 1862 Smith Twp., Whitley Co., IN m in Morrow Co., Oh. My lineage comes through their daughter Mary Jane who married John PENCE, son of George PENCE b. 20 Nov 1791 Fayette Co., OH d 15 June 1866 Hardin Co, IA m Sarah WINDLE b. 18 Nov 1795 VA d., 18 Aug 1854 Smith Twp., Whitley Co., IN. (4/99). Kay (Croxton) Hilliard, 5920 S. 500 W. -57, Columbia City, IN 46725-9455. AC (260) 691-2357. Email: hilliard@fwi.com.

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HEBNER - see Richard.

HEINLEY - see Eubank.

HELMS — Seeking HELMS and DOWELL descendants. These families were early settlers of Whitney County. (10/2/99). Danny Fluhart, 14940 Hoffman Road, Waldorf, Maryland 20601-4359. Email: fluhartd@bellatlantic.net.

HELSINGER - see Huff.

HENDERSON - see Bayless.

HENDRICK - see Stoner.

HENDRICKS — Looking for any info on Peter Wagner Hendricks son of Henry and Rebecca Wagner HENDRICKS, lived in Whitley Co. 1840/50's In the 34th Reg't IN. infantry 1861 to 1864. reinlisted in the Veterans Volunteers in 1864, served in Louisiana and Texas. Where did he go after the Civil War? (2/17/1999). Helen M.Caffey, 2503 Maple Street, Myrtle Point, OR 97458-1739. Email: hcaffey @harborside.com

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HENELINE - see Haneline.

HENLINE - see Haneline.

HENNING, — Seeking info on Daniel HENNING born 1805 in PA, died 1871 Eel River Twp, Allen Co, IN, married Elizabeth DEARDORFF (she d. OH) Their children were Leah; Elizabeth; Adam; Jane; Nancy; John and George, born 1843 OH and died 1925 Churubusco, buried Eel River Cem, Allen Co IN. He married Alice Catherine RALL 1870 in Allen Co. Their children were Eva May; Olive; Walter; Mary Estella; and Daisy Bell. Any information appreciated. Other related surnames: ZOLMAN, Mary BROWN, William PARNELL. (9/97). (12/10/2000). Nancy Lohbrunner, 25529 Kelley Avenue Lomita CA, 90717-2409. Email: Lohbrunner@hotmail.com.

HERMAN — Looking for descendants of my gggrandparents: John HERMAN b: 7-Sept- 1829, Germany, d: 6-July-1901, Whitley Co.IN., buried: Scott-Keister Cemetery. His wife, Rozena FROMAN, b: 9-Dec-1824 Germany, d: 8-Mar-1913, Whitley Co. IN., buried: Scott-Keister Cem. They had 4 children: (1) Eliza, b: 17-Nov-1853, d: 9-April-1925, M: Conrad SCHIFFERLY (these are my ggrandparents); (2) Elizabeth, b: ca 1854, d: before 1925, M: unknown KEISTER; (3) John, Jr., b: ca 1856; (4) Mary Rebecca, b: Oct.-1860, d: 1949, M: unknown PAKNEKA. Would love to share family genealogy. (7/2004). Judy Garner, 1185 US Hwy 27 S., Sebring, FL 33870. Email: jpast59@strato.net.

HEROD — William F. (or T.) HEROD b. 1860 in Indiana married Margaret METZ in 1887. They lived on a farm near Columbia City. Margaret's father Ozius METZ was a minister at the Church of the Brethren in Tunker. Information about William Herod would be greatly appreciated. (8/97). Pat Harris, 120 Parker St., Acton, MA 01720. Email: Pat.Harris@digital.com.

HEROD - see Herrod.

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HERRICK — Seeking info on Chlone HERRICK (daughter of George HERRICK), who married Carl V. TULLEY (son of Wesley Clark and Almira GNAGY TULLEY) abt 1906 in Whitley County. Who were their children? Is anyone out there working on these lines? (6/28/2000). Viki Tulley Goodner, 24224 NE Berry Road, Battle Ground, WA 98604, RGoodner@internetcds.com.

HERRING — I am trying to find the name of my grandfather's father. My grandfather's name was Morris HERRING and he was born in Churubusco, Indiana on November 4, 1900. I believe that his mother's maiden name was Elizabeth WITHUM who was also born in Churrubusco, Indiana. Any information or help would be sincerely appreciated. (4/99). C. David Herring, 284 Sunnybrook Lane, El Cajon, CA 92021. Email: cdherring@home.com.

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HERROD — I have information to share about the Herrod family of Thorncreek Township. Levi HERROD married Mary ROGERS the sister of my g-grandfather. I am searching for the parentage of these two siblings which has resulting in my having some info on the Harrod descendents. Mary's death certif. shows father as Thomas ROGERS. I have the listing of Mary and the Harrods buried in Egolf cem. but I hope there is more information about her death. (2/5/2006). Margie Tatom, PO Box 283, Brundidge, AL 36010. Email: MargieTatom@troycable.net.

HERROD - see Herod.

HERRON - see Smolek.

HEWIT - see Elder.

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HICKMAN — I'm trying to find information on Charles V. HICKMAN, his brother Frank H. and their sister Pearl. Born in Union Twp. abt. 1880-1900. (9/01/00). James Jackson. 8324 Fawncrest Place, Fort Wayne, IN 46835. Email: jtdjacks@hotmail.com.

HICKMAN — Is anyone researching the family of Thomas HICKMAN? He was born in 1813, in Virginia, married Elizabeth in Tennessee. Thomas died 20 Nov 1880, Smith Twp., Whitley Co., IN. Is Ann HICKMAN, b. 1827, Tennessee, died 16 Aug 1892, Smith Twp., Whitley Co., IN, Thomas' sister? Ann married, 1847, Allen Co., IN, Jesse SPEAR/SPEER. (8/9/01). Sandy Kinter, 283 Allen Lake Rd., White Lake, MI 48386. Email: JOHNKTR@aol.com

HICKS — My name is Margaret SAVAGE nee HICKS.  I was born in South Whitley, Indiana, on 8 Feb. 1923.  Dr. EBERHARDT was the doctor who delivered me at the home of my father, Robert Emmett HICKS, Sr.  Our home was at the end of the main street.  My father owned the ATOZ Printing/Publishing company and was the editor & publisher of the Specialty Salesman Magazine.  He also owned & built the Hicks Tavern, a small hotel.  I left South Whitley when I was a child when my father sold the printing plant and the magazine and the hotel.  His nephew, Harold DORAN, continued to live in South Whitley until his death.  He married Cecile HOWENSTEIN who also died in South Whitley.  Any information about my family will be greatly appreciated. (9/27/2008). Margaret M. H. Savage, 1234 South Camino Seco, Tucson, AZ 85710-6531. Telephone AC 520 - 290-0978. Email: epidavros2@aol.com.

HILDINGER — Researching Thomas Martin HILDINGER married to Caroline BLOOM Marriage application dated 1857, Hocking County Ohio. Thomas died 10 Jan. 1870. Buried in Hively Cem., Whitley Co., Thorncreek Twp., Thomas and Caroline had the following children born in Indiana: Martin, Jr., George and Andrew. (09/28/2000). Email: Karen Wise, 3857 N. Bluebonnet, Baton Rouge, LA 70809. Ph: 225-291-3027. Email: KWise1@aol.com.

HILL — I am looking for information on a Clark HILL born in 1864 and his wife Floretta Jane WILLIAMSON she was born Oct. 9 1868. Her parents names were General WILLIAMSON and Lavilla A PRIEST.. I am related through Clark and Floretta's daughter Laoma HILL born 14-May-1890 in Columbia City,Whitley, IN. She married Jesse Harcanus BAIR. (9/11/1999). Ellen Palmer, 707 Haas Road, Weiser, ID 83672. E-Mail: Palmer6@earthlink.net.

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HILL - see Moore., Tanner.

HIRE - see Hyre.

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HIVELY — Seeks HIVELY Family Relatives (8/96). Donna Mason, 6144 Whiteford Center Rd, Toledo. OH 43613-1070.

HIVELY — Seeks Indiana HIVELY Family Members (9/96). (11/99 new Email). (01/03 Name & Email change and remove mailing address.) Linda Libician Welch. Email: 4kittens@sbcglobal.net.

HIVELY — Seeking decendants of Paul Hively born 1762 in Pennsylvania married to Katherine KLINEFELTER born 1773 in Pennsylvania. Would like to share information. (4/97). Luana Halliday, 1106 Logan Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368. E-mail: DocHall@waypt.com.

HIVELY - see Anspaugh, Egolf

HOLBEN — I'm looking for information about the HOLBEN family that lived in the South Whitley area around the early 1900's. Benjamin Frank HOLBEN, Russell HOLBEN. (12/13/1999). (new Email 2/5/2006).Jim Holben, 7736 Sierra Paseo Lane, Las Vegas, Nevada 89128. Email: CrossCoach@aol.com.

HOLBEN — Looking for information on the Holben family that lived in the South Whitley area. My grandfather was Russell Holben, and His father was Daniel HOLBEN. (1/17/2001). (New Address & Email 7/14/2011). Dan Holben, 372 Decatur Drive, Summerville SC. 29483.  Email: E-mail is DDHolben@homesc.com

HOLDERBAUM — Looking for information on George Washington HOLDERBAUM and his wife Mary D. SHOEMAKER. They were married in Whitley County on May 9, 1867. He died January 29, 1899 and Mary died April 8, 1918. They're buried at the Etna Cemetery. They had three children: Maud born in 1868, John Claud born October 1871 and Cassius born in 1875. (5/97). Debbie Philipp Holderbaum, 3006 21st Place, North Chicago, IL 60064. E-mail: Skip310@aol.com.

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HOLLER - see Cordil.

HOLLOWAY — Phebe A. HOLLOWAY married Alfred KOONTZ between 1848 and 1860. She is the daughter of Samuel HOLLOWAY. Please contact me: (2/26/1999). Connie Merrick, PO Box 2129, Mt. Pleasant, TX 75456-2129. Email—merrichcmh@yahoo.com

HOLLOWAY — Susan HOLLOWAY married Alexander NORRIS between 1848 and 1860 in Whitley Co Ind. (2/26/1999). Please contact me: Connie Merrick, PO Box 2129, Mt. Pleasant, TX 75456-2129. Email—merrichcmh@yahoo.com

HOLM - See Eubank.

HOLYCROSS - See Blanchard.

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HOOK - See Coble.

HOOVER — I am searching for my Whitley county roots. My great grandfather, Arthur John HOOVER was born on 12/9/1851, on Tipton Street, Columbia City, to my gggrandparents, John Hoover and Agnes (HUBER) HOOVER (married 1/21/1847). He married to Jennie L. DICKEY, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Wm. DICKEY of South Whitley, and they had one child, my grandmother, Francis Lucille HOOVER, born May 1894, there in Whitley Co. I know that Arthur HOOVER was a printer, and F. Lucille HOOVER went to college at Ball State University, graduating Class of 1916. I would very much appreciate any information on the HOOVER family. I don't know if Agnes and John had more than just Arthur...if so, are there any "cousins" out there?? (7/14/2002). Penny Gruver, 2802 South Laurel, Port Angeles, WA 98362-6909 email: GruverFamily67@msn.com.

HOOVER - see Riley.

HORD - See Watson.

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HORNER — Searching for information or decendants of Mrs George HORNER. died in 1934 in Whitley County. Born in North Georgetown, Ohio. (5/7/2000). Contact: Tom Johnson, 220 Oak Circle, Elkhart, Indiana 46517. Email: Tomrj99@aol.com.

HOSACK —Seeking information about my grandmother Nellie Gladys HOSACK b. 21 Jun 1872. She married Edward Stanton CARVER 1890-1895. She had one brother Bert and possibly sisters. She was born in Cherubusco. Any information would be greatly appreciated. (1/98). Jeanne Murrill, 300 Woodette Drive #801, Dunedun FL 34698. Email: jafrtm@gte.net

HOSACK - see Carver.

HOUGENDOBER — see Hougendobler.

HOUGENDOBLER — Marie Margaret HOUGENDOBLER in Whitely Co. Daughter of Howard an Mildered SPEARS connected to Sarah HOUGENDOBER and Nickolas. Sarah married A. YOUNG she is sister to Abraham, Amos also of Whitely. (3/132/1999). Diane Hougentogler, 9 Old schoolhouse Rd, Hope, RI 02831. Email: dhougentog@email.msn.com

HOUGENDOUBLER - see Richard.

HOUGHTON - see Barber.

HOUSE — Seeking information about Jacob HOUSE who married Barbara WENDEL. Barbara is daughter of Valentine WINDEL & Elizabeth BECKER of VA. Daughter Elizabeth HOUSE, born 1785? in IN, married Leonard PARRETT 1903 in Whitley Co., IN?. Any information on the HOUSE or PARRETT line in Indiana would be greatly appreciated. (8/97) Martha Mason, 3313 Dana Drive, Minnetonka, MN 55305. Email: marty_mason@hopkins.k12.mn.us.

HOWENSTEIN - see Hicks.

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HUBER - see Hoover.

HUDDLE - see Stoner.

HUDLOW - see Haynes.

HUFF — My father Jack E. HUFF was born in Columbia City, Whitley County 4/26/1921. His parents were Russell E. HUFF and Verna Marie HELSINGER. I am trying to find out if Russell E. HUFF (b Aug. 1898) or his stepbrother Thomas WHITE were born in Whitley County, if Russell was married there and if he registered for WWI draft there. He went into the army but never left the states before the war ended. I have an undated family photo with .child's printing referring to a "Nana White" probably Thomas' mother and Russell's stepmother but no other clues. Many thanks. (1/98). Maggie Sanderson, 6932 229th Place NE, Redmond, WA 98053. Email: wgswater@worldnet.att.net.

HUFFMAN — We are searching for any information about Rev. W. L. Huffman. In 1853 he was minister at Broadway M. E. Church in Logansport; in 1864 his daughter Lydia Jane was born in Columbia City. Was he a minister at a church in Columbia City? Wife's name? Any information and/or guidance is appreciated. (09/01/99). H. L. McClendon, 5107 Quincy Ave., Gulfport, MS 39507. E-Mail: HMcCle4049@AOL.com

HUGGINS - See Stallsmith.

HUGHES — Looking for any descendants for the following surnames: Elmer F. HUGHES (parents Cyrus HUGHES and Lavonia SMITH and Mary NEWMAN) married Bertha FODGE (parents John FODGE and Margaret GUYNN) All from Huntington Co., Indiana. Elmer and Bertha moved to Whitley Co., Indiana about 1914 and raised 3 sons.   1). Earl HUGHES married Pauline WASMUTH and Hazel WHITAKER.   2). Robert F. HUGHES married Genevieve BEARD and Marciel GENTH.  3). Curtis HUGHES married Hilda SHIPLEY. (2/5/2006). Connie Cadwell, 10255 Marquart Street, New Carlisle, Ohio 45344. Email CMCadwell@earthlink.net.

HUGHES - See Coverstone.

HUMMEL — I am interested in finding more information re: Alexander Franklin HUMMEL [1826 OH - 1908 Whitley Co., IN] m. Savilla WOLF d/o Adam and Mary (SHELLY) WOLF [1831 Columbiana Co., OH - 1898 Whitley Co., IN]. I have no children known for them and am interested to if they did have children. (08/17/02). Joey Pedigo 8809 Aaron Dr., OKC., OK 73132 or Email: JEPedigo@juno.com.

HUNT - See Dimick - Jones.

HUNTER - See Ireland.

HUNTSMAN - see Stoner.

HUNZIKER - see Bayless.

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HUSTON — Looking for descendents to correspond and share HUSTON information with. John HUSTON and wife Margaret moved to Whitley County from Montgomery County, OH having bought land in Whitley as early as 17 Jan 1839. John died in 1845. Known children: Sarah, b. abt. 1798 married Jacob HARSHMAN 3 Dec 1816 in Montgomery County, Ohio. She is in Whitley as a widow in 1850. Archibald, 1816-1875 married Barbara SWIGART 22 October 1835 in Greene Co., Ohio. Reason, 1815-1866 married Rhoda HALE 12 Jan 1837 in Greene Co., Ohio, moved to Whitley Co. George W., married by 1840, administrator of his father's estate on Feb, 1846, living in Whitley Co. for a time. Possibly William, married Elizabeth SWIGART 1830 in Greene Co., Ohio. (8/99). Lois P. Wilson, 158 S 200 W, Hyram, UT 84319-1242

HUTZEL - See Ackley.

HYNDMAN - see Craig.

HYRE — Seeking information on Susannah VANSCOYCK b 1803 in KY married to Wesley HYRE b 1802 PA. Children were married and died in Whitley Co.: Arron b 1830, Leonard b 1836, Joseph b 1839, David b 1840 Martha b 1843, John Wesley b 1845 and Mary b 1849. Have lots of information to share on descendants of Arron HYRE. (04/97). Luana Halliday, 1106 Logan Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368. Email: DocHall@waypt.com

HYRE — I am interested in corresponding with anyone researching the family of Wesley HYRE in Whitley Co., IN. Wesley died in 1885, Whitley Co. and is buried in the Round Lake Cemetery. His wife was Susannah VAN SCOYK. Also interested in the family of Absalom HIRE, d. 11 Dec 1888, in Allen Co., IN but many of his family lived in Whitley Co. Would like to correspond with anyone researching the family of Jacob BRUMBAUGH, d. 18 Oct 1855, Whitley Co. Jacob's wife was Catherine EARHART. (1/98). Sandy Kinter, 7978 Little Farm Lane, West Bloomfield, MI 48322. Email: JOHNKTR@aol.com

Return to the Index

IRELAND & Searching for information on the Descendants of Dr. Martin & Sarah (FELLERS) IRELAND. Martin was the son of Stephen & Elizabeth (CARMEAN) IRELAND of Ross & Fayette Co. Ohio. Sarah was the daughter of Johnathon G. & Margaret (SLAGLE) FELLERS formerly of Augusta Co WV. 6 of 9 children were Mrs. A. V. HUNTER, Clara PYLE, Wooster IRELAND, Merritt W. IRELAND (Surgeon General US), & Homer A. IRELAND. (9/3/2006). Donald Gradeless, 1402 East 225 South, Winona Lake, IN 46590-2041. Email: DrG@gradeless.com.   Website: http://family.gradeless.com.

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JACKSON — Looking for info on William JACKSON and Jane EXLINE living in Whitley Co abt 1866. They had a daughter Elizabeth who married Daniel MYERS 1866 in Columbia City, Whitley Co. I am trying to find out when William JACKSON died? I am looking for info on William JACKSON b. 1825 in Ohio, m. abt 1849 Ohio.Wife: Jane EXLINE b. abt 1825 Ohio. They had a daughter named Elizabeth b 1850 Ohio, possibly more Children. I am looking for death info on William and Jane. (6/98) (10/8/99 Address Update). Carolyn Underwood, 103 Babbling Brook Rd, Mooresville NC 28117. Email: cannu@worldnet.att.net.

JACKSON — Sampson JACKSON b. 3/22/1819 in Weld, Maine married Eliza RICH b, 1828 in Ohio. Their children: Appleton, Sarah, Phanuel, Rachel, Andrew, Mary Jane, Clarissa, Elizabeth, John and Emma. Sampson's parents were Lemuel JACKSON b. 11/3/1788 and Mercy WHITE b. 7/25/1795 (possible Mayflower connection with Wm. White) Their children: Nancy, Lemuel G. Sampson, Joshua, Phanuel, James, Enoch, Lucinda, Andrew and Samuel. Lemuel's parents were Lemuel JACKSON b. 10/17/1765 and Mindwell WARD b. 12/1/1761. Their children: Joshua, Sylvia, Lemuel, Sarah, Abner, Pharez, Anna and Enoch.. Any further information on the family would be appreciated. (8/98). Nancy Reece, 1899 Sturbridge Dr., Lancaster, PA 17601-6226. Email: nanam25@yahoo.com.

JACKSON - see Craig.

JAGGER — Seeking information on Dorsey JAGGER and his wife Delilah CRAWFORD. They were married in 1880 in Hardin County, OH. Dorsey died April 15, 1949 and Delilah died June 26, 1939. They had 14 children: Carrie Maud, Viola May, Elizabeth Luella, Charles Lewis, Nellie Eva, Grover Elias, Len Almeda, Jennie Belle, Hazel Murl, Cecil Ray, Mabel Agnes, John Dewey, Fredrick Earl and Harry Lawrence. . (5/97). Debbie Philipp Holderbaum, 3006 21st Place, North Chicago, IL 60064. E-mail: Skip310@aol.com.

JEFFRIES - see Pompey.

JENKINS - see Schumaker.

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JOHNSON — My great grandparents James F. and Emerillas (MERRIMAN) JOHNSON are buried in the old baptist cemetery. My great great grandparents John W. and Christina (FRANCE) JOHNSON are buried in the Eberhard cemetery. I am seeking any relative or anybody with information on the parents of John JOHNSON born in Jefferson County, Ohio in 1820. He had a large family around Columbia City and Peabody. (9/26/1999). Tom Johnson, 220 Oak Circle, Elkhart, Indiana 46517.. Email: Tomrj99@aol.com.

JOHNSON — I am searching for any PRfESSLERs or GILLISs from the Columbia city area in the early part of the 20th century. Mrs. Pressler and Mrs. Gillis were both maiden named JOHNSON which were sisters to my great grandfather James F. JOHNSON also a Children of Frank JOHNSON from Columbia City. (10/24/1999). Please reply: Tom Johnson, 220 Oak Circle, Elkhart, Indiana 46517. Email: Tomrj99@aol.com.

JOHNSON - see Firestone.

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JONES — Researching Washington T. JONES born 1816 Wayne Co. Indiana died 1903 Etna Twp Whitley Co. Indiana. Married Catherine HUNT, Francis HART HUNT, Samantha TRUMBULL. (02/97). (04/02 Email) B. A. Henley, 992 West Ryan Road, Columbia City IN 46715. E-mail: BevH@myvine.com.

JONES — Searching for info on my ggg-grandfather, John J. JONES b. 1794. He came to Whitley County from Medina, OH in 1836 with his children, after the death of his wife, Myra Andrews. Believed he married Susan ROUSE on Feb. 22, 1844 in Columbia City. He pruchased land in Whitley County in 1836. One son, Newton Jasper JONES, b. 1830 in OH, left for Kosciusko Co. shortly after John's remarriage. Other siblings stayed in Whitley Co. John was believed to have been born in Connecticut to a George JONES, originally from Wales. Any info on this family is appreciated! (6/97). Karen A. Keleher, 16608 Mill Pond Trail, Plymouth, IN 46563. Email: GnlgyQuest@aol.com.

JONES — Wish to contact anyone researching Levi Monroe JONES born July 22, 1854, son of Washington JONES & Francis Hunt HART. Levi Monroe JONES became a Photographer and was know as ROE JONES. His studio was located in the Foust Block 100 E Van Buren, Columbia City ca 1895. Married Carrie HALL. He died 1945 Cook Co Illinois. (7/98). B. A. Henley, 992 West Ryan Road, Columbia City IN 46715. E-mail: BevH@myvine.com.

JONES — Seeking information on (or descendants of) Joseph M. JONES & Eliza E. DEEMS, who were married 13 Apr 1851 in Allen County, Indiana. Joseph appears to have been from Whitley County (Eliza was from Eel River Twp., Allen Cty) as he enlisted in the Civil War from Churubusco. Any information would be appreciated. (4/8/2000). Caroline Carter, 204 So. Orchard St., Kendallville, IN 46755. E-mail: Lynnie@Ligtel.com.

JONES — Need help in tracing the ancestry of Joseph (John?) & Barbara Jones of Cumberland & Allegheny Counties. PA, parents of John JONES born 1810 in PA, died 1894, buried in Greenhill Cemetery Columbia City. (1/14/2001). (10/10/2007 Email update). Barry E. Hinman, 1302 Hopkins Avenue Apt. 14, Redwood City, CA 94062-1529. Email: bhinman@stanford.edu.

JONES — I am a descendant of Irena JONES , twin of Tryphena JONES, daughter of John JONES and Myra ANDREWS; and Thomas BLAINE, son of John BLAINE of Whitely County, who wishes to find more information on either the JONES or BLAINE side of the family. I have a letter that states Irena's family is originally from Connecticut, but I have no other proof. Thank you for your help. (11/21/2006). K Boyle, (KBoyle1030@aol.com) and 2638 Diamond Street, San Francisco, CA 94131

JONES - see Barber, Lees, Mason.

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JORDAN - see Decker.

JUDD - see Tanner.

JULIAN — Looking for any information on the JULIAN family. Simon JULIAN, married Emma (?)/ Their children are Martin JULIAN, Bill JULIAN, Ella JULIAN, Emma JULIAN, Goldie Ethel JULIAN (born October 21, 1894 in Whitley County, Indiana), and Bert JULIAN. Any info would be greatly appreciated. (3/4/1999). Sandra Carrier, 3014 N. 128th Avenue, Hart, MI 49420. Email: scarrier@voyager.net

JULIAN — Looking for the parents/siblings of Simon JULIAN. Simon was b. Dec. 1828 in OH and m.1st) Hannah b. abt. 1834 in OH. They are found in the 1850-1880 Census in Smith Twp., Whitley Co. m. 2nd 1874 in Noble Co. to Catherine June FLANNERY b. abt. 1846 m. 3rd abt. 1889 to Ellen b. abt. 1828. They moved from Whitley Co. to Newago Co., MI between 1880-1890. I do not have maiden names for Hannah and Ellen. I would love to connect with anyone descended from these JULIANs or if you can offer any help or suggestions, please contact me. (2/14/2000). Mary Davidson , 5722 W. 2nd Street, Mears, MI 49436. Email: davidson@oceana.net

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KAISER - see Luecke.

KALER — It appears there was a gent named Samuel P. KALER who did a bit of writing while in Whitley County. I think one of his works was a history of the county. I have in my possession two other works of his "The Kalers" 1887 and "A Sketch of the Kaler Family for Three Hundred Years" 1899. I also have a number of KALER family photographs from the late 1800?s. Samuel P. KALER is a first cousin three time removed and I am wondering if there might be anyone in this area interested in sharing information on that line or collateral lines. (7/24/2000). (updated 8/7/2006). Norm Steffen, Box 25, Dowell, MD 20629.

KAUFMAN - see Conner, Stallsmith.

KEEFER - see Haneline.

KEEL — Looking for information on Absolom KEEL and his family. (8/99). Linda Shedrom, 1680 Arizona St. Hobart, IN 46342. Email: Tomato1358@aol.com.

KEIRN — Looking to connect with any living individuals of the surname KEIRN or KERN or those who may be researching the KEIRN surname. (8/03). Ruth Wilson, 26916 Racquet Circle, Leesburg, FL 34748-8085.   Email.RuthW28@aol.com

KEISTER- see Herman.

KEMERY — Seeking descendants of Elizabeth KEMERY, born in Columbia City. She married Jacob HAMMOND and/or Joseph HIVELY. (9/96). (11/99 new Email). (01/03 Name & Email change and remove mailing address.) Linda Libician Welch. Email: 4kittens@sbcglobal.net.

KEPNER - see Barnes.

KERN - see Keirn.

KEYSER - Seeking information on the parents of Michael KEYSER/KISER and his wife Julia Ann MALONE. Among their children were Wilson S. KISER, Wesley KISER, and Elizabeth KEYSER, wife of Martin SCHRADER. Wilson KISER's son Charles E. KISER served as Whitley County Auditor. How were they related to any of the many other KISERs/KEYSERs of Whitley County? (3/3/2000). Jerry R. Beehler, 3040 S Old US Highway 27, Angola, IN 46703. Email: BeehlerJ@alpha.tristate. Edu

KICHLER — I have a letter dated December 25, 1894 from Columbus, OH to Churubusco, IN to a Miss Kichler from her sister, Katie KICHLER. (8/98) . I would like to return this to the family. Anyone interested? Nancy Reece, 1899 Sturbridge Dr., Lancaster, PA 17601-6226. Email:nanam25@yahoo.com.

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KIEFER — Seeking others researching the KIEFER surname. Jacob KIEFER & wife Susan SCHINBECKLER. (03/98)(7/2002). Sue Baker, 1250 Hollow Brook Lane, Malabar, Fl. 32950. AC-321-727-3591. Email: sule@cfl.rr.com.

KIEFER - see Haneline.

KIGER — Leonidas S. KIGER married to Sabillia STUBER in Huntington May 26, 1872. Leonidas in 1880 census Cleveland Twp., Whitley Co., moved to Kosciusko Co. Prairie Twp. where he died in 1927. Any tidbits would be most helpful. (11/96). Walter Kiger, 45 Meadow View Drive, Leola, PA 17540. Email: WKiger@epix.net.

KILLEAN - see Ramsey.

KIMES - Seeking any information on Amanda Kimes (1837-1928), married Finley McNaughton THOMSON (1835-1910), abt. 1860. Lived in Richland Twp., Whitley Co.. Children: William, Warren & Charles. Amanda died at Logansport St. Hospital. Both buried Larwill cemetery. Who are Amanda's parents, siblings? (5/97). Nancy Thomson, 4925 Paradise Dr., Tiburon, CA 94920. E-mail: nancy@funnybusiness.com.

KIMES - see Rollins.

KISER - see Conner.

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KING - I am searching for any information on my great-grandfather, Alvy Leroy KING, he was born about 1890 in Larwill, Indiana. He married Ethel May MEGQUEIR they had three children, Eleanor, William and Henry. They moved to a farm in North Judson, Indiana and he is buried Larwill's Round Lake Cemetery. (5/98). Mary J. Paget, P.O. Box 65671, Vancouver, WA 98665. Email: MaryJeffP@aol.com.

KINNEY - see Noble.

KISTLER - Looking for information on Jacob KISTLER and his first wife Sophia PAYNE KISTLER and his second wife Rebecca PHILIPS KISTLER. One of his sons was Adam KISTLER my g g grandfather. Jacob and Sophia's marriage was the first one to be recorded in Whitley county. Any information would help. (11/98). Rick Temple, 529 Fair Street, Kendallville, IN 46755. Email: packrat@noble.cioe.com.

KISER - see Keyser.

KISTLER - see Souder.

KITSON - see Biddle.

KLINEFELTER - see Hively.

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KNELLER — Seeking information on Lena KNELLER the daughter of Fredrick EGER. Her children were named Maud, Herbert, LeRoy, and Lester. (5/98). (Email update 8/03). John Eger, 6990 W. Cedar Ave. #309, Lakewood,Co 80226. Email: jkcleger@aol.com.

KNELLER — I am the daughter of the late Jimmie Franklin Kneller. I am searching for any kind of information on my family. (7/99). Sheila Kneller, 11081 E. M89, Richland, MI 49083. Email: Kneller@kcms.msu. Edu

KNIGHT - see Bair, Ferrell.

KNOBLE - see McCoy, Noble.

KOHLI - see Miller.

KOONTZ - see Holloway.

KOURT - see Eberhard, Eubank.

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KRAUTER — Searching for more information on my biological grandfather, John Christ KRAUTER, born in 1899 and died January 25, 1959. He is buried in Greenhill Cemetery, Columbia City. He was married to my grandmother, Esther EBERHARD and subsequently to Lillian M. (4/99). Cindy Ranker, 308 Janet Rd., Reisterstown, MD 21136. Email: cranker@bcpl.net.

KREIDER — Seeking info on parents & siblings of Jacob KREIDER, b. 1809 Mifflin Co, PA, to David & Barbara Kreider, who moved to Montgomery Co, OH early 1800s. Have much info on Jacob & descendants to share. (11/97). Brenda Reeg Robison, 8905 N. Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46240. Email: BooksBoop@aol.com.

KREIDER — Seeking info on the KREIDER/TULLEY connection. Two of Francis and Mary Ann Elizabeth (NICKEY) Tulley's children married KREIDERs in Whitley County: 1. Fannie W. KREIDER married Cyrus Balsley TULLEY on October 1859, Whitley County. 2. John KREIDER married Rose Ann TULLEY, 1857 in Whitley County. Who were their descendants? Who were Fannie and John's parents? (10/21/99). Viki Tulley Goodner, 24224 NE Berry Rd, Battle Ground, WA 98604. Email: rgoodner@internetcds.com

KREIDER - see Hathaway , Richard.

KRIDER - see Foust.

KRONMILLER — Seeking any information on my ancestor George Kronmiller (b. 1 Aug 1828 Wurttemberg) who lived in Union Township, Whitley Co. according to 1860 US Census with his wife Mary and 2 year old daughter Mary. I'm trying to find out where his farm was and any other information to trace his lineage. I just discovered I had a great-uncle named Charles who was reported to live in Columbia City. Does anyone have a Kronmiller surname interest? Please contact me at kkronmiller@man-env.com.

KYLER - see Conner.

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LAMPHERE - see McCullough.

LANCASTER - see Barr, Biddle.

LANGOHR — Looking for information on Andrew LANGOHR, born Feb. 18, 1840, immigrated to the United States, date unknown, married Kathryn M. ZELLERS in 1864. This is my gr grgrandfather. I am looking for immigration date, ship passenger list, and any information of Andrew's siblings and parents. (08/97). Linda Schrader, P.O. Box 432, Ten Mile, TN 37880. Email: Windeewee@aol.com

LANGOHR - see Geisler.

LANSDOWN — Searching for descendents of Semore (Frederick) Lansdown m. Sarah STANLEY. Came from Wilkes Co NC to Whitley Co in ca 1858. Children were Harvey, Mary E, Sarah E, Millie, James C Y.M.A. (Anderson)? I descend from Harvey. Will share info. I have much on ancesters from Wilkes Co. Lori S Lansdown, 2601 Rising Star Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765.

LEDERER — Frederick LEDERER born14 Apr 1824, Wurtenberg died 30 June 1890 Whitley Co. married Christina SNYDER born 13 May 1821 Wurtenberg died 1865 Whitley Co. (03/97)(7/200). Sue Baker, 1250 Hollow Brook Lane, Malabar, Fl. 32950. AC-321-727-3591. Email: sule@cfl.rr.com.

LEDERER - see Auer.

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LEE - see Early.

LEES — Seeking information on Jonathan LEES b. 1837, OH., son of Samuel LEES b. 1804, England. Jonathan LEES m. Sarah JONES b. 1835, OH. (Whitley Co. Marriage Application Book 1: pg. 271, dated Sept. 4, 1856) Sarah JONES, daughter of Dorothea and James L. JONES. Jonathan LEES living with Julia A.M. SHOUP and Jonathan and Elizabeth SHOUP during the Whitley Co. 1850 Census. Other possible relations include the Solomon SHOUP family. All living in Whitley and St. Joseph Cos. during the 1850-1870s, possibly earlier. (2/6/2008). Sharon Lees Hayes, 20 Ramsey Road, Middletown, NJ 07748 HayesHouse@comcast.net.

LeFEVER - see Hazen.

LEHMKUHLE - see :Limecooly.

LEHYMAN - see Burwell.

LEONARD - see Steele.

LIMECOOLY/LEHMKUHLE — Seeking information on William Henry LIMECOOLY, Jr. and his son William John LIMECOOLY, both shown on Whitley County Marriage Applications index for March 1909-March 1911. My ancestors include Rachael LIMECOOLY and her brother William LIMECOOLY (both born in Prussia c. 1835) of Ft. Wayne, IN. My LIMECOOLY's almost certainly closely related to those shown in index - but how connected??? (1/98) Jon Strebler, 56 E. Sierra Way, Chula Vista, CA 91911. Email: strebbie@sdcoe.k12.ca.us.

LIVINGOOD - see McCune.

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LOCK - see Craig.

LONDT — Seeking information about Johann Heinrich LONDT and/or descendants. Born in Kalbach, Hessen, Germany in 1824. Arrived in USA early 1850's. Lived in PA before settling in Whitley County, IN. Died 1900. Buried Jefferson Chapel Cemetery, Jefferson Twp., Whitley Co., IN. (09/97). Ed Londt, 15522 Dunton Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46845. - Email: ). elondt@aol.com.

LONG — I am researching the Long family from Whitley County. Looking for information on Barnard LONG, he Married Margaret MILLER, they had six children. Adam, Charles, William, Laura, Philip and Barnhart. Mailing address Laura Long, 5947 Demerly Road, Benzonia, MI 49616. Email: Lora@coslink.net

LOUTZENHISER — I am a descendant of John LOUTZENHISER b. 10 Aug. 1792, Westmoreland Co., PA. d. Mercer Co., MO, m. Elizabeth BEAN, b. PA d. ?, d/o David BEAN and Hannah TRIMBLE. They moved to Preble Co., Oh. and had several children, including David B., my ancestor, Jacob who moved to Mo., and Alonzo Albert who moved to Danville, Ill. where he is buried. David came to Jefferson Twp., Whitley Co., as a carpenter and farmer, and is buried with his wife Sarah MOORE from Boston, Wayne Co., Ind. in the Evergreen Bethal Cemetery, Jefferson Twp., Whitley Co., In. I am searching for more information on the John and Elizabeth (BEAN) LOUTZENHISER lineage. (4/99). Kay (Croxton) Hilliard, 5920 S. 500 W. -57, Columbia City, IN 46725-9455. AC (260) 691-2357. Email: hilliard@fwi.com.

LOVETT — Seeking information on my Great Grandfather Joseph Wilson LOVETT. Born - Whitley County in 1867. Died: Pickaway County, Stoutsville, Ohio in 1937. He had two brothers - Harry and Jim (James)- who may have been born in Whitley County also. He was married and fathered Clark and Ruth, but we don't have the name of his first wife. Joseph's uncle, Albert LOVETT was born in Loudoun County, Virginia around 1837. It is believed Joseph's father was born in Virginia and moved to Whitley County. (4/17/2001). Mark Lovett, 6581 Red Fox Road, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068-1629. Email: MLovett@insight.rr.com.

LUECKE — I am looking for information on Henry LUECKE, BD 9/1855, married Elizabeth WOHLFORT in 1880 at St John's Lutheran Church. Elizabeth? died at an early age. Henry ran the general store in Peabody. His daughter Minnie ( LUECKE) REITZ was my grandmother. She was an only child, married the young new pastor at St. John's, Rev. Frederich REITZ, in 1990. My mother talks about "Uncle Chris LUECKE, Ira KAISER, and cousins Raymond, Ada, and Evelyn SEIVERS, Dori and Will SEIVERS, and Hilda SCHOOP. I am interested in any information on Henry and Elizabeth LUECKE. (1/26/2003). email: Margaret Greene, 352 St Julian Place, North Augusta, SC, 29860. Email: Dale21111@MSN.com,

LYNCH - see Ferrell.

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MACON — I am searching for information on Hartwell O. MACON who married a Jane RIFFLE. Daughters include Mrs. Flossie ALTMAN, Eva NYSWANDER, Cora Lynn ZIGLAR and Grace ZIGLAR. Living in and around Whitely and Grant Co.. (1/17/99). Sandy Price, 1753 Byron Street, Huntington, IN 46750. Email: sprice@fwi.com,

MAGGART - see Young.

MAGLEY — Looking for the children of Felix MAGLEY born Switzerland died Aug 22, 1888 Whitley Co. They are John b 1842, Felix b. 1847, Mary A b 1840,born in Switzerland, Eliza b.1851 Ohio, Mary & Sarah twins b. 1855 Whitley Co. Jacob MAGLEY my gr grgrandfather I have info on. Was Conrod MAGLEY related and how. (8/20/98). Dennis Magley, 106 Burson Avenue, La Porte, IN 46350. Email: ddem@csinet.

MAGLEY - see Erne, Haynes.

MALONE - see Keyser.

MANFORD - see Biddle.

MARING - see Bell.

MARRS — Seeking information on the Marrs family, early settlers of Whitley Co., and in particular Barton M. MARRS who bought land in Whitley Co. in 1837/38, and is listed on the 1850 census with wife Elizabeth, children: Sarah E. (age 6), James B. (age 4), and John C. (age 3). Another daughter, Eliza Ann, was born 1852. Any information appreciated. (12/10/1999). Nancy Thomson, 4925 Paradise Dr., Tiburon, CA 94920. E-mail: nancy@funnybusiness.com.

MARRS — Looking for info on Elizabeth Esther MARRS, b. 1889 and Evelyn Elizabeth REINKENSMEIER, born 1915, in Peabody. (1/12/2009). Mary Fisher, 4350 S. Lowes Creek Road, Eau Claire, WI 54701. DanenMary@hotmail.com.

MARTIN - See Young.

MARTZ — I am looking for information on John H. MARTZ b. Aug. 1849 and Mannasah M. MARTZ born 28 Jun. 1874, and Anna COOLMAN born 22 Jul. 1873. (2/98). Jonna Retter, 3275 E 500 N, Columbia City, IN 46725, Email: Marret@rexnet.net.

MASON, JONES, BAKER, WILLITS - I'm looking for information about Warren MASON, 1823-1896, his wife, Mary Jane JONES, 1833-1907 and their descendants, including the surnames, BAKER & WILLITS.  (6/14/2011). Ed Mason, 90 Saint Andrews Lane, Alamo, CA 94507-1719.  Email EdMason@sbcglobal.net.

MASON - see Willits.

MASTON — Interested in further information on MASTON. John m. Margaret MEREDITH 1844 in Coshocton, OH. John and Margaret were the parents of my ggrandfather, Marion H. MASTON, of South Whitley. (5/97). Anne Giles Stark, 106 Hilltop Drive, Columbia City, IN 46725. E-mail: jstark@fwi.com.

MAYES - see McCullough.

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McALLISTER - see Barnes.

McCANE - see Shaw.

McCARTNEY - see Stallsmith.

McCLAIN - Seeking information on John McCLAIN died March 1897, wife Mary FEISHTHORN/FISHTHORN died July 1904. They may have married in Ohio. This family shown in the 1850 census. They had sons, Joseph McCLAIN, William Barnett (Barney) McCLAIN (my hubby's line), Philip Howard McCLAIN ,:daughters Catherine McCLAIN, Ina Lillian McCLAIN who married Adam EGOLF Jr. on 17 Aug 1876. Would appreciate any information on the McCLAIN line. (12/07/1999). Susan and Clyde Hess Smith, PO Box 8310, 316 Sunray, Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657-8310. Email: seschs@281.com.

McCOY — Thomas Franklin McCOY and his wife Anna{KNOBLE} moved to Columbia City from Algona IA in 1865. He practiced medicine there until his death in 1874 at the age of 51. They had seven children - Elizabeth, Frances, William, Charles, Fred, Laura and Caroline. Dr. McCOY is buried in the Masonic cemetery. I am researching this family and would appreciate receiving information about them, particularly Thomas Franklin's date and place of birth and the names and birthplaces of his parents. My name is Robert E. McCoy and Dr. McCOY is my great grandfather. (3/5/1999). Robert Edwin McCoy, 975 Coachway, Annapolis, MD. Email: McCoy975@clark.net.

McCULLEY - see Douglas.

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McCULLOUGH — Tony Carlos McCULLOUGH, Tom or Thomas McCULLOUGH, Hazel McCULLOUGH, brothers and sister, they were born in Churubusco, in the 1880's, Tony Carlos McCULLOUGH was my grandfather, he married Willa See PERRY, died in Oklahoma around 1947, any information on their parents would help me a lot. Thanks. (5/98). Peggy McCullough Corp, Rt 1 Box 1 FF, 4th & Elm, Hume, MO 64752. E-mail: PCorp@ckt.net.

McCULLOUGH — Husband's paternal Grandfather Ora McCULLOUGH was born 12-28-1886 in Columbia City, IN. Was placed on Orphan Train age 4? or 8? to Kansas. Adopted by Joseph A. & Priscilla MAYES of St. John, Kansas. Any info would greatly be appreciated. (1/3/99). Roberta I. Mayes, 324 Haskell, Pratt, KS 67124. Email: rimayes@pratt.net

McCULLOUGH — searching for information on parents of Valentine McCullough, he was born in New Jersey, married Susannah TRACY and died in Churubusco, Whitley County, Indiana, he had at least two sons, George Washington McCULLOUGH who married Etta LAMPHERE in Churubusco and Thomas Henry McCULLOUGH, any information on the people listed would be a real help. Susannah and George McCULLOUGH, had children Gertrude, Tony Carlos, John Thomas and Hazel, all born in Churubusco..Any information on any of these people would help me. Tony Carlos is my grandfather, George is my ggrandfather and Valentine my gggrandfather. (2/20/98). Peggy McCullough Corp, Rt 1 Box 1 FF, 4th & Elm, Hume, MO 64752. E-mail: PCorp@ckt.net.

McCULLOUGH - see St. James.

McCUNE — Roy Albert McCune born 1874 in Coesse, IN. Father was Thomas McCUNE mother Jane LIVINGOOD .Mother died in IN. Family then moved to PA. Thomas McCune may have had a general store in Coesse. (03/97). Charles Friedrich, 6345 Crestview Dr., Library, PA 15129. Email: 103271.1651@compuserve.com.

McCUNE - see Swigart.

McCURDY - see Beard.

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McDONALD - see Carder.

McGUIRE — See King.

McHENRY - see Caldwell, Dimick.

McKOWN — Searching for information on Samuel McKOWN and Alvina (Elvina) FULK who married ~ 1871 in Churubusco, Whitley Co. Sam was born in Pennsylvania ~ 1836; his parents may have been John & Sarah (maiden name unknown) McKOWN. Alvina was born in Indiana in 1842; her parents were Adam FULK, Jr & Eliza BONAR. Sam & Alvina had 4 children born in Indiana: John A, Frank A, Ida L, & Perry E; they then relocated to Whatcom Co, La Conner Precinct, Washington and appear there on the 1880 census. Snailmail: Penelope, RR 1, Box 30, Argenta, IL 62501 or e-mail: zibby@family-net.net.

McKOWN - see Beard. McMAHON - see Young.

McNAMARA - see Beard.

McNAUGHTON - see Thompson.

McNEAL - I am seeking information on John McNEAL, whose wife was Daisy Mae HARTER. I have siblings as Ernest McNEAL and George McNEAL. Children are listed as Laura McNEAL BEARD and Grace McNEAL DOWDEN. (1/97). Mark Beard, 1869 Inglebrook Drive, Woodbridge, VA 22192. - Email: MBeard@dandp.com

McNEAL - see Harter.

McNEAR - see Parker.

McNAGNIE — See Harshbarger.

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MEQUEIR - see King

MEREDITH - see Maston.

MERICA — -Seeking information of any kind on MERICA. Jeremiah Virgil MERICA, was born in Churubusco, IN on April 16, 1872. His parents were Sylvanus and Jemima (RHODES) MERICA. May have been part of a Dunkard community. (1/97). Sheri Williams, 474 SW 1821, Kingsville, MO 64061. - Email: turn3burn@aol.com.

MERRIMAN — Desire information on Dr. Elijah MERRIMAN born in Ohio, lived most of his life in Whitley County until his death June 10, 1904. (1/97). Beth Weaver, 1400 Cannon Bottom Road, Belton, SC 29627. - Email: user705954@aol.com.

MERRIMAN — Desire information on Lowell Mason MERRIMAN b 1872 d 1967. Parents were Elijah and Rebecca MERRIMAN. Lowell was said to have lived on his parents farm until his death. Did he marry ? Lowell is said to have much information about the Merriman family and I would like to know what happened to that. Please-mail. (7/97). Beth Weaver, 1400 Cannon Bottom Road, Belton, SC 29627. - Email: user705954@aol.com.

MERRIMAN - see Johnson, Shimmeman.

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METTAH - see Stoner.

METZ - see Herod.

METZGER - see Coble.

MEYERS - see Deem, see Miller.

MILLER — Andrew MILLER and Margaret CRABILL, married in Whitley Co, Indiana on September 27,1849. Census of 1850 show them in Allen County Eel River township, along with a Henry MILLER his wife Mary and children. I think Henry and Mary are the parents of Andrew.I am trying to find more info on the MILLER's. (3/03/2000). Barbara Miller Porter, 2313 E. Pioneer Road, Port Angeles,WA 98362. Email: BJPorter@olypen.com.

MILLER — I am searching for ancestors of Alma, Josey, & Dodie Miller. Alma MILLER married Ralph KOHLI. Josey MILLER married a Mr. MEYERS of Columbia City. Dodie MILLER died in a nursing home in Columbia City. (8/99). Jan Kohli Lynch, 45 Lorca Way, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909. Email: jkl25xmas1@hotmail.com.

MILLER — I would like to contact descendants of Solomon MILLER born Perry County, OH in 1822 married Malinda ANSPACH in Perry County, OH in 1841. He died in Whitley County. (9/9/99) Patricia Ramsey Bogel, 8427 Sakaden Parkway, Fort Wayne, IN 46825. E-mail: PBogel@gmail.com.

MILLER - see Early, Long.

MINARIC - see Smolek.

MINER — Seeking information about Samuel A. MINER born 24 Nov 1794 CT died 5 June 1862 in Columbia City IN. He married Betsy HAMILTON ca 1815. She was b 18 Mar 1794 MA Hartford, Enfield, CT d 11 Mar 1859 in Whitley Co IN. I am seeking proof that Samuel was the son of Rev. Christopher MINER and his third wife Sarah BULLEN. (01/97). Kathryn Bloom, 2922 Kingsley Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46815-6733. E-mail: KatieBFW@aol.com.

MINER - see Cannon, Chapman.

MISHLER - See Young.

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MOHR - see Boggs.

MORE - see Chappel.

MOORE — I am a descendant of Benjamin Grant Moore, b.11 Feb 1789, KY,d.16 Feb. 1859 Boston, Wayne Co., In.; m. Sarah HILL b 13 Aug. 1796 Boston, IN. d. 29 Aug 1865 Boston, Wayne Co IN. There children were: Martha, John, Nancy, Andromacha, Mary, Harbin H., Jane, Enock, Sarah, Adaline. My ancestor was Sarah, I know descendants of Marth, Jane and Adaline and have lines of Andromacha, Harbin & Enoch. (4/99). Kay (Croxton) Hilliard, 5920 S. 500 W. -57, Columbia City, IN 46725-9455. AC (260) 691-2357. Email: hilliard@fwi.com.

MOORE — Looking for information on the lives and descendents of George MOORE and his wife Sally Williams MOORE who came to Whitley County prior to 1850 and settled in the southwestern portion of the county. They came from Wayne and Union Co, IN area. George MOORE's father was Joel MOORE who came to Indiana in 1810 and served in the War of 1812. Information I have previously found lists George b. abt 1807 in NC and d. aft 1884. They had 7 known children including Joel, Martha, Nancy, Sandy Albert, Orlando, and Alice. Any help with this family will be appreciated. (02/05/1999). Paul Moore, E-mail: PDMoore52@aol.com.

MOORE - see Adams., Bridegan, Firestone, Loutzenhiser, Shenefield.

MOSHER — Looking for information on Erma MOSHER and Minerva Mae SHODA know to be in the Columbia City, Whitley County area 1910-1946 or longer. (3/6/1999). Jody Savage, 7323 N West Street, Wawaka IN 46794. Email: JSavage26@hotmail.com

MOSHER - see Chapman, Mowrey.

MOSSMAN - see Douglas.

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MOWREY - Seeking information on the parents of Catherine MOWREY, born OH, married Eliakim MOSHER, 25 Dec. 1852 in Whitley Co. Catherine died 19-Jan-1870 in Whitley Co.. (6/97, Email change 4/23/2000) Shirley Smith, 1387 Scoville Ave., Pomona, CA 91767. Email: shirley@telectomtally.com.

CONNER - see Conner.

MYERS - Windfield Scott MYERS married Mary Alice FAULKNER in Kosciusko Co. In 1875, they lived in Whitley Co.IN, Windfield S. MYERS was the son of Joseph MYERS and Malinda BANTA, Malinda BANTA was the daughter of John BANTA and Barbara TANNER, does anyone connect to these families, I would love to correspond with you, Thanks. (12/97) Sharon Roach, P.O.Box 598, Medical Lake,WA 99022-0598. Email: FRoach598@juno.com.

MYERS - see Jackson, Stoner.

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NELSON - Would appreciate any information on Paul D. NELSON born 9/21/1921 Akron, Ind. and resided in Columbia City Ind. after service in WWII. Worked for Pennsylvania RR. in late 40's. Any info would be appreciated. James J. Hooper, 5280 Ladyfinger Lake Road, Sanibel FL. 33957. Email: Jhooper@peganet.com

NEWCOMER - see Biddle.

NEWMAN - see Huges.

NICKEY - see Kreider, Tulley.

NICODEMUS - see Conner.

NOBELS - see Barnes.

NOBLE - Seeking contact with anyone who has information on the Jonathan NOBLE, Dewitt Clinton NOBLE, Asa BILLS, or Timothy KINNEY families of Whitley County, IN. (7/98). Gene E. Perkins, 5224 Winifred Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76133. E-mail: Gene_Perkins@compuserve.com

NOBLE - see Barnes, Elder, Knoble, McCoy.

NOBLES - see Barnes.

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NOLT - Anna NOLT was born in Lancaster County PA on a farm at the end of Nolt road near Mt. Joy PA. Her Grandfather Christian NOLT built a large stone house on the farm. The Date Stone Says built by Christian NOLT in 1798. The farm was still occupied by one of his descendants in 1997. Anna NOLT HARTMAN is buried in the Nolt Cemetery in Columbia City, IN. I am interested in contacting and sharing information with any descendant of Christian NOLT. (10/01). Harold L. Baker, 1924 Michigan Bvld, Racine, WI 53402-4759. Phone: 414-633-1814. Email: hlb923@directvinternet..com.

NOLT - see Schrader.

NORRIS - see Holloway.

NUTTER - Martha (Unknown last name) 1848 IN - 1916 IN marr George David TREMBLEY. Children: Clarence; Clara A.; James Russell; Georgia A.; Martin A. Martha's second marriage in 1891 to Andrew T. NUTTER. (10/11/2006). San-Dee Lyons, 13339-105th Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5E 4S3, Canada. Email: SnKLyons@shaw.ca.

NYSWANDER - see Macon.

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OBENCHAIN - see Stoner.

ODELL / O'DELL - see Banta.

OLINGER — Searching for information on Mrs. Fannie OLINGER, Wife of David S. OLINGER. Her maiden name was Frances BREEDLOVE. (01/97). Denay Wampner, P.O. Box 143, LaFontaine, IN 46940.

OLINGER - see Wampner.

ORCUTT — Researching the ORCUTT Family that came to Whitley Co. around 1850. I'm trying to find info on Oral H. ORCUTT who is the oldest son of Jerome Curtis ORCUTT. Oral married Armittie L. QUINN on 28 Dec 1895 . Her Father was James QUINN that Died in 1910. His Obit mentions that Oral was in Council Bluffs, Iowa, but I can't find them in the census of 1910 in Iowa, Indiana, or California. (01/97). (Email updated 10/99) (Address updated 1/01). Robert Orcutt, 50655 Glen Meadow Lane, Granger, IN 46530. Telephone: 260-247-9826. E-mail: rorcutt@earthlink.com.(Updated 2/2011) - Robert Orcutt, 13908 Barnett Place, Fishers, IN 46038.  317-598-9248. Email: RSorcutt01@gmail.com

ORCUTT - see Hass.

OVERDEER — Whitley County OVERDEER family researcher (4/97): - Linda E. Hollenbaugh, 10765 South Raber Road 92, Roanoke, IN 46783.

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PAINE - see Kistler.

PAKNEKA- see Herman.

PALMER - see Stoner.

PANNE - see Auer.

PARKER — Does anyone has any information on these families living in Columbia City around 1904-1905: Albert F. TUCKER and Mary TUCKER, his wife; Burdette McNEAR and Edith McNEAR, his wife. They are mentioned as heirs in a probate of E. B. PARKER in Delmar, Iowa in 1904. Mary TUCKER was the niece. Burdette McNEAR is the great nephew. Any informanion would be appreciated. (12/30/98). Ginger Rhodes, 2501 Sally Brown Road, Muskogee, Oklahoma 74403. Email: Gingerr@azalea.net

PARKER - see Glenn.

PARKINSON - see Spangler.

PARNELL - see Henning.

PARRETT - see House.

PASSWATER - see Haneline.

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PAULUS — Looking for Samuel (or Simeon) PAULUS b 1803 d 1880 m Barbara GEPHART. They had a son, John, who m Elizabeth SHAFNER October 1853. (3/19/1999). Kay Hoover, 20465 W. Walnut Dr., Sonora, CA 95370. Email khoover@sonnet.com.

PAYNE — Anyone with info on the PAYNE family of Whitley county in the 1800’s please contact me, (1/3/99). Donna Payne, 315 South Franklin Street, Janesville, WI 53546. E-mail: DPayne7378@aol.com

PENCE — Whitley County PENCE family researcher (4/97): - Linda E. Hollenbaugh, 10765 South Raber Road 92, Roanoke, IN 46783.

PENCE - see Bentz, Hazen.

PENN - see Hart.

PERRY - see McCullough.

PETERS - see Shimmeman.

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PHILIPS - see Kistler.

PHILLIPS - see Hart.

PIERCE — Looking for any information on a Neriah PIERCE b. ca 1818. Need especially to find record of marriage ca 1850-52. Had children Robert L, George W, David, Martha A. Was resident in Columbia township 1850-70. Moved to Montgomery Co., KS. Will share information. (6/98) (updated 6/98). Vickie Sigler, Email: eeltd@sprynet.com.

POLAND - see Biddle.

POLLOCK - see Douglas.

POMPEY — I am seeking anyone who has ancestors from Whitley County with the surnames of POMPEY and/or JEFFRIES (Jeffreys). My great, great, great grandparents were Fielding POMPEY and Lavina JEFFRIES. Fielding POMPEY (1804) was most likely born in Brunswick County, VA, and I am unsure of Lavina's (1813) birthplace, although I do know it was Virginia. They were listed on the 1850, 1860, and 1870 Whitley county census as "mulato". Fielding had 2 brothers living in Whitley, Smith Township, named Clayborne and Dawson. Fielding and Dawson both had very large families. Fielding and Lavina's son Zachariah, born in 1838, was in my line. His son Richard Mathias, born in 1875, also in Whitley was next. His son Casper, born in 1907 in Cass County, MI was my mother's father. My mother, Pat POMPEY, was the ninth of 10 children born to Casper POMPEY and Zara RICKMON in Dowagiac, MI. She was born in 1946. I was born in 1968 in Ann Arbor, MI. (4/99). Tom Kovalak, P. O. Box 209, Cassopolis, MI 49031. E-mail: tomk@fruitbelt.com.

POST - see Douglas.

PRENTICE - see Dimick.

PRESSLER - see Johnson.

PRITCHARD - See Young.

PRIEST - see Hill.

PROSSER - see Sellers.

PUTNAM - see Ferrell.

PYLE - see Ireland.

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QUINN - see Orcutt.

RALL - see Henning.

RAMSEY — Seeking all RAMSEY Researchers. Benjamin Charles RAMSEY son of Walter RAMSEY son of Charles RAMSEY son of Jacob Alexander RAMSEY who came to Whitley County from Perry Co. Ohio in 1847. (3/97) Patricia Ramsey Bogel, 8427 Sakaden Parkway, Fort Wayne, IN 46825. E-mail: PBogel@fwi.com.

RAMSEY — Searching for descendents of Samuel and Nancy (SPRAY) RAMSEY who lived in Whitley County, Indiana. Children were: William F., Stanley E., Sidney H., Mary Z. Nancy was a sister to my ancestor, Florence E. (SPRAY) FRUCHEY who married George W. FRUCHEY, Paulding County, Ohio. Nancy was also the twin of Sara J. SPRAY m. Joseph KILLIAN, children Sheridan, Charles E., Edith N. This family also lived in Whitley County, Indiana. (5/13/1999). Judy Pitchford, 539 Geneva Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43609. Email: J.PITCH@AMPLEX.NET.

RANDALL — Am searching for any information on the RANDALL family. Sanford RANDALL, b.1859, d. 1927; wife Katie , b. 1865, d. 1923, dau. Mary RANDALL, b. 1900, d. 1937. This info. came from the Greenhill Cemetery listing in Columbia City, Whitley Co. IN. The 1910 census says Katie had 3 children...what happened to the others? (8/21/1999). (7/13/2007). Twylah Lemargie, PO Box 194, Rough & Ready,CA 95975. Email: twilight@theunion.net.

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REA - see Beard.

REAM — Searching for census record, death record or anything for Andrew Ream, b 1814. Brother of Jacob (Allen Co) and George and William REAM, Whitley Co. (5/98). Ernest L Moreland, 3660 Simons Church, Centerburg, OH 43011-9450.

REED — Looking for any info. on my grandfather Russell REED died aprx. Dec. 1961, and his father James REED. (09/14/99). Naomi Millspaugh, 3440 Las Vegas Blvd., North Sp#27, Las Vegas, NV 89115. Email: ndmillsp@webtv.net.

REEG — Interested in exchanging information with anyone researching the REEG family. Have data to share that goes back to 1530 in Germany on the line of immigrant Peter Reeg, who came to US in 1852, settling first in Lancaster Co, PA. Came to Whitley Co, IN in 1861. (11/97). Brenda Reeg Robison, 8905 N. Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46240. Email: BooksBoop@aol.com.


REITZ - see Luecke.

RHODES - see Merica.

RICH - see Jackson.

RICHARD — Searching for parents & siblings of Mary RICHARD 1811 NY-1863 IN, who in 1857 became 2nd wife of Jacob KREIDER 1809 PA-1895 IN. No children of this marriage. Have a late-1800s photo album which could be related. It has no one identified except b&w sketches of Lewis RICHARD b. 1846 France & wife Huldah STALLSMITH b. 1852 Whitley Co, IN. Sketches have printed name & Washington Tp. like ones in the old Whitley Co. history. In same album are a photo of a Civil War soldier & 1915 military pension papers for Anna HEBNER, widow of Henry F. HEBNER, K 74 Ohio Inf (blurred, I. 74). July 1980 obit. for Mary HOUGENDOUBLER lists an Anna HAPNER, so Anna HEBNER is probably Anna BRUCKART, half-sister to Sarah HOUGENDOUBLER m. a YOUNG, whose photo I have in another album. Other YOUNG photos in the album: Mary YOUNG, abt 20; Sarah, abt 40, taken Lancaster, PA; Samuel abt 9-10; and Clara abt 7-8, taken Lancaster, PA. (02/06/98). Brenda Reeg Robison, 8905 N. Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46240. Email: BooksBoop@aol.com.

RICHARDS - see Stallsmith.

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RICKMON - see Pompey.

RIDDLE - see Born.

RIFFLE - see Macon.

RILEY — RILEY, RYLEY, FRIES, HOOVER: My great grandparents, Thomas George RILEY and Rose Ann FRIES, lived in the Whitley County area beginning in the mid-1800's. Thomas' father, Andrew, did as well and married Catherine Hoover. If anyone has information beyond what is available through the Society's website, I would enjoy hearing from you.   Will share what I have, and what I obtain. (10/07/2006).   Ron Snowden, 1774 North Sagehen Road, Orem, Utah 84097. (801) 225-0266. Email nedwons@mac.com

ROACH — Seeking maiden name and birthplace of Mrs. Patrick ROACH, b. ca. 1830-40 in County Clare or County Kerry, Ireland. She was living in 1906 on the A. R. Clugston farm west of Columbia City, according to an obituary in the Goshen Daily News-Times for her sister, Mrs. Michael (Catherine) Egan or Eagen of Goshen. (12/96). Larry Sullivan, 109 Beechwood Court, Glasgow, KY 42141. E-mail: sullivan@scrtc.blue.net.

ROBERTS - see Conner.

ROBINETTE — Seeking information on William ROBINETTE. (09/28/2000). Barbara Bott, 10428 S. 44th Place, Phoenix, AZ 85044. Email: Jazzbks98@aol.com.

ROGERS — Seeking information on parents of William Sanford ROGERSs. He was from Columbia City Whitley Co IN. born middle of 1800's . He had a uncle or cousin Simon Roger HARROD. Both migrated to Ringgold and/or Taylor Co. Iowa. (6/13/2002). Talma Klaassen, Box 305, Whitewater, KS 67154. Email: TBK@wichita.infi.net.

ROGERS - see Boyd, Harrod, Herrod..

ROLLINS — Erastus ROLLINS emigrated from Ottowa county, Ohio in about 1855. Married Amanda WEBB in 1856 in Whitley Co IN. Erastus had two sons at the time he came from Ohio; William and Warren. Warren married Elizabeth KIMES in about 1850. Elizabeth died in Richland in 1863. Warren married Anna COLWELL in 1864 and moved to Ohio. He died in Ottowa county, and is buried in Union Cemetery in Elmore Ohio. I am looking for more information on Erastus. (3/01/04). Rollin King Reynolds, RR 3 Box 131, Plymouth NH 03264. RKReynolds@coopresources.net.

ROLLINS - see Caldwell.

ROSS — Any information (including descendants and ancestors) concerning my great-grandfather James Judson ROSS, born August 6, 1877 in Churubusco, Indiana, would be greatly appreciated. He is the son of Harriet Sophie McCullough b. May 1854 Hagerstown Indiana and Augustus H. ROSS b. 1847 Cincinnati, Ohio. James married Phillipa Elizabeth STUMPF (this was his second marriage) in 1903. They had two children Martha who died shortly after birth and my grandmother Edna Louise ROSS. (2/17/2001). Cindy Beverforden, P O Box 390, Ganado, AZ 86505. Email: Beverforden@hotmail.com.

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ROTE - see Shoemaker.

ROUCH — I am seeking information on my great grandmother Louise Matilda ROUCH. She was born in Whitley County Dec 12, 1869. Married Hiram SCHRADER who was also born in Whitley County. They both died and were buried in Ft. Wayne IN. (7/7/2000). Patty Schrader/DeArmond, 74 Wedgefield Drive, Hilton Head, SC 29926. E-mail Patty342@aol.com.

ROUSE - see Jones.

ROVENSTINE — I am looking for any information regarding the Rovenstine's of Northern Indiana. Jacob ROVENSTINE is recorded on the Whitley County Census of 1850 and I am specifically looking for information on his descendents. Dr. Emery ROVENSTINE of La Porte and Al ROVENSTINE the sheriff of Kosciusko County are both known descendents and genealogy information on either of them is also of interest. (9/12/99). William Johnson, 1134 Hawaii Circle, Seattle, WA 98199. Email: navyfamily@uswest.net.

ROWE Seeking information on John Albany Rowe (1852-1908), stone carver, who may have worked on the Columbia City Courthouse.  I have a photo of him taken in Columbia City, but don't really know why he was there, unless he had a brother or sister there.  The photo was taken between 1880-1900.   (4/2/2006).   Ann Rowe Bradshaw, 8135 W. 250 S., Russiaville, IN 46979.   Email: AnnBradshaw@extratwist.com.

ROWLAND — I am looking for anyone with the surname of ROWLAND or ROWLAND descendents from Whitley County. (12/6/1999). Phyllis Tilton, 1028 Nelson Avenue, Lincoln, Nebraska 68521. Email: jerry-bob@juno.com.

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RUMMEL — Hugh Seymour RUMMEL, born in Columbia City. His parents Hugh Wells RUMMEL and Elizabeth Abigail SEYMOUR. Hugh Wells RUMMELs parents were Christian RUMMEL and Martha AKER. (5/98). E-mail - jacedthomp@aol.com until May 28th. 1588 G Eglin Way, SW, Washington, DC 20336 until June 1 then PSC 50 Box 311, APO AE 09494.

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RUNKLE - see Cave, Eger.

RUSH - see Brenneman.

RUSHER - see Decker.

RYDER - see Beck.

RYLEY - see Riley.

RYNEARSON — I have spent countless hours looking for the date of death and location for William L. RYNEARSON born January 15, 1815 married Mahala Brown. He was age 55 in the 1870 Whitley County Cleveland Township Census and just disappeared after that. Any help will be appreciated. (5/14/2006). Donald Rynearson, 19850 Newcosta Ave., Paris, MI 49338. DLRynear@hughes.net

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SADLER - see Dimick.

ST. JAMES — Any information on a Cathleen (or Kathleen) ST. JAMES, Canadian Indian. She was suppose to have married a Harvey McCULLOUGH about 1820. She was the mother of George and Henry McCULLOUGH of Churubusco, Whitley County, Indiana. (9/19/1999). Barbara Jones, P O Box 476, Westville, IN 46391. Email: redrose@csinet.net

SAPPINGTON - see Flickinger.

SAUDER - Souder.

SAVAGE - Hicks.

SCHANNEP — Searching for any information on the SCHANNEP family of Collamer, IN. (3/3/1999). Cloyce A. Bowers Jr., 8894 W. 1200 N., DeMotte, IN 46310. Email: cab1@netnitco.net

SCHNEIDER - see Tulley.

SCHERMERHORN — Looking for information on John S. SCHERMERHORN, who is listed in the Index for Wills of Indiana in Whitley Co, IN, 1852, Vol 1-41. Need heirs listed and any other information. (11/97) CH(LTC) Dan Franklin, 4003 Tallwood, Killeen, TX 76542-7612. Tel: (254) 526-0866. Email: DFranklin1@Compuserve.com.

SCHIFFERLY- see Herman.

SCHINBECKLER — Meinrod SCHINBECKLER m 13 May 1846 to Anna Maria AUER born 23 Feb 1823 in Germany. (03/97). Sue Baker, 1250 Hollow Brook Lane, Malabar, Fl. 32950. AC-321-727-3591. Email: sule@cfl.rr.com.

SCHINBECKLER - see Auer, Kiefer..

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SCHOENAUERSCHOENAUER / SCHONAUER ~ seeking information on Frederick and John using both spellings of the name. Both emigrated from Switzerland and started families in Whitley County Indiana. I have gaps in my family tree. Please send any information you might have concerning the SCHOENAUER Family. Even if you are friends or acquaintances please respond! (3/16/2009). Cindy Schoenauer, Lakeview Middle School, AC 407 877 5010 ext 312, 416 South Boyd Street, Winter Garden, Florida 34787. Email: CindySchoenauer@ymail.com.

SCHOENAUER - see Auer.

SCHONAUER - see Schoenauer.

SCHOENELL — William born circa 1820 in Prussia married to Catherine ENSMINGER born 1832 lived in Columbia Township, Columbia City, Indiana. Children were Augutus, Mary, Anna, Caroline, Elizabeth, Polly Dortha, Henry A. and William. Henry is my grandfather. Catherine ENSMINGER SCHOENELL died Nov. 12 1908 while living in Jefferson Township, Whitley County. I am seaching for information that would give the birth location of William in Prussia and the parents of Catherine. Any clues will help. (10/20/98). E-Mail address:TSteve1029@aol.com

SCHOOP - see Luecke.

SCHRADER — Regina SCHRADER was born in Pennsylvania about 1820. She married Jonas NOLT about 1840. They arrived in Whitley County Indiana around 1845. Regina SCHRADER NOLT is probably buried in the Nolt Cemetery there. I need some help here, any one having and is willing to share information on The SCHRADER Family please contact me via email at hlb923@directvinternet..com. Thank You! (10/21/01). Harold L. Baker, 1924 Michigan Bvld, Racine, WI 53402-4759. Phone: 414-633-1814.

SCHRADER - see Haneline, Keyser, Rouch.

SCHUMAKER — Looking for information on the SCHUMAKER (SHOEMAKER) family of the Columbia City area. The father was Jonathan SHOEMAKER, mother Elizabeth JENKINS. They had 10 ch. I am desc. fr. their oldest, Daniel. He married a Susan P. in the late 1850's. Would like to find out Susan's maiden name & who her parents were. Would also like to find out the name of Elizabeth JENKINS parents. (10/8/00). Terri McSweeny, P.O. Box 650343, Vero Beach., FL 32965. Email: tbridgid@aol.com

SCHWANDER - see Hartman.

SCOTT - see Beard

SCRADER - see Haneline.

SEIVERS - see Luecke.

SELL — Henry B. SELL born Aug 1814 Lancaster Co. PA died 20 Dec. 1873 Whitley Co. married 16 Oct. 1833 to Nancy EBERHARD. (03/97)(7/2002). Sue Baker, 1250 Hollow Brook Lane, Malabar, Fl. 32950. AC-321-727-3591. Email: sule@cfl.rr.com.

SELLERS — Seeking information about William SELLERS, believed born about 1785 in Licking Co., OH. He moved to Columbia City or Whitley Co. sometime after 1845, I believe to live with his son Daniel SELLERS and spouse, Mary Ann PROSSER. (1/98). John Sellers, 4249 Crimson Dr., Hoffman Estates, IL 60195. E-mail: jsellers@ais.net.

SEVITS — I'm looking for the parents and family of Mary Ann SEVITS. Who was born 8 Jun 1840 in Ohio. She married Benjamin Franklin EGOLF on 9 Aug 1860 in Whitley Co, IN. I know her parents were born in Ohio. (10/24/99). (Address updated 1/01). Robert Orcutt, 50655 Glen Meadow Lane, Granger, IN 46530. Telephone: 260-247-9826. E-mail: rorcutt@earthlink.com. (Updated 2/2011) - Robert Orcutt, 13908 Barnett Place, Fishers, IN 46038.  317-598-9248. Email: RSorcutt01@gmail.com

SEYMOUR - see Rummel.

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SHAFNER - see Paulus.

SHAW — Seeking descendants and relatives of Gilbert and Matilda (McCANE) SHAW. Children were William b. 1825, James H. b. 1829, John H. b.1829, Mary b.1830, Robert b.1832, Hamilton b.1834, Phebe b.1836, Owen Little b.11/17/1840, Matilda b.1841 and Gilbert b. 1842. (2/28/2001). Joy Herrmann, 5408 24th Ave NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98335. mshermie@flash2.net

SHAW - see Adams.

SHELLEY - see Hummel.

SHEETS — Whitley County SHEETS family researcher (4/97): - Linda E. Hollenbaugh, 10765 South Raber Road 92, Roanoke, IN 46783.

SHEETS — Seeking information on Henry SHEETS and Mary Ann STEWART and their descendants: George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Clara A., Emmanuel, John Henry, Jacob Wesley, Orlando, Samuel Albert, Effie A., Ida, and two unnamed infants. Also, Henry and Mary Ann adopted a daughter named Bertha WEEKS. Orlando SHEETS and his wife Ada Celeste BENNET raised their family in Whitley County, IN. Their children were: Irma Euphrasia, Oceal Evangeline, Evan Lowell, Vera Elfrieda, Hallie Maiblume, Leonard Earl, Rema, Roy Bennet and Anna Ilo. (5/97) (10/2017). Robyn Merryman Sheets Email: Robyn Merryman Sheets.

SHENEFIELD — Seeking information or decendants of Mrs. Charles (MOORE) SHENEFIELD My gr. grandfathers sister. (5/7/2000). Contact: Tom Johnson, 220 Oak Circle, Elkhart, Indiana 46517. Email: Tomrj99@aol.com.

SHEPHERD - see Chapman.

SHIPLEY - see Hughes.

SHINNEMAN — Looking for any and all information on Isaac William Shinneman, Jr. and family members. Moved to Whitley County, IN. before 1850. Born in 1800 in PA. Died in 1885. Columbia City, IN. Married Elizabeth PETERS in OH. 2nd marriage to Rachel MERRIMAN. Any info. will help. (4/98)., Earl Shineman, 5608 Caine Road, Pierpont, OH.44082-9705. E-mail: DorothyS@interlaced.net.

SHODA - see Mosher.

SHODAT - see Walterhouse.

Return to the Index

SHOEMAKER — Seeking information on Jesse SHOEMAKER (1832-1865) and Elizabeth ROTE SHOEMAKER (1833-1911). Both born in Ohio, married 1853 Marion Co. Iowa. Children: Martha, Charles F., Frank, all b. Iowa. Abt. 1860 they moved to Huntington Co. IN. Daughter Laura Belle born in Huntington Co. In 1861, John entered Union Army (47th Vol. Inf.) He died at Fort Gaines, Mobile, Alabama, in March 1865. His widow Elizabeth ("Betsy") SHOEMAKER d. Columbia City, 1911. (8/97). - Nancy Thomson, 4925 Paradise Dr., Tiburon, CA 94920. E-mail: nancy@funnybusiness.com.

SHOEMAKER - see Bentz, Holderbaum, Schumaker.

SHOFFNER - Searching for information on the following surnames: Shoffner, Shoup. My ggggrandparents are from Whitley County, Ind., Jefferson twsp. My ggrandmother Ada Shoffner was born 11-8-1876 there. Any info on the families would be greatly appreciated. (8/28/2000). Bea Jolly, P.O. Box 168, Bloomsdale, Mo. 63627. E-mail: yoyo@ldd.net

SHOFFNER - see Ayers.

SHOFNER - see Baumgardner, Cave.

SHORB - see Hart.

SHORER - see Erne.

SHOUP - see Lees, Shoffner.

SIBERT - see Biddle.

SIEVERS - see Auer.

SICKAFOOSE -- Seeking information on family of Rolla Wilbur SICKAFOOSE (or Sicafoose), born July 25, 1883, in Indiana. As a young man, he moved to California and had a long career in the Coast Guard. Any info on a SICKAFOOSE family with a son named Rolla would be very much appreciated. (7/12/2000). Martha McCluer, 6632 Gordon Avenue, Falls Church, VA 22046. Email: Martha@McCluer.com.

SICKAFOOSE - see Eubank.

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SIMKINS — I am attempting to locate members of my father's family. His name: Robert Cecil SIMKINS; gfather: Lester Curtis SIMKINS; gggrandfather: Lester Cyril SIMKINS. (2/23/1999). Bobby Jean Simkins, 371 West 17th Street, San Bernardino, CA 92405-4409. Email: arclight@mindspring.com

SIMMONS — Interested in the family of Isaac SIMMONS. Mother-in-law was Phoebe (COLCLESSER) WARNER d ca. 1907. I am trying to compile all descendants of Henry COLCLESSER (17xx-185x), who lived & died in Kosciusko Co. Many descendants in Huntington, Kosciusko, Wabash, Whitley, Wayne counties. (updated 9/16/1999). Janice Sanford, 1410 Grant Street, Ft. Calhoun, NE 68023-5347. Email: janice99@huntel.net.

SIMON - see Beard.

SINGER - see Bentz.

SLAGLE - see Harter, Ireland.

SLATER - see Haneline.

SLESSMAN — I am looking for decendants of Michael, John, Jacob or Mathias SLESSMAN, who immigrated from Baden, Germany in 1840. Michael was my gg grandfather. (3/02) Sheila Slessman Dillard, 2803 US Hwy 79, Carthage, TX 75633. Email: SDillard0411@cs.com

SMALE - see Biddle.

SMITH — Seeking information on Clayton SMITH. (12/96). Kim Remmel, 6634 W. Mescal Street, Glendale, AZ 85304. Email: NancyHelen@aol.com.

SMITH - see Bell, Conner, Ferrell, Green, Hughes, Windle, Young.

SMOLEK & George SMOLEK and Marjorie HERRON were married about 1932. George's parents were James SMOLEK and Agnes MINARIC. Marjories parents were Guy HERRON and Velma GAFF. Would like any information, stories, photos etc. of anyone who knew these parties. (01/98). Sandra Larew, 3614 Greenbrier Dr., Bettendorf, IA 52722. Email: PLV1Larew@aol.com.

SNYDER - see Burkholder, Cummins, Lederer, Spangler, Stallsmith.

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SOUDER — Christian SOUDER b 1812 in Germany. He married Susan KISTLER. In 1838 he purchased land in Sec 11, seven miles west of Columbia City, Whitley Co., IN. They had eight children born in Whitley Co., IN. (8/99). Judy Cook, 3470 Millshaft Court, Caledonia, MI 49316. Email: judykcook@webtv.net.

SOUDER — Christopher L. SOUDER 1842 OH - 1899 IN marr 1870 Harriet Sabina TREMBLEY. Children 5: 1) Carl Lawrence 1874 IN - 1918 IN; 1) Claude; 3) Ralph 1878 - ; 4) Wade S. 1885 - 1935 IN; 5) Bessie Sabina 1888 IN - d NJ?. San-Dee Lyons, 13339-105th Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5E 4S3, Canada. Email: SnKLyons@shaw.ca.

SOUDER/SAUDER — Would like to share information with all Whitley County SOUDER(S) researchers in order to determine relationships among the three SOUDERS groups resident there in 1860. Any information appreciated. (12/96). Dena A. Harrison, 2523 Half Hollow Court, Conroe, TX 77304. Email: dena@lcc.net.

SPANGLER — I would appreciate help on the Samuel R. SPANGLER family who were in Whitley Co., by 1859. Samuel married Elizabeth SNYDER on 19 July 1843 in Licking Co., where Samuel's parents settled. They were Henry and Martha (PARKINSON) SPANGLER. (3/98). Betty Jane Wojdyla, 9227 312th Avenue, Burlington, WI 53105. Email: wojdyla@bbw.tds.net.

SPEAR - see Hickman.

SPEARS - see Hougendobler.

SPEER - see Hickman.

SPENCER — Alice SPENCER born 10 Feb 1864 Whitley County. Father John SPENCER (born c1835) married Mary CURTIS. Alice's siblings: Nettie M. SPENCER and Gertrude SPENCER (born c1866). Alice SPENCER married Charles W. STONER in Warsaw, IN. (2/97). Frank H. Roberts 103 Russum Circle, Petal, MS 39465. Email: BFHenry@felix.teclink.net.

SPENCER — Louisa 'Lou' SPENCER 1849 OH - 1895 MO; married Miles Isaac TREMBLEY Children: Sarah Ellen; Louada; Gertie Irene Mary; Mitty; Miles Mont; Dott; Monnie. (10/11/2006). San-Dee Lyons, 13339-105th Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5E 4S3, Canada. Email: SnKLyons@shaw.ca.

SPRAY - see Ramsey.

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STALLSMITH — I am researching the STALLSMITH's. They came from Germany and settled around Fort Wayne. My Great-Grandfather was Abijah E. STALLSMITH married to Carrie McCARTNEY in Galena Ks, Dec.24,1889. Abijah was born Oct. 26, 1863, possibly in Indiana. His father was Lewis STALLSMITH, Mother was Elizabeth HUGGINS and were married May 26 1861. Abijah's brothers were William, Lewis,and Samuel, and a sister, Elizabeth Emma STALLSMITH. (3/98). Mark E. Stallsmith, RR#1 Box 33f, Coffeyville, Kansas 67337. Email: MStallsmith@cjournal.com.

STALLSMITH — I seek info on the family of STALLSMITH, John b 1825/PA who m Ann BOLES b ca 1829/IN. They m 1848/Huntington Co IN and were in the 1850 census of Whitley Co IN with a dau, Ellen J age 4 months/IN. Near to them in the census is STALLSMITH, Daniel age 56/PA and Catherine age 60/PA-these may be the parents of John. Specifically, I wish to find out what happened to John and Ann BOLES STALLSMITH after 1850-where did they go? April Robbins, PO Box 3215, Seal Beach, CA 90740-2215. E-mail: aerobbins@earthlink.net or arobbins@csulb. Edu

STALLSMITH — Seeking information on John STALLSMITH (1824-1897) married 1848 to Ann BOLES (1828-1903), their daughters, Jennie, b. abt. 1860, daughter Huldah b. 1852, mrd. 1874 Lewis RICHARDS, and son, W.B. STALLSMITH. (5/16/1999). Larry G. Stallsmith, P.O. Box 103, Sahuarita, AZ 85629. Email: LarryStall@aol.com

STALLSMITH — Seeking information about a John E. STALLSMITH, (died approx. 1906, buried in Akron, OH) who married a Jennie R. KAUFMAN, b. 1867, died Oct. 1945 in Akron, OH, daughter of Jonathon KAUFMAN and Florence SNYDER. Jennie was from Whitley Co. and thinking that John may also be from Whitley Co. (8/30/2004). Betty Mast, 3661 Sweitzer Street, Uniontown, OH 44685. Email: BJMast@aol.com

STALLSMITH - see Decker, Richard.

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STAMETS — Seeking information on Franklin STAMETS, b. Mar 1845 OH, mar. 24 Dec 1872 in Kosc. Co., IN, to Catherine Jane DRAKE, b. 1 May 1852 Sidney, Shelby Co., OH, daughter of Fielding and Elizabeth Jane HARTMAN DRAKE, longtime residents of Leesburg, IN. For many years Franklin STAMETS was a retail grocer in Churubusco, Whitley Co., IN. Only known child was Mabel STAMETS, b. June 1882 IN, mar. about 1903 grocer Charles FRAZIER. Any and all information welcome. Email: Bob Glidden, 8122 N. Hall School Rd, Monrovia, IN 46157. Email: jbgliden@scican.net

STANLEY - see Lansdown.

STEEL — Looking for information on the STEELE family that resided in the Coesse, Union Township area of Whitley County, Indiana. James M. STEELE and wife, Lydia LEONARD settled in Whitley County, Indiana approx. 1854. They were originally from possibly Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. They and other family members are buried at the Old Presbyterian Cemetery in Whitley County, Indiana. They had 7 known children: John Leonard STEELE; Robert STEELE; Mary Jane STEELE; Zebulon Parks STEELE; Andrew J. STEELE; and Isabel STEELE. My grandmother was Hazel Jennie STEELE born 1895 in Pennsylvania, daughter of Robert Zebulon STEELE, son of Robert STEELE. (5/25/1999). Tamara Parkison, 3902 W. 107th Place, Crown Point, IN 46307. Email: Parkison@netnitco.net.

STEIN — Looking for info on my STEIN family that lived in Columbia City in the 1890's. Parents Sol and Sarah STEIN. Children:  Kadison, Marie, Florence b.1891, Helen b. 1896, & Pauline.  (9/3/20076).  Susan Berkson, 12813 Do-Little Drive, Minnetonka, MN 55305. AC-952 931 1149. Email:  Berkson1@msn.com

STEINMAN — See Ferrell.

STEINER — Seeking descendants of Amos STEINER, born France circa 1849; married 6 February 1879 in Whitley County to Mary Margaret WADDELL. (10/96). Beverly Young, 413 E. Lowell Ave., Mishawaka, IN 46545. Email: BYoung9341@aol.com.

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STEWART - see Sheets.

STICKLER — Interested in sharing family information with anyone researching STICKLER. (11/02/01). Martha Beeching Jones, 212 W. Country Gables Dr., Phoenix, AZ 85023-5250. JJones3549@aol.com

STOCKWELL — See Dimick.

STONER — Researching Joel STONER, 1816-1880, married Lydia HATTLE (HUDDLE) in Fairfield Co, OH and moved to IN in 1850s. Lived first in Huntington, then Whitley Co. Their 12 Children: William (m. Sarah S. ARMSTRONG & Clarissa A. MYERS), Daniel (m. Mahala ALLEN), Noah, Sara, Eliza, Susannah. Maria, Mary J. (MYERS), Jacob, Martha (PALMER), Matilda and John W. (m. Allie OBENCHAIN & Clara A. HALTERMAN). Joel's parents presumed to be Jacob & Susannah (Ann) HUNTSMAN (HARTSOCK), originally of MD, whose other two children appear to be Eli (m. Esther (Jane S.) METTAH and Sarah (m. a HENDRICK). (11/97). Brenda Reeg Robison, 8905 N. Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46240. Email: BooksBoop@aol.com.

STONER - see Spencer.

STRAGAND — Searching for any information for Henry STRAGAND b. 1863 d. 1926 buried in the Greenhill Cemetery, Whitley county, IN. I believe he is a missing son of my 4th great-grandfather. (11/18/2006). Holly Hokanson, 8819 Kilrenny Drive, Spring, TX 77379. Email: NBHokan@sbcglobal.net

STUART - see Beard.

STUBER - see Kiger.

STUMPF - see Ross.

SUTHERLAND - see Wampner.

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SWAIM - see Eubank.

SWANDER - see Hartman.

SWAYZEE - see Barnes.

SWIGART — Looking for info on Abram Young SWIGART and related families. Abram died in Columbia City on January 1, 1904. He was married to Margaret A. McCUNE. She also died in Columbia City on January 2, 1897. One of their children, John Archer SWIGART married Sarah F. BURWELL. He died in Columbia City on February 9, 1931. (5/97). Debbie Philipp Holderbaum, 3006 21st Place, North Chicago, IL 60064. E-mail: Skip310@aol.com.

SWIGART - see Huston.

SWINDELL - see Caldwell.

SWINEHART — William SWINEHART was my great-grandfather. He was born b. October 12, 1843 d. December 27, 1887.of blood poisoning. He was married to Sabina BEAVER. I am interested in finding who his father was. He lived in Jefferson Twp. Whitley Co., In. in 1882 where his son Oscar Sylvainus SWINEHART died. I understand William is buried in the Oak Grove Cemetery. (7/99) (Corrected 8/99). Contact: Deloris Gross Lefever, 7725 So. 200 E., Columbia City, IN 46725. Email: ja317de@mail.fwi.com.

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TALLEY — Where is Anna Belle CARLTON TALLEY buried? She died 7 June 1950 In South Whitley, IN. She married Franklin TALLEY ca 1907-1908 in Noblesville, Hamilton, IN. Any help will be greatly appreciated. (7/1/2008). Marcia Salvatore, 3 Bardu Place, Palm Coast, FL 32137.

TANNER — I am looking for informatin on William Charles TANNER who had a son born in Indians about 1876. He had sisters living in Indiana, one of whom had a daughter, Mabel, who married a JUDD. There was also a Harry TANNER buried in the TANNER family plot in Tampa, Florida who was born in Indiana. He may have been a younger brother or nephew of William Charles. Alfred TANNER is believed to have been the father of William Charles and is also buried n the TANNER plot. Any help would be appreciated. I am sending the querie to you as I believe they may have been in Whitley County. Mabel lived in or near Indianapolis and had a cousin Ruby, who married a HILL. (6/98). Marianne Copeland Crews, 3252 S 263 W Av., Sand Springs, OK 74063. Email: mjcrews@cimtel.net

TANNER - see Myers.

THOMAS - see Conner.

THOMPSON — Seeking information on Ezra THOM(P)SON (b. 1786, Peru, MASS. d. 1857, Richland Twp. Whitley Co. m. Sarah McNAUGHTON b. 1796, West Pawlet, Vt.). Finley McNaughton THOM(P)SON (b. 1835 d. 1910 Whitley Co.) and Warren Newton THOM(P)SON (b. 1862, Richland Twp., d. 1928, Whitley Co.). Any and all information appreciated. Specially interested in Ezra's parents. (11/96). Nancy Thomson, 4925 Paradise Drive, Tiburon, CA 94920. Email: Nancy@FunnyBusiness.com.

THOMSON - see Creager, Kimes, Thompson.

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TINKER - see Dimick,

TRACY - see McCullough.

TREMBLAY - see Trembley.

TREMBLEY — John Sebron TREMBLEY/TREMBLAY/TREMBLY b 1813 NJ - d 1893 IN; 1st marr 1841 Ellen DeWITT 1818 OH -1870 IN Children: 7 1) Sophia Jane 1842 OH - 1917 ID; 2) Lucretia A. 1844 IN - 1844 IN; 3) George David 1846 IN -1888 IN; 4) Miles Isaac 1848 IN - 1913 CANADA; 5) Harriet Sabina 1850 IN - 1888 IN; 6) Cecil M. W.1853 IN - 1856 IN; 7) Cecillia E. Y. 1853 IN - 1854 IN. 2nd marr 1871 OH Mary Ann FRAZIER, Children: 3; 8) Samuel Frazier marr Winnifred St. Clair WUNDERLICH; 9) Velma Virginia marr Fred Campbell EVANS; 10) Mable Effie. (10/11/2006). San-Dee Lyons, 13339-105th Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5E 4S3, Canada. Email: SnKLyons@shaw.ca.

TREMBLEY - see Franklin, Nutter, Souder, Spencer.

TREMBLY - see Trembley.

TRIMBLE - see Loutzenhiser.

TRUMBULL - see Barnes, Jones.

TUCKER - see Parker, Windle.

TULLEY/TULLY — Seeking information on family of Francis TULLEY and Mary Ann Elizabeth NICKEY. Francis was born 3 April 1810, Ross Co., OH. He married Maryann in Ross Co. on 26 Feb 1833. They moved to Smith Twp.,Whitley Co., IN in 1834, where their four children were born: Rose Ann, William A., Cyrus B., and Wesley C. Any leads would be appreciated. (9/20/98). Viki Tulley Goodner, 24224 NE Berry Rd, Battle Ground, WA 98604. Email: RGoodner@internetcds.com.

TULLEY/TULLY — Seeking information on Ariadna Azillia Rose TULLEY who married Frederick SCHNEIDER in 1891 in Whitley County. Rose was the daughter of Cyrus BALSLEY and Fanny KRIDER TULLEY (6/28/2000). Viki Tulley Goodner, 24224 NE Berry Rd, Battle Ground, WA 98604. Email: RGoodner@internetcds.com.

TULLEY — Seeking descendants of Frank TULLEY and Will TULLEY of Whitley County. They would have been the sons of either Wesley Clark TULLEY or his brother William Asbury TULLEY. (6/28/2000). Viki Tulley Goodner, 24224 NE Berry Rd, Battle Ground, WA 98604. Email: RGoodner@internetcds.com.

TULLEY - see Foust, Herrick, Kreider.

TURNER — Looking for information of John Turner - married 08 Dec. 1876 to Mary Ann McNutt in Whitley County, Indiana. (5/9/2008). Barbara Johnston, 2346 Norfolk Street, San Mateo, CA 94403-1616. loannel@comcast.net.

TYNER - see Conner.

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VAMPNER - see Wampner.

VAN METER — Seeking information on descendants of William VAN METER 1807-1885. (11/97). (9/3/2006). Donald Gradeless, 1402 East 225 South, Winona Lake, IN 46590-2041. Email: DrG@gradeless.com.   Website: http://family.gradeless.com.

VANCE - see Bentz.

VANLUE - see Beck.

VANHOUTEN - see Archer.

VANSCOYCK - see Hyre.

VAN SCOYCK - see Hyre.

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WADDELL - see Steiner.

WAGNER — Researching WAGNER family tree. Most of them were farmers in Cleveland Twp. Franklin WAGNER b. 1857 or 1858 d. 1929 m. Sarah M. had children, One was Valentine b. Jan 1894 and Blanche 1886. I believe there were other children but can't find names. I know the names of Valentine's children, but there was at least one other male--Valentine's niece was Ailene WAGNER b 1904 she married a BARSH d. April 1980. Last Social Security record for her was in Columbia City. Need her parents. Any help would be appreciated. (1/1/2002). Dorothy (WAGNER) Bargy, Dorothy A. (Wagner) Bargy, 1535 Melbourne Drive. New Haven, IN 46774. DBargy4622@aol.com.

WAGNER - see Decker.

WALLACE — Seeking information regarding James WALLACE, b. 1812 PA, spouse Susan(ah), children Eleanor, James M., Charles. Migrated to the Columbia City area around 1844 from the Mansfield, OH area. No record after 1850 census. Eleanor died prior to 1860 (according to James M.'s military pension record). What happened to James, Susan(ah), Eleanor?? (9/98) (address & Email Updated 2/24/2007). David F. Wallace, 507 Oakbrook Circle Flushing, MI 48433. Email: David.Wallace@comast.net.

WALLS - see Ellis.

WALTERHOUSE — Seeking information about Charles WALTERHOUSE who married Sarah SHODAT in Whitley Co. on 29 Nov 1879. A daughter, Minnie, was born 22 July 1880. Any information appreciated. (03/97) (Email update 5/30/2000). Shirley Walterhouse, 1534 Lakewood Drive, Slidell, LA 70458. - Email: walterho@bellsouth.net.

WALTER - see Fritz.

WALTERS - see Barnes.

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WAMPNER — Researching the Wampner, Woempner, Wempner, of Whitley Co. IN. Henry WEMPNER came to Whitley Co. IN. from Germany about 1846 with his wife, Wilhelmine, three sons, Henry, Fredrick, Augustus. Had three more children, Lewis, Wilhelmina, William. after settling in Indiana. Henry's wife died in 1852 and he left all of his children but two in Whitley Co. I have found Fredrick and wife, Mary OLINGER in Huntington IN, Augustus, died in the Civil War, Lewis and wife Martha C, William. His son, Henry, has disappeared. Lewis changed the name to VAMPNER. I found him 1910 in OK. Wilhelmina married, Ernest FRICKWIELER in 1868. Where she went after that I have not been able to trace. William married twice and the last marriage to Mary SUTHERLAND was in Nashua, Chickasaw Co., Iowa. No more data on him. Any help with any part of this family I will be greatly appreciative. Thanks. — Yvonne Packe, 12440 155th Ave. SE., Renton, WA 98059. E-Mail: ypac@aol.com

WARD - see Jackson.

WARNER - see Simmons.

WASMUTH - see Hughes.

WATSON — Drusilla (HORD) WATSON my mother's paternal grandmother married Ryan Kellog WATSON at her sister's home at the CHAPMAN Farm near Columbia City about 1860. The WATSONs were from New Salem, Fairfield Co. Ohio. One of their children Edith WATSON was born in Columbia City in 1865. Need information on the CHAPMAN or HORD families. (3/97). Thomas Lee Allman Jr., 207 Angus Drive, Aberdeen MD 21001. E Mail - TomCharla@home.com (Address updated 8/99).

WAUGH - Seeking descendants of Joseph Waugh, Litchfield County, Connecticut to Ross County Ohio and then Whitley County Indiana. family.gradeless.com/waugh.htm. (A work in progress). (9/3/2006). Donald Gradeless, 1402 East 225 South, Winona Lake, IN 46590-2041. Email: DrG@gradeless.com.   Website: http://family.gradeless.com.

WAUGH - see Gradeless, Grayless.

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WEAVER - see Coverstone, Green.

WEBB - see Rollins.

WEBER - see Haneline.

HENELINE - see Haneline.

WEEKS - see Sheets.

WELSHEIMER — I am searching for information covering the 'WELSHEIMER' family that lived in Columbia City. My father was born in Columbia City in 1903, his father was William Lee WELSHEIMER. William Lee WELSHEIMER was a contractor that build the city courthouse at the turn of the century. (3/2/2003). Richard L. Welsheimer, 80304 S. Edwards Rd., Hermiston, Oregon 97838 Ph/Fax: 1-877-321-1141 (Toll Free) Email: SageBrushCity@eoni.com

WELTY — I am searching for information on Ernest O. Welty. He was living in Washington Township where he died on May 12, 1954. If you have any information regarding him or his family members, please write. (7/29/2000). Donita Campbell Taggett, 162 Van Buren Road, Limestone, Maine 04750. Email : donita@ainop.com.

WEMPNER - see Wampner.

WENDEL - see House.

WHITAKER - see Hughes.

WHITE — My great great grandfather was Edward WHITE. I found him in Smith township, Whitley County in the census for 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880. I have been unable to find his Obit. or where he is buried at. I believe he was born around 1814 in New York and died around November of 1880 in Whitley County. Also his wife Mary A. born around 1822 in Penn. and died around the 1866 in Whitley County, I'm not sure of her death date. Any information on them would be greatly appreciated. I believe that they came to Whitley County around the middle or early 1840's. (3/12/20005 New Email). (10/8/2005 New Email). Marchelle McBride, 1130N 25W Albion, IN 46701. Email:marchelle@ligtel.com

WHITE - see Huff, Jackson.

WHITEHEAD - see Whiteman.

WHITEMAN — I am looking for information about my great-grandmother who was married in Whitley County. It is generally given as Alverda WHITEMAN, but I have also seen her first name given as Alverdia, and her last name as WHITMAN and WHITEHEAD. She is listed [book 3:115] as obtaining a marriage license November 27, 1878 to marry Andrew J. BRIGGS, under the name Alverdia WHITEMAN. Her spouse's name was in fact Andrew J. BIGGS. They later moved to Denver, Indiana, and then Peru, Indiana, where my grandmother Pearl BIGGS was born in 1896. (3/11/2006). Ed Jefferies, 630 Fulton Avenue, Rochester, In 46975. EdJefferies@rtcol.com.

WHITMAN - see Whiteman.

WILLIAMSON - see Hill.

WILLITS — I am requesting any information regarding WILLITS. I have my grandfather Leon Mason WILLITS b. 1900 in Columbia City, IN. Leon was the son of Jacob Allen WILLITS b. 1862 and Winnie Jane MASON WILLITS (they married in Columbia City in 1899). My great grandfather JACOB owned a book and wallpaper store which he sold in Columbia City in 1889 before going to Oklahoma (he was a Sooner). I have other WILLITS information.. On Rachel, John, James, Henry, Jane Belle, Sary Anne, Eugene and other WILLITS with date from 1801 forward. If anyone has other info, I would love to share. Thanks, (5/11/2000). Julianne Willits Simon Begley, 9214 Ridge Grove St., San Antonio, TX 78250-4007. Email: KidzRGone@satx.rr.com.

WILlits - see Mason.

WILT - see Dull.

WINCE — Whitley County WINCE family researcher (4/97): - Linda E. Hollenbaugh, 10765 South Raber Road 92, Roanoke, IN 46783.

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WINDEL - see House.

WINDLE — Descendants of Peter & Cynthia (GRADELESS) WINDLE (8/96). (9/3/2006). Donald Gradeless, 1402 East 225 South, Winona Lake, IN 46590-2041. Email: DrG@gradeless.com.   Website: http://family.gradeless.com.

WINDLE — Susanna WINDLE (1836/8-1909), daughter of Peter WINDLE (1799-1860) and Elizabeth SMITH (c. 1809-1888) married 1857 Richard Wheeler TUCKER (1836-1864/70). He was the son of Hosea TUCKER (1808-1859) and Catherine GARRISON (1812-1887). (5/98). Fredric Z. Saunders, 5186 S. Cobble Creek Rd. #6K, Salt Lake City, UT 84117-6723. Email: fzsaund@ix.netcom.com.

WINDLE - see Hazen.

WIRTS — Looking for information regarding Samuel WIRTS, buried in Sandbank cemetery in Jefferson Township. Also know there was a John and Mary WIRTS that resided in Whitley County. Their son, Samuel, was born April 18, 1850, in Whitley County and died June 29, 1933, in Huntington County. I do not know any of Samuel's siblings at this time. Any help is appreciated. (1/30/2000). Gwen Furnas, 6362 S. Appaloosa Drive, Columbia City, IN 46725. E-mail: gfurnas@whitleynet.org.

WISE - see Brown.

WITHAM - see Boggs.

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WOEMPNER - see Wampner.

WOHLFORT - see Luecke.

WOLCOTT - see Craig.

WOLF - see Hummel.

WOLFE — Am looking for information Ervin E. WOLFE. Born 1892 Died 1943. Buried in South Whitley cemetery. Married to Hazel L. Would like to know her maiden name, they were parents of my father H. Eugene WOLFE,would also like any information on him, all I know he was born 1923 died 1950. I was only three. (2/17/2001). KathyMahoney, 16 Allen Harvey Road, Crawfordville, FL 32327. Email: katmahoney02@msn.com.

WOOD - see Craig.

WOODEN - see Barnes.

WUNDERLICH - see Trembley.

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YOUNT - see Gray.

YOUNG — Names I am research in Whitley County:   Christopher C. YOUNG (9/9/1824 to 3/10/1867 buried Round Lake Cemetery, Whitley County ) married to Mary Ann Arnett (Arnott, Arnet) (3/21/1831 Darke County Ohio to 8/31/1881 Whitley County, Indiana; 2nd marriage to P. McMAHON).   Children:  Joseph YOUNG (born 8/29/1849 Darke County Ohio); Amsigh YOUNG (born 10/23/1851 Darke County Ohio); Manual YOUNG (born 10/1/1853 Darke County Ohio); Harvey J. YOUNG (born 11/18/1855 Darke County Ohio to 10/3/1915 Noble County, Indiana married Emma DAVIS 5/19/1881 Noble County, Indiana); Amanda YOUNG (ALBERT) (born 5/1/1858) married David ALBERT; Sarah A. YOUNG (EGOLF) (born 9/24/1861) married Jeremiah E. EGOLF; Suzanne (Susanna) YOUNG (MAGGART) (born 5/1/1864) married George MAGGART. (2/22/2003). Michael Young, 3397 East Magley Lane, Columbia City, IN 46725. Telephone: (260)  691-3007. Email:   MichaelGY@kconline.com.

YOUNG — Am researching the family of Robert 1805 - 1860 and Mary Catharine (Clay) 1806 - 1872 YOUNG from Stark County Ohio. Came to Whitley County, IN in 1853 and later moved to Wabash County, IN. Their children were: John P. YOUNG - married Mary Ann MISHLER and lived North Manchester.  Caroline YOUNG - married Jacob FOX and lived near South Whitley.  Mary Ann YOUNG - married Noah PRITCHARD and lived in Whitley County.  Andrew YOUNG - died young???  Elizabeth YOUNG - died young???  Henrietta Emaline YOUNG - married Milo MARTIN and lived near South Whitley and later at Red Cloud Nebraska.  George W. YOUNG - married Nancy SMITH - lived at Disko, IN. Later married Mary PARCEL and lived at Columbia City, IN (George is my gr gr grandfather).  I am interested in contacting descendants of the PRITCHARDs, FOXs, and MARTINs as well as any YOUNGs who might be related. (8/30/2004). Mr. Kris J. Kerlin, 14106 N Bonestead Road, Silver Lake, IN 46982. Email: KJKerlin@yahoo.com

YOUNG - see Richard, Hougendobler.

ZARTMAN - see Anspaugh.

ZELLER - see Langohr.

ZIGLAR - see Macon.

ZIMMERMAN - Looking for information on the Joseph and Walburge ZIMMERMAN family from Columbia City. His son, Englebert owned the Columbia City News in 1863. It was shut down by Gov. Morton because of Democratic leanings. Researching the family. (10/18/2007). Mary Ann Stees, 13 Gunflint Court, Oswego, IL 60543.

ZIMMERMAN - see Douglas.

ZOLMAN - see Henning, Zollman.

ZOLLMAN / ZOLMAN - I am researching this Whitley County family. Any information greatly appreciated. (1/97) Art Reierson, 1922 Cedarbrook Dr., Columbia, SC 29212-2031. E Mail - AReierson@worldnet.att.net.

ZUMBRUN - I am researching this Whitley County family. Any information greatly appreciated. (1/97) Art Reierson, 1922 Cedarbrook Dr., Columbia, SC 29212-2031. E Mail - AReierson@worldnet.att.net.

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