I have extensive information on the Enyeart family.
I am willing to share information I have.
Linda Thompson
1375 N. Miami Street
Wabash, Indiana 46992



Descendants of Orpha Ansel Enyeart



Generation No. 1


1.  ORPHA ANSEL3 ENYEART  (ANDREW2 BELL, GLEN1) was born 30 May 1875 in Wabash County, Indiana, and died 04 January 1939 in South Whitley,  Whitley County, Indiana.  He married (1) MYRTLE CARROLL 23 February 1899 in Huntington County, Indiana, daughter of JOHN CARROLL and MATILDA BEAVER.  She was born 27 November 1876 in Indiana, and died 07 December 1922 in Marion, Grant County, Indiana.  He married (2) MARY ELLEN LONG 04 October 1924 in Whitley County, Indiana, daughter of ABRAHAM LONG and CATHERINE HOUK.  She was born 05 April 1869 in Darke County, Ohio, and died 28 July 1949 in South Whitley, Whitley County, Indiana.



   Marriage record for Orpha A. Enyeart and Myrtle Carroll on file in Huntington, Indiana in book L ..... page 413 ...  Date of marriage is February 23, 1899.    ( Also in book A - 5 ..... page 12)


Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941 from Ancestry:


Name: Myrtle Carroll

Spouse Name: Orpha A. Enyeart

Marriage Date: 23 Feb 1899

Marriage County: Huntington 

Source Title 1: Huntington County Indiana 

Source Title 2: Marriage Records 1883-1900 

Source Title 3: Part I - Index of Grooms Part II - Index of Brides 

Book: L 

OS Page: 413 


1900 Census from Ancestry: Marion, Center Township, Grant County, Indiana

Roll T623_373 ... Page 14A ... Ed 26 ... Image 27 ... sheet 14A ... line 18 ... household 294 ... family 312


   O. A. (indexed as C. A.) Enyeart is 24 - born May 1876 in Indiana. Both of his parents were born in Indiana. His occupation is to faint to read. Wife Myrtle is 23 - born November 1876 in Indiana. Both of her parents were born in Indiana. They have been married 1 year. She was mother of 1 child with no children living.


1910 Census from Ancestry: Pleasant Township, Wabash County, Indiana

Roll T624_386 ... Page 10B ... ED 162 ... Image 561 ... sheet 10B ... line 69 ... household 246 .. family 251


   Orpha A. (indexed as Irpha) Enyeart is 39 - born in Indiana as were both of his parents. His occupation is farmer - general farm. Wife Myrtle (indexed as Myletter) is 34 - born in Indiana as were both of her parents. They have been married 11 years. She was mother of 7 children with 6 children living. Son Ralph is 19 - born in Indiana. Son Charley (indexed as Chorae) is 7 - born in Indiana. Son Frank is 7 - born in Indiana. Daughter Emily L. is 3 - born in Indiana. Daughter Dortha is 10 months - born in Indiana. Son Dorey is 10 months - born in Indiana.


(Where is daughter Ruth in this census?Could she actually be Emily?)


World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 from Ancestry:


Name: Orpha Ansel Enyeart

City: Not Stated 

County: Whitley 

State: Indiana 

Birth Date: 30 May 1875

Race: White 

Roll: 1653175 

DraftBoard: 0 

Age:  43

Occupation: farmer

Nearest Relative: Myrtle Enyeart, R.F.D. 1, South Whitley, Indiana

Height:  medium

Build: medium

Color of Eyes:  blue

Color of Hair:  brown

Signature: Orpha Ansel Enyeart     .....     Date: September 12, 1918


1920 Census from Heritage Quest:  Cleveland Township, Whitley County, Indiana

Series T625 ... Roll 473 ... Page 134 ... sheet 3B ... line 89 ... household 76 ... family 76


   Orphia Enyeart is 44 - born in Indiana as were both of his parents. His occupation is manager - general farm. Wife Myrtle is 43 - born in Indiana as were both of her parents. Son Ralph is 18 - born in Indiana. His occupation is laborer in a factory. Son Charley is 16 - born in Indiana. His occupation is laborer - general farm. Son Frank is 16 - born in Indiana. his occupation is laborer - general farm. Daughter Ruth is 12 - born in Indiana. Son Dorsey is 11 - born in Indiana.


(If Ruth is 12 in this census, where is she in the 1910 census?)


Whitley County, Indiana   Marriage Books 8-16   (1911 - most of 1938)   GROOMS  "E"

     as found at:  http://www.kinexxions.com/marriages3/grooms-e.htm


Groom                                             Bride                       Date -              Book:          Page


ENYEART, Orphia Ansel     Mary Ellen BENNER    October 4, 1924    - Book 9:        424


1930 Census from Ancestry:  South Whitley, Cleveland Township, Whitley County, Indiana

Roll T626_639 ... Page 7B ... ED 1 ... Image 199 ... sheet 7B ... line 76 ... household 211 ... family 211


   Orpha A. Enyart is 54 - born in Indiana as were both of his parents. His occupation is laborer- odd jobs. Wife Mary E. is 61 - born in Ohio as were both of her parents. Also in the home: Mavis I. Vergon is 11 - born in Indiana. She is listed as granddaughter. Charles L. Vergon is 4 - born in Indiana. He is listed as grandson.


(Mavis and Charles would be Mary's grandchildren from a previous marriage.)


From the South Whitley Tribune in South Whitley, Indiana ... Thursday, January 5, 1939


   Orpha Enyeart, 63, well known resident of South Whitley, died at his home here at 5:30 o'clock Wednesday morning, of a sudden stroke of apoplexy. He had been in his usual good health upon retiring Tuesday night and death came quite unexpectedly.

   Mr. Enyeart's father died when the former was a small child, and his mother, Mrs. Amanda Enyeart Bell, died many years ago. He was born May 30, 1875, in Wabash County, and had been a resident of Cleveland Township for the past twenty-seven years. His first marriage, to Myrtle Carroll, occurred in 1899,and his second marriage, to Mrs. Ellen Benner, took place in October, 1924. Mr. Enyeart was a retired farmer.

   The widow and three children survive: Charles Enyeart of Fort Wayne, Frank Enyeart of South Whitley, and Mrs. Harold Hile of Columbia City; three step-children: Lloyd Miller of South Whitley, Mrs. Ida Smith of North Manchester, and John M. Benner of South Bend; and nineteen grandchildren. One half- brother, of Mt. Etna, and one half-sister, of Marion, also survive.

   Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the South Whitley United Brethren Church with Rev. F. A. Risley, church pastor, officiating.

   Interment will be made in the local cemetery.   



>From the South Whitley Tribune in South Whitley, Indiana ... Thursday, December 7, 1922


   Mrs. Myrtle Enyeart, wife of Arthur Enyeart, residing five miles northeast of south Whitley, died at a hospital in Marion Thursday morning, following an operation on Tuesday, for gallstones. She was taken to the hospital last Sunday following a severe attack from the disease.

   Deceased was about forty-five years of age and is survived by her mother, Mrs. Carroll of Marion, the husband, two sons, Frank and Charles and one daughter, Ruth. All the children are at home.

   Miller & Pook went to Marion for the remains today (Thursday) noon.

   Funeral arrangements not completed.


(The husband should be Orpha instead of Arthur.)


South Whitley Funeral Home Records   Whitley County, Indiana

 from Notebooks at the South Whitley Library 

              as found at:  http://www.kinexxions.com/funeral/swf-e.htm


Name of Deceased          Funeral       Part        Page         Year


Enyeart, Myrtle                  1861           2             61           1922


South Whitley Funeral Home Records from the notebooks at the South Whitley Public Library

     as found at: http://www.kinexxions.com/funeral/1922.pdf


funeral 1861      Myrtle Enyeart                      date of death: December 7, 1922           age: 46y

pt 2 pg 61          residence: Washington Township

funeral: Eberhard Church                               buried: South Whitley Cemetery December 10, 1922

bill: No name noted                                          comments: died at Marion, Indiana


Found at:   http://home.whitleynet.org/genealogy/cem09.htm

South Whitley Cemetery in Cleveland Township, Whitley County Indiana


Myrtle Enyeart - born 1876   died 1922  -- So. Whitley  T-7-9





Whitley County Indiana Marriages 1838-1910

     as found at: http://www.kinexxions.com/marriages1/brides/bl.htm


      Bride                              Groom                         Date                    Book              Page


LONG, Mary E        to   Nathan L MILLER    on   January 24, 1891    - Book 4:           571


Whitley County Indiana Marriages 1838-1910

     as found at:  http://www.kinexxions.com/marriages1/grooms/gb.htm


     Bride                               Groom                         Date                     Book             Page


MILLER, Mary Ellen    to   John T BENNER    on   June 17, 1896        - Book 5:          425


Index to Whitley County, Indiana     Marriage Books 8-16     (1911 - most of 1938)     Brides


        Bride                                     Groom                                  Date                     Book:   Page


BENNER, Mary Ellen    to    Orphia Ansel ENYEART    on    October 4, 1924    - Book 9:   424


From the South Whitley Tribune in South Whitley, Indiana ... Thursday, august 4, 1949


   Funeral services were held at 2:00 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Evangelical United Brethren Church in South Whitley for Mrs. Mary E. Enyeart. She died last Thursday afternoon at the home of a son, Lloyd Miller, following an illness of seven months. Rev. Roy McGrath officiated at the service. Burial was in the South Whitley Cemetery.

   Mrs. Enyeart was born in Darke County, Ohio, and was 80 years old at the time of her death. Her husband, Orpha Enyeart, died a number of years ago. Surviving besides the son, Lloyd Miller, is a son, John Benner of South Bend; a daughter, Mrs. Charles smith, Collamer; two step-sons, Russell Benner, Richmond, and Frank Enyeart of South Whitley; three step-daughters, Mrs. Harold Hile, Columbia City, Mrs. George Waler, Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Mrs. Gertrude Pritchard, Fort Wayne; also 25 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.

   Mrs. Enyeart was a member of the South Whitley Evangelical United Brethren Church.


South Whitley Cemetery in Cleveland Township, Whitley County, Indiana

     as found at:  http://genealogy.whitleynet.org/cem09.htm


         Name                               Details                                                       Location Key

Miller Mary Ellen      born 1869   died 1949 - wife of Nathan            South Whitley  -W -6 -15 -2


Miller Nathan I     --- died January 4 1894 --- aged 25 years 5 months 7 days --- Mary Ellen

                                                                                                                 South Whitley  -W -6 -15






   i.    MERIA4 ENYEART, b. Bet. 1899 - 1900; d. Bef. 1900.



Not sure if this is the right Meria or not:


Indiana Deaths, 1882-1920 from Ancestry:


Name: Meria G. Enyeart

Date: 7 Jul 1905

LOCATION: Huntington County 

Age: 11 mon 

Gender: Female 

Race: White 

Source Location: County Auditor Office, Huntington 

Source Notes:  book A-7 on page 59 


(If this is the right child, then who was the child that died before the 1900 census?)




  ii.    RALPH ENYEART, b. 09 July 1901, Huntington County, Indiana; d. 07 June 1920, Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana.


Notes for RALPH ENYEART: From the South Whitley Tribune in South Whitley, Indiana ... Thursday, June 10, 1920


   Ralph Enyeart, nineteen year old son of Orphas and Myrtle Enyeart, who reside on a farm a short distance south of town, died at the Fort Wayne Lutheran Hospital at midnight, Monday, June 7, from injuries received Sunday afternoon when the Overland car he was driving left the road near the Sam Albright farm north of town, and landed in the ditch. The young man was pinned beneath the steering wheel and a portion of the metal frame of the windshield pierced his left lung. He was removed to the office of Dr. Hart, for first aid and thence to the Lutheran Hospital in Miller & Fisher's ambulance.

   Ralph with his two brothers, Frank and Harley Enyeart and Harold Kreider, were driving to Tri Lakes, the occupants say at a rate of about twenty miles an hour when the car suddenly left the road, landing on its side. Immediately after the crash the other boys freed the victim form the steering wheel and finding the piece of frame sticking in his body, pulled it out with the result that the victim breathed with great difficulty and the blood rushed forth freely. After the doctor closed the wound he breathed more freel. Further examination at the hospital showed the lungs were filling with blood. Realizing that the end was not far off his relatives were called and they remained at his side until the end.

   Ralph Enyeart was born in Huntington County, July 9, 1901, being but a few weeks short of twenty years of age. The family moved to Cleveland Township a few years ago, locating on the farm near South Whitley.

   He had been employed at the Grip Nut Factory during winter months and assisted on the farm during the summer. He was an industrious youth and well liked by his associates.

   Besides the parents, three brothers, Frank, Harley and Dorsey, and one sister, Ruth, survive him.

   Funeral services were held at the U. B. Church Wednesday afternoon.  Rev. Nicodemus officiating. Burial was in the South Whitley Cemetery.


South Whitley Funeral Home Records  as found at:  http://www.kinexxions.com/funeral/1920.pdf


funeral 1744    Ralph Enyeart                            date of death: June 7, 1920                  age: 19y

pt 2 pg 39        residence: Cleveland Township

funeral: U. B. Church                                         buried: South Whitley Cemetery June 10, 1920

bill: O. Enyeart                                                   cause of death: Shock from Auto Accident


2. iii.  CHARLES 'CHARLEY' ENYEART, b. 1902, Indiana; d. 1941.

3. iv.  FRANK ENYEART, b. 16 July 1902, Huntington, Huntington County, Indiana; d. 28 June 1996, South Whitley, Whitley County, Indiana.

4. v.   RUTH LEONA ENYEART, b. 29 January 1907, Wabash County, Indiana; d. 12 November 1989, Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana.

vi.    DORSEY ENYEART, b. 14 August 1909, Indiana; d. 01 November 1921, South Whitley, Whitley County, Indiana.



South Whitley Funeral Home Records as found at: http://www.kinexxions.com/funeral/1921.pdf


funeral 1807    Dorsey Enyeart                    date of death: November 1, 1921           age: 12y 2m 18d

pt 2 pg 51        residence: Columbia Township

funeral: Eberhard Church                            buried: South Whitley Cemetery November 3, 1921

bill: No name noted                                       cause of death: Bronchial Pneumonia


vii.    DORTHA ENYEART, b. 14 August 1909, Indiana; d. Bet. 1910 - 1920.


Notes for DORTHA ENYEART:Not sure this is the right Dortha.


Indiana Deaths, 1882-1920 from Ancestry:

Name: Dortha Enyeart

Date: 1911

LOCATION: Wabash County 

Age: 1 yr 

Gender: Female 

Race: White 

Source Location: County Health Office, Warsaw 

Source Notes:  book H-27 on page 22 





Generation No. 2


2.  CHARLES 'CHARLEY'4 ENYEART (ORPHA ANSEL3, ANDREW2 BELL, GLEN1) was born 1902 in Indiana, and died 1941.  He married MARY A. WISE 15 September 1928 in Whitley County, Indiana.  She was born 1907 in Indiana.



Whitley County, Indiana   Marriage Books 8-16   (1911 - most of 1938)   GROOMS  "E"

     as found at:  http://www.kinexxions.com/marriages3/grooms-e.htm


Groom                                  Bride                    Date -                       Book:              Page


ENYEART, Charley         Mary WISE      September 15, 1928      - Book 10:             392


1930 Census from Ancestry:  Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana

Roll T626_575 ... Page 26A ... ED 26 ... Image 493 ... sheet 26A ... line 22 ... household 673 ... family 634


   Charles Enyeart is 28 - born in Indiana as were both of his parents. His occupation is shipping clerk - ice cream factory. Wife Mary A. is 23 - born in Indiana as were both of her parents. Daughter Joan M. is six months - born in Indiana. Alos living in the home is Herbert F. Wise 32 - born in Indiana. His occupation is laborer in electric factory. He is listed a lodger. Zoa E. Brock is 19 - born in Indiana. She is listed as lodger.


South Whitley Cemetery in Cleveland Township, Whitley County Indiana

     as found at:  http://home.whitleynet.org/genealogy/cem09.htm


Enyeart Charley - born 1902 died 1941 - South Whitley-T-8-22





5.        i.    JOAN M.5 ENYEART, b. 1930, Indiana.



3.  FRANK4 ENYEART (ORPHA ANSEL3, ANDREW2 BELL, GLEN1) was born 16 July 1902 in Huntington, Huntington County, Indiana, and died 28 June 1996 in South Whitley, Whitley County, Indiana.  He married EFFIE MAE PERRY 23 December 1922 in Whitley County, Indiana, daughter of JOHN PERRY and MARY EBERHARD.  She was born 11 April 1902 in Columbia Township, Whitley County, Indiana, and died 14 October 1990 in Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana.



Taken from the Indiana Births, 1880-1920 as found at Ancestry:


   Male Inyart was born 16 August 1902 in Huntington County, Indiana.    Book H-10 ... page 44.


 Father is listed as Orpha Inyart.        Mother is listed as Myrtle Carroll.


Whitley County, Indiana   Marriage Books 8-16   (1911 - most of 1938)   GROOMS  "E"

     as found at:  http://www.kinexxions.com/marriages3/grooms-e.htm


Groom                                  Bride                    Date -                       Book:              Page


ENYEART, Frank            Effie PERRY    December 23, 1922       - Book 9:               319


1930 Census from Ancestry:  South Whitley, Cleveland Township, Whitley County, Indiana

Roll T626_639 ... Page 1B ... ED 1 ... Image 187 ... sheet 1B ... line 62 ... household 19 ... family 19


   Frank Enyart is 27 - born in Indiana as were both of his parents. His occupation is Laborer - machine shop. Wife Effie M. is 27 - born in Indiana as were both of her parents. They have been married 7 years. Daughter Leila M. is 6 - born in Indiana. Son John A. is 4 years 9 months - born in Indiana. Daughter Mary F. is 6 months - born in Indiana. Son Charles D. is 6 months - born in Indiana.


(According to the above Social Security index, Charles age is wrong.)


From the Post and Mail in Columbia City, Indiana ... Friday, June 26, 1996


   Frank Enyeart, 93, of South Whitley, died at 4:50 a.m. today, June 28, 1996, at Whitley Memorial Hospital. He had been hospitalized since Sunday. Mr. Enyeart had resided at Miller's Merry Manor since August 18, 1995.

   He was born July 16, 1902, in Wabash County, a son of Orpha and Myrtle Carroll Enyeart. As a young boy, his family moved to Cleveland Township where he was educated in the Kinsey School.

   His employment included S. F. Bowser's in Fort Wayne for 20 years as a machinist and Fox Products for 10 years.

   On December 23, 1922, he was married to Effie Mae Perry. Mrs. Enyeart died on October 14, 1990.

   He was a member of the South Whitley Church of the Brethren, South Whitley VFW Father's Auxiliary, Cleveland Township Conservation Club, and he was a South Whitley fireman for more than 30 years.

   Surviving are his daughter, Leila Riebe of Modesto, California; sons, Charles 'Bud' Enyeart of South Whitley and John Enyeart of Columbia City; nine grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.

   A daughter, Mary Frances Zent; three brothers, Charley, Ralph and Dorsy; and three sisters, Ruth Hile, Dortha Enyeart and Meria Enyeart, are deceased.

   The funeral will be at 2 p.m.  Monday at Smith and Sons Miller Chapel in south Whitley. Visitation at the funeral home is from 3 to 7 p.m. Sunday. Burial will be at South Whitley Cemetery.

   For those who wish, memorials may be made to the American Diabetes Association.


Enyeart service


   The funeral for Frank Enyeart, 93, was Monday, July 1, 1996, at Smith and Sons Miller Chapel in South Whitley with the Rev. J. Phillip Blake officiating.

   Taped selections included :In The Garden" and "The Old Rugged Cross."

   Burial was at South Whitley Cemetery. Serving as pallbearers were Jeff Enyeart, Wendall Enyeart, Mike Sands, Greg Byers, Ron Byers, Bill Hurd and Ron Gardner.

   Mr. Enyeart died June 28.


From the South Whitley Tribune in South Whitley, Indiana ... Wednesday, July 3, 1996


   Frank Enyeart, 93, of South Whitley, died at 4:50 a.m., June 28, 1996, at Whitley Memorial Hospital. Mr. Enyeart resided at Miller's Merry Manor since August 18, 1995.

   He was born July 16, 1902, in Wabash County, a son of Orpha and Myrtle Carroll Enyeart. As a young boy, his family moved to Cleveland Township where he was educated in the Kinsey School.

   His employment included S. F. Bowser's in Fort Wayne for 20 years as a machinist and Fox Products for 10 years.

   On December 23, 1922, he was married to Effie Mae Perry. Mrs. Enyeart died on October 14, 1990.

   He was a member of the South Whitley Church of the Brethren, South Whitley VFW Father's Auxiliary, Cleveland Township Conservation Club, and he was a South Whitley fireman for more than 30 years.

   Surviving are his daughter, Leila Riebe of Modesto, California; sons, Charles 'Bud' Enyeart of South Whitley and John Enyeart of Columbia City; nine grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.

   He was preceded in death by a daughter, three brothers and three sisters.

   Funeral services were held Monday, July 1st at Smith and Sons Miller Chapel in south Whitley. Burial was at South Whitley Cemetery.

   For those who wish, memorials may be made to the American Diabetes Association.


Social Security Death Index from Ancestry:



SSN:    309-20-6061

Last Residence:    46787  South Whitley, Whitley, IN

Born:    16 Jul 1902         

Died:    28 Jun 1996

State (Year) SSN issued:    IN (Before 1951 )


South Whitley Cemetery in Cleveland Township, Whitley County Indiana

     as found at:  http://home.whitleynet.org/genealogy/cem09.htm


     Name                             — Details —                                  Location Key

Enyeart Effie M        - born 1902 died 1990 - Frank         - South Whitley-O-3-10-2

Enyeart Frank          - born 1902 died 1996 - Effie           - South Whitley-O-3-10




Found at:  http://home.whitleynet.org/genealogy/cem09.htm


South Whitley Cemetery in Cleveland Township, Whitley County Indiana


Effie M Enyeart - born 1902 died 1990 - Frank - South Whitley-O-3-10-2


From the Tribune News in South Whitley, Indiana ... Wednesday, October 17, 1990


   Effie Mae ENYEART, 88, of 201 N. Line Street, South Whitley, died at 3:03 p.m. Sunday, October 14, at Parkview Memorial Hospital in Fort Wayne. She had lived at Columbia City Community Care Center and had been ill for three years.

   Mrs. Enyeart was born April 11, 1902, in Columbia Township, to John Albert and Mary (Eberhard) Perry.

   She was married to Frank Enyeart on  December 23, 1922, and had lived in South Whitley since their marriage.

   Mrs. Enyeart was a member of the South Whitley Church of the Brethren.

   Surviving are her husband Frank; two sons, Charles of South Whitley and John of Columbia City; a daughter, Mrs. George (Leilla Mae) Riebe of Modesto, California; nine grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren.

   A daughter, Mary Francis Zent; and brothers Cleo Perry and Earl Perry are deceased.

   The funeral will be at DeMoney-Grimes Countryside Park Funeral Home at 10 a.m. Thursday, October 18, with the Rev. Vernon Stineman officiating.

    Burial will be at South Whitley Cemetery.


From the Post and Mail in Columbia City, Indiana ... Wednesday, October 17, 1990


   Effie Mae ENYEART, 88, of 201 N. Line Street, South Whitley, died at 3:03 p.m. Sunday, October 14, at Parkview Memorial Hospital in Fort Wayne. She had lived at Columbia City Community Care Center and had Been ill for three years.

   Mrs. Enyeart was born April 11, 1902, in Columbia Township, to John Albert and Mary (Eberhard) Perry.

   She was married to Frank Enyeart on  December 23, 1922, and had lived in South Whitley since their marriage.

   Mrs. Enyeart was a member of the South Whitley Church of the Brethren.

   Surviving are her husband Frank; sons, Charles of South Whitley and John of Columbia City; a daughter, Mrs. George (Leilla Mae) Riebe of Modesto, California; nine grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren.

   A daughter, Mary Francis Zent; brothers Cleo Perry and Earl Perry are deceased.

   The funeral will be at DeMoney-Grimes Countryside Park Funeral Home at 10 a.m. Thursday. Friends may call there on Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.  The Rev. Vernon Stinebaugh will officiate.    Burial will be at South Whitley Cemetery.


Memorials request made by Enyeart family


   The family of Effie M. Enyeart, 88, who died Sunday, October 14, has requested memorials be made to the Bethesda Lutheran Home in Watertown, Wisconsin. These may be submitted to DeMoney0Grimes Countryside Park Funeral Home where Mrs. Enyeart's funeral will be at 10 a.m. Thursday. Visitation is today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.

   Mrs. Enyeart is survived by her husband Frank; two sons, a daughter, nine grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren, two step-grandsons and two step-great-granddaughters.


Calling hours today for Effie M. Enyeart, 88


   Friends may call today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at DeMoney-Grimes Countryside Park Funeral Home for Effie M. Enyeart, 88, South Whitley.

   The service will be at 10 a.m. Thursday at the funeral home.


Enyeart service


   The funeral for Effie Mae Enyeart, 88, was Thursday at DeMoney-Grimes Countryside Park Funeral Home with the Rev. Vernon Stinebaugh, pastor emeritus of South Whitley Church of the Brethren, officiating.

   Lulu Eberhard was organist and Judy Thompson sang "Beyond the Sunset" and "Beautiful Garden of Prayer."

   Casket bearers were Jeff Enyeart, Wendell Enyeart, Greg Byers, Mike Sands, Greg Brockhaus, Dennis Waybright, Ben Warner, Joe Metzger and Joe Huffman.

   Interment was at South Whitley Cemetery. South Whitley Fire Department members Terry Ulshafer, Larry Lancaster, Larry Heeter, Clint Hatton, Duane Loc, Tom Kessie, Preston Bolinger, Dan Porter, Dan Bolinger, Mike Sands and Allen Wehr, paid their respects at the funeral home Wednesday.


Social Security Death Index from Ancestry:



SSN:    314-01-2879

Born:    11 Apr 1902        

Died:    14 Oct 1990

State (Year) SSN issued:    IN (Before 1951 )




Children of FRANK ENYEART and EFFIE PERRY are:

6. i.    LEILLA MAE5 ENYEART, b. 10 November 1923, South Whitley, Whitley County, Indiana; d. 25 January 2007, Escondido, San Diego County, California.

  ii.    JOHN A. ENYEART, b. 1925, Indiana.

7. iii.  CHARLES D. 'BUD' ENYEART, b. 12 February 1926, South Whitley, Whitley County, Indiana; d. 20 November 2000, Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana.

iv.    MARY FRANCES ENYEART, b. 22 September 1929; d. 20 March 1975; m. UNKNOWN ZENT.



Social Security Death Index from Ancestry:


Name: Mary Zent

SSN: 311-28-8226 

Born: 22 Sep 1929

Died: Mar 1975

State (Year) SSN issued: Indiana (Before 1951 )





4.  RUTH LEONA4 ENYEART (ORPHA ANSEL3, ANDREW2 BELL, GLEN1) was born 29 January 1907 in Wabash County, Indiana, and died 12 November 1989 in Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana.  She married HAROLD BURDELL HILE 25 September 1926 in Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana, son of THURLO HILE and EFFIE MADISON.  He was born 14 July 1905 in Green Township, Noble County, Indiana, and died 06 January 1973 in Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana.



Index to Whitley County, Indiana   Marriage Books 8-16   (1911 - most of 1938)   BRIDES  "E"

     as found at: http://www.kinexxions.com/marriages3/brides-e.htm


Bride                                        Groom                               Date                   - Book:        Page


ENYEART, Ruth Leona     Harold Berdell HILE       September 25, 1926     - Book 10:    120


1930 Census from Ancestry: Fort Wayne, Ward 4, Wayne Township, Allen County, Indiana

Roll 575 ... Page 2A ... ED 18 ... Image 5 ... sheet 2A ... line 1 ... household 24 ... family 35


   Harold Hile is 24 - born in Indiana as were both of his parents. His occupation is wire drawer - electrical factory. Wife Ruth is 23 - born in Indiana as were both of her parents. They have been married 3 years. Son Max is 2 years 4 months - born in Indiana. Son Ronald (indexed as Roland) is 5 months - born in Indiana.


Social Security Death Index from Ancestry:


Name: Ruth L. Hile

SSN: 303-10-3126 

Born: 29 Jan 1907

Died: Nov 1989

State (Year) SSN issued: Indiana (Before 1951 )


Wolf Lake Cemetery, 8/10 mile north of Wolf Lake, Noble County, Indiana

     as found at: http://www.rootsweb.com/~innoble/Cemeteries/WLake.htm


Hile, Ruth L          1907 - 1989    ~WL 4-2

Hile, Harold B       1905 - 1973    ~WL 4-2




Family Data Collection - Individual Records from Ancestry:


Name: Harold Burdell Hile

Parents: Thurlow Cleveland Hile , Effie Mae Madison 

Birth Place: Noble, Albion, IN

Birth Date: 14 Jul 1905

Death Date: 6 Jan 1973


Social Security Death Index from Ancestry:


Name: Harold Hile

SSN: 309-14-8861 

Last Residence: 46725  Columbia City, Whitley, Indiana, United States of America

Born: 14 Jul 1905

Died: Jan 1973

State (Year) SSN issued: Indiana (Before 1951 )




Children of RUTH ENYEART and HAROLD HILE are:

8. i.    MAX E.5 HILE, b. 22 July 1927, Whitley County, Indiana.

9. ii.   RONALD HUGH HILE, b. 04 November 1929, Whitley County, Indiana.



Generation No. 3


5.  JOAN M.5 ENYEART (CHARLES 'CHARLEY'4, ORPHA ANSEL3, ANDREW2 BELL, GLEN1) was born 1930 in Indiana.  She married HARRY KELLY. 



   i.    THOMAS ALLEN6 KELLY, b. 25 May 1959, Whitley County, Indiana; m. PATRICIA ANN WOLFE, 06 December 1980, Whitley County, Indiana; b. 29 April 1956, Kosciusko County, Indiana.



6.  LEILLA MAE5 ENYEART (FRANK4, ORPHA ANSEL3, ANDREW2 BELL, GLEN1) was born 10 November 1923 in South Whitley, Whitley County, Indiana, and died 25 January 2007 in Escondido, San Diego County, California.  She married GEORGE RIEBE.  He was born 04 November 1917 in Wisconsin, and died 09 June 1993 in Medesto, Stanislaus County, California.



U.S. Public Records Index from Ancestry:


Name: Leilla M Riebe

Birth Date: 10 Nov 1923

Street address: 1518 Cherrywood Dr 

City: Modesto 

County: Stanislaus 

State: California 

Zip Code: 95350 

Phone Number: 209-523-8200


Household Members:      Name               Est. Age          Birth Year 

                                   George Riebe     

                                   Leilla M Riebe          83                   1923  

                                   Sarah E Riebe         53                   1953  

                                   William F Riebe        57                   1949  


From the Medesto Bee in Medesto, California ... Wednesday, January 31, 2007


   LEILLA MAE RIEBE    NOV. 10, 1923 - JAN. 25, 2007    Leilla Mae Riebe, 83, passed away January 25, 2007 at Life Care Center of Escondido, CA.

   She was born November 10, 1923 in South Whitley, Indiana. After graduating from high school, Leilla trained as a registered nurse in Chicago. In 1954 she moved with her husband, George, and three children to Modesto, CA where she spent her remaining years as a dedicated mother and homemaker.

   Mrs. Riebe was a longtime member of First Presbyterian Church in downtown Modesto, then was a charter member of Trinity United Presbyterian Church, where she held many offices. Her most special service was as administrative assistant to Pastor Steve for Trinity's membership classes for over 10 years. She was very active in Presbytery and Presbyterian Women as well. She served as volunteer at The Salvation Army and on the Board of Directors for The Retirement Housing Foundation (Ralston Tower).

   She was preceded in death by her husband, George Riebe. Survivors include: her brother, John Enyeart of Columbia City, Indiana; one son, William Riebe, of Giddings, TX; two daughters, Susan Lehman of Gilbert, AZ, and Jane Bartolic of Yorba Linda, CA; and four grandchildren, Jessica Riebe and Aaron Riebe, and Michelle Bartolic and Anton Bartolic. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, February 17, at 3:00 p.m. at Trinity United Presbyterian Church, Modesto, CA.

   In lieu of flowers, memorials may be directed to Hospice or The Salvation Army.






California Death Index, 1940-1997 from Ancestry:



Social Security #: 392078737 

Sex: MALE 

Birth Date: 4 Nov 1917

Birthplace: WISCONSIN 

Death Date: 9 Jun 1993

Death Place: STANISLAUS 

Mother's Maiden Name: PALMER 

Father's Surname:


Social Security Death Index from Ancestry:


Name: George S. Riebe

SSN: 392-07-8737 

Last Residence: 95350  Modesto, Stanislaus, California, United States of America

Born: 4 Nov 1917

Died: 9 Jun 1993

State (Year) SSN issued: Wisconsin (Before 1951 )







   i.    WILLIAM F.6 RIEBE, b. 01 September 1949; m. (1) SARAH ELIZABETH LINN; b. 10 April 1953, Stanislaus County, California; m. (2) JANIS S.; b. 1946.



U.S. Public Records Index from Ancestry: 


Name: William F Riebe                                      Name:  Janis S. Riebe

Birth Date: 1 Sep 1949                                     Birth Date: 0 1946

Street address: 3400 Sullivan CT 178 

City: Modesto 

County: Stanislaus 

State: California 

Zip Code: 95356 

Phone Number: 209-545-0038


Household Members:          Name             Est. Age             Birth Year 

                                      William F Riebe        57                     1949 

                                      Janis S Riebe          61                     1946  


U.S. Public Records Index from Ancestry:


Name: William F Riebe                                       Name: Sarah E. Riebe

Birth Date: 1 Sep 1949                                      Birth Date: 1 Apr 1953  

Street address: 1518 Cherrywood Dr 

City: Modesto 

County: Stanislaus 

State: California 

Zip Code: 95350 

Phone Number: 209-523-8200


Household Members:            Name            Est. Age            Birth Year 

                                     William F Riebe         57                      1949

                                     Sarah E Riebe          53                      1953  







California Birth Index, 1905-1995 from Ancestry:


Name: Sarah Elizabeth Linn

Birth Date: 10 Apr 1953

Gender: Female 

Mother's Maiden Name: Young 

Birth County: Stanislaus 






Notes for SUSAN RIEBE:

U.S. Public Records Index from Ancestry:


Name: Susan Lehman

Street address: 1518 Cherrywood Dr 

City: Modesto 

County: Stanislaus 

State: California 

Zip Code: 95350 

Phone Number: 209


Household Members:    Name             Est. Age          Birth Year 

                              Susan Lehman





iii.    JANE E. RIEBE, b. 03 July 1952; m. RICHARD E. BARTOLIC.


Notes for JANE E. RIEBE:

U.S. Public Records Index from Ancestry:


Name: Jane E Bartolic

Birth Date: 3 Jul 1952

Street address: 5440 Avenida Del Tren 

City: Yorba Linda 

County: Orange 

State: California 

Zip Code: 92887 


Household Members:        Name              Est. Age            Birth Year 

                                Jane E Bartolic             54                     1952  

                                Richard E Bartolic






7.  CHARLES D. 'BUD'5 ENYEART (FRANK4, ORPHA ANSEL3, ANDREW2 BELL, GLEN1) was born 12 February 1926 in South Whitley, Whitley County, Indiana, and died 20 November 2000 in Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana.  He married JUNE M. SCHULTZ 27 September 1947 in South whitley, Whitley County, Indiana, daughter of JOHN TEETER and JANICE. 



Taken from the Journal Gazette in Fort Wayne, Indiana ...Tuesday, Nov. 21,2000


   CHARLES "BUD" D. ENYEART, 74, died Monday at St. Joseph Specialty Care Hospital in Fort Wayne. Born in South Whitley, he retired in 1988 from Gripco.    He had worked at Bowser's in Fort Wayne and at Edgar Sherbahn Construction. He was a World War II Navy aviation veteran. He was a member of the South Whitley-Cleveland Township Fire Department.

      Surviving are his wife, June M.; two sons, Jeffrey L. of South Whitley and Wendell L. of Columbia City; a daughter, Alison E. Gardner of South Whitley; four grandchildren; a great-grandchild; a brother, John of Columbia City; and a sister, Leila Riebe of Modesto, Calif.

   Services at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Smith and Sons Miller Chapel, South Whitley. Calling from 5 to 8 p.m. today. Burial in South Whitley Cemetery.    Memorials to the American Lung Association or Whitley County Humane Society.


From the South Whitley Tribune in South Whitley, Indiana ... Wednesday, November 22, 2000


   Charles D. "Bud" Enyeart, 74, a resident of South Whitley, died Monday morning, November 20, 2000, at St. Joe Specialty Care Hospital in Fort Wayne, where he had been admitted on Friday, November 17. He had been in failing health since October 2000.

   He was born February 12, 1926, in South Whitley, a son of Frank and Effie Mae (Perry) Enyeart. He graduated from South Whitley High School.

   During World War II, he served in the United States Naval Air Corps and was honorably discharged.

   On September 27, 1947, he married June M. Schultz. They have spent their married life in South Whitley, moving to their present home in 1967.

   He was first employed at Bowser's in Fort Wayne, then Edgar Sherbahn Construction, and later Gripco, where he retired in 1988.

   He was a member of South Whitley Church of the Brethren, South Whitley VFW Post 2919, and a 33-year member of the South Whitley-Cleveland Township Fire Department.

   He is survived by his wife, June; two sons, Jeffrey L. (Bernice) Enyeart of South Whitley and Wendell L. Enyeart of Columbia City; a daughter, Mrs. Ronald (Alison E.) Gardner of South Whitley; four grandchildren, Jacqueline, Jeremy and Jayna Enyeart and JoEllen Parker; a great-granddaughter, Brianna Parker; a brother, John Enyeart of Columbia City; and a sister, Leila Riebe of Modesto, California.

   In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a sister, Mary Frances Zent.

   The funeral service was at 2 p.m. Wednesday, November 22, 2000 at Smith and Sons Miller Chapel, South Whitley, with Rev. David Wagner officiating. Burial was in South Whitley Cemetery.

  For those who wish, memorials may be made to the American Lung Association of Whitley County Humane Society.


From the Post and Mail in Columbia City, Indiana ... Tuesday, November 21, 2000


Charles D. 'Bud' Enyeart, 74

February 12, 1926 - November 20, 2000


   Charles D. "Bud" Enyeart, 74, a resident of South Whitley, died Monday morning, November 20, 2000, at St. Joe Specialty Care Hospital in Fort Wayne, where he had been admitted on Friday, November 17. He had been in failing health since October 2000.

  Born February 12, 1926, in South Whitley, a son of Frank and Effie Mae (Perry) Enyeart, he graduated from South Whitley High School.

   During World War II, he served in the United States Naval Air Corps and was honorably discharged.

   On September 27, 1947, he was married to June M. Schultz. They spent their married life in South Whitley, moving to their present home in 1967.

   His first employment was with Bowser's in Fort Wayne, then Edgar Sherbahn Construction and later Gripco, where he retired in 1988.

   He was a member of South Whitley Church of the Brethren,  VFW Post 2919, and a 33-year member of the South Whitley-Cleveland Township Fire Department.

   Survivors include his wife, June; two sons, Jeffrey L. (Bernice) Enyeart, South Whitley and Wendell L. Enyeart, Columbia City; a daughter, Alison E. (Ronald) Gardner, South Whitley; four grandchildren, Jacqueline Enyeart, Jeremy Enyeart, JoEllen Parker and Jayna Enyeart; a great-granddaughter, Brianna Parker; a brother, John Enyeart, Columbia City and a sister, Leila Riebe, Modesto, California.

   In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a sister, Mary Frances Zent.

   The funeral service is 2 p.m. Wednesday, November 22, at Smith and Sons Miller Chapel in South Whitley, with the Rev. David Wagner officiating. Visitation is 5 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home. Burial is at South Whitley Cemetery.

  For those who wish, memorials may be made to the American Lung Association or Whitley County Humane Society.


Enyeart service


     The funeral service for Charles D. 'Bud' Enyeart, 74, was 2 p.m. Wednesday, November 22, 2000 at Smith and Sons Miller Chapel in South Whitley with the Rev. David Wagner officiating.

   A variety of hymns were played during the prelude and postlude including The Old Rugged Cross, In The Garden and Precious Lord, Take My Hand.

   The committal service followed at South Whitley Cemetery. Casketbearers were Jeremy Enyeart, Joe Stephens, Terry Ulshafer, Mike Sands, Tom Warner and Preston Bolinger.

   Mr. Enyeart, husband of June M. Schultz Enyeart, died Monday, November 20.


Social Security Death Index from Ancestry: 



SSN:    311-24-0496

Last Residence:    46156  Milroy, Rush, IN

Born:    12 Feb 1926       

Died:    20 Nov 2000

State (Year) SSN issued:    IN (Before 1951 )


Veteran Burials from:  United States Department of Veterans Affairs as found at:




 S1   US NAVY 


 DATE OF BIRTH: 02/12/1926 

 DATE OF DEATH: 11/20/2000 




 (260) 723-5475 








   i.    JEFFREY L.6 ENYEART, m. (1) JUDY TEETER; m. (2) BERNICE.





8.  MAX E.5 HILE (RUTH LEONA4 ENYEART, ORPHA ANSEL3, ANDREW2 BELL, GLEN1) was born 22 July 1927 in Whitley County, Indiana.  He married JACQUELINE RAMSEY 15 November 1947 in Whitley County, Indiana.  She was born 10 January 1929 in Whitley County, Indiana.











9.  RONALD HUGH5 HILE (RUTH LEONA4 ENYEART, ORPHA ANSEL3, ANDREW2 BELL, GLEN1) was born 04 November 1929 in Whitley County, Indiana.  He married ADA BELLE HERRON 14 July 1949 in Whitley County, Indiana, daughter of DEWEY HERRON and MILDRED BAIR.  She was born 25 August 1929 in Whitley County, Indiana.


Children of RONALD HILE and ADA HERRON are:




Notes for RHONDA HILE:

Rhonda and Larry were divorced.


iii.    RONALD HILE. II, m. JAMIE MATHIAS, Whitley County, Indiana.