Genealogical Society of Whitley County


Illustrated Historical Atlas
of the State of Indiana

Baskin, Forster & Co.
Chicago, 1876


—      WHITLEY COUNTY      —

Pages 277-278


    Whitley is one of the northeastern counties of Indiana. It had a population, in 1870, of 14,399.
    The name is derived from Gen. Whitley, a politician of some note in the early history of the State.
    The surface of the county is diversified, with low grounds and wet prairies, in a few place; but as a rule the land is well drained, and in many parts pleasantly undulating.  In the northern part, there are a number of small lakes, the principal of which are Blue River Lake—the largest in the county, and about a mile in length by half a mile in width; two lakes known as the Cedar Lakes; Crooked Lake, Robinson's Lake, Loon Lake, Round lake, Goose Lake, Old Lake, New Lake, Wilson's Lake and Shriner's Lake; besides these, are several of lesser acres. Robinson's Lake is partly in Kosciusko, and Crooked and Loon Lake are partly in Noble County.
    The principal streams are Eel and Blue Rivers. The former heads in the wet prairies and swamps of Allen County, just east of the northeastern corner of the county, and flows in a southwesterly direction. In its winding course it is joined by many small tributaries. Blue River heads in Blue River Lake, in the northeast, and empties into Eel River, at Columbia City. 
    Travelers, in passing through the country by rail, seeing only the very poorest portion of it—particularly along the eastern part of the line of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Road—are prone to form a much more unfavorable opinion of Whitley than it deserves. Perhaps one-eighth of the area of the county is covered by oak openings and low swales or swamps; the remainder is fine, productive land, rising into considerable hills and ridges in some localities, notably so in Thorn Creek, Troy and Richland Township. The character of the soil may be judged from a heavy growth of black walnut, which was found in great profusion by the first settlers. There is also a heavy growth of white oak, with more or less ash, maple, beech, elm and other varieties of forest trees. All the staple productions of this latitudes are raise in profusion, and exported in large quantities. Large quantities of walnut logs and lumber, as well as ash lumber and oak staves and lumber, are exported. The revenue from walnut, to those who have been so fortunate as to hold their trees, has of late years been very lucrative, and it is estimated that, in portions of the county, as much as $500 and even more has been realized from the walnut timber on one acres of land alone. Much of the hard-wood lumber is shipped to less fortunate localities in the West, and the lumber interest brings in large sums to the county yearly.


    Whitley County was attached to Huntington County, until organized into a separate county. The first settlers came into the county in 1834. The pioneer of those who came for the purpose of making the then wilderness a permanent home was Jesse Long. He arrived with his family from Greene County, Ohio, in June, 1834, and settled in what is now Smith Township, and entered the land where his son, Joseph Long, still lived. Francis Tulley was the next comer, and located in the same neighborhood, on the north bank of Eel River, in Smith Township. Samuel Nickey, also from Ohio, and Samuel Smith joined these in the summer of 1834. Several immigrants and their families came the following winters, and in 1835 immigration flowed in, in increasing numbers, until a considerable beginning was made in the wilderness, which had until then covered the territory now known as Whitley County.
    The next point about which settlers began to locate was Springfield, now South Whitely, in Cleveland Township. Among the first to arrive were the Parrett, Cleveland, Chaplin and Swihart families, early in 1835. The immigrants who settled in that community were mostly from Ohio, New York and a few from New England. John Collins and his family came from Wayne County, Indiana, in September 1835, and others arrived in increasing numbers, in the ensuing summer, and until the organization of the county.
    The first settlers were in many instance forced to cut and clear roads for themselves, in order to reach their lands. The only roads in the county were the Fort Wayne and Goshen road, and another known as the Yellow River road, which crossed the Eel River in the eastern part of the county. The next wagon road of any importance was located and cut out by the settlers themselves, and was that from Huntington to Goshen. Afterward came the road from Fort Wayne to Warsaw, and then others of local importance only. These wagon tracks were engineered and opened under many difficulties, and, though imperfect, answered their purpose for the time being.
    Until they were able to raise sufficient grain for their home consumption, the settlers were obliged to purchase their corn and wheat on the Elkhart Prairie to the northwest, or in the older settled regions southeast. The nearest mills were in Fort Wayne, and those who made the journey there and back in two days, and without accident through the swamps considered themselves particularly fortunate.
    The first grist and saw-mill in the county was erected by Richard Baughan, and completed in 1837. It was in he eastern part of Thorn Creek Township, on Blue River, and was run by water power. The concern was a rude one, and grinding part was of the kind known by the settlers as the corn-cracker. It was, however, a great convenience, and its establishment was regarded as a great point gained by the isolated pioneers.
    The Indians found in the county in considerable numbers were of the Miami tribe, which was, however, fast dwindling away. The aborigines were of a roving disposition, but made the heavily wooded parts of the country their home, as a general thing, in the winter season. There was an Indian village of perhaps a hundred and fifty inhabitant in Union Township, and a number of Indian families had their cabins and corn patches on Eel River, along the Goshen road. Three Indian reservation are still shown on the county maps, extending in a northwestern direction across half the county, with a width of over two miles. The principal is the Seek's Village Reservation; next is the Beaver Reservation, west of the first and Chapiene, east of it.
    One of the most noted of the red men with whom the white came in contact was Coesse, whose name will be handed down to other generations through the town in this county named after him. His Indian name as Pc-can-co-an-sah-quah, and at the time of the advent of the first settlers and for many years after, he was the most influential of the Miami tribe in that section. When the Miamis were removed to Kansas, in 1842, he went with them, in order to see them established in their new homes, but refused to cast his lot with them permanently, and returned to his reservation, just south of Columbia City, where he died and was buried in 1854. He acquired a considerable fortune before his death. His widow is still living, at this writing, in Northern Wisconsin. Chastle was the principal hunting chief of the Miami in the county, and was always found honorable and trust-worthy by the whites. Another of the red men, John Turkey, acquired an unenviable notoriety for being the most vicious redskin in the county. He killed several members of his tribe, and was a reprobate generally. Turkey was often to be found in Columbia City when it was still an infant town. He was a frequent inmate of the first jail, and, on one memorable occasion, came near roasting himself by firing the jail, in order to regain his freedom. Turkey was a noted marksman, and was ready at all time to give exhibitions of his skill, in the town, for a drink of fire-water.
    The oldest settler in Troy Township was Zebulon Burch, who was also one of the very first to come into the county. After him came Stephen Martin, Joel Rhine, G. W. Elder and Carter McDonald. Among the first to locate in Washington Township were the Tracys; and in Jefferson, the Crowells and Blees. Columbia Township, in which the county seat was finally located, was not settled for some time after the immigrants in other townships had located themselves. The first to arrive came in 1840 and 1841. One Reese settled at a place but a short distance southwest of the present town site. He was followed soon by Homer Alexander, the first Surveyor, J. W. Baker, John Rhodes, David Long, Benjamin Grable and Noah Tinkham.


    The settlers in the northeastern part of the country, for the first few years, attended divine services in Allen County, not far from the Whitely County line. The first ministers were of the Methodist denomination. Price Goodrich and Anderson D. Parrett were the first Methodist preachers. The former lived in the southern part of the county. The first circuit preachers who ministered to the infant settlement in Smith Township were Elders Ball and Reed. The first Methodist class organized in the county was about 1836, and was composed of but seven persons, as follows: Samuel Nickey and Wife, Francis Tulley and wife, William and Rebecca Gradeless and Catherine Nickey.
    The first church was organized by the Methodists, 1838, at Concord Corners, in the northeastern part of the county. It was built of hewn logs and has a seating capacity of about 200.
    The first regular services at the county seat were held in private houses, and afterward, for some time, in the brick school house erected in 1848, southwest of the present court house.
    The first church built in Columbia City was erected by the Methodists, in 1849, on South line street, and is still standing.
    The first school house built in the county was made of logs laid together, in primitive style, in 1838. It was on the farm now owned by Lemuel Dewald, in Smith Township. The pupils were forced to come long distances throughout the sparsely settled and scattered community or else deprive themselves of school privileges altogether. The first teacher was Josiah Brown.
    The first school house built of brick was erected in Columbia City, in 1849, and is still standing
    The first physician in the county was Dr. Francis L. McHugh, an Irishman, of great professional skill and varied learning. He was a graduate of the University of Dublin, and lived for many years a few miles west of Columbia City. When the county was yet new, it was full of Miasma, and it is said that at one time, in the fall of 1841, there was not a single well person in the entire county. As the woods began to be cleared off and the surplus water drained away, the general health improved vastly, so that now the county compares favorably with others. The first physicians, however, were kept moving in a lively manner.
    The first trader in the county from whom the settlers were able to draw their supplies was a Frenchman named Francis Godfroy, who kept a small store on the Goshen and Fort Wayne road, southeast of Blue River Lake. The next trading places were established at South Whitley and Columbia City.


    The first term of the Whitley Circuit Court was held about two miles northeast of where Columbia City now is, at the house of Richard Baughan, April 9, 1839. The Hon. Charles W. Ewing was the Presiding Judge, and Benjamin Martin and Francis A. Van Houton, Associate Judges. John W. Wright, the prosecuting Attorney for the circuit, was absent, and Reuben J. Dawson was appointed Prosecuting Attorney in his stead for the term. Richard Collins was the first Sheriff. The following is a list composing the first grand jury which was impaneled at this term of court: David Wolf, Seth A. Lucas, Joseph Turkham, William Cordill, Levi Curtis, Samuel Creger, James Jones, Jesse Speer, Christopher W. Long, John G. Braddock, Horace Cleveland, Adam Egolf, William Vanmeter and Peter Circle. The court appointed Christopher W. Long foreman, and John H. Alexander was sworn in as the first Bailiff, and placed in charge of the grand jury. The same day, the body reported that it had no business before it, and was discharged by the court. Abraham Cuppy was the first Clerk of the court.
    The first civil case tried by the court was a bill in chancery brought by Webster et al. vs Webster et al., for the partition of real estate. Publication of the requisite notice was made in the Fort Wayne Sentinel and Richmond Jeffersonian, where being no paper in the county.
    John H. Alexander was, on the day following the opening of the court, appointed County Surveyor, to serve for one year, and gave bond in the sum of $3,000 for the faithful performance of his duty. The court, the same day adjourned, having finished the business on the docket. Baughan was allowed $3 for the use of his house by the court.
    The fist petit jurors were as follows: Samuel Hertsook, Daniel Hively, Benjamin Gardner, Stephen Martin, James Ruseau, Benjamin Grable, Jesse W. Long, Benjamin Crusan, Benjamin H. Cleveland, Thomas Costick, James Zulman, John W. More, George C. Pence, John Collins, Jesse Alexander, Francis Tulley, Jacob Brumbaugh, Lewis Kinsey and William Blair.
    The first Recorder was Abraham Cuppy. The first Auditor elected after that office was created was Richard Collins. The first Treasurer was Benjamin Grable.
    John B. Chapman was the first attorney admitted to the bar in the county. The first resident lawyer in the county was James L. Worden, afterward elected Judge of the Supreme Court. He moved to Columbia City about the time, or shortly after the county set was located, but remained only a short time
    The first criminal indictment in the county was found against Joseph Pierce, for retailing without license. He plead guilty, and was fined there-upon $2. Nine similar indictments were found against the same defendant, Pierce, on the same charge, and were tried before the court adjourned.
    The first marriage license was issued to Jacob Kistler and Sophia Paine, on the 1st of September, 1838.
    The first tax duplicate, in 1839, was made out on four pages of foolscap, and the total sum levied for taxes amounted to but $302.93½.
    The first meeting of the Commissioners was held at the house of Joseph Parrett, Jr., May 7, 1838, near South Whitley. The members of the board were Otto W. Gandy, Nathaniel Gradeless and Joseph Parrett, Jr. Gandy was chosen President. John Collins was appointed County Treasurer. A license to vend merchandise was granted to Pierce, Starkweather & Co., for one year, the sum of $5 collected from them for the privilege.
    Samuel Smith, James Jones and Samuel Dungan were appointed the fist Supervisors.
    The election of the first Justices of the Peace was ordered for Smith Township, May 28, 1838, and Talcut Perry was appointed Inspector of said election. Joseph Crow and Jesse Long were the first Overseers of the Poor, and were appointed for Smith Township, also.
    After Columbia City was selected as the county seat, the courts were held at the hotel of David Long, and at the house of Abraham Cuppy, the Clerk of the court. There were no buildings with sufficient room to afford separate apartments for juries to deliberate in, so that usually, in good weather, they marched out to some convenient log, and, seating themselves upon it, made up their verdict.


    Columbia, as it as then called, or Columbia City, was made the county seat, upon condition that Henry Ellsworth and his associates, the owners of the section of land upon which the city stands, should donate the undivided half of the said section to the county, and also erect a mill in the town. The date of the establishment of the county seat may be given as May, 1840, at the time the town plat of Columbia was filed with the County Recorder. The condition imposed upon the founders of the town site, in relation to the erection a mill, was fulfilled, afterward, according to the agreement. Henry Ellsworth was, at the time, United States Commissioner of the Patent Office, and he, together with William L. Dayton, of New Jersey, afterward candidate for the Vice Presidency with Fremont, and others associated with them, owned no small area of land near the center of the county, where they had good reason to supposed the seat of justice would be located.
    The first court house in the county stood on the site of the present post office building. It was a two-story frame structure, finished in 1840, and consisted of nothing more than a court room on the first floor, with jury rooms above.
    The first county offices provided for the transaction of the county business were across the street from the east side of the court house square.
    The County Commissioners endeavored to have a court house constructed to replace the frame make-shift in 1846. A contract was let to this effect, but it was never carried out, and the work had to be done over. The second contract was let to Washburne & Swihart, who completed the brick court house now in use (1875). The contract price was $8,100, but the building cost several hundred dollars more when completed. It was turned over to the county, ready to use, in 1851, at which time it was the best court house to be found in that judicial circuit. The building, considering the price of it, is a very fine piece of workmanship, and could not now be replaced for twice that sum.
    The old jail and Sheriff's residence is west of the court house, and will shortly be superseded by a new building, southeast of the court house, now nearly complete. The new jail is constructed of solid stone work, and with the brick residence in front, presents an imposing appearance. The total cost was over $35,000. Brattin & Goshorn were the contracts.
    The names of the country officers are as follows: Auditor, R. A. Jellison; Clark, James Reider; Sheriff, W. H. Liggett; Treasurer, Jacob A. Baker; Recorder, John Wigent; Coroner, John Richards; Commissioners, William Dunlap, Jacob A. Ramsey, Richard W. Paige, Representative, Thomas Washburn; County Superintendent, A. J. Douglass.


    This town was incorporated December 15, 1845, the following being a list of the petitioners asking the County Commissioners to order an election for that purpose: D. E. long, S. H. Wunderlich, John Gillespie, H. M. C. Curtis, H. Hannah, Benjamin Grable, Benjamin Grable, jr., A. L. Munger, A. K. Goodrich, Michael Hiveley, F. L. McHugh, James S. Collins, Lafayette Lamson, Warren Mason, John Rhodes, J. W. Baker, R. Kniseley, Richard Collins, J. Keefer, Sylvester Knapp, J. H. Pratt, John H. Alexander, Levi Myers, H. Swihart, Nathaniel Fish, David Shepley, James F. Lattimore and W. S. Zetts.
    The first town plat was recorded in May, 1840, and contained about one hundred and eighty lots. The town proprietors in their contract with eh county agreed to erect a mill, which they did. The enterprise was a great convenience to the settlers in the surrounding country. It was run by water-power, and was town down some time ago. At the time of its construction there was but one other mill in the county, that being owned by Richard Baughan.
    Columbia City remained a small town until the completion of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railway, or, as it was then called, the Fort Wayne & Chicago Railway, which was finished to the place in 1856. About the same time, an effort was made to build another railway through the town and county, viz.; the Detroit, Eel River and Illinois line. After about one-third of the work of grading was done, the enterprise was abandoned. It was resuscitated in 1868 by a new company, which let a contract to D. L. Quirk & Co., who, in 1871, complete the road from Auburn to Roann. In 1872, it was completed to Logansport, and in 1878 to Butler, where it connects with the Lake Shore line for the East. James Collins of Columbia City. James Collins, of Columbia City, was, for some years, President of the corporation. Since the completion of this last names railway, Columbia City has increased rapidly in population, and a number of fine business blocks attest the substantial progress which the town is making The population in 1870 was over 1,600, and is now, according to a local census, over 2,300.
    The first hotel keeper in the town was David Long, the first store was kept by Mrs. John Rhodes; the first log house erected in the town was where now stands the house of J. B. Edwards, the first church (built by the Methodists) was on South Line street, and is still in use. In addition to this, the English Lutherans, Catholics, Baptists, German Lutherans and Reformed Germans have houses of worship in the place.
    The schools are in charge of J. A. Douglas, assisted by a competent corps of teachers.
    The manufacturing interests of Columbia City are represented by two flouring-mills, two stave factories, one hub and spoke factory, a foundry and machine shop, and an extensive brewery. There are two banks and two grain elevators.
    The town officers of Columbia City, at the present time (1875), are as follows: Trustees, William Luicke, Jacob Wunderlich, Henry Snyder, Isaac W. Prickett, George Steerhoff, J. A. Taupert; Clark, Heber Collins; Treasurer, —— Meeley; Marshal, Henry Van Orsdell.
    Churubusco is the second town in importance in the county, and has an elevator and a number of wood-working and other shops.
    South Whitley is the oldest town in the county, the town plot being filed in 1838.
    Larwill, Coesse, Collamer, Etna, Forest and Collins are towns of more or less note.


    The first paper in the county was the Pioneer, started by J. A. Berry in 1854. The Columbia City News was started by I. B. McDonald in 1857; his successor was E. Zimmerman, who, in 1864, changed the name to the Columbia City Post. McDonald was again the owner in 1864, and sold the paper to Frank J. Zimmerman in 1865, who, in turn, sold to E. W. Brown, the present editor and proprietor. The paper is Democratic.
    The Argus was started in opposition to the Democracy, in 1855. In 1868, the name Republican, was adopted. A. Z. Hooper, Mr. Weamer, Henry Bridge and J. W. Baker were successively editors of the paper, which is presently conducted by the last named under the name of the Columbia City Commercial.


—     Biographical Sketches      —


Page 196:

    HON. THOMAS WASHBURN was born in Harrison County, Virginia, July 28th 1805. His family before him had descended from the Welsh. In 1843, he came to Indiana and settled in Whitley County, having first pent several years in the State of Ohio, before he had heard of the promised land, and in Whitley has abided ever since. By occupation he is a carpenter, surveyor and merchant.
In Ohio and Indiana He held the office of Justice of the Pease, and discharged he duties of the office with the dignity becoming that exalted office. He was Auditor of Whitley County four years from 1844, and State Senator in 1852. He is Democratic first, last and all the time. Mr. Washburn resides in Columbia City.

    HON HENRY SWIHART, third son of Adam and Catharine Swihart, was born in Montgomery County, Ohio, March 7, 1807; was married to Dorothea Ulrick, October 1831; came to Whitley County, Indiana, February 19th, 1836, where he has resided every since; was twice elected to the Indiana Legislatures—1848, and also in 1849; was county Commissioner from 1853- to 1856, also Country Recorder for Whitley County' was Associate Judge of the Country for several years, Judge Swihart was done much for the interests of Whitley County. He did much, worked hard, and spent much money to build the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad. No man has been more public spirited, no man has been a better friend to the poor and laboring classes. than Henry Swihart.

    HON. ISAIAH BURRITT McDONALD, second son of Carter and Elizabeth McDonald, was born in Woodville, Rappahannock County, Virginia, September 18, 1826. In 1836, removed with his parents to Wayne County, Ohio, and in 1842 to Whitely County, Indiana. In early life he followed the vocation of carpenter and joiner, teaching school and going to school. After attending two terms a the Edinburg Academy in Wayne County, Ohio, he taught in the State of Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. In May, 1852 he returned to Columbia City, where he commended the practice of the law. In 1852, was elected Prosecuting Attorney for Noble and Whitley Counties, in which capacity he continued to serve til 1855, when he was elected County Clerk. In April, 1861, he enlisted in Company R., Seventeenth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, served three years and two months in the army in the respective positions of Second Lieutenant, Aid-de-Camp, Captain and C.S., U. S. Volunteers. In 1853, he was appointed and Commissioner Lieutenant Colonel of the Sixth West Virginia Veteran Cavalry by Gov. Goreman, of West Virginia. Upon his return from the army, in 1864, he was appointed School Examiner for Whitley County, in which position he served till December, 1870, when he resigned to take the office of Representative in the Legislature. In January, 1871, he took his seat in the Legislature and was Chairman of the Judiciary Committee in the House. He is now practicing law, and farming at his home. Has done much for the schools, and the agricultural interests of the county, as well as building up Columbia City.
    Col. McDonald is a self-made man, possessed of great energy and industry, and has saved enough of this world's good for comfort in old age.



Pages 421-422



HOOPER & OLDS, Attorney at law, office over Columbia City Bank.

I. B. McDONALD, Attorney at Law and Notary Public.

TULLEY & KRIDER, Attorneys at Law, office No. 3 Central Building.

COLLINS & ADAIR, Attorneys at Law, will practice in all court of this State.

E. L. McLALLEN & CO., Bankers, Farmers' Bank.

J. F. SPAULDING, Barber, Tousorial Bazaar, Hot and Col Bath Rooms. Special attention paid to hair dressing of all kinds and in the latest styles.

J. R. RICE, Blacksmithing of all kinds done to order.

HERMAN THIELE, Civil Engineer.

A. YOUNG, Cigars and Tobacco. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, Pipes, Smokers' Material, Also fine assortment of Cigar Holders and Tobacco Pouches. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco a speciality.

S. A. HOOVER, Carpenter and Builder.

WORTH & MEISER, Clothing, men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gents Furnishing Goods of every description Cheapest place in town.

H. A. HOUSEL, Dentist.

WARREN MASON, Druggist, Dealer in Drugs and Chemicals, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes, Perfumery and Fancy Articles, and everything pertaining to a first-class Drug Store.

J. HARRIS, Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing and Groceries. Produce Taken in exchange for goods.

I. W. BAKER, Editor and Publisher of Whitley County Commercial. General Job Printing.

E. W. BROWN, Proprietor of Columbia City Post.

M. D. YOUTZ, Groceries and Provisions. Produce taken in exchange for goods.

J. TAYLOR, Jr., Groceries, etc.

J. W. MILLER, Hotel. Proprietor of Miller House. First-class accommodations. Good Sample room for agents. cor. Van Buren and Linn sts.

DAVID RUCH, Livery Stable. Proprietor of Ruch's Livery and Feed Stable. First-class rigs at reasonable rates. Office on Linn St.

A. P. MITTEN, Physician and Surgeon, office Bank Building.

F. M. MAGERS, Physician and Druggist.

J. J. REAM, Photographer, over Columbia City Bank.

R. H. ROSE, Painter, House and Sign.

J. J. WHITE, Restaurant.

D. W. STRONG, Railroading.

B. RAUPFER, Restaurant and Saloon. Choice Wines and Liquors, Also a Peerless Pool Table.

THOMAS WASHBURN, Surveyor and Real Estate Dealer.

J. B. EDWARDS, Saloon. Find Liquors, etc.


J. F. INKS, Boots and Shoes.

F. W. CLEVELAND, Carpenter and Joiner.

H. D. CLEVELAND, Dry Goods Clerk.

M. VINTER, Fancy Goods, etc.

F. S. REMINGTON, Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Iron, Farmers's and Mechanics; Tools, etc.

G. R. CLAPP, Grain Merchant.

M. E. FOSTER, Milliner.

R. SCHOLL, Milliner.

T. E. FOSTER, Milliner.

J. ARNOLD, Jr., Miller.

H. S. MENAUGH, Merchant, General Mdse.

I. H. MILLER, Merchant. General Mdse.

J. R. BAKER, Physician.

E. MERRIMAN, Physician.

W. H. SCANTLING, Railroad Agent.

P. PARRETT, Saloon.

Z. JOHNSON, Stock Dealer, Hogs, Sheep, etc.

D. C. MOLONEY, Tailor.

I. PHILLIP, Carpenter.

J. B. SPURGON, Druggist.

N. FAGOR, Merchant.

J. R. WILLIAMS, Miller.

[Page 422:]

D. HALDERMAN, Miller and Farmer

E. H. MILLER, Merchant and Farmer.

J. C. GRAFTON, Physician.

J. A. SHANNEP, Telegraph Operator.


V. L. ALMS, Carpenter

A. K. McELNEE, Dry Goods Clerk.

N. W. YOUNG, Dry Goods Clerk.

C. E. McBRIDE, Dry Goods Clerk.

J. G. WHITELEATHER. Hotel Keeper.

A. F. JOHNSON, Lumber Dealer and Farmer.

J. F. KERR, Merchant.

C. EVERETT, Photographer.


E. A. MOSSMAN, Attorney at Law and Notary Public.

D. H. HUGHES, Billiard Hall.

M. W. HAWK, Carpenter and Farmer.

J. D. BREESE, Hotel. Proprietor Churubusco House. First-class in every respect. Sample room for agents. Livery in connection with the house.

G. KINZY, Gun Dealer.

D. L. YOUNG, Cigar Manufacturer.

T. F. GILLILAND & CO., Lumber and Stave Manufacturers.

B. N. FOWLER, Lumber Dealer.

E. SNYDER, Merchant.

M. MODRICKER, Physician.

W. T. BIRNEY, Physician.

J. G. KAUFRAN, Painter.

A. GAYLORD, Telegraph Operator.


S. M. SPENCER, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer. All work warranted and done on short notice.

P. RAUCH, Carpenter and Builder and Farmer.

E. J. SCHWAB, Druggist, Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Varnish, Glass, etc.

REUBEN DREW, Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Boots and Shoes. Produce taken in exchange for goods.

W. SHIFLER, Jeweler, Watches, Clocks, etc.

N. J. KITHCART, Physician.

Page 454:



JAMES A. CAMPBELL, Attorney at Law

WILLIAM CARR, Contractor and Builder, Dealer in all kinds of Cut and Rough Stone, Lime, Cement, Plaster, etc.

South Whitley

C. W. Edwards, M. D., of J. K. Combs & Co., Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensare, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps and General Produce, Shippers of Live Stocks, etc.


A. BAKER, Lumberman.

J. B. FIRESTONE, Physician and Surgeon.

D. KIRKPATRICK, Physician and Surgeon.

J. C. MARRS, Slate Rodding.


Page 337-338



                                                                          TO  POST
NAME               Residence       BUSINESS             NATIVITY     STATE OFFICE
Aumrock, W. M.        South Whitley Teacher                Indiana       1853 South Whitley
Arnold, John          South Whitley Miller                 Indiana       1852 South Whitley
Baker, J. R.          South Whitley Physician              Ohio          1857 South Whitley
Cleveland, B. H.      Section 11    Farmer                 Vermont       1835 South Whitley
Cleveland, F. W.      South Whitley Carpenter & Builder    Indiana       1845 South Whitley
Clapp, G. R.          South Whitley Grain Merchant         Indiana       1848 South Whitley
Cleveland, H. D.      South Whitley Dry Goods Clerk        Indiana       1859 South Whitley
Edwards, C. W.        South Whitley Physician & Surgeon    Tennessee     1820 South Whitley
Fager, Moah           Collamer.     Merchant               Indiana       1842 Collamer
Fasler, M. E.         South Whitley Milliner               Indiana       1845 South Whitley
Fosler, T. E.         South Whitley Milliner               Indiana       1850 South Whitley
Grafton, J. C.        Section 5     Physician              Ohio          1847 Collamer
Halderman, D.         Section 6     Merchant               Ohio          1846 Collamer
Haley, Miss Mollie    Collamer.     Teacher                Ohio          1860 Collamer
Inks, J. F.           South Whitley Boot & Shoe Dealer     Indiana       1838 South Whitley
Johnson, Z.           South Whitley Stock Dealer           Ohio          1852 South Whitley
Jones, Kaie           Section 9     Farmer                 Indiana       1846 South Whitley
Lane, F. W.           South Whitley Teacher                Virginia      1857 South Whitley
Menaugh, H. S.        South Whitely General Merchant       Pennsylvania  1873 South Whitley
Miller, J. H.         South Whitely General Merchant       Pennsylvania  1872 South Whitley
Merriman, E.          South Whitley Physician              Ohio          1843 South Whitley
Miller, E. H.         Section  1    Farmer & Merchant      Indiana       1851 Collamer
Myers, W. S.                        Farmer                 Indiana       1853 Collamer
Maloney, D. C.        South Whitley Tailor                 Pennsylvania. 1826 South Whitley
Moe, John C.          Section 9     Farmer.                Ohio          1853 South Whitley
Pence, A. H.          Section 10    Farmer.                Ohio          1848 South Whitley
Phillip, Isaac        Section 6     Farmer & Carpenter     Ohio          1845 Collamer
Parret, P             South Whitley Saloon Keeper          Indiana       1847 South Whitley
Phillips, H. M.                     Farmer.                Indiana       1843 South Whitley
Remington, F.S. & Co. South Whitley General Hardware       Connecticut   1861 South Whitley
Ramsey, James                       Farmer                 Ohio          1860 Collamer
Rynearson, H. B.                    Farmer                 Ohio          1861 South Whitley
Spurgon, J. B.        Collamer      Druggist               Ohio          1860 Collamer
Summers, S. M.        South Whitley Teacher                Indiana       1855 Collamer
Shannep, J. A.        Collamer      Telegraph Operator     Indiana       1853 Collamer
Saylor, R. C.         South Whitley Teacher                Ohio          1853 South Whitley
Stewart, T. M.        Section 33.   Farmer                 Ohio          1842 South Whitley
Schall, Katie         South Whitley Milliner               Ohio          1830 South Whitley
Scantling, W. H.      South Whitley Railroad Agent         Indiana       1855 South Whitley
Winter, M. V.         South Whitley Fancy Goods            Pennsylvania. 1848 South Whitley
Williams Wm. O.       South Whitley Miller                 Ohio          1848 South Whitley
Williams, J. R.       Collamer      Miller                 Ohio          1851 Collamer
Wayman, M.            South Whitley Methodist Minister     Kentucky      1826 South Whitley

                                                                          TO  POST
   NAME               Residence       BUSINESS             NATIVITY     STATE OFFICE

Baker, J. W.          Columbia City Editor, Commercial     Ohio          1860 Columbia City
Brown, Eli W.         Columbia City Editor, Post          Ohio           1850 Columbia City
Collins & Adair.      Columbia City Attorneys              Indiana       1843 Columbia City
Campbell, J. A.       Columbia City Attorneys              New York      1854 Columbia City
Carr, Wm.             Columbia City Stonecutter            England       1864 Columbia City
Edward, J B.          Columbia City Saloon Keeper          Pennsylvania  1841 Columbia City
Hooper & Olds         Columbia City Attorneys              Ohio          1853 Columbia City
Hooper & Olds         Columbia City Attorneys              Ohio          1868 Columbia City
Honsel, H. A.         Columbia City Dentist                Ohio          1862 Columbia City
Hoover, S. A.         Columbia City Carpenter              Ohio          1870 Columbia City
Harris, J.            Columbia City Dry Goods & Groc's     Maryland      1836 Columbia City
Mitten, Allen P.      Columbia City Physician & Surgeon     Ohio          1847 Columbia City
Miller, J. W.         Columbia City Hotel                  Ohio          1848 Columbia City
Magers, F. M.         Columbia City Physician & Druggist   Ohio          1865 Columbia City
Mason, Warren         Columbia City Druggist               New York      1843 Columbia City
McDonald I. B.        Columbia City Attorneys              Virginia      1842 Columbia City
McLallen, E. L. & Co. Columbia City Bankers                New York      1844 Columbia City
Olds, Walter          Columbia City Attorneys              Ohio          1869 Columbia City
Ream I. I.            Columbia City Photographer           Ohio          1874 Columbia City
Rice, J. R.           Columbia City Blacksmith             Pennsylvania  1869 Columbia City
Raupfer, Benj.        Columbia City Restaurant             Germany       1864 Columbia City
Ruch, David           Columbia City Livery                 Pennsylvania  1844 Columbia City
Rose, R. H.           Columbia City Painter                Ohio          1873 Columbia City
Spaulding, J. Frank.  Columbia City Tonsorial Bazaar       New York      1872 Columbia City
Studebaker, Rev. A. H.Columbia City Paster Lutheran Ch.    Ohio          1872 Columbia City
Strong D. W.          Columbia City Railroading            Indiana       1850 Columbia City
Thiele, Herman        Columbia City Civil Engineer         Germany       1871 Columbia City
Taylor, James         Columbia City Grocery                Indiana       1855 Columbia City
Tulley, Cyrus B.      Columbia City Attorney               Indiana       1839 Columbia City
Tulley & Krider       Columbia City Attorneys              Indiana       1848 Columbia City
White, John J.        Columbia City Restaurant             Indiana       1833 Columbia City
Worth & Meiser        Columbia City Clothiers              Indiana            Columbia City
Washburn, Thos.       Columbia City Surveyor               Virginia      1843 Columbia City
Young, A.             Columbia City Cigars & Tobacco       Germany       1868 Columbia City
Yontz, M. D.          Columbia City Grocery                Ohio          1867 Columbia City


Breese, J. D.         Churubusco    Churubusco Hotel       Ohio          1870 Churubusco
Beavers, N. W.        Section 24    Farmer                 Michigan      1840 Churubusco
Coulter, Geo. W.      Section 5     Farmer                 Ohio          1846 Alma
Deardorff, A.         Section 10    Farmer                 Pennsylvania  1856 Churubusco
Fowler. J. N.         Section 7     Lumber Dealer          Missouri      1871 Columbia City
Gilliland, T. F.      Churubusco    Spoke, Hub & Lumber 
                                       Dealer              New York      1874 Churubusco
Gaff, Gorge           Section 4     P. M. & Farmer         Ohio          1839 Alma
Gaylord, Albert       Churubusco    Telegraph Operator     Indiana       1855 Churubusco
Hawk, M. W.           Section 11    Carpenter & Farmer     Ohio          1867 Churubusco
Harter, J.            Section 1     Farmer                 Ohio          1838 Churubusco
Hedges, Wm.           Section 18    Farmer                 Ohio          1836 Alma
Hughes, D. H.         Churubusco    Cigar Mnfr. & Billiards Ohio         1854 Churubusco
Harris J.             Churubusco    Dry Goods & Groceries  Maryland      1836 Churubusco
Jeffries, M. L.       Section 27    Farmer                 Virginia      1844 Churubusco
Kinzy, Gideon         Churubusco    Gunsmith               Switzerland   1849 Churubusco
Kaufman, J. G.        Churubusco    Painter                Pennsylvania  1855 Churubusco
Kingden, J.           Section 1     Farmer                 England       1850 Churubusco
Leach, Sam'l          Section 7     Farmer                 Ohio          1839 Columbia City
Mossman, Ed. A.       Churubusco    Attorney & J. P.       Ohio          1852 Churubusco
Modricker, M.         Churubusco    Physician              Germany       1865 Churubusco
Magers, F W.          Churubusco    Physician & Druggist   Ohio          1865 Churubusco
Miller, Wm.           Section 36    
Ospach, P. S.         …………          Farmer                 Indiana       1848 Churubusco
Pompey, T.            Section 23    Farmer                 Ohio          1840 Churubusco
Ream, J. W.           Churubusco    Teacher                Indiana       1849 Churubusco
Rose, R. H.           Churubusco    House & Sign Painter   Ohio          1873 Churubusco
Snyder, E.            Churubusco    Merchant               Indiana       1847 Churubusco
Smith, G. H.           …………         Teacher                Indiana       1855 Churubusco
Young, D. L.          Churubusco    Cigar Manufacturer     New York      1831 Churubusco


Briggs, Silas         Section 3     Farmer & Stock Dealer  Ohio          1848 Collins
Briggs, Andrew J.     Section  3    Farmer & Stock Dealer  Ohio          1850 Collins
Depen Elijah          Section  34   Farmer                 Ohio          1860 Coesse
Drew, Reuben          Coesse        Dry Goods              New York      1855 Coesse
Gradeless, W. T.      Section 2     Farmer & Teacher       Indiana       1843 Collins
Hallenbeck, J. J.     Section 16    Farmer                 New York      1850 Coesse
Kithcart, N. M.       Coesse        Physician              Ohio          1873 Coesse
Morse, Wm. C.         Section 36    Farmer                 New York      1852 Coesse
Rauch, Philip         Section 5     Farmer & Carpenter     Ohio          1854 Coesse
Rauch, Samuel         Section 18    Farmer & Stock Dealer  Ohio          1845 Coesse
Schwab, E. J.         Coesse        Druggist, etc.         Switzerland   1864 Coesse
Spencer, S. M.        Coesse        Boots & Shoes          Ohio          1865 Coesse
Shifler, Wm.          Coesse        Jeweler                Indiana       1852 Coesse
Shaw, J. H.           Section 17    Farmer & Stock Dealer  Ohio          1845 Coesse
Saylor, Solomon       Section 33    Farmer                 New York      1860 Coesse
Tousley, Luke         Section 23    Farmer                 Ohio          1844 Coesse


Alms, Virgil L.       Larwill       Carpenter              Indiana       1858 Larwill
Baker, A.             Larwill       Lumberman              Ohio          1858 Larwill
Everett, Charles      Larwill       Photographer           Ohio          1857 Larwill
Firestone,J. B.       Larwill       Physician & Surgeon    Ohio          1855 Larwill
Johnson, Asa F.       Section 29    Farmer & Lumber Dealer New York      1859 Larwill
Kerr, J. M.           Larwill       Merchant               Ohio          1856 Larwill
Knie, Jacob           Section 6     Farmer                 Germany       1846 Pierceton
Kirkpatrick, Daniel   Larwill       Physician & Surgeon    Ohio          1855 Larwill
McElwee, A. K.        Larwill       Dry Goods Clerk        Indiana       1852 Larwill
McBride, C. E.        Larwill       Dry Goods Clerk        Indiana       1853 Larwill
Marrs, J. C.          Larwill       Slate Roofing          Indiana            Larwill
Magden, David         Section 6     Farmer                                    Pierceton
Sult, Henry           Section 19    Farmer                 Indiana       1853 Collamer
Whiteleather, J. G.   Larwill       Hotel Keeper           Ohio          1849 Larwill
Young, N. W.          Larwill       Dry Goods Clerk        New Hampshire 1839 Larwill


Chavey, Jacob         Section 15    Farmer                 France        1853 Columbia City
Chamberlain, J.       Section 16    Farmer                 Ohio          1853 South Whitley
Dumick, David         Section 8     Farmer                 Ohio          1865 South Whitley
Goble, E.             Section 28    Farmer                 Ohio          1853 Laud
Metz, O.              Section 6     Farmer                 Ohio          1853 South Whitley
Miller, John          Section 18    Farmer                 Germany       1859 South Whitley
Mullendore, J.        Section 7     Farmer                 Ohio          1859 South Whitley
Mullet, Daniel        Section 26    Farmer                 Ohio          1864 Laud
Metzler, Joseph       Section 26    Farmer                 Ohio          1852 Laud
Richards, G.          Section 30    Farmer                 France        1853 South Whitley


Brandenburg, E.       Section 17    Farmer                 Ohio          1850 Columbia City
Bayless, L. A.        Section 27    Farmer                 Indiana       1855 Fort Wayne
Dunfee, J. S.         Section 17    Farmer                 Ohio          1851 Columbia City
Druley, J. W.         Section 5     Farmer                 Ohio          1861 Coesse
Kelsey, S. B.         Section 13    Farmer & Stock Dealer  Ohio          1832 Fort Wayne
Mowery, J.            Section 5     Farmer                 Ohio          1862 Columbia City


Olinger, Jacob M.     Section 1     Farmer                 Ohio          1841 Marion


Snodgrass, John        Section  6    Farmer & Stock Dealer  Ohio          1834 Pierceton


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