Genealogical Society of Whitley County

(Buckskin Township, Ross County, Ohio)
by Nellie M. Raber
Columbia City, Indiana
c 1960

          This old burylng ground bears the name of Joseph Waugh, a Revolutionary Soldier who in the early 1800's brought his family to Buckskin township, Ross County, Ohio where this cemetery is located in Survey #4036. The Waughs had moved from their farm on the Monongahela River, Washington County, Pa. Mrs. Waugh was a daughter of Edward and Rebecca (Marlin) Hopkins. Edward died in Mifflin township, Allegheny County, Pa. in 1806. In his Will he named these sons and daughters; Mary Waugh, Sarah Heron, Rebecca Logan, Elizabeth Huffman, Phebe Kykindall, Moses, Matthew, Robert, Rachel and Nancy. He left his land on "Sciotha" to his sons although their mother was to have use of the house on it and maintenance her lifetime. The location of this land is not known but by 1815 the Hopkins sons were in Buckskin township. It is believed that those buried in Waugh Cemetery bearing the names of Lucas and Huffman are descendants of Edward Hopkins who also was a Revolutionary Soldier. There are more graves in Waugh Cemetery than given in this manuscript, but there are no markers. Many of the present markers have fallen, some are illegible. Any interested reader having more data relating to those buried here is invited to write to Nellie M. Raber, Columbia City, Indiana, R. F. D. 7

Retyped and Indexed by Donald E. Gradeless, 1995

Every Name Index to Tombstones

Name                          Number
Adams, Absolem                    46
Adams, D. S.                      45
Adams, Dorcas                     34
Adams, Henrietta                  47
Adams, Samilda                    44
Allamang, Rachel L.              131
Allamang, W. A.                  131

Bainter, Celia                    59
Bainter, Henry                    59
Barkley, C.                       67
Barkley, Catharine                77
Barkley, H.                       67
Barkley, Henry                    77
Barkley, Henry, Sen               78
Barkley, J.                  79 & 80
Barkley, J. M.                    80
Barkley, Jacob                    81
Barkley, John M.                  80
Barkley, Katherine                67
Barkley, M.                  79 & 80
Barkley, Samuel H.                79
Barnes, C.                        71
Barnes, C. W.                     71
Barnes, Sarah A.                 158
Barnes, Sarah C.                   7
Barnes, W. W.                    158
Barns, C.                    72 & 73
Barns, C. W.                 72 & 73
Barns, Catherine                  68
Barns, John                       73
Barns, Wm L.                      72
Black, A.                         82
Black, M.                         82
Black, Levi                       82
Blain, A. T                       66
Blain, E.                         66
Blain, John                       66
Bragg, Francis L.                124
Bragg. Milton D.                 125
Bryan, Mary                      14Z

Carmean, Catharine                50
Carmean, Jso.                     50
Carmean, P.                       69
Carmean, Pearson                  49
Carmean, Prudence                 69
Carmean, Sarah                    50
Copping, John                 7 & 58
Copping, Maria                    57

Day,  A. F.                   6 & 27 
Day, Adam F.                      28
Day, Mathew A.                    26
Day, R. M.                        26
Day, Rebecca M.                   27
Dee, Ada F.                      147
Depoy, Christopher                76
Depoy, Elizabeth                  61
Depoy, Jacob                 61 & 62
Depoy, John                       67
Depoy, Katherine                  67
Depoy, Nancy                      65
Dewitt, E. L.                    130
Dewitt, Infant son               130
Dewitt, W.                       130
Donohoe, Alma J.                 151
Donohoe, Thelma I.               150

Eye, Austin Lee                  134
Eye, Charles A.                  167
Eye, Charles A.                  170
Eye, Franklin                    135
Eye, Infant Children             169
Eye, J. A.                        16
Eye, Julia A.                    136
Eye, Laura A.                     16
Eye, Martha E.                   168
Eye, S. H.                        16
Eye, Samuel H.                   136

Fisher, A. C.                      9
Fisher, Adam                      12
Fisher, Adam C.                   10
Fisher, Anna                       9
Fisher, Samilda C.               156
Freshour, Elizabeth               74

Garner, C. F.                     94
Garner, Edward C.                 92
Garner, Elsworth                  93
Garner, Loesin T.                 91
Garner, M. C.                     94
Garner, T. F.            91, 92 & 93
Garner, R. A.            91, 92 & 93
Gilmerr, Bertha                   94
Gilmeer, Grace                   181
Gilmeer, Irena                   180
Gilmeer, Martin S.               179
Greenlee, Robert                 108

Haggard, Elizabeth                64
Haggard, Kathrine                 63
Haldren, E. H.                    75
Haldren, Elizabeth                75
Harper, B.                       118
Harper, Barbara       115, 116 & 119
Harper, Caleb F.                 118
Harper, Effie                    117
Harper, J. R.                    118
Harper, James R. 115, 116, 119 & 120
Harper, Mahala                   178
Harper, Rebecca J.               115
Harper, Sarah                    116
Hoback, J. T.                    175
Hoback, Mary E.                  175
Hoffman, Henry L.                105
Hoffman, J. B.                   105
Hoffman, M.                      105
Holdren, A.                      137
Holdren, Edward                   11
Holdren, Elizabeth A.            138
Holdren, Elmetta                  15
Holdren, Infant                  110
Holdren, J.                      112
Holdren, J. W.              11 & 110
Holdren, Levi F.                 112
Holdren, M. M.              11 & 110
Holdren, N. T.                    15
Holdren, S.                      112
Holdren, Thomas                  145
Holdren, W. C.                    15
Hopkins, Allie                    32
Hopkins, Celia                    13
Hopkins, E.                       48
Hopkins, Jane                     25
Hopkins, John M.                  40
Hopkins, L.                       13
Hopkins, M.                       32
Hopkins, Martha                   33
Hopkins, Mathew                   29
Hopkins, Matthew                  25
Hopkins, Marcy                    41
Hopkins, Mellie                   48
Hopkins, Moses              41 & 42
Hopkins, R. A.                    13
Hopkins, Rebeccah                 42
Hopkins, Robert             30 & 33
Hopkins, S.                       48
Hopkins, Sarah                    29
Hopkins, William                  31
Hopkins, Wm.                      32
Howard, C. C.     171, 172 & 173
Howard, Freddie A.               172
Howard, Kate         171 & 172 & 173
Howard, Mary M  .                171
Huffman, Edward                  143
Huffman, J.                      143
Huffman, M. E.                   143
Hufman, Elizabeth                 97
Hughey, E. A.                    141
Hughey, Mulvira                  141
Hughey, Wm. F.                   141

Johnston, James                   84
Johnston, Sarah                   85
Jones, Charles F.                113
Jones, M.                        113
Jones, N.                        113
Jones, Mildred                   114
Jones, Nathaniel                 114

Kerns, James                       1
Kerns, Nancy                       1
Kerr, Herbie                     133
Kerr, M. J.                      133
Kerr, W. P.                      133
Kious, Christina                   7
Kious, Nicholas               7 & 8
Kirkendall, Christena            144

Leake, Eleaner                   101
Lemons, Isaac                     55
Lemons, John                      54
Lemons, Joseph                    55
Lemons, M.                        53
Lemons, M. J.                     53
Lemons, Mary                      55
Logan, Infant                     53
Logan, J.                         90
Logan, Jonathan              88 & 89
Logan, M. J.                      90
Logan, Mary J.                    88
Logan, Tirzah S.                  90
Long, George A.                   14
Lucas, Elijah M.                   2

M., R. H.                        100
McAdams, C. S.                   132
McAdams, H. L.                   132
McAdams, James R.                132
McFarland, George W.             106
McFarland, John H.               107
McLarren, E.                      56
McLarren, Edward                  56
McLarren, M.                      56
Miller, D.                        35
Miller, Dorcas Adams              34
Miller, Emerson                  154
Miller, Esta C.                  152
Miller, Harriet Nagley             5
Miller, Ida J.                   153
Miller, J.                        35
Miller, J. A.                    152
Miller, J. W.                    155
Miller, John W.            153 & 154
Miller, Joseph                    34
Miller, Lelia E.                   4
Miller, Lena                     157
Miller, Mary Jane                 35
Miller, S. C.              153 & 154
Miller, Samilda C. Fisher        156
Miller, V. B.                    152
Miller, Virgil Douglas           157
Miller, W. E.                    157
Miller, Wm T.                    149
Mowen, J. T.                      11
Mowen, Stella                     11
Myers, Christina                  87
Myers, George                86 & 87
R. H. M.                         100

Nagley, E.                         6
Nagley, Harriet                     5
Nagley, Infant                    6
Nagley, J. S.                      6
Negley, Harriet                    3
Negley, J. S.                      3

Osborn, Jacob                    163
Osborn, Martha                   164
Osborn, Nannie M.                166
Overhold, George W.              123
Overhold, Isaac                  123
Overhold, Sarah                  123
Overholt, Isaac            121 & 122
Overholt, Lydia                  121

Plyley, Samuel                    83
Plyley, Sophia                    83

Roseboom, Eliza                   95
Roseboom, Mary                    96

Saxour, Warden E.                148
Strader, Bellzond                 38
Strader, C.              37, 38 & 39
Strader, John A.                  39
Strader, L.              37, 38 & 39
Strader, Levi E.                  37
Strader, William W.              126
Straider, Cyrus                  128
Straider, Lucinda                129
Swan, A. P.                      174
Swan, Abraham W.                 174
Swan, M. C.                      174
Swan, Mahlon C.            159 & 161
Swan, Sophia T.                   36
Swan, William L.                 160

Tuder, John                      146
Tuder, Lucinda                   146
Turner, Andrew                    51
Turner, Christeen                 51

Waugh, Joseph                    139
Waugh, Mary                      140
Whetstone, H.          98, 102 & 103
Whetstone, Henry                  99
Whetstone, Lillie Ida            102
Whetstone, M.              102 & 103
Whetstone, Mary                   98
Whetstone, Sarah M.              103
Williamson, Leonard D.           165
Williamson, Nannie M             166
Wilson, A.                        21
Wilson, D. C.                    104
Wilson, Daniel C.                 19
Wilson, Daniel W.                 23
Wilson, Dean                     177
Wilson, E.                  23 & 104
Wilson, Eliza                     20
Wilson, H.                       176
Wilson, Ida M.                    24
Wilson, Infant                   176
Wilson, J. E.                    176
Wilson, Mae                      177
Wilson, Martha N.                 22
Wilson, Samantha E.               17
Wilson, Simon L.                 104
Wilson, Sylvia O.                 18
Wilson, W.                       123
Wilson, Wert                     177

  1.  Kerns, Nancy, wife of James d 2/9/1861 aged 23y 11m 17ds
  2.  Lucas, Elijah M. d 2/15/1861 aged 29y 1m 28ds
  3.  Negley, Harriet, wife of J. S., d 9/18/1862 aged 32y 9m 26ds
  4.  Miller, Lelia E., b 5/24/1888, d 10/15/1888
  5.  Miller, Harriet Nagley, 1862 - 1892
  6.  Nagley, Inf. son of J. S. & E., d 10/31/1869 aged 4ds
  7.  Kious, Christina, wife of Nicholas, d 6/19/1865 aged 72y 11m
  8.  Kious, Nicholas d 12/26/1870 aged 85 yrs
  9.  Fisher, Anna, wife of A. C., d 9/7/1873 aged 56/8/27
 10.  Fisher, Adam C. d. 4/17/1889 aged 69y 3m 16ds
 11.  Mowen, Stella, wife of J. T., d 1/9/1890 aged 20 yrs
 12.  Fisher, Adam, b 4/12/1872, d 8/12/1931
 13.  Hopkins, Celia, dau of L. & R. A., d 10/14/1865 aged 1 day
 14.  Long, George A. d 4/28/1878 aged 20y 7m 16ds
 15.  Holdren, Elmetta, dau of W. C. & N. E. d 8/6/1869 aged 3mo
 16.  Eye, Laura A., dau of S. H. & J. A. d 12/10/1872 aged 4m 2ds
 17.  Wilson, Samantha E., b 2/14/1878, d 2/7/1887
 18.  Wilson, Sylvia O., b 2/22/1881, d 6/7/1886
 19.  Wilson, Daniel C. b 4/25/1834, d 11/27/1885
 20.  Wilson, Eliza, his wife, b 2/4/1840, d 6/4/1901
 21.  Wilson, A., d 4/3/1875 aged 3y 1m
 22.  Wilson, Martha N. d 12/3/1874 aged 1y 11m
 23.  Wilson, Daniel W., son of W. & E., d 11/26/1866 aged 2y 6m 5d
 24.  Wilson, Ida M. b 5/21/1870, d 2/12/1887
 25.  Hopkins, Matthew d 2/18/1878 aged 81/8/12
      Jane, his wife d 8/28/1870 aged 72y 6m 28d
 26.  Day, Mathew A., son of A. F. & R. M., d 7/3/1853 aged 1y 5m 21ds
 27.  Day, Rebecca M. wife of A. F., d 1/2/1862 aged 41y 6 m 29ds
 28.  Day. Adam F., d 4/20/1881 aged 62y 10m 5ds
 29.  Hopkins, Sarah, wife of Mathew, d 9/16/1827 aged 30y 1mo
 30.  Hopkins, Robert d 8/2/1865 aged 76y 10m 26d
 31.  Hopkins, William d 5/18/1879 aged 58y 1m 10ds
      "Dear wife and children I leave you alone
 32.  Hopkins, Allie, son of Wm. & M., d 9/17/1865 aged 7 days
 33.  Hopkins, Martha, wife of Robert, d 2/28/1882, aged 88y 9m 16ds
 34.  Miller, Joseph W. b 3/18/1812, d 1/20/1889 FATHER
      Miller, Dorcas Adams, his wife, b 4/11/1806, d 10/31/1893 MOTHER
 35.  Miller, Mary Jane, dau. of J. & D., d 8/26/1850 aged 2y 5m
 36.  Swan, Sophia T., d 1/20/1874 aged 29y 1m 18ds
 37.  Strader, Levi E., son of C. & L., d 2/9/1866 aged 8m 14ds
 38.  Strader, Bellzond, dau of C. & L., d 6/17/1868 aged 11m 14ds
 39.  Strader, John A., son of C. & L., died 7/2/1875 aged 14y 8m 21ds
 40.  John M. Hopkins, d 2/17/1837 aged 28 y 25 ds
 41.  Marcy Hopkins, wife of Moses, died 4/22/1825 aged 43y 6m
 42.  Hopkins, Rebeccah, dau. of Moses, d 6/2/1824 aged 22y 10m
 43.  Broken stone 4/28/1828 in 1st yr of age
 44.  Adams, Samilda d. 5/6/1887 aged 25y 2m 2ds
 45.  Adams, D. S. Co. K. 63rd Ohio Inf. 
 46.  Adams, Absolem d 3/6/1859 aged 88y 1m 18d
 47.  Adams, Henrietta, his wife, d 12/4/1861 aged 78y
      (Both 46 and 47 were 50 year members of the M. E. Church)
 48.  Hopkins, Mellie, dau of S. & E., d 10/21/1876 aged 1y 5m 21ds
 49.  Carmean, Pearson d 8/17/1858 aged 79y 5 m
 50.  Carmean, Catharine, dau. of Jso. & Sarah, d 7/31/1842 aged 1y 7m 19ds
 51.  Turner, Christeen, wife of Andrew desesed, b 3/12/1797, 
                         d 9/15/1827 aged 29y 6mos
 52.  Old stone, lettering gone
 53.  Logan, Inf. son of M. & M. J., d 5/2/1853 ahed 18 hours
 54.  Lemons, John d 4/13/1834 aged 22y 5m
 55.  Lemons, Joseph, son of Isaac & Mary, d 5/24/1840 aged 1y 4m 15ds
 56.  McLarran, Edward, son of M. & E., d 12/2/1858 aged 5 days
 57.  Copping, Maria, wife of John, b 5/22/1804, ________
 58.  Copping, John d 11/27^t 1866 aged 72y 2mos
 59.  Bainter, Celia J., wife of Henry, d 3/14/1878 aged 50 years
 60.  A footstone marked C. C. 
 61.  Depoy, Elizabeth, wife of Jacob, d 9/30/1855 aged 83 years
 62.  Depoy, Jacob d 9/25/1851 aged 80y 1m 25ds
 63.  Haggard, Kathrine d 12/26/1860 aged 4y 22ds
 64.  Haggard, Elizabeth d January 1864 aged 3 yrs
 65.  Depoy, Nancy b 7/24/1799, d 9/5/1833, aged 34y 1m 11ds
 66.  Blain, John, son of A. T. & E., 9/26/1817 (set in ground)
 67.  Depoy, Katherine, wife of John and dau. of H. & C. Barkley, 
                        d 9/10/1877, aged 59y 8m 27ds
 68.  Barnes, Catherine, 1839 - 1880
 69.  Carmean, Prudence, wife of P., d 4/28/1848 aged 57y 1m 16ds
 70.  Old stone lettering gone.
 71.  Barnes, Sarah C., dau of C. W. & C. d. 10/17/1875 (No age given)
 72.  Barns, Wm L., son of C. W. & C., d 12/30/1870 (No age given)
 73.  Barns, John, Inf. son of C. W. & C. d 1/18/1869
 74.  Freshour, Elizabeth d 5/26/1866, aged 74y 4m 14ds
 75.  Haldren, Elizabeth, first wife of E. H., died 4/16/1839 aged 25y 1m 21ds
 76.  Depoy, Christopher, d 4/17/1843 aged 81y 7m 19ds
 77.  Barkley, Catharine, wife of Henry, d 6/20/1863 aged 73y 4m 8ds
 78.  Barkley, Henry, Sen. d 1/8/1850 aged 66y 7ds
 79.  Barkley, Samuel H., son of J. & M., d 2/16/1857 aged 5y 3m 25ds
 80.  Barkley, John M., son of J. & M., d 4/10/1858 aged 5weeks
 81.  Barkley, Jacob d. 2/13/1870, aged 45y 3m 27ds
 82.  Black, Levi, son of A. & M., died 8/13/1850 aged 1y 9m 21ds
 83.  Plyley, Sophia, wife of Samuel d 8/31/1890 aged 53y 1m 4ds
 84.  Johnston, James d 10/21/1872 aged 87y 9d Our Father
 85.  Johnston, Sarah, his wife, d 4/20/1881, aged 76y 27ds
 86.  Myers, George d 7/29/1873 aged 89y 2m 13da
 87.  Myers, Christina, wife of George, d 12/22/1843 aged 60y 11m 13ds
 88.  Logan, Mary J., wife of Jonathan, d 9/8/1878 in her 60th yr Mother
 89.  Logan, Jonathan d 3/4/1888 aged 88y 2m 7d Father
 90.  Logan, Tirzah, S., dau. of J. & M. J. d 6/10/1860 aged 5y 2m
 91.  Garner, Loesin T., son of T. F. & R. A., d 9/28/1880 aged 1y 17d
 92.  Garner, Edward C., son of T. F. & R. A., d 12/10/1877 aged 5y 25d
 93.  Garner, Elsworth, son of T. F. & R. A. d 9/2/1880 aged 11y 11m 20d
 94.  Gilmerr, Bertha, dau. of C. F. & M. C., d 6/6/1880 aged 3y 8m 17d
 95.  Roseboom, Elza b 4/9/1812 d 2/3/1896
 96.  Roseboom, Mary, his wife, b 5/12/1823, d 11/30/1890
 97.  Hufman, Elizabeth d 6/22/1824 aged 42yrs
 98.  Whetstone, Mary, wife of H., d3/13/1853 aged 43y 7m 18ds
 99.  Whetstone, Henry d 3/19/1881, aged 73y 10m 3ds
100.  R H M, 1834
101.  Leake, Eleaner d 7/25/1878 aged 47y 5m 25ds
102.  Whetstone, Lillie Ida, inf dau of H. & M. d 7/31/1863
103.  Whetstone, Sarah M., dau. of H. & M., d 10/16/1886 aged 29y 7m 14ds
104.  Wilson, Simon L., son of D. C. & E., d 8/6/1861 aged 6m 10ds
105.  Hoffman, Hnery L., son of J. B. & M., d 9/11/1859 aged /?y ?m 28ds
106.  McFarland, George W. d 5/3/1856 aged 10 mos
107.  McFarland, John H. d. 2/11/64 aged 10y 5m 4d
108.  Greenlee, Robert b 7/21/1862, d 5/12/1927
109.  3 unmarked graves by #108
110.  Holdren, Inf. son of J. W. & M. M., d 8/18/1872
111.  Holdren, Edward, son of J. W. & M. M. d 7/2/1861 aged 3y 1m 4ds
112.  Holdren, Levi F., son of J. & S. d 7/27/1852 aged 1y 2m 9ds
113.  Jones, Charles F., son of N. & M., d 8/20/1843 aged 10m 24ds
114.  Jones, Mildred, wife of Nathaniel, d 6/15/1849 aged 20y 2m 5ds
115.  Harper, Rebecca J., dau. of James R. & Barbara, d 3/7/1889 ae 55y 4m 21d'
116.  Harper, Sarah, dau of James R. & Barbara, d 7/8/1882 ae 46y 5m 19ds
117.  Harper, Effie, dau. of James R. & Barbary, d 2/1/1870 ae 21y 2m 20ds
118.  Harper, Caleb F., son of J. R. & B., Vol. Co. D, 89th O.V.I., 
                        died 5/13/1863 aged 24y 4m (?)ds
119.  Harper, Barbara, wife of James R., d 9/12/1884 aged 75y 25ds
120.  Harper, James R. d 6/19/1855 aged 52y 1m 26ds
121.  Overholt, Lydia, wife of Isaac, d 5/26/1854 aged 43y 5m 22ds
122.  Overholt, Isaac d 9/30/1880 aged 62y 20ds
123.  Overhold, George W., son of Isaac & Sarah, d 7/25/1887 aged 16y 3m 4ds
124.  Bragg, Francis L., 1850 - 1932
125.  Bragg, Milton D., 1844 - 1935
126.  Strader, William W. b 4/12/1848, d 2/3/1904
127.  ( 3 unmarked graves here )
128.  Straider, Cyrus, 1826 - 1903
129.  Straider, Lucinda, his wife, 1826 - 1899
130.  Dewitt, Inf. son of W. & E. L. d 10/5/1899 aged 6ds
131.  Allamang, Rachel M., wife of W. A., d 4/10/1884 aged 44y 3ds
132.  McAdams, James R. son of C. S. & H. L., d 10/6/1880 aged 18y 11m 21ds
133.  Kerr, Herbie, son of W. P. & M. J., d 9/23/1890 aged 5mo
134.  Eye, Austin Lee b 7/20/1872, d 11/17/1944
135.  Eye, Franklin b 1863, d 10/12/1926
136.  Eye, Julia A., wife of Samuel, H., b 11/6/1837, d 5/7/1890. Mother
      (This grave on the Holdren lot)
137.  Holdren, A. d 12/20/1885 aged 78y 1m 26ds
138.  Holdren, Elizabeth A., wife of A., d 9/27/1882 aged 81 yrs
139.  Waugh, Joseph D. 1/14/1850 aged 86 years
140.  Waugh, Mary, his wife, died 8/1/1861 aged 87y 7m 2ds
141.  Hughey, Mulvira, dau. of Wm F. & E. A., d 9/25/1856 aged 6y 12d
142.  Bryan, Mary d 10/16/1843 aged 5y 6m 27ds
143.  Huffman, Edward, son of J. & M. E., d 10/15/1878 aged 2y 8m 13ds
144.  Kirkendall, Christena d 8/2/1899 aged 82 yrs
145.  Holdren, Thomas d 4/25.1860 aged 24y 8m 28ds
146.  Tuder, Lucinda, wife of John B., d 11/30/1890 aged about 95 yrs
      #146 to and including 151 stones are alike.
147.  Dee, Ada F., 1886 -1913
148.  Saxour, Warden E., 1900 - 1902
149.  Miller, Wm T., 1874 -1900
150.  Donohoe, Thelma I., 1901 - 1902
151.  Donohoe, Alma J., 1882-1902
      #146 to and including 151 stones are alike.
152.  Miller, Esta C., dau. of J. A. & V. B., b 8/31/1891, d //25/1892
153.  Miller, Ida J., dau. of John W. & S. C., b 4/24/1868, d 4/2/1892
154.  Miller, Emerson, son of John W. & S. C., b 3/13/1877, d 12/18/1895
155.  Miller, J. W., 1844 - 1929
156.  Miller, Samilda C. Fisher, his wife, 1847 - 1920
157.  Miller, Virgil Douglas, son of W. E. & Lena, b 1/30/1905, 3/26/1907
158.  Barnes, Sarah A., wife of W. W., b 10/15/1812, d 7/30/1891
159.  Swan, Mahlon C., Co. 1, 81st O.V.I.
160.  Swan, William L., b 6/27/1867, d 7/19/1904
161.  Swan, Mahlon C., b 2/14/1837, d 7/14/1932
162.  Swan, Amy P., his wife b 10/11/1842, d 6/23/1917
163.  Osborn, Jacob, 1833 - 1908
164.  Osborn, Martha, his wife, 1830 - 899
165.  Williamson, Leonard D., 1877 - 1917
166.  Williamson, Nannie M. Osborn, his wife, 1876 - 19-
167.  Eye, Charles A., 1861 - 1925
168.  Eye, Martha E., 1861 - 1900
169.  Eye, In Memory of infant children, 1898 - 1900
170.  Eye, Charles A., 1925
171.  Howard, Mary M., dau. of C. C. & Kate, d 2/3/1880 aged 1y 3ds
172.  Howard, Freddie A., son of C. C. & Kate, d 2/13/1880 aged 1m 19ds
173.  Howard, Kate, wife of C. C. d 4/23/1882 aged 32y 9m 5ds
174.  Swan, Abraham W. son of M. C. & A. P., d 4/3/1885 aged 3y 3m 22 ds
175.  Hoback, Mary E., wife of J. T. d 11/11/1886 aged 44yrs
176.  Wilson, Inf. dau. of J. E. & H., 1895
177.  Wilson, Dean, Inf. son of Wert & Mae, 1912
178.  Harper, Mahala b 5/1/1846, d 9/26/1930
179.  Gilmerr, Martin S., 1862 -1920
180.  Gilmerr, Irena, 1867 - 1900
181.  Gilmerr, Grace, 1893-4

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