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Harmon Records
1830 Deed
Pendleton County, Franklin, West Virginia
Deed Book 10, pp 297-200
This deed made this 6th day of September in the year of our Lord 1830 Between Reuben Harmon of the County of Pendleton of the first part and Jonas Harmon and Catherine his wife, Samuel Harmon and Christina his wife, Joshua Harmon and Eliza his wife, Jacob Harper and Phebe his wife, Leonard Day and Rachel his wife, William Van Meter and Mary his wife and Isaac Harmon of the other part. WITNESSETH that for an in consideration of the sum of three hundred dollars current money of the united State to them in hand paid the receipt; whereof is hereby acknowledge hath granted bargained sold aliened and confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain sell aliened release and confirm unto the said Reuben Harmon his heirs and assigned forever all their two certain tracts or parcels of land lying and being in the County of Pendleton and State of Virginia boath on the flat Spring a branch of the North Fork of the South Branch of the Potomack and bounded as followeth, to wit: BEGIONNING at a walnut on a hill on the South side of said branch and running thence N 14 E 40 poled crosing said un to two Lynns near a branch thence S 25 E 40 poles to two Ironwood Saplins at the foot of a mountain S 45 W 80 poled crosing the spurs of the mountain to a locust on the side of a ridge thence N 67 W 90 poles to the beginning containing sixty two acres, the other BEGINNING at two Lynns by a branch corner of the above mentioned tract, running thence N 45 poles to a black and white oaks S 83 W 78 poles to a walnut and chesnut oak S 21 W 52 poles to two hickorys in a rocky deep hollow S 63 E 82 to a walnut tree on a ridge former corner N 14 E 40 poles with a former line crosing a branch to a chesnut tree former corner S 63 E 68 poles with a former line to a chesnut tree former corner thence S 75 E 60 poles with a line to the beginning, containing fifty acres TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described tracts of land with its appurtenances unto the said Reuben Harmon, and his heirs and assigns for ever and the said Jones, Samuel, Joshua, Noah & Solomon Harmon, Jacob Harper, Leonard Day, William Van Meter and their above mentioned wives, the above described tracts or parcels of land with its appurtenances to the said Reuben Harmon, his heirs and assigns shall and will warrant and forever defend against all persons or claim whatsoever in Testimony whereof the aforesaid Jonas, Samuel, Joshua, Noah and Solomon Harmon, Jacob Harper, Leonard Day, William Van Meter and their above mentioned wives have hereunto set their hands and seals this day and year first above written.
Jonas Harmon | Seal |
Joshua Harmon | Seal |
Noah Harmon | Seal |
Solomon Harmon | Seal |
Jacob (his X seal) Harmon | Seal |
Leonard (his Mark) Day | Seal |
Samuel Harmon | Seal |
William (his X mark) Van Meter | Seal |
Isaac Harmon | Seal |
Phebe (her X mark) Harper | Seal |
Christina (her X mark) Harmon | Seal |
Susannah (her X mark) Harmon | Seal |
Christina (her X mark) Harmon | Seal |
Magdaline (her X mark) Harmon | Seal |
Elizabeth (her X mark) Harmon | Seal |
Rachel (her X mark) Harmon | Seal |
We Mich'l Henkle & Jesse Henkle Justice of the Peace in the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia, do hereby certify that Catharine Harmon the wife of Jonas Harmon & Christena Harmon the wife of Samuel Harman parties to a certain Deed bearing date on the 6th day of September 1830 and \ annexed personally appeared before us in our county aforesaid and was examined by us privily and apart from their husbands and had the aforesaid deed fully explained to them they the said Katharine and Christina Harmon acknowledge the same to be their Acts and Deeds, and declared that they had willingly singed sealed and delivered the sane and that they wished not to retract it. Given under our hand this 19th day of September 1830
We Jesse Henkle & Michael Henkle, Justice of the Peace in the County aforesaid do hereby certify that Jonas Harmon, Joshua Harmon, Reuben Harmon & Noah Harman, Jacob Harper, Leonard Day, & Isaac Harmon and Solomon Harman parties to a certain deed bearing date the 6th day of September 1830 hereto annexed personally appeared before us in our said county and acknowledged the same to be there Acts and Deeds & desired us to certify the said acknowledgment to the Clerk of the County of Pendleton in order that the said deed may be recorded. Given under our hands and Seals this 17th day of September 1830
In the Clerks Office of the County Court of Pendleton.
This deed was presented to me Zebulon Dyer Clark of the said County and being certified to have been acknowledged in the manner prescribed by law is admitted to records
Exam'd         Z. Dyer     Cl C
I, Christine Bergen, 800 Windhcer AVe., Martinburg, West Virginia, do hereby cerifty that the above is a true, accurate and complete copy of the deed at it appears of record in Deed Book 10 pages 297, 198 and 299, Pendleton Countyu, West Virignia.
Gvien udner my ahdn and sell this 23rd day of July 1964.
s/Christine Begen. My commission Expires Jan. 8. 1974.
1849 Will
Pendleton County Court, Franklin W. VA.
Will Book 4, p 289. Will of Joshua Harmon, 5 March 1849
Wife, Eve; sons Joel, John, George, Isaac, Eli;
Michael Mouse and my daughter Phebe is to have sum money "this is towards the claim she has against me from her grandfather Harper. Daughters: Phebe, Elizabeth, Mary, Melvina and Katherine.
Joshua Harmon
Solomon Harmon
Isaac HarmonProbated 3 May 1849
1853 Will
Pendleton County Court, Franklin W. VA.
Will Book 4, p. 345. 15 July 1853     Will of George Harmon
Son Samuel Harmon and son Andrew's heirs $1.00; grandson Simeon Harmon use gray mare til 25 December 1853. All estate to my three daughters, Mary Elizabeth and Jane and they pay to my daughter Nancy a portion of money. George HarmonWitnesses: Levi Harper John (his X mark) Champ John Harmon           Probated 6 April 1854
Marriage Record in Pendleton Co., W. VA.
Henry Weese & Catherine Miller, Nov 4, 1799 by Valentine Bower
Jonas Harmon & Barbara Harper, Dec. 23, 1806 by Moses Henkle
Abraham Weese & Martha Smith, October 3, 1811 by Ferdinand Lair
Isaac Van Meter & Eliza Shrone, 2 June 1825 by James Watts
William Van Meter & Mary Harmon, July 26, 1824 by Samuel Brinson
Samuel Ruckman & Margaret Slaven, February 13, 1821 by Jesse Hinkle
Maxfield Ruckman & Elizabeth Hicks, 26 April 1827 by N. Pendleton
Pendleton County History by Oren F. Morton
Franklin, W. Va. Published 1910. Page 211:
HARMON (a) Isaac (Christina Hinkle Ch-1 Reuben (Christina Miller) - Mo., late b. 1798 2. Joshua (Annis Dice ?Harper) m. 1817, 3. Solomon (Elizabeth Harmon) -b. 1807-out, 4. Jonas (Barbara Harper) m. 1806, 5. Isaac (Polly Harmon) b. 1813, 6. Rachel (Leonard Day), 7. Christina (Samuel Harmon M. 1825), 8 Phoebe (Michael Mouse). (Note-CB-This Phoebe daughter of Joshua. See WB 4, p 289.)
Same history states Wees family was in the North of Pendleton, 1780, but removed to Randolph Co.
Mrs. Elsie Byrd Boggs, Franklin W. Va., 26807 is noted historian and she state Christina Hinkle was the daughter of John Justus Hinkle, Jr., John Justus Hinkle, Sr. built Hinkle Fort 1761. Her husband, Mr. Boggs, a former Clerk of the County Court.
Mrs. Myrtle Dyer, Franklin W. Va. is a descendant of Isaac Harmon, brother of Mary Harmon.