Historical Society Whitley County Columbia City Indiana Genealogical Phil N Ruckman Selected Genealogiy Records
The Whitley County Historical Society


Whitley County Museum
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108 West Jefferson Street
Columbia City, Indiana 46725
Telephone: (219) 244-6372
Fax: 219-244-6384


Selected Genealogy Records of
Phil N. Ruckman, Sr.
1919 - 1976

  • Harmon Records
  • Ruckman Records
  • Van Meter Records
  • Wynkoop Records
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    Harmon Records

    1830 Deed

    Pendleton County, Franklin, West Virginia
    Deed Book 10, pp 297-200

    This deed made this 6th day of September in the year of our Lord 1830 Between Reuben Harmon of the County of Pendleton of the first part and Jonas Harmon and Catherine his wife, Samuel Harmon and Christina his wife, Joshua Harmon and Eliza his wife, Jacob Harper and Phebe his wife, Leonard Day and Rachel his wife, William Van Meter and Mary his wife and Isaac Harmon of the other part. WITNESSETH that for an in consideration of the sum of three hundred dollars current money of the united State to them in hand paid the receipt; whereof is hereby acknowledge hath granted bargained sold aliened and confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain sell aliened release and confirm unto the said Reuben Harmon his heirs and assigned forever all their two certain tracts or parcels of land lying and being in the County of Pendleton and State of Virginia boath on the flat Spring a branch of the North Fork of the South Branch of the Potomack and bounded as followeth, to wit: BEGIONNING at a walnut on a hill on the South side of said branch and running thence N 14 E 40 poled crosing said un to two Lynns near a branch thence S 25 E 40 poles to two Ironwood Saplins at the foot of a mountain S 45 W 80 poled crosing the spurs of the mountain to a locust on the side of a ridge thence N 67 W 90 poles to the beginning containing sixty two acres, the other BEGINNING at two Lynns by a branch corner of the above mentioned tract, running thence N 45 poles to a black and white oaks S 83 W 78 poles to a walnut and chesnut oak S 21 W 52 poles to two hickorys in a rocky deep hollow S 63 E 82 to a walnut tree on a ridge former corner N 14 E 40 poles with a former line crosing a branch to a chesnut tree former corner S 63 E 68 poles with a former line to a chesnut tree former corner thence S 75 E 60 poles with a line to the beginning, containing fifty acres TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described tracts of land with its appurtenances unto the said Reuben Harmon, and his heirs and assigns for ever and the said Jones, Samuel, Joshua, Noah & Solomon Harmon, Jacob Harper, Leonard Day, William Van Meter and their above mentioned wives, the above described tracts or parcels of land with its appurtenances to the said Reuben Harmon, his heirs and assigns shall and will warrant and forever defend against all persons or claim whatsoever in Testimony whereof the aforesaid Jonas, Samuel, Joshua, Noah and Solomon Harmon, Jacob Harper, Leonard Day, William Van Meter and their above mentioned wives have hereunto set their hands and seals this day and year first above written.

    Jonas HarmonSeal
    Joshua HarmonSeal
    Noah HarmonSeal
    Solomon HarmonSeal
    Jacob (his X seal) HarmonSeal
    Leonard (his Mark) Day Seal
    Samuel HarmonSeal
    William (his X mark) Van MeterSeal
    Isaac HarmonSeal
    Phebe (her X mark) HarperSeal
    Christina (her X mark) HarmonSeal
    Susannah (her X mark) HarmonSeal
    Christina (her X mark) HarmonSeal
    Magdaline (her X mark) HarmonSeal
    Elizabeth (her X mark) HarmonSeal
    Rachel (her X mark) HarmonSeal
    We Mich'l Henkle & Jesse Henkle Justice of the Peace in the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia, do hereby certify that Catharine Harmon the wife of Jonas Harmon & Christena Harmon the wife of Samuel Harman parties to a certain Deed bearing date on the 6th day of September 1830 and \ annexed personally appeared before us in our county aforesaid and was examined by us privily and apart from their husbands and had the aforesaid deed fully explained to them they the said Katharine and Christina Harmon acknowledge the same to be their Acts and Deeds, and declared that they had willingly singed sealed and delivered the sane and that they wished not to retract it. Given under our hand this 19th day of September 1830
    We Jesse Henkle & Michael Henkle, Justice of the Peace in the County aforesaid do hereby certify that Jonas Harmon, Joshua Harmon, Reuben Harmon & Noah Harman, Jacob Harper, Leonard Day, & Isaac Harmon and Solomon Harman parties to a certain deed bearing date the 6th day of September 1830 hereto annexed personally appeared before us in our said county and acknowledged the same to be there Acts and Deeds & desired us to certify the said acknowledgment to the Clerk of the County of Pendleton in order that the said deed may be recorded. Given under our hands and Seals this 17th day of September 1830
    In the Clerks Office of the County Court of Pendleton.
    May 28th, 1831
    This deed was presented to me Zebulon Dyer Clark of the said County and being certified to have been acknowledged in the manner prescribed by law is admitted to records Teste. Exam'd         Z. Dyer     Cl C

    I, Christine Bergen, 800 Windhcer AVe., Martinburg, West Virginia, do hereby cerifty that the above is a true, accurate and complete copy of the deed at it appears of record in Deed Book 10 pages 297, 198 and 299, Pendleton Countyu, West Virignia.
    Gvien udner my ahdn and sell this 23rd day of July 1964. s/Christine Begen. My commission Expires Jan. 8. 1974.

    1849 Will

    Pendleton County Court, Franklin W. VA.
    Will Book 4, p 289. Will of Joshua Harmon, 5 March 1849
    Wife, Eve; sons Joel, John, George, Isaac, Eli;
    Michael Mouse and my daughter Phebe is to have sum money "this is towards the claim she has against me from her grandfather Harper. Daughters: Phebe, Elizabeth, Mary, Melvina and Katherine.

    Joshua Harmon
    Solomon Harmon
    Isaac Harmon
    Probated 3 May 1849

    1853 Will

    Pendleton County Court, Franklin W. VA.
    Will Book 4, p. 345. 15 July 1853     Will of George Harmon
    Son Samuel Harmon and son Andrew's heirs $1.00; grandson Simeon Harmon use gray mare til 25 December 1853. All estate to my three daughters, Mary Elizabeth and Jane and they pay to my daughter Nancy a portion of money.

    George Harmon
    Levi Harper
    John (his X mark) Champ
    John Harmon           Probated 6 April 1854

    Marriage Record in Pendleton Co., W. VA.

    Henry Weese & Catherine Miller, Nov 4, 1799 by Valentine Bower
    Jonas Harmon & Barbara Harper, Dec. 23, 1806 by Moses Henkle
    Abraham Weese & Martha Smith, October 3, 1811 by Ferdinand Lair
    Isaac Van Meter & Eliza Shrone, 2 June 1825 by James Watts
    William Van Meter & Mary Harmon, July 26, 1824 by Samuel Brinson
    Samuel Ruckman & Margaret Slaven, February 13, 1821 by Jesse Hinkle
    Maxfield Ruckman & Elizabeth Hicks, 26 April 1827 by N. Pendleton

    Pendleton County History by Oren F. Morton
    Franklin, W. Va. Published 1910. Page 211:

    HARMON (a) Isaac (Christina Hinkle Ch-1 Reuben (Christina Miller) - Mo., late b. 1798 2. Joshua (Annis Dice ?Harper) m. 1817, 3. Solomon (Elizabeth Harmon) -b. 1807-out, 4. Jonas (Barbara Harper) m. 1806, 5. Isaac (Polly Harmon) b. 1813, 6. Rachel (Leonard Day), 7. Christina (Samuel Harmon M. 1825), 8 Phoebe (Michael Mouse). (Note-CB-This Phoebe daughter of Joshua. See WB 4, p 289.)

    Same history states Wees family was in the North of Pendleton, 1780, but removed to Randolph Co.

    Mrs. Elsie Byrd Boggs, Franklin W. Va., 26807 is noted historian and she state Christina Hinkle was the daughter of John Justus Hinkle, Jr., John Justus Hinkle, Sr. built Hinkle Fort 1761. Her husband, Mr. Boggs, a former Clerk of the County Court.

    Mrs. Myrtle Dyer, Franklin W. Va. is a descendant of Isaac Harmon, brother of Mary Harmon.

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    Ruckman Records

    September 2, 1964
    Phil N. Ruckman - Review of RUCKMAN FAMILY

    At the present time an analysis of data on hand indicated that the Ruckman Family in America immigrated from North East Wales bordering England.

    1. Samuel Ruckman-born in England-1643-migrated to Long Island, N. Y. in 1682 at the age of 39.

    1-A Thomas Ruckman - son of Samuel - born in Long Island, N. Y. IN 1682.

    1-B James Ruckman - son of Thomas Ruckman - born in New Jersey in 1716.

    1-C David Ruckman - son of James Ruckman - born in New Jersey in 1747.

    David Ruckman married Susannah Little in New Jersey and migrated to Viringina, settled in South East Highland County in lower Back Creek Valley about 1784.

    David and Susannah (Little) Ruckman were the parents of four sons and four daughters.

    Daughters Elizabeth, Sophia, Mary, and Hannah
    Sons: Samuel, John, James, and David Little
    Father, David died July 11, 1822 and was buried on a gentle eminence overlooking his Homestead. His, wife, Susannah moved to Pocahontas with her son David and died of old age about 1845

    1-D Samuel Ruckman - eldest son of David Ruckman, Sr., was born Nov 17, 1783 in New Jersey prior to his fathers moving to Virginia. Samuel married Nancy Hartman from beyond, Greenbank, July 18, 1809, settled on Back Creek. Their children were 1-son, John Hartman Ruckman and 2-two daughters, Mary Ruckman and Nancy Ruckman. Samuel Ruckman married the second time to Margaret Slaven from Pocahontas County, Samuel's children by his second wife were James, Elizabeth, Asa, and David VanMeter. Samuel's daughter by his first marriage Mary Ruckman married Issac Gum and raised two sons, Issac and Aaron Gum. Nancy Ruckman married William Wade, they moved west are survived by several children.

    John H. Ruckman, son of Samuel and Nancy (Hartman) Ruckman was born in Highland County (then Bath) Nov. 11, 1810. John married Mary Bruffey daughter of Patrick Bruffey) Nov., 78, 1833. they first settled on the Homestead on Back Creek, and then moved to Pocahontas about 1845, to the Bradshaw place near Millpoint. He finally located on the Greenbriar, opposite the Stamping Creek Junction, where he built a fine residence and spent several years.

    John and Mary (Bruffeys) Ruckman had eight children: Caroline, Syndey, Charles, Samuel, James A. William Patrick, David Newton and Polly Ann.

    Caroline became Mrs. William J. Cackely, near Millpoint, and died soon thereafter.

    Charles Ruckman was a Confederate soldier, became a prisoner of war and was for some time a prisoner at Fort Delaware, and was on his return homeward when he died at Baltimore from the effect.

    Samuel Ruckman a younger confederate soldier, died at Greenbank, occasions by fatigue and exposure.

    James Atlee Ruckman died in battle at Point Republic.

    William Patrick Ruckman, David Newton Ruckman and Polly Ann Ruckman, died in childhood.

    Sydney Ruckman, the eldest of the sons, was a Confederate soldier, and survived the war. He married Almira Campbell, daughter of the late William Campbell, who at the time occupied the home opened by David Ruckman, the pioneer. It was the writer's pleasure to officiate upon the occasion, and was made the recipient of one of the most liberal fees ever know to be given for such a service in that vicinity. After all the perils of war, he came near losing his life in a time of peace in a rencontre that is alleged to have been the principal reason for the famous Atchison lynching at Monterey. It is reported that all this was done in direct opposition to Sidney's wishes, and that he was always sorry it ever happened, as he felt himself fully able to look out for himself, He finally went to Oklahoma, and on his way to meet and bring home his wife, visiting in Kansas, he died under sudden and sad circumstance, September 1896, at the hands of suspected parties, who were pursued and dealt with in a very summary manner. He is survived by his wife and two sons Charles and William
    James Ruckman - son of Samuel and Margaret (Slaven) ruckman died in his youth.

    Elizabeth Ruckman - daughter of Samuel and Margaret (Slaven) Ruckman married John P. Ervine, they raise three children: James, Mary and Anna.

    Asas Ruckman - daughter of Samuel and Margaret (Slaven) Ruckaman married Cornlia Brown and moved west.

    David VanMeter Ruckman - son of Samuel and Margaret (Slaven) Ruckman married Anna Herring, daughter of Bethuel Herring of Augusta County. Their children were "Kate" who married Wise Herold; Lucy married Edward Wade; Anna Laurie who married William Price Campbell; Marget who amrried Rev. Cocke of Missouri; Sarah live at home; David Glendye Ruckman lives in Augusta, Samuel Rickman died whil a student. Colonel David Van Meter Ruckman's second wife was Miss Lizie Eagel, daughter of Samuel Eagle

    John H. Ruckman's second wife was Mary Woodell, near Greenbank. In 1863, he sold out his possessions in Pocahontas and moved to George, where he died a few years since. Mr.s Ruckman married again, and is now Mrs. Wilson.

    David Little Ruckman, son of David and Susannah (Little) Ruickman was born on Back Crrrek. The following is notes on David L. Ruckman:
    Fifty years ago one of the most active men in lower Pochantas was David Little Ruckman. Constable of the Levels District. He was tall and Wiry in person, quick and nervous in his movements, and usually rode in a rapid trot. He alway meant business, and when he went to collect a debt the money or propety had to be in evbidence. Were an arrest to be made, he nearly always foudn the person that was wonted. His home was in the cover near Marvin and is now occupied by his grandson, Mathes Ruckman.

    Futher particulats of his ancestry are given in another chapter. David L. Ruckman was born on Back Creek. He had three brothers who lived to be grown. Samuel Rickman, whose son Colonel David V. Ruckman is widley know in our county. John Rickman went to ohio. James Ruckman settled in Illinois. He had also these sisters: Fannnie, who married John Gum. She was the mother of Mrs. Samuel Harper, on Knapps Creek, and Mrs. Martha Ginger, who son George W. Ginger now resided in Huntersville, the village blacksmith. Mr. Ginger her husband, was killed during the war. ,u>Mary Ann Ruckman went with her brother John to Ohio.

    David L. Ruckman came to Pocahontas in 1832 and located at the place already pointed out. He married Priscilla Wade, daughter of Otha Wade of Highland. She was a very superior person in all the relations of life. She died in 1860. Her husband died in 1841, thirteen years after their removal to Pocahontas from their home in lower Highland.

    Charles Ruckman, their oldest son, was born in Highland County. He was devoted to books and became one of the best scholars of his time. He taught school and transacted business for his father. He married Maggie Griffin, daughter of Jonathan Griffin, on Stony Creek. In the latter years of his life he became a rheumatic invalid, but in spite of pain and suffering tried to be useful to the last. He moved to Ohio, and was survived by a son and daughter, Julia Ann and Leonides.

    The second son Samuel, died at the age of 15 years.

    The third son was John Wade, lately living on the old homestead near Marvin. He was born in Highland, in 1824 and was eight years old when the family moved to this county. He married Margaret Ann Moore. their son, Mathews married Margaret Hogsett, daughter of Josiah T. Hogsett, and lives at the homestead. Many years since Colonel Ruckman lost his hearing. Sometime before his death, one of his eyes was seriously affected. Before he was overtaken by the afflictions, none seemed to have better prospects for wealth and advancement and social prominence.

    Marriage Record in Pendleton Co., W. VA.

    Samuel Ruckman & Margaret Slaven, February 13, 1821 by Jesse Hinkle

    1850 Census of Whitley County Ind.
    House visited - number of families checked.
    J indicates in school within last 12 month


    Isaac Ruckman31Va.Farmer $1,000
    Mary A. Ruckman25Ohio
    Cynthia Ruckman 6Ohio
    Sylvester Ruckman 4Ohio
    Lavina Repine22Pa.


    Zachariah Garrison43N. Y. Faremr $1,400.00
    Ann Garrison26Va.
    Wm. Garrison18Ohiofarmer (J)
    Malinda Garrison14Ohio(J)
    Louisa Garrison10Indiana(J)
    Levi Garrsion5Indiana
    Peter Garrison 3Indiana
    Ruckman Garrison1/12Indiana

    1893 Obituary Abstract
    Columbia City Post, 6 Feb. 1893
    Columbia City Commercial, 6 Feb. 1893:

    Ruckman, Mrs. Orlando—Catherine Merriman as born in Washington Twp., Whitley Co., Ind. on 3 August 1853 to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Merriman; died on 26 Jan. 1895. Surviving are the husband 8 children and aged parents. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. J. M. Francis whose text was from John, 11:28. Burial was in the Garrison Cemetery. (C.C.P., 7 Feb. 1893) (C.C.C., 6 Feb. 1893)

    1902 Obituary Abstract.
    Columbia City Commercial, 12 August 1902:

    Ruckman, Mabel. The daughter of Harmon Ruckman died Thursday of cholera infantun and was buried in the Wigent Cemetery in Whitley County, Ind. Her mother died when Mabel was born. Thirty minutes before he death Rev. E. J. Foster had filed adoption papers (C.C.C. 12 Aug. 1902)

    1910 Obituary Abstract
    Columbia City Post, 5 March 1910
    Columbia City Commercial Mail, 11 March 1910:

    Ruckman, Samuel A. was born in Hampshire Co. now W. Va. on 27 June 1842; died on 4th of March 1910, at his home just north of Columbia City, Ind. on the Line St. Rd. He was aged 1 year when his parents moved to Richland County, Ohio. He enlisted and served in the Civil War. He came to Whitley County, Ind. in 1873 and on 17 March 1874 married Eliza Kaufman in 1892, they moved from Thorn Creek Twp. to the place where he died. Their only child died young. His wife survives him, also these brothers and sisters: John Ruckman of Los Angles, Calif.; Daniel and Thomas of Richland Co., Ohio; Mrs. George Nelson; Mrs. Frank Brubaker and Mrs. Mary Petit all of Richland Co., Ohio and Mrs. Hannah Carl of Cleveland, Ohio. His wife was from Holmes Co., Ohio (C.C.C.M., 11 Mar. 1910) (C.C.P., 5 March 1910).

    Return to the Index

    Van Meter Records

    1754 Heirs

    Information about Isaac Van Metre, So. Branch of Potomack County of Frederick, Va.
    Married to Hannah. Will Feb 15 1754

    Sarah Richman
    Rebecca Hite

    1772 Note

    I do hereby certify that Col. Garret Vanmeter hath this day purchased the within described land for the Sun of Four hundred and Seventy one Pounds current money of Virginia, and do consent that a Deed from the Proprietors Office may issue to him for the Same. Witness my hand this 11th day of May 1772.



    John Higgins

    I agree to receive the above mentioned sum of money with Int. from 11th Nov. 1779 and defreintion from that time to this day provided the same be paid at next May Court, 13th March 1781.

    Alex White


    In Council November 16th 1780

    The Governor said before the Board of resolution of General Assembly of Nov. the 13th for procuring beef & sale for subsisting the Army whereupon the Board advises that Col. Richard Morris be appointed to see the same carried into execution with powers to appoint as many deputies as he may think necessary, that to ennoble him with the greater certainty to execute the business in the little part of the session remaining. The authority of the Commissioners of the provision can be continued as to the articles of beef & salt & their aid desired, that beef be procured & sale for preserving it to subset ten thousand men from the first of December to the first of May following that they procure the said articles by Voluntary officers from the people if possible & of a sufficient quantity cannot be obtained in that way, that they then impress, that in so doing they leave a reasonable subsistence for the family, that they impress, that in so doing they leave a reasonable subsistence for the family, that they impress neither draft Oxen, or Barren cows unless they be very old, that they take only such sale as they shall have reason to believe the holder meant for sale, that if in any instance any person s shall think too great a proportion of his bearer shall be impressed by any such deputy they refer the matter immediately to the next Justice of the Peace or Commissioner of the provision law whose opinion shall be conclusive, that the weight of the Bearer purchased or impressed, if it should not be agreed between the parties be fixed by two persons chosen, the one by the purchases or impressor, if the person interested shall refuse to name one, or cannot be called on, that a certificate be given to the party declaring that payment shall be made for the articles impressed such prices and in such manner as shall be determined by the General Assembly now sitting, according to the assurance give in their resolution of Nov. 15th 1780 that an exact amount of all such certificates, specifying the name of the person, articles, quantity & date shall be kept by the person giving the same & duly returned to Col. Morris that the commissions and agents exert themselves more especially to procure such beef as is in the neighbourhoold of the enemy or exposed to their enterprises & draw the residue which may be wanting for the other parts of the Commonwealth equally as the advanced state of the season will admit that in storing the beef regard he had to the position our Army &U of the Convention Troops, none being to be stored below the tallow & oil that Col. Morris also settle the past accounts of the Commissioners of the provision law & agent of the specific tax for which purpose all papers in possession for this board which my be necessary for his information to be put into his hands, that he have authority alto the receive from the said Commissioners & agent what ever articles in their hand my not be delivered in .......

    [1781 Letter addressed to:]

    Mr. Henry Dubois
    I rec'd your favour by Mr. Pheasants & have obtain'd a judgement for your debt against Page, the Gentlemen who has enter'd his Special bail is oblige to pay the money, & have therefore given him greater indulgence that I shou'd have done had he been the principal. His promise is to give me a bill on Philadelphia next week shou'd that be the case I shall undoubtedly remit it to you be post, if not, I shall be under the disagreeable necessity of serving the execution on him as soon as the money or bill is obtained it shall be remited you. I am Sir your Hblest
    Dan L. Hylton

    Virg.   Richmond     James River
    May 23, 1781

    1788 Will

    Item - I give unto my Son Jacob Vanmeter my Slaves Will, Jack, Nice and Leah to him & his heirs forever. I also leave unto my Son Jacob Vanmeter such a part of my stock as will be equal to what I gave my Son Isaac.
    Item - I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Ann Seymour My Slaves Bose and Gride Daughter of old Gride to her and her heirs forever. Also stock or a young Negro to the Amount of one Hundred Pounds when added to the value of what stock she has had already. Item I do hereby Order and direct my two sons Isaac Vanmeter and Jacob Vanmeter to pay unto my Daughter Ann Seymour such a Sum of money as will amount to six hundred Pounds, when added to what I have paid towards Abel Seymors Land which will appear by my Book.
    Item - I leave my Stills and Still House to stand where they now do and the Profits to be equally Divided between my two sons
    My Will and Desire is that if any of my Children Should die without Lawful issue in that case their part of my Estate shall be equally divided between the Survivors — And my will and Desire is also that the Land given my wife Ann shall be taken from the tract whereon I now live and given to my two sons that is to say they shall each furnish an equal part — And I do hereby Direct and order that all the Rest of my Real or Personal Estate of Whatsoever kind may be sold. Except as much Household furniture as I gave my Son Isaac, which my Son Jacob is to have and after the payments of my Debts and Legacies. I desire that my _____ may Pay unto my Wife Ann the Sum of One Hundred Pound and the remainder to be equally divided between my two Sons Isaac Vanmeter and Jacob Vanmeter And I do hereby Nominate Constitute and Appoint my said two sons Isaac Van Meter and Jacob Vanmeter Executors to this my Last Will and Testament revoking all former Wills or bequests by me made ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my Last will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto let my hand and seal the first Day of April in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Eight

    Garrett Vanmeter         SEAL
    Signed and selaed publsihed and pronounced by the
    Said Testaor as his last willand TEstament
    in the presence of us
    Daniel M. Neal         Tabith Inskeep
    Henry Hawk             John Sibley

    1791 Deed:

    Hite & Vanmeter Agreement

    Memorandum of Agreement made and Entered into this 24th day of December One thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety One between Abraham Hite of the county of Jefferson & District of Kentucky of the one part and Isaac Vanmeter and Joseph Vanmeter both of the County of Hardy & State of Virginia of the other part. Witnesseth, that the sd. Abraham hath this day sold to the said Isaac & Joseph four Tracts of land lying on Vanmeters Mill Run Late the property of Abraham Hite Deceased and Patented in his name amounting to One thousand and fifty Acres for the Sun of Nine hundred Pounds Current money of Virginia, for and in Consideration of which the ad. Isaac & Joseph doth agree to pay to Mr. Jas. Mercer for and on Acct. of the sd. Abraham Hite Decease on or before the first day of March One thousand seven hundred and ninety three the sun of Four Hundred and Eight Pound thirteen Shillings and ten pence half penny being the amount of award against the sd. Abraham, deceased & Interest to the sd. first day of March 1793 and further the sd. Isaac & Joseph doth agree to pay to Mr. Gabriel Jones a bond of the sd. Abraham Deceased to the sd. Gabriel for Two Hundred Pounds, when the sd. Jones shall demand the same and to pay the Annual Interest thereon from the first day of April in the year One Thousand Seven hundred and Ninety Eight with legal Interest to be pd. annually from the first day of April One thousand Seven Hundred & Ninety five and the remaining part of the sd Nine hundred pounds to wit Ninety one pound Six shilling & Six penny half penny to be pd in the settlement of a bond from the said Abr. a. Hite deceased to Garret Vanmeter Deceased for the sun of One hundred and fifteen Pounds Payable the Second day of April 1788, for the true performance of the above Articles the parties bind themselves firmly by these present Witness our hands this day above written
    Isaac CadeAbr. A. Hite
    William SnyderIsaac Vanmeter

    1797 Letter

    August 20th 1797

    Mr. Isaac Van Meter

    I received yesterday yours of _____ 25th Inst by Mr. Smith, Stating your pretensions to _____ Survey—— Assume the Mr. Lane you mentioned had _____ for the land he settled on within the limits of my survey, and that Lord Fairfax granted him a deed for 1550 acres adjoining in consideration of any little improvements he might have made. The one survey, which was run out about a year after the ______ or was not concidered as a part thereof nor subject to the same rules of settlement In respect to Mr. Ashbys pretension, I believe it will be in our power to prove as well by his own confessions as by other testimony, that he had simply a permission from Lord Fairfax to settle on the land and remain as long as he pleased, with a view to keep off intruders But let us even suppose for a moment that Lord Fairfax had given him permission to live on the land during his and his wifes land —— is it possible you can be of opinion that such a permission implied a power to transfer it to another? Can any man reasonably suppose that Lt. Fairfax even intended to make such ablis position of so valuable a tract of 1550 acres of land? I appeal to your candour for a —. It is true Sir, that both Mr. Man and Myself are very Averse to going to law with you _____ occasion we fully expected that the you came _____ reflect on the futility of your claim that you ____ under the property — but Sir, in case you should determine otherwise we cannot, out of respect to you, submit _____ longer to the top of so valuable a property — I shall thank you therefore to write me by post your final determination in this respect that I may govern myself accordingly — I mentioned to you in conversation, and I believe by letter also ______ we would not sell this property subject to any claim however fictitious — when we have possession, I shall get sumone to examine the land minutely, and shall be governed by their _____ the value — it will then I expect be offered for _____ will be given to you as a purchase. This much I can say at present, and I hop on ______ on, that you will spare us the disagreeable necessity of having recourse to conceive measures for the recovery of out right.
    I am very respectfully,
    Rawleigh Cataton

    1808 Deed:

    Know all men by these presents that we Henry Vanmeter, Nathaniel Cartmill, Joel Hinkle and Saul Hinkle are held and firmly bound unto Isaac Vanmeter in the just and full sum of two thousand pounds lawful money to the payment of which will and truely to be made to the said Isaac Vanmeter his heirs or assigns we bind ourselves and our heirs jointly and severally firmly by these presents, sealed with out seals and dated this twenty sixth day of September 1808.
    The condition of the above obligation is such whereas the said Henry Vanmeter, Nathaniel Cartmill and Joel Hinkle and Saul Hinkle have sold to the above names Isaac Vanmeter the two following tracts of land to wit one tract or parcel of land situate laying and being in the County of Hardy formerly Hampshire containing one hundred acres, in the trough of the south branch of Potowmac with all and singular rights numbers and appertenanies thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, the other tract or parcel of land containing one hundred and eight five acres, joining the aforesaid tract which aforesaid tract is know by the name of Carrols, for the consideration above stated, now if the above bound Henry Vanmeter, Nathaniel Cartmill, Joel Hinkle and Saul Hinkle who are entitled to four sevenths of the said tracts of land and which they have hereby sold to the said Isaac Vanmeter shall on or before the twenty sixth day of September 1810 make to the said Isaac Vanmeter a good sure perfect and indefeasible title in fee simple to for four sevenths part of the aforesaid tracts or parcels of land with General warranty, then the above obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.

    WitnessHenry Van MeterSeal
    the word and our handsNathaniel CartmillSeal
    in fifth line from top interlinedJoel HinkleSeal
    before signedSaul HinkleSeal
    Enoch Smithas to HV
    ABel Seymouras to NC
    Edw. Waggoneras to NC
    James Gray & Thomas Vauseas to J.H.

    1811 Deed

    Article of Agreement made and entered into this 31st day of August in the year of our Lord 1811 between Jacob and Henry Van Meter of the County of Champaign in the State of Ohio sons of Jacob Van Meter late of the County of Hardy State of Dec.d. . . of the our part and Isaac Van Meter of the County of Hardy and State of Virginia of the other part. Witness that the said Jacob and Henry Van Meter for and in consideration of the sum of twelve hundred and fourteen pounds five shillings and eight pence half penny current money of the State of Virginia to be paid by the said Isaac A. Van Meter pursuant to the convenants and agreements of the said Isaac Van Meter after mentioned. We the said Jacob and Henry Van Meter do for ourselves and our heirs jointly and severally covenant and agree with the said Isaac Can Meter as follow -Viz.- that they the said Jacob and Henry Van Meter or their heirs shall and will on or before the first day of November in the year of our Lord 1812 make and or cause to be made out a complete perfect indefeasible title in fee simple with general warranty and convey and assert in possession to the said Isaac Van Meter and his heir forever from all manner of encumbrances one equal undivided seventh part of all the lands or tracts of land lying and being in the County of Hardy and in the County of Hampshire in Virginia of which said lands this said Father Jacob A. Van Meted did size as in any manner claimed.

    And the said Isaac Van Meter for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein before contained and the part of the said Jacob and Henry Van Meter hath paid in hand at the date here of the sum of two hundred and fifty seven pounds two shillings and ten pence half penny part of the twelve hundred and fourteen pounds five shillings eight half penny, the purchase money the receipt when of is hereby acknowledged and the said Isaac Van Meter doth hereby for himself his heirs executors and administrations convenant and agreed wit the said Jacob Van Meter that he the said Isaac Van Meter his heirs executors as administrations shall and will upon making and executing such conveyances and of appertances as aforesaid, paid or cause to be paid to the said Jacob his heirs or executors the sum of eight five pounds fourteen shillings three pence and fourteen on the first day of April 1812 and so on annually until the main part of the purchase money shall be paid as and for in full consideration for

    1814 Letter


    Capt. David Vanmeter
    on Tour of Duty near Norfolk Virginia

    August 25th 1814 Fort Pleasant


    I sit down in order to drop you a line before I start out to Green or to Mr. Warricks - I expect you will receive no small packet of letters by the next post & probably I shall only add one to a considerable expense you will be at for postage and perhaps for little purpose only as a mark of Friendship
    I shall enclose herein a Commission for W. Wilton just Received with my sincere respect to him with a request that he will favour me with a line by post.
    By Gen'l. order we have detailed 140 men more from this Reg't. who have rendesvozed & has order to hold themselves in readiness to march at a moments warning Capt. Wilton and Capt. Simmons are detailed to Command who all appear in tolerable good spirits Colo Vanse was Due appointed in the Clerkship & in Consequence Resigned his Commission in order to prepare to move to the Western County. There is a Colo detailed from the Brigade Lofton is absent & in all probibility I shall be ordered on this tour which I believe suits me as well as any other time could but as yet have received no orders. Your Aunt appears alarmed at it but I feel resigned & determined to go if ordered But I was told the other Day by Geo. Newell that Wm. Wilton had Lodged several Complaints before the Gen. against me & perhaps I may be arrested & try'd be a Gen'l Court Marshal. There is nothing material or interesting taken place since you left this. Friends Generally I believe enjoys health & have been closely engaged at their hay which the season has afforded a most bountiful crop o. I feel very anxious to hear of the health & welfare of your troops and what is conjectured from the movements of the British - What they mean to be at in all probibility some thing of importance will shortly desplay itself between the two nations. The Girls tells me Cousin Hannah appears well resigned to her situation. We have had intimations of an Armistice should it take place you will no doubt feel a great anxiety to be off home. But do not be too precipitate if an opportunity should offer. I must concluded as I expect you have a number of letters from your friends with this to Read. Believe me to be with sincere Regard to yours affectionately.
    Jacob VanMeter

    Moorefield VA
    Aug. 27th 1814

    1817 Indenture

    Know all men by these presents that we Isaac Hill Vanmeter of Champaign County and State of Ohio and Jacob VanMeter of Hardy County and State of Virginia are hold and simple bound unto Isaac VanMeter in the just and full sum of Eight Thousand Dollars lawful money to the payment of which well and truly to be made to the said Isaac VanMeter his heirs or assigns we bind out selves and our heirs jointly and severally firmly by these presents, sealed with our Seals and dated this first day of April 1817.

    The condition of the above obligation is such whereas the above bound Isaac Hill VanMeter hath this day bargained and sold unto the said Isaac VanMeter on equal Seventh part of all the Lands his father Jacob VanMeter Deceased Held in the counties of Hardy and Hampshire the said Isaac Hill VanMeter is entitled to one equal seventh part. Now Y the said Isaac Hill VanMeter do make to said Isaac Van Meter a good sure perfect and indefeasible title in fee simple to one equal seventh part of the Lands his father Jacob Van Meter died seized of with a general warrantees on or before the first Day of October next then the above Obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.


    Marriage Record in Pendleton Co., W. VA.

    Isaac Van Meter & Eliza Shrone, 2 June 1825 by James Watts
    William Van Meter & Mary Harmon, July 26, 1824 by Samuel Brinson

    1834 Deed

    This Indenture made this 20th day of October 1834 Between Alexander Scott and Mary his wife late Mary Seymour and George Cunningham and Rebecca his wife late Rebecca Seymour of the first Part and David Vanmeter of the second part Witnesseth that whereas the late Denny Fairfax in his lifetime by two deeds of Lease dated one on the 19th day of November 1791 the other on the 29th day of November 1791 and of record in the County Court of Hardy conveyed to a certain John Higgins with reservations and conditions in said deed expressed two certain tracts or parcels of land situated in the South Branch Manor on the East side of said South Branch first containing one hundred and ninety nine acres and second containing forty nine acresa and where as the said Denny Fairfax sold and conveyes the South Branch thereone with its rights and appurtenenges to John Marshall who conveyed the same to Abel Seymour who devised the same to Mary and Rebecca Seymour two of the parties of the first part. And whereas the said John Higgins devised the said two tracts of land to Peter Higgins who sold and conveyed the same to Jacob Vanmeter who conveyed the same to the said David Vanmeter now this Indenture wtinesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred and forty two acres twenty two cents in hand paid by the said party of the second part the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged the said Alexander and Mary Scott and the George & Rebecca Cunningham have granted bargained released and confirmed and by there presents do grant bargain relieve and confirm to the said David Vanmeter all of their rights reversions rents and forfeitures in and upon said two tracts of land to him the said David Vanmeter his heirs and assigned forever and the said parties of the first part hereby covenant for themselves and their heirs that they all and singular other previsions hereby granted unto the said David Vanmeter and his heirs against themselves and their heirs all persons claiming under them will forever warrant and defend in testimony whereof they have signed their names and affixed their seals the day and year above mentioned.

    George Cunningham     Seal
    Rebecca Cunningham   Seal
    Alex Scott                   Seal
    Mary Scott                   Seal

    1836 Will of Isaac VanMeter:
    Page 1

    Page 2:
    (sons of William & Sally Cunningham) three Negro Boys names Charles, Lloyd & Hamilton (Sons of Teny.) My oldest Grandson to take choice.
    Item 3. I give and devise to my son Garrett Vanmeter his heirs and assigns the Land I held in the State of Maryland and now in his possession as far north as the south east corner of the Land I bought of Thomas Nanett and with a line due East from said corner to bound it. Also several tracts of Land, I hold in Hampshire County Va. and now in his possession, which I bought of Solomon Heater, John Slagle, John House and the heirs of the widow Slagle Dec. Also I give to my son Garrett &Y my son David a tract of Land in the Allegheny Mountains, adjoining my son Garretts land, and the Land which has been devised to my son David, and on which Joseph Dixon now lives, to be divided by them equally, so as to suit them both. Also I give to my son Garrett one Negro Boy names Anthony (son of Matilada).
    Item 4th. I give and devise to my son John Inskeep Vanmeter, his Heirs & assigns all those several tracts of land, I hold in the State of Ohio; adjoining each other, and commonly called Miller's Bottom near the mouth of Big Beaver Creek, and now in his possession. Also I give to my Son John L. Vanmeter, my part of a tract of land on the Scioto River, commonly called Laytons Bottom, the other parts belonging to the heirs of George harness, dec. and the heir of Lionel Branson, dec.
    Item 5th. I give and devise to my daughter Elizabeth Inskeep, her Heirs and Assigns, all the several tracts, or parts, or parcels of Tracts of land I hold adjoining and near the town of Frankfort in Hampshire County, Va. purchased of the Rogers, the Jones & others. and all my interest in law and or equity in and to lots and rents of lots in the said town of Frankfort and now in her possession.
    Item 6th. I give and devise to my Son Jacob Vanmeter, his Heirs and Assigns all the Lands whereon I now live, including all the Lands I hold in Hardy County, Va. (and not otherwise devised) subject to the payment of three thousand dollars, payable to me, or to my executors in installments, of eight hundred dollars annually to be applied as hereafter directed. Also I give to my Son Jacob. a tract of land I hold in the Allegheny Mountains call the Copper Spring. Also I give to my son Jacob Vanmeter, whatever stock of Cattle, sheep and hogs that may be on hand, at my deceased; also all my household and kitchen
    Page 3
    furniture, and all of farming utensils of every description. Also I give to my son Jacob Vanmeter the following names Sales viz. James, Bill, Bob, Manual, Dan (son of Teny), Rachel and her children (not otherwise disposed of) and Lot and her children (not otherwise disposed of.).
    Item 7th. I give and devise to my Daughter Ann Markee Gibson, her heirs and assigns, the several tracts of Land I hold & Lying in Hampshire County, Va. at the mouth of Pattersons' Creek, and which I bought of James Higgins and the Eversoles, and now in her possession. Also I give to my Daughter Ann M. Gibson the whole of my stock in the Bank of the Valley at Romney. Also I give to my Daughter Ann M. Gibson the following names Slaves vix Edmund and Henry, Caroline, Caty, Harriet & Rebecca.
    It is my will and I do furthermore direct, that my executors, hereafter mentioned to collect all the debts due to me and likewise the sum which I have directed my son Jacob to pay which sum (if not paid to me) is to be paid over to my said Daughter, Ann M. Gibson, and I do furthermore direct, that my said Executors do dispose of all my property of every description belonging to me wherever it may be (and not hereto fore devised or Disposed or) and after paying my just debts and legacies, the remainder (if any) to be equally divided among my children.
    And Lastly. I do appoint and constitute my sons David Vanmeter, Garrett Vanmeter and Jacob Vanmeter to be the Executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills and Testaments.
    It is to be understand and I do hereby direct that my two old Salves named Jack and Surry shall remain, and be under the care and direction of my son Jacob, and that the remainder of my salve not otherwise disposed of, be sold to the highest bidder among my children. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Affixed my seal this thirtieth day of April 1836.

    Signed Sealed and Acknowledged in                                              Isaac Vanmeter           SEAL
    Presence of US
    Philip ?W. Peck
    Hannah L. Peck
    John Inskeep

    Newspaper clipping:

    The following, copied from a Virginia paper published in 1837, is an obituary of Isaac Van Meter, the great grandfather of our most excellent citizen, Wm. C. Van Meter: The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance. Psalm CXii., 6.
    Departed this life at Oldfields, Hardy county, Va., December 13, 1837, that truly patriarchal man, Isaac Vanmeter, esq. aged 80 years and 3 days.
    Born December 10, 1757, at Fort Pleasant, a few rods from the place where he lies buried, he spent his long life in that valley of surprising beauty and fertility, through which the South branch of the Potomac winds its course. His ancestors descended from emigrants from Holland - emigrating from New Jersey, were among the first settlers of West Virginia, and took their abode on the branch before the Great Valley of Virginia was abandoned by the Indians. They were directed to this spot by some friendly Indians strongly attached to the family. The grandfather of Mr. Vanmeter took his abode on the beautiful tract of land now in possession of his descendants, Fort Pleasant, the birthplace of Mr. Vanmeter, now the residence of Abraham Vanmeter, was the rendezvous of the families in the neighborhood, and during Braddock's war, was for the time the place of encampment of Washington.
    In consequence of the jealousies attending the encroachments of the whites, the inhabitants of the Branch were subjected to all the vexations and pressures of Indian warfare till Virginia ceased to be a frontier. Mr. Vanmeter has repeatedly shown the writer the spot where his grandfather was tomahawked by a scouting party from Ohio. To that river the Indians of the Branch had reluctantly retreated, leaving in the vallies and mountains of Hardy, all that Indians could desire - fertile corn fields, abundance of fish, and herds of buffalo and deer.
    Mr. Vanmeter died in the exercise of good hope, and a cheerful confidence in Jesus Christ. He had not been in connection with the church many years. Ever since the writer's acquaintance with him, now about 15 years, he appeared a proper subject for the ordinance of the church; yet his distrust of himself deterred him from a profession of religion. Some 16 years ago, he, with an old friend, neighbor and connection, about his age, William Cunningham, now at rest with his Lord, united with some now living, in efforts to obtain the services of a Presbyterian minister. There was at that time but two or three members of the Presbyterian church in the county. There had been a church which engaged in the early labors of Moses Hoge D.D., afterwards, President of Hapden Sydney College of Professor of Theology for the Synod do Virginia; but it now lived only in the recollection of a few. They induced the present minister, Rev. Wm. N. Scott, to take his abode with them; and during the 15 years of his labors, have had cause to bless God for his direction to a Pastor. Mr. Cuningham lived to see many of his descendants gathered into a church of which he was an elder. Mr. Vanmeter, always a friend of the cause, always ready to aid by his counsel, and to give of his substance, saw with tears and unutterable emotion his children and grandchildren enter the church of Christ. But while ready to discover traits of Christian character in others, though faintly drawn and to palliate their errors, and cover with the mantle of charity their families he was exceeding slow to believe that he was himself a fitting subject for the ordinances of the church.
    The writer well remembers the solemnity, the interest, the effect of that occasion, when the old man with streaming eyes and trembling form, sat down for the first time, with his children and friends, at the table of the Lord.
    Inheriting a handsome fortune, and prospered in his labors upon his farm, he was a man of abundant possessions; and in the midst of wealth, maintained the simplicity of manners, of dress, of living, and of purpose, which characterized former days. It may be said of him, as it was once said of the inhabitants of Old Virginny - "the doors of his hall were nailed wide open from dawn of day to shades of night," and the stranger might find "rest and food and fire, and a hearty welcome."
    The infirmities of age acting upon his tall, athletic frame but rendered the mild old man more venerable. And if veneration, affection, attachment, deference of opinion and judgment, obedience to wishes and commands from children, grand-children, great-grandchildren and numerous connections if attention to religion and generosity to the various charitable institutions of the church, if the faithful performance of duty as a magistrate, and kindness to the poor, render a man worth of the name of patriarch, we heartily accord it to Isaac Vanmeter.
    Sometime before his death, admonished by his infirmities of his approaching end, he made a final settlement of his worldly affairs. I say final, because of his abundance he had always given liberally to his children on their marriage and settlement in life, and, though still wealth, he had not reserved a hoarded treasure to make needy children cease to sorrow for a parents death. He appropriated a liberal sum of money, which putting into his pastor's hand he said" "I wish this divided among he charitable institutions,: and proceeded to make the proportions. "I wish to give it before I die - perhaps it may be my last - I give it as a tank offering."
    He had not reserved his various acts of charity till he should die, neither would he leave the disbursement of this to be made after his departure,; he would enjoy the giving himself.
    His last days were full of infirmities, but full o peace. The writer had full opportunity of conversing with him a short time before his death, and would say, (Ps. XXXVii37.) Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace.
    Mrs. Vanmeter for many years filled the office of magistrate, frequently represented his county in the State legislature, and was a member of the State Convention that adopted the Federal Constitution. The scenes of thrilling interest that passed in that body were retained in lively recollection. He has often been heard to relate the circumstances of Patrick Henry's famous replication, "bowing to the majesty of the People." And an aged friend, who has been intimate with him for forty years, said to me today, he was a man who filled his station in society well; my respect and attachment for him increase as our intimacy was ripened by increasing years. F. H. W.

    1850 Census of Whitley County Ind.
    House visited - number of families checked.
    J indicates in school within last 12 month


    William Van Meter45Va.farmer $2,500.00
    Adam Van Meter19Va.(J)
    John Van Meter17Ohio(J)
    Rebecca Van Meter16Ohio
    Julia Van Meter13Ohio(j)

    1878 Will of William Van Meter [abstract]

    Will Record 2, Page 529: William Van Meter of Smith Township, Whitley County, Indiana
    To John Van Meter, son
    Christina Myers, Daughter
    Phoebe Diffendoffer, Daughter
    Rebecca Sterling, Daughter
    Heirs of Julia Ann Hurd, my dec. daughter
    Scott Van Meter, son
    Alfred Van Meter, son
    Melinda Van Meter, wife
    America Gradeless, daughter
    Almeda Van Meter, daughter
    Melinda Van Meter, daughter
    Ex. nom - Stephen H. Clark of Union Township (Whitley Co., Ind.) signed 18 January 1878.
    William Van Meter (his mark X) seal
    Sworn to and subscribed on 12 November 1885
    Codicil dated 18 January 1884.
    Names: Scott, son. Daughters: Christina, Phoebe, Rebecca, Heirs of Julia, America, Almeda, Melinda May. Wife: Melinda.
    Signed: William (his mark X) Van Meter
    Witness: Stephen H. Clark (Seal), James A. (his mark X) Cramer (Seal)
    Sworn to and subscribed on 24 November 1885 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

    1863 Oath

    Old Fields, Nov. 2, 1863:

    Being at the house of W. C. Vanmeter on Sunday evening first, when the event occurred which has caused his arrest. I deem it just and proper to submit the following statement of what occurred there up to the time of the entrance of Lieutenant Brown and his men. We had all eaten supper and Mr. Van --- and myself had been sitting by the fire conversing for perhaps an hour. When some one knocked at the door which was locked and Milton, Mr. V-'s son, opened the door and admitted two soldiers, one of whom proved to be Young McNiell, son of rm. George McNiell (now dead). McNiell introduced the other man to Mr. V-- as Capt.. Enwright. The Capt. said that he had walked from Burlington since one or two o'clock that afternoon, and wished to get some provisions to take out to his men, who, he said, were about two hundred yards from the house, tired and hungry. He was informed by Mrs. V-- that she had neither bread nor meat prepared to give him but that he could have some apples. The apples were brought, tied up in a cloth and given to Enwright. Both the men then went out and the door was locked behind them. All this occupied not more than ten minutes. No one went out with the men, nor were there more than these two entered the house. In about one minute after the left the firing commenced, and in a few minutes Lieut. Brown entered. He knows the rest. To my knowledge, no one left the house, that night. I remained with Mr. V-- until about nine o'clock when we all went to bed. I am fully satisfied that the visit of Enwright and McNiell was entirely unexpected to Mr. V-- and his family, and a circumstance for which he ought not to be held accountable. I have been teaching in his family for more than two years, have been at his house almost every day, have seen his property taken by both Federal & Confederate forces, and his hospitality bestowed, when asked for in a gentlemanly manner, upon both sides, and that too, without compensation. He has been remaining quietly at home with his own family, has not avoided the presence of the Federal forces, and is seldom off his own farm,. I know him to be a man of strict integrity, always speaking the truth no matter how it may affect himself or others.
    This statement I hereby certify to be strictly true.
            J. G. Carlile.

    1882 History of Whitley County Indiana

    William Van Meter, Jr., was born in Pendleton County (now West Virginia) Mary 15, 1807. The youngest of five children born to William and Phebe (Wece) Van Meter, natives of Augusta and Hardy Counties, Va. The father died when our subject was quire young and the latter remained with his mother till nineteen years old, and then hired out by the day or year until 1828 when he married Mary Harman, a native of Pendleton County and to this union were born six children--Viz, Mrs. Christina Myers; Phebe, now Mrs. John Diffendoffer; Adam, who died in this township in his twenty-seventh year; Rebecca, now Mr. W. Sterling; John and Julia A. (afterward Mrs. David Hurd) who died in 1866, leaving three children. About 1835, Mr. Van Meter moved to Ross County, Ohio where he farmed on shares; in 1837 he brought his family to this township, where he bought 160 acres of wild land, to which he has added to from time to time, and now owns 636 acres, well improved. Mrs. Van Meter died at her home in this township in 1841 and Jan. 16, 1859, our subject married Melinda Cratzer born in Stark County, Ohio Feb 17, 1839, the daughter of David and Elizabeth (Brightbill) Cratzer of Pennsylvania. To this union, six children have been born as follows: America, now Mrs. B. Gradeless; Scott, Almeda, Melinda M., William and Alpha. Mrs. Van Meter is a member of the M. E. Church and in Politics he is a republican and one of the oldest pioneers of the township.

    1885 Obituary Abstract
    Columbia City Commercial, 20 Nov. 1885:

    Van Meter, William was born about 1800 in Pendleton County, now W. Va. Died 12 Nov 1885 at his home in Smith Twp. Whitley Co., Ind. He was the youngest of 5 children born to William and Phoebe Van Meter. Until 1819, he remained at home with his mother long a widow, then went to Ross Co., Ohio, thence to Whitley Co., Ind. In the fall of 1835. In 1828, he married Mary Harmon of West Va. and they had 6 children, 4 of whom are living. She died in 1841 after 19 years a widower, he married Miss Malinda Kratzer and had 6 more children. Mrs. Levi Byers of Col. City, Ind. was one of his daughters. (C.C.C., 20 Nov. 1885) f

    1906 Obituary Abstract
    Columbia City Post, 27 Jan. 1906
    Columbia City Commercial Mail, 2 Feb 1906:

    Van Meter, John, son of William who came to Smith Twp., Whitley County Ind. in 1837, was born in Ohio; did die on 24th of Jan. 1906, aged 74 yrs. In 1853 married Mrs. Francis DePoy of Union Twp. this county. He was a farmer and stock buyer. He had 3 daughters and a son. Two daughters and a son are dead. the remaining daughters is Mrs. Mary Jones of Chicago. The funeral service was held in the Eel River Church and burial was in the adjoining cemetery (C.C.P., 27 Jan. 1906) The deceased daughters of John Van Meter were named Alice and Orpha (C.C.C.M., 2 Feb 1906).

    1906 Obituary Abstract
    Columbia City Post, 14 Apr. 1906:

    Van Meter, Mrs. William, a daughter of Isaac Davis, died on 11 April 1906 at her home in Smith Twp., Whitley Co., Ind. She had been married 5 years and was aged 24 yrs. Surviving are her husband, parents, 2 children, 4 brothers and 4 sisters. (C.C.P., 14 Apr. 1906)

    1924 Obituary:

    David Peerce VanMeter

    David Peerce VanMeter, son of Wm. C. VanMeter and Martha An Peerce, was born in Hardy County, West Virginia, Feb 20, 1844, and died at his home, Moose Range, Saskatchewan, Canada, Dec. 6. 1924. He was united in marriage Nov. 1871 to Kate A. Seymour, of Petersburg, W. Va., who the death angel summoned Feb. 1, 1874. April 7, 1877 he was married to Bettie Peerce Vause, of Mattoon, Ill., and to this union were born seven sons and one daughter.
    Mr. VanMeter united with the Presbyterian Church at Moorefield, W. Va., May 19, 1860, was elected to the eldership of said church Dec. 19, 1897 and served faithfully in that office for 13 years; during the term of office he was called on often to represent his church in Presbytery and Synod.
    Mr. VanMeter removed with his family from his home in the Old Fields to Canada in 1910. He located near Winnipeg, Manitoba, but later he and four of his sons took up homesteads in Saskatchewan, building their home on adjoining sections. Thus he and his sons became pioneers of the great North West, with its hardships and joys, even as his forefathers were pioneers of the South Branch Valley of the Potomac the early part of the eighteenth century. He was a worth son of the sturdy, longest settlers of the valley.
    When eighteen years of age he enlisted in the Confederacy, serving in Co. F, 7th Regiment Va. Cavalry, arm of Northern Va. until General Lee surrendered at Appamatox. Eighteen months of the time he was in prison first at Point Look-Out and later at Fort Delaware.
    He is survived by his widow, one daughter, Mrs. Charles Zimmerman, of Cleveland, Okla. and six sons, E. V. VanMeter of Cumberland, Md., W. H. VanMeter, of Mitchells Stations, Ala., Wm. C., David Milton, Harry Decker and David Peerce of Moose Range, Canada. He is also survived by three sisters Mrs. J. Wm. Gillenson, Mrs. Ed Williams and Mrs. Geo. H. Kuykendall and one brother Wm. Thomson VanMeter, all of Moorefield, W. Virginia.
    Return to the Index

    W Y N K O O P

    A 2 column Magazine Clipping.
    No date or source listed
    Appears to be February 28, 1932:

    1. CORNELIUS VAN WYNKOOP emigrated from Ultrecht, Holland. He was in Albany, New York in 1639. He married in Albany, New York, MARIA JANSE LANGEDYK who was the daughter of JAMES JANSEN LANGEDYK (emigrant) and his wife, MARIA LANGEDYK nee JENSEN. Among the children of the said CORNELIUS VAN WYNKIIO and MARIA JANSE VAN WYNKOOP nee LANDEDYK was GERRET WYNKOOP who was the third son, (see 2 below and now change in name), CORNELIUS VAN WYNKIIO (see above) purchase his home on January 29. 1657 in the village of Beverwyck, at auction, paying the sum of nine hundred and eleven guilders. He signed his name as CORNELIUS WYNKOOP (note change in name). He settled at Esopus in 1664 and obtained a grant of land near the new village of Hurley, grant by Director Stuyvesant of 24 and 48 acres. In April 1669 he was commissary of Kingston and] remained in office until 1671 (or 1674). On July 5, 1674 he was a witness to the renewal of the treaty with the Indians. The said CORNELIUS EYNKOOP was Schepen of Hurley during the re-occupation of the province by the Dutch from 1664 to 1674. He was a member of the committee of defense against the French in 1674. On May 15, 1671 it was assigned to him as an inhabitant of Kingston, New York, "To renew his portion of the stockade.:
    The following information is taken from "Olde Ulster," Vol. 2, page 197 ("Olde Ulster" i. e. Ulster Co., New York). (The information follows.) "The warring nations entered into a treaty of peace the next year and revived the Treaty of Breda. England relinquished to the United Netherlands possessions in the East Indies while the Netherlands ceded to England their land in America. From this time until the Revolution "Olde Ulster" remained under English control. It is necessary to add the entry from those old court records of the resumption of English Administration:
    On this December 20th, 1674. Present. Schout Grevenraedt, CORNELIS WYNKOOP, Roelof Kierstede and Wessel Tenbroeck.
    On this day Schout Grvenraedt showed an order of the Lord * * * * by which he has relieve the Magistrates of the oath to which their High Mightenssses and the Prince of Orange, and in compliance with order of the Ld. Governor Edmund Andorra, has surrendered the supreme authority to Mr. Chambers and Mr. Hall.
    Mr. Chambers and Mr. Hall have published the order of the Lad. Governor Edmund Andorra, wherein it was slated that the commissary who held office in the year 1672 shall again be re-instated for a period of one-half year, via:, Capt. Chambers, President, Mr. Hall, Schout: CORNELIUS WYNKOOP; Joost Adrelensen; and Roelof Kiersteded; who have taken the oath of allegiance to his Royal Highness, James, Duke of York.
    The said CORNELIUS WYNKOOP died in Kingston, New York about 1676. In October, 1678 MARIA JANSE WYNKOOP nee LANGEDYK was referred to as the widow of CORNELIUS VAN WYNKOOP and he Will gives her family name as LANDEDYK. She died in 1679.

    2. GERRET WYNKOOP, (the third son of CORNELIUS VAN WYNKOOP and MARIA JANSE VAN WYNKOOP nee LANGEDYK), was born about 1666-1667 in Albany, New York. He married in Kingston, New York<* HILLETJE FOECKEN (FOKKER, who was known as HILLETJE ELTINGER on account of being the step-daughter of Judge Eltinger. THE said GERRET WYNKOOP took the oath of allegiance in Ulster Co., N. Y. in 1689. He was an engine in 1700 in the counties of Ulster and Dutchess, New York, under Captain Conrad Elmendorf. He was Magistrate of Kingston, N. Y.; in 1706-1709 and was a deacon in the Dutch Church in Kingston and as such joined in the petition for its incorporation in 1719. He was also a planter. He removed to the Township of Moreland, then in the County of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1717 where he was referred to as GREAT (GERARDUS) WYNKOOP, Gentleman. (Author's note" Query: Did he return to Kingston, New York ,as he joined in the petition to incorporate the Dutch Church in Kingston, N. Y., two years after his emigration to Pennsylvania?) He afterwards settled in Bucks County, Pennsylvania and established this branch of the Wynkoop family in Penn. His son was CORNELIUS WYNKOOP, (second of this given name in this direct ancestor line in America), see 3 below.

    3. CORNELIUS WYNKOOP, (son of GERRET WYNKOOP and HILLETYE WYNKOOP nee FOECKEN (FOKKER), see above, was born December 27, 1700 in Kingston, New York. He married HELENA VAN de GRIFT on November 2, 1726 (Kingston, N. Y. church record). The removed to Pennsylvania. Their son was JOCOB WYNKOOP (see 4 below). The said CORNELIUS QYNKOOP died on October 26, 1754 in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

    4. JACOB WYNKOOP, (son of CORNELIUS WYNKOOP and HELENA WYNKOOP nee VAN de GRIFT), see above, was born on November 29, 1750 near Philadelphia, Penn. He married, on march 10, 1772, HANNAH CLEAVER. Their son was CORNELIUS WYNKOOP, see 5 below, who was the third of this given name in this direct ancestral line in America. The said JACOB WYNKOOP died about 1820 in Cumberland County, Penn.

    5. CORNELIUS WYNKOOP, (son of JOACOB WYNKOOP and Hannah WYNKOOP nee CLEAVER), see above was born about 1780. He married MARTHA ---------- who died in 1832 in Carlisle, Penn. Their daughter was MARIA WYNKOOP, see 6 below, who was born on September 20, 1813. The said CORNELIUS WYNKOOP served in the War of 1812 and died on September 7, 1823. He was given a military funeral.

    6. MARIA BOSLER nee WYNKOOP, (daughter of CORNLIUS WYNKOOP and MARTHA WYNKOOP, nee --------, see above, was born September 20 1813. She married THOMPSON BOSLER SR., on October 27, 1836 in Carlisle, Cumberland Co., Penn. (See CHAPTER I and II of this series of article for further details of the Bossier Family.) Their son was THOMPSON BOSLER, Jr., see 7 below. The said MARIA BOSELR nee WYNKOOP died on December 15, 1871.

    7. THOMPSON BOSLER, JR., (son of THOMPSON BOSLER, SR., and MAIR BOSLER nee WYNKOOP), see above, was born on March 3, 1845 in Carlisle Penn. He married PERMELIA A. NAGELY in Clinton, Illinois, on October 28, 1868 He died in San Francisco, California, on January 11, 1916. Their daughter was LIDA BOSLER, see 8 below.

    8. EIDA BOSLER now MRS. LIDA BOSLER HUNTER. Living in February 1932 at 1020 Bush Street, San Francisco, Calif.
    (Author's note; ERRATE: CAHPTER I, publish in the Issue of December 31, 1931. In the fifth paragraph and in the Fourteenth line read "HENRICH BASSLER" instead of "HENRICH NASSLER." This was not a typographical error as the error was made in the original manuscript. ERATTA: CHAPTER II, Publish in the issue of January 15, 1932. In the paragraph describing the location of the colonial hosue, built by the son of JOHN HENRICH BASLER, read "Berks and Dauphin Turnpike: instead of "Berga and Dauphin Turnpike." In the third "Author's note" read "Manheim, Penn.: instead "Memphis, Penn.)
    Amoung twhe descendants of 1 CORNELIUS VAN WYNKOOP (emigrant ancestors), who were living in Kingston, New York. In 1782, were two of his grandsons, namely, Major Cornelius Wy\nkoop and Judge Dirck Wynkoop, who were brothers. They were son of Johannes Van Wynkoop who was the oldest son of 1. CORNELIU SVAN WYNKOOP, see above. Governor George Clinton of New York, later Vice-President of the United States, was related by marriage to the WYNKOOP family.
    As incidents in the life of GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON, (who was a patriot, first, last, and all the time and therefor of a different "breed of men" from those who are patriotic only for political reasons), should be of interest to all American and especially so on the year of the 200 anniversary of his birth (1732). We are quoting, an extract from "OLDE ULSTER", Vol. 3, page 13. (The extract follows:)
    "It is difficult to determine what places he visited, but we know he reached the stone hour of Major Cornelius Wynkoop, in Stone Ridge, during the afternoon of the 16 of November, 1782, and spent the night with him."
    The house is now know as Lounsberry house. WASHINGTON is said to have spent the night, slept in the front room of the second story at the corner of the house. The same blue paint is still on the woodwork but the bed is gone. A formal reception was given, and afterwards proceeded to the house of Judge Dirck Wynkoop on Green Street to dine. The Judge was an older brother of Major Cornelius Wynkoop, with whom WASHINGTON passed the previous night."
    "The company had been augmented by prominent citizens of the town, particularly to those who had served with the general. The dinner was and event long remembers in the village.
    (To be continued)

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