Genealogical Society of Whitley County

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The Note Books of Nellie Riley Raber

Book 5 — Whitley County Wills

Transcribed by Donald Gradeless

Starting on Sheet 1: (Front)

Continued from Raber Note Book 4 - Whitley County Wills

Will Abstracts (continued)

Book 3 Whitley County Wills

Book 3 Page 216. Deonis Meyer of Thorncreek Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To Rose Meyer, wife & she also is to act as executrix. Signed 13 May 1867. Deonis Meyer. Witnesses: Franklin Shilts, Adams Y. Hooper. Sworn to and subscribed on 28 January 1871 before James Edwards, Clerk. This will was recopied because of an error in the first copying.

Record 3 Page 219. George W. Reaser of South Whitley, Indiana. To: Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church if the building is named the Ella Chapel. To: Sadie May Vaux; Miss Nell Shearer; M.E. Church of South Whitley, Ind; Mrs. A. W. Sickafoose; Mary Wetzel, sister, of Beach City, Stark County, Ohio; Sidney Gilmore, niece, of Shepherd, Michigan. Executor nominated: James Arnold. Signed 28 October 1891. Geo. W. Reaser. Witnesses: Elijah Merriman, Francis B. Moe. Sworn to an subscribed on 12 January 1892 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 221. Jacob Nickey of Whitley County, Ind. To son, Jacob Nickey, land which had been conveyed to him by deed dated 18 May 1880 and subject to payment to my wife Catherine S. Nickey, the annual sum of $50 each year after my death and until her death, etc. To William S. Nickey, land, etc. To my dau., Elizabeth J. More but held by her in trust for her children until her death. To my dau. Roseanna Perry but held by her in trust for her children. To my dau., Reuhanna Long but held in trust by her for her children. To my dau., Sarah Ann Krider but held in trust by her for her children. To Clarissa Metsker (dau.) but held in trust by her for her children. To Allen S. Nickey, son, but held by him in trust for his children. To children of my dau. Mary N. Metsker to be held in trust. The executors are to erect a suitable gravestone. If Estelle Miles remains with the testator's wife until aged 18 years or until she married after aged 18 years, or until aged 21 years to have etc. To Catharine Nickey, wife. Executors: William S. Nickey, son; Cyrus B. Tulley, a friend. Signed 7 July 1880. Jacob Nickey (SEAL). Wits.: Roscoe A. Kaufman, Joseph W. Adair. Sworn to and subscribed on 9 February 1892 before William H. Magley, Clerk.
Page 252. Refusal of Catherine S. Nickey to accept the terms of the will of Jacob Nickey, her husband. Signed 4 March 1892 before Thomas Riley Marshall, N.P.
Page 252. Catharine S. Nickey refused to abide by terms of the will. Signed Catharine S. (her X mark) Nickey before Thomas Riley Marshall, N.P.

Record 3 Page 234. John McCune of Whitley Co., Indiana. The executor to apply for a partition of the land held with his brothers, Robert McCune and Henry McCune. To wife, Margaret McCune during her lifetime then at her death to my children: Robert McCune, Mary McCune, Nancy Lancaster, Anna Keefer, Phebe Fetters, Ida B. McCune, Jemima McCune, Almina May McCune, William Asher McCune. Ex. nominated Frank Lancaster, son-in-law. Signed 26 January 1892. John McCune (SEAL). Wits.: Thomas R. Marshall, B. F. Thomson, Michael Divine. Sworn to and subscribed on 9 February 1892 before William H. Magley, Clerk.
Page 239. The widow elected to take under the will. Signed Margaret McCune (SEAL) on 9 February 1892 before J. Fordyce Wood, N.P.

Book 3 Page 240. Job G. Vanderwater. Dated 28 January 1892 in heading. To: J. N. Truman; Sarah Hernsdorpher, niece. Real estate to Sarah E. Grayless, my eldest daughter: the E ½ of S E ¼ of Section 24, Township 31, Range 10 E. To C. A. McGinley, daughter. Signed Job G. Vanderwater. Witnesses, Ira C. Harshbarger, Patrick J. Hoban. Sworn to and subscribed on 11 February 1892 before William H. Magley, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 243. John A. Withrow now living in Jefferson Township, Whitley Co., Ind. Will written on 28 October 1887 but "done in Columbia City". To wife, Matilda Withrow. AT her death my executor in connection with the General Eldership of the Church of God in North American shall settle the estate and turn over to the Trustees of the General Eldership a fund to be held permanently by them only interest used for the support of the Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ. Executors: Brother Isaac Schrader, Elder Isaac N. Markley. Signed 28 October 1887. John A. Withrow (SEAL)(. Wits. I. N. Markley, J. F. Pence. Sworn to and subscribed on 18 Febrarury 1892 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.
Page 253. Matilda Withrow's refusal dated on 14 March 1892. Att. Thomas Riley Marshall, N.P.

Book 3 Page 247. Michael Burkholder of Whitley Co., Indiana. To Lydia Burkholder, wife; Alexander, Burkholder, son; Mary J. Brown, dau.; Lewis Dowel, friend and son of my wife whom I raised and was a good boy. Ex. nom.: William F. McNagny, fired. Signed 22 January 1892. Wits.: Thomas R. Marshall, O. V. Schuman, Abraham Leathers. Sworn to and subscribed on 1 March 1892 before William H. Magley, Clerk.
Page 251. Lydia Burkholder, the widow elected to take under the will. Signed 27 February 1892. Sworn to and subscribed on 27 Feb. and 1 March 1892 before William H. Magley, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 252. [See entry under Page 221. DEG]

Book 3 Page 253. [See entry under Page 243. DEG]

Book 3 Page 254. John Overdeer. To my daughter, Savilla Overdeer but at her death an equal division to be made among my legal heirs. Signed 16 August 1890. John Overdeer (SEAL). Witnesses: Frank Spohnhauer, William Cormany. Sworn to and subscribed on 31 March 1892 before William H. Magley, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 257. Abraham L. Tressler of Whitley County, Indiana. To Laura E. A. Tressler, wife who is nom. as executrix. Signed 7 May 1892. Abraham L. Tressler (SEAL). Witnesses: A. L. Eberhard, M.D., Francis B. Moe. Sworn to and subscribed on 16 June 1892 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 260. Henry Sheets. To: Mary A. Sheets, wife; Eberhard Church, $25; Bertha Weeks, $75; my surviving children (not by name). Signed 11 June 1892. Adm. nom. Elisha Swan, Henry (his X mark) Sheets. Witnesses: Simon Bennett, R. P. Jackson, Wm. A. Young. Sworn to and subscribed on 25 July 1892 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.
Page 262. The widow Mary A. Sheets reject the will. Her refusal signed Mary A. (her X mark) Sheets before P. A. Randall, N.P. on 6 August 1892.

Record 3 Page 263. Samuel Robbins of South Whitley, Indiana. To: Ellen M. Robbins, wife; children: Maude E. Robbins, Charles N. Robbins, Fern E. Robbins. Executrix nom. Ellen M Robbins, wife. Signed 24 February 1892. Samuel Robbins (SEAL). Wits.: George W. Hower, South Whitley, Ind.; Noah W. Emerson, South Whitley, Ind.; Henry Hower, South Whitley, Ind. Sworn to and subscribed on 23 August 1892 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 266. Mary Kepner of Columbia City, Indiana. Requested purchase of a half lot for her burial in the Masonic Cemetery, a simple grey granite shaft and a inscription of her name, age and death date; shaft to cost about $250. To my son, Angenon A. Kepner and at his death to my sister, Nancy King and her heirs. Ex. nom. George S. Meely. Signed on 10 July 1888. Mary Kepner (SEAL). Wits.; James S. Collins, Curtis W. Jones. Sworn to and subscribed on 25 August 1892 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 268. Martin Ness of Whitley Co., ] To my living children: (to have a full 1/3 part of the estate); John Ness; John C. Ness; Margaret M. Yast (hus. Peter); Jacob Ness; Henry M. Ness; Annie Ness; Frank J. Ness. Note: John Ness was a son of his first wife, Elizabeth Ness. The others were children of the 2nd wife, Annie May Ness. Signed 21 January 1884. Martin Ness (SEAL). Wits.: Thomas R. Marshall, John E. Martin, C. S. Williams. Sworn to and subscribed on 31 October 1892 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 271. Wm. Thompson of Whitley Co., Ind. To wife, Harriet P. Thompson the old homestead during her natural life time but at her death equally to my three children: Fanny E. Green, Joab W. Thompson, George E. Thompson. The land was in Troy Tp., Whitley Co., Ind. and was the W ½ of N W ¼ of Sec. 9. Ex'x nominated Harriet P. Thompson. Signed 6 Oct. 1892. Wm. Thompson (SEAL). Wits. L. Halderman, C. F. Marchand. Will probated on 14 Nov. 1892 by Wm. H. Magley, Clerk. The widow accepted terms of the will and signed her name before Thomas Riley Marshall, N. P. on 12 Nov. 1892.

Record 3 Page 277. Elizabeth Ann Miller living in Churubusco, Indiana. To: Wm. H. Miller, son; Ester Isabelle Hartley, dau.; Clyde Randall, gr-son and the son of my daughter, Ester Isabelle; children of my son Thomas Miller, dec: George Miller, Catharine Ann Miller, Mary Myrtie Miller. Signed 22 June 1892. Elizabeth Ann (her X mark) Miller (SEAL). Wits.; George B. Slagle, D. L. Young. Sworn to and subscribed on 29 November 1892 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 280. Francis M. Sickafoose of Whitley County, Indiana. To: Caroline Sickafoose, wife; Turah, daughter. Ex'x nom. Caroline Sickafoose, wife. Signed Francis M. (his X mark) Sickafoose on 25 November 1892 before wits. Harry Fosler, Henry Hower. Sworn to and subscribed on 12 December 1892 before WM. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 283. George Kaler of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Eliza A. Spillette, dau.; my 2 sons: Samuel P. Kaler, James B. Kaler. Ex. nom. Samuel P. & James B. Kaler, sons. Signed George Kaler (SEAL) on 30 June 1892. Wits. Edmund Miles, Thomas R. Marshall. Sworn to and subscribed on 7 January 1893 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.
Page 286. The widow Kate Kaler elected to accept the terms of the will on 7 January 1893. Attest, Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 287. Solomon Summers of Whitley County, Indiana. To: Phebe Summers, wife; Joseph Summers, son; Olive Engle, dau.; Elizabeth Cook, Dau. Catharine Haas; Matilda Magley. Ex. Nom. Joseph Summers, son. Signed 29 November 1892. Solomon Summers (SEAL). Wits. Robert Cooperrider, John Hoffer. Sworn to and Subscribed on 23 January 1893 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.
Page 289. On 8 Nov 1893 the widow Phoebe (her X mark) Summers filed her refusal to accept terms of the will before J. W. Leonard, N.P.
Contest of the Will - Page 372: Phebe Summers, Catherine Haas, Elizabeth Cook, Matilda Magley, Olive P. Ely vs Joseph Summmers, Alfred Cooperrider.
An agreement was reached to set aside the will of Solomon Summers. Mrs. Olive P. Engle Ely lived in Chicago and Matilda Magley in Green Ridge, Pettis Co., Mo.

Record 3 Page 290. J. M. Douglass of Indiana. To my wife but at her death to my four heirs - S. L. McGinley, James P. Douglass, Lydia A. Douglass, Margie F. Gongwer. Signed 27 August 1892. J. M. Douglass (SEAL). Wits. - William Walker, Jas. A. Mossman. Sworn to and subscribed on 28 January 1893 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 292. James Baltes of Washington Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To: Michael Baltes, son; Margaret, wife; Margaret, daughter; Mary, Daughter. Signed 6 March 1873. Jacob Baltes (SEAL). Wits. Jacob Arnold, Peter Nix. Sworn to and subscribed on 21 February 1893 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 295. James Worden of Columbia City, Ind. To: Catharine Worden, wife. Columbia City Lodge, F & A. M. #189 to have $500 to defray cost of testator's funeral & to erect a monument chosen by them. F. & A.M. #189. Grace Lutheran Church, $500. Ex. nom. Andrew A. Adams. Signed 22 February 1890. James Word (SEAL). Wits. James H. Sharp. W. H. Magley. Sworn to and subscribed on 6 April 1893 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk. The widow elected to take under terms of the will and signed Catherine (her X mark) Worden (SEAL) on 13 April 1893 before A. A. Adams, N.P.

Record 3 Page 300. Inez M. Naber of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. To my daughter, Louisa Naber (under 21) but if the dau. dies then to my husband, Guilford M. Naber and to my sister, Ella Mossman. Reference made to the will of her father John J. Mossman of Wabash Co., Ind. dec. Names her husband as guardian of her dau. Louisa Naber. Signed 29 December 1892. Inez M. Naber (SEAL). Wits. Thomas R. Marshall, O. S. Thornberry. Sworn to and subscribed on 6 May 1893 Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 303. Sarah Berry of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Heirs of Catharine Plummer: Thomas J. Berry, Daniel Berry, Samuel Berry, Sarah Hollister, Hannah M. Davinney; children of my son, Jacob W. Berry except one (James F. Berry) is to received $25 less than the others. Children of John Berry. Children of my daughters, Ann Arrousmith (wife of Abner Arrousmith). Henry L. Davinney (hus. of my dau. Hannah) has from 9 March 1878 received $48 per year of my pension money & is to continue receiving until my decease then the total sum is to be deducted from my daughter Hannah's portion. She had surrendered to Abner Arrousmith, 3 notes for his signing a quit claim deed and these sums to be deducted from the amount that would fall to the heirs of my dau. Ann Arrousmith. Ex nom. James Broxon, a neighbor. Signed 31 May 1886. Sarah Berry (SEAL). Wits. S. M. Gillam and H. F. Conner. Sworn to and subscribed on 12 May 1893 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 307. William H. Shifler of Columbia City, Whitley Co., Indiana. To Maggie Shifler, wife; Frances E. Shifler, my adopted au. Signed. 14 March 1887. W. H. Shifler. Wits. Harry C. Yontz, J. D. Wurtsbaugh, L. C. Show. Sworn to and subscribed on 26 May 1893 before William H. Magley, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 309. John A. Miller. To trustees of the Olive Branch of the U. B. Church of Etna Tp., Whitley Co., Ind. a sum of money but the interest only to be used. To my 2 sons James H. Miller, Levi P. Miller. To my 2 dau. Susannah Howell, Rebecca Grider. To my 4 gr-ch. Arminda Roush, Ellen Burns, Anna Scheur, John L. Cunningham. Ex. Nom. James H. Miller, son. Signed 29 April 1893. John A. Miller. Wits. John Maynard, Jr., Wilmot, Ind., Wm. L. Bower, Wilmot, Ind. John F. Logan, Pierceton, Ind. Sworn to and subscribed on 6 June 1893 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 312. Sarah R. Ream. To my 3 gr-ch. children of my daughter, Hannah E. Yontz, dec.: Theressa Yontz, when aged 18 years; Mary Yontz at age 18 years; James W. Yontz at age of 21 years but if all are deceased then to my son, Vallorous Brown. To gr-son, William R. Brown, son of my son, Vallorous Brown, when 21. To Laura E. Brown, my gr-dau, and daughter of my son Vallorous Brown. To Vallorous Brown, son. Ex. nom. Vallorous Brown who is to erect a suitable tombstone for the testatrix. Signed 9 December 1884. Sarah R. (her X Mark) Ream (SEAL). Witnesses Solomon F. Winegardner, Curtis W. Jones. Sworn to and subscribed on 29 June 1893 before W. H. Magley, Clerk.
Page 315: The husband, George Ream elects to abide by the will on 25 September 1893 before Andrew A. Adams, N. P.

Record 3 Page 316. David R. Brenneman of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. To Marietta Brenneman, wife. The home farm in Washington township. The part north of the railroad not to be sold for 10 years. That on the south side to be sold. To all my children (but not by name). Ex. Nom. Isaac Brenneman. Signed 8 June 1893. David R. Brenneman (SEAL). Wits. Isaiah B. McDonald, John E. Martin. Sworn to and subscribed on 8 July 1893 before W. H. Magley, Clerk.
The widow agreed to the will only if given $400 instead of the $300 and if the heirs agree, to then waive all her rights in the estate. The children agreed to the terms made by their step mother, Marietta Brenneman. The agreement made was signed by William Brenneman, Sarah A. Zerbe, Henry Brenneman, Lydia E. Scott and Marietta Brenneman on 19 July 1893 before William H. Magley, Clerk of the Whitley County Circuit Court.

Record 3 Page 321. Jacob Wresler of Whitley Co., Ind. Had given real estate to Harriet Creager, his daughter and this was to be her share of the estate. To John Wresler, son. Ex. Nom. John Wresler, son. Signed 2 April 1881. Jacob Wresler (SEAL). Wits. William F. McNagny, Thomas Riley Marshall. Codicil. Dau. Harriet Creger to have $5 in addition to what she had received which was land in Gratiot Co., Mich. She live now with her husband in Iowa. The testator had only 2 children. Signed 17 June 1885. Jacob Wresler (SEAL). Wits. Thos. R. Marshall, Wm. F. McNagney. Will and codicil sworn to and subscribed on 29 July 1893 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 327. William E. Shelkett of Whitley County, Indiana. To Gilbert D. Shelkett, son. Ex. nom. James A. Shaw, Friend. Signed 21 July 1893. William E. Shelkett, friend. Wits. Fred Nei, James H. Shaw, Cornelius Rouch. Sworn to and subscribed on 8 August 1893 before William H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 329. Nicholas Nix of Washington Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To Catharine Nix, wife. To sons and daughters of myself and wife; Nicholas. E. Nix, John A. Nix, Adam M. Nix; Philmonina Nix; Anna Margaret Nix, Elizabeth T. Nix, Mary M. Nix, Clara M. Nix. signed 6 February 1892. Nicholas Nix (SEAL). Wits. John A. W. Kintz, Jacob A. Baker. Sworn to and subscribed on 15 August 1893 before William H. Magley, Clerk of the Whitley County Circuit Court.

Record 3 Page 332. Abraham Stoler of Richland township, Whitley County, Indiana. To my 2 sons, John Stoler and Eli Stoler and my 2 daughters, Sarah Stoler and Lizzie West. To Melind Snyder, dau. To Mary Evans, dau. To the children of Mariah Maynard, my daughter deceased. To the children of Jacob Stoler, my dec. son. Exs. nom. sons John and Eli Stoler. Signed 27 March 1890. Abraham Stoler (SEAL. Wits. Wm. N. Andrews, James Young. Sworn to and subscribed on 30 August 1893 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 335. John S. Tembley of Whitley County, Indiana. To wife. Mary A. Tembley. To the children of Mary A.; Samuel F.; Velma V. and any that may be born. Heretofore have made advancements to the children of my first wife but to Sophia, dau and wife of Jay Franklin no more. To George D. Trembley son, $500 more to Miles J. Trembley, son, $350 more. To Sabina, dau (wife of Christopher Souder) $350 more. Signed 25 February 1875. John S. Trembley (SEAL). Witnesses James S. Collins, Jos. W. Adair. Sworn to and subscribed on 28 September 1893 before William H. Magley, Clerk of the Whitley County Court.

Record 3 Page 340. John Kingdom of Churubusco, Whitley County, Indiana. To Elizabeth Kingdom, wife; John Kingdom, eldest son, Alice Forsythe, Ann Kingdom, dau; Josephine kingdom, dau; Ernest Kingdom, son. Signed 26 Jan 1875. John (his X mark) Kingdom (SEAL). Witnesses James M. Harrison, John A. Rich. Sworn to and subscribed on 30 September 1893 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk. Will revoked see Page 349.

John Egolf Page 343. John Egolf of Whitley Co., Ind. To Polly Straus, dau; Rachael Friend, dau.; Adam Egolf, son; Jeremiah Egolf, son. Ex. nominated Jeremiah Egolf, son. Signed 23 May 1893. John Egolf. Wits. Winfield S. Gandy, Churubusco, Ind. Emma D. Gandy, Churubusco, Ind. C. E. Lancaster, Churubusco, Ind. Sworn to and subscribed on 4 September 1893 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 346. Nelson D. Torbet of Columbia City, Indiana To wife, Matilda Torbet all the estate. Signed 10 October 1893. Nelson D. Torbet (SEAL) Witnesses James S. Collins, Curtis W. Jones. Sworn to and subscribed on 26 October 1893 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 349. Will of John Kingdon Revoked. 13 Nov. 1893. Preceeding were had, Joseph Kingdom, Ida A. Forsythe, Emma Bear, Ida Bear, Stella Bear, Chauncey Bear, William Bear, Cassius Bear, Alva Bear vs John Kingdon, Jr. Ernest Kingdon. The Jury: John H. Kepner, Curtis W. Anspaugh, John W. Brand, Abraham F. Sterling, Moody Baker, H. V. Baum, David R. Helmick, Otto E. Reeder, John Young, Andrew Hass, Joseph Gachatte, George A. Pontius. The verdict was that the testator was of unsound mind at the time he made his will and remained so to his death. It was declared that he died intestate.

Record 3 Page 352. George Slagle of Whitley Co., Ind. To Martha Slagle, wife. To my sons and daughters: Margaret L. Heffelfinger, George C. Slagle, Mary A. Whery, Martha Hoxey, Anna Girkin, Heirs of Aaron Slagle, dec, William Slagle, Leander Slagle, Heirs of John H. Slagle. signed on 10 June 1891. George Slagle (SEAL). Wits. George Richard, D. D. Deardorff. Sworn to and subscribed on 23 December 1893 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 355. Jonathan Shoemaker of Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife Elizabeth but at her death to my heirs: Daniel Shoemaker, Julianna Kisler, Edmund Shoemaker, Almira Keiser, Alvira Armold, Sophia Keiser. Will made on 19 April 1882. Signed Jonathan (his X mark) Shoemaker (SEAL). Witnesses David Weaver, Marion Coyle. Sworn to and subscribed on 15 January 1894 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 357. Valentine Pressler. To my wife the farm on which we now live - the W part of the N ½ of N W ¼ of Sec. 15, township 32, N. of Range 9 East containing about 70 acres. Also the N W ¼ of S E ¼ of Sec. 5, Township 32, N of Range 9 East, containing 40 acres so long as my widow and at her decease or re-marriage to sons and daughters: John A. Pressler, Samuel D. Pressler, Jonathan H. Pressler, Emerson P. Pressler, David C. Pressler, Marion W. Pressler, Eli W. Pressler, Bayard Pressler, Charles H. Pressler, Valentine L. Pressler, Hannah A. Scott, Alfaretta J. Stewart. To gr-daughter Mabel. Wife to act as guardian to last 8 named children but if she marries, Samuel D. Pressler is to act in her place. Signed 28 February 1889. Valentine Pressler (SEAL). Wits. Jacob Sevits and A. J. Anspaugh. Sworn to and subscribed on 18 Jan 1894 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Page 368. On 14 February 1894 Diana Pressler, the widow elected to accept terms of the will and signed Diana Pressler, before James S. Collins, N.P.

Record 3 Page 360. Louisa M. Oman of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Jesse Oman, son; Henry Clay Oman, son; Fred Oman, son; Julia Slagle, dau.; Esther Hight, dau. If not living to her heirs . daughter Constantia Garrison has received her share. To Maxia Oman (wife of son Jesse Oman) all my tables and carpets. Exs. nom. Jesse Oman, Alexander More, friend and neighbor. Signed 16 June 1891. Louisa M. Oman (SEAL) Wits. Wm. H. McNagny, Thos. R. Marshall. Sworn to and subscribed on 9 February 1894 or admitted to probate on that date by Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 362. Daniel Brown of Columbia Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, Rebecca Brown but at her death the residue to my children: Levi Brown, Alvin Brown, Harriet Schaper, Peter S. Brown, Emma J. Knisely, Ella Brown, John J. Brown, Lewis B. Brown. No appraisal or inventory to be made until after the death of my wife. Signed 11 October 1893. Daniel Brown (SEAL). Wits. J. E. Clark, Thos. R. Marshall. Note on the record - Daniel Brown died the latter part of January or the first of Feb. Recorded 9 Feb. 1894.

Record 3 Page 369. William H. Swan. To Eleanor Swan, dau.; Eliza Swan, dau.; Elisha Swan, son; Pretsman Swan, son; Emily Jameson, dau.; Ada B. Swan, the surviving daughter of my son, William H. Swan, dec. but if she dies then to her mother, the widow of William H. Swan, dec. Ex. nom. Elisha Swan, son. Signed 16 May 1885. William H. Swan (SEAL). Wits. Solon A. Howenstine, Joshua Chamberlin, William Bell. All witnesses were dead, so stated Jacob H. Ihrig and Frank L. White. William Bell died 3 years ago next month. Joshua Chamberlin died 4 years ago next fall. Solon A. Howenstine died last august. Ihrig and White attested the validity of the will and was sworn to and subscribed by them on 10 February 1894 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 379. Daniel Harshbarger of Whitley Co., Ind. To wife Ann A. Harshbarger but at her death or re-marriage to my children or their heirs. Ex'x nom. Ann A. Harbarger, wife. Signed 290 March 1894. Daniel Harshbarger. Wits. Henry Hower of South Whitley, Ind., Ellen > Robbins of South Whitley, Ind. Sworn to and subscribed on 27 April 1894 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 382. Paul Striggle of Collamer, Whitley County, Indiana. To sons and daughters: Frederick Striggle, Mary Baker, Joseph Striggle, David Striggle, Willie Striggle, Albert Striggle. Exs. nom. Sons, Joseph Striggle and David Striggle. Signed 17 March 1892. Paul Striggle (SEAL). Wits. Chloe Emerson of South Whitley, Ind. George W. Hower of South Whitley, Ind. Henry Hower of South Whitley, Ind. Sworn to and subscribed on 21 May 1894 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 384. Joseph Cook of Columbia Tp., Whitley Co., Indiana. To my wife, Harriet E. Cook and she is nom. to act as executrix to Peter Cook my gr-son and son of my daughter, Anne Cook. Signed 12 June 1894. Joseph Cook, (SEAL). Wits. Andrew A. Adams, Henry Lahm, James S. Collins, Sworn to and subscribed on 26 June 1894 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 386. Lewis M. Steward of Whitley Co., Ind. To my wife, Hannah Steward. To my sons and daughters: Mary C. Dickey, Theodore A. Stewart, Oliver P. Stewart, Joseph Stewart, Roseltha M. Maston, Selia E. Gingerick, Franklin (?) Stewart, Claud M. Stewart, Jenevra B. Sweeney. Should my wife refuse the will she is to take her share and the remaining estate shall go to: Mary C. Dickey, Theodore A. Stewart, Oliver P. Stewart, Joseph M. Steward or their descendants. Ex. nom. Theodore A. Stewart, son. Signed 31 March 1890. Lewis M. Steward. Wits. Francis B. Moe and A. T. Newcomb. Codicil 1, signed 26 Aug. 1890. Codicil 2 signed 14 May 1894. Will and codicils sworn to and subscribed on 30 July 1894 before W. H. Magley, Clerk. Witness to 1st codicil were: Francis B. More, L. F. Emerson Witnesses of 2nd codicil: Valentine Wagner, Francis B. Moe. Hannah Stewart (SEAL) before Isaac E. Gingerich, N. P. on 30 July 1894.

Record 3 Page 395. Margaret Sterling of Whitley County, Indiana. To my children: Henry Sterling, George W. Sterling, Edward Sterling, Ann Alley, Lizzie Hartson, Hattie Deeter, Sarah Woods. My son, John Sterling had had his share many years ago. Ex. nom. Lewis Haldersman of Larwill, Ind. an old friend. Signed 20 March 1888. Margaret (her X mark) Sterling (SEAL). Wits. Wm. F. McNagny and George W. Hollinger. A codicil made on 3 May 1889 was signed Margaret (her X mark) Sterling with witnesses Wm. F. McNagny and Thos. R. Marshall. Codicil 2 was signed on 167 July 1890 with Wm. F. Nagny and Thos. R. Marshall as witnesses. Will and codicils, sworn to and subscribed on 1 August 1894 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 404. Michael Fisher. To my children: George Fisher, Sophia Meyers (hus. Peter), Mary Raiff (hus. Edward), Louie Fisher, Children of Rose Bishoff, deceased (my dau and wife of Peter Bishoff), Olly Fisher, Odelia Fisher. To Amelia Fisher, gr-dau. Ex. nom. George Fisher, son who is to see to the placing of a suitable tombstone on the testator's grave. The real estate: N ½ of S W ¼ of Section 27, Township 32, Range 9 (80 acres). Signed 14 July 1894. Michael Fisher (in German) (SEAL). Wits. Samuel Waterfall, Wendel Gillen. Sworn to and subscribe on 4 Aug. 1894 by Wendel Gillen and on 14 July 1894 by James H. Harrison, Mayor of Columbia City, Ind. No ref. made to Samuel Waterfall,. James H. Harrison declared he saw the signing of the will.

Book 3 Page 415. John Wolf. To children: John, Elizabeth Alice Wolf, Benjamin Franklin Wolf, Eli Wolf, Ambrose Wolf, Andrew Wolf, Henry Wolf, Catherine Ann Withers. To wife Catharine Wolf. Requested that a suitable tombstone be erected for himself and his widow. Mentioned the nomination of a friend as executor but no name written in the space left for it. Signed 31 May 1894. John (his C mark) Wolf. Wits. Eph. K. Strong, Josephine Adair. Fannie Stone. Will Probated 22 September 1894. William H. Magley, Clerk of the Whitley Circuit Court.

Record 3 Page 428. George Orndorf of Churubusco, Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, Eva Orndorf. To my 3 gr-children, children of my dau. Talitha Fritz, deceased; Charles Fritz, Ida Fritz, David Fritz. To my son John Orndorf as trustee, the farm of 320 acres in Barer county, Kas. The income of the farm to my wife Eva Orndorf and my 5 living chidden: Priscilla Wyatt, Cassie Shoaf, Barbary Ressler (hus. Isaac), John W. Orndorf, Ida Hughes. IF Priscilla Wyatt dies before the settlement after sale of the farm then her share to her 6 children: Ida Crepe, Ella Markey, Marion Wyatt, Thomas Wyatt, Myrtle Wyatt, Dessie Wyatt. If Barbary Ressler is deceased, then to her children: George W. Wyatt, Emmet Wyatt, Ella Wyatt, Henry Wyatt, Eva Wyatt. Ex. nom. John W. Orndorf, son. Signed 1 April 1893. George W. Orndorf (SEAL). Wits. George Richards and D. L. Young. Sworn to and subscribed on 15 October 1894 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 434. Jonathan Sattison of Whitley County, Indiana. To Polly Sattison, my wife, Minnie Belle Banning, gr-dau., Nellie G. Sattison, gr-dau., Scott Sattison, son, George h. Sattison, son. Ex. nom. Scott Sattison, my son. Signed 15 November 1894. Jonathan Sattison (SEAL). Wits. Edmund Jones, James S. Collins. Sworn to and subscribed on 3 December 1894 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 437. Mary H. Farrell, widow of Jefferson Township, Whitley Co., Ind. To Jacob Bowman. Owned real estate in Godfrey's add. to Peru, Indiana. signed 27 June 1894. Mary H. Farrell (SEAL). Wits. Sylvanus Koontz, Ora Bayless. Sworn to and subscribed on 3 December 1894 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 439. Caleb W. Edwards of South Whitley, Indiana. To my wife, Elnora C. Edwards. To Victoria E. Edwards, dau; Prince A. Edwards, son; John W. Edwards, son;/ Ex. nom. Prince A. Edwards, son. Signed 1 September 1894. Caleb W. Edwards (SEAL). Wits. David G. Linvill, Samuel Rush. Codicil made 17 Sept. 1894 was wit. by David G. Linvill and Samuel Rush. Will and Codicil sworn to and subscribed on 5 December 1894 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 445. David S. Morse. To my wife, Sophia Morse, her lifetime then to my daughter, Helen Hiler. Signed 22 June 1891. David S. Morse (SEAL). Wits. Wm. F. McNagny, Thos. R. Marshall. Sworn to and subscribe on 5 January 1895 by Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 448. Myron J. Noble of Troy Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To my wife, Catharine Noble. Ex. nom. R. J. Elliott. Signed 28 April 1874. M. J. Noble (SEAL). Wits. Cyrenus G. Coplen, Troy Tp., C. M. Noble, Troy Top, Whit. Co., Ind., R. J. Elliott, Troy Tp., Whitley. Co., Ind. Sworn to and subscribed on 30 January 1895 before W. H. Magley, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 451. Catharine Hose of Columbia City, Indiana. To my children: Charles Hose, William Hose, Frederick Hose, Catharine Hosler or her children. To Barbara Hose, my dau. in-law and wife of my son, Jacob Hose. To Jacob Hose, son. Ex. Nom. Frederick Busch, a friend. signed 5 March 1888. Catharine Hose (in German) (SEAL). Wits. George Bechloldt, Joseph Clerk. Sworn to and subscribed on 5 February 1895 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 454. Mary Miller Kaufman. To my son, Oscar El Kaufman. To my son, James F. M. Kaufman. To my son, Roscoe A. Kaufman. To gr-daus, Mary T. Smith and Leonella A. Smith, Children of my dec. dau., Margaret Rose A. Smith. Ex. nom. Roscoe A. Kaufman who in addition is to serve as guardian to Mary T. and Leonella A. Smith. Signed 27 February 1895. Mary Miller Kaufman. Wits. Jennie M. Howenstine, William A. Smith. recorded on 8 April 1895 by Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 458. Mary Ann Johnson of Whitley County, Indiana. To Orlando L. Johnson, son; Mary Florena Johnson, dau.; Elizabeth Luella Daisy, dau.; Andrew Edwin Johnson, son; Mary Florena Johnson, dau.,; Herman Herschel Johnson, dau.; Sarah Alice Noble, dau. Ex. nom. Orlando L. Johnson, son. Signed 28 march 1895. Mary Ann (her X mark) Johnson. Wits. Abraham Elder of Larwill, Ind., John F. Logan, Ann E. Groves, Mary A. Elder, Larwill, Ind. Will Proved 18 April 1895. Attest WM. H. Magley, Clerk. The testatix according to the record was a widow. It was stated that it was said that she had a child by a former marriage living in California. See the record.

Record 3 Page 461. Jacob A. Baker. To my wife, Catharine Baker then to my children but if deceased then to my grandchildren. Dated in the heading 13 Apr. 1895. Signed Jacob A. Baker. Wits. John H Scheiber, Peter Nix, John Ness. Probated 22 April 1895. Attest William H. Magley, Clerk, Whitley Circuit Court. The widow elected to take under the will & signed before W. H. Magley, Clerk on 30 April 1895.

Record 3 Page 468. Harriet E. Cook, widow of Joseph Cook, late of Whitley Co., Ind. To my children: Eliza J. Rider (hus. David), Winfield S. Cook, Victor E. Cook, Clara A. Mowrey (hus. Wm. J.), Anna A. Deleno (hus. Philip), and her son known as Peter Cook. Exs. Winfield S. Cook, Victor E. Cook, sons. Signed 26 July 1894. Harriet E. Cook. (SEAL). Wits. James S. Collins, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 13 May 1895 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 470. William Weisweaver of Washington Twp, Whitley Co., Ind. To my wife, Minnie Weisweaver. To Lewis Weisweaver, son. To my 3 daughters: Rachel Keiser (hus. Conrad), Minnie Tierman (hus. Henry), Lena Lucke (Hus. William). Signed 17 April 1894. William Weisweaver (in German) (SEAL). Wits. H. Louis Sievers, August Licke. Sworn to and subscribed on 13 May 1895 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 473. Nimrod Schinbeckler of Whitley County, Indiana. To my 8 children, Frederick Schinbeckler, Franklin Schinbeckler, Mary Ann Wallers, Leah Clark, Emma Judd, Susan Keifer, Catharine Schinbeckler, Elizabeth Schinbeckler. My son August Schinbeckler has had his share. Request erection of a suitable tombstone. Exs. nom. Franklin Schinbeckler, Frederick Schinbeckler, sons. signed 24 June 1895. Nimrod (his X mark) Schinbeckler (SEAL). Wits. Henry Vogely, Jacob Murbach. Sworn to and subscribed on 10 July 1895 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 476. George A. Shook of Whitley County, Indiana. To my son, George Shoah. Notes against Charles H. Fogel are to be sold, the money to be used for expense of the funeral and the testator's last sickness. Ex. nom. George Shoah. Signed 12 August 1895. George A. (his X mark) Shook Wits. Thomas F. Johnson,m S. T. Chapman, Francis B. More. Sworn to and subscribed on 17 August 1895 before Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 478. Jennie R. Hartsock of Troy Township, Whitley Co., Ind. To my sister, Hannah Hartsock one-half of the former homestead of my father, Samuel Hartsock, dec. She is owner of the one undivided half of the same tract. Ex. nom. Hannah Hartsock, sister. Signed 8 March 1881. Jennie R. Hartsock (L.S.) On 8 March 1881. Wits Edmund Tracy, Charlotte, Eaton Co., Mich.; Abbie Tracy, Charlotte, Eaton Co., Mich.; Nellie E. Hill, Charlotte, Eaton Co., Mich. The will was made in Michigan in 1881. These subscribed after being sworn Frank R. Hall of Columbia City, Ind who served as executor. Cora Sauerman, Hannah Snyder (sister of the deceased who testified that her sister visited in Michigan in 1881. Will probated on 2 Sept. 1895. Attest William H. Magley, Clerk.

Record Page 483. David Brown of Columbia Township, Whitley Co., Ind. To: David Brown, Jr., son; Mary Brown, my wife; Joseph Brown, son; Hannah Souders, dau.; William Brown, son; Melinda Beard, dau.; Charles Foster, gr-son. To the 5 children of my dau., Catharine Ramp, dec., Ex. nom. David Brown, jr. son. Signed 16 Nov. 1887. David Brown (SEAL). Wits. J. D. Wurtsbaugh, Orson H. Woodworth. Codicil dated 17 April 1888. Codicil dated 8 June 1893. Will & Codicils probated 2 Sep. 1895. William H. Magley, Clerk. The widow accepts terms of the will and signed Mary (her X mark) Brown (L.S.) on 3 Sept. 1895 before P. H. Clugston, N. P.

Record 3 Page 496. Catharine Saurer of Whitley County, Indiana. My children, Simon Sauer and John H. Sauer have had full shares but to John H. Sauer $100 more. To: William Sauer, son; Elizabeth Lafever, dau.; Leah Chodat, dau. To my 8 children: Leah Chodat, Catharine Tschantz, Ann Pequegnot, Sarah Tschantz, Elizabeth Lafever, Daniel F. Saurer, Mary Vogely, William Saurer. Ex. nom. David Schrader. signed 8 March 1890. Catharine (X) Saurer (L.S.). Wits. Thomas R. Marshall, Jacob Murbach. Admitted to probate on 5 Sep. 1895. Attest Wm. H. Magley, Clerk.

Boook 3 Page 500. John H. Haas of Columbia City, Whitley Co., Indiana. to my wife, Katharine A. Haas. To my children: Nettie Sherbahn, Cora Dohner, Bertha Haas, Mabel Haas. The family homestead was at Lot 15 Collins first addition to Columbia City, Ind. Ex'x nom. Katharine A. Haas, wife. Signed 16 December 1895. John H. Haas. Wits. Andrew Haas, Robert B. Boy. Recorded 11 February 1896 by Richard H. Maring, Clerk. The widow accepted the terms of the will on 11 Feb. 1896 before P. H. Clugston, N. P. Page 503.

Book 3 Page 504: Thomas Poland at South Whitley, Ind. on 31 Aug. 1891. To: Ann S Poland, wife; Mary Ann Tuckey, dau.; Simon Poland, Alexander, Poland, Thomas Jefferson Poland, Winfield Scott Poland, Hannah Jane Mayo Poland, Children. Exs. Simon Poland, Alexander Poland, sons. Signed 31 August 1894. Thomas Poland (SEAL). Wits. James Hudson, Atmore Johnson, Jeremiah F. Shell. Sworn to and subscribed on 22 February 1896 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.
Page 521. The widow Ann S. Poland accepted terms of the will on 27 March 1896 signed A. S. Poland before Francis B. Moe, N.P.

Book 3 Page 508. Eliza W. Mathews of Churubusco, Indiana. to my husband, Frederick Mathews. Signed 11 March 1887. Eliza W. Mathews (SEAL). Witnesses John W. Orndorf, Harvey Hughes. Proved 10 march 1896. R. H. Maring Clerk,

Book 3 Page 510. Turbert Keirn of Whitley Co., Indiana. To my wife, Sarah Keirn and at her death to my heirs-at-law. Ex. nom. George Sheckler, my friend. Signed 10 January 1874. T. Keirn (SEAL). Wits. Joseph W. Adair, George Sheckler, Jonathan S. Kaufman. Sworn to and subscribed on 7 April 1896. Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 513. Jacob Y. Goodyear of Jefferson Township, Whitley Co., Ind. To my 4 children or their heirs: Cornelia Florence, Erastus Polaski, Eliza Ellen, Alpharetta Veina. Ex. nom. Alfred S. Goodin. Signed 3 April 1896. J. Y. Goodyear (SEAL). Witnesses John Richards, J. S. Shroyer. Sworn to and subscribed on 7 April 1896 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 515. Oliver Harp of Churubusco, Indiana. To my wife, Jane Harp. To Sallie Farmer, dau.; Mary Jane Harter, dau.; William Harp, son; George Harp, son; John Harp, son; Isaac Harp, son; Oliver Harp, Jr., son. Executrix nom. Jane Harp, wife. Signed 27 December 1884. Oliver Harp (SEAL). Witnesses George Richard, Charles Richards. Sworn to and subscribed on 5 May 1896 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 518. Lemuel Devault of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. For love & Affection to Thomas B. Watson the N E ¼ of Sec. 28 in Township 32 Range 10 East except what has been conveyed to other persons. Ex's. Margaret B. Foster, my wife Nancy DeVault. Signed 24 April 1896. Lemuel Devault (L.S.) Witnesses David R. Hemmick, Abraham Myers. Sworn to and subscribed on 11 May 1896 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 522. Ruth A. Briggs of Whitley County Indiana. To Marion M. Keller, my dau; Alfred Orlando Briggs, son; Charles Chestnut, gr-son; Hallie Chestnut, gr-son; Roland A. Briggs, husband. Requested that her son and daughter mark her last resting place. Ex'x. Marion M. Keller, dau. Signed 30 January 1896. Ruth A. Briggs. Witnesses Dewitt C. Noble, Roy W. Wigent. Sworn to and subscribed on 27 May 1896 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 526. Charles Rapp of Whitley County, Indiana. To Sarah E. Rapp, wife. To my gr-son, Boody Castle the share of his mother my dau. Cora Castle but if Boody Castle is not living to my dau. Cora Castle but if her husband, Artie Castle dies before my gr-son is 21 then at once to my dau. Cora Castle. To Orpha Tyler, my gr-dau. To my sons and daughters but not by name. Ex'x. Sarah E. Rapp, wife. Signed 14 November 1895. Charles Rapp (SEAL). Witnesses A. B. Craig, J. W. Orndorf. Sworn to and subscribed on 27 May 1896 by Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 530. Susan Snyder of Whitley County, Indiana (Widow of Solomon Snyder). To: Rhoda Snyder, dau.; Moses Snyder, son; Sadie Clark, Dau (hus. Joseph). Signed 28 February 1896. Susan Snyder (SEAL). Witnesses: William C. Morse, George L. York, Andrew A. Adams. Sworn to and subscribed on 27 June 1896 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 533. Adam Yeagle, Sen. of Whitley County, Indiana. Adam Yeagle, Jr. son has received his share. To gr-children Etta and Nettie Johnson, children of my deceased daughter, Lydia M. Johnson (land in Huntington Co., Ind.). Had given 2 lots in Coesse, Ind. to his dau, Maria Allen but these are not be charged as an advancement. To gr-child Jenny Reece. To Henry Yeagle, son. To Catharine Walker, dau. To Richard Walker as trustee for my dau. Maria Allen but at her death the principal to her surviving children. Ex. Joseph Clark, friend. Request the erection of a tombstone. Signed 29 July 1895. Adam Yeagle, Sen. Wits. William F. McNagny, Thomas R. Marshall. Codicil made 8 Jan 1896. Joseph Clark instead of Richard Walker to act as trustee of Maria Allen's share. Wits. Wm. F. McNagny and James M. Harrison. Sworn to and subscribed on 10 July 1896 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 540. Daniel Beghtel of Whitley Co., Ind. My children: Henry Beghtel, Isiah Beghtel, Joseph Beghtel, William Beghtel, Eli Beghtel, Lydia Lehman, Catharine Sickafoose. My gr-dau. Alice Johnson. Executrix Catharine Sickafoose, dau. signed 15 February 1893. Daniel (his X mark) Beghtel. Wits. Sidney O. Yontz, Adam B. Mosher. Proved 4 August 1896. R. H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 544. Elizabeth Bauer of Thorncreek Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To Louis Bauer, husband, life use of the farm where we live the S ½ of N W ¼ of Section 34 in Township 32, N of Range 9 East, 80 acres less ¼ acres in the northwest corner used for school purposes. Equally to my children (not by name). Signed 24 January 1881. Elizabeth Bauer. Wits. Walter Olds, James C. Knisely. Proved on 19 August 1896. R. H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 547. Eliza Effert of Columbia City, Indiana. All to my daughter, Mrs. Sarah Ann Barnes. Signed 29 April 1896. Eliza (her X mark) Effert. Wits. Curtis W. Jones, Jacob Hose. Sworn to and subscribed on 6 October 1896 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 549. Lydia Stoner of Washington Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To my gr-children, children of my deceased son Daniel Stoner: Franklin Stoner, Ida Slessman, Irene Reeg. To William Stoner, son; Jacob Stoner, son; John Stoner, son; Sarah Hamlick, dau.; Mariah Smith, dau.; Martha Palmer, dau.. Gr-children: Ida Sterling, Cora Sterling. Orestes Myers, gr-son. Ex. nom. William Stoner, son. Signed 29 September 1890. Lydia (her X mark) Stoner (SEAL). Wits. James S. Collins, Curtis W. Jones. sworn to and subscribed on 12 Oct 1896 also the codicil dated 12 Aug. 1896 which was witnessed by Lillie Smith and Benton E. Gates.

Book 3 Page 555. Henry Taylor of Jefferson Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To: James R. W. Taylor, son. Ida May Cole & Thomas Eckman my 2 gr-children. Beal F. Taylor, son; John M. Taylor, son. signed 4 May 1893. Henry Taylor (SEAL)> Wits. Andrew A. Adams. James S. Collins. Sworn to and subscribed on 12 October 1896 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 558. Elizabeth Olinger. To my children: Susan Yoder, Joshua C. Olinger, Catharine Fisher, Ellen Arnett, Judy Plummer, John W. Olinger. Exs. nom. Cyrus Moore or Leslie Moore of Green Township, Noble Co., Ind. but if they refuse then Elisha L. McLallen of Columbia city, Indiana. Signed 17 October 1895. Elizabeth (her X mark) Olinger. Wits. Eph. K. Strong, Jessie A. Strong. Proved 28 October 1890 Richard H. Maring, Clerk. The home farm consisted of the S E ¼ of Sec. 1, Township 32, N. of Range 9 East and all that portion of the N.E. ¼ of Sec. 12 lying north of Round Lake Township 32, North of Range 9 East.

Book 3 Page 564. Rachel Shinneman (widow of Isaac Shinneman). To: David L. Shinneman, son; Rachel Ann Clark, daughter; Isaac W. Shinneman, my kind step-son; John F. Shinneman, son. Ex. nom. John F. Shinneman, son. Signed 20 November 1896. Rachel Shinneman. Wits Isaiah B. McDonald, William Weber. Recorded 9 Dec 1896. Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 569. James H. Shaw of Union Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To my wife, Catharine A. Shaw. To my 2 sons: Stephen D. Shaw, Fred H. Shaw. To my daughters: Ida J. Shaw, Myrtle E. Shaw, May E. Shaw, Phebe C. Shaw, Nancy M. Briggs, Mary Jane Ihrig. Exs. nom. Catharine Shaw wife, Isaiah B. McDonald. Signed 15 January 1885. James H. Shaw (SEAL). Wits. Asher R. Clugston, W. J. Tyree, J. B. Sterling, John Bennet. Sworn to and subscribed on 29 December 1896 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 573. William S. Howenstine of Whitley County, Indiana. To: Charles Howenstine, son; Ira M. Howenstine, son; Callie Sickafoose (hus. George); Emiline Howenstine, wife. Mentions his "home estate" in Ohio. A monument to be bought with money due him from the home estate in Ohio. Exs. nom. sons, Charles and Ira Howenstine. Signed 31 March 1896. W. S. Howenstine (SEAL). Wits. Henry Hower of South Whitley, Ind., George Hower of South Whitley, Ind. Proved on 8 January 1897. Richard H. Maring, Clerk.
Page 576. The widow, Emeline Howenstine elected to accept the terms of the will on 9 February 1897 before Francis B. Moe, N.P.

Book 3 Page 577. Richard M. Paige of Whitley County, Indiana. To Phylura Ann Paige, wife. To children: Almira A. Paige, Richard A. Paige, John S. Paige, Simeon J. Paige, Phylura E. Paige. To gr-children: Cora E. Schrader, Ratie Schrader, Merritte E. Schrader, Clara E. Schrader. Exs. nom. wife, Richard A. Paige, son. Signed 29 April 1892. Wits J. C. Wigent, Roy W. Wigent. Sworn to and subscribed on 16 March 1897 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 581. Levi Rice. To my wife, Susan Rice and she is to have the custody of my 2 minor children: Alletta Grace Rice and Wilbur Hugh Rice. To my 3 sons: Charles Eugene Rice, Luther Kuntz Rice, Wilbur Hugh Rice. To my 2 daughters: Mrs. Ida May Beddle, Oletta Grace Rice. Exs. nom. Susan Rice, wife; Luther Kuntz Rice, don. Signed 12 October 1893. Levi Rice. wits. Eli King, F. M. King. Sworn to and subscribed on 24 March 1897 before R. H. Maring, Clerk Whitley Circuit Court.

Book 3 Page 584. Thomas B. Long of Etna Township, Whitley Co., Ind. To: Mary E. Long, gr-dau.; John W. Long, son; Martha Jane Hunt, dau. (hus. Franklin); Margaret Mary Cassell, dau (hus. Perry). Ex. nom. Franklin Hunt. signed 13 April 1897. Thomas B. Long (SEAL). Witnesses Thomas R. Marshall, Lois K. Marshall. Sworn to and subscribed on 3 May 1897 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Whitley County, Indiana
Index to Will Records Book # 4

Will Record Book Page(s)
Adair, Joseph W.4444
Anders, Peter4239
Anderson, John R.4414
Anglemeyer, Mary E.4573
Ashcraft, Homer C.4222
Auer, Jacob4211
Aultom, Samuel4464
Backus, William4348
Bauer, George W., Jr.489
Baugher, John4450
Bechtel, Martin484
Beck, Samuel4127
Beers, John4419
Beeson, Herman H.4264
Bentz, Jacob4182
Berry, Daniel4520
Betzner, John A.4461
Blain, James4160
Bonebrake, Sarah4220
Bower, William M.499
Bowerman, Abraham4295
Boyer, Benjamin4112
Braden, John K.4378
Brady, Jasper P.4416
Breck, George H.4470
Breisch, George F.4376
Briggmean, Henry J.4242
Briggs, Andrew J.4411
Briggs, Roland A.467
Bristow, Miles W.4552
Brommer, Michael4447
Brookover, Eliza J.4515
Brower, Jacob4521
Brown, James F.4207
Brown, Vallorous4508
Broxon, Margaret A.4293
Brubaker, Jacob429
Burns, John465
Carpenter, Pheobe C.4178
Carter, Ellen4580
Champion, Arislarchus4204
Chase, Levi4584
Chauncey, Elihu4235
Clark, Emma4569
Clark, Jehu H.4243
Clark, Thoams S.4148
Clark, Victoria4472
Clugston, Margaret A.4321
Collins, Catharine482
Collins, James S.484
Compton, Frank G.4320
Compton, Isaac Newton4352
Compton, Stephen J.4274
Cook, Elizabeth 4556
Cook, Peter4191
Cooperrider, Robert4193
Cornelius, Catherine468
Cow, George4445
Cox, John455
Craig, Alexander4299
Cripe, Eli4555
Criswell, Ellen G.4572
Crosby, Mary M.4209
Crow, Isa E.4563
Crowel, William D.4442
Croy, Mary E.4116
DePew, Francis E.4350
DePoy, Delilah4374
Dinius, Margaret4121
Donaldson, Sarah S.457
Edwards, Charles S.4201
Eissele, David4151
Eller, Ephraim4554
Elliott, Samuel J. W.4369
Elliott, Thomas A.4103
Erdman, August4455
Erne, Tobias4229
Evanson, Charles J.4180
Farner, Susan4154
Ferrell, James W.4255
Fisher, David C.4575
Flickinger, Jeremiah4224
Foust, Franklin H.4531
Fox, George4101
Frederick, Michael4579
Fries, Frank H.4308
Funk, Kezia4410
Gaff, Alpha4527
Gaff, Alpheus B.4240
Gallagher, Thomas4187
Gallivan, John479
Gallivan, Mary4426
Gandy, Winfield S.4550
Garrison, James4459
Gasser, Margaret4179
Gaylord, Martha A.4412
Gillespie, William M.4361
Goble, James J.4331
Goble, James W.4358
Goble, James W.4359
Gongwer, Ellen L.4395
Goss, Sebastion4195
Graves, Henry4133
Grawcock, Martha4138
Grawcock, William4137
Gunder, Henry4483
Gutscher, Rosana4140
Haas, John4514
Halenbeck, Jacob J.4225
Haley, Michael4312
Hammer, Jacob4124
Hammer, Mary E.4502
Haneline, Jefferson4476
Hanson, John4484
Hanson, Mary A.4540
Harbour, William4427
Hare, Michael B.4144
Harper, Deliph R.4405
Harris, John E.4408
Harshbarger, Josiah T.4534
Harshbarger, Lydia4571
Hart, David N.4303
Hartman, Anna4424
Hass, Elizabeth4339
Hawes, Prince4288
Heinley, William4228
Helblig, Adda449
Helms, Susanna452
Hennemyre, Samuel4165
Herdener, Albert4251
Herman John A.4137
Hess, John4503
Hiner, John H.458
Hively, Benjamin4516
Hively, George W.427
Hockemeyer, Christian D.4192
Hoffer, John4566
Hollinger, George W.4168
Hose, Barbary478
Howenstine, David W.461
Humbarger, David4403
Humberger, Maggie4280
Hyre, Aaron4396
Ireland, Martin4227
Jameson, William C.4210
Jeffries, David4276
Jeffries, Marcus L.4246
Jenkins, Isaac495
Jennings, Peter W.4131
Johnson, Arrelia Adelaide449
Johnson, Margaret4522
Johnston, James L.4549
Jones, Joseph M.4354
Kaler, Samuel P.4558
Keirn, Rebecca4314
Keiser, Henry4586
Kelsey, William F.4545
Kile, Henry4449
King, Charles E.432
King, Sarah414
Kitch, Michael4176
Klinck, Gideon T.4156
Knight, Charles W.4100
Knisely, William H.4363
Knull, Lucinda4216
Krewson, Martah F.4466
Krider, Jeremiah476
Lawrence, Rosetta C.4481
Lederer, Keeneveve483
Leslie, Margaret4307
Liggett, William H.4365
Linvill, D. G.4310
Linvill, Sarah F.4528
Livensparger, Charles4463
Logan, Robert4169
Londt, Henry4106
Long, John, Jr.4104
Lower, David F.4473
Lowman, Harry E.4261
Lowman, William G.4123
Magley, William H.4391
Marker, Catharine4408
Marrs, William N.4393
Maston, John4436
McCord, Lucien E.478
McCoy, John4107
McDonald, I. B.4334
McDonald, William4406
McKown, James443
McLallen, Henry D.4542
Meredith, Asa4259
Merriman, Elijah4218
Merriman, James S.44
Merriman, Susan4249
Metz, Moses4487
Metz, Ozias4135
Metzler, Joseph4197
Meyer, Anton4400
Miller, Samuel S.4305
Miller, Solomon4512
Montx, John J.466
Mosher, Eliakim4440
Mosher, Levi490
Mosher, Sanford T.4401
Mossman, Francis4205
Mowery, Lewis H.4578
Mowrey, John485
Mullendore, Joseph4198
Myers, Cathrine4256
Myers, Daniel4519
Myers, Joseph4118
Nickey, David W.424
Nix, Margaret4498
Noble, Harry M. 4283
Norris, Henry4342
North, Susan C.4471
Nuxall, Anna4245
O'Connell, Dennis4120
Palmer, Catharine4136
Palmer, Sarah A.4292
Parkinson, Elizabeth4167
Parkinson, George T.4174
Paull, James4420
Pence, Abraham41
Pence, Hamilton496
Pence, Mary J.4590
Pence, Noah4146
Pence. Mary H.4356
Pentz, Jacob480
Plattner, Civilla4337
Poland, Ann S.469
Pontius, George W.4561
Potter, Eunice E.4423
Pressler, John4381
Pressler, John4429
Prickett, Harriet4380
Pritchard, Thoams K.4430
Prumm, Michael493
Puelt, William W.470
Raber, Albina4387
Raber, Jacob C.4278
Ramsey, Catharine4360
Redman, Catharine4518
Reed, James S.4404
Reed, John4252
Reeg, Peter471
Reiner, Henry4524
Remington, Francis S.4172
Richey, Lemuel4281
Riley, Johnson4125
Roach, James420
Roberts, George4142
Robinett, John4221
Roe, Margaret4507
Rosen, Henry4432
Rouch, Jacob4565
Rouse, Mary F.4164
Rowe, Elizabeth A.4546
Ruch, George W.4383
Ruggles, John J.4389
Rummel, Martha A.4326
Rupley, Daniel4568
Sappington, Jacob4170
Sattuson, Polly4485
Sauer, Daniel H.4286
Schoenauer, Frederick4457
Schrader, John459
Sellers, Daniel M.498
Shaw, Catharine A.4301
Shaw, William4194
Sheadle, Oliver4158
Shearer, Sampson4333
Sheckler, George4536
Shoop, Mary Ann4149
Shuh, John436
Sickafoose, Levi4214
Sickafoose, Mary4223
Sickafoose, Phillip462
Sievers, William4384
Simmons, Howard4474
Smalley, Henry4297
Smith, Alfred497
Smith, Iley4257
Smith, John G.4311
Smith, John L.4581
Snyder, Henry487
Snyder, John4129
Snyder, John4500
Snyder, Solomon4232
Somers, Mary B.4269
Stahl, Levi4114
Stallsmith, Anne4189
Staples, Jssie4407
Steerhof, George4111
Steffe, Mary4233
Stemen, Rheua Nickey4271
Stewart, Hannah4159
Stouy, William4109
Strain, Henry A.4490
Straus, Frederick W.4266
Stuart, Eunity4324
Sutton, Nancy4217
Swineheart, Henry4262
Terman, Sarah Ann4535
Thompson, Harriet P.4231
Trump, John4434
Tucker, Albert B.4491
Vanorsdoll, William S.4518
Vogely, Henry4495
Waidlich, Elizabeth4582
Walker, Hannah4341
Walker, Riachrd4468
Walker, William4212
Walters, Elias4453
Warpup, Margaret464
Weaver, Frances C.4417
Webster, Albert4329
Weisweaver, William4267
Wetzel, Elizabeth4185
Wetzel, John4184
Widup, Henry C.4399
Williams, Susan4162
Winters, Anna4117
Wolf, James A.4530
Workman, David A.4332
Wright, William4315
Yeater, John4345
Young, Alletta Grace4318
Young, James4247
Zartman, Jeremiah4506
Zeller, John4166
Zorger, Malinda election4489
Zorger, Michael K.4488
Zumbrun, John H.4366

Will Abstracts

Book 4 Whitley County Wills

Book 4 Page 1. Abraham Pence of Whitley County, Indiana. To Sarah Pence, wife, land etc. Part of N W ¼ of Sec. 19, T32, N or R 10 Eat containing 88 acres & other land her widowhood. To my own children and grandchildren where the parents are dead. To Lavina Ritchie, dau.; Eliza Jane Cleland, dau.; John W. Pence, son. To the children of my son, William Henry Pence living at time of my death & any that may be born to him. To my gr-children: Webb Hively and Cora Hively. To my son, William H. Pence. Ex. nom. Lemuel Ritchie, son-in-law. signed 4 June 1890. Abraham Pence (SEAL). Wits. Curtis W. Jones and Jeremiah S. Hartsock. Codicil made 27 May 1881. Wits Andrew A. Adams, Curtis W. Jones. Codicil made 2 May 1892 wits Curtis Jones and Andrew A. Adams. Codicil made 18 March 1895 wits Frank J. Heller & John W. Adams. Sworn to and sub. will & codicils on 29 Mar 1897. R. H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 14. Sarah King of near Larwill, Ind. widow of Alvin H. King. To: Ellen Biggs of Hobart, Ind. (hus. James); Ella Hartson of Warsaw, Ind. (hus. Avery); Alice M. King of Larwill, Ind. (hus. Alonzo M.). Signed 9 December 1896. Sarah (her X mark) King. Wits. Allie Zartman Young (daughter), Mary M. Zartman. Admitted to probate on 5 April 1897.

Book 4 Page 20. James Roach of Whitley County, Indiana. To Catharine Roach - wife but at her death to my children: John H Roach and Sarah Ann Watson (hus. Thomas), Elsie B. DeMoney (hus. Joseph). Ex's. nom. Catherine Roach, Wife. Signed 16 August 1886. James Roach (SEAL). Wits. Charles J. Eyanson, Cyrus B. Tulley. Proved 13 April 1897.

Book 4 Page 24. David W. Nickey. To my wife, Alcinda J. Nickey. Ex. nom. William S. Nickey, my friend and kinsman. Signed 12 August 1896. David W. Nickey. Wits. David B. Clugston, Wm. F. McNagny. Sworn to and subscribed on 21 June 1987 before R. H. Maring.

Book 4 Page 27. George W. Hively. To my wife, Mary A. Hively, the farm where we reside, the W ½ of the NE ¼ of Sec. 31, Township 32 N or R 9 East containing 80 acres. Signed 18 May 1897. George W. Hively (SEAL). Wits. Benjamin F. Menaugh, Arvillus N. Miller. Sworn to and subscribed on 25 June 1897 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 29. Jacob Brubaker of Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, Nancy E. Brubaker. To my 5 children: Alfred R. Brubaker, Ora Maud Brubaker, Eva Estella Brubaker, Curtis H. Brubaker, Netta H. Brubaker. Ex'x nom. Nancy E. Brubaker, wife assisted by my son, Alfred R. Brubaker. Signed at my home in Whitley Co., Ind. on 15 December 1896. Jacob Brubaker (SEAL). Wits. John C. Clapp, John M. Brubaker, Francis B. More. Sworn to and subscribed on 28 July 1897 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 32. Charles E. King of Richland Township, Whitley Co., Ind. To my wife, Sarah King during her natural lifetime and she is to maintain, clothe and educate our children until they reach the age of 21 years. At death of my wife to my children: Franklin H. King, Allen D. King, Elmer E. King, Millard L. King, James B. King, Aesa J. King, Charles E. King, Jr., Vestur R. King, Eliza E. King, Jennie M. King. Signed 6 June 1884. C. E. King (SEAL). Wits. Thomas R. Marshall, Daniel Kirkpatrick, John E. Martin. Sworn to and subscribed on 31 August 1897 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 36. John Shuh of Whitley Co., Indiana. Request a monument erected over his grave and for his wife (she is living), his home farm of 400 acres was S ½ of Sec. 34, Township 32, North of Range 8 East and East side of N W ¼ of Section 1 Township 31, North of Range 8 East. To wife Margaret Shuh. To: Charles Shuh, Edward Shuh, Elice Elliott for his lifetime then to her children, John Wallace Shuh, Catharine Schuman for her lifetime then to her children, Julia Ann Lower her lifetime then to her daughters: Alice Lower, Catharine Lower, Blanche Lower, Mabel Lower. Ex. nom. John Wallace Shuh, son but if he dies or refuses then DeWitt McLallen. Signed 21 April 1896. John Shuh. Wits. Will E. Strong and Eph. K. Strong. Proved 8 May 1897.

Book 4 Page 43. James McKown. To my wife, Lydia McKown, the home farm E ½ of SW ¼ of Sec. 31, Township 32, North of Range 9 East in Whitley Co., Ind. containing 80 acres so long as my widow or her natural lifetime then to my 7 children: Amanda Beard, Mary Goodrich, Huldah McKown, Celestia Cordell, Oscar McKown, Minerva Leaman, Charles McKown. Ex. nom. Oscar McKown, son. Signed 8 May 1897. James McKown. Wits. Eph. K. Strong, L. L. Brenneman. Proved 16 September 1897.

Book 4 Page 46. James S. Merriman. To my wife, Lula J. Merriman and my daughter, Martha M. Merriman. Ex. nom. William F. McNagny. Signed 30 August 1897. James S. Merriman (SEAL). Wits. Thos. R. Marshall, P. H. Clugston. Witnesses examined on 18 Sept. 1897. This will was set aside by the Whitley County Circuit Court during the February Term, 1898. On 6 October 1900 the widow, Lula J. Merriman refused to accept the terms of the will before Gladys Heagy, N.P.

Book 4 Page 49. Arrelia Adelaide Johnson who was formerly the wife of Jacob Helblig and now commonly called Addae Helblig. Reference made to her town lot in Alexandria, Madison Co., Ind. To my dau., Nellie May Helblig. My son, Charles Edward Helblig is to have no part of the estate. Ex. nom. Andrew J. Parks of Goshen, Ind, a friend. Signed 6 February 1897. Arrelia Adelaide Johnson (SEAL), Adda Helblig. Wits. Fred L. Shafer, William M. Snider. Testimony of witnesses taken on 21 Sept 1897. The testatrix died on 14 June 1897.

Book 4 Page 52. Susanna Helms of Whitley County, Indiana, the widow of Joshua B. Helms, deceased. To my father and mother, Adam and Lucinda Wolf their lifetime then to the children of Joshua B. Helms or heirs of any deceased (not by name). Ex. nom. Curtis W. Jones. Signed 22 August 1897. Susanna (her X mark) Helms. Wits. David G. Linvill, Ethelbert Jones. Sworn to and subscribed on 8 October 1897 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 55. John Cox of Whitley Co., Indiana. To my wife, Mary Ellen Cos. To my children equally except my son Jacob Cox has already had his share. Signed 10 August 1897. John Cox. Wits Andrew A. Adams, Thomas Gallivan. Proved 29 November 1897 at the November term.

Book 4 Page 57. Sarah G. Donaldson of Whitley County, Indiana. To my dau, Francina D. Zimmerman; my son, John H. Donaldson to have the family records, etc.; Mary Demoney, dau.; William S. Donaldson, son; Levi J. Donaldson, son; Emily D. Gandy, dau; Emily Kinsey, Gr-dau..; Harlan P. Zimmerman, grson; Flora Sible, gr-dau..; George F. Zimmerman, grson; Clara R. Donaldson, dau.; Loa A. Galaway, gr-dau.; May E. McKitrick, gr-dau.; Winfield S. Gandy, son-in-law to have father's rocking chair. Signed 2 March 1896. Sarah G. Donaldson (SEAL). Wits. John W. Orndorf, John F. Criswell. Sworn to and subscribed on 28 December 1897 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 59. John Schrader. To my wife, Julia Ann Schrader. To my children: Benjamin Schrader, Lewis Schrader, John Schrader, Hiram Schrader, Isaac Schrader, Mary Wilkins, Almira Strigle, Reuben Schrader, Martin Schrader, Ida Schrader, Ephraim Schrader. Ex. nom. Conrad Keiser. Signed 25 October 1897. John Schrader (SEAL). Wits. Ephraim K. Strong, Mollie Schrader. Proved 8 February 1898.

Book 4 Page 61. David W. Howenstine of Etna Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To my wife, Rebecca Howenstine and after her decease to my children (but not by name). Ex. nom. Rebecca Howenstine, wife. Signed 20 November 1896. David W. Howenstine (SEAL). Wits. Samuel Jarrett, Adam C. Brosman. Sworn to and subscribed on 25 February 1898 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 62. Philip Sickafoose of South Whitley, Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife Sarah Sickafoose. To my 2 daughters Elizabeth Douglass, Sarah Ann McEntarfer. Ex. nom. Samuel H. Sickafoose, my brother. Signed 7 December 1897. Philip Sickafoose (SEAL). Wits. Monroe W. Webster, Francis B. Moe. Sworn to and subscribed on 8 Mary 1898 before R. H. Maring, Clerk. On 2 March 1898 Sarah Sickafoose, the widow elected to accept the terms of the will in presence of Francis B. Moe, N. P.

Book 4 Page 64. Margaret Warpup of Whitley Co., Indiana, the widow of Henry Warpup, deceased. To Herman Warpup, son; Katy Wolfe, dau (wife of Irving); Charles Warpup, son under 21 years; Elizabeth Harter, dau (wife of George N.); and Elizabeth Harter is to attend the placing of a tombstone at the testator's grave & that of her deceased husband. The cost not to exceed 12.50 each. Signed 17 February 1898. Margaret Warpup (SEAL). Wits. Curtis W. Jones, Frederick Grund. Sworn to and subscribed on 1 April 1898 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 65. John Burns. To all my children, except Abraham who has had his share, and to the children of my dau., Margaret E. Tinkel the share of their mothers. Mentions the son Rugus Burns. Signed 8 September 1890. John Burns. Wits. W. S. Smith, H. S. Clevenger. Sworn to and subscribed on 23 April 1898 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 67. Roland A. Briggs. To: Charles M. Chestnut, gr-son; Halley O. Chestnut, gr-son; Alfred O. Briggs, son; Marion M. Keller, dau. and to her husband, Oliver H. Keller. Ex. nom. Oliver H. Keller, son-in-law of Marion, Indiana. Signed 22 November 1897. R. A. Briggs (SEAL). Wits. David V. Whiteleather, David Grund. Sworn to and subscribed on 17 May 1898 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 68. Catharine Cornelius, widow of Barnhart Cornelius, dec. To all my children: Frederick Cornelius, Elizabeth Essig, Benjamin Cornelius, Henry Cornelius, Lewis Cornelius, Ann Dietrick (hus. John). Signed 16 February 1895. Catharine (her X mark) Cornelius (SEAL). Wits. James S. Collins, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 24 May 1898 before R. H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 69. Ann S. Poland of Whitley County, Indiana. To the children of my deceased husband: Simon Poland, Mary Tuckey, Alexander Poland, Hannah Mayo, Jefferson Poland, W. S. Poland. To Margaret S. Gasser. Ex. nom. Alexander Poland. Signed 23 March 1898. Ann S. Poland. Wits. C. H. Gasser, Francis B. Moe. Sworn to and subscribed on 8 June 1898 before R. H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 72. Lucien E. McCord of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, Wilhelmina McCord. Ex'x. nom. Wilhelmina McCord, wife. Will made 13 July 1898. Signed Lucien E. McCord. Wits. T. N. Pilkin of Vandalia, Ill., C. E. Capps of Vandalia, Ill. Depositions of the witnesses were taken on 24 August 1898 at the office of the Fayette Co., Ill. in Vandalia and before G. T. Tuner, N. P.

Book 4 Page 74. James S. Collins of Columbia City, Indiana. To my wife, Eliza J. Collins and she to act as executrix. Signed 13 January 1887. James S. Collins (SEAL). Wits. Curtis W. Jones, Benton E. Gates. Proved 8 September 1898.

Book 4 Page 76. Jeremiah Krider living in Churubusco, Whitley Co., Ind. To my sons and daughters: John Krider, William Krider, Fanny Krider, George W. Krider, Eliza J. Richey, Malinda Kenaga, Mary R. Goheen, Benjamin F. Krider, Jeremiah Z. Krider. Ex. nom. John Krider. Signed 4 February 1892. Jeremiah Krider (SEAL). Wits. John W. Orndorf. D. L. Young. Proved 19 September 1898.

Book 4 Page 78. Barbary Hose of Columbia City, Indiana. To my husband, Jacob Hose. Signed 12 May 1898. Barbary (her X mark) Hose (SEAL). Wits. Curtis W. Jones, Oliver V. Schuman. Proved 28 October 1898. R. H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 79. John Gallavin of Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, Mary Gallavin. To my son, John Gallavin. Provide for a tombstone for his wife's grave at her decease. To sons: Dennis, Thomas, Patrick, James. To dau. Catharine. Ex'x. nom. Mary Gallavin, wife. Signed 17 October 1895. John (his X mark) Gallavin (SEAL). Wits. John S. McDanel, James M. Harrison. Proved 7 November 1898.

Book 4 Page 80. Jacob Pentz of Whitley County, Indiana. To my son John C. Pentz. To my wife, Elizabeth L. Pence. Ex. nom. John C. Pentz, son. Signed 24 April 1895. Jacob Pentz (SEAL). Wits. P. H. Clugston, August Erdmann. Sworn to and subscribed on 20 December 1898 before R. H. Maring, Clerk.
Page 81: The widow, Elizabeth L. Pence accepted the terms of the will and signed on 28 November 1898 before Gladys Heagy, N.P.

Book 4 Page 82. Catharine Collins, widow of Richard Collins, dec. late of Whitley County, Indiana. To my 3 daus.: Jane Collins, Emma Collins, Charlotte Collins. My son Virgil Collins has had his portion. Signed 23 February 1897. Catharine (her X mark) Collins (SEAL). Wits. Eliza J. Collins, Jennie H. Collins. Proved 8 April 1899. (Noted on the record - The testatrix lived in Columbia city, Indiana and died at 12 O'clock Monday in March 1899).

Book 4 Page 83. Keeneveva Lederer of Columbia City, Ind., widow of Frederick Lederer, late of Whitley Co., Ind. To my 2 sons: John Kempf, Christopher Kempf. Signed 29 April 1899. Keeneveva (her X mark) Lederer (SEAL). Wits. Curtis W. Jones, Louis Harter. Sworn to and subscribed on 29 May 1899 before R. H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 84Martin Bechtel of Whitley Co., Ind. To my dau., Cynthia Bechtel. To my daus. Anna First and Mary E. Coulson, Children of my first wife. "What I had from their mother." To my children: Anna First, Mary A. Coulson, Martha Trembly, Clemenza McDonald, Davis S. Bechtel, Isabella H. Stewart, Effie J. Stallsmith, Cynthia A. Bechtel. Ex. nom. W. J. Tyree. Signed 27 July 1897. Martin Bechtel. Wits. Michael W. Moore, Maurice L. Spencer. Proved 21 February 1899. (Noted on the record - The testator died on the 13 of this month (Feb. 1899( and was aged nearly 80 years.)

Book 4 Page 85. John Mowrey of Jefferson Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To the Trustees of Evergreen Church in Jefferson Tp., a branch of the Church of God $500 (Whitley Co., Ind). To the Trustees of Oak Grove Church of Columbia Tp,, Whitley Co., Ind. a branch of the Church of God $500. To children:: Mary Ellen Yohe (hus. Wm.), Etta Mowrey, Mark V. Mowrey, Cleone Mowrey, Ruth Mowrey, William I. Mowrey, Arta S. Mowrey (son), Cora Mowrey. Charles A. Mowrey, son has had his share. Exs. nom. William I. Mowery, Arta S. Mowery, sons. William I. Mowrey to serve as guardian to the minor children. Signed 17 July 1899. John Mowrey (SEAL). Wits. Iredell. B. Rush. Andrew A. Adams., Hugh Tolhelm. Sworn to and sub., 25 July 1899 before Richard H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 87. Henry Snyder of Columbia City, Whitley Co., Indiana. To my dau., Sarah Jane Stewart, To gr-son, Charles H. Snyder. To gr-son, Otis Snyder. Names his dau, Sarah Jane Stewart as guardian to Otis Snyder but if dec. then Charles Hl. Snyder is names. Exs. Sarah Jane Stewart, dau., Charles H. Snyder, gr-son. Signed 24 December 1898. Henry Snyder (SEAL). Wits. Samuel F. Barr, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 16 August 1899 before R. H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 89. George W. Bauer, Jr. of Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, Mary C. Bauer. Signed 9 March 1899. George W. Bauer, Jr. (SEAL). Wits. Thomas R. Marshall, Wm. F. McNagny. Sworn to and subscribed on 23 August 1899 before R. H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 90. Levi Mosher of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. To my dau., Harriet Tantlinger (wife of Daniel H.). To: Harriet Tantlinger, Christena Dowell, Adelia Haag, Sigmond Mosher. Signed 2 September 1898. Levi Mosher (SEAL). Wits. Benton E. Gates, Curtis W. Jones. Sworn to and subscribed on 28 August 1899 before R. H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 91. Peter Reeg of Whitley Co., Indiana. To my wife, Amanda B. Reef. She to take 1/3 if she remarried. Is to erect a suitable stone to mark my last resting place. To have a life estate if she remains single. Ex. nom. Amanda B. Reef, wife. Signed 1 June 1883. Peter Reeg (SEAL). Wits. Robert L. Pence, Cyrus B. Tulley. Proved 4 September 1897. (Found on the record that the testator died at his home in Washington Tp., Whitley Co., Ind. on 10 August 1899, aged 70 y 7 mo. and 5 days.)

Book 4 Page 93. Michael Prumm of Washington Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, Christina Prumm. To my dau. Mary (wife of Conrad Kerch). Ex. nom. Conrad Kerch, son-in-law. Signed 10 September 1892. Michael Prumm (SEAL). Wits. Andrew A. Adams, Jacob Ramp. Proved 12 September 1899l. (Testimony found on the record: The testator died 23 August 1899 in Whitley Co., Indiana). On 31 August 1901 before Benton E. Gates, N. P. the widow Christena Prumm accepted the terms of the will.

Book 4 Page 95. Isaac Jenkins of South Whitley, Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife Mary M. Jenkins her lifetime and at her decease to my 9 children: Elizabeth A. Ward, Charles La Fayette Jenkins, William Irvin Jenkins, Maryetta Bumgardner, Emma Samantha Williamson, Eusebia Huffman, Morgan A. Jenkins, Susan Gable, Gurtie Bell Jenkins. Signed (?) 6 September 1898. Wits. Elijah B. Wolfe, Francis S. Remington, Martin L. Galbreath, N. P. Proved 20 September 1899.

Book 4 Page 96. Hamilton Pence of South Whitley, Whitley County, Indiana. To my sons, Allen H. Pence and Joseph Pence. To my wife, Catharine Pence, who was nom. to serve as executrix. Signed 12 August 1898. Hamilton (his X mark) Pence. Wits. John S. Miller, Francis B. Moe. Sworn to and subscribed on 3 October 1899 before R. H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 97. Alfred Smith of South Whitley, Whitley County, Indiana. To my brother, Sidney Smith and he is nom. to act as executor. Signed 2 June 1899. Alfred Smith (SEAL). Wits. John E. Merriman, South Whitley, Ind.; Francis B. Moe of South Whitley, Ind. Proved 16 October 1899 before R. H. Maring, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 98. Daniel M. Sellers of Troy. Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. To my legal heirs (but not by name). Ex. nom. Thomas M. Cunningham. Signed 18 February 1898. Daniel M. Sellers. Wits. George W. Halderbaum, Peter Stultz. Proved 1 December 1899. (Testimony taken - He died on 26 November 1899 aged about 87 years).

Book 4 Page 100. Charles W. Knight of Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, Lyda E. Knight. signed 8 November 1899. Charles W. Knight (SEAL). Wits. William D. Harley, W. H. Magley, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 8 January 1900 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 101. George Fox. To my wife, Sarah Jane Fox and at her decease to my 3 children: Viola Helfrick, Della Lilly, Lyman Fox. Signed 22 January 1900. George Fox (SEAL). No ex. nom. Wits. Chauncey B. Mattoon, Benj. F. Menaugh. Sworn to and subscribed on 29 January 1900 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk. Widow's election signed on 29 January 1900 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk of the Whitley Circuit Court.

Book 4 Page 103. Thomas A. Elliott of Whitley County, Indiana. To my 5 children and one gr-son: John H. Elliott, Mary Jane Anderson, Wm. Walker Elliott, Nellie Terman, Frances Adell Kisler, Charles Caiy (gr-son). Ex. nom. Andrew Kenner. Signed 30 December 1898. Thomas A. Elliott (SEAL). Wits. Cyrus H. Keiser, J. Q. Adams. Sworn to and subscribed on 2 February 1900 before Walter J. Tyree, Clark.

Book 4 Page 104. John Long, Jr. of Etna Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, Emily E. Long. To our 4 children: Edwin M. Long, Jennie C. Meyers, Cora A. Burnworth, Mott R. Long. Ex'x. nom. Emily E. Long, my wife. Signed 21 August 1897. John Long, Jr. (SEAL). Wits. Thomas R. Marshall, Francis E. Eyanson. Sworn to and subscribed on 3 February 1900 before Walter J. Tyree, Clark.

Book 4 Page 106: Henry Londt of Whitley Co., Indiana. To my wife, Margarita Londt her lifetime. To my children: Caroline Plummer (hus. Jacob). George Londt. Catherine Crowell. Signed 7 February 1900. Henry Londt. Wits. Andrew A. Adams, William H. Kissinger. Sworn to and subscribed on 13 March 1900 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 107. John McCoy of Union Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, Sarah Jane McCoy; John McCoy, son; Lucy Rumley, dau (Wife of David); Lavina E. Ager, dau (wife of Benjamin); Mary Snyder, dau. (wife of Samuel). Ex. nom. Frank J. Heller. signed 17 January 1900. John McCoy (SEAL). Wits. William A. Ball, Adam T. Steele. Proved 23 March 1900 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 109. William Stout of Whitley Co., Ind. To my son, Xenophon Stout any debt for my care. To my grandchildren: Albert Ross, Cora Ross, Eva Ross, Charles Ross, Ida Haines, Ollie Stout, Lee Stout, Luke Stout, Mary Stout. Ex. nom. Lewis Bayman. Signed 8 January 1900. William Stout. Wits. Daniel Apple, Francis B. Moe. Proved 26 Mar 1900. This will by order of the court was set aside on 14 April 1900. The heirs at law: Zenithen Stout, Albert Ross, Cora Ross, Eva Ross, Z. Stout, Charles Ross, chose as executor, Raymond Williams.

Book 4 Page 111. George Steerhof. To my son, George E. L. Steerhof; Caroline Steerhof, dau.; Sophia Steerhof, dau. My wife, Luisa Steerhof has her claim on the property. Ex. nom. Luis Brandt of Huntington County, Indiana. signed 28 march 1899. George Steerhof. Wits. Isaac Zellers. Hanna X Briggeman. Sworn to and subscribed on 4 June 1900.

Book 4 Page 112: Benjamin Bowyer of Etna Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. To George W. Boyer, my son; Sarah Ann Bixler, Caroline Pentecost, Lavina Marks, my 3 daus. Ex's nom. Thomas T. Pentecost, William Bixler. Signed 27 August 1895. Benjamin Bowyer. Wits. James H. Miller, Pierceton, Ind.; John F. Logan, Pierceton, Ind. Proved September Term, Whitley Circuit Court, 1900.

Book 4 Page 114. Levi Stahl of Whitley Co., Indiana. To my wife, Comfort Stahl and at her decease to my sons and daughters (but not by name). signed 7 September 1900. Levi Stahl (SEAL). Wits. Geo. M. Nicodemus, Cyrus H. Fleck. Sworn to and subscribed on 2 Oct. 1900 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 116. Mary E. Croy of Whitley County, Ind. To my brother, George W. Croy of Whitley Co., Ind. and nom. him to act as executor. Signed 25 April 1896. Mary E. Croy. Wits. John E. Merriman, Francis B. Moe. Sworn to and subscribed on 2 October 1900 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 117. Anna Winters of Union Tp. Whitley Co., Indiana, widow of Elias Winters, deceased. Wanted a tombstone set for herself & her husband costing $100. To the children of my deceased husband: Amanda L. Rouch, Catharine Miles, John Winters, George Winter, Simon Winter. Ex. nom. John Winter. signed 17 August 1900. Anna Winters (SEAL). Wits. Lydia E. Rouch, Thomas R. Marshall. Sworn to and subscribed on 27 October 1900 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 118. Joseph Myers of Whitley Co., Indiana. To my wife, Malinda Myers and at her death equally to my children except my gr-child, Hugh Fisher is to have $300 when aged 18 years. Ex'x. my wife, Malinda Myers. signed 17 April 1894. Joseph Myers. Wits. George W. Hower, South Whitley, Ind.; Henry Hower, South Whitley Indiana. Proved 12 November 1900 at the November Term. On the record it is given that the testator died about 14th October and was part 70 years of age. The children asked for the appointment of Samuel J. Fisher as executor since Malinda Myers was deceased.

Book 4 Page 120:. Dennis O'Connell of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Hannorah Perry, Dau; Rev. A. M. Ellering of St. Paul's Catholic Church, $100 for masses for myself and deceased members of my family.; Thomas O'Connell, son; Bridget E. Bump, dau is to have a share only if her husband, William Bump is deceased. My children: Dennis O'Connell, Hanorah Perry, Thomas O'Connell, Maurice O'Connell. Tillie O'Connell, wife of my dec. son James; she lives in Ohio. Request the executor to rise $80 for a family tombstone. Ex. nom. Edward L. Gallagher. Signed 24 November 1899. Dennis (his X mark) O'Connell. Wits. Thomas Gallivan, D. V. Whiteleather. Proved Nov. Term, 1900 on 22nd day.

Book 4 Page 121. Margaret Dinius, widow of Whitley County, Indiana. To my brothers William H. Ramp and Samuel Ramp with I. E. Lawrence as trustee. Signed 17 November 1900. Margaret Dinius. Wits. Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher, Dr. I. E. Lawrence. Sworn to and subscribed on 10 December 1900 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 123. William Go. Lowman of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, Mary A. Lowman and she nom. as executrix. Signed 1 January 1881. William G. Lowman. Wits. W. D. Ball, C. B. Matoon. Sworn to and subscribed on 25 January 1901 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 124. Jacob Hammer of Union Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To Mary E. Hammer, wife. Son Edward Hammer died leaving unpaid notes held by his father, so to Roy Hammer (son of Edward) the sum of $50 as his full share at age 21 but if he dies then the $50 to my 3 sons. At death of my wife to my 3 sons: Charles H. Hammer, John A. Hammer, Hugh T. Hammer. Ex'x. nom., my wife Mary E. Hammer. Signed 5 October 1900. Jacob Hammer (SEAL). Wits. Benton E. Gates, Lulu Gates. Proved on 6 February 1901.

Book 4 Page 125. I, Johnson Riley of Whitley County, State of Indiana do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made.
Item 1st. I will and devise and bequeath to my daughter Jennie Harshbarger, the following described real estate situated in the County of Whitley and State of Indiana, to wit: The east half (½) of the south west quarter (¼) of the southwest quarter (¼) of section thirty-six (36) in township thirty-two (32) north of range nine (9) east, said Jennie Harshbarger to have and to hold said above described real estate in fee simple to herself and her heirs forever.
Item 2nd. To my daughter Catharine Clark. I will, devise and bequeath the following described real estate situated in said County of Whitley and State of Indiana. To wit, the west half (½) of the southeast quarter (¼) of the southeast quarter (¼) of section thirty-five (35) in township thirty-two (32) north of range nine east (9) said Catharine Clark to have and to hold said above described real estate in fee simple to herself and her husband forever.
Item 3. To my son Samuel S. Riley. I will devise and bequeath the following described real estate situated in said County of Whitley and State of Indiana, to wit, all of the west half (½) of the southeast quarter (¼) of the southeast quarter (¼) of section thirty-six (36) in township thirty-two (32) north of range nine (9) east except the following described piece or part of said west half of said southwest quarter (¼) of said south west (¼) to wit, commending at the north west corner of said south west quarter ¼ running from thence east parallel with the south line of said south west quarter (¼) of said south west quarter (¼) eight (8) rods, thence south parallel with the east lien of said south west quarter (¼) of said south west quarter (¼) forty (40) rods thence west parallel with the north line of said south west quarter (¼) eight (8) rods, thence north parallel with the east line of said south west quarter (¼) of said southwest quarter to the place of commencement as aforesaid, which said piece or part as excepted as aforesaid I will and bequeath to my son Charles W. Riley upon the consideration hereinafter specified and set forth.
Item 4. To my son Charles W. Riley in consideration that he pays to my granddaughter Alice Tawney when she arrives at the age of (21) years the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). I will devise and bequeath all the east half (½) of the south east quarter (¼) of the south east quarter (¼) of section thirty-five in township thirty-two (32) north of range nine (9) east situated in said County of Whitley and State of Indiana except the following described piece or part of said east half (½) of said south east quarter (¼) of said south east quarter (¼) running from thence west parallel with the south line of said south east quarter (¼) of said south east quarter (¼) eight (8) rods, thence south parallel with the west line of said south east quarter (¼) of said south east quarter (¼) forty (40) rods thence east parallel with the north line of said south east quarter (¼) of said south east quarter (¼) eight rods, thence north parallel with the west line of said south east quarter (¼) of said southeast quarter (¼) to the place of beginning as aforesaid which said piece or part as excepted as aforesaid I will devise and bequeath to my said son Samuel S. Riley to have and to hold the same together with the real estate mentioned and described in item number (3) to the said Samuel S. Riley in fee simple his heirs and assigns forever and in case said Charles W. Riley fails neglects or refuses to pay said sun of five hundred Dollars (500.00) to said Alice Tawney as aforesaid then and in that event all the land herein devised and bequeathed to the said Charles W. Riley I will and devise and bequeath to my grand daughter, the said Alice Tawney to have and to hold the same to the said Alice Tawney her heirs and assigned forever and in case said Alice Tawney died before she arrives at the age of twenty-one (21) years leaving no child or children then and in that event the devises herein made to the said Alice Tawney as aforesaid I will devise and bequeath the same to the said Jennie Harshbarger, Catharine Clark, Samuel S. Riley and the said Charles W. Riley to share and share alike in the same.
I will devise and bequeath to my said grand daughter Alice Tawney the sum of three hundred ($300>00) which said sum of three hundred Dollars is to be placed in the hands of the said Jennie Harshbarger and is to be used by her and education of the may said grand daughter the said Alice Tawney to be used by the said Jennie Harshbarger as she may think best and proper for said Alice Tawney and should there for any cause by any of said three hundred dollar left and not used for the purpose as aforesaid then and in that event said residue or sum not so used is to be divided between said Jennie Harshbarger, Catharine Clark, Samuel S. Riley and Charles W. Riley to share and share alike. Witness my hand and seal this August 2nd, 1895.
            Johnson Riley(SEAL). Signed sealed and published as his last will and testament by Johnson Riley the testator in our presence who at his request and in our presence and in the presence of each other have signed the same as witnesses. Andrew A. Adams, Curtis W. Jones.
            Whereas. I, Johnson Riley on the 2nd day of August 1895 made my last will and testament of that day. I do hereby declare the following to be a codicil to the same.
            I do hereby will devise and bequeath to my grand daughter Alice Tawney the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00 instead of the three hundred dollars ($300.00) said one hundred dollars to be placed in the hands of said Jennie Harshbarger and to be managed and disposed of by her as in my said will and testament directed. Witness my hand and seal this 3rd day of January 1898. Johnson Riley (SEAL)
            Sworn and subscribed and published by said Johnson Riley as his codicil to his said last will and testament in our presence and in the presence of each other and at the request of said Johnson Riley have signed the same as witnesses in the presence of each other and in the presence of the said Johnson Riley. Benton E. Gates, Curtis W. Jones. Proved 9 March 1901. Attest, Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 127. Samuel Beck of Thorncreek Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To: Eliza Jane Beck, wife. To my children: Valorus Beck, Dora Beck, Frank Beck, Charles Beck. To my grandson, Clide Beck whom I have adopted. Ex'x. nom. Eliza Jane Beck, wife. Signed 7 May 1897. Samuel Beck (SEAL). Wits. Joseph R. Harrison, Frank J. Heller. Sworn to and subscribed on 20 March 1901 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 129. John Snyder of Thorncreek Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. "My real estate" consists of the S.E. ¼ of Section 8 in Thorncreek Township except 60 acres off the south side of said section. To: my wife, Ann Barbara Snyder;, my children, John H. Snyder, Barbara, E. Snyder, Emma R. Snyder, Benjamin F. Snyder, Idella G. Snyder, Frederick L. Snyder, Andrew W. Snyder. Ex'x nom. Ann Barbara Snyder, my wife. Signed 4 February 1887. John (his X mark) Snyder (SEAL). Wits. W. F. McNagny & M. E. Lott. Codicil dated 4 February 1887 was signed. Wits. W. F. McNagny & P. H. Clugston. Proved 20 May 1902. The widow on 17 May 1902 elected to take under terms of the will.

Book 4 Page 131. Peter W. Jennings of Rochester, Monroe County, New York. Copy. To Caroline Baldwin, a niece of my wife, Caroline Jennings, Betsy Jennings, my sister. My Children. Rufus P. Jennings, George E. Jennings, Henry W. Jennings, Egbert B. Jennings, a child of which my wife is now enciente. Exs. nom. my wife and Aaron Erickson. Signed 23 May 1848. Peter W. Jennings (SEAL). Wits. H. Humphrey, Rochester, N.Y.; H. N Curtis, Rochester, N.Y. Recorded 7 August 1848. Moses Sperry, Surrogate. A copy was made 3 April 1901 by Geo. A. Benton, Surrogate.

Book 4 Page 133. Henry Graves of Whitley Co., Indiana. To Elmina Graves, my wife. To my children: James Graves, Lydie Ann Wreight, Lewis Graves, Millie C. Bump, William H. Graves. A 1/6 part to these grandchildren but they are to get a gravestone costing $25 for their father, Wesley Graves: Carrie May Graves, Edward Graves, Annie Grave, Blanche Graves. Ex. nom. Henry H. Lawrence. Signed 16 November 1847. Henry (his x mark) graves. Wits. David S. Linvill, M.D., Benton E. Gates. A codicil made on 21 June 1900 named Enos Bump, son-in-law, William Graves, son as executors instead of Henry H. Lawrence. Wits. Benton E. Gates and Lulu Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 29 April 1901 and on the same date the widow Elmina (her X mark) Graves accepted the terms of the will. Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 135. Ozias Metz of Whitley Co., Ind. To" Fanny Metz, wife; Omer R. Metz, son; Arthur R. Metz, son; Margaret C. Harrod, dau.; Irvin T. Metz, son; Cora O. Eberhard, dau.; Sarah E. Casner, dau. Ex. nom. Dr. Eli L. Eberhard. Signed 25 April 1901. Ozias Metz (SEAL). Wits. Thos. R. Marshall, P.. H. Clugston. Sworn to and subscribed on 1 May 1901 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 136. Catharine Palmer of Troy township, Whitley County, Indiana. To my only heir, Oscar Palmer (son) but at his death to my gr-sons, Irvin and Fred Palmer. to all the heirs of my son, Oscar Palmer except Josephine Gerkin who has received. To Jane Palmer if she become the widow of Oscar Palmer but only as long as she remains his widow. To Sanford Hosick, long employed by the family, so long as he remains in the family is to have care in sickness and a respectable burial. Ex. nom. Moses M. Trumbull. signed 26 February 1900. Catharine (her X mark) Palmer. Wits. G. C. Deeter and J. M. Briggs. Sworn to and subscribed on 2 May 1901 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 137. William Grawcock of Whitley Co., Ind. To Martha Grawcock, wife. To my children: James B. Grawcock,; Isaac C. Grawcock, Rosannah Falk, nee Grawcock; Elizabeth Whirledge, nee Grawcock; Charles W. Grawcock, Oscar D. Grawcock. Ex. nom. Edwin C. Downey, Signed 25 January 1899. William Grawcock. Wits. E. C. Carter and Jacob Kichler. Sworn to and subscribed on 16 May 1901. the widow, Martha Grawcock on 22 may 1901 accepted the terms of the will & signed before Edwin J. Smith, J. P. The testator died on 1 may 1901 so stated on the record.

Book 4 Page 139. John Herman of Troy Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. signed John German but Written Herman in the body of the will. To Rosina Herman, wife. To my children, John A. Herman, Eliza Shiffella, Elizabeth Keister, Mary Rebecca Pachnikka. Ex. nom. John A. Herman. Signed 5 September 1900. John Terman. Wits. Andrew A. Adams, Elmer W. Dowell. Sworn to and subscribed on 23 July 1901 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 140. Rosana Butcher of Whitley Co., Ind. To my husband, Michael Gutcher but at his death to my daughters Julia Cunningham and Nora Gutcher. My dau., Mary J. Lemon has had. Ex. nom. Benton E. Gates. signed 12 January 1901. Rosana (her X mark) Gutcher (SEAL). Wits. Minnie Kleber, James W. Yontz. Sworn to and subscribed on 19 August 1901 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 142. George Roberts of Whitley Co., Ind. To Nathan Roberts, son; Elizabeth Roberts, wife; Sarah J. Orner, dau.; Mary E. Hurd, dau.; George R. Miller and Bertha E. Miller, children of my dec. dau. Normande Miller with Nathan Roberts as their guardian. Ex. nom. Benton E. Gates. He is to place a monument at the testator's last resting place which is also to mark the wife's grave. Signed 27 Marcy 1900. George (his X mark) Roberts (SEAL). Wits. Francis Theodore Betzner, George R. Miller, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 29 Aug. 1901 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk. The widow, Elizabeth Robert agreed to the terms of the will on 28 Aug. 1901 before Benton E. Gates, N. P. The testator according to the record, died on 25 August 1901.

Book 4 Page 144. Michael B. Hare of Cleveland township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To my osn, John M. Hare, land in Kosciusko Co., Ind. To my dau. Susan A. Phillips (hus. John L.) alnd in Whitley Co., Ind. To my dau., Martha E. Baugher, land in Whitley Co., Ind. on cond. Exs. nom. John M. Hare, John L. Phillips. Signed 20 Novebmer 1896. Micahel B. Hares (SEAL). Wits. Andrew A. Adamas. Thoams Gallivan. Sworn to and subscribed on 15 October 1901 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk. The testaor died on 6 Ocober 1901.

Book 4 Page 146. Noah Pence of Whitley Co., Ind. To Anna Pence, wife. My 6 children: John F. Pence, Lorenzo Pence, Elmas Pence, Marion Pence, Romanthus Pence, Martha B. Pence,. My gr-son, Sherman Pence (son of John F. Pence). My gr-dau., Ida Pence (dau. of my son, Elmas Pence). Ex'x nom. Anna Pence, wife. Signed 25 June 1901. Noah (his X mark) Pence. Wits. George F. Miller, Francis B. More. Sworn to and subscribed on 28 October 1901 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk. The widow, Any Pence on 9 August 1901 elected to accept the terms of the will. The testator died 7 August 1901.

Book 4 Page 148. Thomas E. Clark of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Margaret S. Clark, wife. My heirs: James S. Clark, George E. Clark, Agnes M. Clark. Guardian of "my infant children" to be Margaret S. Clark. Ex'x. nom. Margaret S. Clark. Signed 10 October 1901. Those E. Clark (SEAL). Wits. Thomas D. Watson, Elijah Graves. Sworn to and subscribed on 2 November 1901 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk. The testator died on 25 October 1901.

Book 4 Page 149. Mrs. Mary Ann Shoop of Whitley County, Indiana. To my son. Walter Earl Shoop (a minor) to have the picture in a frame of his grandmother and grandfather. To Lesta V. Shoop, dau.; Nellie E. Dowell, dau.; Delmor Shoop, son. Ex. nom. Delmor Shoop, son. Signed 3 November 1901. Mrs. Mary Shoop. Wits. Emanuel Knisely, John V. Maynard. Sworn to and subscribed on 12 December 1901 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk. the Testatrix died on 17 Nov. 1901.

Book 4 Page 151. David Eissele of Whitley Co., Indiana. To: Dollia Verdinanda, dau.; Delpha Barkett, dau.; Charles Eissle, son; Frank Eissle, son. Signed 8 January 1901. David Eissele. Wits. David Geiger, Claud Oliver. Sworn to and subscribed on 17 January 1901 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk. The testator died on 12 January 1901.

Book 4 Page 154. Susan Farner of Whitley Co., Ind. To: David N. Hart, nephew; Thorncreek Bethel, Church of God, $500; Blue River Bethel, Church of God, $500; Blue River Circuit, Church of God, $300 to be held by Cyrus Fleck as Trustee and used to erect a parsonage. Findlay College at Findlay, Ohio. Ex. nom. David N. Hart, Nephew. Signed 21 June 1900. Susan (her X mark) Farner. (SEAL). Wits. Benton E. Gates, Lulu Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 1 February 1902 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk. The testatrix died on 29 Jan 1902.

Book 4 Page 156. Gideon T. Klinck of Thorncreek Township, Whitley Co., Ind. To: Elizabeth A. Klinck, wife; My children - Anna Z. Miller (wife of Samuel), Sarah E. Waugh (hus. James); Gideon I. Keirn, gr-son. Signed 9 February 1886. Gideon T. Klinck (SEAL)(. Wits. Michael Sickafoose, James S. Collins. A. A. Adams testified that Michael Sickafoose has moved to Lincoln, Neb. and James S. Collins was dead. Testimony was taken during the Feb. Term. 1902 and Mr. Klinck the testator had been dead several years.

Book 4 Page 158. Oliver Sheadle of Whitley Co., Indiana. To my wife Elizabeth Sheadle who is to act as executrix. Signed 11 February 1902. Oliver Sheadle (SEAL). Wits. Isaac Humbarger, Levi Hearod. Sworn to and subscribe on 24 March 1902 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk. The Testator died on 26 February 1902.

Book 4 Page 159. Hannah Stewart, widow of Lewis, and a resident of South Whitley, Indiana. To: Sylvester Parrett, son; Roseltha M. Maston, dau.; Lelia E. Gingerick, dau.; Geneora B. Sweeny, dau.; Children of Franklin D. Stewart, my dec. son-Mabel Stewart, Russell Stewart, Frank Stewart-my gr-children. Ex. nom. Isaac E. Gingerick of North Manchester, Ind. He is to attend to the lettering on her monument. Signed 26 October 1901. Hannah Stewart (SEAL). Wits. C. H. Risser, D.D.S., Kent S. Gingerick, Isaac E. Gingerick. Sworn to and subscribed on 27 March 1902 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk. The testatrix died on 24 March 1901.

Book 4 Page 160. James Blain of Whitley Co., Indiana. To Jane Blain, wife; Scott Blain, 1/9; Mary E. Keister, 1/9; Ida Grant; Frnaces E. Templeton, 1/9; Roxy Blain, 1/9; Della Buckles. 1/9; Wilbert A. Blain & Kittie Fowler, 1/9 children of Minerva Wise; Melvin Blain 1/9. Ex. nom. Melvin Blain, son. Signed 7 August 1901. James Blain (SEAL). Wits. Samuel H. Secrist. P. H. Clugston. Sworn to and subscribed on 3 April 1902 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk. The Testator died on 29 March 1902.

Book 4 Page 162. Susan Williams, now of Highland County, Ohio. To my children: John K. Williams, 4/10; James E. Williams, 2/10; Carey A. Williams, 2/10; Amos W. Williams, 1/10; Huldah A. Easter, 1/10. Signed 12 January 1889. Susan Williams (SEAL). Wits. Lizzie Keech, James E. Keech. The deposition of James E. Keech was taken 8 April 1902 at Painesville Ohio & he was sworn at the office of Bosworth and Hammer after examination by Harry P. Bosworth, att. He was aged 24 yrs. & his residence was at Newark, Ohio. Until August, 1890 lived at Hillsboro, Ohio. Lizzie Keech is dead. The will was proved on 14 March 1902. Attest: Gladys H. Brennemen, N.P. Susan Williams died on 17 Feb. 1902 at the home of Mrs. John K. Williams in Larwill, Ind.

Book 4 Page 164. Mrs. Mary F. Rouse of Columbia City, Ind. Widow. To my daughter, Lizzie L. Rouse. Signed 21 May 1884. Mrs. Mary F. (Frances) Rouse. (SEAL). Wits. Allie B. Tuttle, Thos. R. Marshall. Proved at the April Term, 1902.

Book 4 Page 165. Samuel Hennemire. To Margaret Anne Hennemire, dau; Cora A. Hennemire, gr-dau, 1/4; Gr-children-Ephraim S. Hennemire, Emma R. Hennemire, David D. Hennemire, George Hennemire, 1/4; Gr-children-Eva F. Hennemire, Edna V. Hennemire, 1/4; gr-children-Henry W. Kates, Jacob P. Kates, Malcomb E. Kates, 1/4. Signed 4 June 1894. Samuel (his X mark) Hennemire. Wits. Harmon W. Stults, Adam D. Lehman. Sworn to and subscribed on 7 May 1902 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk. The testator died on 3 May 1902.

Book 4 Page 166. John Zeller of Whitley Co., Ind. To my wife Catharine Zeller. Signed 6 October 1899. John Zeller (SEAL). Wits. Curtis W. Jones. Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 9 May 1902. Walter J. Tyree, Clerk. The testator died on 5 May 1902.

Book 4 Page 167. Elizabeth Parkinson, single of Whitley County, Indiana. To: Annetta Bair, dau.; Benjamin Parkinson, son. Ex. nom. Benjamin Parkinson, son. Signed 25 March 1901. Elizabeth Parkinson. Wits. Cassius Staples. James Staples. Sworn to and subscribed on 16 May 1902 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk. The testatix died on 9 May 1902.

Book 4 Page 168. George W. Hollinger of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. Direct erection of a monument. To: Catherine Hollinger, wife; my children: Ida Clark, Sarah Torbet, Martha Hollinger, Jennie Hollinger, Edward Hollinger. Ex'x. nom. Catherine Hollinger, wife. Signed 16 February 1901. George W. Hollinger. Wits. Judson D. Grant, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribe on 3 June 1902 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk. The testator died in May, 1902.

Book 4 Page 169. Robert Logan of Burg Hill, Trumbull County, Ohio. Son Hugo Logan to act as adm. and he is to erect a gravestone at my father's grave in Kinsman, Ohio and one on my lot in the Kinsman Cemetery. To my dau. Etha's children 1/4 - Keo, Currie & Claud Currie (This may be Keo Currie and Claud Currie). To Iona, 1/4. To Hugo 1/4. To Keokee 1/4. signed (made at S. Whitley, Indiana) on 31 August 1897. Robert Logan. Wits. Fannie A. Stoner, W. H. Tschantz. Sworn to and subscribed on 2 July 1902 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk. The testator died on 18 June 1902.

Book 4 Page 170. Jacob Sappington of Riceland Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. To Elizabeth Sappington, wife; my children: Clara Bowerman, Jessie D. Marrs, Flora Bell Goodrich, Alice Grace Terman, John F. Sappington, Phebe Leard, Eliza Jane Evard, William A. Sappington, James S. Sappington, Elizabeth Flickinger, Anna King; Spender Sappington, son of my first wife has had his share. Ex. nom. Sylvester Flickinger of Allen County, Indiana. Signed 5 November 1898. Jacob Sappington. Wits. J. W. Zartman, Edd C. Barber. Sworn to and subscribe on 2 July 1902 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 172. Francis S. Remington of South Whitley, Whitley County, Indiana. To: Clara A. Remington, wife. My 3 children. Mary D. Obenchain, Ella Evan, James E. Remington. South Whitley M. E. Church. Children of my dec. dau Cora - Eric and Dwight Sickafoose now resident of St. Louis, Mo. Exs. nom. Clara Remington, wife and James E. Remington, son. Signed 30 January 1901. Francis S. Remington. Wits. Monroe E. Webster and Francis B Moe of S. Whitley, Ind. Sworn to and subscribed on 3 July 1902 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk. The widow, Clara A. Remington elected to take under the will on 2 July 1902. The testator died on 27 June 1902.

Book 4 Page 174. George T. Parkison, of N. Chauncey Street, Columbia City, Indiana. To Sarah Parkison, wife; Mary E. Gibson, dau.; Valona Viola Parkison, dau of my decease son Benj. F. Parkison; Jacob H. Parkison, son; George W. Parkison, son; William Brubaker, Step-son. Exs. nom. William Brubaker, step-son; George W. Parkison, son. Signed 10 June 1902. George T. Parkison (SEAL). Wits. Ida Magley, Frank Wallace.

Book 4 Page 176. Michael Kitch of Whitley Co., Indiana. To: Eliza Holley, dau; Jacob Kitch, son; Ann E. Shidler, dau; Malinda Ensley, dau; David Kitch, son; to the children of my dec. dau., Lovina Helton; Eli Kitch, son; Henry Kitch, son. Ex. nom. my brother Daniel Kitch of Huntington Co., Ind. Signed 10 March 1896. Michael Kitch (SEAL). Wits. R. B. Bollinger, Daniel Kitch. Codicil dated 27 September 1896. A change since son, Eli Kitch has died. Wits, Nancy Kitch, Daniel Kitch, J. W. Glass. Sworn to and subscribed on 19 August 1902 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk. The testator died on 9 August 1902.

Book 4 Page 178. Phoebe A. Carpenter of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Joshua Carpenter, husband; Leonard W. Prichard but if he dies, to his mother Catherine Prichard. Signed 12 September 1900. Phoebe C. Carpenter. Wits. Ethel More, Francis B. Moe. Sworn to and subscribed on 25 August 1902 before Walter J. Tyree. The testator died on 27 April 1901.

Book 4 Page 179. Margaret Gasser of South Whitley, Ind. To my niece, Eliza Ellen Skelton. Signed 5 May 1902. Margaret Gasser. Wits. Monroe E. Webster and Francis B. Moe of So. Whitley, Ind. Sworn to and subscribed on 31 December 1902 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk. The testatrix died on 65 October 1902.

Book 4 Page 180. Charles J. Eyanson of Columbia City, Indiana. To Magdalene Eyanson, wife. My 6 children: Charles J. Eyanson, Jr., Stephen T. Eyanson, Frank E. Eyanson, Walburga Eyanson, Louis C. Eyanson, John N. Eyanson. Signed 14 August 1895. Charles J. Eyanson (SEAL). Wits. Thos. R. Marshall, P. H. Clugston. codicil made 9 ?Sept. 1897. Wits. Thos. R. Marshall and P. H. Clugston. Sworn to and subscribed on 14 January 1903. The widow Magdalena Eyanson elected to accept the terms of the will on 25 March 1903.

Book 4 Page 182. Jacob Bentz of Whitley Co., Indiana. To: Nancy Ann Bentz, wife. My 4 children John F. Bentz, Jane Harshbarger, Eldora Kaylor, Perry Bentz. Signed 21 June 1902. Jacob Bentz. Wits. Robert A. Fisher, Francis B. Moe. Sworn to and subscribed on 29 January 1902 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk. The widow elected to take under the will on 24 January 1903.

Book 4 Page 184. John Wetzel of Whtiley Co., Indiana. To: Polly Wetzel, wife; Elizabeth Wetzel, wife of my son, Nathan Wetzel. Mentions a farm set aside for his grandchildren, seven in number and names Schultz. Ex. nom. Nathan Wetzel. Signed 5 January 1870. Wits. Lewis M. Steward, Solomon E. Lantzer. Testimony take Feb. Term 1903 and the will was proved. The testor died on 7 May 1874.

Book 4 Page 185. Elizabeth Wetzel. To my children: Catherine Shriver, Solomon Wetzel, Barbara Keiser, Mollie Fletcher, Lavina Wetzel, Sarah Conrad, Ida Fogle, dau of my dec. dau. Caroline Fletcher. Five children of my dec. dau. Lizzie Miller. Nathan Wetzel, husband if living. Ex. nom. Solomon Wetzel. Signed 21 May 1892. Elizabeth (her X mark) Wetzel. Wits. Francis B. Moe, Sarah More. Testimony taken the February term, 1903 and will recorded.

Book 4 Page 187. Thomas Gallagher, resident of Columbia City, Indiana. To father Ellering or his successor $100 for masses for the soul of myself and wife and $25 for masses for the souls of my father and mother and brother James. To Edward L. Gallagher, brother; Frank Gallagher, brother; Mary Gallivan, sister; Emma Gallagher, wife of Edward; Laura Gallagher, wife of Frank; Bernard Gallagher, son; Todd Gallagher, son "my gold mounted watch chain woven from my wife's hair and the new watch charm; Marea Gallagher, dau my mother's gold watch and chain; Helen Gallagher, dau bracelets use by my mother; Claudine Gallagher, my youngest dau. the locket used by her mother. Exs. nom. Edward L. Gallagher, brother and Mary Gallivan, sister. Signed 30 December 1902. Thomas Gallagher (SEAL). Wits. Anthony M. Ellering, Denis Gallivan. Proved at the Aril Term, 1903.

Book 4 Page 189. Ann Stallsmith of Washington Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To Ellen J. Stallsmith, dau; Charlotte E. Stallsmith, dau; Hester A. Stallsmith, youngest dau. Huldah Richard (hus. Lewis); Charles A. Stallsmith, son; Franklin H. Stallsmith, son; William B. Stallsmith, son. Ex. nom. Arvillus M. Miller. Signed 9 June 1899. Ann Stallsmith (SEAL). Wits. Thos. R. Marshall, P. H. Clugston. Codicil dated on 16 April 1902. Henry Huffman is nom. for executor instead of Arvillus M. Miller. Wits. Thos. R. Marshall, P. H. Clugston. Proved at the April Term, 1902.

Book 4 Page 191. Peter Cook of Whitley County, Ind. To my Uncles and Aunts: Winfield S. Cook, Victor E. Coo, Eliza Reider, Clara A. Mowrey. Ex. nom. William I. Mowrey. Signed 25 November 1899. Wits. John T. Gates, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 9 May 1903 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk. Admitted to probate on 12 May 1903.

Book 4 Page 192. Christina D. Hockemeyer. To my wife, Mary Hockemeyer who is nom. to serve as executrix. Signed 9 January 1901. Christian D. Hockemeyer (SEAL). Wits. P. H. Clugston, Wm. F. McNagny. Sworn to and subscribed on 9 May 1903 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 193. Robert Cooperrider of Thorncreek Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To Margaret Jane Cooperrider, wife. To my children all of Whitley County Indiana - Phebe Hazen, Alfred Cooperrider, Martha Keirn. Ex. nom. Alfred Cooperrider. Signed at Columbia City on 19 March 1903. Robert Cooperrider (SEAL). Wits. P. F. Widup, Thorncreek Tp., Whit. Co., Ind.; Geo. W. Laird of Thorncreek Tp., Whit. Co. Ind.; T. B. Briggs of Thorncreek Tp., Whit. Co., Ind. Sworn to and subscribe on 8 June 1902. Agreement to accept the terms of the will was signed by Margaret Jane Cooperrider; Phebe C. Hazen (wife of Amon); Alfred Cooperrider (wife, Mary E.); Martha Keirn (hus. Isaac S.). Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 194. William Shaw of Union Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To: Mary S. Shaw, wife and Charles R. Shaw, son. Equally to children and grandchildren if parent is deceased. Signed 31 May 1894. William Shaw (SEAL). Wits. Curtis W. Jones, Henry Lahm. Codicil: A loan made to William J. Wheeler, gr-son is to be a lien on his share. Signed 13 September 1899. Wits. Thomas Gallivan, Curtis W. Jones. On 30 June 1903, Mary S. Shaw the widow agreed to accept the terms of the will. Sworn to and subscribed on 9 June 1903 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 195. Sebastian Goss of Fulton Co., Ind. Made Mention of what children had received certain sums and these to be considered. To; John Goss, son; George W. Goss, son; Alfred Goss, son; William Goss, son; Jacob Goss, son; Charles Goss, son; Edward Goss, son; Ellen Bowman, dau.; Elizabeth Beatty, dau; Angeline Lowe, dau; Alfred Showley, child of Paul Buckheister, gr-child of my deceased daughter, Laura Showley. Exs. non. George W. Goss, son; William Goss, son; Sebastian Goss (SEAL). Signed 22 February 1902. Wits. Avenel B. Green and Jno. W. Smith. Filed on 9 June 1903. Attest, Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 197. Joseph Metzler of Whitley Co., Ind. To; Leah Sharp, dau. Sabina A. Kelsey, dau (hus. Geo. W.); children - Mary Lower, Coshocton, Ohio; Amanda C. Barr, Ludington, Mich.; John A. Metzler, California; Sarah Metzler, Chicago; Emma E. C. Chamberlin, Whitley Co., Ind.; Rebecca Mullet, Whitley Co., Ind. To children of my dec. son, Frank Metzler named Edith and Lois Metzler. Names Daniel Mullet as their guardian. To Myrtie May and Sarah Metzler when of age (children of Wm. Metzler). Ex. nom. Provident Trust Company. Signed 5 May 1902. Wits. Thos. R. Marshall, Dr. S. R. White. Sworn to and subscribed on 27 July 1902 before Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 198. Joseph Mullendore of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Elizabeth Mullendore, wife, real estate during her natural life; Anna M. Obenchain, dau; Dora Moyer, dau, then to her children; Dora Goble and Jennie Goble Gross, children of my dec. dau., Amanda Goble; Harvey Mullendore, son; Aaron Mullendore, son. Had conveyed land to son, Irvin and Noah Mullendore. Ex. nom. Noah Mullendore, son. Signed 9 October 1901. Joseph Mullendore (SEAL). Wits. William F. McNagny, P. H. Clugston. Codicil signed 15 February 1902. the real estate had been conveyed to his dau. Emma J. Pence and her husband Clark. Pence. Wits. P. H. Clugston and Thos. R. Marshall. Sworn to and subscribed on 5 Sep. 1902. Seal of the Court Affixed on 7 Sep 1902. Walter J. Tyree, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 201. Charles S. Edwards. To: William R. H. Edwards, bro. and Anna Hildebrand, sis-in-law. The remainder of the estate as follows: Sarah Morrison, sister, 1/8 part; William R. H. Edwards, bro. 1/8 part; Heirs at law of my dec. sisters Barbara A Hassler, Elizabeth Wunderlich and Margaret A. Fox., 3/8 part; Heirs at law of my deceased brothers Joseph G. Edwards, James B. Edwards and Christopher C. Edwards, 3/8 part. Ex. nom. William F. McNagny, friend. Signed 18 February 1901. Charles S. Edwards. Wits. David S. Linville, Edgar N. Hildebrand. Proved at the Sept. Term, 1903. Testimony taken down by N. M. Mullen on 25 Sept. 1903 (she was court steno). The testator died in September 1903 aged about 67 years.

Book 4 Page 203: Aristarchus Champion. to the American Bible Society - 1/2 the estate. To the Presbyterian Society for Foreign Mission under control of the General Association of the Presby. Ch. of U. S.. To Mrs. Susan Edwards. Ex. nom. Addison Gardener of the Town of Gates. Not dated. Signed A. Champion (L.S.). Wits. Wm. McConnell of Rochester, N.Y. & Theron Steele of Clarkson, N.Y. Proved in Monroe Co., N.YU. before W. D. Stuart, Surrogate of said county on 11 November 1871. Exemplification dated 14 October 1903. Signed by Andrew Ludolph, Clerk of the Surrogate Court.

Book 4 Page 205. Francis Mossman of Union Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To: Rhea Mossman, wife. She is to erect a family monument. James A. Mossman, son. Ex. nom. James A. Mossman. Signed 17 September 1900. Francis Mossman. Wits. John M Mowrey, San Steel. This will was filed at time of the February Term, 1904. The hearing was reported by Court Reporter, Thomas J. Logan.

Book 4 Page 207. James F. Brown of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Esther Brown, wife; Myrta Sellers, dau, and Dora Sanders, dau are to have real estate at death of wife. Ex'x. nom. Esther Brown, wife. Signed 22 September 1902. James F. Brown (SEAL0. Wits. Eph. Strong, Lucy Wilcox. Field on 16 February 1904. The testator died on 3rd of 4th of Feb 1904

Book 4 Page 209. Mary M. Crosby of Larwill, Whitley Co., Indiana. To: Inez M. Crosby, dau. Names David V. Whiteleather, as guardian to Inez M. Crosby, dau. Ex'x. nom. Maryetta Moonus, my daughter-in-law. Signed 10 February 1904. Mary M. Crosby. (SEAL). Wits. Mrs. Marietta Moon, Lizzie Matthias. Sworn to and subscribed on 29 February 1904 before Jesse A. Glassily, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 210. William C. Jameson of Whitley County, Indiana. My sister, Phebe J. Lower is to be paid for the care and nursing given to me. To Lewis H. Clevenger and Jennie E. Clevenger equally. Signed 24 February 1904. William C. Jameson. Wits. W. S. Smith, H. B. Whittenberger. Sworn to and subscribed on 15 March 1904 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Whitley Co., Ind.

Book 4 Page 211. Jacob Auer of St. Joseph Township, Allen Co., Indiana. To my wife her lifetime then by equal division to my children. Ex. nom. Edward Auer, son. Signed 8 February 1886. Jacob Auer (SEAL). Wits. H. A. Porter, August Dresler. No other data set down on the record.

Book 4 Page 212. William Walker of Whitley Co., Ind., My son, Edward Walker has had his share but to him $100 more. The real estate to my children: John Walker, Alfred, Walker, Anna Walker, Bertha Walker, Alice Walker, Effie Harshbarger. My children are to select a monument for myself and wife and the executor to attend the test. Ex. nom. Benton E. Gates. Signed 6 January 1904. William Walker. (SEAL). Wits. William H. Magley and Lucy Wilcox. Sworn to and subscribed on 5 May 1904 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 214. Levi Sickafoose of Whitley County, Indiana. To Mary Sickafoose, wife; Charles H. Sickafoose, son; Laura Howe, Lizzie Stoner, Maude Sickafoose, my children; George and Robert Stallsmith, sons of my dec. dau. my son, Charles H. Sickafoose to act as their guardian. Had contracted with Henry S. Searfoose for sale of land an a deed is to e delivered to him by the executor. Ex. nom. Charles H. Sickafoose, son. Signed 19 April l1904. Levi (his X mark) Sickafoose (SEAL). Wits. B. E. Gates of Columbia City, Ind. H. H. Lee of Payne, Ohio. Sworn to and subscribed on 3 May 1904 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 216: Lucinda Knull of Whitley County, Indiana. To my children, share and share alike. Sarah C. Philips, Samuel O. Knull, Charles E. Knull, Lucinda A. Sonders, Frank A. Knull. Signed 8 February 1896. Lucinda Knull. Wits. James S. Collins, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 167 May 1904 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 217. Nancy Sutton of Columbia City, Indiana. Personal and Real estate to my daughter, Susie Bower wife of Jacob Bower. The real estate S ½ of E ½ of NW ¼ of Sec. 14 in Township 32 North of Range 9 East, 40 acres. To her care of me in my old age. Ex. nom. Jacob Bower, son-in-law. Signed 17 January 1903. Nancy (her X mark) Sutton. (SEAL). Wits F. G. Grisier, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 2 June 1904 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 218. Elijah Merriman of South Whitley, Whitley County, Indiana. To Rebecca Merriman, wife and at her death to our five chidden: Wilmetta Robison, John Everett Merriman, Mary Glassley, Nellie Sheibly, Lowell Merriman. Exs. nom. Rebecca Merriman, wife; Harry Glassley, son-in-law. Signed 16 December 1903. Elijah Merriman. Wits. E. L. Eberhard, Francis B. Moe. Sworn to and subscribed on 23 June 1904 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 220. Sarah Bonebrake of South Whitley, Whitley County, Indiana. To: Ollie Kates, Ella Kimmel, Addie Cunningham, Emma Cunningham, my 4 daus.; Harley Bonebrake, son of my deceased son. Eli Bonebrake;; John Bonebrake, son; James Bonebrake, son;' my six living children. No ex. nom. in the will. Signed 30 May 1904 at my home in South Whitley, Ind. Sarah (her X mark) Bonebrake (SEAL). Wits. Thomas F. Johnson, Francis B. More. Sworn to and subscribed on 23 June 1904 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page John Robinett of Jefferson Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, my children. Exs. nom. my 2 eldest sons living. Signed 8 February 1894. John Robinett (SEAL). Wits Cornelius W. Pressler, Frank J. Deardorff, Jacob Bowman. Proved on 21 July 1904 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.
Page 223: The widow Sarah Robinette accepted the terms of the will on 27 July 1904 and signed in Presence of George W. Kelsey, N. P.,

Book 4 Page 222. Homer C. Ashcraft, son of Margaret Morrell. Requested a suitable casket, s slate vault, a burial robe and three carriages for the funeral at coast of $125, also a suitasble granit tombstone costing not less than $200 to be placed within one year after my decease. To: Nora M. Ashcraft, my wife including 40 acres in Blue Creek Township, Admas Co., Ind. Signed 11 March 1903. Homer C. Ashcraft. (SEAL. Wits. John L Smith, South Whtiely, Ind.; Francis B. More, South Whtiley, Ind. Sworn to and subscribed on 25 July 1904 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 224. Jeremiah Flickinger. To Martha Flickinger, wife. Stephen Martin, son-in-law; Herbi Martin, son of my deceased daughter, Mary Martin; my children: Nancy Martin, Mary Kinzie, Cora Shaw, Viola Nei, Samuel Flickinger, son. Exs. nom. Samuel Flickinger, son,; Stephen Martin, son-in-law. Signed 31 May 1904 at the Stephen Martin residence. Jeremiah Flickinger (illegible). Wits Carl L. Souder, Fred G. Smith. Sworn to and subscribed on 20 August 1904 Before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 225. Jacob J. Halenbeck of Union Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To: Mary Jane Halenbeck, wife our present home her lifetime, 40 acres more or less, the SE. ¼ of SE ¼ of Section 16 in Township 31, North of Range 10 East. My daughters Susan A. Dinkmeyer, Orlena J. Ruch, Rachael C. Metzler, Ida May Griest. Lida B. Halenbeck, dau.-in-law; John W. Halenbeck and wife, Lida B. Halenbeck at the death of my wife. Exs. John W. Halenbeck, son. Signed 16 June 1903. Jacob J. Halenbeck. Wits. C. M. Glock, William Swartz. Sworn to and subscribed on 22 August 1904 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.
Page 226: Jacob Halenbeck died 17 Aug. 1904. The widow declines to accept the terms of the will on 22 August 1904 before Benton E. Gates, N.P. and on same date, John J. Halenbeck decline to act as executor.

Book 4 Page 227. Martin Ireland of Whitley County, Indiana. To: Sarah Ireland, wife, including lots in Great Bend, Baton Co., Kas; Augusta Hunter, dau; Clara Pyle, dau.; Capt. Merritte W. Ireland, son; Homer A. Ireland, son; Blanche Dorland and Ethel Barnes, children of my dec. dau, Belle Dorland. My sons, Wooster M. Ireland and John M. Ireland have received their portions. Ex'x. nom. Sarah L. Ireland, wife. Signed 23 May 1899. Martin Ireland (SEAL). Wits. William H. Liggett, David R. Hemmick. Filed 12 September 9014. Certified 20 September 1904. Testator died about 11 Feb. 1904.

Book 4 Page William Heinley of Columbia Township, Whitley County, Indian. To: Elizabeth Heinley, wife. My children - George W. Heinley (to have also the grocery stock). Cora E. Heinley, Elmer M. Heinley, Minnie L. Heinley, Hattie E. Heinley, Edward L. Heinley, Clyde E. Heinley. Ex'x. nom. Elizabeth Heinley, wife. Signed 3 February 1903. William Heinley (SEAL). Wits Elmer Sheeler, S. T. Chapman. Proved 12 December 1904

Book 4 Page 229. Tobias Erne of Whitley County, Indiana. To: my children Jacob Erne, Conrad Erne, Amanda Haas. To. William H. Magley as trustee for my dau. Lillie Hull and at her death to her children. To Archie Erne, gr-son and the son of my dec. son Joseph Erne. To ----- Striegle, gr-son and the son of my dec. dau. Mary. Ex. nom. Conrad Erne, son who is also to act as guardian to Archie Erne and ----- Streigle. Signed 25 August 1902. Tobias Erne (SEAL). Wits. William D. Harley, Benton E. Gates. Codicil dated 26 August 1902. Wits. Benton E. Gates and Charles Heacock. Sworn to and subscribed on 27 December 1904 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 231. Harriet P. Thompson of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. To my gr-children, the children of my dau., Fannie E. Green, Dewitt Green, Arba Green, Frank Green. To Fern Thompson, dau. of my son, George Thompson. names Fannie E. Green, dau. as guardian to all these gr-children. Ex'x. nom. Fannie E. Green. Signed 23 April 1900. Harriet P. Thompson, (SEAL). Wits. Lulu Gates, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 27 December 1904 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 232. Solomon Snyder. To my children: Elizabeth Minaka, Sarah Cornelius, Emeline L. Snyder, Madilla Burkholder, John L. Snyder, Henry Snyder. Ex. nom. John L. Snyder, son. Signed 8 March 1904. Solomon Snyder. Wits. Benton E. Gates, David V. Whiteleather. Sworn to and subscribed on 29 December 1904 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 233. Mary Steffe of Whitley County, Indiana. To William A. Estlick, son; Joseph W. Estlick, son; Martha J. Hartsough, dau.; Cora Bills and Louis Todd, ch. of my dec. dau. Anna Todd. Ex. nom. William A. Estlick, son (he refused on 9 Jan 1905). Her husband, William T. Steffe agreed to the terms of the will and claimed no interest in the estate. Signed 24 November 1900. Mary Steffe. Wits. B. E. Gates, Lula Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 9 January 1905 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 235. Elihu Chauncey, dec. of Philadelphia, Pa. To Henrietta Chauncey, dau to have the dwelling house on Walnut Street where I reside. To dau. Sarah, wife of William Littleton Savage, Esq. To my brothers, Charles Chauncey and Nathaniel Chauncey and nom. them as executors. Signed 23 February 1843. Elihu Chauncey (L.S.) Wits. Henry Chester, Joseph Leslie, Thos. R. Lovett. Codicil dated 29 March 1847. Wits. Sarah C. Woolsey, Henry Bond, Ch. Chauncey. Proved 16 April 1847, Office of Register of Wills, City and County of Philadelphia. Copy cert. by W. B. Kinsey, Reg. of Wills on 24 January 1889. Rec. Whitley Co., 30 Sep. 1904.

Book 4 Page 239. Peter Anders of Columbia Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To my son, Adam Anders, the farm I now live on (NW ¼ of NW ¼ of Sec 36 Township 31, Range 9 East containing 40 acres since he put his own money in the farm and part of it was bought with money from his mothers; also he furnished me a home in my declining years. To Lucinda Shuder (wife of Simon). Ex. nom. Adam Anders, son. Signed 31 December 1904. Peter (his X mark) Anders (SEAL). Wits. Jacob S. Schrader, Frank R. McClellan. Sworn to and subscribed on 19 January 1905 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 240. Alpheus B. Gaff of Whitley County, Indiana. To my son, Winfield S. Gaff real estate but he is to pay my sons and daughters certain sums: Alonzo P. Gaff, $400; Charles W. Gaff, $100; Orange E. Gaff, $400; Alpheus H. Gaff, $400; Lovilla M. McCoy, $400; Iva M. Gordon, $550; Mary C. Ott, $400. Ex. nom. Winfield S. Gaff, son. Signed 18 July 1904. Alpheus B. Gaff. Wits. George W. Kichter, John W. Orndorf. Sworn to and subscribed on 2 February 1905 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 242. Henry L. Briggeman of Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, Minnie Briggeman for her lifetime then after paying my sons Martin H. and Henry A. Briggeman $200 each an equal division be made between all 9 of my children, namely: Martin H. Briggeman, Henry A. Briggeman, Caroline Ahnaman, Mela Weihe, Rachael Trier, Mary Trier, Elizabeth Dengis, Minnie Lickey, Ann Briggeman. Signed 17 November 1903. Henry L. Briggeman. Wits. E. L. Eberhard, M.D. of S. Whitley, Ind.; Francis B. More, South Whitley, Ind. Proved 6 February 1905.

Book 4 Page 243. Jehu H. Clark of Whitley Co., Ind. My sons, Byron T. Clark and Joe H. Clark have had advances equal to their shares. Byron T. Clark is dead and his children get one share. To: Sarah A. Clark, Wife. To my son, Thaddeus L. Clark and Benton E. Gates as trustees in trust for the benefit at: Jennie A. Aker, Jettie P. Pentz, Lula B. Briggs, Ida B. Briggs, Zella M. Pentz, Hallie I. Clark, Grace Anna Walker, Thaddeus L. Clark. Exs. nom. Thaddeus L. Clark, Benton E. Gates. Signed 10 December 1903. Jehu H. Clark (SEAL). Wits. Lucy Wilcox, Alex More. Codicil dated 29 Nov. 1904. Wits. William H. Hagley & Lucy Wilcox. Will & Codicil sworn to and subscribed on 4 May 1905 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 245. Anna Nuxall of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. To my husband, Barney Nuxall and at his death to my children. Ex'x. nom. Nora Dunlap, dau. Signed 25 April 1905. Anna Nuxall (SEAL). Wits. Frank H. Heller, Mrs. Ada Ruch. Sworn to and subscribed on 4 May 1905 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 246. Marcus L. Jeffries of Whitley County, Indiana. Requested respectful burial and a tombstone costing not over $100. All Real estate and personal property to Elizabeth A. Long. Ex. nom. John W. Orndorf. Singed 18 April 1905. Marcus L. Jeffries (SEAL). Wits. Josephine Torndoll, George W. Krider. Sworn to and subscribed on 15 May 1905 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 247. James Young of Larwill, Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, Julia Ann Young, one horse, a buggy and a life interest in the real estate. To my sons: G. A. Young, Alfred Young, Jacob Young, Fred Young. To my dau. Media Young. Signed 31 December 1898. James Young. Wits S. D. Raber, L. S. Marchand. Sworn to and subscribed on 20 May 1905 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 249. Susan Merriman of Washington Township, Whitley County, Indiana. Refers to the real estate from her dec. husband, James E. Merriman. To Ingram L. Merriman but must pay to my daughters, by James E. Merriman, namely Emarillas Johnson, Jennie Wilson, Manuella Smith. To my daughter, Elizabeth Clark by a former marriage. To my gr-children (sons of Ezra Merriman): William Merriman and Albert Ingram Merriman. To my daughter, Sarah Merriman. Ex. nom. Ingram L. Merriman, son. Signed 5 November 1901. Susan Merriman. Wit.s Thos. R. Marshall. P. H. Clugston. Sworn to and subscribed on 7 July 1905 before. Jesse A. Glassley, Clark. Codicil dated 24 June 1902. Wits. Wm. F. McNagny and Gladys H. Brenneman.

Book 4 Page 251. Albert Herdener of Whitley County, Indiana. To my nieces and nephews, children of my brothers, August Herdener who lives in Whitley Co., Indiana and Julius Herdener who lives in Switzerland. Names of the nieces and nephews not known. Ex. nom. Emile Doroit. Singed 17 May 1905. Albert Herdener (SEAL)> Wits. Benton E. Gates, William H. Miner. Sworn to and subscribed on 19 August 1905 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 252. John Reed, late of Madison Township, Richland County, Ohio who died leaving no widow. His next of kin live in Ohio. He died 2 May 1905. To James D. Bell, nephew, Mansfield, Ohio; Theo Reed, Moscow, Iowa, nep.; J. Porter Reed, Alva, Okla., nep.; Lucinda Lemon, Niece of Millersburg, Ohio; Bianca Cline, niece of Melford, Okla.; Elma Keister, niece of Lorain, Ohio. Ex. nom. James D. Bell. Signed 22 August 1903. John Reed. Wits. Thomas R. Marshall, Edward A. Weber, P. H. Clugston. Admitted to probate in Richland County Ohio on 5 June 1905.

Book 4 Page 255. James W. Ferrell. to my wife, Samantha Ferrell. At her death Charles Ferrell, son is to have the "north 40" and Harley Ferrell, son is to have the 'south 40." The remaining 30 acres are to be divided between the. (Real estate above mentioned was located in Section 15, Jefferson tp., Whitley County, Indiana.) Will made on 13 August 1905. Singed J. W. Ferrell. Wits. Samuel Gipe, Wm. Wagner. Sworn to and subscribed on 4 November 1905 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 256. Catharine Myers of Whitley County, Indiana. To my daughters: Emeline J. Parrett, Nora Alice Domer, Anna Mary Humbarger}Real Estate. To dau. Nora the picture of her brother, Nathan Myers. To my son, William Franklin Myers, one dollar as he has had his share. Ex. nom. James Collett. Signed 13 October 1904. Catharine (her X mark) Myers. Wits. William J. Abbott, Liberty Mills, Ind and Chas. A. Sala, N. Manchester, Ind. Proved 13 November 1905. The testator died at her home south of Collamer, Ind. About 4 Nov. 1905.

Book 4 Page 257. Iley Smith of Whitley County, Indiana. To my gr-dau. Iley L. Snyder, dau. of Mary E. Sappington a ¼ part. To Mary E. Sappington, dau., a ¼ part. To my dau., Jane Sappington, a ½ pt. Ex. nom. Benton E. Gates who is to see to erecting a monument selected by my 2 daughters. Mary and Jane Sappington. Signed 2 June 1905. Iley Smith (SEAL)> Wits Ethel Smith, Addie C. Smith. Proved 10 November 1905.

Book 4 Page 259. Asa Meredith. To: Mamie Meredith, dau; Alvah Meredith, son; George E. Meredith, son; Minnie D. Coplen, dau.; Laura A. Nolt, dau. to the children of my deceased son, Gabriel H. Meredith, who are: Carol Meredith, Verdie Meredith, Beulah Meredith. Ex. nom. Ephraim Nolt. Signed 8 March 1897. Asa Meredith (SEAL). Wits. Wm. F. McNagny, P. H. Clugston. Sworn to and subscribed on 16 January 1906 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 261. Harry E. Lowman of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Martha M. Lowman, mother; Walter, son; Laura Lowman, wife. Signed 7 December 1905. Harry E. Lowman (SEAL). Wits. Edward Lillich, Dr. Alice B. Williams, D. V. Whiteleather. Sworn to and subscribed on 26 July 1906 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 262. Henry Swineheart of Jefferson Township, Whitley Co., Ind. To my wife, Bridget Swineheart, a life lease then to my children: Mary A. Miller, Sarah A. Pence, Eliza Sheetz, Marion W. Swineheart, Harry Swineheart. Exs. nom. wife, Marion W. Swineheart, son. Signed 13 October 1897. Henry Swineheart (SEAL). Wits. Everett C. Branyan, James C. Branyan. Sworn to and subscribed on 1 Feb. 1906 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk. The widow elected to accept the terms of the will on 1 February 1906.

Book 4 Page 265. Herman H. Beeson of Whitley Co., Ind. To my wife, Lucinda Beeson a life, lease etc. then the remaining part at her death to my children, in equal shares" Samuel F. Beeson, John W. Beeson, Heber A. Beeson, Satiah P. Sisson, Lyda L. Stickley. Ex. nom. my son Heber A. Beeson. Signed 20 December 1905 at testator's home. Herman H. Beeson (SEAL). Wits. Benton E. Gates, Jesse A. Glassley. Sworn to and subscribed on 22 February 1906. The widow Lucinda Beeson elected to take under the will and signed in presence of Lucy Wilcox, N. P. on 22 February 1906.

Book 4 Page 266. Copy. Frederick W. Straus of Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. To my wife. Madlon Strauss. Signed 16 August 1897. Frederick W. Straus (SEAL). Wits. Edward N. D'Ancona, Stock Exchange Bldg., Chicago; Eli B. Felsenthal, 1031 Stock Exchange Bldg., Chicago; Homer Frank. 1031 Stock Exchange Bldg., Chicago. Proved on 22 March 1898. Attest Christian C. Roklsuat, P. J. Sworn to and subscribed on 2 March 1898 before Abyah C. Cooper, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 268. The heirs of William Weisweaver who died 2 April 1895 and whose will was proved on 13 May 1895 and whose widow, Minnie Weisweaver died on 10 march 1906 do declare they are the only heirs living and signed themselves as: Rachael Keiser; Minnie Beal, formerly Minnie Tierman; Lewis Weisweaver, Lena Lucke. Above sworn and subscribed on 9 April 1906 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 269. Mary B. Somers of Clay, Onondaga County, N.Y. One thousand dollars to be set aside for funeral expenses and the placing of a monument at the testator's grave. To: Joseph Dean Somers, son; Artemas L. Somers, Eudora P. Moyer, & Harriet H. Somers, my Children. Ex. nom. Artemas L. Somers, son. Signed 19 June 1874. Mary B. Somers, (LS). Witnesses I. N. Soule, 42 E. Fayette St., Syracuse, N.Y.; Ladviska Soule, 42 E. Fayette St., Syracuse, N.Y. Presented 10 June 1876 at a Surrogate Court, Onondaga Co., N. Y> An exemplification dated 29 March 1906 with the seal of the Court affixed at Syracuse N.Y. by H. M. Mara, Clerk of the Surrogate Court.

Book 4 Page 271. Rheua Nickey Stemen. To my daughter, Ruth Stemen. To my son David. To George C. Stemen, husband. If my mother is deceased, the Provident Trust Co. of or at Columbia City, Ind. is to be guardians of my children and they to act executors. Thomas R. Marshall of Columbia City, Ind. is to act as attorney as he is familiar with my mother's estate. Dates at Denver. Col. on 2 Dec. 1905. Signed Rheua Nickey Stemen. Wits. Emma M. Healey, Halsted L. Ritter. Depositions of the witnesses were taken at Denver Col. on 10 April 1906. The testatrix died on 31 Jan 1906.

Book 4 Page 274. Stephen J. Compton of South Whitley, Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, Eltora Dell Compton. To my grandchildren: Elnora May McConnel, Leona McConnel, Lillian Marie McConnel. To my daughters Matilda C. Hamilton, Alma O. McConnell. Ex. nom William H. Hamilton, son-in-law. Signed 30 April 1906. Stephen J. Compton (SEAL). Wits Thomas F. Johnson, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 10 May 1906 before Jesse A. Glassley. Clerk. The widow elected to take under the terms of the will on 9 May 1906 and signed before Abraham L. Obenchain, N.P.

Book 4 Page 276. David Jeffries. To my wife, Sarah A. during her natural life Lot #4 & house in Ackley's 3rd addition to the town of Churbusco, Ind. also a life lease on 145 acres of land in Section 15, Township 32, Range 10 east but at her dec. to my son Henry Jeffries. Ex. nom. Henry Jeffries, son. Signed 27 August 1904. David Jeffries (SEAL). Wits. George W. Kichler, Ila Orndorf. Sworn to and subscribed on 21 May 1906 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 278. Jacob C. Raber of Whitley Co., Ind. To my wife, Alfaretta L. Raber, the residence property in Laud etc. Executor to sell the land being the N ½ of NE ¼ of Section 25, Township 30, North of Range 9E then pay to the widow $1000 and act as trustee of the rest for my 2 children. Gertrude L.(ucile) and Paul Ihrig (Raber) guardian of the children my wife. Ex. nom. R. Frank Raber. (SEAL). Wits Thos. R. Marshall, Eleanor S. Center, Jacob M. Kaufman. Sworn to and subscribed on 1 June 1906. The widow on 2 June 1906 accepted the will's terms in presence of P. H. Clugston, N. P.

Book 4 Page 280. Maggie Humbarger of Whitley Co. Indiana. To my sister, Ella Humbarger. Signed 23 February 1905. Maggie Humbarger (SEAL). Wits. David Hyre, Francis M. Keirn. Proved 9 June 1906. Testator died on 7 May 1906.

Book 4 Page 281. Lemuel Richey of Whitley Co., Ind. To Ada May Jackson and at her death to her children. To Lavina Richey, wife. Ex. nom. John A. Pressler. Signed 9 November 1905. Wits George W. Gump, Edwin C. Downey. Sworn to and subscribed on 28 June 1906. The widow on 28 July 1906 accepted the will's terms before George W. Kichler, N. P.

Book 4 Page 283. Harry M. Noble. The depositions of G. V. Fromme and A. C. Bolinger were taken at Urbana Champaign Co., Ohio on 6 July 1906. C. M. Noble and Mary M. Noble live in Whitley Co., Ind. Will. To my affianced - Miss Bena Maurer of Urbana, Ohio. To my cousin M. n. Cook of Columbus, Ohio for kindness from his family. Ex. nom. C. M. Noble, father. to my father. C. M. Noble and my mothers, Mary M. Noble, both of Larwill, Ind. my Miami St. Property at Urbana, Ohio and my personal effects. Signed 3 April 1906. Harry M. Noble. Wits A. C. Bolinger and G. V. Fromme. Proved 6 July 1906. Depositions.

Book 4 Page 286. Daniel H. Sauer of Thorncreek Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To my wife, Barbara her lifetime then to Alina Helena, daughter $595. "$25 per year since her majority now 17 years." for her faithful service. And also $651 after death of my wife. To Paulina Knisely, daughter. Ex. nom. Barbara Sauers, wife. Caroline, the dec. wife of Austin Copelin has received at her marriage sum of money. Signed 2 March 1895. Daniel H. Sauer in German. Wits John Magley, William H. Magley. Sworn to and subscribed on 26 July 1906 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk. The widow on 20 September 1906 died before D. V. Whiteleather, N. P. signify her acceptance of the terms of the will.

Book 4 Page 288. Prince Hawes of Boston, Suffolk, Mass. To Sarah, wife. To William Gray Hawes, gr-son now aged 13 years. To Ruth Gray, sister of William Gray. To remaining property in 5 parts. Sarah Gray Lovering, dau. but if deceased then ½ to her husband, Prof. Joseph Levering and the other half to my sons, Joseph P., and Charles H. Hawes. To my dau., Annie Gray Walley but if she dies before her husband he to have ¼ of what remains of the 1/5 share and ¼ of 1/5 to my dau. Sarah G. Levering. To my 2 sons, Joseph Prince and Charles Henry Hawes. Signed 10 February 1859. Wits. Wm. S. Peabody, Nathan B. Clark, Fred M. Briggs. The will presented for probate on 19 Sep 1859 before Isaac Ames. Judge of Probate and Insolvency. Exs. were Samuel H. Walley, esq. and Joseph P. Hawes, Merchant of Boston, Mass.

Book 4 Page 292. Sarah A. Palmer. To Eli H. Palmer, husband. My 5 sons William Henry Palmer, John R. Palmer, James P. Palmer, Albert Palmer, George W. Palmer. Signed 10 August 1902. Sarah (her X mark) A. Palmer (SEAL). Wits. Geo. W. Webster. Francis B. More. Proved 29 Aug. 1906 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 293: Margaret A. Broxon of Jefferson Township, Whitley Co., Indiana (Widow of James Broxon). To: Walter M. Broxon, son. My children John T. Broxon, William C. Broxon, Reuben E. Broxon, Charles O. Broxon, Malissa J. Braden, Amelia A. Plummer, Mary E. Conner, Laura D. Smith. Chloe M. Berry, gr-dau. Ex. nom. Joseph B. Plummer. Signed 8 September 1905. Margaret A. (her X mark) Broxon. Wits. R. F. Raber, Eph. K. Strong. Proved on 30 August 1906 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk. The testator died about 10 June 1906 in Whitley Co., Indiana.

Book 4 Page 295, Abraham Bowerman of Whitley Co., Ind. A tombstone for his grave and that of his wife. To Ella Maud Bowerman, only dau. To Frann Bowerman, wife, if she survives me. At death of wife estate to be converted to cash and divided as follows: Ella Maud Bowerman ¼; Perry L Bowerman ¼ less $200 advanced to him; Charles A. Bowerman ¼; Children of Edson P. Bowerman (dec.) less $330 advanced to him. The children are: Bessie Bowerman, Edna Bowerman, Bernice Bowerman, Perry Bowerman. Ex. nom. Perry L. Bowerman, son, but if he refuses then Charles A. Bowerman, don. Signed 8 September 1902. Abraham Bowerman. Wits. Eph. K. Strong. Lucy Wilcox. Proved 4 September 1906. The testator died in Columbia City, Ind in July or August 1906. He had real estate as follows at time the will was made - - - .

            S.W. ¼ of N. W. ¼ of Section 27 in Township 322. N of R. 8 East.

            S.E. ¼ of N. W. ¼ of Sec. 28, T 32, N of R 8 East

            15 Acres of E side of N.E. ¼ of S.E. ¼ of Section 28, T. 32., R 8 East or 95 acres in all.

Book 4 Page 297. Henry Smalley at this time a resident of Whitley County, Indiana. To: John R. Smalley, son; Richard S. Smalley, son; William H. Smalley, son; Joshua Smalley, son. Had conveyed to my daughter, Lucinda F. Stickler the N W ¼ of N W ¼ of Sec. 33. Township 32, North of Range 8 E. and she is to have nothing more. Signed 10 April 1900. Henry Smalley (SEAL). Wits D. V. Whiteleather, Thomas Gallivan. Proved on 13 November 1906. At time of death the testator lived north of Larwill, Whitley Co., Ind.

Book 4 Page 299. Alexander Craig of Churubusco, Whitley Co., Indiana. To Charles W. Craig, son; Frances Minnie Harp, dau. Ex. nom. George Kichler, an attorney of Churubusco, Indiana. Singed 25 May 1906. Alexander (his X mark) Craig (SEAL). Wits. F. M. Magers, Sylvester Emerick. proved 15 November 1906. The testator died in the forepart of November 1906.

Book 4 Page 302. Catharine A. Shaw of Union Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To my daughters: Ida J. Shaw, Myrtie E. Shaw, Mary A. Shaw. Ex. nom Fred. H. Shaw, son. Signed 1 March 1897. Wits. Mary J. Leonard, Wm. F. McNagny. November Term. Proved 30 November 1906 before Joseph W. Adair, Judge.

Book 4 Page 303. David N. Hart of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. Sets aside $150 for a gravestone for himself and his deceased wife. To my children: Owen R. Hart (has had), Emerson C. Hart, Fred W. Hart, Anna Allen, Nettie Doyle, Joseph K. Hart, Bruce D. Hart, Ruth Miller. To Batha E. Hart, niece. To Ruth Hart, gr-dau and child of Owen T. Hart. Ex. nom. Fred W. Hart, son. Signed 10 November 1906. David N. Hart (SEAL). Wits Isaac N. Keller, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 10 December 1906 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 305. Samuel S. Miller of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, Anna Z. Miller all the household and kitchen furniture & also Lot 3 in Block 2 in the McDonald & tamp addition to Columbia City, Ind.; also 676 feet off north side of west lot 12 in the I. B. McDonald Plat of Out Lots in N E ¼ of Sec. 10 in Township 31, N. of Range 9 East, also 133 feet off south side of Out Lot 12 in the I. B. McDonald Plat of Out Lots in the N.E. ¼ of Sec. 10 in the Township aforesaid also a life lease on land in Benton Co., Mo. At her death to my children: Horace M. Miller, Ocie L. Miller, O. L. Miller, Ethel Em Miller. Exs. nom my sons Horace M. Miller and O. L. Miller. Signed 13 May 1904. Samuel S. Miller (SEAL). Wits. J. M. Maine, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 21 Dec. 1906 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk. The widow accepted terms on 31 Dec. 1906 before Benton E. Gates, N. P. The testator died on 12 Dec. 1906.

Book 4 Page 307. Margaret Lesslie of Whitley County, Indiana. To my children: Mary Jane Johnson, David I. Lessley, Emma S. Stallsmith, Ida A. Cop, Isy D. Shoemaker. To the heirs of my deceased son, Gordon Oliver, vix Delano Oliver, Minnie Kaufman, Cora Oliver. To Sofiah J. Oliver, widow of Delano Oliver. Sets aside $25 for a gravestone for my deceased son, Gordon Oliver. signed 8 June 1900. Margaret (her X mark) Lesslie (SEAL). Wits John Gross, Henry H. Auer. Sworn to and subscribed on 2 February 1907 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 308. Frank H. Friese of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Catherine Friese, wife, land, the S ½ of S W ¼ of Sec 32, T. 32, N of Range 9E but at her decease to my 7 children as follows: Christina Bauer, Catharine Shilts, Rosa Fries, Henry Edward Fries, Josephine Fries, Mary E. Fries, Leo Joseph Fries. Names George Bauer, son-in-law as guardian to Leo Joseph Fries, minor son and Catharine Fries, wife, as guardian to Mary E. Fries, my minor daughter. Ex'x. nom. Catherine Fries, wife. Signed 17 January 1907. Frank H. Fries. Wits Anthony M. Ellering, Eph. K. Strong. Proved on 7 February 1907. The testator died Saturday morning about 19th of this year.

Book 4 Page 310. David G. Linville. The entire estate of Martha J. Linville, wife. Signed 10 June 1904. David G. Linville. Wits. Homer A. Ireland, Edwin E. Willits. Proved 28 February 1907.

Book 4 Page 311. John G. Smith of South Whitley, Indiana. To: Mary F. Smith, wife; Sherman Smith, son; Sidney Smith, son; Henrietta Hathaway, dau. Ex. nom. John Hathaway. Singed 22 Jan. 1902. John G. Smith. Wits. Francis B. Moe, El. L. Eberhard, M.D. Sworn to and subscribed on 18 March 1907 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 312. Michael Haley of Whitley Co., Indiana. His wife is deceased. To my daughters: Mary Haley and Margaret Haley. To my children: John Haley, Daniel P. Haley, Ellen Ragan. Ex'xs. nom. Mary and Margaret Haley, my daughters. Signed 1 November 1895. Michael Haley, (SEAL). Wits P. H. Clugston, William F. McNagny. Sworn to and subscribed on 30 March 1907 Before Jesse A. Glassley, Clark.

Book 4 Page 314. Rebecca Keirn of Whitley Co., Ind. To Margaret Ellen Keirn, niece. Ex'x. Margaret Ellen Keirn. Signed 22 March 1907. Rebecca (her X mark) Keirn. Wits. Alfred Cooperrider, George Judd. Sworn to and subscribed on 30 March 1907 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 315 (COPY). William Wright of German Township, Allen Co., Ohio. Testimony of Lucy Ellen Wright of Allen Co., Ohio where he husband died on 26 August 1906 and where he had lived several years and where his will was probated. Will. To: Lucy E. Wright, wife. My children when aged 21 years. signed 30 March 1906. Wits. Gregory Jennings, Strongville, Ohio; Blaine Jennings, Strongville, Ohio. Proved 31 Aug. 1906 and on that date the widow elected to take under terms of the will. A copy made on 18 March 1907 was certified on 11 April 1907 by George H. Quail, Judge of the 3rd Judicial District of Ohio.

Book 4 Page 318. Alletta Grace Young. To my husband, Lewis Young all my real estate located in the Counties of Wabash and Whitley, Indiana Signed 31 March 1906. Alletta Grace Young. Wits. James Loftus, Mary Loftus. Filed 9 July 1906 and proved. Was proved in open Court on 24 August 1906.

Book 4 Page 320. Frank G. Compton of Whitley County, Indiana. To my brother, Andrew J. Compton who is nom. to act as executor. Signed 24 September 1906. Frank G. Compton (SEAL). Wits. Lucy Wilcox, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 28 May 1907 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 321. Margaret A. Clugston of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. To my dau. Frances M. Mason then to her dau. Frances M. Mason. To Philemon H. Clugston, son. To Herbert B. Clugston, don. To David B. Clugston, Jr., son. To Catherine Miller, dau. Held in trust by Herbert B. Clugston for my gr-dau., Catherine Roberts. To my husband, David B. Clugston. Ex. nom. David B. Clugston, Jr. Signed 30 March 1906. Margaret A. Clugston. Wits. Asher R. Clugston, Mary A. Clugston. sworn to and subscribed on 11 June 1907 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk. The husband David B. Clugston agreed to the terms of the will on 11 June 1907 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 324. Eunity Stuart of Jefferson Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. To May Jeffries who has lived with me nearly all her life and who has cared for me in my old age. To Pamelia J. Gillam, dau. Ex. nom. John Jeffries. Signed 22 Aug. 1903. Eunity (her X mark) Stuart (SEAL). Wits. Geo. A. Garrett, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 3 June 1907 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 326. Martha A. Rummel of Whitley County, Indiana. To Hugh W. Rummel, son; Dexter E. Rummel, son; John E. Rummel, gr-son. Ex. nom. Sylvanus H. Mowrey. Signed 9 January 1907. Martha A. Rummel. (SEAL). Wits. Mary E. Johnson. Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 17 June 1907 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 331. James Joe Goble of Whitley County, Indiana. To Maria E. Goble, wife. Signed 18 August 1906. James Joe Goble. Wits. Benton E. Gates, David VB. Whiteleather. Sworn to and subscribed on 27 June 1907 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 332. David A. Workman of Whitley County, Indiana. To Henrietta L. Workman, wife. My children: Nettie Kenner, Ira Workman, Amos Workman, Homer Workman, Blanche Bills. Signed 19 April 1907. David A. Workman. Wits. Emmett C. Berry, David V. Whiteleather. Sworn to and subscribed on 29 June 1907 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 333. Sampson Shearer of Washington Township, Whitley County, Indiana. A contract had been made with Ruth Shearer, wife, before marriage but not reduced to writing. But she had certain real estate and I had 80 acres in which she was to have a life estate then to my children. The real estate tot go to her child. My children: Catherine Irvin, Taylor Shearer, Parker Shearer, Jacob Shearer, James Shearer, John B. Shearer. To the children of my deceased dau., Martha Allen, viz. Clyde, Frank, Elsie Allen. If my wife is dec. then all my interest in my wife's estate to her only child, Mrs. George Passwater of Whitley Co., Indiana. Signed 19 February 1902. Sampson (his X mark) Shearer. Wits. Andrew A. Adams, Elmer W. Dowell. Sworn to and subscribed on 12 July 1907 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 334. Isaiah B. McDonald of Columbia City, Whitley Co., Indiana. To wife Clemenza McDonald during her widowhood, then remainder to my sons James Eli McDonald, Charles E. McDonald. To: Lillian, wife of Charles E. McDonald; gr-children: Fay Lane, Harry McDonald, Charles McDonald. Exs. Clemenza McDonald, wife, Samuel P. Kaler, an old friend. Signed 11 May 1907. Isaiah B. McDonald (SEAL). Wits. John C. Leininger and David V. Whiteleather. codicil dated 10 July 1907. To Wm. Conrad of Warsaw, Ind. my Knight Templar suit which is to be sold by him and the proceeds turned over to my executors. To my gr-son James E. McDonald of Ligonier, Ind. my sword and scabbard. To my gr-Harry McDonald of Auburn, Ind. my gold watch marked W.R.H. To my gr-son, Charles McDonald of Auburn, Ind., my gold watch marked F. W. McDonald. To my gr-dau. Fay Lane, the square mirror with mahogany frame in the north room of my residence. My library of school books to my gr-children: Fay Lane, Harry McDonald, Charles McDonald, James E. McDonald. Wits. David V. Whiteleather, John C. Leininger. Will and Codicil, sworn to and subscribed on 20 July 1907 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 337. Civilla Plattner of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. To: Hazel V. Plattner, dau; my husband (not by name); My children: Flora E. Rindfusz, Olive May Shuster, George W. Plattner, Edith B. Reider, Irvin L. Plattner, Hazel V. Plattner, Lee F. Plattner. Signed 28 January 1907. Civilla Plattner (SEAL). Wits. David Whiteleather, Ketura Whiteleather. Sworn to and subscribed on 10 August 1907 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk. The husband Jacob Plattner accepted the terms of the will on 10 August 1907.

Book 4 Page 339. Elizabeth Hess of Whitley Co., Indiana. To: Mary E. Sisson, niece; Barbara E. Egolf, niece; my nephews and nieces as follows: Charles F. Hess, son of my bro. Philip Hess 1/7; Elizabeth R. Hess (jointly James H. Hess, children of my bro. Michael Hiss 3/7. Charles P, Hess, Elnora Hammer, Ann Beeching, Lula Hess Children of my brother, John Hess. Ex. nom. Michael Hess, brother. Requested that $100 be set aside to keep in repair the graves of herself and those of her father and mother. Signed 10 August 1906 Elizabeth Hess (SEAL). Wits. Benton E. Gates, David V. Whiteleather. Sworn to and subscribed on 27 August 1907 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 341 Hannah Walker, of Union Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To William H. Walker, my son who is named or nom. to act as executor. Signed. 4 December 1903. Hannah Walker, (SEAL). Wits. Andrew A. Adams, John Cos. Sworn to and subscribed on 27 August 1907.

Book 4 Page 342. Henry Norris of Whitley County, Indiana. To: Jennie E. Norris, wife. Merlin L. Norris, gr-dau, the watch owned by my dau. Alice at time of death. Wilma H. Norris, dau of my son, Marcus Norris. John S. Norris, son, my large Bible. Marcus L. Norris, son , the bible owned by my father at time of his death. My gr-children: Merlen A. Griffith, Cecil M. Burwell, Goldie D. Griffith. Samuel L. Griffith, son-in-law, $50. (My gr-children to set a monument on the grave of my dau. and their mother, Frances E. Griffith if she has none, like the one erected for my dau. Alice. Money for this to be taken from their share). My executor to attend to getting a monument set on my grave as near like as possible the one purchased by me for my former wife and costing not over $125. Ex. nom. Benton E. Gates. Signed 2 September 1907. Henry Norris (SEAL). Wits. Francis C. Guy and George Steele. Proved in open court on 16 September 1907. Testimony taken: Age of the testator 70 years, 7 months and a few days. He died in Richland Township, Whitley Co., Ind. on 10 September 1907. the widow Jennie E. Norris accepted the terms of the will on 13 September 1907.

Book 4 Page 345. John Yeater resident of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. to my wife. Sarah Jane Yeater _ _ _ also the lot and residence in which we live. Made provision for a tombstone for himself and one for his wife. To Andrew J. Yeater, son. The Testator believed himself as a son of Mary Dye, to be heir to a large estate in Pennsylvania since Mary Dye was dec. If the legacy comes to him he disperses it as follows: Sarah Jane Yeater, wife, $10,000; William H. Yeater, son, $500; Andrew J Yeater, son; Dr. John Richards, a friend to have in trust a sum for the erection of a hospital in Columbia City, Ind. to be called "The John Yeater Hospital and Sanitarium:" and to support the same to invest in bonds. Ex. nom. Benj. F. Menaugh, fried. Signed 7 March 1902. John (his X mark) Yeater. Wits. Leonard Hyre and James M. Harrison. Codicil appointed the Hon. James M. Harrison, as attorney to investigate his interest in the Penna. estate of his deceased mother, Mary Dye. Signed 7 March 1902. Wits. Leonard Hyre and Benj. F. Menaugh. Proved 18 Sep. 1907. Died 26 Oct. 1903.

Book 4 Page 350. Francis E. Depew of Union Township, Whitley County, Indiana. to my wife, Martha J. Depew a life estate then at her death to: Modern Woodman Lodge #3657 of Columbia City, Indiana. I.O.O.F Lodge #765 of Dunfee, Ind. Ex. nom. Frank J. Heller, a friend. Signed 3 January 1903. Francis E. Depew (SEAL). Wits. W. H. Liggett, A. A. Kist. Sworn to and subscribed on 5 October 1907 before J. A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 354. Joseph M. Jones of Whitley Co., Indiana. To my wife (not by name) (Arti J. Jones). To my gr-dau, Tessie Switzer. To my 3 children: William A. Jones, Louisa Middleton, Bessie Ulrich. to my 3 children" William A> Jones, Louisa Middleton, Bessie Ulrich. Ex. nom. William A. Jones, son. Signed 10 August 1907. Joseph M. Jones (SEAL). Wits. Albert B. Tucker, James H. Palmer. Sworn to and subscribed on 2 December 1907 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clark. Codicil dated 10 August 1907. change nom. of executor to Charles N. Estlick. Wits. Albert B. Tucker, James H. Palmer. Proved 2 December 1907.

Book 4 Page 356. Mary H. Pence. Sets aside $25 for a tombstone to mark the grave of Albert Stanley and his mother, Susan Stanley. Sets aside $15 to buy a grave stone for Rebecka Fagler. To: Irvin Butler; John Houghton; Jessy Stanley; Edward Stanley; wives of John Stanley and John Houghton; Lizzie Shearer, Emmy Stanley and Catharine Hoffman. The share of John Houghton is to be held in trust by James Houghton and used as needed by John Houghton. Ex. nom. Alfred Ross of Collamer, Ind. Signed 8 May 1906. Mary H. Pence. Wits. George W. Hower and Hattie Miller. Codicil dated 23 May 1906 revokes the legacy to Mrs. John Stanley and gives it to the wife of John Houghton. Wits. John L. Bonebrake and Margaret Johnson. codicil dated 1 October 1907. Nom. Geo. Hower as ex. if Alfred Ross cannot serve. Wit. X. Johnson. S & sub. 5 Dec 1907 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 358. James W. Goble of Whitley Co., Ind. To have a monument costing no less than $200. To Mary Goble, wife; Flora Montgomery, dau; Jennie B. Hicks, dau of my dec. dau. Louisa Brown. Virgil and Arva Stuver, children of my dec. dau., Huldah Stuver; Anna Snyder (hus. Wm.), dau; Jennie Culp (hus. James), dau; Alice Dungan (hus. Edgar), dau; James Edward Goble, son; Ora M. Cessna, the organ and $100. My sons, George Goble and Perry Goble have received their full shares. Ex. nom. Frank Jordan of Washington Tp., Whitley Co., Ind. Signed 10 October 1907. James W. Goble. (SEAL). Wits. Dr. S. R. White. John Geeting. Sworn to and subscribed on 7 December 1907 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 360. Catharine Ramsey of Whitley County, Indiana. To Keziah J. Keenon, dau; Essie B. Culler, dau; Mary E. Jones, dau; Laura R. Myers, dau. Ex'xs. nom. Keziah J. Kennon,, Essie B. Cullers, my daus. Signed 23 May 1907. Catharine Ramsey (SEAL). Wits. Sarah E. Smith, Francis B. More. Sworn to and subscribed on 13 December 1907 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 361. William M. Gillespie of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Arthur A. Gillespie, son; Mary C. Swayne, dau.; Morton Gillespie, son, during his natural lifetime but after his death to my 3 gr-children: Edward Gillespie, Grace Gillespie, Emery Gillespie. Ex. nom. Thomas D. Watson. Signed 8 December 1907. William M. Gillespie (SEAL). Wits. Newton F. Watson, Richard F. Maring. Sworn to and subscribed on 24 December 1907 before Jesse A. Glassley, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 363. William H. Knisely of Columbia City, Indiana. My ex. to erect a monument to the memory of myself and wife and one to the memory of my father and mother at cost of $200 each. To Ruth Knisely, wife. to sons, Frank F. and Walter O. Knisely. Had real estate and a saw mill in Howard Co., Ind. Names James C. Knisely as Trustee of the state of his sons. To: Laura D. Williamson, dau; Edith L. Markley, dau. To the children of Walter O. Knisely (if he is dec.) who are: Dorothy Knisely and a boy yet unnamed. Ex'x nom. Ruth Knisely, wife. Signed 16 November 1907. William H. Knisely (SEAL). Wits. N. I. Kithcart, E. F. Albertson. Sworn to and subscribed on 8 January 1908 before Hugo Logan, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 365. William H. Liggett. To Rebecca Liggett, wife. Signed 5 October 1907. William H. Liggett (SEAL). Wits. Thos. R. Marshall. H. D. McLallen. Sworn to and subscribed on 11 January 1908.

Book 4 Page 366. John H. Zumbrun of Whitley Co., Ind. To my children: Cora Yoder, Dora Smith, Nora Zulman, Daniel Zumbrun, Edward Zumbrun, Sarah Trowbridge, Zabie Coulter, Henry Zumbrun, Juda Miller, Grace Zumbrun, Victor Zumbrun, Noah W. Zumbrun. Exs. Sons, Daniel and Edward Zumbrun, with Benton E. Gates as Attorney. Signed 2 September 1907. John (his X mark) Zumbrun. Wits. Lucy Wilcox and Stephen O. Brigs. Sworn to and subscribed on 16 January 1908 before Hugo Logan, Clerk. The testator's real estate consisted of 140 acres in Section #1 and 12 Acres in Section #12 of Thorncreek Tp.

Book 4 Page 369. Samuel J. W. Elliott of Troy Tp. Whitley County, Ind. The erection of a tombstone left to the love and gratitude of his children. To: Ida B. Kiser (hus. Frederick J.), dau; Mary C. King, dau; Lydia H. Lower (hus. Leaner), dau; Flora A. Wagner, formerly Flora A. Bailey but now wife of Herschel Warner, dau. Phoebe M. Cunningham (hus. Thomas M.) has received $1575 which she invested in real estate in her husband's name and she died leaving one child, Chloe M. Cunningham and so said Chloe is charged with $1575.00; Albert F. Elliott, son. Exs. nom. Thomas M. Cunningham, Frederick J. Keiser. Signed 5 April 1904. Samuel J. W. Elliott (SEAL). Wits. David V. Whiteleather and Lucy Wilcox. Codicil dated 5 April 1904 with wits. as given above. Adm. to probate on 10 Feb 1908. Hugo Logan, Clerk. Testator died last day of February 1904.

Book 4 Page 374. Delilah Depoy of Union Tp. Whitley County, Indiana. Widow of John F. Depoy. To dau. Louisa F. Depoy and at her death to my children, viz. : Jeannette A. Harrison, Esther E. Douglas, Reuben J. Depoy, Augusta L. Snook. Ex. nom. William H. Liggett with Marshall, McNagny & Clugston, att's. Signed 1 December 1898. Delilah Depoy (SEAL). Wits. Thomas R. Marshall. P. H. Clugston. Codicil. On 5 July 1907 named Charles R. Shaw, a friend as executor of her will. Wits. Thos. R. Marshall, John F. Shinneman. Proved 12 Feb. 1908.

Book 4 Page 376. George F. Breisch. To my wife, Margaret Breisch for her lifetime then to my children: Henry Breisch, Amelia Breisch, Clara Breisch, William Breisch. Ex'x. nom. my wife, (not by name). Signed 4 November 1907. George F. Breisch (SEAL). Wits. Carl L. Souder, William F. McNagny. Proved 20 February 1908. Margaret Breisch, the widow elected to abide by the terms of the will. Testator died on 7 February 1908.

Book 4 Page 378. John K. Braden. To Nancy A. Braden, wife. Real es. etc. E ½ NE ¼, Sec 15, Township 30, N or Range 10 East (80 acres). To: Meralda J. Grace, dau; Clara John, dau.; my 2 gr-sons Charley Shroyer, John Shroyer. Ex. nom. Eph. K. Strong who also is to act as guardian to the gr-sons mentioned above. Signed 15 October 1906. John K. Braden. Wits. Edna Schuh and Eph. K. Strong. Codicil dated 30 July 1907. Arranged for suitable gravestone and markers for grave of my dec. dau. Delilah Ellen Shroyer costing between $75 and $150 if the husband has not erected them and the cost to be take from the shares of Charlie and John Shroyer. Signed John (his X mark) K. Braden. Wits. Eph. K. Strong and Keller Sheeler. Proved 21 February 1908.

Book 4 Page 380. Harriet Prickett of R. R. #1, Larwill, Indiana. All to Irvin L. Prickett and Me Prickett my lawful heirs. Signed 4 November 1912. Harriet Prickett. Wits. Geo. J. Wickcliffe, Mary S. Wheeler. Sworn to and subscribed on 29 November 1912. Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 381. John Pressler of Jefferson Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. to: William A. Pressler, son; Cornelius W. Pressler, son; George P. Pressler, son. Ex. nom. William A. Pressler. Signed 7 September 1905. John Pressler, (SEAL). Wits. David V. Whiteleather. Lucy Wilcox. Proved 26 march 1908 before Hugo Logan, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 383. George W. Ruch of Columbia City, Indiana. To my wife, Emverdell Ruch and she is nom. to serve as executrix. Signed 13 September 1907. George W. Ruch (SEAL). Wits. Thomas L. Hildebrand, P. H. Clugston. Proved on 25 April 1908.

Book 4 Page 384. William Sievers of Whitley County, Indiana. To: Elizabeth Sievers, wife; Augusta Keiser (formerly Hunsicker), dau; Lewis Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Augusta Smith, gr-children; Henry Sievers, William Sievers, Augustus Sievers, sons; Exs. no. Sons: Henry Sievers, William Sievers. Signed 19 October 1907. William Sievers. Wits. David V. Whiteleather, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 11 May 1908 before Hugo Logan, Clerk. Elizabeth Sievers the widow accepted the terms of the will and signed on 11 May 1908 before D. V. Whiteleather. N.P.

Book 4 Page 387. Albina Raber. My 1/3 interest in the land of my dec. father, Lewis Quick to: my children, Myrtle Flagler, $400; Ada Chapman, $400, Gale Raber, $400 to be used for his education with my husband as guardian. To my husband John H. Raber. Signed 4 May 1908. Albina Raber. Wits. P. H. Clugston. Ellen Galbreath. Sworn to and subscribed on 29 May 1908 before Hugo Logan, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 389. John J. Ruggles of Whitley Co., Indiana. To my wife, Lydia E. Ruggles but at her death both real and personal held in trust for the benefit of my gr-daughter Marie Ruggles, dau. of Emery Ruggles now dec. Nellie Ruggles, afterwards Nellie Beal and now to someone unknown to me who is the mother of Marie Ruggles but she or no relative to Marie's is to act as trustee for Marie's estate. Signed 25 November 1903. John J. Ruggles. Wits. C. W. Watkins and H. C. Morgan. Codicil dated 10 March 1908. Wits. M. R. Estlick and Rebecca Estlick. Sworn to and subscribed on 17 June 1908 before Hugo Logan, Clerk. Lydia E. Ruggles the widow elected to take under the will on 15 Dec 1908 before H. C. Logan, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 391. Additional proof re the will of Samuel S. Miller who died on 12 Dec. 1906. Attest 25 July 1908.

Book 4 Page 392. William H. Magley of Columbia City, Indiana. to my wife, Mary S. Magley. To our daughter, Dorothy. Ex'x. nom. Wife. Signed 18 June 1908. William H. Magley (SEAL). Wits. Andrew A. Adams, Wesley J. Magley. Sworn to and subscribed on 23 June 1908 before Hugo Logan, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 393. William N. Marrs of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Mary M. Marrs, wife ; Sons, Charles E. Marrs and Corman B. Marrs; Nellie R. Russell, dau.; Edith Em Marrs, dau; Polly Marrs, sister. Signed 26 November 1900. William N. Marrs. (SEAL). Wits. John Q. Adams, Walter A. Adams. Sworn to and subscribed on 18 July 1908 before Hugo Logan, Clerk. The widow, Mary M. Marrs did on 16 July 1908 accept the terms of the will before Lu Slagle, N. P.

Book 4 Page 395. Ellen L. Gongwer. To my daus. Elzella Workman, Pearl Kortright; Vincent Gongwer, son; William Gongwer, son. Ex. nom. Vincent Gongwer, son. Signed 30 march 1907. Ellen L. Gongwer (SEAL). Wits. Thos. R. Marshall, William F. Magley. Sworn to and subscribed on 20 July 1908 before Hugo Logan, Clerk. This will was set aside. See Order Book 33, page 624.

Book 4 Page 396. Aaron Hyre of Whitley Co., Ind. To Catharine Louisa Hyre, a life estate; Alonzo Hyre, don; Arminda Hyre, dau (70 acres $1500 for building a house on it), household goods and $6425.00; Armanda Coulter, dau. $7000.00 but if deceased then to her children. Ex. nom. Alonzo Hyre, son. Signed 28 December 1906. Wits. Benton E. Gates, Lucy Wilcox. Codicil re: if any heir bring suit to receive nothing. Signed 10 August 1907. Wits. J. E. North, B. E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 1 August 1908 before Hugo Logan, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 399. Henry C. Widup of Columbia City, Indiana. To: Minerva Widup, wife; Guy L Widup, son; Maude Grant, dau (hus. Otto E.); Pearl L. Grant, dau. (hus. Elmer L.). Ex. nom. P. F. Widup, brother. Signed 2 January 1909. Henry C. Widup (SEAL). Wits. Thomas J. Kaufman, Fred W. Hart. Sworn to and subscribed on 11 August 1908 before Hugo Logan, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 400. Anton Meyer of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. To Mary L. Meyer, wife. Ex'x Mary L. Meyer, wife. Signed 27 February 1908. Anton Meyer (SEAL). Wits. David V. Whiteleather, Lucy Wilcox. Sworn to and subscribed on 31 October 1908 before Hugo Logan, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 401. Sanford T. Mosher of Whitley Co., Indiana. Nom. as executor, Lyman C. Mosher who is to act as trustee for: Lyman C. Mosher, 1/9 part, Hiram L. Mosher, 1/9 part; Charles B. Mosher, 1/9 part, William Mosher, 1/9 part; Eugene E. Mosher, 1/9 part, Rosanna D. Burd, 1/9 part; Phoebe L. Trish, 1/9 part, Arelia E. Haw, 1/9 part. My gr-children: Nellie Dowell, Delmar Shoop, Lestie Shoop, Earl Shoop, 1/9 part. Ex. nom Lyman C. Mosher, son and he is to get markers for my last resting place. Signed 20 March 1908. Wits. Benton E. Gates, Lucy Wilcox. Proved 19 November 1908.

Book 4 Page 403. David Humbarger of Whitley Co., Indiana. To my dau. Ella Humbarger, all my property. Signed 13 September 1906. David Humbarger (SEAL). Wits. David V. Whiteleather, Lucy Wilcox. Proved 3 December 1908. Hugo Logan, Clerk. The testator died on 16 November 1908.

Book 4 Page 404. James Reed of Whitley Co., Indiana. to my wife, Esther Reed, all personal property and real estate (W ½ of S W ¼ of Section 29, Township 31, north of Range 8 East) during her natural life, then to my four children: Weldon Reed, Melvin E. Reed, Jacob F. Reed, Mary I, Reed. Signed 25 April 1898. James S. (his X mark) Reed (SEAL). Wits. Will W. Glassley, Francis B. More. proved in Open court at the Nov. Term 1908. The widow, Esther Ann Reed accepted the terms of the will on 19 October 1908.

Book 4 Page 405. Deliph R. Harper, former of Detroit, Mich. but now a resident of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Deliph R. Harper, my son of San Francisco, California. Lillian R. Case, dau of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Ex. nom. The farmers Loan and Trust Company at Columbia City, Indiana. Signed 2 December 1908. Deliph R. Harper (SEAL). Wits. David R. Whiteleather, George H. Harper. Proved 16 December 1908. Testator died on 9 December 1908 at Columbia City, Indiana.

Book 4 Page 406. William McDonald of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Lucinda McDonald, wife; Stephen McDonald, nephew. Signed 27 May 1908. William McDonald (SEAL). Wits. Stephen O. Briggs. David V. Whiteleather. Sworn to and subscribed on 11 January 1909 before Hugo Logan, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 407. Jessie Staples of Whitley Co., Indiana. To have a monument costing no less than $50. To: Cassius Staples. bro.; Lillian Staples, sister and she is nominated to act as executrix. Signed 25 October 1907. Jessie Staples. Wits. Reuben King, Timothy Bair. Sworn to and subscribed on 2 March 1909 before Hugo Logan, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 408. John E. Harris of Whitley Co., Ind. To my 3 sons: Melvin Harris, Keys Harris, Ola A. Harris; my gr-son, John M> Harris; Charles R. Harris (rel. not state); Fern R. Townsend, gr-dau. held in trust by Keys Harris until she is aged 25 years. Ex. nom. David V. Whiteleather. Signed 15 August 1908. John E. Harris (SEAL). Wits. Benton E. Gates, Mary Kenner. Proved 22 April 1909.

Book 4 Page 410. Kezia Funk of Whitley Co., Indiana. To: Emma J. Kindig, a Friend; Mary M. Boy, sister; Nieces and nephews (to have the household goods until distribution by Mary M. Boyd): Namely: Guy Tyler, Olive Tyler, Ine Tyler, Alice Tyler; Rebecca Cushman, sister; Mary M. Boyd, sister (to have real estate in village of Shreve, Ohio). Ex. nom. Robert B. Boyd, bro-in-law. Signed 10 April 1909. Kezia Funk, (SEAL). Wits David Brown, Benton E. Gates. Proved 29 April 1909 before Hugo Logan, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 411, Andrew J. Briggs of Whitley Co., Indiana To: Anna Reece, Florence A. Moore, Mary A. Hull, Hulda Gregg, Sarah M Bigbee, daughters. Ex. nom. Park Moore, son-in-law. Signed 2 July 1906. Andrew J. Briggs. (SEAL). Wits. Jesse H. Briggs, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 22 May 1909 before Hugo Logan, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 412. Martha Gaylord. To James E. Gaylord, husband. My children George A. Gaylord, Charles L. Gaylord, Leroy D. Gaylord, Lucy Mary Cos. James B. Shaffer. Ex. nom. Ellis Cox. son-in-law. Signed 20 July 1909. Martha S. (her X mark) Gaylord (SEAL). Wits. Mrs. Charles E. Miller (Marie U.), Benton E. Gates. Proved 28 July 1909. Hugh Logan, Clerk. Believed to have died on 21 July 1909.

Book 4 Page 413. John Rose Anderson of Whitley Co, Indiana. To: Millard F. Anderson, son, 1/6 share; William S. Anderson, son, 1/6 shore; Frank Anderson, son, 1/6 share; Heirs at law to my dec. son, Joseph P. Anderson, to wit Amanda D. Anderson, Frank Everett Anderson, Joseph M. Anderson, Mary E. Anderson, Ethel L. Harshbarger, 1/6 share; Elizabeth J. Smith, daughter, 1/6 share;; Aggie Steele, gr-dau. and the only surviving heir of my dec. son, Jonathan Anderson. The gold headed cane present to the test. by the Old Settlers Association of Whitley Co. Ind. and a bible, a family heirloom with family record to go to the oldest surv. son his lifetime then to the oldest surv. son etc. then to the olding living gr-son, etc., Ex. nom. Millard F. Anderson, son. Signed 8 December 1906. John R. Anderson (SEAL). Wits. Rob. R. McNagny and William F. McNagny. Sworn to and sub. 1 September 1909. before Hugo Logan, Clerk. The testator died on 28 August 1909.

Book 4 Page 416. Jasper P. Brady. To John W. Brady, son (he is to erect a tombstone at testator's grave and for that of the testator's wife, if it has not already been done and one for all buried in the lot of cost not less than $250. John W. to pay 2/5 of the cost and James M. Brady 3/5). To my children: Samuel Q. Brady, Joseph K. Brady, James M. Brady, John W. Brady, Lucy Williams. Signed 2 November 1907. Wits. C. H. Orner, Mrs. Ch. H. Orner. Proved 1 October 1909.

Book 4 Page 417. Frances C. Waver of Whitley Co., Ind. To Lucy Wilcox, niece; Clinton Wilcox, nephew; Eliza H. Aston, sister; Mary Wilcox, sister. Ex. nom Clinton Wilcox, nephew. Signed 17 February 1908. Francis C. Weaver (SEAL). wits Emma B. Adams. Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 5 October 1909 before Hugo Logan, Clerk. Died 19 September 1909.

Book 4 Page 418. Catharine Marker of Whitley Co., Ind. My husband, John Marker and my children are to select a tombstone costing not more than $50. To: Charles F. Marker, son, Caroline Haun, Hus J. G.), dau.; Phillip H. Marker and Mary E. Conrad (hus. Jacob), children of my husband by a former marriage; Jacob W. Marker, Caroline Haun; John C. Marker; Charles F. Marker. Ex. nom. David Geiger, friend. Signed 21 October 1907. Catharine (her # Mark) Marker (SEAL). Wits. Louis W. Oser, Lloyd T. Bailey. :Proved 2 December 1909. Hugo Logan, Clerk. (Was a resident of Whitley Co., Ind. but died in Kosciusko Co., Ind. on 25 November 1909).

Book 4 Page 419. John Beers of R. R. #14, Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. To Amanda Beers, wife, her lifetime then to my lawful heirs (not by name) share and share alike. Ex. nom. Thomas H. Beers, don. Signed 21 October 1909. Wits. Geo. J. Wickliffe. Noah S. Stump. Proved 18 December 1909 before Hugo Logan, Clerk. Died 4 December 1909.

Book 4 Page 420. James Paull of Franklin Township, Fayette County, Pennsylvania. My son George has received his share. To children of my dec. son Ruben: Hannah, Henry & James are to have 100 acres of land near Xenia, Ohio set off from my other land by Thomas P. Tawnsley and Harvey Gaddis so as to include the house where their now lives. Thomas Tawnsley is name as their guardian. To my daughter, Mary Austin, land on Baker Creek in Delaware Co., Ohio. including the house where she lives, the saw mill and water rights. To my wife. Mary. To my son Nathaniel Ewing and his heirs the farm where I now live adjoining John Bates, Harvey Barklar, Thomas Craig and others, containing about 400 acres and 2 tracts on Tucker Run in Dunbar Township, Fayette Co., Pa. being the Doney tact where John Snatemon lives and the Sam Stewart Tract, both tracts containing about 600 acres. To my daughters, Isabelle and Louisa Jane. To my sons-in-law, Henry Gaddis and Thomas P. Townsley in right of their wives. To daughters: Sarah Huston, Martha Gaddis, Agnes Townsley, Hannah Stewart, Isabella and Luisa Jane. To Eliza Paull Baker, gr-dau. and the only child of my dec. daughter Elisa. Exs. nom. N. Swing Paull, son; Thomas P. Tawnsley, son-in-law; Joseph Paull, brother. Signed 19 January 1856, James Paull (SEAL). Wits. N. Ewing and John R. Ewing. Codicil my wife to have control of the mansion house where I live and all furniture during her lifetime. Signed 26 January 1856. Wits. N. Ewing and Jno. R. Ewing. Codicil To wife, an equal interest with my son Ewing in the farm where I live during her natural lifetime and sue of the pasture lot west of the road adjoining John Bate, also the field west of said lot adjoining Bate land, etc. Signed 12 March 1856. Wits. Jno R. Ewing, N. Ewing. Codicil 3 was signed on 17 March 1856. No witnesses. On 16 June 1856 Mary Paull, Widow accepted the terms of the will which on the same date was brought in by the executors name in it. Seal of the Court was affixed to the will on 3 August 1860 by Samuel Gilman, Pres. Judge. A certified copy of this will was recorded in Whitley Co., Indiana on 17 December 1909.

Book 4 Page 423. Eunice E. Potter of Whitley Co., Ind. To the children of my brother, Andrew McCarty, Namely: John A. McCarty, Mary P. Fleck, nee McCarty; Eunice Cry, nee McCarty; Hettie Fleck, nee McCarty; Samuel S. McCarty. To Luella N. McCarty, niece. To John Henry McCarty, brother. Arthur L. McCarty, nephew; Guy A. McCarty, nephew; Luella N. McCarty, Niece. Ex. nom. John W. Orndorf. Signed 2 July 1907. Eunice E. Potter (SEAL). Wits. James W. Geiger, George W. Kichler. sworn to and subscribed on 10 January 1910. Testatrix died on 5 January 1910.

Book 4 Page 414. Anna Hartman (SEAL) wife of Lewis of Whitley County, Indiana " I Anna Nolt Martman". To Lewis Harman, husband, a life estate if he remains unmarried but at his death to my children: Mary S. Hartman, Cora A. Hartman, John E. Hartman, Nathan R. Hartman, Olie E. Hartman, Katie A. Hartman, Franklin M. Hartman, Irvin L. Hartman, Jennie E. Hartman, Fannie R. Hartman. William Henry Hartman, son, has had $1500 and shall have no more unless there is more than that for the other children. In that case he is to have his portion. Exs. mon.. Sons, William Henry and Nathan R. Hartman. Signed 28 March 1895. Wits. Catherine Rittenhouse, Allie Rittenhouse, signed before Isaac N. Markley, N. P. S & Sub. 13 Jan 1910 before Hugo Logan, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 426. Mary Gallivan of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Kate Gallivan, dau.; John Gallivan, son of Montana; Thomas Gallivan, son; Dennis Gallivan, son; Mary Anright, niece; James Gallivan, son; Patrick Gallivan, son. Signed 19 June 1906. Mary Gallivan (SEAL). Wits. David V. Whiteleather, Lucy Wilcox. Sworn to and subscribed on 25 January 1910.

Book 4 Page 427. William Harbour of Concord Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio. To William Harbour, son and Amanda Louise Harbour, dau., land in Champaign Co., Ohio and in Whitley Co., Indiana but my wife (not by name) it to have her dower rights in the land. Signed 26 Jan. 1856. William Harbour (SEAL). Wits. William K. Arrowsmith, David Loudenback. Proved 12 June 1856. The Court names Mary Harbour the widow to act as adm. of the estate. Appraisers app: William Haller, Jessie Neer, Elijah Hannah. A Certified copy made 4 Feb 1910 was recorded on 8 Feb. 1910 in Whitley Co., Ind. by Hugo Logan, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 429. John Ressler of Columbia Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. Executor to get a tombstone and grave marker. To Barbara Ressler, wife; John Ira Ressler (son) or his children; Ida C. Loe (dau.), wife of Reuben; Jesse B. Ressler, son. Ex. nom. Jesse J. Kyler but if he refuses then John W. Koch. Signed 18 September 1909. John Ressler (SEAL). Wits. E. K. Strong, Joseph W. Adair. Proved on 7 February 1910. Died on 23 January 1910.

Book 4 Page 432. Henry Rosen of Huntington Co., Indiana. To my son, August Rosen but in trust until the youngest child is of age then pay to the 5 youngest children $100 each. The remaining property to be divided equally among all my children. (not by name). Signed 23 December 1904. Henry (his X mark) Rosen. Wits. John G. Price, H. E. Rosebrough. Proven in open court in Whitley Co., Indiana on 28 Feb. 1910. Died on 19 February 1910.

Book 4 Page 434. John Trump of Whitley Co., Indiana. To my wife, Adaline Trump for her lifetime but at her death to my 6 children: Charles F. Trump, Webster H. Trump, Clara Wyford, Emmett I. Trump, Dora Heeter, Grace Trump. Signed 3 March 1908. John Trump (SEAL). Wits. Harry Glassley of So. Whitley, Ind.; Francis B. Moe, So. Whitley, Ind. Sworn to and subscribed on 5 April 1910 before Hugo Logan, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 416. John Maston of Whitley Co., Indiana To: Jesse Maston, son; John W. Maston, son; William H. Maston, son; George Maston, son; Aaron Maston, son; Marion Maston, son; Elizabeth Buntain, dau.; Ida Hoover, dau.; Rosa Compton, dau; Ex. named Marion Maston. Signed 29 July 1905. John (his X mark) Maston. Wits. Augustine Froehly and John F. Logan, both of Pierceton, Ind. Proved 5 April 1910.

Book 4 Page 438. Thomas K. Pritchard of Richland Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. To Sarah E. Pritchard, wife, her lifetime but at her death to my step-children, Odell Roderick and Ura L. Ellis, if living. To Mary E. Vernon, my sister, if living. To the General Missionary Board of the Free Methodist Church of North America. ex. nom. Scott Sattison, fired. Signed 18 March 1909. Thomas K. Pritchard. Wits. William H. Kissinger, Floyd T. Bailey. Proved 22 April 1910. The widow Sarah E. Pritchard refused to accept the terms of the will on 28 April 1910 before William Hl. Kissinger. N.P.

Book 4 Page 440. Eliakim Mosher of Whitley Co., Ind. To Rhua Mosher, wife, land adjoingin Columbia City, Ind. for her lifetime. To my daughters, Sarah Ellen Smith (hus. Robert), Trances L. Fox (hus. John). To: Abraham H. Mosher, son, Julia Ann Pletcher, dau. who had been legally adopted by Frnaces C. and Mary Guy. To sons: Adam B. Mosher and Michael Mosher. To my dau., Chloe Smith (hus. Fred). Ex. nom. Adam B. Mosher. Signed 29 August 1901. Eliakim Mosher (SEAL). Wits. Benton E. Gates. Otto E. Grant. Proved 11 May 1910. Hugo Logan, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 442. William D. Crowel of Jefferson Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To: Catharine Crowel, wife; Nora D. Wyatt of Robinson, Ill., dau.; Maggie Wolfangle of Whitley Co., Ind., dau.; Lewis G. Crowel of Whitley Co., Ind., son; William H. Crowel of Whitley Co., Ind., son. Ex'x. nom. Catharine Crowel, wife. Signed 3 June 1909. William D. Crowel, (SEAL). Wits. Andrew A. Adams, Homer A. Shinbeckler. Sworn to and subscribed on 17 May 1910 before Hugo Logan, Clerk. The widow Catharine Crowel elected to take under terms of the will on 17 May 1910.

Book 4 Page 445. George Coe of Churbusco, Whitley County, Indiana. To: Eliza Coe, wife; Jennie Coe, dau. who is an invalid or cripple nominates Homer Diffendarfer as her guardian; Amos E. Coe, son and if he dies to Lucinda M. Coe, his wife. Signed 24 March 1897. George Coe (SEAL)> Wits. W. S. Gandy, Emma D. Gandy. Sworn and subscribed on 6 June 1910 before Hugo Logan, Clerk. The testator died on 28 May 1910.

Book 4 Page 447. Michael Brommer of Whitley Co., Indiana. To Katharine Brommer, wife. His executor to order 100 masses for the repose of the testator's soul and also to see to the erection of a tombstone at my brother's grave. To St. Katharina Church in the Nix settlement, 2 acres off the northwest corner of my farm for a graveyard or school. To St. Katherina Church. To the pastor to say Requiem High Mass every year on the anniversary of my death for the next. 50 years. To the St. Paul's Catholic Church in Columbia City, Indiana, $500 for low masses on the anniversary of my death for the next 50 years. Should a school be built in Nix Settlement Church site, to be called. St. Michaels. Ex'x. nom. Katharine Brommer. Signed 25 January 1908. Michael (his C mark) Brommer (SEAL). wits Joseph Meyer. Joseph F. Bauer. Sworn to and subscribed on 76 June 1910. The testator died on 31 May 1910.

Book 4 Page 449. Henry Kile of Columbia City, Whitley Co., Ind. A Suitable monument place don his grave and of his wife. To Rosetta Kile, wife, so long as my widow. To Clyde Selby Jones, gr-son. To Ed B. Kile, son. (Lives on W ½ of Lot 2, Block 8 in original plat of Columbia City, Indiana). Ex. nom. Ed B. Kile, son, but if he declines then to Thomas T. Pentecost. Signed 2 January 1909. Henry Kile. Wits. Eph. K. Strong, Joseph W. Adair. Sworn to and subscribed on 28 June 1910 before Hugo Logan, Clerk. The widow, Rosetta Kile on 28 June 1910 before Susie Berlien, N. P. Accepted the terms of the will.

Book 4 Page 450. John Baugher of Whitley Co., Indiana. To my wife, Anna Baugher, but if she re-marries is to take her third. To my children William H. Baugher, Phoebe J. Gray, Joseph F. Baugher, Lewis H. Baugher, Myrtle Sweet, Albert E. Baugher, Jessie P. Baugher. Ex'x nom. Anna Baugher, wife. signed 5 July 1910. John Baugher (SEAL). Wits. E. C. Berry, David V. Whiteleather. Sworn to and sub. 16 July 1910 before Hugo Logan, Clerk. The Widow Anna Baugher on 19 July 1910 refused to accept the terms of the will before David V. Whiteleather, N. P.

Book 4 Page 453. Elias Walters of Roanoke, Ind. To my daughter, Barbara A. C. Flickinger. Signed 8 November 1902. Elias Walters. Wits. Jas. M. Hatfield, Louis S. Buzzard. Proved 13 September 1910 in Whitley Co., Indiana. Hugo Logan, Clerk. The testator died in Whitley Co., Ind.

Book 4 Page 455. August Erdman of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. To: Wilhelmina Erdman, wife; Hannah Keener, dau.; William Erdman, son; Louisa Briggamen, gr-dau., and daughter of my dec. dau. Louisa Briggaman; August Erdman, Jun., son; George Erdman, son; Edward E. Erdman, son; Wilhelmina Erdman, dau.; Emma Erdman, dau.; Amelia Erdman, dau. Ex. nom. August Erdman, Jr., son. Signed 15 May 1905. August Erdman (SEAL). Wits. H. B. Clugston, P. H. Clugston. Proved 14 September 1910. The testator died about 9 Dept. 1910.

Book 4 Page 457. Frederick Schonauer of Jefferson Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, Sarah Schonauer her natural lifetime but at her death to: Alfred Schoenauer of Knox Co., Neb.; Mary Linda Hasty (hus. Thomas T. S.); John F. Schoenauer; Sarah A. Murbach (hus. John), Ella Jane Miller (hus. Thomas A.); Edward C. Schoenauer; Clara E. Millidge Hus. Frank). To gr-children, Pearl and Mildred Schoenauer of Wesner, Idaho, children of my deceased son, William Schoenauer. Signed 31 August 190. Frederick Schonauer (SEAL). Wits. William H. Magley and Andrew A. Adams. Codicil dated 16 July 1910 nominated his wife, Sarah Schonauer as executrix. Wits. Andrew A. Adams and Geo. A. Pontius. Sworn to and subscribed on 3 Oct. 1910 before Hugo Logan, Clerk. the widow Sarah Schonauer on 3 October 1910 accepted the terms of the will before Andrew Adams, N. P. the Testator died on 24 Sept. 1910.

Book 4 Page 459. James Garrison, To Elmira Garrison, wife. To sons Lorenzo B. Garrison, Amos C. Garrison. To Emma L. Carter who has resided with us since infancy. Ex. nom. The farmers Loan and Trust Co. Signed 22 August 1910. James (his X mark) Garrison (SEAL). Wits. F. G. Grisier, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 5 October 1910 before Hugo Logan, Clerk. The widow Elmira Garrison elected to accept the terms of the will on 4 October 1910 before Lucy Wilcox. N. P. The testator died on 1 October 1910.

Book 4 Page 461. John A Betzner of Whitley Co., Ind. To Harriet Betzner, wife; my children: Alphea Parish, Fed T. Betzner, Lorene Meadows, Anna Betzner, Elva M. Betzner, Mildred Betzner, Maud Betzner, Gertrude Betzner. Had land in Township 21, sec 18, N or R 9 East. Signed 7 June 1910. John A. Betzner, (SEAL). Wits. Benton E. Gates, Ralph Gates. Proved 11 November 1910. The widow, Harriet Betzner, elected on 11 November 1910 to take under the terms of the will before Lucy Wilcox, Notary Public. Died 7 June 1910.

Book 4 Page 463. Charles Livensparger of Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, Sophia Livensparger including the home in Forest, Ind. "where we live." My four children: George F. Livenspaprger, James B. Livensparger, Amanda E. Spohnauer, Mittie L. Keiser. Signed 17 May 1901. Charles Livensparger (SEAL). Wits. Eph. K. Strong. Jessie Strong. Proved 15 November 1910. Died on 4 November 1910.

Book 4 Page 464. Samuel Aultom of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Nancy Ellen Aultom, wife but a her decease to my children and grandchildren; Rose Chavey (hus. Peter), 1/5; George W. Aultom, 1/5; Philip Aultom, 1/5; Samuel Aultom, 1/5; children of my dec. son, Hezekiah Aultom, 1/5. Ex'x. nom. Nancy Ellen Aultom, wife. Signed 16 April 1902. Samuel Aultom. wits. William H. Kissinger. William E. Jones. Proved 18 November 1910. The widow Nancy Ellen Aultom died on 28 Nov. 1910 refuse the terms of the will and retained her right to a third before W. H. Kissinger. N.P. Died on 14 November 1910.

Book 4 Page 466. Martha Krewson of Whitley Co,. Ind. To my husband (but not by name). to my children: Melzina Buschet (hus. Henry); Margaret L. Close (hus. Peter); Rosa Close (hus. Ulyss); Lily M. Buschet (hus. Christian); Martha E. Wells (hus. Hiram U.); Oley Krewson, son. Ex. nom. Melvin Blain. Signed 19 April 1906. Martha (her X mark) Krewson (SEAL). Wits. Otto E. Grant. Fred S. Baker. Proved 19 November 1910. Died 15 November 1910.

Book 4 Page 468. Richard Walker of Union Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To: Catharine Walker, wife; my 3 daughters Emma J.. Dickerson, Alice M. Williamson, Lulu M. Kyler. Ex. nom. Catharine Walker. Signed 2 July 1909. Richard Walker (SEAL). Wits. Jessie A. Strong. E. K. Strong. Proved 5 December 1910. died 25 November 1910.

Book 4 Page 470. George H. Breck of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Emma E. Breck, wife for her lifetime; my 4 children John Breck, Blanch Steiner, Estella Anspach, Nellie A. Ryle. Signed 8 November 1910. George H. Breck. (SEAL). Wits. Geo. W. Kelsey, J. (Joseph) F. Smith. Sworn to and subscribed on 14 December 1910 before Hugh Logan, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 471. Susan C. North of Whitley Co., Indiana. To Martha M. Lowman, sister; Emma R. Lowman, niece; Farmers Loan & Trust Co., in Trust $25 for keep my grave lot in the Masonic Cemetery in repair; Eva L. Edgerton (relationship not given.). Signed 10 August 1910. Susan C. North (SEAL). Wits. Benton E. Gates. Ralph R. Ferry. Sworn to and subscribed on 1 January 1911 before Hugo Logan, Clerk. Died 29 December 1910.

Book 4 Page 472. Victoria Clark of Whitley Co., Indiana. To Rev. Pastor of St. Patrick's Church at Arcola, Ind. $100.00 to be used as the trustees direct. Ten dollars for masses for my father and mother to be paid to Rev. Robert J. Bratt, pastor at St. Patrick's Church or to his successor. Ten dollars to Rev. Pastor of St. Patrick's Church at Arcola for masses for myself. To my children Henry Clark. John Clark, Joseph Clark, Lawrence Clark. Louis Clark. Ex. nom. John K. Geary, my friend. Signed 7 August 1896. Victoria Clark. Wits. Ralph J. Pratt, John K Geary. Sworn to and subscribed on 20 January 1911. Died 15 January 1911.

Book 4 Page David F. Lower of Larwill, Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, Phebe M. Lower. Signed 1 May 1900. David F. Lower (SEAL). Wits. D. V. Whiteleather, Thomas Gallivan. Sworn to and subscribed on 1 February 1911 before Hugo Logan, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 474. Howard Simmon of Thorncreek Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. Had 71 acres of land in Section 4, Thorncreek Township, Whitley Co., Ind. To my children Vallona L. Simmon, Samuel A. Simmon, George E. Simmon, Jenette V. Royer. Ex. nom. Peter S. Hess. Signed 17 March 1909. Howard Simmon. Wits. Benton E. Gates, Mary Kenner. Proved 27 February 1911. Died in February 1911.

Book 4 Page 476. Jefferson Heneline, resident of Columbia City, Indiana. Ordered a burial vault of masonry with a stone slab on top, made on the lot in the Eberhart Cemetery in Columbia Township and like one made for his deceased wife, Elizabeth H. Heneline; the date of death naming year, day and month to be cut on a stone already erected and same to be cut on the Soldier's Monument in the court-house yhard in Columbia City, Indiana. To: Rebecca A. Haneline, wife; Hovery and Homer Schrader, my gr-son and son of my dau., Mary S. Schrader; Margaret Schrader, dau and to Emms Schrader, dau of Margaret Schrader; Mania Adelia Passwater, dau.; Jennie Alva Slater, dau.; Elmer Willis Haneline, son; Homer Leroy Heneline, son; Hattie Gertrude Keefer, dau.; Dorothy Heneline, gr-dau.. and the dau.. of my dec. son, Arthur Lincoln Haneline. Floyd and Harry Passwater, gr. sons and sons of my dau. Mania Passwater; Almeda Orabell Haneline, wife of John W. Haneline to have my farm in Thorncreek tp., Whitley Co., Ind. in Sec 28, the E ½ of the N W ¼ (80 acres) They have lived with me and cared for me. Ex. nom. H. Dewitt McLallen, friend. Signed 12 October 1910. Jefferson Heneline (SEAL). Wits. Thomas L. Hildebrand. William F. McNagny. Codicil made 27 October 1910. Refers to his 2nd wife. Wits. David V. Whitleleather and Lucy Wilcox. 2nd Codicil made 15 February 1910. Had sold his real estate. wits. Susie Berlien and William F. McNagny.
            3rd Codicil made 9 March 1911. Have moved to Columbia City and had made a family settlement with his wife and she is provided for. wits. William F. McNagny and Rob. R. McNagny
            4th Codicil made 18 March 1911. Modification. Wits. David V. Whiteleather and Margaret Eyanson. Will and Extensions proved on 5 April 1911. On 27 May 1911 the widow Rebecca Haneline elects to take under the will before Rob. K. McNagny, Notary Public.

Book 4 Page 481. Rosetta C. Lawrence of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Edith Ryan, niece. Clara E. Kepler, sister (if living). Lindenwood Cemetery association $600, a perpetual fund the income of to be used to keep my lot # 155 in Section P in repair; also $300. Daniel Keim, my father, and $600 to $1000 to be used by my executor to purchase a monument for my lot of "axed Barry" with no inscription on it but Harshbarger in raised Letter. Al of first 2 items held in trust by Henry H. Lawrence and Benton E. Gates. Rebekah Lodge #723 of Dunfee, Ind. $100. Nieces NEvada E. Keim and Edna M. Keim. Nephew Ralph E. Keim. William D. Keim, brother, Solomon D. Keim, brother. Clara E. Kepler, sister. Nephews: Walpole E. Albrecht, Samuel E. Albrecht, Calvin D. Albrecht with William D. Keim as trustee until they are 21. My brother Charles F. Keim is to have no part of her estate. Exs. Henry H. Lawrence and Benton E. Gates. Signed 21 May 1910. Rosetta C. Lawrence (SEAL). Wits. David V. Whiteleather, Lucy Wilcox. Proved 17 April 1911. Testatrix died on 1 April 1910. [I notice problem with the dates listed. DEG]

Book 4 Page 483. Henry Gunder of Etna Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To Minerva Gunder, wife; Neva Gunder, dau.; all my children and their heirs except Walter Gunder. Ex'x. nom. Minerva Gunder, wife. Signed April 1906. Henry Gunder (SEAL). Wits. William Fetters. Emily Fetters. Sworn to and subscribed on 15 May 1911 before Hugo Logan. Clerk Page 486. The widow Minerva Gunder did on 30 June 1911 refuse to accept the terms of the will before. Eph. K. Strong. N. Pub.

Book 4 Page 484. John Hanson of Whitley Co., Indiana. To wife, Mary A. Hanson and nom. her as executrix. Signed 18 July 1902. John Hanson (SEAL). Wits. Benton E. Gates. Wm. H. Magley. Sworn to and subscribed on 1 June 1911 before Hugo Logan, Clerk. Died 28 May 1922.

Book 4 Page 485. Polly Sattison of Whitley Co., Indiana. Her executor is to see to the erection of a monument at the grave of Samuel Beard and myself to cost not over $200 (Samuel Beard, my deceased husband). To: My children Virgil A. Beard; Maria J. Gilbert (hus. George W.); Lydia L. Shoemaker (hus. Samuel B. ); Roxey A. Mowrey (Lewis H. hus.); Sarah C. Burns (hus. Rufus W.); Rhode Mileyskoop (hus. William); Ex. nom. Andrew Kenner. Signed 24 September 1901. Polly Sattison (SEAL). Wits. Curtis W. Jones, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 15 June 1911 before Hugo Logan, Clerk. Died 10 June 1911 in Whitley Co., Indiana.

Book 4 Page 487. Moses Metz of Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife Ann Metz and she is nom. to act as executrix. Signed 6 September 1897. Moses Metz (SEAL). Wits. Andrew A. Adams, Thomas Gallivan. Sworn to and subscribed on 8 July 1911 before Hugo Logan, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 488. Michael K. Zerger of Whitley County, Indiana. To have a monument for his last resting place to cost not over $200. To Malinda Zerger, wife; my children John C. Zorger, Jacob F. Forger, Mary Simons, Icy Dunfee. Ex. nom. Lewis A. Luckenbill, friend. Signed 9 December 1910. Michael K. Zerger. Wits. John C. Leininger. H. Alton Beeson. Proved 11 July 1911. Lived in Columbia City when he died on 16 march 1911.

Book 4 Page 490. Henry A. Strain of Whitley Co., Indiana. The executor to attend getting a monument for graves of my wife, Julia A. Strain and myself, also our children, Henry A. Strain and Ann M. Strain. Cost not over $100. TO Maudie A. Strain, dau.; Lulla Ottenweller, dau.; Charles Allen Strain, son; Martin Theodore Strain, son; Cordelia Wiltrout. Ex. nom. Joshua Schuman, friend. Signed 22 March 1905. Henry A. Strain, (SEAL), Wits. David V. Whiteleather. Lucy Wilcox. Sworn to and subscribed on 19 July 1911 before Hugo Logan, Clerk.

Book 4 Page Albert B. Tucker of Etna Tp. Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, Mary M. Tucker. To Mary M. Tucker. (wife) and the Farmers Loan and Trust Co. of Columbia City, Ind. as trustees until my son, Lawrence L. Tucker is 35 years of age but at age 21 he is to be one of the trustees of $25.0000. If my son. Lawrence L. tucker dies then ½ to my wife, and ½ to Burdette F. McNear and Angie McGinley, share and share alike. Exs. nom. Mary M. Tucker, Farmers Loan and Trust Co. Signed 16 May 1911. Albert B. Tucker. Wits Benton E. Gates. Lucy Wilcox. Ralph F. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 29 July 1911. Codicil made 17 June 1911 mentions Mary F. Tucker, sister. Wits. Ida M. Gardner, Lucy Wilcox, Benton E. Gates. Died 20 July 1911. The widow Mary M. Tucker accepted the terms of the will on 29 July 1911. On 30 October 1924, Lawrence L. Tucker all his interest in the estate to his mother.

Book 4 Page 495. Henry Vogely. To my wife, Caroline Vogely (real estate) but at her death to my adopted son, John J. Vogely if living, but if my wife and son are dead then to the children of John J. Vogely of Lawful wedlock but if no children then as follows: ½ to the children and gr-children of my brother, John Vogely, Stadholter of the village of Gachlingen in Canton Schaffhausen, Switzerland. The other half to the children and grandchildren of my sister Barbara Murbach of the same village. The gr-children to take the share of their deceased parents. Executor nom.. William F. McNagny. Signed 1 February 1896. Henry Vogely (SEAL). Wits. Benjamin Raupher & P. H. Clugston. Codicil dated 27 May 1908. At death of my wife all real estate to John J. Vogely, his natural life then to his children but if he dies before his wife without children then to the relatives in Switzerland as named in the will. Wits. Thomas R. Marshall, Lu Slagle. Will & Codicil proved on 6 September 1911.

Book 4 Page 498. Margaret Nix of Whitley Co., Indiana. Made provisions for 12 masses to be read at her death. To John H. Kline, son; Maggie Nix, dau.; Frank Nix (relationship not given); Charles P. Nix. Ex. nom. George. W. Kelsey, Laud, Indiana. signed 29 August 1907. Margaret Nix (SEAL). Wits. Sabina E. Kelsey, Dale A. White. Proved 20 September 1911.

Book 4 Page 500. John Snyder of Whitley County, Indiana. To: Catherine Snyder, wife but at her decease to the Saints Old People Home at Anderson, Indiana. Signed 19 November 1908. John Snyder (SEAL). Ex. Farmers Loan and Trust Co., Columbia city, Ind. Wits. David A. Walter, John M. Mowrey. Proved 22 September 1911. The election of the widow Catherine Snyder was taken 23 October 19111 in Yellowstone Co., Montana before Wm. V. Beers, Notary Public. She accepted the terms of the will.

Book 4 Page 502. Mary E. Hammer of Columbia City, Ind. To Charles H. Hammer, son who had cared for her for years. Ex. nom. Charles H. Hammer, son. Signed 2 September 1909. Mary E. Hammer, SEAL). wits. Ruth McNear, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 6 October 1911 before Hugo Logan, Clerk. Died 28 February 1911.

Book 4 Page 503. John Hess of Union Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To Ella Hess, wife; Lulu R. Hess, dau. (the piano); Charles P. Hess, Lulu R. Hess, Barbara A. Beeching, Elnora E. Hammer, Children. Ex. nom. Benjamin F. Beeching. Signed 10 January 1908. John Hess. Wits. Max Kraus, Fred E. Johnson. sworn to and subscribed on 31 October 19111. Ella Hess, the widow appeared on 31 October 1911 before Benton E. Gates, n. P. and elected to take under terms of the will. Died in Whitley Co., Ind. on 23 October 1911.

Book 4 Page 505. Eliza J. Brookover of Huntington, Indiana. Requested burial in the Funk Cemetery, Warren Township, Huntington Co., Ind. beside the ramming of her husband George W. Brookover and a suitable inscription placed on the monument she had erected on her husband's grave. To Edna M. Kaufman, gr-dau and dau of my dec. dau, Ida A. Kaufman; Lucinda J. Branyan, gr-dau. and the du. of my dec. dau., Lucinda Best; Caroline Yotter, my gr-gr-dau. the only child of Gust Belle Yotter who was the only sister of Lucinda J. Branyan. My only living children: Andrew G. Brookover, Aseal Brookover, Mary Ann Brookover, Blanche M. Spencer, Walter L. Brookover. Signed 8 November 1903. Eliza J. Brookover. Wits. John Q. Cline, Claude Cline. Proved 27 November 1911 in Whitley County, Indiana.

Book 4 Page 506. Jeremiah W. Zartman of Larwill, Whitley County, Indiana. To: Alice Zartman Young, my child. Mary M. Zartman, wife. Signed 22 September 1911. Jeremiah W. Zartman (SEAL). Wits. Thomas E. Daniels. Naomi O. Daniels. Proved 16 December 1911. Died 30 November 1911.

Book 4 Page 507. Margaret Roe of South Bend, Ind. and St. Joseph County. To: Neel Roe, James Roe and Edward Roe my gr-children and children of Louisa Roe of South Bend, Indiana. Ex'x. nom. Louisa Roe of South Bend, Ind. Signed 23 January 1911. Margaret (her X mark) Roe, (SEAL). Wits. Meri Sledgekowski, Will N. Bergan. Sworn to and subscribed on 9 January 1912 before Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk. Died about 30 December 1911

Book 4 Page 508. Vallorous Brown of Whitley Co., Ind. Expected burial beside remains of his wife in the Columbia City Cem.. and erection of a monument for himself & wife at a cost of $2500. Funeral to be conducted by the Columbia City Commandry of Knights. Templar with the Masonic Blue Lodge of Churubusco Ind. Funeral to cost no more than $1500. To the Masonic Blue Lodge at Churubusco, Indiana $10000. The Masonic Blue Lodge at Columbia City, Ind. $2500, The Cammandry of Tempars, Columbia City, Indiana $2500. Property to be converted to cash with William F. McNagny as trustee to be invest to secure largest income and annual payments to be made to each of his children as follows - ¼ to each: William L. Brown, Laura Hughes, Charles Brown, Daisy McClay. Payments to continue their lives then to their children of deceased until the trust is closed. To the People's Free Library at Columbia City Indiana $1000. Ex. Nom. Wm. F. McNagny. Signed 17 April 1911. Vallorous Brown (SEAL) Wits. William A. Clugston. Henry D. McLallen. A codicil to Presbyterian Church of Columbia City, Indiana, $500. To Jessie Kingdon, friend and employee $1000. To Elizabeth & Elmer Harter, $10000. To Cemetery at Columbia city where wife is buried to use as they deem $500. Signed 22 December 1911. Wits. Henry McLallen, Walter F. McLallen. Will and codicil sworn to and subscribed on 23 January 1912 before Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 512. Solomon Miller of Thorncreek Tp., Whitley Co., Indiana. Remains to be placed beside those of his first wife in the Scott Cemetery Tory township, Whitley Co., Indiana where a monument has been erected. By a nuptial agreement with my wife, she in lieu of dower is to have $700 and a cow of her selection. To my children David Miller, $25; Lovina Ramsey, $25; Ann Bower, $25. To my children: Lucinda Hively (hus. Benjamin); Mary Ann Hively (widow of George, dec.); Catherine Judd (wife of George); Malinda Hively (hus. Solomon); Jane Judd (Hus. Isaac); Margaret Ellen Orr; Emma Bower, (hus. Sam). To children of my dec. dau. Mahala A. Orr. To my gr-children Cresco and Harlan Miller, children of my son Eli Miller by his first wife. To Eli Miller in trust for the children of his second wife. Ex's. nom. Solomon Hively, Isaac Judd. Signed 29 October 1900. Solomon Miller (SEAL). Wits. Andrew A. Adams, Elmer W. Dowell. Codicil dated 14 August 1903. wits. Andrew A. Adams, William H. Magley. Proved, will and codicil on 29 February 1912 before Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 514. John Haas of Whitley County, Ind. Had placed $50 in the First National Bank, Columbia City, Indiana for the Evangelical Missionary Society in Switzerland. Desires his Columbia city home to remain in the family and if Cora Erne desires it as part of he share, is to have the same which is 55½ feet off the east side of Lot 3 in Block 1 of McDonald's addition. To my children Edward Haas, William Haas, Cora Erne (hus. Conrad), Emma Mosher (hus. William). Ex. nom. William Haas, son. Signed 20 June 1911. John Haas (SEAL). Wits. Benton E. Gates, H. A. Beeson. Sworn to and subscribed on 30 March 1912 before Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 516. Benjamin Hively. To my wife Lucinda Hively her lifetime or widowhood but at her marriage or decease to my children: Mary Jane Coleman, Malinda Ramsey. Ex'x. nom. my wife. Signed 1 May 1893. Benjamin Hively. Wits. Wm. H. Coyle, Solomon Hively. Proved 10 April 1912. As the witnesses of the will were dead the testimony of Ozias Garte of Thorncreek Township, Whitley Co., Ind. who was a witness o the signing and the justice of the peace who wrote it.

Book 4 Page 518. Catharine Redman. To her son, Daniel Redman where she had made her home many years and whom she wanted to be compensated. Had made advancements to her children. To Sarah E. Redman, dau. then remaining estate in 5 equal parts to children. Mary Ann Kinzie, Daniel Redman, Amos E. Redman, Margaret J. Kime. Signed 3 November 1905. Catharine (her X mark) Redman. Wits. Zacharish Ummel, Eph. K. Strong. Proved 11 April 1912. Died about 1 April 1912.

Book 4 Page 519. Daniel Myers of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, Elizabeth Myers and she is nom. to act as ex'x. Signed 5 November 1891. Daniel Myers (SEAL). Wits. Wm. F. McNagny, Thos. R. Marshall. Proved 15 April 192. Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 520. Daniel Berry of Jefferson Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To Enos Berry, son; Emma Jerome, dau.. Refers to his wife Melinda Berry. Ex. nom. Enos Berry. Signed 27 May 1022. Wits. Lewis Bridge, Grant Coppes. Proved 15 April 1912.

Book 4 Page 521. Jacob Brower of South Whitley, Indiana. To my wife. Cora. Signed 6 March 1912. Jacob Brower (SEAL) Wits. A. L. Obenchain. W. S. Domer. Proved 17 April 1912. Jacob Brower, (SEAL). Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk. Died 9 March 1912.

Book 4 Page 522. Margaret Johnson of South Whitley, Whitley County, Indiana. To Zephanniah Johnson, Husband, for his Natural lifetime then to Mahala C. Sickafoose, dau. Shedon S. Johnson. To my gr-children: Albert C. Johnson, Margaret M. Johns, Robert Mc. Johnson. Ex. nom. Benton E. Gates. Signed 1 May 1900. Margaret Johnson (SEAL). Wits. Lulu Gates, Wm. H. Magley. Proved 25 April 1912. Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 524. Henry Reiner of Montgomery Co. Ohio. to wife Sarah Reiner. to John Reiner, son; Lewis Reiner, son; Eliza, wife of Alfred Schaeffer, dau.; Harriet, wife of Jacob Graeser, dau.; Elizabeth, wife of Israel Biend, dau.; William Reiner, son; Harvey Reiner, son; Julian, wife of Cornelius Halterman, dau.; Sarah wife of Charles S. Roher, dau.; Henry C. Reiner, son. Ex. nom. Lewis Reiner, son. Signed 22 August 1865. Henry Reiner. wits. Wm. KcKeean, Lewis Haber. Codicil dated @ September 1865. Wits. Wm. McKeean and Peter Bohn. Presented both will & Codicil for probate, 20 Sep. 1865. Final account filed 15 Jan. 1873, the executor lived in Young America, Illinois. A certified copy dated 11 Mar. 1912 was cert. by Roland W. Baggott, Probate Judge.

Book 4 Page 527. Alpha Gaff of Whitley County, Ind. To. Emaretta, dau; Mary Gaff, dau; Oliver H. Gaff, son. Signed 22 October 1900. Alpha Gaff. Wits. John F. Logan, Pierceton, Ind. Frank Hunt, Jr. Hecla, Ind. Sworn to and subscribed on 6 May 1912 before Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 528. Sarah F. Linvill of Whitley County, Indiana. To my children. Eva J. Anderson, George W. Linvill, Ocie O. Beck, Daisy M. Hull, Cleveland H. Linville, Arthur J. Linvill, Edna V. Black. Ex. nom. Wm. H. Carter. Signed 16 October 1907. Sarah F. Linville.(SEAL). Wits Lucy Wilcox, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 20 May 1912 before Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk. Codicil made 26 Feb 1908, named Cleveland Linvill as executor. Wits. Benton E. Gates and Lucy Wilcox. Died 10 May 1912.

Book 4 Page 531. Franklin H. Foust, resident of Columbia city, Whitley County, Indiana. 1/3 of estate to Maxia A. Foust. (wife). To: Franklin B. Foust, nephew; Cleon H. Foust, nephew and son of my brothers, Alfred E. Foust; Mabel Morsches, dau of my brother, Alfred E. Foust; My gr-niece, Mary Hunter Foust, dau. of Archie E. Foust, if she lives to age 21. Exs. Maxia A. Foust, wife; Cleon H. Foust, nephew. Signed 19 March 1907. Franklin H. Foust (SEAL). Wits. Iradell B. Rush, William H. Magley. Codicil dated 17 March 1910 nom. Cleon H. Foust as sole executor of the will. Wits. Frank E. Kenner and John E. North. will and codicil sworn to and subscribed on 23 May 1912 before Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 534. Josiah T. Harshbarger of Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife, Mary A. Harshbarger. Signed 1 May 1912. Josiah T. Harshbarger. Wits. Theodore Garty, Douglas Pinney. Sworn to and subscribed on 5 June 1912 before Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 535. Sarah Ann Terman of Troy Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. To the following of my children: Charles H. Terman, Alice M Vandersaul (hus. Wm. H.). Albert J. Terman. Nothing to my son, Elza S. Terman as he is indebted to me, unless he pays, then is to share. My son Olie A. Terman is indebted to me & to have no share unless he pays. Signed 14 May 1896. Sarah Ann Terman (SEAL). Wits. James S. Collins, Benton E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 20 August 1912 before Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk. It is believed the testator died on 13 August 1912 so states the testimony.

Book 4 Page 536. George Sheckler of Whitley Co., Indiana. To: Sarah Sheckler, wife; David Orrin Sheckler, son; Kate Kyler, dau.; Florence C. Snyder, dau.; Roscoe Sheckler, son. The share of Izora Ladow (dau) wife of Sherman Ladow, held in trust by the Farmer's Loan and Trust Co. IF she is living and her husband is dead, she may receive her share. If she is deceased, her husband not to receive. Ex. nom. David Orrin Sheckler. Signed 3 July 1912. George Sheckler (SEAL). Wits. Benton E. Gates, Lucy Wilcox. Proved 10 September 1912. The widow Sarah Sheckler appeared on 10 September 1012 before Benton E. Gates, N. P. and accepted the terms of the will.

Book 4 Page 538. James A. Wolf of Whitley Co., Ind. To Polly A. Wolf, wife; George A. Wolf, son; Charles H. Wolf, son; Laura Haley, dau; Agusta Bowers, dau; Clinton S. Wolf, son; Grover M. Wolf, son; Ocie V. Brown, (a Child of Lorena Shoemaker, dau; Carl L. Wolf, gr-son and the son of James A. Wolf. Ex'x. nom. Polly A. Wolf, wife. Singed 8 May 1909. James A. Wolf. Wits. Susie Berlein, William F. McNagny. Proved 16 September 1912. Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 540. Mary A. Hanson of Whitley Co., Indiana. Names the farmers Loan and Trust Co. of Columbia City, Ind. to act as trustee and executor. To erect a family monument. To distribute to Lavina Puncheon, dau; Ira Hively, son; Hugo C. Humbarger, gr-son; Signed 6 August 1912. Mary A. Hanson. Wits Ralph F. Gates, Emile Doriot. Proved 23 September 1912. Lived in Columbia Township, Columbia City, Indiana.

Book 4 Page 542. Henry McLallen of Columbia City, Indiana. To Catherine Dee McLallen; E. L. McLallen, son; Walter F. McLallen, son; Henry D. McLallen, son. Ex. nom. Provident Trust Co. of Columbia City, Indiana. Signed 26 May 1906. Henry McLallen. Wits. Thomas L. Hilderbrand, Archibald C. Smith. Proved 27 September 1912. Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk. The widow Catherine Dee McLallen appeared before Phil M. McNagny on 27 September 1912 and elected to accept the terms of the will.

Book 4 Page 545. William Kelsey of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. To Deborah J. Kelsey, wife. Ex'x. nom. Bertha K. Edmonds, dau. Signed 28 September 1911. William Kelsey. Wits. John E. Gates, Lucy Wilcox. Proved 1 October 1912. Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk. died 23 September 1912.

Book 4 Page 546. Elizabeth A. Rowe of Columbia City, Indiana. To Charles P. Barber as trustee and he is nom. as executor. He is to see that a monument is erected, the cost to be not over $150. To Elmer Rose, son. Genevieve Rose, gr-dau who has lived with me since 4 years of age. Signed 8 October 1910. Elizabeth A. Rowe (SEAL). Wits. Benton E. Gates. Lucy Wilcox. Sworn to and subscribed on 31 October 1912. Died 24 October 1912.

Book 4 Page 548. William S. Vanorsdall of Columbia City, Indiana. To William H. Hildrebrand and Dolly Ann Hilderbrand, his wife. Signed 20 April 1894. William S. Vanorsdall (SEAL). Wits. Henry Lahm, Curtis W. Jones. Sworn to and subscribed on 9 November 1912. Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 549. James Johnston now a resident of Columbia City, Indiana. to my wife, Nettie Johnston. Signed 15 November 19112. James (his X Mark) L. Johnston (SEAL). Wits. Phil. M. McNagny. James B. Vancuren. Proved 9 December 1912. Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk. Died November 1912.

Book 4 Page 550. Winfield S. Gandy of Churubusco, Ind. To Emma D. Gandy, wife; Clyde M. Gandy, son; Harry L. Gandy, son. Trustee The Exchange Bank of Churubusco. Wife directed to getting a suitable monument. Signed 28 December 1912. Winfield S. Gandy (SEAL). Wits. Albert F. McCloe, George W. Kichler. Proved 15 January 1913. Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 552. Miles W. Bristow of Whitley Co., Indiana. To Iola J. Bristow, wife a lifetime interest then at his death to my children, namely: Elizabeth E. Wigent, Ivy G. Secreas, Leslie V. Bristow, Pearl F. Bristow, Elmer D. Bristow. Ex'x. nom. Iola J. Bristow, wife. Signed 20 September 1907. Miles W. Bristow (SEAL). Wits. Benton E. Gates, Lucy Wilcox. Sworn to and subscribed on 31 January 1913. Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk. The widow, Iola J. Bristow appeared before Benton E. Gates, N.P. on 31 January 1913 and accepted the terms of the will.

Book 4 Page 554. Ephraim Eller of Whitley Co., Ind. To Mary Ann Eller, wife; Charles F. Eller, adopted son; Children of Minnie M. Sweeney: Bulah Lucile Hapner, Viola Hapner. Ex'x. nom. Mary Ann Eller, wife. Signed 8 July 1905. Ephraim Eller (SEAL). Wits. Francis B. Moe, M. W. Webster. Proved 12 February 1913. Jos. R. Harrison, Clark.

Book 4 Page 555. Eli Cripe. To my wife, Lorena Cripe. Ex. nom. Henry Neff. Signed 2 September 1912. Eli (his X mark) Cripe. Wits. Lon D. Flemming, George L. Shormake, M.D. Proved 17 February 1913. Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk. Henry Neff declined to act as executor on 17 February 1913 before Lon D. Flemming, Notary Public. Died in Whitley Co., Indiana on 1 October 1912.

Book 4 Page 556. Elizabeth Cook of Whitely Co., Ind. To: Clement V. cook, son; George Cook husband; Samuel E. Cook, son; Electa J. Frazer, dau.; Children of my dec. dau. Rebecca Gerard who are: Bessie Gerard, Claudie A. Gerard, Gilbert C. Gerard, but in trust until they read 21 years. Ex. nom. Samuel C. Cook, son. He is to see that a monument costing not over $200 is erected at my grave with proper inscriptions for myself and husband and of my deceased son, John A. Cook, also for my deceased dau. Emma J. Cook. Signed 2 September 1907. Elizabeth Cook. SEAL). Wits. Monroe W. Webster, of South Whitley, Ind. Francis B. More, South Whitley, Indiana Codicil dated 8 September 1910. Wits. Simeon Huffman and F. F. Humbarger. Proved 19 February 1913. Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 558. Samuel P. Kaler, long a resident of Columbia City, Indiana. To my wife, Alice Kaler. To our children: Walpole Kaler, son Laura Schurer, now of Detroit, Michigan. Ex. nom. Walpole Kale, son. Signed 3 January 1913. Samuel P. Kaler. wits Arminda A. Lawrence. Phil M. McNagny. Proved 28 February 1913. Died in Columbia City, Indiana. on 22 February 1913. The widow Alice Kaler appeared before Arminda Lawrence, N. P. on 26 March 1913 and made known her acceptance of the terms of the will.

Book 4 Page 561. George A. Pontius, long a resident of Columbia City, Indiana. to my wife, Estella May Pontius, the residence, contents of, barn, outbuildings and automobile, etc. Walter F. McLallen, friend, to act as trustee of all other property real and personal and also as executor. Children are to be educated. AT age 25 tears, son Thomas T. Pontius is to have 1/9 of the trust estate and 2/9 at age of 30 years. At age of 25 years, Mary Pontius, dau. is to have 1/9 of the trust estate and 2/9 at the age of 30 years. Singed 11 February 1912. George A. Pontius (SEAL). Wits. Robt. R. McNagny. Phil M> McNagny. Sworn to and subscribed on 10 March 1913 Before Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 564. Ida E. Crow of Smith township, Whitley County, Indiana. To my children living at the time of my death and the children of those deceased. A life interest during his lifetime to Charles W. Crow, husband. Ex. nom. Charles W. Crow, husband. Signed 23 November 1904. Ida E. Crow (SEAL). Wits. F. J. Heller, Melvin Blain. Sworn to and subscribed on 12 March 1913 before Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 565. Jacob Rouch of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. A note held by Findlay college at Findlay, Ohio to be paid. To wife. Sobrina Jane Rouch, but at her death to son., Sylvester Rouch or his children if deceased. If my wife and son die without heirs then to the Oak Grove Church of God called Compton Church in Union Township, Whitley County, Indiana. Signed 3 September 1907. Jacob Rouch (SEAL). Wits. R. J.. Jontz, William C. Glass. Sworn to and subscribed on 24 March 1913 before Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk. On 22 March 1913 the widow Sobrina Jane Rouch accepted the terms before Benton E. Gates, N. P>

Book 4 Page 566. John Hoffer of Whitley Co., Ind. To wife. Anna Hoffer. To Edmond E. Hoffer, son as trustee during life of wife, then to: Mary Ann Buffenbarger, dau; Edmond E. Hoffer, son; Lillie Buffenbarger, dau.; Charles Hoffer, son. Land N ½ of NW ¼ of SE ¼ of Section 21; @ ½ of NE ¼ of Sec. 17 and 30 acres off south 60 acres of the SE ¼ of Sec 8 all in Thorncreek Tp., Whitley Co., Ind. Signed 9 April 1912. John Hoffer. Wits. David V. Whiteleather, Lucy Wilcox. Sworn to and subscribed on 29 March 1913 before Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk. The widow Anna Hoffer appeared on 2 June 1913 before Benton E. Gates, N. P., and accepted the terms of the wills.

Book 4 Page 568. Daniel Rupley. To the children of Barbara Ann Campbell, my deceased daughter; Henry Asa Rupley, son; David Joseph Rupley, son; Elmira Rupley Rapp, dau.; Daniel Marion Rupley, son; Lavina Catharine Rupley Urshel, dau; Levi Howard Rupley, son; Mary Elnora Rupley Dinius, dau. Ex. nom. Daniel Marion Rupley, son. Signed 18 May 1907. Daniel Rupley. Wits W. A. Berry. R. M. Berry. Sworn to and subscribed on 3 April 1913 before Jos. R. Harrison. Clerk

Book 4 Page 569. Emma Clark of Whitley Co., Indiana. To my brothers Wesley Zellhart who is nom. to act as executor. Signed 22 June 1910. Emma (her X mark) Clark. Wits. Geo. W. Kelsey, Nettie Shinbeckler. Proved 30 April 1910. Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk. Died in March 1913.

Book 4 Page 571. Lydia Harshbarger of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. Burial in the Eberhard Cemetery in the southwest part of Columbia Township, Whitley Co., Ind. where I have erected a suitable monument. To Lydia Ellen Brown, gr-dau. - - the lot # 5 in Thiele's Addition to Columbia City, Ind and on it the house where the testator lived, but if she id deceased then to my daughter, Mary Jane Brown but if both are deceased, then to my legal heirs. Ex. nom. Thomas L. Hildebrand. Signed 30 October 1909. Lydia (her X mark) Harshbarger. Wits. Joseph W. Adair, Eph. K. Strong. Proved 9 May 1913. Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 572. Ellen G. Criswell of Whitley Co., Indiana. To my husband, John F. Criswell during his lifetime then equally to our 3 children. Lelah E. Snepp, Annie G. Gandy, William H. Criswell. Signed 23 January 1913. Ellen G. Criswell. Wits Willard Z. Smith, Frank J. Gandy. Proved 9 May 1913. Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 573. Mary E. Anglemeyer of Whitley County, Indiana. To her husband, Abednego Anglemeyer his lifetime - - to occupy the same house for a home as long as single which is Lot # 11 in Leininger's addition to the town of Columbia City, Ind. together with the household furniture, etc. To: Emma Lodema Anglemeyer, dau; Edward Mathew Anglemeyer, son; Elcie Wyneto Beavers. Ex. nom Provident Trust Co., of Columbia City, Indiana. Signed 29 May 1912. Mary E. Anglemeyer. Wits Mrs. Phebe J. Bair, Martin L. Galbreath. Signed 20 May 1913. Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 575. David C. Fisher of Whitley Co., Indiana. Burial beside former wife, Phoebe Fisher in Eberhard Cemetery if room in the family lot. Executor to see to erection of a monument for former wife and the testator costing not over $800 and if he deems it necessary replacement the monument at the grave of the testator's mother out of his estate. To: Rose Ann Brown, or if dec. to her children; Lucy Ann Fisher, wife. Ex. to purchase a suitable monument to mark the last resting place of my wife. Lucy Ann fisher and her former husband. Charles M. Barr, foster son "whom I raised from Infancy." Ex. nom. Benton E. Gates. Signed 9 August 1912. David A. Fisher (SEAL). Wits. Heber A. Beeson, Ralph F. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 16 June 1913 before Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk. Codicil. to Lucy Ann Fisher, wife, her natural lifetime but at her decease to my sister, Rose Ann Brown or her children if deceased. At death of wife the real estate to be sold then as follows to sisters and brothers 1/2 or their children if decease: Frank Fisher, 1/16; Mary J. Shriver 1/16; Charlotte H. Coplen 1/16; John Fisher 1/16; Rose Ann Brown 1/16; Children of William Fisher, dec 1/16; Children of Jeremiah Fisher, dec. 1/16. Children of my wife 1/2, viz. Henry F. Crim & Jacob S. Crim, jointly. No part of my estate to Charles W. Barr. Codicil takes the place of item 5 on the will. Signed 3 April 1913. David (his X mark) Fisher (SEAL). wits. George H. Harper. Cleon H. Foust. Proved 16 June 1913. Died Whitely Co., Ind. 25 May 1913. The widow Lucy Ann Fisher elected to take under the will on 23 June 1913 before Benton E. Gates, N. P.

Book 4 Page 578. Lewis H. Mowery of Richland Township Whitley County, Indiana. To Roxy A. Mowery, wife. My 4 children Asher F. Mowery, Chloe M. Mowery, Ada F. Mowery, Lura I. Mowery. Ex. nom. Otto E. Grant. Signed 23 July 1904. Lewis H. Mowery (SEAL). Wits. Julius B. Leininger, John W. Baker. Sworn to and subscribed on 7 July 1913 before Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 579. Michael Frederick of Columbia City, Indiana. To the pastor of the Church of St. Paul of the Cross at Columbia City, Ind., $50 for 50 low masses to be celebrated in church, one each week. To Barbara Frederick, wife, and she is nom. to act as executrix. Signed 2 June 1913. Michael Frederick. wits Benton J. Bloom. Adam E. Yagle. Sworn to and subscribed on 7 July 1913 before Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 580. Ellen Carter. Will dated at Churubusco, Ind. on 22 June 1912. To: Austin Wayne Carter, don; Sylvania L. Pence, Alice A. Hemick, Ida E. Carter, Lillie J. Carter, Minnie A. Carter, Mary C. Smith on condition. Ex. nom. Austin Wayne Carter, John W. Pence. Wits. W. A. Johnson, Eva Johnson. Sworn to and subscribed on 12 July 1912 before W. R Gerding, Clerk of the Allen Co., Ind. Circuit Court. Had 80 acres in Whitley Co., Ind.

Book 4 Page 581. John L. Smith of South Whitley, Ind. To Nellie F. Smith, wife - - her lifetime then to Sarah E. Smith, sister. Ex'xs. Nellie F. Smith, wife, Sarah E. Smith, sister. Signed 14 October 1902. John L. Smith (SEAL). Wits. Sarah Moe, Francis B. Moe. Proved 2 September 1913.

Book 4 Page 582. Elizabeth Waidlich of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. To; The children of my dec. brother, John Myers, $500; Daniel Myers, bro, $500; Children of my dec. bro. James Myers, $500; Children of my dec. bro, Levi Myers, $500.; Children of my dec. sister, Hannah Sell, $500; Children of my dec. Sister, Mrs. Levi Adams, $500; The residue of my estate to my brother, Daniel Myers of Columbia City, Ind. Signed 5 October 1911. Elizabeth Waidlich (SEAL). Ex. nom. Provident Trust Co., Of Columbia City, Ind. Wits. Susie Berlien, William F. McNagny. Proved 15 September 1913.

Book 4 Page 584. Levi Chase, Resident of Whitley Co., at Churubusco, Indiana. To my wife, Sarah Chase during her natural life then to my daughter, Oca Longsworth real estate in Section 32 and 27 of Township 32 Range 11 east of Allen Co., Indiana and also real estate in Whitley Co., Ind. to my dau. Ida Cotton then to her children. Ex. nom. George W. Kichler, friend. Signed 4 September 1913. Levi Chase (SEAL). Wits. Frank J. Gandy, Oscar Gandy. Proved 7 October 913. Jos. R. Harrison. Clerk.

Book 4 Page 586. Henry Keiser of Washington Township, Whitley co., Indiana. To Louise Keiser, wife her lifetime to per property and real estate the E ½ of N W ¼ of Sec. 8 township 30, Range 9 East (80 acres). At her death to my 2 daughters Amelia Mona and Minnie Keiser or their heirs. Ex. nom. Conrad Keiser, brothers. Signed 9 October 1913. Henry (his X mark ) Keiser (SEAL). Wits. Eph. K. Strong. Henry Hauptmeyer. Sworn to and subscribed on 2 October 1913. Before Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 4 Page 587. John Hiner of Whitley Co., Indiana. To my wife, Nancy Hiner but at her death to my heirs (not by name). Signed 6 February 1889. John Hiner (SEAL). Wits. Jeremiah S. Hartsock. Eli Taylor. Proved 27 October 1913. The widow Nancy Hiner refused to accept the terms of the will on 1 October 1913 before Arminda Lawrence, N. P.

Book 4 Page 590. Mary J. Pence of Whitley Co., Indiana. To my children: Nancy A Lewis, Nettie J. Hedges, Virgil J. Pence, Laura A. Deem, or their heirs. Ex. nom. Virgil J. Pence, son. Signed 26 October 1911. Mary J. Pence (SEAL). Wits. Benton E. Gates. Lucy Wilcox. Proved seal affixed on 17 November 1913. Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk. Died latter part of October 1913.

Whitley County, Indiana
Index to Will Records Book # 5

Will Record Book Page(s)
Adair, Amelia M.5166
Alexander, Charles W.5293
Alexander, Charles W., widows election5294
Bair, John5361
Baker, John5212
Baltes, Michael5555
Barnes, Maria A.5382
Barnes, Zachariah5527
Batzner, William H.5300
Bauer, John C.577
Bell, Harriet R.5363
Benner, Eliza J.5168
Berry, Emmett C.5569
Bolinger, Dora E.5485
Boyd, Robert B.5441
Braden, Nancy A.5378
Brand, George F.5234
Brandenburg, James Virgil5354
Brandenburg, James Virgil, elec of widow 5377
Brenneman, Isaac5493
Briggs, Silas56-14
Bullease, Larinda5101
Burnheimer, Aaron5256
Burns, Sarah C.5307
Burns, Sarah C., elec. of widower5308
Byall, Francis Marion5161
Carper, Nancy5516
Carver, Joseh M.5475
Chase, Levi524
Chase, Levi524
Chauncey, Nathaniel5108
Christen, Joseph5392
Christen, Joseph, widow's refusal5410
Christlieb, Eli F.5504
Clark, Charles W.5&nbsp
Clark, Charles W. 575
Clark, Uriah H.5157
Clugston, Asher R.5404
Clugston, David B.5419
Clugston, David B., widow's Elec.5440
Clugston, Looicy R.5195
Coe, Eliza5298
Combs, Louisa530
Combs, Louisa530
Coolman, Jennie M.5583
Cooper, Benjamin F.5238
Coverstone, Jane5122
Cox, Charles H.5121
Cox, Mary E.5148
Cuney, Augustus51
Cuney, Augustus51
Curtis, Henry5415
Darnell, Mary563
Deardorff, Octabius Decatur5320
Deardorff, Silas5518
Delano, Benjamin Franklin5280
DeVelde, John5563
Dine, William M.5201
Ditmars, Henry5435
Doriot, Emile519
Doriot, Emile, Elec. of widow521
Druley, Levi5174
Dryer, Frederick5304
Eberhard, Elizabeth579
Egolf, Alonzo5510
Egolf, Joseph5524
Egolf, Peter R.5374
Eisaman, Nicholas5131
Elder, Abraham5465
Elder, Mary A.5327
Emery, Thomas5580
Evans, Alfred F.5357
Fisher, Catherine5508-9
Fisher, Lucy A.5208
Fleck, Carlos / Under will of John Fleck
ass't to Farmers Loan & Trust Co.,
Fleck, John5333
Fosler, Emma I., widows el.598
Fosler, George H, Emma I, widows el.598
Fosler, George H.597
Foster, Adaline5204
Foster, Charles H.5183
Foster, Polly5127
Friedrich, Barbara5420
Friskney, Thos.5551
Fuchbauer, Conrad5214
Fuchbauer, Magdalene5454
Gaff, Vincett5325
Gardner, Daniel W.5289
Garrison, Elmira5543
Gillam, Parmelia J.5331
Goble, Enos E.5118
Goble, Sarah E.537
Grable, Sarah5520
Gunder, Minera5113
Guy, Francis C.5483
Haas, Ellen5141
Haley, Margaret C.5266
Halterman, Lewis536
Hanauer, George5268
Harrison, David F.5126
Hawk, Sarah Catharine5296
Hawn, Aurella5106
Hays, Martha May5336
Helfrich, William F.599
Heller Frank J.5537
Henney, Mathew5219
Henry, Thomas Jefferson5313
Hively, Charles H.5545
Hively, Charles H. widows election5560
Hively, Daniel5244
Huffman, Henry5103
Huffman, John5116
Hull, Benjamin F.5303
Humbarger, Reuben581
Hyre, Leonard5315
Jackson, John P.5477
Jeffries, Mary J.5345
Johnson, Catherine5223
Johnson, Homer W.5381
Johnson, Mary J.5146
Jones, Charles H.5586
Jontz, Robert J.5311
Judd, George5229
Karns, Ella5264
Kates, Mary E.5414
Kates, Mary E.5565
Keppler, Sarah E.5574
Kersh, Philip5115
Kessler, William5352
Kichler, Jacob5227
King, Reuben5412
Kiser, Wesley522
Kisler, George F.5150
Klemm, Ferdinand5432
Knight, Henry5111-125
Knisely, Emanuel5406
Knisely, Keziah538
Knisely, Sevilla5355
Krewson, Sarah E.5529
Krider, George5132
Krider, George, election of widow5133
Krider, Rosanna5251
Lansdown, Aziel H.5498
Lansdown, Susan5501
Lawrence, Eva Ann5389
Lawrence, George W.5176
Lawrence, John F.5449
Lawrence, Levi5119
Lehman, Willima5170
Leiter, John C.5216
Long, Phillip5185
Long, William C.5247
Lott, Michael E.5456
Magers, Francis M.5123
Magley, Fredreick5193
Malone, Josephine5471
Marchand, Charles F.5401
Martin, Esther5129
McDonald, Stephen A.5189
McGuire, Thomas5894
McKown, Ida5571
McLain, George F.5438
McLain, Hugh5386
Meitzler, William557
Menzie, William A.5512
Millard, John D.5350
Milledge, Perminta5309
Miller, Amos5236
Miller, Catharine5210
Miller, Margaret E.5561
Miller, Mary A.5196
Miller, Mary A., George W. acc.5198
Miller, Walling5274
More, Elizabeth J.5531
Morrision, Sarah5506
Morrolf, Daniel F. 5120
Morrolf, Dnaiel F., Acc of widow5120
Mossman, Susan M.5272
Mullet, Daniel5270
Myers, Henry5258
Nei, Frederick5134
Nei, Frederick, Elec. of widow5136
North, Edward B.5365
Oman, Jesse S.5371
Oman, Jesse S., Elec of widow5373
Ott, George W.5191
Paige, Laura589
Paulus, Elizabeth5463
Pence, John W. 5292
Pence, Miriam5326
Plummer, Jacob W.5495
Plummer, Judy5240
Plummer, Judy, elec. of hus.5246
Porter, Angeline5260
Pressler, Daniel5110
Prickett-Farren, Louis5199
Pumphrey, George O.5375
Rapp, Charles5243
Raupher, Benjamin550
Raupher, Benjamin, widow's acc.5128
Riddle, Laura5155
Rider, George D.5487
Riley, Charles W.5405
Riley, Samuel S.5469
Rindfusz, Philip5452
Rogers, Lucinda5341
Rouch, George L.541
Rouch, Samuel5163
Rouch, Samuel, widow's acc.5165
Ruch, Jacob A.528
Ruckman, Eliza E.5278
Sanders, Anne5417
Sattison, George H.5206
Sattison, Scott5408
Schannep, David54
Schrader, Elizabeth542
Schultheis, Anna C.565
Schuman, ranklin5285
Secrist, Simon5460
Sensenbaugh, Lydia A.5384
Shank, Sebastian5541
Shaw, Stephen D.5225
Sheckler, Thomas557
Sheckler, Thomas, Elec. of widow5182
Shorb, Nathaniel G.5282
Shuder, Simon5558
Shull, Benjamin F.5322
Shull, Benjamin F.5344
Sickafoose, Catharine5339
Sickafoose, Lucinda Maude5397
Sisson, William A.5552
Smalley, John5390
Smalley, John F.548
Smith, Albert J.5514
Smith, Jasper C.5338
Snyder, John525
Snyder, Lues E.5221
Snyder, Margaret Ann5191
Snyder, Sarah A.5343
Souder, Carl L.5367
Sroufe, Elizabeth C.5172
Tannehill, William5450
Tannehill, William, elec. of widow5554
Taylor, Polly5411
Taylor, Sarah5324
Terman, Albert J.5318
Thomson, Emily5577
Tousley, Susannah L.515
Traster, Mary533
Tucker, Marf F.553
Vanersdell, Mary5143
VanMeter, Fannie5567
Waidlich, Elizabeth, Codicil584
Walker, Charles5301
Ward, Joseph Clayton5153
Western, Thomas H.5124
White, Mary A.5443
Wick, George A.5329
Widner, John W.5263
Widup, John W., widower's elec5263
Wilcox, Mary586
Williams, Raymond5159
Williams, Raymond, widow's elec.5262
Williamson, Perry M.5491
Winter, John5347
Wynant, Mary5287
Wynkoop, Isaac593
Yohe, Michael5103
Zumbrun, Daniel5137
Zumbrun, Daniel, elec. of widow5137-140
Zumbrun, Sarah E. 5434

Will Abstracts

Will Record 5 Page 6. Silas Briggs. To Rebecca Briggs, wife, during her lifetime the farm of 160 acres where we live . . the NW ½ of the Chapine Reserve in Union Tp., Whitley Co., Ind.
Children: Edward Briggs, Stephen Briggs, Charles Briggs, Frank Briggs, Fred Briggs (the home farm at mother's death), Jesse Briggs, Della Welshimer (Hus. F. M.), Desdia Ruch (hus. Phillip). Elizabeth Mossman (hus. James A.). Exs. nom. Edward Briggs, James A Mossman, son-in-law. Signed 27 March 11897. Silas Briggs (SEAL). Wits. Wm. F. McNagny and P. H. Clugston. Codicil dated 12 June 1905. Rebecca Briggs, wife is now dead. etc. Wits. Thos. R> Marshall and P. H. Clugston.
            Codicil - Dated 7 April 1909. John M Mowrey, a friend is named to act as executor. Wits. William F. McNagny & Rob R. McNagny. Seal of Court affixed on 25 November 1913. Testator died in Whitley Co., Ind. on 21 Nov. 1913.

Will Record 5 Page 28. George L. Rouch. To Susan Rouch, wife, her lifetime; Berthe Hering (Heron), dau.; James Albert Rouch, son; Lewis Rouch, son; John B. Rouch, son. Signed 8 April 1914. George (his X mark) Rouch. Wits. O. V. Schuman & Francis Steele. Proved 27 April 1914. Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk. Died 13 April 1914.

Will Record 5 Page 67. Thomas Sheckler. Resident of Thorncreek Township, Whitely County, Ind. To Charlotte A. Sheckler, wife; Charles and Edward Sheckler, son the home farm etc.; Vern and Esther Sheckler, children of my dec. son, George Sheckler; Ann Sheckler, widow of George, so long as his widow; Artena Keirn, dau. Ex. Dr. Isaiah Lawrence, Lifetime Friend. Signed 14 April 1908. George Sheckler. Wits. --. Codicil #1 To granddaughter Esther E. Sheckler, etc. Signed 3 Sep. 1908. Wits. Lu Slagle and William F. McNagny. Codicil #2 dated 1 Sep 1909. Wits. William F. McNagny and Susie Berlien. Codicil #3 Dated 19 Nov. 1909. Ex. nom. Provident Trust Co., Columbia City, Ind. Wits. William F. McNagny and Susie Berlien. Will and codicils proved on 29 September 1914. Jos R. Harrison, Clerk.

Will Record 5 Page 75. I, Charles W. Clark of Whitley County, State of Indiana, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do hereby declare and publish this my last will and testament, hereby revolking all other or former wills by me made.
Item one. I direct my executor hereinafter names to collect all money or debts due and owing me and to pay all my just debts.
Item Two. I give, will and bequeath to my beloved wife, Catharine Clark all money and all personal property I may have at the time of my death and all choses in action I may have at such time, to be hers absolutely.
Item Three. I give, will and bequeath to my said wife, Catharine A. Clark, all the real estate I have have at the time of my death for and during the period of here natural life, and then the remainder at the time of my said wife's death to my daughter, Effie Clark Hershberger, in fee simple it being my intention to give my wife a life estate in said realty only , however in case my said daughter should be dead at the time of my death, then in that event I will, bequeath and give said realty, subject to a life estate, in my said wife as aforesaid to Cleon S. and Helen Elvire Harshbarger, my two grandchildren, the children of my said daughter, share and share alike.
Item Four. I hereby nominate and appoint my said wife the Executrix of this will..
            Charles W. Clark.
We, the undersigned saw Charles W. Clark Sign the above and foregoing as and for his last will and testament and at his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other we signed our names as witnesses hereto, on the 28th day of March 1914. Benton J. Bloom, Samuel S. Riley. worn and subscribed on 6 October 1914. Testator died 31 September 1914 in Whitley Co., Indiana.

Will Record 5 Page 81. Reuben Humbarger of Whitley Co., Ind. to children: Elnora Long, Mary E. Humbarger, Leonard Humbarger, Wilbert Humbarger, Eva Knight, Charles W. Humbarger, Leroy Humbarger, Homer Humbarger, Ada Sommers. Ex. nom Loren Humbarger & Dorsey Jagger. Signed 16 December 1911. Wits. Proved 6 Nov. 1914. Died 23 Oct. 1914. Jos. R. Harrison, Clerk.

Will Record 5 Page 111-125 Henry Knight. To Elnora Knight, wife. The children of my dec. dau. Martha Jane Shephard. My 10 children Parmenas Knight, Sarah J. Zellers, Albert Knight, Irene Knight, William Knight, Clara Hemmick, Lida Wunderlich, Mary Parkinson, George Knight, Ernest Knight. Ex. nom. George Knight, son assisted by McNagny & McNagny, Att'ys. Signed 31 Jan. 1913. Henry (his X mark) Knight (SEAL). Wits. Rob R. McNagny, Phil M. McNagny. Proved 23 February 1913. Was aged between 70 and 80 years.

Will Record 5 Page 120. Daniel Morrolf of Whitley Co., Ind. To wife, Elizabeth Morrolf her lifetime or so long as she remains unmarried. AT her death to all my children (not by name). Signed 17 June 1892. Daniel F. Morrolf (SEAL). Wits. Wm. F. McNagny & Thos. R. Marshall. Proved 8 March 1915. Daniel F. Morrolf (SEAL). Wits. Wm. F. McNagny & Thos. R. Marshall. Proved 8 March 1915. Jos. R. Harrison Clerk. the widow Ann E. Morrolf whose husband died on 2 March 1915, elected to take under the will on 8 March 1915 before Arminda Lawrence, N. P.

Will Record 5 Page 163. Samuel Rouch. Wife and children directed to select a suitable monument, the executor to purchase same. To: Jennie Rouch, wife; Daisy Rouch Hess, at death of wife, W ½ of that part of SE ¼ Section 31, Smith Tp., Whitley Co., Ind; Merl Rouch, son, east ½ of SE ¼ of Section 31 in Smith Township, Whitley Co., Ind. at death of my wife, to hold his lifetime then to his children. Ex. Farmers Loan and Trust Co. of Columbia city, Ind. Signed 16 April 1912. Samuel Rouch (SEAL). Wits. John E. Gates and Alton Beeson. Proved 17 January 1916. Died 6 Jan. 1916 in Whitley Co., Ind.

Will Record 5 Page 189. Stephen McDonald of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Lucinda McDonald, aunt, but if deceased then to my brothers, Eli W. McDonald now of Woodbine, Iowa. Signed 21 July 1911. Stephen A. McDonald. Wits. David V. Whiteleather and Lucy Wilcox. Proved 18 April 1916. Died 12 April 1916.

Will Record 5 Page 229. George Judd of Whitley Co., Ind. To Wife, Catherine Judd, real estate, the SW ¼ of Section 9 in Thorncreek Township, Whitley Co.' Solomon E. Judd, son; George F. Judd, son; Anna Raymer, dau.; Malinda Erne, dau.; Ex. nom Catherine Judd. wife. Signed 20 Dec. 1912. George Judd (SEAL). Wits. David V. Whiteleather & Lucy Wilcox. Will and Codicil proved 6 Dec. 1916. Died 22 April.

Will Record 5 Page 193. Frederick Magley of Whitley Co., Indiana. To wife, Elizabeth Magley her lifetime. To: William E. Magley, son; Merl Magley, son; to the children of William E. and Merl Magley. Ex. nom. William E. Magley. Signed 19 April 1895. Frederick Magley, (SEAL) Wits. Benton J. Bloom and H. D. McLallen. Proved 4 May 1916.

Will Record 5 Page 196. Mary A. Miller of Thorncreek Township, Whitley County, Ind. To my 3 children: Melvin Monroe Miller, Arna Pence (hus. Melvin), Reatha Faith Miller. To husband, George W. Miler no part as he has property of his own and we have an agreement by which such property as I own descend to my children. Ex. nom. Melvin Monroe Miller, son. Signed 28 April 1916. Mary A. Miller (SEAL). Wits. Chas. A. Eberhard & Benton E. Gates. proved 27 May 1916. Died 2 May 1916 in Whitley Co., Ind.

Will Record 5 Page 244. Daniel Hively of Whitely Co., Indiana. To my son Benjamin F. Hively and his wife Sadie B. Hively. to my gr-son, Simon F. Hively. Signed 19 Aug. 1015. Ex. nom. Benjamin F. Hively, son. wits. Lloyd F. Bailey & Ethel Taylor. Proved 12 Jan 1917. Died 18 Jan 1917 aged between 70 and 80 years. Died in Whitley Co., Ind.

Will Record 5 Page 292. John W. Pence. A suitable marker for the last resting place, a monument has been erected. To Roy A. Pence and Lulu Pence, his wife, Ex. Roy A. Pence. Signed 13 Feb. 19178. John (his X mark) Pence. Wits. Benton E. Gates & John E. Gates. Sworn to and subscribed on 20 Aug. 1917. Otis E. Plattner, Clerk. Died 13 August 1917 in Whitley Co., Ind.

Will Record 5 Page 315. I Leonard Hyre, of the county of Whitley and state of Indiana, hereby make, publish and declare this to be my last will and Testament, revoking all former wills by me hereto fore made.
Item One. I will and direct that my executor hereinafter names shall as soon as possible after my death pay all my just debts and funerla expenses.
Item two. I will, devise and bequeath to my wife, Elizabeth A. Hyre, for and during her natural life, Lot number nine (9) in Wallace & Shinneman's Addition to the town now City of Columbia city, she to have the use, occupancy and control of the same as long as she shall live.
Item Three. I will devise and bequeath to my children, Mary A. Miller, Della A. Hire, Minnie M. Hire, Calvin C. Hyre, Rosella Thompson, Sarah C. Harlan, Eldora Zumbrun, and William Hl Hyre, and to my grandchildren Golda Hyre, Ford Hyre and Merl Swihart, all of my property both real and personal of every kind and character and wherever situated in the following proportions. To Mary A. Miller, the one tenth part thereof; to Della A Hire, the one tenth part thereof; to Minnie M. Hire, the one tenth part thereof; to Calvin C. Hyre, the one tenth part thereof;; to Rosella Thompson, the one tenth part thereof, to Sarah C. Harlan, the one tenth part thereof; to Eldora Zumbrun, the one tenth part thereof; to William H. Hyre, the one tenth part thereof; to Merl Swihart, the one tenth part thereof and to Golda and Ford Hyre the one tenth part thereof jointly, subject however to the following advancements which I have to said children and to the parents of said grandchildren out of my estate; To Golda Hyre and Ford Hyre, money advanced to my son, Jacob Hyre in his lifetime, and the father of said grandchildren, the sum of $787.00; to Merl Swihart the sum of $56.00; to William Hyre the sum of $1077.00; to Mary A. Miller, the sum of $717.00; to Della A. Hire, the sum of $717.00; to Minnie M. Hire, the sum of $717.00; to Calvin C. Hyre, the sum of $717.00; to Rosella Thompson, the sum of $717.00; to Sarah C. Harlan, the sum of $717.00; to Eldora Zumbrun, the sun of $717.00 and the said advancements shall e taken into account upon the final settlement of my estate, that is to say, that to whatever property may be left by me at the time of my death shall be added the sum of all the said advancements then the same shall be divided as above set out.
Item Four. It is my desire that my son, Calvin C. Hyre, shall have the control and management of all the property which I have herein bequeathed to Golda Hyre, Ford Hyre and Merl Swihart, and I do hereby nominate him as guardian and trustee for said grandchildren; that he shall have the control and management of their property until they arrive at the age of twenty-one years.
Item Five. I hereby nominate and appoint my son Calvin V. Hyre. As executor of this my last will and Testament. In witness thereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this 13th day of March 1906. Leonard Hyre (SEAL). The above and foregoing instrument was on the date thereof duly signed, sealed and acknowledged and decreed by the Testator as and for his last will and Testament in our presence, who at his request, and in his presence and in the presence of each other, have signed the same as witnesses thereto. Ruby Wilcox, Benton E. Gates. On the same date, 13th March 1906. Elizabeth A. Hyre stated that prior to their marriage on 9 October 1898 it was agreed that she was to have no share in the estate of her husband and consent to the terms of the will. She signed Elizabeth A. (her X mark) Hyre. Will proved 13 March 1918. The testator died in Whitley Co., Ind. on 10 March 1918. the widow Elizabeth A. Hyre elected to abide by the terms of the will on 21 March 1918 before Mary E. Whitney. N. P.

Will Record 5 Page 326. Miriam Pence of Whitley Co., Indiana. To David M. Pence, husband, and at his death to Lilah M. McConnell her lifetime but at her death to her daughter, Helen L. McConnell. To Evan J. Pence, son. Ex. nom. Evan J. Pence, son. Signed 24 July 1916 (SEAL). Wits. C. P. Kime and B. J. Bloom. Proved 27 March 1918. Otis Plattner, Clerk. Died 28 November 1917

Will Record 5 Page 374. Peter R. Egolf of Thorncreek Township, Whitley Co., INd.. To: Sarah A. Egolph, wife, Homer E. Egolph, son; Blanch L. Forrester, dau; Bertha P. Crist, dau.; Glenn Egolph, gr-son, Harold Egolph, gr-son. Ex's. nominated Sarah A. Egolph, wife. Signed 18 Jan 1916. Peter R. Egolph (SEAL). witnesses Benton E. Gates & Lucy Wilcox. Sworn to and subscribed on 19 Jan 1919. Died 11 Jan 1919 in Whitley Co. Ind.

Will Record 5 Page 405. I, Charles W. Riley of Whitley County, Indiana, being of sound mind and disposing mind and memory, do hereby make, declare and publish this to be my last will and testament, hereby revoking all other or former wills by he made.
Item one: Subject to the payment of my just debts, I give, will and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Mary E. Riley, all the property, both real and personal, of every kind and description, wherever situated, of which I may die owner, the same to be here absolutely.
Item Two: I hereby appoint my wife the executrix of this will. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 30th day of June, 1916.
            Charles W. Riley, (SEAL)
We, the undersigned saw Charles W. Riley, sign the above and foregoing as and for his last will and testament, and at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other we signed our names at witnesses on the day and year last above written.
            Roscoe Brumbaugh, Benton J. Bloom.
Sworn to and subscribed on 14 June 1919 before Otis E. Plattner, Clerk.
Died 10 June 1919 in Whitley County, Indiana.

Will Record 5 Page 412: Reuben King of Thorncreek Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To Mary E. King. wife. Signed 12 March 1915. Reuben King (L.S.). Wits. Benton J. Bloom & Curtis W. Jones. Proved 23 August 1919. Otis E. Plattner, Clerk. Died 11 August 1919.

Will Record 5 Page 469. I, Samuel S. Riely of Whitley County, State of Indiana, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do hereby make, declare and publish this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made.
Item One. I direct my executor hereinafter names to pay all my just debts.
Items Two. I give, will, devise and bequeath all of my property, both real and personal, or every kind and character, wherever situated, to my beloved wife, Lidia Riley to be hers absolutely, subject to my just debts.
Item three, I appoint the Provident Trust Company of Columbia City, Indiana, to be the executor of this will.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 128th day of December 1915.
            Samuel S. Riley (SEAL)>
We Benton J. Bloom and H. D. McLallen saw Samuel S. Riley sign the above and foregoing as and for his last will and testament, and at his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other we sign our names as witnesses hereto on the day above names.
            Benton J. Bloom, H. D. McLallen
Sworn to and subscribed on 24 April 1920. Lloyd F. Gates, Clerk.

Will Record 5 Page 495. Jacob W. Plummer of Whitley Co., Ind. Directed the erection of a $200 marker for his grave, wife to be consulted but if deceased then the children. To Caroline B. Plummer, all the estate. Ex. nom. Farmers Loan and Trust Co., Columbia City, Indiana. Jacob W. Plummer (SEAL) Signed 7 Jan 1915. Proved 7 July 1920. Wits. Benton E. Gates & John E. Gates.

Will Record 5 Page 508. Catherine Fisher of Whitley Co., Ind. Dec. To my son Asher fisher, the large Bible formerly the property of my mother. To Adma Fisher, husband; my 3 children, Charles M. Fisher, Asher R. Fisher, Minerva B. Hively. Monument not over $200 to mark my grave and my husband. Ex'x Minerva B. Hively dau. Signed 21 October 1919. Wits. Ethel Taylor and David V. Whiteleather. Proved 13 August 1920. Died 3 July 1920 in Whitley Co., Ind.

Will Record 5 Page 516. Alonzo Egolf of Smith Township, Whitley Co. Indiana. dec. A monument to be erected if not already placed. To: Cora Egolf, wife who is nominated to act as executrix. Signed 7 Jan 1919. Alonzo Egolf. Wits. Fred L. Whitehead & Eph. K. Strong. Sworn to and subscribed on 28 August 1920. Lloyd F. Gates. Clerk. died 15 August 1920 in Whitley Co., Ind.

Will Record 5 Page 520. Sarah Grable of Whitley Co., Indiana. To: Francis Marion Grable, land in SW ¼, sec 4, Thorncreek Township, Whitley Co., Ind. Frances Garble, gr-daughter; Ira Melvin Grable, son. Ex. nom. Francis Marion Grable. Signed 1r July 1917. Wits. David V. Whiteleather & Mary E. Whitney. proved 25 Oct. 1920. Died Oct. 1920.

Will Record 5 Page 524. Joseph Egolf of Whitley Co., Indiana. Decease. To: Sevilla Egolf, wife. Ex. nom. Marion Egolf, fired. Ex. to attend the placing of a monument costing not over $150.00. Signed 3 May 1915. Joseph Egolf (SEAL). Wits. Jerry M.. Hapner & David V. Whiteleather. Sworn to and subscribed 5 Nov. 1920. Died 20 October 1920.

Will Record 5 Page 543. Elmira Garrison of Columbia City, Ind. To: Lorenzo Garrison, son; Alonzo Sumney, son; Amos C. Garrison, son; Emma L. Carter (niece); Ex. nom. John H. Shilts. Signed 25 Sep. 1913. Wits. Benton J. Bloom and Lenna E. Fleck.. Proved 22 Dec. 1920. Lloyd F. Gates. Clerk. died 9 dec. 1920.

Will Record 5 Page 545. Charles W. Hively. Ex. nom. Virgil W. Hively of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Virgil W. Hively, Real estate in Thorncreek Tp.; Cora E. Aunspaugh, dau; Frances E. Hively, dau.; Margaret Ellen Hively. wife. Signed 28 January 1911. Wits. Benton J. Bloom & Emmit C. Berry. Codicil. Nom as Executor Provident Trust Co. at Columbia City, Ind. Wits. H. D. McLallen & Benton J. Bloom. Will and Codicil proved on 22 Dec 1920. Died on 11 Dec. 1920 in Whitley Co., Ind.

Will Record 5 Page 583: Jennie Coolman of Columbia City, Whitley Co., Ind., Dec. To her husband, William H. Coolman. Signed 29 May 1918. Jennie M. Coolman. Wits. C. I. Jones and Lloyd T. Bailey. proved 10 April 1921. Died 30 March 1921.

Will Record 5 Page 659. Emmitt C. Berry of Whitley Co., Indiana. ToL Carl Berry son; Clementine Vandersaul, dau. Adelaide Mullett, dau; Littie Knisely, dau.; John E. Berry, son; arl. Executor nom. Carl E. Berry, son. Signed 1 Sep. 1917. Emmitt C. Berry (SEAL). Wits. David V. Whiteleather & Mary E. Whitney. Sworn to and subscribed on 26 Feb 1921. Lloyd F. gates. Clerk. Testator die don 17 Feb 1921 in Whitley Co., Indiana.

Will Record 6 Page 190. Henry Egolf, resident of Thorncreek Township, Whitley County, Ind. To have a monument costing no less than $500. To Bertram Ambrose and Herman Thomas Ambrose, infants and friends 60 acres in Section 25 and 26 in Thorncreek Tp. To Orval Ambrose and Hazel Ambrose, his wife. Hugo Logan nom. as guardian to the two Ambrose Children. To Olive Crawford, niece; Blanches Forrester, niece; Flora Weeks, niece; Amelia Jones of Columbus, Ohio, niece of my late wife; mary Fenton, Chicago, Ill., niece of my late wife; Alta Admas, Chicago, Illinois, niece of my late wife; Lottie Wheeler, Columbus, Ohio, niece of my late wife. Rose Campbell, niece of my late wife; Alice Meier, my niece of Columbia City, Ind.; B. Franklin Stickler of Columbia City, Ind.; Otto Stickler, nephew of Columbia City, Ind.; Orlando Stickler, nephew of Whitley Co., Ind.; Clarence Stickler, nephew of Whitley Co., Ind; In trust to 1st National Bank of Columbia City, Ind. to use the interest to keep in condition the lot of myself, wife and children also that of my father and mother in the Egolf Cemetery. To Ida Elliott. Ex. nom Hugo Logan. Signed 16 December 1920. Henry J. Egolf. Wits. Thomas L. Hildebrand and William A. Clugston. Proved 11 Oct. 1923. Codicil dated 6 June 1922. Wits. Thomas L. Hildebrand and Frank M. Northam. Proved 11 Oct. 1923.

Will Record 5 Page 229. Israel Egolf of Whitley County, Indiana. To Harland Weeks, gr-son; Clara C. Hazen, dau.; Jessie B. Moore and Paul Em. Hazen, children of Clara Hazen; Charles E Egolf, son; Children of Charles E. Egolf-Charles E. Egolf and Donald Egolf; Flora I. Weeks, dau. Mother of Harland Weeks; Mary Lemmon, dau. and to her daughter, Lucille Buckingham. Ex. and trustee Harland A. Weeks. Signed 20 April 1921. Israel (his X mark) Egolf (SEAL). Wits. Myrle Matson and Joseph R. Harrison. Codicil - Flora Weeks, dau. to have ¼ but must pay over to Harland A. Weeks, Charles E. Gold and Mary Lemmon. Ex. Harland Weeks to Serve without pay. Signed 21 July 1921. Wits. Frank R. Hall and Joseph R. Harrison. Codicil #2 dated 27 May 1922. Wits. John W. Waterfall and Joseph R. Harrison. Will and Codicils proved 1 May 1924.

Will Records Whitley County Indiana

Will Record #1
            August, 1839 - June 1869

Will Record #2
            July 1869 to April 1887

Will Record #3

Will Record #4
            June 1890 to Nov. 1913

Will Record #5
            June 1909 to October 1921

Paulding County, Ohio - Birth Records

Anspach, Vernell was born 15 May 1902 to R. M. and Hattie (Krohn) Anspach of Benton Tp.

Anspach, Esther was born 9 June 1899 in Benton Township to Jonathan And Elathan (Sibert) Anspach of the same place.

Anspach, Clarence was born 9 July 1902 in Benton Township to Jonathan and Elthain (Sibert) Auspach of the same place

Auspach, Grace was born 13 March 1904 in Benton Tp. to Jonathan and Ethan (Sibert) Auspach of the same place.

Anspach, Harvey Stanley was born in August, 1899 in Benton Township to Tom H. and Rosetta (Miller) Anspach

Anspach, Opal D. was born 5 May 1900 in Benton Township to Leo Andrew and Mary (Robison) Anspach of the same Place

Anspach, Hazel was born 23 Nov. 1902 in BEnton Township to Lee A. and Mary (Robason) Anspach of the same Place.

Auspach, Robert L. Born 10 Jan 1908 to Lee A. and Mary (Robison) Auspach of Benton township.

Auspach, Rosie Lena was born 10 January 1908 in Benton township to Lee A. and Mary (Robison) Auspach.

Anspach, Amanda Elizabeth was born 16 Sept. 1901 in Paulding Township to Albert and Dora (Creamer) Anspach of the same place

Auspach, Alma was born 17 March 1904 in Paulding Township to Albert and Dora (Cramer) Auspach of the same place.

Anspach, Harry Allen was born 11 June 1907 in Paulding township to Albert and Dora (Cramer) Anspach of the same place.

Anspach, Winona Gladine was born 27 Nov. 1901 in Paulding township to George and Lola P. (Fisher) Anspach of the same Place.

Anspach, Luther Harold was born 28 March 1903 in Paulding township to George A. and Lola (Fisher) Anspach of the same Place.

Anspach, Dorothy May was born 28 June 1908 in Paulding Township to George and Zola (Foster) Anspach of the same Place

Anspach, Addie Ann was born 14 February 1902 in Paulding Township to Erma and Grace (Bailey) Anspach of the same place.

Anspach, Elza Guy was born 8 September 1908 in Latty Township to Erma and Grace (Bailey) Anspach of Paulding Township.

Anspach, Josephine Alice was born 23 December 1907 in Latty Township to Emery and Grace (Bailey) Anspach of the same place

Anspauch, Marie was born 11 March 1905 in Paulding Township to Roy and Emma (Klunder) Anspaugh of the same Place.

Amspaugh, John Clifford born 20 February 1891 in Harrison Township, Darke County, Ohio but now lives in Hew Haven Ind. A son of John Adma and Della (Roush), aged 35 and 28 respectively when this birth occurred. John Adam born in Fairfield County, Ohio and Ella in Randolph County, Indiana. Margaret Amspaugh of Union city, Ind. was the midwife present.

Anspach, Oscar V. was born 8 February 1886 at Briceton, Paulding County, Ohio to Alfred and Catherine (Brocius) Amspach age Respectively 32 and 30 at time of this birth. Alfred was a native of Hardin County, Ohio and Catharine of Allen County, Ohio. Oscar's Present address, 1-10th Ave., So. Charleston, W. Va.

Allspaugh, Earl (Vol 4, p 119) was born 23 Nov 1882 in Delaware Township, Defiance County, Ohio to James Polk and Pheve Serena (Hill) Allspaugh. ATht etime these aprents were aged 37 and 31. James P. Was born in Marion , Ohio and Phebe in Delaware Bend, Ohio. The usual residence of the mother at time of delivery was Marysville, Nodaway County, No. Earl's present address, Paulding Village, Ohio.

Anspach Orva Bell (See Vol. 4, p 513) Auspach, Frederick born 15 August 1895 in Benton Township, Paulding County, Ohio to William H. and Sarah (Jamison) Anspach of Paulding County.

Auspach, George D. born 4 July 1898 in Harrison Township, Paulding County, Ohio to John and Ella (Roush) Auspaugh of same place/

Amspaugh, LeDelia, now Mrs. Gordon, made an affidavit on 23 August 1940 as to the spelling of then name in the Bible of her parents, John and Della (Roush) Amspaugh.

Ausbaugh D. Clyde born 28 Feb. 1904 in Harrison Township to John and Della (Roush) Ausbaugh of the same place.

Anspauch, Dell was born 22 Sep. 1902 in Harrison To. to John and Dale (Roush) Anspach of the same place.

Ausbaugh, Charles Glains was born 8 August 12905 in Harrison Township to John A. and Della (Roush) Anspaugh of the same place.

Anspach, Mary A. born 14 Decemeber 1895 in Benton Township to David and Lydia (Russel) Auspach of Grover Hill.

Auspach, Hattie born 27 Jyly 1896 in Harriosn Township to S. P. and Sarah A. (Barker) Auspach of the same place.

Auspach, Josephine M. Was born 25 December 1896 in Harrison Township to S. P. and Sarha A. Barekr) Auspach of the same place.

Auspach, Arthur was born 24 January 1898 in Harrison Township to S. T. and Sarah (Baker) Auspach of the same Place.

Auspach, Madomia was born 28 October 1896 in Carryall Township to Jemy L. and Emma J. (Gordon) Anspach of Antwerp, Ohio.

Auspach, Audrey B. was born 16 August 1897 in Crane Township to L. A. and Sarah (Hosler) Auspach of the same place.

Auspach Very B. was born 31 July 1898 in Benton Township to B. M. and Hattie (Chron) Auspach of Payne, Ohio.

Anspach, Harry Harold was born 11 June 1900 in Harrison Township to M. and Hattie (Krohn) Anspach of Payne, Ohio.

Anspach, Carlisle was born 8 January 1908 in Benton Township to Richard and Hattie (Krohn) Anspach of the same Place.

Auspauch, Mary E. was born 18 May 1898 at Latty, Ohio to Edward and Margaret V. (Mix) Auspach of Latty Township.

Anspach, Thomas Jefferson was born 29 Feb. 1904 in Washington Township to Thomas J. and Mary E. (Castell) Auspach of Paulding County.


Book 1

Anspaugh, Samuel A. Aged 27 years, died 9 Sep. 1877 in Benton Township of Brain fever. He was born in Perry County, Ohio.

Amspach, John H., aged 12, fell from a tree and died 28 August 1871. Born and died at Benton.


Book 2

Anspach, Theodore died 25 October 1880 of Congestion of the brain; was aged 3 years. Born and died in Benton Township/

Anspauch, William Nelson aged 2-9-24 died 3 September 1880 of Bilious fever. Lived in Crane Township/

Anspach, Margaret died 4 September 1886 aged 4-11-26. Scarlet Fever. Born and died in Benton Township/

Anspach, Mina F. died 20 June 1886 because of an accident. Aged 2 years. Died in Bluecreek township.

Auspach, Andrew M. died 12 October 1886 of Scarlet fever aged 3-7-12. born and died in Benton Township.

Ausbauch, Jacob died 31 August 1887 aged 67y and 10 months. Stomach trouble. Born in Perry County, Ohio. Died in Benton Township.

Anspaugh, Eliza died 4 Sept. 1887 aged 6m and 1 day. Born in Adams County, Indiana, died in Harrison Township of bronchitis.

Alspach, Nellie died 25 Sept 1888 aged 11-11-3. Born at Fulton County, Ind. died at Warsthville of scarlet fever.

Paulding County, Ohio
Estate References

Cases 237 and 990
Anspach David L. Died 25 February 1894
Adm'x Mary C. Anspach of Tipton, Ohio.
Heirs: Minnie G. Anspach, aged 12y, Tipton, Ohio
            Cleveland A. Anspach, aged 8 y, Tipton, Ohio
            Charles H. Anspach, aged 15 y, Lancaster, Ohio.
            Ada C. Anspach, aged 4 y, Tipton, Ohio
Adm's bond fixed at $2000.00
Land belonging to the estate consisted of 40 acres
the NW ¼ of NE¼ of Section #17, township 1 North
of Range 2 East in Paulding County, Ohio.

Anspach Charles E. 1939 & 4555 Anspach, Leandrew 2028 Anspach, Catherine 2223 Anspach, Van C. 2751 Anspach, Elizabeth G. 2819 Anspach, Charles 3127 Amspaugh, Elmer H. 3605 Anspaugh, John W. 4891 Anspach, Marion 4975

Note: Cases number in the 500;s were for year 1945, etc.

Civil Docket Reference
Volume 4
            Catharine Anspach, Adm. vs Jacob Anspach et al.

Mary E. Post, administratrix of the estate of Catherine Anspach
vs - Jacob W. Anspach,
            Nettie A. Anspach
            David V. Anspach
            Lydia J. Anspach
            Thomas J> Anspach
            Ettie Anspach
            Samuel Anspach
            Laura Anspach.
            Jessie and Mary, aged 10 and 8, heirs at law of Charles E. Anspach, dec and Maggie Anspach, their Guardian.

Waivers of J. W. Anspach, Nettie A. Anspach, Rena Anspach, Ella Dillon and F. E. Dillon filed.

Waivers of Samuel Anspach, Laura Anspach, Esther Williams, Jesse Williams, Thomas J. Anspach, Mary E. Anspach, Mary Post, Cary Post, Stella Stanley and Theodore Stanley File 20 Dec 1906

Summons issued to Sheriff of Lucas County, Ohio for Davis V. Anspach on 23 Dec 1906 which were returned on 31 December 1906 and files.

Summons issued to the Sheriff of Lucas County, Ohio on 30 January 1907 for David V. and Lydia Anspach. Returned 11 February 1907 and files.

At a hearing held 29 March 1907 it was found necessary to hold a public sale.

On 8 May 1907 deed and distribution ordered. Final record Vol. 12 p. 299.

Vol. 5. Will of Van C. Anspach.

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