Genealogical Society of Whitley County

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The Note Books of Nellie Riley Raber

Book 4 — Whitley County Wills

Transcribed by Donald Gradeless

Starting on Sheet 1: (Front)

Whitley County, Indiana
August 1839 to June 1869
Index to Will Records Book # 1

Will Record Book Page(s)
Adams, Robert163, 64
Andrews, Hariloh117
Avey, Louisa170
Baker, Peter, Sen.1350, 351
Baker, Sarah1358, 359
Birch, Zebulon17
Blain, Alexander M.1340, 341, 342
Blair, James168
Boggs, William115
Bonday, Gregory114
Bonner, Philip D.189, 90, 91, 92
Bruggeman, Henry1367, 368
Burkholder, Joseph1163
Canaga, Abraham1126, 127
Carpenter, Uriah F.1373
Clark, Patrick1222, 223
Clugston, Asher1336, 337
Collins, John125, 26, 27
Collins, Nancy L.179, 80
Compton, James1342
Coolman, Adam177, 78
Cooper, Sanuel G.1351
Craig, David167
Creager, Peter123, 24
Crider (Krider), Mary1183, 184, 185
Cummons, Nicholas1226
Cuppy, John157, 58
Cuykendall, James D.1390
Danner, John156
Daugherty, Christopher1348
Davis, Even130
Davis, Jacob185, 86
Depoy, Nicholas1331, 332, 333
Deville, John1353
Eacott, Sarah E. 1124
Egolf, Joseph159
Essig, George1355
Essigner, Jacob1240
Flora, Peter128, 29
Foster, George1196, 197
Getzkikler, John, Sr.1353, 354
Godfrey, Theresa195
Goldsmith, Walter1204, 205
Graves, James1151, 152
Hamilton, Mary1386
Hannah, Henry131, 32
Hedges, James174, 75, 76, 77, 78
Heinly, Julia B(Rec's Off.) Misc. Rs. "B" 202
Helfrick, Nicholas1338
Herrick, Edward C.1154
Hoban, John1202, 203
Hooper, Jacob183, 84
Hystop, Robert1213 to 222
Jeffries, Herbert1102, 103
Jeffryes, Wyatt1398 to 407
Jones, Curtis161, 62
Keenold, Christian1382, 383, 384
Keiser, Joacob1169
Kepler, Christopher181
Kinderman, Charles1171, 172, 173 174
Kinsey, Christian1121
Koplin, Wm. P.1167
Krider (Crider), Mary1183, 184, 185
Kuerheim, Justin1408, 409
Kurtz, Eliza1392
Kuykendall, James B1390
Latimer, Samuel1345
Long, Jesse Witt1145
Maires, John R. and Jinnett1395
Mairs, Jennie (does not check)1343
Malony, Patrick1149, 150
Martin, Benj. F.13
Martin, Stephen1104, 105
Maynard, John196, 97
McCurdy,John1132, 133
McNamarra, Malisha C.1380
Meek, Lorenzo D.1100, 101
Miles, Enos1130, 131
Miller, John118, 19, 20
Miller, John1134, 135, 136
Miller, Samuel1208, 209
Miner, Emma1119, 120
Mosher, Benome15, 6
Mossman, Joseph L.1223, 224, 225
Owens, Owen P.12
Paige, R. W. A.1192 to 195
Pake, Isaac1106, 107, 108
Palmer, Damuel187, 88
Perin, Jesse S.1137
Perkins, James11
Pierce, Joseph176
Plattner, Jacob1175, 176
Pompey, Claburn166
Pond, Charles1228, 229
Powell, Samuel14
Ramp, Philip Sen.1165
Ratcliff, Jesse1179 to 182
Reese, Lewis110
Rittenhouse, George D.133, 34
Robison, Henry152, 53
Ryan, Catharine1361
Schermerhorn, John S.141 to 51
Shaffer, Jacob H.1159
Sheffer, John1186, 187
Shriner, Peter112, 13
Shuler, Emanuel151 to 55
Sickafooz, Elizabeth1199
Steel, Adam1116, 117
Steiner, Ablert1347, 348
Steward, Lewis1355, 356, 357
Tatner, Fanny1189
Tinkham, -----1128
Tously, David193, 94
Townsend, John137, 38, 39, 40
Wagerly, John121, 22
Walker, George1370
Weble, Otto M.1113
Wilson, Robert1109
Windle, Peter1143, 144
Worth, David135

64-170-85 Pro. Ord. Bk, Jan 1853 -Jan 1864
Re Grdship of Nancy Jane Long, John Long minor heirs of Danl E. & Elizabeth Long, dec.
re Sale of lots in CC.
by 1858 Nancy Jane is dec - July 1858.

Will Book # 1 Page # 1 Whitley County Indiana
Will of James Perkins of Whitley County, Indiana
Bequeaths: Susan Perkins, beloved wife : 80 acres: S½ of SE¼, Section #18, township 31 also NW¼ of SW¼ T 31, Sec N of R # 7 East Mentions : John N. Perkins.
          Schooling of — "my children"
Bequeaths: Nancy Perkins, Priscilla Perkins} my beloved children.
Appoints Executor: John N. Perkins
Signed: James (his X mark) Perkins (SEAL)
Wit: A. Cuppy, A. Compton
Date Made: 29 August 1839
Filed 10 February 1840

Page 2 Will Book #1. Will of Owen P. Owens of Allen County, Indiana.
Bequeaths: John J. Owens - brother, Eleanor Owens - sister.
Signed: Owen P. Owins [Note different spelling, DEG].
Witnesses: Wm. Ward, Jesse Heaton, David W. Jones.
Date of Will: 5 January 1841 Recorded: 21 October 1841.

Page 3 Will Book #1 Whitley County Indiana.
Will of Benjamin F. Martin of Whitley County Indiana.
Request "to be buried in the burying ground near my place of residence.".
Bequeaths: Sarah Martin — my beloved wide, "all my children".
Mentions: Amelia Matilda McDaniel - "who had had her share.".
Bequeaths: Nancy Martin, Diana Martin.
Ex's named: Abraham Cuppy, James Rousseau}"my two friends".
Signed: Benj. F. Martin (SEAL).
Wit: John G. Braddock, Henry Pence.
Date of Will: 5 June 1841 Filed 7 March 1842.
Note: Buried Round Lake Cemetery. N.M.R.
Copied July 1941 by N.M.R.

Page 4 Book 1 Wills of Whitley County Ind.
Will of Samuel Powell of Shelby County, Ohio
Bequeaths: Joseph Powell - brother
Ex. Names: John and William Powell
Signed: Samuel (his X mark) Powell (SEAL)
Witnesses: Show Richardson, Noah Westerfield Date of Will: 7th November 1841
Certified: 4th December 1841 as on file at Sidney, Ohio by Charles W. Wells, Clerk of Court. Copies July 1941 by N.M.R.

Page 5, 6 Book 1 Wills of Whitley County, Indiana
Will of Benona Mosher of Columbia, Indiana
Bequeaths: Cyntha Mosher - my beloved wife
          Eliakiam and Hiram - my two eldest sons
          Francis Loeza Mosher, Sylvia Ann Mosher, Warren Mosher} my other three children
Executors names: Cyntha Mosher, Peter Mosher, Nenah Pierce
Signed: Benona Mosher (SEAL)
Witnesses of the signing: Levi Mosher, John W. Mosher
Date of Will: 9 October 1844 Subscribed: 12 November 1844 before R. Collins, Clerk
Copied July 1941 by N.M.R.

Page # 7 Book # 1 Wills of Whitley County, Indiana
Will of Zebulon Burch of Whitley County, Indiana
Bequeaths: Beloved wife.
          Zebulon P., Charles D.}my two beloved son,
          Mary E. - beloved dau.
          Oreline Ditton - Beloved Grand-daughter
Executor named: John Anderson, beloved friend.
Signed: Zebulon Burch (SEAL)
Attest: James B. Simcoke, Solomon Stivers
Date of Will: 8 February 1845 Subscribed 1 March 1845 before R. Collins, Clerk
Copied July 1941 by N.M.R.

Page 10 Book # 1 Wills of Whitley County, Indiana
Will of Lewis Reace of ____
Bequeaths: Willimena - beloved wife.
          Henry - son. First choice of the land in Van Wert County, O.
          Lewis - son - 2nd choice of Van West the County land.
          Frederick - son - remaining land in Van Wert Co., O.
          beloved daughter
Executor names: Henry - my beloved son
Mentions that sons, Lewis and Frederick are under age.
Signed: Lewis (X) Reace.
Witnesses: James B. Simcoke, ___ ___ ___ (Ginder) German
Date of Will: 11 January 1845 Subscribed: 5 May 1845 before R. Collins, Clerk
Copied July, 1941 by N.M.R.

Page 12-13 Book 1 Wills of Whitley County, Indiana
Will of Peter Shriner of Liberty township, Fairfield County, Ohio
Mentions: Margaret - daughter; John - son; Mary, Susanah, Anna, Leah, Catherine, Elizabeth, Peter - my grandson and son of Mary Funkhouser.
Executors named: Joseph Heistand, Harman Turrell} of Fairfield Co., O.
Date of Will: 26 May 1832 Recorded 23 September 1845 by J. L. Collins, Dep. Clerk.
Signed in German
Adam Egolf came before the Clerk of the Whitley County Probate Court with a paper purporting to be the last will of Peter Shriner, which was found among the deceased's papers. Also came Daniel Hively. Both were duly sworn. Daniel Hively said that he recognized the name, signed in German and it was authentic.
Copied October 1940 by N.M.R.

Page # 14 Book 1 Wills of Whitley County, Indiana
Will of Gregory Bonday of Smith township, Whitley County, Indiana
Bequeths: Cochecopa - beloved wife
          Fanny - little daughter
          Joseph - son
          Aunt Theresa Godfrey
mentions: Joseph Richardville
          John Gibbs
          Wm. W. Crow
          Joseph Richardson
Signed: Gregory (his X mark) Bonday
Attest: Lewis (his X mark) Walburn, Appleton Rich
Dated: 31 December 1845 Subscribed: 19 January 1846 before R. Collins, Clerk
copied July, 1941 b N.M.R.

Page #15 Book 1 Wills of Whitley County, Indiana
Will of William Boggs of Smith township, Whitley County, Indiana
Bequeaths: Susannah Boggs - wife
"The will be word of mouth of William Boggs, etc."
Attest: Appleton Rich, Robert, Craig, James F. Mason
Signed: Wibel Boggs
Dates: 2 October 1846 Proved: 3 May 1847
Will brought in by Craig and Rich, two of the subscribing witnesses. R. Collins, Clerk
Copied July 1941 by N.M.R.

Page 17 Book 1 Wills of Whitley County, Indiana
Will of Hariloh Andrews now residing in County of Wayne, Ohio
Bequeaths: my father - 40 acres in Whitley Co., Ind.
          Norman - by brother - "books given to me by my cousin Samuel Jones."
          Edwin - my brother - my bible, etc.
          "my sisters & brothers"
Mentions: "my mother"
Executor: "I appoint my father."
Signed: Harilah Andrews (SEAL)
Dated: 5 April 1845 Filed No date given
Wit. (none)

Book 1 Page 19 Wills of Whitley County, Indiana
Will of John Miller of Wabash County, Indiana
Beq.: Catharine Ann Harter - daughter
          Christian Harter - husband of Cath. Ann.
          "all my children"
          Martha - my beloved wife
          Ellis Miller - son
          Ellis Miller - A grandson of Penna.
          William Miller - son
          Harmon Miller - son
          Eliza Day - daughter
          George Day - husband of Eliza Day
          Samira Shauh or Shaub
          Daniel Shauh, husband of Samira
          John Andrew Miller - grandson
Ex. Ellis Miller-son, A. D. Seward-a friend.
Dated 18 September 1846 Signed John (his X mark) Miller
Wit: Jacob Rensz, William J. Truax, Robert Schuler
Sworn & subscribed 25 August 1848 before R. Collins, Clerk

Whitley County Indiana Will Record 1 Page 21, 22 Will of John Wagerly
Bequeathed: father, Michael Wagerly; my children, Barbary and Magdelana Wagerly; wills that the funeral expenses of his father (Michael Wagerly) be paid by money from the estate.
          Guardianship of Barbara and Magdelana to Charles W. Hess
__ __ __ who is to feed and clothe them __ __ to exercise parental care. Appointed executor, Charles W. Hess.
Wills that this instrument be held "by my father until after my death unless I recover from this bed of sickness then he is to give up the same to me."
Will made 11-1st 1848 Signed John Wagerly (SEAL)
Witnesses: Samuel Miner, Silas C. Miner
Certified: 4th April 1849 when both witnesses appeared in open court etc. R. Collins, Clerk
Copied Nov. 1944

Whitley County, Indiana, Will Record 1 Page 23 Will of Peter Creager
Bequeathed: my beloved wife, Elizabeth Creager __ __ the plantation on which we now reside (part o the N.W. ¼ of Section # 13, Township 30, N. of Range 8 East), containing about 120 acres during her natural life; my children: Sophia Creager, William Creager, Samuel Creager, Ezra Creager, Adam Creager, Christian Henry Creager, Levy Creager, Peter Creager, Lydia Margaret Creager and John Reuben Creager and and to their heirs and assigns forever; to the children of my daughter, Catharine Newman :that is" Ever Newman, John Newman and Peter Newman five dollars each "because my daughter had received her principal portion."
Executors named in the will: Elizabeth Creager, my wife and Adam Creager, my son.
Signed 1-12?-1849 Peter Creager (SEAL)
Witnessed: Keys C. Hamilton, Richard Ritter Certified 4-4-1849 R. Collins, Clerk
Both witnesses appeared etc.
Copied Nov. 1944

Whitley County, Indiana Will Record 1 Pages 25, 26, 27
Will of John Collins of Whitley County, Ind.
Bequeathed, beloved wife, Jane - the personal property and "the home farm, the one on which I now reside in Cleveland Township," Whitley County, Indiana (life estate).
Bequeathed, my daughter Eliza.
Refers to two 80 acre tracts in Columbia township; all my heirs (but not named).
Executors named in the will: my two sons, Richard Collins and James S. Collins.
Signed 10-7-1846 John Collins (SEAL)
Witnesses: John (his X mark) Cordill, James S. Collins
Proved 7-6-1849 when John Cordill appeared and etc. R. Collins, Clerk Ex's: sons
Copied Nov., 1944

Whitley County, Indiana, Will Record 1 Page 28, 29
Will of Peter Flora of Whitley Co., Ind.
Bequeathed: to my grandsons, Jonas Flora (under 21 years of age); to my great-grandson, Prindy (under 21); my son, Christian Flora; to my grandsons and granddaughters: Daniel Lard, Peter Lard and Elizabeth Lard and Williams Lard on condition they keep me during life at their own expense . . to do my washing, mending . . . to keep me comfortable and decent so long as I live and after my death to bury me decently and have my funeral preached from the 13th verse and the 14th Chapter of Revelation and to erect to my memory a suitable Tombstone to cost Four or Five dollars."
Executors named in the will: Daniel and Peter Lard
Will made 12-20-1848 signed Peter Flora
Witnesses: William H. Widup, Jacob Hively. Came the two witnesses 3-23-1850 etc. before me the undersigned Clerk of Whitley Co., Ind. Etc.
Seal affixed 3-23-1850 & certified the same date. R. Collins, Clerk.

Whitley County, Indiana Will Records 1 Page 30
Will of Even Davis declared by word of mouth by him, Dec 12-2-1849
Bequeathed: beloved wife, Filinda - so long as his widow, but when she ceases to be his "wido" then my real estate to be equally divided between my children.
Sole executrix: wife, Filinda
Signed Even Davis Date 2 Dec 1849
Witnesses: Appleton Rich of Whitley Co., Ind. Thomas Nott of Allen Co., Ind.
On 8-24-1850 came Thomas Nott before R. Collins, Clerk, etc.
Seal of the Court affixed 8-24-1850 Certified on the same date by R. Collins, Clerk
Copied Nov. 8, 1944

Whitley County, Indiana Will Record 1 Page 31, 32
Will of Henry Hannah "of the Town of Columbia, in the County of Whitley," Indiana
Bequeathed: my wife Sarah.
Signed 1-1-1851 Henry Hannah (SEAL)
Witnesses: S. H. Wunderlich, James S. Collins, Wm. W. Swayze.
on 2-18-1851 came S. H. Wunderlich and James S. Collins, subscribing witnesses and being duly sworn did on oath declare, etc.
Certified 2-18-1851, R. Collins, Clerk
Copied November 8, 1944

Whitley County, Indiana Will Record 1 Page 33,34
"I, George D. Rittenhouse of Whitley County, Indiana
Bequeathed my son, David Rittenhouse all the real & personal estate but is to maintain :my beloved wife so long as she remains my widow;" my daughter, Anna Cunningham; George D. Rittenhouse, son; daughter, Elizabeth Olinger; Barbara Mc Clinnen?; daughter, Catharine Appleton; daughter, Emma Rittenhouse. Executor named in the will, David Rittenhouse, son
Signed 3-13-1843 G. D. Rittenhouse (SEAL)
Witnesses: Clark Fullerton, Clark (X) Fullerton, Umphery (X) Fullerton
Came Humphery Fullerton and Clark Fullerton, 4-26-1857 etc.
Certified on the same date. R. Collins, Clerk.
Copied Nov. 8, 1944

Whitley County, Indiana Will Record 1 Page 35 Will of David Worth
Bequeathed: to wife, Mahala Worth and at her death to my son, Columbus Worth land bounded etc. . . .being the N.W. ¼ of the S. E. ¼ of Section # 20, township 32, Range 9 East containing 40 acres . . .
Executrix names in the will, wife, Mahala Worth.
Signed 5-21-1851 David Worth
Witnesses: W. H. Widup, John G. Klinck
Came the witnesses . . . "and being duly sworn upon their oath depose and say that the paper writing now exhibited. etc.
Sworn to and subscribed 6-12-1851 Seal affixed same date (6-12-1851) R. Collins, Clerk
Copied Nov. 8, 1944

Whitley County, Indiana Will Record # 1 pages 37, 38, 39
Will of John Townsend of Darke County, Ohio
Bequeathed: my son, Henry Townsend 160 acres (the S.E. ¼ of Sec. 23, Township 28, North of Range # 7, East in the District of Lands Subject to sale at Fort Wayne, Indiana); to son, John Townsend 160 acres, the N.E. ¼ of the Section described above (John, a minor); to son, Amos Townsend, 160 acres, the N.W. ¼ of section 23, as located above; to James Townsend, 160 acres, the S.W. ¼ of Section # 23 to sons, Caleb and William "all the land I own" in Section # 5, Township 30, North of Range 9 East in the lands subject to be sold at Fort Wayne, Indiana. (Executors to bind out Caleb and William on good terms, etc.); to daughter Margaret, a minor; to daughter, Mary, a minor; to dau., Lydia, a minor; to dau. Alley, a minor, to dau., Ann Harvey. Suggests that the executors buy a small improved farm in Warren Co., Ohio (or elsewhere if his wife Mary wishes) for wife's use and the support of the minor children. Son Henry to be provided for as a minor, to have a horse to ride for his health as long as he resided with his mother; my grandson, Henry Spray considered as an heir, if living at age of 21 years.
Appointed, my brother, James Townsend as guardian of my sons Caleb and William Appointed executors: son, Amos Townsend (yet a minor) if he gives bond and security, if not then my brother James to be sole executor.
Signed 6-9-1836 . . . John Townsend (SEAL)
Witnesses: W. M. Wilson, William Arnold
Will was exhibited in Darke County, O. (at a term held 10-4-1846) by the subscribing witnesses. Seal of the Court affixed at Greenville, Ohio, 12-28-1848. Signed John Beers, Clerk.
Admitted to Probate in Whitley County, Indiana, 11-14-1857. R. Collins, Clerk
Copied Nov. 8, 1944 by N.M.R.

Whitley County, Indiana Will Book 1 Page 42 to 51
Will & Codicil of John S. Schermerhorn of town of Mohawk County, Mont. Co.
To my daughter Angelica wife of Rev'd Paul Weidman, land in Schoharie County (at Shoharie) where the Weidmans now live; land in town of Charlestown, Montgomery County being same parcel descending in a lease executed by Simon De Groff & Frederick Bennett and "now assigned to me by Jesse Wischew & Nancy Vischer." To my son, Peter V. D. V. Schemerhorn land in counties of Montgomery, Herthimer, Oneida, Saratoga, etc.
To my daughter Gertrude, her heirs and assigns (wife of Stephen Yates).
Executors named in the will: Rev. Paul Weidman (my son in law), thomas P. Mitchell (my friend).
Signed 24 October 1844, John S. Schermerhorn (L.S)
Witnesses: Ahmerin Gallup of town of Schoharie, Ralph Brewster of County of Schoharie.
Subscribed and sworn 27 April 1846 before G. F. Van Vechlen, Surrogate Ct. Mont. Co.
Authorized copy recorded in Whitley County 12 May 1857 by R. Collins, Clerk

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Page 52
Will of Henry Robison of the town of Columbia, County of Whitley, State of Indiana
To my beloved wife all property real and personal and at her death the remains to "my three children": my daughter, Eliza Jane; my son, Henry; my daughter Emily. My beloved wife, Ann, sole executrix.
Signed 8 August 1851, Henry (his X mark) Robison (SEAL)
Witnesses: H. Norris, Henry McLallen
Proved: 9 October 1852 Recorded 9 October 1852 R. Collins, Clerk

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Pages 54, 55
Will of Emannuel Shuler of Whitley County, Indiana
Bequeathed: my wife, Susannah Shuler "my horses, wagon and household furniture."
My only children: Sarah, Samantha, Catherine Shuler and Edward Wesley Shuler "the farm on which I now live (S.W. ¼ of Sec. # 9 in T 32 North of Range 9 East, Whitley County, Ind.
Refers to "money coming from Ohio" and other sources.
Executor named in the will, John W. More, Guardian named in will "of Sarah, S., C., and Edward W. Shuler" to be Jonathan Rice. Signed 3 October 1852 Emanuel (his X Mark) Shuler
Witnesses: James, Blair, J. S. Kegg
Recorded 6 November 1852 by R. Collins, Clerk, Court of Common Pleas.

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Page 56
Will of John Manner of Whitley County Indiana
All real and personal property to my wife Miriam Danner who is named in the will, executrix.
Signed 15 March 1853 by Mr. Bell at request of said John Danner. Signature :John Danner" acknowledged by
Witnesses: Enoch B. Bell, Sarah A. Bell, Nelson Bugbee
Proved 21 April 1853 before R. Collins, Clerk

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Pages 57, 58
Will of John Cuppy of Springfield (now South Whitley), Whitley County, Indiana
To my beloved wife, Nancy Cuppy - my house and lots in Springfield where I now reside (known as # 13 and # 4 also a lot containing 10 acres). (In description of land mentions boundary of Philip Casper). Mentions his farm in Kosciusko County, E. ½ of S. E. ¼ of Section # 24 T # 3, north of Range # 7 East, 80 acres, "so long as she remains my widow or at her marriage or decease." In case of her marriage or decease then to my beloved nephew, John Cuppy, son of my brother Abraham, deceased, and to John Milton Collins, son of Isaac and Mary Collins equally.
To my wife, Nancy all the personal property after payment of debts.
Signed 2 October 1852, John (his X mark) Cuppy (SEAL)
Witnesses: H. W. Arnold, John Michael, John Clutter
Proved 3 June 1853 Recorded by R. Collins, Clerk

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Paged 59, 60
I, Joseph Egolf of the County of Whitley and State of Indiana —
To my son, Jeremiah all real and personal property (mentions the land in Thorncreek Township upon which "I now reside.").
Subject to conditions: Payment of debts, support of his mother; payment to his sister, (Julia Ann, Matilda and Catherine Louisa, $200 each - to Lydia, $ 96 (she had had $ 104).
If, son, Jeremiah fails in carrying out the provisions then he is to forfeit and the selling to be divided according to law.
Signed 14 July 1853 Joseph Egolf (SEAL)
Witnesses: Sarah (her X mark) Hanna, James S. Collins, Henry (his X mark) Egolf
Proved 30 July 1853 Recorded by R. Collins, Clerk

Whitley County, Indiana Will Book 1 Page 61, 62
Will of Curtis Jones of Whitley County, Indiana
Bequeathed:, to beloved wife Anna Jones a comfortable living during her natural lifetime and burial at her death to come from the projects of my homestead farm and she to have room in my house, etc.: to my daughter Mardella Thomas, to my son Josilas Jones; to my son James G. Jones; to heirs of my deceased daughter, Harriet Devault; to my daughter Elizabeth A. Williams; to my grandson, Charles Wesley Jones 1/3 of my homestead farm and a young by mare, saddle and bridle; to my daughter Sarah Jones and her youngest son.
Signed: 7 May 1854 Curtis (his X mark) Jones (SEAL)
Witnesses: Ellis Miller, J. G. Jones, Josilas Jones
Recorded - Proved 6 June 1854. R. Collins, Clerk

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Page 63, 64
"I, Robert Adams of" Troy township, Whitley County, Indiana: to my son John G. Adams all my personal property and my real estate in Whitley County ( W. part of S.W. ¼ of Sec. 10, T 32 N of Range 8 East) 118 acres according to regular survey on condition that the pay or allow my daughter Rachel the west part of the lower story of the house and use of ¼ part of the real estate during her natural life also one cow; to my daughter Maria Manter of Delaware County Ohio $100; "to my daughter Zillah Tinkham of Whitley County, Indiana, $100; to my daughter Julia Case of Delaware County, Ohio, $200 in necessary clothing of money in yearly installments of $12 without interest (if she dies before all paid then no further payment be made, but if Almon Case dies first the remaining installments should be made. If John G. Adams should died without issue the remaining real & personal property or avails goes to Allen Adams, Levi Adams, Maria (wife of Daniel Manter); Eliza, wife of Isaac Hartsock; Zillah, wife of Uri Tinkham.
Executors names in the will: John G. Adams and Rachel Adams.
Signed 25 July 1853 Robert Adams (L.S.)
Witnesses: Abel Delano, Virgil Barber
Proved 29 July 1854 Signed Robert Adams Recorded by R. Collins, Clerk

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Page 65
I, Clabourn Pompey of Whitley County, Indiana
To wife Fanny all real and personal property but at her death the remains in three equal parts: to Dasten Pompey, Fialden Pompey and to John Wesley Lavery (who is under 21 and on condition he stays with the widow Fanny until he is 21 years of age).
Executor named in the will: Peterson Jones
Signed 28 August 1854, Clabourn (his X mark) Pompey (SEAL)
Witnesses: James Blair, Jane Jones
Proved 21 September 1854
Recorded by R. Collins, Clerk

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Page 67
Will of David Craig of Whitley County Indiana.
Mary Craig, my wife, all personal property and life use of the home farm and at her death to the heirs . . . "and the 120 acres to be equally divided between my two sons" (not named).
Signed David (his X mark) Craig
Witnesses: Appleton Rich, William B. Walker
Proved 24 October 1854. Recorded by R. Collins Clerk
Date made 22 Sept. 1854

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Page 68 Will of James Blair of Whitley County, Indiana
Bequeathed: to beloved wife, Margaret all real estate until the youngest child is of age then she is to have 1/3 while the balance is to be divided equally between my heirs.
Appointed in the will as administrator and guardian "of my children," John W. More.
Signed 11 October 1854, James Blair (L.S.)
Witnesses: Jeremiah Krider, Lewis Deem
Proved 4 December 1854
Recorded by Richard Collins, Clerk, Court of Common Pleas.

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Page 70
"I, Louisa Avey of Columbia in Whitley County, Indiana . . .
Bequeathed: to Adam Avey, beloved husband (conditionally); to my children (but not named).
Signed 25 February 1854, Louisa Avery, (SEAL)
Witnesses: James S. Collins, Charles Ruch
Proved 9 February 1855 Recorded by R. Collins, Clerk

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Page 72, 73
"I, Joseph Pierce" of Columbia Township, Whitley County, Indiana.
Bequeathed: my father, Nathan Pierce the S.E. ¼ of Section # 4, Township 31, Range 9 East containing 80 acres also all personal property.
Ex. Nathan Pierce, father.
Signed 11 October 1854 Joseph Pierce (SEAL)
Witnesses: Joseph Cook, Columbia Township Whitley County, Indiana
          Luke H. McAlister, Troy Township, Whitley County, Indiana
proved 10 February 1855 Recorded by R. Collins, Clerk

Will Book 1, Whitley Co., Indiana 1839-1869 Page 74 to 78
James Hedges of Richland County O.
Dated 16 March 1855
Adm. to probate 28 May 1852 by Joel Myers, Pro. Judge, W. A Moore, Dep. Clerk
1855 July 4 — Adm. to Clerk of Common Please Whitley Co., Ind. R. Collins, Clerk Whit. Col. C.P.
          To William Hedges of Whitley Co., Ind.           Hiram Shephard of Athens Co., O. and in Whitely Co., Ind.           Jane Elder of Richland Co., O.           Heirs of Elijah Hedges, dec. of Fairfield Co., O.
land in Whitley Co.: 240 a. {S ½ of S. E. ¼ and S.W. ¼ Sec. 18 T 32, North of Range 10 East} (bro) Ellzey Hedges, his heirs & assigns
(bro) To Christian Hedges of Richland Co., O. my secretary. My Broad Sword and horse Pistols. The Indian Tomahawk, all my books, my surveying compass, chains and pens., etc. Children of his bros. and sister not named.
Ex's named: Ellzey Hedges, my brother
          Charles Hedges, my nephew
          Christian Hedges
Signed James Hedges (SEAL)
Wit. David Wise, E. L. Kendall, William M. McIlvain
"Jane Elder was given lots in the James Hedges addition to the town of Mansfield."

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Page 79, 80
I, Nancy Collins of Cleveland Township Whitley County Indiana
Bequeathed: my beloved daughters, Emenine H., Martha, Malvina and Eliza Ellen Collins: all beds, bedding and my clothing (all to be equally divided by Mrs. Christian Harter, Mrs. John Goff); to my beloved sons, James M. and John M., the clothing of their deceased father. Requests that Richard and James S. Collins be repaid for aid extended to her and her family.
Named James S. Collins as executor and "guardian of my children."
Signed 8 June 1855 Nancy L. (her X mark) Collins (SEAL)
Witnesses: Rob't Reed, John Goff Proved 19 July 1855 Recorded by R. Collins, Clerk

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Page 81
"I, Christopher Kepler of Union Township, Whitley County, Indiana"
Bequeathed: Sabina Kepler, wife, lifetime use of personal property and real Estate ( E ½ of S.E. ¼ of Sec 25 T. 31 North of Range 10 E, containing 80 acres). After her decease, to my (on condition) son, John Frederick Kepler . . . he to pay $5 each to Conrod Kepler, George Kepler, Rozena Kepler, Matthias Kepler, Elizabeth Kepler, Catharine Kepler, Chris Kepler upon their personal demands.
Executors names in the will: Ada Anthony, George Anthony,
witnesses: Dexter Wilcox, Jacob Williams
Date signed 8 March 1854 Christopher Kepler (SEAL)
Proved 24 October 1855 Recorded by R. Collins, C.C.C.P.

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Page 83, 84
"I, Jacob Hooper of" Whitley County, Indiana: to my wife the real estate upon which "I now reside" adjoining Columbia City in Whitley county, Indiana during her natural life and at her death to my son, Adams Y. Hooper; also to my son "my farm" in Troy Township, Whitley County, Ind.
Executrix named in the will, "my said wife."
Signed 9 August 1854, Jacob Hooper (SEAL)
Witnesses: James S. Collins, C. W. Hughes.
Proved 13 November 1855

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Page 85, 86
Will of Jacob Davis. "My will is that my wife, Betsey Davis" shall have use of all real and personal property of which at her death the real estate shall go to my surviving hears.
Signed 16 July 1854 Jacob (his X mark) Davis (SEAL)
Witnesses: Appleton Rich, Adam (his X mark) McGuire
"Addison McGuire written when will was proved 3 December 1855."
Recorded by Isaiah B. McDonald, Clerk Court of Common Pleas' Whitley County Indiana

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Page 87, 88
"I, Samuel Palmer" of Whitley County, Indiana.
After death of my wife, Sarah Palmer, the real estate (in Section 4, T 32 N or Range 8 East) to my youngest son: Wm. H. Palmer and for his heirs and assigns on condition he pays Joseph S. Palmer, Mary Orcutt, Jemima H. Melvin and Samantha C. Trumbull. In describing land mentions George Gooding and Harvey Orcutt
Signed 9 February 1854, Samuel Palmer (SEAL)
Witnesses: James H. Carpenter, Harvey Orcutt
Proved 31 December 1855 recorded by I. B. McDonald, Clerk

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Page 93, 94
Osage County Missouri "I, David Tousley of the county of Whitley, State of Indiana" . . . "now feeling the approach of death."
Bequeaths: my son, Hiram Tousley; my daughter, Celestne; my three sons: William, Luke and Isaac.
Appoints in the will: my affectionate wife, Nancy Tousley and my son, Luke Tousley, executors.
Signed 23 April 1855, David (his X mark) Tousley
Witnesses: Amos Taylor, J. W. Sutherland.
Signed by mark or aided in signing at request of the testator which was witnessed by A. J. Isaacs and John E. Baker.
Proved 17 March 1856 by Amos Taylor. Apr. 23, 1855 by John W. Sutherland

Will Book 1 Page 89, 90, 90, 91, 92
A copy of the will of Philip D. Bonner of Sugar Creek Township, Greene County, Ohio was recorded in Whitley County, Indiana on 18 January 1856:
To beloved wife, Maria G. Bonner; to my daughter, Salina Bonner, to my son John H. Bonner, to daughter, Mary Emily Bonner; to my son, William Fletcher Bonner.
Requests that personal property be sold at public auction. mentions "the farm on which I now reside on the water of Little Miami River, being part of Survey # (904?).
Executor named in the Will: Joseph Mason.
Signed 9 September 1850, Philip D. Bonner (SEAL)
Proved Sept 21, 1850
Witnesses: W. R. Kable, Abraham Byrd
Recorded Green County, Ohio 7 August 1855
Rec. Whit. Co., 18 Jan 1856.

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Page 95
"I hereby sine all I one to Joseph Bondy to have and to hold after my death."
Tarissy (her X mark) Godfrey (SEAL)
Signed 17 March 1856
Witnesses, Christian Deardorf, Edward White, James Witham.
Proved 22 March 1856
Recorded by I. B. McDonald, Clerk, Court of Common Pleas

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Page 96, 97
"I, John Maynard" of Whitley County, Indiana: to my son, John Maynard, Jr.; to my son, Elon; to my son Thomas, to my daughter, Martha Jane Maynard
Executor named in the will, George N. Cady.
Signed 3 May 1855, John Maynard
Witnesses: John Thomson, Franklin Thomson
Proved 17 April 1856
Recorded I. B. McDonald, Clerk, Common Pleas

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 page 98, 99
"I, Eli Meiser" of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana:
. . . to my beloved wife Harriet all real and personal property for her support and support of our children
. . . at her death to our children, share and share alike and their heirs.
Appointed or named said wife "guardian of our children, Ex'ix
Signed 27 September 1856, Eli Meiser (SEAL)
Witnesses: Hugh Wells, Benjamin Meiser
proved 9 October 1856
Recorded by I. B. McDonald Clerk

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Page 100, 101
Will of Lorenzo D. Meek, Cleveland Township, Whitley County, Indiana : mentions: my youngest child, Christabella, my farm in Own County, known as the Jones farm (until the children are of age the said farm to belong to my wife Martha so long as she remains my widow, etc.
Executor names in the will, my brother John Meek of Whitley County Indiana with wife Martha.
Signed 26 September 1856, Lorenzo D. Meek (SEAL)
Witnesses: Jacob Smith, Catharine Smith, Eliza J. Tilman, J. D. Meek
Proved 16 January 1857
Recorded by I. B. McDonald, Clerk
mentions land in Whitley & Owen Cos.

6 ch: Josephene, John, Samuel, James, Mrs. Reed, Christabelle
Murtha, my widow.
my farm in Whitley Co known as the King Farm.
my farm in Owens Co known as the Jones Farm.

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Page 102, 103
Herbert Jeffries of Whitley County, Indiana: to my three sons the home farm: Irrad D. Markes L. and Nathaniel; ? to the "Girls, Martha and Umberreller"; to my son: Mortimer; to my wife, Ridly.
requests that no sale of the personal property to be made.
Executors named in the will: sons, Mortimer and Irrad D.
Signed 12 November 1847, Herbert Jeffries (SEAL)
Witnesses: Otho Gandy, Wyatt H. Jeffryes
Proved 23 January 1857 Recorded by I. B. McDonald, Clerk

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Pages 104, 105
"I, Stephen Martin" of Whitley County, Indiana, to my wife, Clara Martin; to son Ephraim; to daughter, Hannah Bartley; to daughter, Sarah Ingraham; to daughter, Ede DeCory.
Signed 27 April 1857, Stephen Martin
Witnesses: S. Wildman, James Blain
Proved 26 June 1857 Recorded by I. B. McDonald, Clerk

Whitley County Indiana Will Book 1 Page 106, 107, 108
Isaac Pake of Whitley County, Indiana: mentions his land, the S.E. ¼ of N.W. ¼ of Section Eleven, town 30, Range 9 East in Whitley County Indiana . . . also five acres known as the "Shoemaker land" lying west of town. To my beloved son-in-law, Martin Luther Jones; to my beloved daughter, Mary Jones (wife of Martin Luther Jones); to my children" Margery Ann Pake, Mary Jones, Martha W. Rittenhouse (wife of Jacob), Emily Pake and Sarah Ellen Pake. names Executor in the will, my friend I. B. McDonald who is to attend dividing the land and act as guardian of the children (the two youngest daughters Emily and Sarah Ellen until 18 years of age). Mentions Jacob Rittenhouse, Husband of Martha W.
Executor, my friend Joseph Stults, Esq. named in the will.
Signed 1 March 1848, Isaac Pake (SEAL)
Witnesses: Enos Miles, Michael Prumm.
Proved 13 April 1858
Recorded by I. B. McDonald, Clerk

Will Book 1 Page 109
"I, Robert Wilson" of Whitley County, Indiana: to my wife; my father, Charles Wilson "my rifle Gun" as long as he can See to use it then it shall fall to my son, Francis Marion Wilson." Mentions Robert Wilson and William Ferrel, mentions a suit pending in Champaign County, Ohio (Testator, the plaintiff). Ex: James Cordile
Signed 12 August 1858, Robert Wilson (SEAL)
Witnesses: Elijah Merriman, James Mannen
Proved 20 August 1858
Recorded by I. B. McDonald, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 111, 112 Patrick Clark of Jefferson Tp., Whitley Co., Ind.
Beq.: James Clark (son) 40 acres in Jefferson Tp. the E ½ of E ½ of S.W. ¼, Section 2,
          Thomas (son)
          To Robert Brown — land.
          To all my children (not by name).
          To Christopher, a 3 yr-old mare and colt.
          Mentions a note to William Watson.
          Mentions John Donohoe
"wants a stone put over me."
Signed Patrick Clark Not dated
Wits: Wm. Rawley of Lake tp., Allen Co., Ind.
          J. Eloph, of Aboite Tp., Allen Co. Ind.
          Edward Murphy, of Lake Tp., Allen Co., Ind.
Sworn to and subscribed 23 Dec 1858 before Isaiah B. McDonald, Clerk

Book 1 Page 113, Otto M. Webb of Whitley Co., Indiana

Beq: Ruth Webb (wife) so long as she remained his widow, land in Whitley Co W. ½ of S.W. ¼ of Section 20 in Township 21, Range 8 West. To Bullah Albright (dau.)
To Nancy Scott (dau.)
To Eliza Ann Webb (gr-dau)
To Grandsons - Otto W. Albright, William Otto Scott, Alonzo O. Scott
Nom as executor, Otto P. Webb (son)
Signed 22 Sep 1854 Otto M. Webb
Wits: Reason Huston, Nancy V. Moyston
S. & S. 10 Jan 1859 before Isaiah B. McDonald, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 116, Adam Steel of Richland Tp. Whitley Co., Ind.
Beq.: wife (but not by name)
Nom. wife to act as guardian of his dau. Mary until Mary is of age.
To Mary Caroline, Dau
To Harriet L. (dau.) wife of Clinton S. Perin
To my 4 sons: Adam Thomas, William henry, George Washington, Alexander (minors), and nominates Jackson Sadler (friend) to act a guardian of the 4 sons.
Nom. executors: Alexander S. McNagny, George Clover.
Signed 9 Apr. 1859 Adam Steele (SEAL)
Wits: Thomas S. O'Brien
Sw. to and sub. John Steel, 28 June 1859 before Isaiah B. McDonald Clerk Circuit Court, Whitley Co., Ind.

Book 1 Page 119, Martha Emma Miner wife of Simon P. Miner of Whitley Co, Indiana
Beq. Simon P. Miner (husband)
To my dau., Urnna Alfretta Miner my interest in the W ½ of Lot 2 Block 8, Ewings addition to Fort Wayne, Ind. "deeded to me by B. D. Miner before my marriage to Simon P. Miner."
Nom. as guardian to Urnna Alfretta Miner, my husband, Simon P. Miner.
Ex. nom. Byram D. Miner of Fort Wayne, Ind.
Signed 23 Aug. 1859 Martha Emma Miner (SEAL)
wits: Stephen Major, Mary A. Major
Sw. & sub. 15 Sep 1859 before I. B. McDonald, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 121
Christian Kinsey of Thorncreek Tp., Whitley Co., Ind.
To Catherine Kinsey (wife) $800
To each of my children (not by name)
Exts nom. Levi Kinsey (friend), Mathias Kinsey (friend)
Signed 24 Dec. 1855, Christian Kinsie (SEAL)
Wits: James Cunningham, David Smith, Joseph D. Gaff
Presented 17 Oct. 1859.
Sub. & sworn 17 Oct. 1859 before I. B. McDonald, clerk of the Whitley Co Probate Court.

Book 1 Pages 124-125
Sarah Ellen Eacott of Whitley County, Ind.
To my 2 daughters, Mary Elizabeth Connel and Frances Arbella Eacott :all my real estate" the S.E. ¼ of N.E. ¼, Section 22 and S.W. ¼ of N.W. ¼ of Section 23 in Township 32 North of Range 8 East (80 acres in all), plus the personal property.
Nom. David Scott of Noble Co., Ind. to act as guardian of Mary Elizabeth Cornel and Canaway Rector of Champaign Co., Ohio as guardian of Frances Arbella Eacott. Nom. Robert Elliott of Whitley Co., Ind. as "administrator" of my estate. Signed 28 Nov. 1859 Sarah E. Eacott
Wits: James Grant, David Blanchard
Sw. & sub. 22 Dec. 1859, William E. Merriman, Clark of Whit. Co. Pro. Court.

Book 1 Wills of Whitley Co., Ind. 1839-1869
1861 March 6 dated.
1861 March 16 filed.
Abraham Canaga, Paged 126, 127
          Know all men by these presents that I, Abraham Canaga o Smith Township in County of Whitley in the State of Indiana. considering the uncertainty of life and being of Sound mind and memory do make, declare and publish this my last will and testament.
          First, I desire that out of my estate all my first debts shall be paid.
          Second, I give and bequeath to my children, to wit: Margaret Eberly, George Canaga, John Canaga, Christina Hartline, Isabella Mays, Isaac Canaga and Mary Garber the sum of one dollar cash and no more.
          Third, I give and bequeath to my wife, Esther and to my three sons to wit: Jeremiah, Matthias and Benjamin all that shall remain of my estate both real and personal after the above amounts shall have been paid to be divided between them in equal proportions. Provided that if my said wife shall elect to inherit as provided by law instead of inheriting as here-in-specified, then and in that event I desire that after she shall have received the amount to which the law may entitle her, all my remaining estate shall be equally divided between my three sons above names to wit: Jeremiah, Matthias, and Benjamin.
          Fourth, I do hereby nominate and appoint Owen Gandy to be the executor of this my last will and testament.
          In testimony whereof I have, to this my last will and testament subscribe my name and set my seal (this 6th day of March A.D. 1861. Abraham (his X mark) Canaga.
Signed, sealed, delivered and published, Abraham Canaga as and for his last will and testament in presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto: Abram W. Myers, Simon Redrick, Jeremiah Krider.
Pre to W. E. Merriman, Clerk by Abram W. Myers, Jeremiah Krider.

Book 1 Page 128
Joseph Tinkham, Troy Tp. of Whitley co., Ind.
To my dau. Mary
To my wife Elizabeth.
To my son Nathem
My sons Uri and Robert have had their shares.
Sole Ex'x nom. my wife Elizabeth Tinkham.
Signed 10 July 1860 Joseph Tinkham (SEAL)
Wits: H. B. Miller, Columbia City, Ind.
          G. W. Harley, Columbia City, Ind.
          Thomas Washburn
S. to and Sub. 29 March 1861. W. E. Merriman, C.C.C.P., Whit. Co., Ind.

Book 1 Page 130 Enos Miles, Washington Tp. Whitley Co., Ind.
"believing death near upon me"
To Daniel Sherley living with me and my wife.
To Lucinda Miles (wife) including 40 acres, the S.W. ¼ of S.W. ¼, sec. 12, Township 30, North of Range 9 East and at her death to Daniel Sherley with cont.
Ex. Nom. my friend Isaiah B. McDonald
Signed 2 May 1861 Enos Miles (SEAL)
Wits. G. W. Ginger, Michael Prumm
S. & S. 30 May 1861 Attest, Wm. E. Merriman, Clerk

Book 1 Paged 132-133
John McCurdy of Jefferson Tp. Whitley County, Ind.
To Sarah, my beloved wife a life interest in S.E. ¼ of S.W. ¼ of Sec. 9, Township 30, Range 10 East except for 15 acres sold to Jacob Hartley / deed made for it. To my living children after decease of my wife (no names given).
Nom. hiw wife as ex'x.
Signed 30 jan. 1860 John (his X mark) McCurdy (SEAL)
Wits: Henry P. Vinde, Jeff. Tp. Whit. Co., Ind.
          Mary E. Vende, Jeff. Tp. Whit. Co., Ind.
S. to & sub. 2 Sep. 1861 W. E. Merriman, Clerk

Book 1 Page 134
John Miller of Jefferson Tp., Whitley Co., Ind.
To Mary Edenfield Miller, wife land "on which we now live." W ½ of S.W. ¼ of Sec. 34, T. 30, North of Range 10 East continuing 80 acres, except 40 acres of the above "I deeded to John R. Smith." At here death land to be sold and divided as follows:
          Mary Miller, $600
          Amanda Smith (wife of John R. Smith) to have $50
          Joseph Miller, $1
          John J. Miller, $1
          Heirs of my dec. dau, Druzilla Miller Templin, to have $1
          Heirs of my dau, Eliza Miller Bridge, $1
Remainder equally to Julia Miller Tate and Sarah Miller Johnson.
Nom. as ex. Daniel Swisher
Signed 6 Nov. 1861 John (his X mark) Miller (SEAL)
Wits. James Broxon and Daniel Swisher
S. & s. 20 Aug. 1862, Wm. Merriman, Clerk

Whitely County Indiana Will Record 1 Pages 137, 138
Will of Jesse Perin "residing near Huntsville" in Whitely County, Indiana: mentioned land given my son, Jesse B. Perin "therefore the land where I now reside" to my six daughters: Emily Thompson (hus. John); Nancy Clark (hus. Wm. A.); Betsey Dodge (hus. Rufus W.,); Laura B. Shoemaker (hus. Dennis M. Shoemaker); Achsah Little (hus. Erastus Little); Diantha M. Welker (hus. William) to share alive when certain conditions have been met (an exception made of one acre to be subtracted.
. . . an acre lying at the north side of the Depot ground of the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, on the west side of Perin Street in the town of Huntsville, etc.).
Bequeathed, my grandchildren, the children of Jesse B. Perin (Henry S., Laura B., and Phensas H. Perin) a legacy which is to be under the guardianship of my sons-in-law, Rufus W. Dodge and John Thompson. mentions that Clinton S. Perin, son, had already received land. Bequeathed my son-in-law, William Welker.
Desired that $100 be used to provide tombstones "for my own grave and wife and for the grave of my son, G. H. Perin and Mary Perin the deceased wife of Jesse B. Perin. To Jesse B. Perin, son, to son-in-law William Welker.
Executors name in the will: my sons-in-law Rufus W. Dodge, John Thompson
Signed (Aug) 8-16-1862 Jesse S. Perin (SEAL)
Witnesses: James S. Collins, H. C. Van Lieu, Truman Hunt
On 9-8-1862 personally appeared before the Clerk of the court of Common Please, Whitley County, Indiana. H. C. Van Lieu and Truman Hunt and being by me. duly sworn on their oath, etc. before Em. E. Merriman, Clerk.
Certified on (Sept.) 9-8-1862.
A codicil dated 16 Aug. 1862 did not offer any new data. Same witnesses. If any grandchild dies the survivors to share equally.
Copied Nov. 8, 1944 by N.M.R.

Book 1 Page 141
Jane Forsyth of Whitley County Indiana
To Brothers: John Forsyth, Robert Forsyth, Andrew Forsyth
The remainder of the property to the children of Rachel Engle of Whitley Co., Indiana.
Ex. Nom. Charles W. Hughs
Signed 22 oct. 1862 Jane Forsyth (SEAL)
Wits: A. J. Douglas, John Zellers
Sworn to and subscribed on 18 November 1862 before W. E. Merriman, Clerk.

Whitley County Indiana Will Record 1 Page 143
Will of Peter Windle of Whitley Co., Ind.
Bequeathed: my beloved wife (not named).
mentioned his minor children and the farm on which he resided.
Bequeathed: my three sons, James, Peter and John to have all the real estate "I own" on condition etc.; my four daughters; May Jane Norris, Susan Tucker, Emily Windle, Elmira Windle (last two minors).
Signed (Feb.) 2-16-1860 Peter (his X mark) Windle
Witnesses: James S. Collins, Henry Gregg, Jacob Fisher
Subscribed and sworn to this (Feb.) 2-7-1863 by James S. Collins and certified on the same date. Wm. E. Merriman, Clerk of Whitely Co., Ind.
[Notes: Mary Jane Windle and William Norris married 22 Apr. 1855 by Joseph Zeigler, M.G. Susan Windle and Richard Tucker were married 8 March 1857 by Z. Garrison, M.G. Rachel Windell and William N. Tucker married 27 Sep. 1857 by Z. Garrison, M.G. N.M.R]

Book 1 Page 145
Jesse Witt Long of Smith Township, Whitley County, Indiana.
Names: Noah Salathiel Long (son)
          Ann Maria Long (wife)
my children, :nine in number":
          Mary Effa Cleveland
          Edna J. Long Anderson (Elda)
          H. Long (Anderson H. Long)
          Alexander McCoy Long
          Joseph Orr Long
          Nelson Compton Long
          Naomi Elizabeth Long
          Noah Salathiel Long
          Alice Ardella Long
Executors nominated: Alexander McCoy Long, James F. Long
Signed 28 Sept., 1854, J. W. Long (SEAL)
Sworn to and subscribed on 17 February 1863 before W. E. Merriman, Clerk of the court of Common Pleas.
The homestead farm E ½ of Sec. 36, T 32, R 10 East rented until son Noah Salathiel Long is 21 (being 12 yrs.).
Wits: Mary Long, Whitley Co., Rachel E. Carrick, Allen Co., William McBride, Allen Co.

Book 1 p. 149 Patrick Maloney of Whitley Co., Ind.
To his wife her lifetime —Catharine Maloney
To his 3 sons John, James, Patrick
To each daughter, all minors: Mary Maloney, Ellen Maloney, Ann Maloney, Bridgit N. Maloney.
To the Cathedral of Ft. Wayne in care of the Rev. Julian Benort.
Executor nom. — Rev. Julian Benort
Signed 11 Feb. 1862 : Patrick (his X mark) Maloney
Witnessed : Patrick (his X mark) Welsh, Thomas (his X mark) Madden
Sub. — Sworn 27 May 1863 before W. E. Merriman, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 151
James Groves of Union Tp., Whitley County, Ind.
To beloved wife (not by name) the E ½ of N.W. ¼, Section 34, Township 31 North of Range 10 East (80 acres) also personal property but at her death to my heirs equally.
Exs. nom.: Wesley Graves, James Graves}sons.
Signed 2 March 1863 James (his X mark) Graves (SEAL)
Wits.: Solomon Sayler, Union Tp., Whitley Co.
          Joseph Mossman, Union Tp., Whitley Co.
S & s. 29 May 1963, W. E. Merriman, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 154 (copy) Edward C. Herrick of New Haven, Conn.
Refers to real estate conveyed to him by the heirs of Henry Ellsworth.
Refers to his agent, Royal Yater.
To Theodore B. Woolsey of New Haven, Conn. in trust for the benefit of the corporation "The President and Fellows of Yale College in New Have, etc." If Theodore D. Woolsey dies or become incapacitated then the trust to James Hadley of New Haven, Conn. If Woolsey & Hadley, die before me, then to henry D. White of New Haven, Conn.
Nom. James Hadley as executor but if h
e dies then to Henry D. White No bonds required.
Filed New Haven, Conn. June 20, 1862. Signed 28 May 1862, Edward C. Herrick (SEAL)
Wits: Thomas A. Thacher, 155 Corner St., New Haven, Conn.
          A. A. Newton, 44 College Street, New Haven, Conn.
          Daniel C. Gilman, 61 Grove St., New Haven, Conn.
(Had land in New York, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri and elsewhere)
Will approved 20 June 1862 , attest, Luzan B. Morris, Judge.
Copy made 24 Feb. 1863 by Lucius B. Tuttle, Clerk at New Haven, Conn.
Recorded in Whitley Co., Ind. 23 June 1863 by W. E. Merriman, Clerk

Book 1 Page 159 (Copy)
Jacob H. Shaffer late of Knox Township, Columbiana Co., Ohio.
To my 2 children but not by name.
Nom. David Summers ex.
Signed 28 May 1862, Jacob H. Shaffer (SEAL)
Wits: Daniel Boston, Joseph Shaffer.
Proved 6 Sept. 1862 in Columbiana County, Ohio.
Attest Cornelius Curry, Judge, Pro. Ct. at New Lisbon, Ohio.
A copy recorded in Whitley Co., Ind. on 24 June 1863 by W. E. Merriman, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 163
Joseph Burkholder of Whitley Co., Indiana
To wife Elizabeth use of land in Columbia Tp., Whitley Co., Ind. during her lifetime.
To my son, Hiram Burkholder "if he returns from the army," and cares for his mother during her lifetime. After sale fo the farm to my children equally, except daughter Eliza is to have $10 less and dau. Barbara $25 less than the others.
Heirs of Hiram if he does not return.
Signed 26 June 1863, Joseph (his X mark) Burkholder (SEAL)
Wits: Jno. S. Cotton, Jacob Baker.
Sub. & sworn 6 July 1863 before Wm. E. Merriman, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 165
Philip ramp of Whitley Co., Indiana.
requested suitable burial and erection of a gravestone.
All property to his wife (not by name) her lifetime and at her death a suitable gravestone to be erected in her memory then an equal division among all my children. To the son of my son Isaac Ramp if Isaac is not living and my grandson, David R. Ramp (one person).
Exs. nom.: Philip Ramp, Samuel Ramp } my sons.
Signed 24 August 1863, Philip Ramp (SEAL)
Wits: S. H. Wunderlich, Jno S. Cotton.
S. & S. 30 September 1863 before W. E. Merriman, Clerk

Book 1 Page 167
William P. Coplen of Columbia Tp., Whitley Co., Indiana.
To beloved wife all property to be her absolutely.
To each of my brothers the sum of $1
To my half brother, $1
Signed 15 July 1863, William P. Koplin, (SEAL)
Wits.: Michael Huffman, Jno. S. Cotton
S. & S. 5 Nov. 1863 W. E. Merriman, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 169
Jacob Keiser of Whitley Co., Indiana.
To my wife (not by name) in lieu of her dower, the farm of 163 acres on which we lie in Columbia Tp. as long as my widow.

To my children: Andrew Keiser
          Daniel Keiser
          Julian Shrader
          Mary Anders
          Hanah Moothard
          Benjamin Keiser
          Jacob Keiser
          John Keiser
          Hiram Keiser
          Levi Keiser
Ex. nom. Benjamin Keiser (son)
Signed 19 Feb. 1864 Jacob Keiser (SEAL)
Wits.: George Eberhard, Jr., Augustus Fisher
S. S. 29 March 1864, J. B. Edwards, Clerk

Book 1 Page 171 Charles Kinderman
To Mary Bohn, a faithful friend in my last sickness to have $50 when she marries.
To wife, Amelia Kinderman unless she dies or marries then to the Columbia City Lodge, F.& A.M. # 189 with conditions.
Wife empowered to remove the shop of Charles H. Pond from the real property whenever she desires.
Exs. nom.: Henry D. Willson, Simon H. Wunderlich.
Signed. 16 March 1864, Charles Kinderman
Wits.: C. Kinderman, A Hupp, William Miser
S.S. 5 April 1864, J. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 175 Jacob Platner
To my beloved wife Elizabeth, my land and personal property in Indiana, so long as my widow. the land part of the N.W. ¼ of Sec. 25, township 31, North of Range 9 East, being a strip, 40 rods wide running the full length of the quarter section on the west side thereof. At her death the land to be sold and of the proceeds my dau., Sarah Ann Platner to have $50. then an equal division among the following persons:
          George William Platner
          Charles Platner
          Mariah Kilyan
          Sarah Ann Plattner
          Elizabeth Harriet Highlands
          Daniel Baum
Ex. Nom., my friend Jacob Keiser
Signed 6 July 1858, Jacob (his X mark) Plattner.
Wits.: James Compton, Jacob Keiser
Proved 8 April 1864 before J. B. Edwards, Clerk

Book 1 Page 177 Adam Coolman of Whitley Co., Indiana
To wife Susan Coolman all property real and personal so long as my widow she to dispose to it as she sees fit at her decease among my heirs. If she marries she to take her third and the rest to my heirs.
My ward, Julia Ault, aged 15 years to chose herself a guardian. If she fails to do so the court is to appoint one.
Nom. as. ex., John Miller, 2nd
Signed 20 March 1864, Adam Coolman (SEAL)
Wits.: Edward Beckley, David Jackson
S. & S. 18 April 1864, Attest, J. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 179 Jesse Radcliff of Whitley County, Indiana.
To my wife, Rachael Ratcliff.
To my 3 sons - Hiram Ratcliff, Baldwin W. Ratcliff, John L. Ratcliff }Land.
To daughters: Ann, Ruth
To surviving heirs of my son, Ezekiel, dec.
To Sarah Ann Forinash, gr-dau.
My dau. Rachael Betzer, to Ruth Williams, my son, Tobias Ratcliff and my dau. Delilah Vandeford have received their portions.
Exs. nom. my sons, Hiram and Baldwin W. Ratcliff.
Signed 24 Aug. 1863, Jesse (his X mark) Ratcliff (SEAL)
Wits: Adams Y. Hooper, James S. Collins.
S.S. 27 April 1864, Attest, J. B. Edwards, Clerk

Book 1 Page 183 Mary Krider of Whitley Co., Indiana.
To my father, Robert Hamilton mentions $300 in the hands of James Brown of Huntington Co., Ind. also $300 in the hands of Joseph Stults of Whitley Co., Ind.
To my son, Brayton Richard.
To my sons, Walter Richard, Barker Richard, Barret Richard.
If all my sons die before execution of this will then to my Gr-dau. Mary Jane Miller or her heirs and to Anthony Seymore, Sen. and his heirs.
My Dau. Jerusha Miller has had her full share before Mary Jane Miller or her heirs.
Ex. nom., Elijah Merriman.
Signed 4 May 1863 Mary Krieder (SEAL)
Wits: Jacob Krieder, Abigail Seymore
S.S. 21 June 1864, Attest, J. B. Edwards, Clerk

Book 1 Page 186 Will of John Sheffer of Whitley County Indiana.
To my beloved wife / not by name, and son Mathew J. Sheffer, the farm on which I reside in Cleveland Tp., Whit. Co., Ind. cont. 45.93 acres with all the personal property to have her lifetime or unmarried then to son Mathew. This on provision my wife and son Mathew pay to my dau. Elizabeth Jane Shorb. If my wife marries or dies and Mathew also the whole to go to my dau. Mary Jane Shorb.
Signed 5 April 1864 John Sheffer (SEAL)
Witnesses: A. Smith, Jesse Arnold

S.S. 23 June 1864, Attest J. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 189. Fanny Tatner of Columbia City, Indiana.
To my 2 granddaughters, Fanny and Mary Jane Tatner or survivor if one dies before marriage.
Signed 25 July 1864, Fanny Tatner (SEAL)
Wits.: James S. Collins, Anne Machugh.
Codicil signed 10 Aug 1864 appoints executor, James S. Collins.
Wits. Ann M. Tucker, Anne Machugh.
S. & S. 17 August 1764, Attest J. B. Edwards, Clerk

Book 1 Page 192 Will of Rufus W. A. Page.
Nom. his wife Jane Paige as sole ex's. mentions that Jennetta DePew; a dec. dau. had her full share therefore nothing to her daughter, Mary DePew.
My son, Richard M. Page has had his full share but is to have "my English 8 day brass Clock." My son Rufus Page has had his share. My son Jedediah has had his portion but wants him to share equally with my 3 daughters: Jerusha, Malisa and Matilday. My son Simeon had had his share but desires him to share equally with my 3 daus. after they have had $200 each. Son Amandar has had his portion. To wife Jane. At death of wife, Jarusha, Melissa, Matilda, Jedediah and Simeon sons & daus. to chose a responsible man to sell the real estate and personal property & divide the proceeds according to the will.
Signed 20 Jan. 1864. Rufus W. A. Page.
Wits.: A. Y. Hooper, G. W. Hemmick
Proved 2 Sep. 1864, Attest, J. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 196 George H. Foster of Union Tp., Whitley Co., Ind.
To wife Polly B. Foster for her natural life.
To Charles Foster, son.
To Louisa and Dorcas, daughters.
Nom. as ex. William C. Morse.
Signed 8 Sep; 1864 George H. Foster (SEAL)
Wits.: Alexander Clark, Silas Burt
S. & S. 10 Oct. 1864, James B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 199 Elizabeth Sickafoose, wife of Jacob Sickafoose of Whitley Co., Ind.
To hus. Jacob Sickafoose all goods and monies, coming "to me from my son Dinnies, dec., and all legacies of any hereafter appear.
Ex. Non. Jacob Sickafoose (hus.).
Signed 3 Oct. 1864.
Wits.: Jesse Hissum, Martin Fetro
S. & S. 23 Oct. 1864, Elizabeth Sickafoose (no seal)
Proved 23 Oct. 1864 Attest, James B. Edwards, Clerk

Book 1 Page 201 John Hoben of Union Tp., Whitley Co., Ind.
To wife Mary, 1/3 of land where I now reside being S. ½ of N. E. ¼ of Section 24 in Township 30, north of Range 10 East. to my three sons (minors): Stephen Hoben, Thomas Hoben, Andrew Hoben. Executors nom. in the will: Henry Diffendarfer and Thomas Davison, both of Allen County, Ind.
Signed 17 Oct. 1864. John (his X mark) Hoben (SEAL)
Wits.: John A. Kaufman, J. G. Vandewater.
Attest, James B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 204 Walter Goldsmith of Richland Tp., Whitley Co., Ind.
Non as sole ex'x, Ruth Jemima Goldsmith (wife).
To wife Jemima & at her decease or the marriage to my children: Erastus Benjamin Goldsmith, Rebecca Iley Goldsmith, Mercy Catharine Goldsmith. To William Henry Hower (or Howes?)
Signed 30 July 1863, Walter Goldsmith (SEAL)
Wits.: K. B. Miller, Henry Snider
S. & S. 12 Feb 1865 before James B. Edwards, Clerk

Book 1 page 208 Samuel Miller of Whitley Co. Ind.
To Mary S. Boyer, dau.; John A. Miller, son; Heirs of Jane M. Douglas (my dec. daughter); Sarah Catharine Miller, the only surviving heir of my son, Caleb H. Miller, Deceased. My 5 son, John A. Miller, Robert E. Miller, Andrew D. Miller, Joseph A. Miller, Daniel B. Miller.
Exs. nom, my sons John A., Andrew D. and Daniel B. Miller.
Signed 24 Apr. 1865, Samuel (his X mark) Miller.
Wits.: William Bell, E. B. Bell.
S.S. 5 May 1865 before James B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 (copy) Page 211 Harmon Van Woert of Athens, Green Co., N.Y. aged 50 years. To wife Julia Ann and at her death to my surviving children (but not by name). Nom. as sole ex'x, my wife.
Signed 19 Nov. 1863, Harmon Van Woert (SEAL)
Wits.: L. H. Nichols, Athens, N.Y., Caleb Coffin, Athens, N.Y.
S.S. 15 Feb. 1864 before J. A. Griswold, Surrogate, Green Co., N.Y.
A copy certified 25 Mar 1865 was recorded in Whitley Co., Ind.

Book 1 (Copy) Page 213 Robert Hyslop of New York City.
To wife, Georgiana Hyslop, dec.
To the children of Wm. Irvin Hyslop (son): William Irvin Hyslop, Rebecca Bryan Hyslop, Georgiana Hyslop.
Nom. as executors and trustees: Georgiana Hyslop (wife), Stephen Brush (son-in-law)
Signed 20 Feb. 1863, Robert Hyslop (L.S.)
Wits.: William C. Barret, Counsellar at Law, 102 E. 30th Str., N.Y.C.; Charles W. Proctor, copyist, 174 W. 11th St., N.Y.C.
S.S. 3 Apr. 1863 before Gideon J. Tucker, Surrogate and proved 4 Apr. 1863.
Copy made 24 Nov. 1863 & recorded in Whit. Co., Ind.

Book 1 Page 223 Joseph L. Mossman of Whitley Co., Ind.
To Eveline Mossman, wife, land in Union Tp., Whitley Co., Ind. and personal property.
To son, Edward A. Mossman.
To my heirs (but not by name).
Signed 26 Dec. 1864, Joseph L. Mossman (SEAL)
Wits. Solomon Sayler, union Tp., Whitley Co.; John Hallaman, Union Tp., Whitley Co.; William W. Souder, Union Tp., Whitley Co.
Proved 23 Aug. 1865 before James B. Edwards, Clerk
A notation with this will "A correct copy of the original will found on page 404 of Will Record 2.

Book 1 Page 226 Nicholas Cummons of Whitley Co., Ind.
To Jeremiah and Margaret Cummons, (children of my first wife).
To Catharine Cummons, (child of my 1st. mar.)
To Sabina Cummons (wife).
Ex'x nom., Sabina Cummons (wife)
Signed 2 Sep. 1865, Nicholas (his X mark) Cummons.
Wits.: A. J. Douglas, John North.
S. & S. 26 Sep. 1865 before J. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 228 Charles Pond of Whitley Co., Indiana.
To Savilla Brown (dau.); Mary Browns (dau.); Hannah Keirn (dau.); William Pond (son); Heirs of Sophiah Eivers, dec.; Valona Shinaman (dau. of my dec. dau. Valona); Gr-daughters: (Hannah Keirn, William Pond, Valarous Pond).
Levi Pond (son) and Sarah Brown (dau.) have received their portions.
Ex. nom. Timothy Brown who is to see that gravestones (costing not over $25) are to be erected for himself (the testator) and wife.
Signed 4 Sep. 1865, Charles Pond, (SEAL)
Wits.: William H. Widup, Solomon Summers.
S. & S. 13 Oct. 1865 before J. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Will Book 1 Whitley Co., Ind. 1839-1860
Nicholas DePoy, Pages 331, 332, 333
1865 Oct 4, Signed
1865 Oct 16, Filed and Recorded
Sworn and Subscribed by Adams Y. Hooper before J. B. Edwards Clark at Columbia City, oct. 16, 1865.
named wife, Henrietta, given a par of home farm where I reside in Union Township in Section 2 T 31 N or R 10 East. also all household goods, etc., except my tin box in which are kept my little papers. Also rents and profits for two years of 120 acres known as "the Chapeen Farm" where son Samuel now lives.
Advance made to: John F. DePoy, son; Christena Smith, dau.; Samuel DePoy, son; Francis Van Meter, dau.; Susan Elizabeth Depoy, dau.; Nicholas Sylvester Depoy, son; Reeda Cornelia Depoy, dau. 4 Grandchildren: Flora Depoy, Joseph Depoy, Elizabeth Depoy, Isaac Newman Depoy.
Exs. to erect a substantial tombstone for himself and a similar one for wife Henrietta at her death.
Ex. named: John F. Depoy, Allison Briggs
Signed Nicholas Depoy
Wit.: Isaac Newman, Adams Y. Hooper.
S. & S. before J. B. Edwards, Clerk

Book 1 Page 336 Asher Clugston, Sen. of Huntsville, Whitley Co., Ind.
To Catharine (wife) all properly real and personal during her natural life but not to be dispersed by her.
To Charlotte McCay (gr-dau.).
After death of Catherine (wife) then equally to my children: David B. Clugston, Asariah Clugston, Asher R. Clugston, Gertrude J. Stradley, Lavina E. McLallen, Ruth A. E. Clugston. to Byard McCray (gr-son)
Nom. app. of Asher R. Clugston, Jr. as guardian to Charlotte and Byard McCoy (gr-dau. and gr-son.) until they are of age.
Exs. nom. David B. Clugston, Asariah R. Clugston, Asher R. Clugston; sons.
Signed 24 April 1865 Asher Clugston (SEAL)
Wits.: R. J. Smith, D. Kerr. S.S. 27 Oct. 1865 before James B. Edwards, Clerk

Book 1 Page 340 Jacob Essigner, Sen. of Whitley Co., Indiana.
To Pheby Essigner (wife) 100 acres in Richland Tp., Whitley Co., Ind. also per. prop. so long as my widow. If she marries is to take her 1/3.
To my 3 sons: Jacob Essigner, Chritian Essigner, Franklin Essigner.
Signed 28 Sep. 1865. Jacob Essigner.
Wits." George N Cady, Grederick Bush, Jacob Hose.
S.S. 13 Biv 1765 before J. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 342 James Compton.
Requested a monument costing $300 place his grave & that of his first wife under direction of his present wife, Cordelia M. Compton.
To Cordelia M. Compton (wife), Orpha Jane Compton (dau.), but at her death to Orpha Jane but if deceased without heirs then to the other children, but if none living then to the next of kin.
To Maranda North, dau.
To Ebenezer Albert Ormsby.
To Mary Ann Schrader (dau.)
Ex. nom. Isaac Schrader, son-in-law.
Signed 24 Jan 1866. James Compton.
Wits.: Adams Y. Hooper, John Perry.
S.S. 24 Feb. 1866 before J. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 348 Christopher Daugherty of Whitley Co., Indiana.
To my wife and mother (but not by name) equal division of all his property. Requested the erection of a grave marker for himself. Nom. as executor Morris Cady
Signed 8 Feb. 1866. Christopher Daugherty
Witnesses: Henry Shafer, Morris Cady, Kelian Baker.
Sworn to and subscribed 20 March 1866 before J. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 350 Samuel G. Copper of Jefferson Tp., Whitley Co., Ind.
To wife (but not by name).
To each of my boys (but not by name).
Equally to both my boys and girls (not by name).
Executors nominated: Cornish Copper (son) and Samuel J. Copper.
Signed 20 March 1866. Samuel G. Copper (SEAL).
Witnesses: James Clark, Vinson Gaff.
Sworn to and subscribed on 7 Apr. 1866 before J. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 353 John De Ville of Washington Tp., Whitley Co., Ind.
Will dated in heading, 2 Apr. 1866
"My wife heir and master of everything.".
The Children to remain with their mother until of age, if possible and instructed in their religion. If a child wants to learn a trade "shall not be refused." Signed, John Deville.
Witnesses: John L. Kock, Jacob Arnold, Jacob Baltes.
Sworn to and subscribed 1 May 1866 before James B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 355 George Essig of Columbia Tp., Whitley Co., Indiana.
To Joseph Essig (my son) land; N.E. ¼ of S.E. ¼ and E. ½ of S.W. ¼ of N.W. ¼ and E. ½ of N.W. ¼ of S.W. ¼ and E. ½ of 10 acres off N. part of S.W. ¼ of S.W. ¼ of Section 18 Township 31 North of Range 9 East but at testator's and death of the testator's wife, Joseph shall pay to each of my heirs being: Julia Long, Peter Essig, Simon Essig, Margaret Caplin, Sarah Cramer, Susan Kemery, George W. Essig, John A. Essig, Harriet Shank, Lidia Knisley.
To David Essig (son) the W. ½ of S.W. ¼ of N. W. ¼ and W ½ of N.W. ¼ of S.W. ¼ and West ½ of 10 acres off the N. Part of S.W. ¼ of S. W. ¼, all in Section 18, Township 31, North of Range 9 East. Also the S.E. ¼ of N.E. ¼ and N.E. ¼ of S.E. ¼ of Section 13 in Township 31, North of Range 8 East.
Signed 5 Apr. 1866. George (his X mark) Essig, (SEAL).
Witnesses: H. Swihart, Adam Sipe.
Sworn to and subscribed 8 May 1866 before James B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 page 358 Nicholas Helfrick of Whitley County, Indiana.
At death of the testator "my children," Susanah Helfrick to have $100.
To wife (not by name) the real estate, but at her death to "my surviving children," except $1 to Barbara Schlechter.
Signed 27 Feb. 1865. Nicholas Helfrich (no seal).
Witnesses: Eli W. Brown, A. J. Douglas.
Sworn to and subscribed on 6 August 1866 before James B. Edwards, Clerk.
Attest 15 Aug. 1866 by James B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 340 Alexander M. Blain.
To John Blain (brother), Sarah Ellen Blain (sister), Margaret Jane Blain (niece), John Blain (father), Elizabeth Blain (mother).
Cites that Wilson Gray shall have a road running east from his land to the road running north and south through land of the testator.
Exs. nominated in the will: John Snodgrass, Joseph Scott.
Signed 1 October 1866. Alexander m. (his X mark) Blain.
Witnesses.: C. C. Humphrey, John Snodgrass, Joseph Scott.
Sw. to and Sub. 12 Oct. 1866 before James B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 342 Jennie Maires and John R. Maires.
To Isaac Maires and Jennie Maires and his heirs.
Signed 15 August 1866. Jennie Maires (no seal), John R. (his X mark) Maires.
Witnesses: John Foster, E. B. North.
The will of Jennie Maires was proved on 18 December 1866. James B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 345 Samuel Latimer of Whitley Co., Indiana.
To wife (but not by name). To Josephine H. Goodrich (dau.) when she is of age. to Hellen F. James (dau.).
Signed 24 Oct. 1866. Samuel Latimer (SEAL).
Witnesses: William Thompson, William Jameson.
Sworn to and subscribed 1 Nov. 1866 before J. B. Edwards, Clerk

Book 1 Page 347 Albert Steiner of Whitley County, Indiana.
To Catharine Steiner, (wife) but if she marries is to take her third of the remaining property and an equal division made among my children (not by name).
Sole Ex'x nominated Catharine Steiner, (wife).
Signed 31 Oct. 1866 Albert Steiner, (no seal).
Witnesses: Jacob Shank, Henry Schafer.
Sworn to and subscribed 6 Nov. 1866 before Jas. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 352 Peter Baker of Whitley Co., Ind.
To Peter (son)P land in Section 30 (Washington Tp.).
To Jacob (son); Catharine (dau), wife of Matthias Nuke or Neike?; Elizabeth (dau.); Margaret (dau.); Mary (dau.).
Wife (but not by name).
Ex. nominated in Will Jacob (son)
Signed 15 March 1866 Peter Baker, Sen. (SEAL).
Witnesses: Jonathan Flora, Michael Yast.
Sworn to and subscribed 23 January 1867 before Jas. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 355 Lewis Steward of Whitley County, Indiana.
To Henry Perry Steward a minor, and "my only here." but if he does not survive them to my brother, Samuel Steward and his heirs.
Nom. as executor, also as guardian to son henry Perry Steward, Jacob Smith.
Signed 1 February 1867 Lewis (his X mark) Steward (SEAL).
Witnesses: Daniel Harshbarger, Samuel Steward.
Sworn to and subscribed, 19 Feb 1867 before James B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 358 Sarah Baker of Cleveland township, Whitley Co., Indiana.
To my five daughters: Hanah Young (by marriage), Lidia Leash (by marriage), Magdalena Baker, Isabell Baker, Lucinda Baker.
Executor nominated in the will: John Stultz.
Signed 19 April 1862, Sarah Baker (SEAL).
Witnesses: John Stultz, Huntington Tp., Huntington Co., Ind.; Valentine Hanaur & George Hanaur both of Cleveland Township, Whitley Co, Indiana.
Sworn to and subscribed on 13 Mach 1867 before Jas. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 361 Catharine Ryan of Whitley Co., Indiana.
Towards building of the new Catholic Church at Columbia City, Indiana $50.
To my present husband, James Ryan.
To Andrew Noonan, "brother of my first husband."
To my sister, Margaret and Ellen Reardon, equally.
Executor nominated in the will, Rev. Henry Shaffer.
Signed, 26 march 1867 henry (X) Shafer.
Only one witness Mary Brasnohan and by her sworn & subscriber.
9 April 1867 before Jas. B. Edward, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 363 Nicholas Nicks of Washington Township, Whitley Co., Indiana.
To Peter Andrew Nicks (son) , wife (not by name), Jacob Nix, brother of Peter Andrew Nix; John Nix (to be paid by Peter Andrew Nix who also must pay to Catharine Smith (minor & only dau. of my dau., Mary (wife of John Peter Smith, deceased); George May and Jacob May (minor sons of my daughter Catharine, wife of George May). On condition to my 4 sons: Nicholas, Jacob, John and Peter Andrew.
to John Alles, my little grandson to be entirely in the care of Peer Andrew Nix until 12 years old then Peter Andrew is to pay to him, $10.50. Signed 31 December 1866 Nicholas Nix.
Witnesses: John L. Roch, Michael Yoest, Jacob Baker
S. & S. 38 Oct. 1867 before Jas. B. Edward, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 367 Henry Bruggeman, spread on the book in German script and not translated. Proved 21 Nov. 1867 by oath of Gotthelf Rickhardt, a subscribin witness. Attest, Jas. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 370 George Walker of Union to., Whitley County, Indiana.
To Cornelia (wife) life interest then to my Gr-son, Mathew E. Walker, son of William Walker (my son).
To Gr-dau. Molly Ann Walker, dau of my son, William Walker.
Signed 18 Jan 1866. George Walker (SEAL)
Witnesses: James S. Collins, C. C. Sutton.
Sworn to and subscribed 26 October 1867 before James B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 273 (COPY) Uriah F. Carpenter of New York City.
To wife, Sarah Ann Carpenter.
To dau. Sarah Elizabeth Embury her lifetime then to her living children.
To Uriah F. Carpenter, son of my dec. brother, Aaron Carpenter.
To Uriah C. Whitlock, son of Haddock Whitlock.
Executors: Sarah Ann Carpenter, Augs Embury (son-in-law), Richard Field (friend) of New York.
Signed 4 August 1849 Uriah F. Carpenter (SEAL).
Witnesses: Smith Baker, New York City, L. A. Lockwood, New York City.
Certified Copy dated 13 Jan. 1864 Signed by John Corneil, Clerk of Surrogate court.
(Not clear when filed in New York).

Book 1 Page 380 Malissa C. McNamarra.
To (minor son) Charles Monroe McNamarra but if he dies before age 21 years then to my 2 sisters, Jerusha E. Rouch and Matilda M. head or if deceased to their children. Sets aside $40 for tombstones for her two deceased children.
Nominates as executrix and also as guardian to Charles Monroe McNamarra (son), Jerusha E. Rouch (sister).
Signed 18 March 1868 Melissa C. McNamara (SEAL)
Witnesses: James S. Collins, John North, Sen.
Sworn to and subscribed on 28 April 1868 before James B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 382 Christina Reinold of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana.
Wants decent burial, a suitable grave marker and the executor to purchase a good lot in the Masonic Cemetery near Columbia City, Ind.
To Anna (wife).
to the Treasurer of the town of Neeler, Willingeen, Saxony, Germany, the proceeds from sale of his farm and the interest hereon to be paid to Gustave (son) his lifetime & then to his heirs if he has no heirs then to the town and the interest to be used for education support of the poor of the town.
Executor nominated in the will William Watters of Columbia City, Ind.
Signed 7 May 1867 (no special signature)
Witnesses: A. J. Douglas, Albert J. Gould.
Sworn to and subscribed 25 Aug. 1868 before James B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 page 386 Mary Hamilton of Whitley County, Indiana.
To my children: William H. Hamilton, Regina E. Hamilton.
Nominated John Nolt to act as executor and also as guardian of her "beloved children,": William H. and Regina during their minority or until 21 years of age.
Signed 20 Aug. 1868. Mary Hamilton (SEAL)
Witnesses: Michael Sickafoose, Levi Myers.
Sworn to and subscribed 27 August 1868 before James B. Richards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 390 James D. Cuykendall.
To my wife, Ruth J. Cuykendall who is to act as executriz.
Signed 15 May 1868. James D. Cuykendall.
Witnesses: Alexander Hall, Henry S. Vanorsdall.
Sworn to and subscribed 11 December 1868 before Jas. B. Edwards, Clerk

Book 1 Page 392 Eliza Kurtz.
To husband, Philip Kurtz
Signed 3 October 1868. Eliza Kurtz (SEAL)
Witnesses: Leman Robinson, Michael Sickafoose.
Sworn to and subscribed 18 December 1868 Jas. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 395 John R. Maires (a joint will)
Proved see Book 1, page 342)
Signed 15 August 1866 by Jennett Maires (SEAL), John R. Maires (SEAL).
Witnesses: John Foster, E. B. North.
Sworn to and subscribed, on 22 January 1869 before Jas. B. Edwards, Clk.

Book 1 Page 398 Wyatt Jeffryes
To my wife, Eliza Jane, the home farm of 80 acres being E ½ of S.W. ¼ of Section 23 (Smith Township) Whitley Co., Ind. her lifetime.
Nominates as executors, Augustus W. Jeffreyes and David M. Long.
refers to a mortgage held by Benton Gandy on land bought of Gandy.
To son, Augustus J., E ½ of N.E. ¼ of Section 26 in Smith Township being 80 acres of the Gandy Farm.
To son, Josiah W., 60 acres, the W ½ of N.E. ¼ of Section 26 in Smith Tp. being the remainder of the Gandy Farm.
To daughter, Esther Anne Long, W ½ of E ½ of N.E. ¼ of Section # 27 Smith Tp., Whitley Co., Ind. containing 40 acres.
To my 3 grandchildren: Henrietta Winburn, David Marshall Winburn, Theodore Winburn.
To my daughter, Nancy Ann Buckner.
Signed 26 December 1868. Wyatt Jeffries (L.S.)
Witnesses: A. Y. Hooper, Lewis Deem.
Sworn to and subscribed 27 February 1869 before J. B. Edwards, Clerk.
Codicil dated 1 January 1869. Referred to the Winburn grandchildren's legacy.
Witnesses to codicil: Lemuel Devalt, Lewis Deem, George W. Slagle.
S. to and Sub. 27 Feb. 1869. James B. Edwards, Clerk.

Book 1 Page 408 Justin Kuerheim.
To wife, Caroline A. Kuerheim, her lifetime then to my heirs (but not by name).
Signed 23 May 1869. Justin (his X Mark) Keurheim.
Witnesses: Lewis B. Myers, Jacob B. Myers, W. W. Callison.
Sworn to and subscribed on 8 June 1869 before James B. Edwards, Clerk.

Will Record Book Page(s)
Ackley, Western2382
Albright, John2486
Arnold, John2348
Bailey, George W.2407
Barnet, Samuel248-51
Batterstine, John2215
Bell, Robert S.2248
Bell, Zepheniah2256
Bitner, Fammy223
Boyse, William264, 65, 66
Braden, Samuel2358
Brandt, Charles290
Briggs, James S.2541
Brommer, Gregore2314
Brown, Wm. R.225-26
Brubaker, Jacob2280
Buckmyer, Anthony221-22
Buss, Joseph2350
Byrne, John2355
Carr, William2571
Cassel, Daniel297
Chapman, Nathan2187
Chavey, Jacques2451
Clapp, Catharine294
Clark, Christopher2276
Clark, James2278
Cleveland, Benj. H.2370
Collins, Richard2536
Coulter, William2219
Coyle, Amelia A.2393
Davis, John L.2375
Deem, George2135
Deem, Lewis2317
Ditton, George2384
Eberhard, George2436
Elder, Samuel2377
Ellison, Adolphus2101
Emerich, Charles S.2345
Fair, John2585
Fairchild, Moses2303
Fankhauser, John2321
Farner, Joseph, estate2268
Feist, Joseph2178
First, Samuel219
Fosler, George2481
Gaerte, George2199
Gandy, Otto W.2292
Geiger, Nathan2382
Glass, Randall S.2509
Gleason, Stephen2458
Guy, William2299
Haden, Michael, estate of2395
Hamilton, Key C.2200
Hammontree, Thos. J.2152
Hapner, William2149
Harreson, Harrison217
Harris, Jeremiah2478
Harris, William2109
Harrison, William C.2182
Harshbarger, David2270
Hartley, Jacob2176
Hasty, Sarah2297
Hauptmeier, Henry253
Heagy, Nancy2471
Heinley, Judith, dec.2334
Hiler, Edward P.2254
Hissem, Jesse2397
Hitchcock, Nancy2258
Hogendobler, Nicholas2209
Holdeman, Jacob2158
Holm, Michael2146
Homehill, James M.2236
Hosack, John2337
Hull, Henry2554
Hunter, John M.2782
Ihrig, Ann2368
Inlow, Sarah2166
Jeffries, Mortimore, est.2306
Jones, John S.2295
Jones, John, dec.25, 6
Kates, William2372
Kaufman, Henry2128
Keirn, Elizabeth2233
Keiser, Jacob2155
Keller, Thomas2656
Kemery, Daniel2225
Kemp, Thomas2339
Kerch, Conrad2262
Kersch, Conrad2352
Kissell, John G.2139
Knap, Ann2142
Knerheam, Justin210
Knight, Henry230
Komp, Elizabeth2332
Lantz, Samuel283
Lathrop, Mary E.215
Long, Barnhard2326
Long, David M.2112
Long, Peter2see Will Record #3
Lucka, Christian2468
Mannen, James2104
Mannen, Moses2324
Marrs, Berry2290
Marrs, John242
Mauden, James2286
Mauk, Julia A.2495
McCartney, John2568
McCune, Henry236
McDonald, Carter267
McDonald, Elizabeth2465
McGlaughlin, Thomas261
McLallen, Henry2171
McLaughlin, Mary274
McNear, Antoinette A.2163
Meek, John245
Meyer, Deonis233
Miller, CAtherine2323
Minaki, Christian2513
Moore, Henry2175
Mossman, Joseph L.2404
Mowery, Emmaline L.2243
Mowery, Michael2133
Mowery, Michael2205
Myers, Henry240
Myers, Levi2386
Nickey, Sarah2574
Noble, Salmon2245
Norris, Marcus2462
Omans, George W. 2440
Omans, George W., Codicil2445
Pierce, Mary A.2241
Pike, John E.2311
Plummer, Samuel2421
Pressler, John2545
Putnam, Josephj2329
Pyle, Joseph A.2491
Ramsey, Jacob2551
Roadamel, Susannah2250
Roberts, Henry2260
Roberts, Margaret2424
Robinet, Nathan W.2117
Rollins, Erastus2274
Ross, William2434
Rouch, Samuel2516
Sauder, Christoph2558
Schrader, Martin2538
Sell, Henry B.2120
Shackler, Michael2524
Shank, Christian2520
Shaw, Gilbert280
Shaw, Mary E.2214
Shawgo, Joseph B.2223
Shearer, Nancy271
Shefiler, Margaret2202
Sheibley, Sarah B.2265
Sherwood, James M.2518
Shoaf, Peter2390
Shoaf, Rachel2506
Shuemaker, Joseph C.2307
Sikes, Gella2181
Smith, Rebecca2447
Smith, Reuben W.2493
Staley, Peter2399
Stallsmith, Daniel223
Stam, Conrad2401
Stewart, Zephannah227
Stoner, John2284
Stouffs, Arthur2514
Sweinhart, Lewis2252
Taylor, George W.2417
Taylor, Isaac2488
Thompson, Emily2238
Thompson, John21084
Thompson, Polly2221
Trine, William2489
Trumbull, A. L.2138
Trumbull, Ambrose M.2426
Tucker, Alanson228
Vanhouton, Jacob A.2168
Vanmeter, William2528
Wantz, Michael2365
Wantz. Frederick2342
Walter, David2228
Wertenberger, Elizabeth2473
Wetzel, John2130
Wigent, Uriel2143
Williams, Jeremiah2431
Wilson, Alexander2379
Wolf, Jacob286
Wunderlich, Simon H.27

Whitley County, Indiana Will record 2 Page 2 Alanson Tucker of Whitley Co., Indiana Beq.: Antoinent A. McNear, (my youngest daughter); Mary F. Tucker (my eldest dau.); Louisa A. Tucker, (wife); Albert B. Tucker, (sons). Exs. nominated in the will: Louisa Tucker and Albert B. Tucker. Signed 10 Feb. 1869 Alanson Tucker (SEAL) Witnesses: Washington Jones, Francis M. Jones. Sworn to and subscribed on 26 July 1869 before James B. Edwards, Clerk.

Will Record 2 Page 5 John Jones, Sr. of Whitley Co., Ind. Beq. John Jones, Jr. 80 acres in Sec. 27, Smith Township bring the E ½ of N.W. ¼. To my 3 daughters: Lydia Davis, Lucinda Summers, Martha Ray: "the clothes of their mother". To all my children (but not by name). Requested that an appraisal of his personal estate be made by John W. More, Jeremiah Krider and James Blair. Nom. as executor, John W. More. Signed 19 Sep. 1854. John Jones, Sr., (SEAL) Witnesses: James Blair, Jeremiah Krider. Sworn to and subscribed, 31 Dec. 1868 before James B. Edwards, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 7 Simon H. Wunderlich. Specified burial beside his first wife and erection of plain marble tombstones for himself and wife. Beq. Elizabeth (wife) in lieu of her dower and for her lifetime the house "we live in" being Lot 8, in Block 10 of the original plat in town of Columbia now Columbia City, Indiana. AT her death the house to be sold and $600 of the proceeds divided among all the children of my said wife them living (those begotten by her first husband as well as by myself). To all my own children then living (but not by name) the remainder of House money to be equally divided. To my 6 children: Hannah Mary; Roger Sherman, Anna Jane, Alfred Augustus, William, Sarah Louella. Nom. as executor, John S. Cotton (friend) who is nom. also as guardian to the 4 oldest children: Hannah M., Robert S., Emma J. and Alfred A. Signed 20 May 1868. Simon H. Wunderlich (SEAL) Witnesses: J. Q. Adams, Theodore Reed. Sworn to and subscribed 23 October 1869 before Jas. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 10 Justin Knerheam. Beq. Caroline A. Knerheam (wife) the entire estate her lifetime then to my heirs (but not named). His real estate consisted of 40 acres, the S.E. ¼ of Section 32 (all as given). Signed 23 May 1869. Justine (his X mark) Knerheam. Witnesses: Lewis B. Myars, Jacob B. Myars, W. W. Callison. S & S. 8 June 1869 before Jas. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 12 Eliza Jane Jeffrys Beq.: (1) Joseph W. Jeffryes (son) among other articles the Bet mare's colt, a cow called Flower, the tulip quilt etc. (2) Esther Ann Long (dau), the mare called Bet, the dulcimer, the feather quilt, etc. (3) Nancy Ann Buckner (dau.) the saw tooth quilt, etc. (4) Henryetta Wintburn (gr-dau.) (5) Augustus W. Jeffryes (son) a cow and calf called Madam, etc. (6) David Marshall and Theodore Winburn (gr-children). Nom. as executor Lemuel Devault. Signed 20 Sep. 1869. Eliza Jane (her X mark) Jeffrys Witnesses: Lemuel Devault, Hiram Jones Sworn to and subscribed on 13 Nov 1869 before Jas. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 15 Mary E. Lathrop of Whitley County, Indiana Beq. (1) Rosean Martin for her kindness and care. (2) to A. F. Marting (friend) Requested that gravestones be erested. Nom. as ex., — A. F. Marting Signed 24 July 1869. Mary E. Lathrop (SEAL) Witnesses: John S. Cotton, D. E. Cotton. Sworn to and Subscribed on 16 Oct. 1869 before James B. Edwards, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 17. John Harrison of Troy Tp., Whitley Co., Ind. To wife her lifetime support out of the property. Daughter, Ann Eliza to have the home farm S ½ of W ¼ of Sec. 16, T 32, Range 8 East. To all my children or their heirs living at time of my decease, equally (but not by name). Nom. for ex. R. J. Elliot. Signed 6 October 1869. John Harrison, SEAL. Witnesses: R. J. Elliot of Troy Township, S. J. W. Elliot of Troy Township, M. F. Spencer of Troy Township. Sworn to and subscribed on 2 Dec. 1869 before James B. Edwards, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 19 Samuel First. Beq. (1) Harry Elsworth (son) (2) my 2 daus. and son" Margaret Alice, Ida Elenett and Henry Elsworth. Had real estate in Brown Co., Kas. If all heirs are deceased then to foreign missions and the nearest blood kin. Ex. nom. — Martin Bechtel who is also to serve as guardian of Ida Elenett and Margaret Alice until they (the daus.) are 21 yrs. of age and also of Harry Elsworth (son) until he is 21. Signed 20 April 1870. Samuel First (SEAL) Witnesses: Milton B. Emerson, Melissa A. Bechtol, Martha Bechtel. Sworn to and subscribed 26 May 1870 before Jas. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 23 Daniel Stallsmith of Washington Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. "I have given my other children (not by name) all I am able to give the." (1) all my real estate to my daughter, Mary Catharine Magdalena Raymer who now lives with me. "Lived on N.W. ¼ of S.W. ¼, Sec. 13, T20, North of Range 9 East. Signed 24 March 1867. Daniel Stallsmith (SEAL) Witnesses" James S. Collins, John Wise. Sworn to and subscribed 19 Feb. 1870 before James B. Edwards, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 25 William R. Brown of Whitley County, Indiana. (1) to Sarah Browns (wife) control and possession of the home farm, the W ½ of the East of N.W. ¼ of Section 25 in Township 32 Range 9 E. (30 acres) but if she marries the farm is to be sold and the money divided as follows: my wife 1/3 to hold in trust for my children; the other 2/3 to my 2 children Valorous Brown and Hannah E. Yontz. Ex'x nominated — my beloved wife. Signed 6 Sep. 1870 William R. Brown (SEAL) Witnesses: Ed. A. Mossman, Frederick Humbarger. Sworn to and subscribed 1 October 1870 before Jas. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 27 Zephaniah Stewart of Whitley County, Indiana. Requested "to be interred without any funeral pomp or show." To Eliza Stewart (wife), To Sarah Jane Stewart (dau.) but if deceased without heirs then to my nephew, John Wesley Melser (or Welser ?) if living. Ex'x nominated — Eliza Stewart (wife). Signed 8 April 1861. Zephaniah Stewart (SEAL) Witnesses: James G. Dyer, James Jeffries. Sworn to and subscribed 11 January 1871 before Jas. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 30. Henry Knight of Columbia City, Indiana. Equally to all his children (but not by name). Exs nominated (sons) — John W. Knight, Henry Knight. Signed 27 June 1866. Henry Knight (SEAL). Witnesses: Alpha A. Bainbridge, James S. Collins. Sworn to and subscribed on 25 January 1871 before Jas. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 33. "I, Deonis Meyer of Thorncreek Township, Whitley County, Indiana." Beq. (1) Rosy Myer (wife) all property, real amd personal. The land (60 acres) in N.E. ¼ of Section 32, Township 32, North of Range 9 East. Nom. as sole ex'x, Rose Myers (wife). Signed 13 May 1867. Deonis (written over with David) Myers (SEAL) Franklin Miller, Adams Y. Hooper}Witnesses. Proved by Franklin Shilts, one of the subscribing witnesses on 28 Jan. 1871 before Jas. B. Edwards, Clerk. A corrected copy of this will, see William Record 3, Page 216. Franklin Shilts, was the witness instead of Franklin Miller. David was written over Deonis/ [David Meyer].

Record 2 Page 36. Henry McCune. "To beloved wife in lieu of her dower the farm on which we now reside in Monro Township, Richland Co., Ohio containing 235 acres during her natural life and also the personal property. At her death to my sons: John, Henry and Robert but they are to pay: to the children of Eliza Charles, dec (dau); to Mary Souders or her heirs (dau); Sarah Fleck (wife of Peter Fleck and testator's dau.) or her heirs; Catherine (dau. & wife of Samuel Snyder) or her heairs; to Isaiah ARcher and Nancy Archer, children living now with me $100 each if they remain with testor and wife until of age. Ex. nom. — Joseph Hosting, friend. Signed 1 July 1857. Henry (his X mark) McCune (SEAL) Wits.: G. F. Carpetner, Josel Hersh. Proved 1 Mar. 1871 at Columbia City, Ind. before James B. Edwards, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 40. Henry Myers of Whitley Co., Indiana. To wife, her natural lifetime the lot "on which we now reside," the S ½ of Lots 5 & 6 in Block 18, Columbia City, Ind., also all the personal property but at her death both real & personal remaining to my sons and daughters & their children as lawful heirs (not by names). Signed 31 May 1864. Henry Myers (SEAL) Witnesses: Anderson Hupp, Thomas Washburn. S & S. 13 March 1871 before Jas. B. Edwards, Clerk. Record 2 Page 42. John Marrs. of Troy township, Whitley County, Indiana. Ordered erection of tombstones. Made provision for the education of his minor children (not by name). To his children at ages of 21 years. To Fanny Marrs, (Wife). Executors: Fanny Marrs (wife) and Berry Marrs. Fanny Marrs to act as guardian of the children but if she dies the trust to go to Berry Marrs. Signed 17 January 1871. John Marrs (SEAL) Witnesses: A. M. Trumbull, Rodney James. S. & subscribed on 28 March 1871 before Jas. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 45. John Meek of Cleveland Township, Whitley County, Ind. The real estate known as the Meek Farm in Whiteley Co., Ind. not to be sold until the youngest child, Isaiah is of age. Then the farm is to be sold and the proceeds to all my children: Richard C., Wm. F., Alexander G., Oliver H. P., Rebecca A., Irvin Davis {no punc. may be 1 child), Isaiah Meek. To Mary (wife) on 12 Aug 1859 she agreed to the terms of the will. Signed 12 August 1859. John Meek (SEAL) Witnesses: Samuel Jordan, Daniel Harshbarger. Sub. & Sworn to on 13 June 1871 before Jas. B. Edwards., Clerk.

Record 2 Page 48. Samuel Barnett of Clark Co., Ohio. (Copy) Beq.: Ann J. Barnet, wife; James Barnet, son, Mary Paulding, daughter; Susanah Crother, daughter. Equally to: Ann J. Barnet, James Barnet, David M. Barnet, Mary Paulding, George W. Barnet, Levi Barnett, Nancy Wallace, Sarah Hunt, (as given) George W. Barnett, Samuel Barnet, Jr. Names (sons) William A. Barnet and Samuel Barnet as guardians for Mary Paulding but if she dies leaving minor heirs the guardians are to retain enough for their maintenance and education but when of age the children to receive their portions. The guardians also to serve as guardians for my son, George W. Barnett until he is capable of managing his estate. If Ann J. Barnett, dies first then to her son, David F. Barnett and her daughter, Jane Torrence. Exs. nominated (sons): William A. Barnett, Samuel Barnett. If either of these dies then David M. Barnett (son) to serve. Signed 2 April 1869. Samuel Barnett (SEAL). Witnesses: Phenias F. McGrew, S. F. McGrew. Codicil made 2 Apr. 1869 & signed 27th A.D. 1868 & witn. by S. F. McGrew and Thomas McGrew. (refers to real est.) Codicil dated 2 April 1869 and signed 3 May 1869 in presence of Thomas F. McGrew and S. F. McGrew. Will presented in Clark Co., Ohio on 19 May 1869 and admitted to probate. Signed by John H. Settler, Pro. Judge. Attest, a true copy, 18 May 1870. E. G. Dial, J. P> A copy of recording in Whitley Co., Ind. att. 25 July 1871 by J. B. Edwards. Page 2 Page 53. Henry Hauptmeier of Whitley County, Indiana. To Caroline (wife), To Henry Hauptmeier (son) after death of my wife, the N ½ of the farm on which I now reside & to include the barn. To my son William, the south ½ of the farm & to include the house. To daughters: Charlotte Fisher, Willemena Brigaman, or their heirs. My dau. Frederick Allebroad has receive her share. Ex. Nom. — Charles Shafer. Signed 10 October 1865. Henry Hauptmeier (in German) (SEAL) Atts: A. J. Douglas and Louis Seivers. S & S 25 Sept. 1871. Codicil made 10 Oct. 1865 re land for sons Henry & William. Signed 23 Mar 1870. Henry (his X mark) Hauptmeier (SEAL). Wits.: Charles Schaper, Joseph Adder. S & S 25 Sept. 1871 before Jas. B. Edwards, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 58. John Fair of Whitley Co., Indiana. To wife, the farm of 54 acres in Smith township on which we reside to have her natural life then at her death to my children: John Fair, Jr.; Lydia Cripliver, Matilda Elmandorf, Susanna Gump, Emeline Glenn (?); Caroline Miller. To Maud Whitman, a dau of my wife by a former marriage. Executor nom. Dr. Joseph Pierce. Signed 13 January 1869. John (his X mark) Fair. Witnesses: David Ruch, John Summey. Sworn to and subscribed on 6 March 1872 before Eli W. Brown, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 61. Thomas McGlaughlin of Whitley County, Indiana. To son, John McGlaughlin the east half of my farm where I live in Whitley Co., Ind. To my younger son, James McGlaughlin the west half of my said farm. To Margaret McGlaughlin (dau.). To Margaret Crowell. Ex. nom — James Bie (friend). Signed 20 April 1871. Thomas (his X mark) McGlaughlin. Witnesses — J> Benort, W. W. Walton. Sworn to and subscribed on 24 April 1872 before Eli W. Brown, Clerk. Record 2 Page 65. William Boyse of Richmond, Wayne County, Indiana. (Copy) To Mary Boyse (wife). Ex'x. nominated — Mary Boyse (wife). Signed 8 Feb. 1853. William Boyse (no seal). Witnesses: C. A. Dickerson, Bernard Luidaman, James Perry. Proved in Wayne Co., Ind. on 17 March 1853. Copy filed in Whitley Co., Ind. on 26 April 1872. Attest Eli W. Brown, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 67. Carter McDonald. To Elizabeth (wife). To Isaiah B. McDonald (son) 1/5; To Mary E. Benton 1/5; To William McDonald 1/5' To Eliza Holycross (wife of Daniel) and her heirs 1/5. To the children of Melzer McDonald (dec. son) by his first wife, nee Sarah A. Benton, in care of my son, I. B. McDonald & to the divided among my gr-ch., children of the said Sarah A., & Melzer McDonald 1/5. Ex. nominated, Isaiah B. McDonald (son). Signed 28 June 1872. Carter McDonald (SEAL). Witnesses: Geo. L. Templeton, Michael Sickafoose. Sworn to and subscribed on 23 July 1872 before Eli W. Brown, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 71. Nancy Shearer of Columbia Township, Whitley County, Ind. To Olive Jones and her heirs; To Philean Shearer; Equally to {Ampeline Shearer, Florida Castin, Sarah Violett Shearer]. Requested sale of a cow to pay for a tombstone for Martha Shearer. Of the money coming to the testator from ABram Shauk, take $60 to erect a family monument at the grave of John Shearer, dec.. To Oral Robinett, $5. Nominates William Rouch to act as guardian of her youngest dau. (but not by name). Ex. nominates: Joshua Jones. Signed 13 Feb. 1872. Nancy Shearer (no seal) Witnesses: Ruth Castor, James Johnston. S & S 3 Aug. 1872 before Eli W. Brown, Clerk.

Book 2 page 74. Mary McLaughlin of Whitley Co., Indiana. to sons John L. McLaughlin, James McLaughlin. Refers to the will of her late husband, Thomas McLaughlin, deceased and the payment the sons must make to their sister, Margaret Crowel. Signed 24 Apr. 1872. Mary (as X is) McLaughlin (SEAL). Witnesses: William W. Walton, Margaret J. Walton, James Blee. Sworn to and Subscribed on 6 August 1872. Attest by Eli Brown, Clerk on 7 August 1872.

Record 2 Page 77. Gilbert Shaw of Whitley Co., Indiana. To: Matilda - wife; William - eldest son; James H. - 2nd son; Robert and Hamilton, 3rd & 4th sons; Owen and Gilbert, my 5th & 6th sons. Mentions $100 given to his dau. Mary at the marriage. She is now deceased therefor to her dau. Matilda Phebe, daughter. Joint Exs. nominated - Matilda, wife; William, son. Signed 30 November 1869. Gilbert Shaw (no seal). Witnesses: J. R. Douglas; G. M. Douglass, J. O. Douglass. Sworn to and subscribe on 22 August 1872 before Eli W. Brown Clerk. Recorded 28 Aug. 1872 by Eli Brown, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 83. Samuel Lantz of Union Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. A life use of the farm of 80 acres on which they lived, but at her death to his sons - Hiram and Daniel & their heirs a 1/3 share to each and the other third to his dau. Lucretia. Signed 14 Oct. 1872. Samuel Lantz (SEAL) Witnesses - Simon Acker, Charels Acker. Sworn to and subscribed on 30 October 1872. Attest - Eli W. Brown, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 86. Jacob Wolf of Whitley Co., Ind. To Nancy (wife) the homestead, the N.E. Fraction in Section 15 of Township 31 (Union Tp.) Range 10 E her lifetime. AT her death to endowment fund. Wittenberg College, and invested in a permanent fund for endowment of Wortburg Seminary Scholarship. Signed 8 March 1863. Jacob Wolf (SEAL) Witnesses: Francis Mossman, John F. Mossman. Sw. to and Subscribed on 27 Dec. 1872. Recorded 28 Dec. 1872 by Eli W. Brown, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 90. Charles Brand, in German and not translated. Will presented by Godhelp Richardt on 20 Jan. 1873 & seal of the Court affixed on the same day by Eli W. Brown, Clerk. Record 2 Page 94. Catharine Clapp of Whitley Co., Ind. To Milton Clapp, son. To Mary J. Ward (dau.) and her heirs. To Sarah Ann Jewel, dau. To Malinda Thomas. To sons: William Martin & George $. and John C. Signed 1 Nov. 1870. Catharine (her X mark) Clapp (SEAL) Witnesses: Lewis M. Steward, Hannah Steward. Sworn to and subscribed on 28 January 1873 before Eli Brown, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 97. Daniel Cassel of Whitley Co., Indiana. To his wife her lifetime then to Lanty S., Iantha B. and Phraontis O. Cassel. Made provision if a posthumous children be born. Request erection of monuments over grave of his wife, his 2 deceased children & over his own grave (cost of his stone not to exceed $125.) Has an insurance policy with the Mutual Benefit Co. Nom. as guardian of his 3 children: Edward A. Mossman who is to see they have good English Educations. Ex. nominated: Edward Mossman. Signed 12 October 1872. Daniel Cassel (SEAL) Witnesses: Adam Avey, Nathan Head. S. & subscribed on 24 Feb. 1873. Eli Brown, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 101. Adolphus Ellison of Whitley County, Indiana. Executor nominated in the will: Jonathan A. Ellison (brother). To Jonathan A. Ellison (brother). To Emily C. Nott (my step-daughter). Signed 5 May 1873. Adolphus Ellison (SEAL) Witnesses: C. B. Tulley, Isaac N. Briggs, C. Green, Isaac G. Clark. Sworn to and subscribe on 28 May 1873 before Eli W. Brown, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 104. James Mannen of Whitley Co., Indiana. Had land in Riceland Tp., Whitley Co, Indiana. To: Jane Mannen (wife), John Mannen, Sarah Cordill (dau), Moses Mannen (son), Nancy Jane Fager (dau) wife of John Fager, William M. A. Mannen (son), Elizabeth Mannen (dau.). Viola Wilson, David M. Wilson, Cyrus W. Wilson and James G. Wilson to have $50 each. Ex. nom. in the will: Cyrus B. Tulley (friend). Signed 9 August 1873. James Mannen (SEAL) Witnesses: Frederick Morell, Cyrus B. Tulley. Sworn to and subscribed on 3 Sept. 1873 before Eli W. Brown, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 110. William NOrris of Richland Tp., Whitley County, Ind. To: Marcus Norris (son), Amy (dau.), Susan (dau.), Alexander (son), Sarah (dau.), Martha (dau.), Mary Elizabeth (a minor), Henry (son), William (son). Referred a plot he had deeded for a school house and 1/2 acres south of this plot set aside for a burying ground in a corner of his premises, Margaret An (dau.), Wife to have a respectable living off the land during her lifetime (not by name). Exs., nom. Wife and sons Henry and William Norris. Signed 29 Mar. 1856. William (his mark) Norris (SEAL) Witnesses: John S. Cotton, Jesse Cordill, Sarah J. Compton, Sarah Cordill. Sworn to and subscribed on 26 Sept. 1873 before Eli W. Brown, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 112. David M. Long To: Ester Ann Long (wife) To my 4 children: Isabella Ann Long, Noah S. Long, Charles H. Long, Abraham M. Long, all minors and at home. To Elizabeth Jane Pompey, dau. Nom. Lemuel Devault as executor and also as guardian of the 4 minor children. Signed: 31 Oct. 1873. David M. Long (SEAL) Witnesses: Samuel Hollenbeck, Charles Shislet. Sworn to and subscribed on 11 Nov. 1873 before Eli M. Brown, Clark.

Record 2 Page 117: Nathan M. Robinett of Jefferson Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To Elmira Robinett (wife) but if she married to my children: William Robinett, James Robinett, Catharine Hoffmire, Alfred Robinett, Emery Putnam, Martha J. Robinett, Cloah Robinett, Adda Robinett, Della Robinett, Hattie Robinett. Requester no administrator or executor be appointed. Signed 8 March 1873. N. M. Robinett (SEAL) Witnesses: William M. Gillespie, James Broxon. Sworn to and subscribed on 16 December 1873 before Eli W. Brown, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 120: Henry B. Sell, of Whitley County, Indiana. To: Mariah (wife). To Henry Sell (son) gets the homestead and the deed executed this day. To: Nancy Sievers, Henry Sievers, William Sievers and Augustus Sievers (Children of my dec. dau., Catharine Sievers). To William Sell (son), George Sell (son), Solomon Sell, (son) Exs. nominated in the will: Henry Sill (son) and William Sievers. Signed 7 August 1873. Henry B. Sell (SEAL) Wits. F. H. Foust, A. Y. Hooper. Sworn to and subscribed on 3 January 1874 by Campbell, a deputy for Eli W. Brown, Clark.           A codicil was made 7 Aug. 1873 re legacies to the Seivers children heirs of Catherine Seivers, deceased. Also re Solomon Sell (son) if not of age then William Sell (son) is to act as guardian. Codicil was signed in the presence of Charles Schaper and Walter Olds. & August 1873 and proved on 3 Jan. 1874. Attest, 6 Jan. 1874 by James A. Campbell, Deputy for Eli W. Brown, Clark.

Book 2 Page 128: Henry Kaufman of Washington Township, Whitley County, Ind. To: Margaret Maring (dau.), Samuel Kaufman (son), John Kaufman (son), Henry Kaufman (son), Sarah Ihrig (dau.), Catharine Richard (dau.), Hannah M. Braden (dau.), Ellen Kaufman (dau.) Ex. nominated in the will - Samuel Kaufman (son). Signed 30. Oct. 1868. Henry Kaufman (SEAL) Witnesses: Lewis Deems, James Broxin. Sworn to and subscribed on 28 February 1874 before Eli W. Brown, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 130: John Wetzel of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Polly, wife. To Elizabeth Wetzel (daughter-in-law) and the wife of Nathan Wetzel (son). To my 7 grandchildren, surname Schultz but if they are deceased then to Elizabeth Wetzel (daughter-in-law). Executor nom. Nathan Wetzel (son). Signed 5 January 1870. John Wetzel (SEAL) Witnesses: Lewis M. Steward, Solomon O. Lantzer Sworn to and subscribed on 12 March 1874 before Eli W. Brown, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 133: Michael Mowrey (no seal) a farmer of Whitley Co., Indiana. To: Emeline L. Mowrey (wife) in lieu of dower then equally to my children to California E. Mowery, Julia E. Mowery, Alice P. Mowery, Nancy L. Mowery, Lyman M. Mowery (son), Perry G. Mowery (son). Exec. nom. Henry Mowery (son). Signed 29 March 1874. Michael Mowery. Witnesses W. Matson, Joseph Pletcher. Sworn to and subscribed on 1 July 1874 before Eli W. Brown, Clerk by James A. Campbell, Deputy.

Record 2 Page 135: George Deem of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. To Johanna Deem (wife). Ex. nominated Isaiah B. McDonald, friend. Signed 21 July 1874. George Deem. Witnesses: Isaiah McDonald, Eli W. Brown, William Meiser. Sworn to and subscribed on 25 August 1874. Eli W. Brown, Clerk Per Deputy, J. A. Campbell.

Record 2 Page 138. Anna L. Trumbull of Washington Township, Noble County, Indiana. To Samantha Caroline (wife) and my children. She to serve as guardian of my children, and a executrix along with Ambrose M. Trumbull (my bro.). IF she dies then Ambrose M. Trumbull to serve. Signed: 14 May 1858. Ann L. Trumbull (SEAL) Witnesses - William Jameson, Elizabeth Roberts. Sworn to and subscribed on 3 August 1858 by H. Baldwin, Deputy of Noble County Indiana. Blank place on the record for affirmation of a certified copy.

Record 2 Page 139: John George Kessell of Whitley County, Indiana. Requested that a proper tombstone be set at his grave. To Dau., Mary A. Walton of Three Rivers, Mich. To dau.: Elizabeth Miller of DeKalb Co., Ind. To wife, Sarah, John G. W. Russell and J. L. Kessell. Ex. nom. my friend and neighbor, George Eberhard, Sen. Signed 15 August 1873. John George Kessell (SEAL) Witnesses: Isaiah B. McDonald, Mary C. Eberhard. Sworn to and subscribed on 10 November 1874 before Eli W. Brown, per; J. Am. Campbell, Deputy.

Book 2 Page 145: Sarah Kissell, the widow of John G.. Kissell accepted terms of husbands will on 12 Dec 1874./

Record 2 Page 142: Ann Knap. To Isaac Knap (husband) the farm 1/2 mile west of Churubusco "where we not reside." Signed 28 November 1874. Ann (her mark) Knap (SEAL) Witnesses: Ed A. Mossman, J. T. Creswell. Date when proved not found.

Record 2 Page 143: Urial Wigent of Whitley Co., Indiana. To Ruhannah H. (wife) and at her death, equally to my children. To Byron Wigent (son). Signed 14 December 1874. Urial Wigent (SEAL). Witnesses: J. H. Clark, Daniel Lantz. Sworn to and subscribed on 12 January 1875. before Jas. A. Campbell Deputy for Eli W. Brown, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 146: Michael Holm of Whitley County, Indiana. To Mary J. Holm, wife, a lifetime interest but at her death to his son and daughters (not by name) and to the heirs of his deceased children. Ex's. nom. - Mary J. Holm (wife). Signed 31 October 1874. Michael Holm. (no seal) Witnesses: Lewis M. Steward, Hannah Steward. Sworn to and subscribed on 23 January 1875 before Eli W. Brown, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 152: Thomas J. Hammontree of Richland Township, Whitley Co., Ind. To my 2 sons - Horis and Edwin. To my 4 daughters" Elizabeth A. Reece, Mary J. Dodge, Mariah S. Anderson, Frances M. Wolfe. Executors nominated in the will: Sons, Horis and Edwin. Signed 20 March 1875. T. J. Hammontree (L.S.) Witnesses: J (John) F. Dodge, D. (Dennis) J. Alley. Sworn to and subscribed on 8 April 1875. Eli W. Brown, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 155: Jacob Keiser of Whitley Co., Ind. To Mary Keiser (wife). To my children equally and to their heirs. Ex. nominated - Jonathan Sattison. Signed 23 May 1873. Jacob Keiser. Witnesses: Beual Sigfried, Solomon Stoner. Sworn to and subscribed on 5 June 1875 before Eli W. Brown, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 158: Jacob Halderman of Larwill, Whitley County, Indiana. To Elizabeth (wife). To my 3 youngest children: Ellen Halderman, Jacob Halderman, Elizabeth Halderman. To Jacob Aydlett, Della Aydlett my grandchildren. To my children: Daniel Halderman, John Halderman, Lewis Halderman, Susannah Clevenger, Sarah Reed, Mary Benner. Ex. nom. Lewis Halderman (son). Signed 26 June 1875. Jacob Halderman (SEAL). Witnesses: James S. Collins, A. (Alvin) H. King. Sworn to and subscribed on 2 July 1875 by Eli W. Brown, Clerk.

Book2 Page 163: Antoinette A. McNear of Whitley County, Indiana. To my 2 children: Angie Iona McNear and Burdetta McNear. To my husband, J. F. McNear if both my children die their portions to Mary F. Tucker. Had land in Butler Co., Kas. Nom. ex. - Mr. Richard Collins of Whitley Co., Ind. Signed 6 Apr. 1875. Antoinette A. McNear (no seal) Wits.: Monroe Trumbull, Frankie Blain. Sworn to and subscribed on 6 July 1875 before Eli W. Browns, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 166: Sarah Enlow. To grandson, Joseph Franklin Leffel, the house and lot in Larwill, Ind. "which I now occupy." To my daughter. Sarah Fisher. formerly Sarah :Leffel. Signed 22 May 1972. Sarah Enlow (no seal). Wits. James Garretson, Rebecca A. Andrews. Sworn to and subscribed on 11 November 1875 before Eli W. Brown, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 168: Jacob A. Vanhouton of Union Township, Whitley County, Ind. To wife (not by name) my dwelling house and 2 lots on which it stands in Coesse, Indiana. To son, Jacob S. Vanhouton but must pay to his mother; to his brother, David Vanhouton; to his sister Clarissa Pence and to his sister, Emeline Smith. My other children not named have received their portions (One of these was John who married Elizabeth Pence. He had 2 wives. A son Wellington was a 1/2 bro. of Mrs. Lauren Humbarger.) Signed 8 Feb. 1870. Jacob A. Vanhouton (SEAL) Witnesses: James S. Collins, Joseph W. Adair. Sworn to and subscribed on 15 November 1875 before Eli W. Brown, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 171: Henry McLallen, Sr., of Larwill, Whitley County, Indiana. To Frances, wife, but at her death to my 3 children: Elisha L., Henry McLallen, Margaret A. Clugston. Signed 20 October 1875. Henry McLallen, Sr., (SEAL). Wits.: J. B. Firestone, Wm. H. McLallen of Aurora, Ill., L. B. Snyder. Codicil #1: To my brother, Wm. H. McLallen. Signed 28 Oct 1875. Wits.: L. B. Snyder & Thos. Stradley. Codicil 2: To nephews and namesake, Henry M. Thompson my silver headed can and $50. Signed 28 Oct. 1875. Wits.: L. B. Snyder & Thos. Stradley. Sworn to and subscribed on 6 December 1875. James Reider, Clerk.

Page 175 Book 2: Henry Moore. To son, Lucas Moore, dau. Hulty E. Bennet, To Mary E. Smelley, dau of my deceased daughter, Matilda Torbet. To Grandchildren, William H. Waidlich and Mary E. Harley, children of my deceased daughter, Ann Waidlich. To dau., Lovina Scott. To all my children and gr-children: Lucas Moore, son, Charles Moore, son, Mary McCloud, dau. Hulty E. Bennett, dau., James Moore, son, William H. Waidlich & Mary E. Harley} gr-children and children of my dec. daughter; Ann Waidlich. Mary E. Smilley, dau. of my dec. dau., Matilda Torbet, Henry Moore, son, Lovina Scott, dau. Ex.s. nom.: Christian D. Waidlich, father of William H. Waidlich and Mary E. Harley. Signed 12 March 1874 - Henry Moore (SEAL) Wits.: F. H. Foust, Walter Olds, N. D. Torbet, Sworn to and subscribed, 17 Dec. 1875 before James Reider, Clark, Whit. Co. Cir. Court.

Book 2 Page 178: Joseph Feist. To my children: Mary Huffner, Ft. Wayne, Ind, Joseph Feist, Elizabeth Fesit, Rate Feist, John Feist, Magdalena Feist, Louisa Feist. Nom. Joseph Strasser of Columbia City, Ind. to act as executor and also a guardian to John Magdalena and Louisa Feist until each reach the age of 21 years. Signed 8 November 1875. Joseph Feist (SEAL) Witnesses: Isaac W. Rosenthal, George Hornung. Sworn to and subscribed on 27 December 1875 before James Reider, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 181: Delia Sikes. Requ4est a stone be set over her grave. To: Comfot V. Lane for kindness shown, Samuel A. Lane, for kindness shown, Sarah E. Baldorf for kindness shown. To Frances Sikes, Remington. Ex. nom. - Samuel A. Lane. Signed at Akron, Ohio on 7 Sep. 1873. Delia Sikes (no seal). Wits.: C. V. Lane, S.. A. Lane. Proved in Summit Co., Ohio on 21 January 1876. Attest: Geo. W. Weeks, Clark C. C. Please at Akron. Cert. copy files Whitley Co., Ind. Attest - Samuel Reider, Whitley Co., C. C.

Book 2 Page 182: William C. Harrison of Troy Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To wife, Caroline Harrison her lifetime or so long as she remains my widow. Ex. nominated, Albert D. Harrison, my son. Signed 1 January 1876. William C. Harrison. Witnesses: M. (Moses) F. Spencer of Troy Tp. Whit. Co. James D. Jameson, Troy Tp., Whitley Co., Indiana. Sworn to and subscribed on 26 January 1876 before James Reider, Clark.

Book 2 Page 184: John Thompson of Riceland Township, Whitley County, Ind. To wife (not by name) lifetime use of the farm where I reside but subject o certain conditions in favor of my youngest dau. Sarah. To Ezra, son. To Emily, daughter. To son John Dan his wife Ellen and the life of the survivor, then equally to their children, 50 acres of land. Ex. nominated - my brother, Franklin Thompson. Signed 6 January 1876. John Thompson (SEAL). Witnesses: J. B. Firestone, John Arnold. Sworn to and subscribed on 7 February 1876 before James Reider, Clark.

Record 2 Page 187: Nathan Chapman of Whitley County, Indiana. Request the erection of a suitable gravestone for himself. Refers to land bought of Levi Scott. To Laura Ann Chapman (wife) land her lifetime also 2 shares of stock in the Whitley Co. Joint Stock Agricultural Society. To our daughter, Pamela Scott of Delphi's, Ohio. To William H. Chapman, our son. to our grandchildren: Lanty Shannon Cassel, Ianthe A. Cassel, Phreontis Cassel. Names old friends and neighbors to act as legal advisor of my said wife: James S. Collins, Joseph W. Adair, Isaiah B. McDonald. Signed 17 January 1876. Nathan Chapman (SEAL). Wits: William Weber, Henry Chapman, Melissa Keersey, Isaiah B. McDonald. Sw. to and sub. 18 Feb. 1876 before James Reider, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 190: George Gaerte of Whitley County, Indiana. To brother, Joseph Gaerte. Signed 26 June 1876. George Gaerte (no seal). Witnesses: Noah Gaerte (no seal). Witnesses: Noah J. Pritchard, Samuel Allen, G. N. Cady. Sworn to and subscribed on 1 July 1876 before James Reider, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 192: William Kates of Whitley, County Indiana. To wife, Mary Kates in lieu of dower, the plantation on which we live in Whitley County for her natural life being the E½ of the SE¼ of Section 32 in Township 30, Range East containing 94 19/100 acres. To George W. Kates, To John E. Kates, To Josiah P. Kates. To Mary E. Kates (dau) who is to pay sums to George, John and Josiah. Ex.s. Mary Kates (wife), Mary E. Kates (dau.). Signed 21 June 1871. Witnesses: John Decker, Joseph T. Wilson. Sworn to & subscribed on 3 August 1876 before James Reider, Clerk.

Record 2 (copy) Page 194: David Hamilton of Watevleit, Albany County, New York. Aged 59 years and 4 months. To Sophia Hamilton, wife. To my 3 daughters: Eliza Poole, Catharine Ann, Helen Sophia. Dated 28 May 1859 at St. Catharine, Canada west. S. David Hamilton (.L.S.) Wits.: William W. Wright of Geneva, N.Y., Milton H., St. John, Watervliet, N.Y. Codicil: Nom. as ex'x., Sophia Hamilton, wife. Dated 31 May 1859 at St. Catharines, Canada. West. Signed David Hamilton (L.S.) Wits.: William W. Wright, Geneva N. Y.; Milton H. St. John, Watervleit, N.Y. Codicil: About to embark on a trip to Europe with my wife Sophia and daughters Catharine A. and Helen S. --- in case of Shipwreck & destroyed, etc. Nom. Eliza P. Hithcock as ex'x. She to have all the property and at her death to her children. Dated at Watervliet, N.Y. on 31 Oct. 1860. Signed David Hamilton. Wit's William W. Wright of Geneva, N.Y. and H. H. St. John of West Troy, N.Y. Proved 31 August 1861 before Justus Harwell, Surrogate. A copy (true) att. 31 Sept. 1861.

Book 2 Page 200: Keys C. Hamilton. To Elizabeth (wife) 1/3 of all the property. To my legal heirs and their children, viz.: Children of Emily Sickafoose (my dec. dau.) to children of Justin Hamilton (dec.) To my dau. Harriet Walter & her ch. To my dau. Clarissa Sable & her ch. To my dau. Jane Williamson & her ch. Ex'x. nom. Elizabeth (wife). Signed 29 June 1876. Keys C. Hamilton (SEAL). Witnesses: Eugene Grimes, Lewis M. Steward. Codicil. Names William Cordill and Lewis H. Steward to appraise the estate. States that his wife ----- may have a public or private sale. Signed 16 September 1876. Keys C. Hamilton. Wit.; W. (Walton) E. Grimes, Lewis H. Steward. (will & Codicil). Sworn to and subscribed on 11 Oct. 1876 before James Reider, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 202. Margaret Shepler of Union Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. To Children of my former marriage: Hiram W. Fisher, Catharine L. Hall, Margaret E. Est. To my daughter, Mary A. Aumond, my, son, Sanford P. Shepler, My dau., Sarah Jane Aumond, My dau., Charlotte E. Emery. To Calvin E. Hall, grandson. To Joseph A. Shepler, husband, he to be executor, if she dies first. Requested respectable tombstone for herself, also for her husband at this decease and one for her son, Richard P. Shepler. Signed 29 August 1876. Margaret Shepler Witnesses: Wm. E. Merriman, Alex. More Sworn to and subscribed on 7 October 1876 before James Reider, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 205. Michael Mowrey of Troy Tonwship, Whitley County, Indiana. Eqully to all my children, secept the heirs of my sone Jacob at to have $50 only and my daughter Susanna Shall have $100 more than any of the others. Signed 15 January 1869. Michael Mowrey (SEAL) Wits: William Tannehill, Wm. W. Schuman. Sw. to & sub. 5 December, 1876 before James Reider, Clerk

A 2nd Will.

Book 2 Page 206. If testator died before his wife, Catharine Mowrey, she is to take a third and the balance to be divided equally among his heirs: Henry Mowrey, 1 share. Michael Mowrey, 1 share. Sarah Wagner, 1 share. To children of Catharine Mosher, dec. one share. To John Mowrey, 1 share. Judiah. Irwin, 1 share. To heirs of Elizabeth Pletcher, dec., one share. To the heirs, children of Barbara Gilbert, dec. one share. To Susan Mowrey, one share plus $100. Nom. as. Ex., William Schuman, a good friend and neighbor. Signed 22 May 1871. Michael Mowrey (SEAL) Witnesses: I. B. McDonald, J.. E. Lawrence, Wm. Weber. Sworn to and Subscribed on 14 December 1876 before James Reider, Clerk.

Book 2 COPY Page 209. Nicholas Hogendobler of West Hempfield Township, Lancaster Co., Pa. To Mary (wife) To Jacob Hogendobler (son). To Michael Hogendobler (brother) To Daughter Nancy Grider (widow of Michael Grider) To my children and legal heirs, share and share alike (not by name) Nom. as exs., my trusty sons, Henry G. Hogendobler and Samuel C. Hogendobler. Signed 13 February 1864. Nicholas Hogendobler (SEAL) Wits.: Jacob Kendig, John M. Grider. Admitted to probate in Lancaster Co., Pa. on 23 November 1876. Attest — Harrison Ross, Register of Wills. Nicholas Hogendobler died 25 October 1876 at 10-½ oclock in the afternoon as per affid. filed. Attest Wm. M. Slaymaker, Deputy Register.

Book 2 Page 214. Mary E. Shaw of Coesse Whitley Co., Ind. To son, Albert M. Shaw but if he dies as minor or unmarried then to my brothers and sisters and to the sisters and brothers of my deceased husband, equally (John H. Shaw her deceased husband). Signed 22 may 1875. Mary E. Shaw (SEAL) Witnesses: James S. Collins, A. J. Douglas. Sworn to and subscribed on 20 December 1876 before James Reider, Clerk,

Book 2 (Copy) Page 216. John Ballentine of Clark County, Ohio. To wife, her widowhood and natural life. Each child to be well educated to each children when of age. Disposes of a guardian for all my minor children unless my wife desires one. She to have custody of the children. Exs. Isaac Neff of Champaign Co., O., George Spence of Clark Co., Ohio. Signed 25 Jan. 1863. John Ballentine (SEAL) Witnesses: Henry Enoch, Geo. Michael. Produced in Clark Co., Ohio 9 Feb 1863. Certified copy, 26 Sep. 1873. Attest E. G. Dial by J. W. Cummings, Deputy Clark. The widow. Hester Ann Ballentine elected to take under the will. Signed 23 Jan. 1864.

Record 2 Page 219. William Coulter of Whitley County, Indiana. To wife, Elizabeth. To daughters: Margaret Ann, Miriam. To son, Franklin Coulter. Signed 27 October 1874. William Coulter (SEAL) Witnesses: Alpheus B. Gaff, Wm. Aburn. Sworn to and subscribed on 19 Feb 1877 before James Reider, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 221. Polly Thompson. To Amos Burt, William Burt, Netty Burt}Children of Mary J. Burt, deceased. To Mathew G. Walker. Ex.. nom. - William Show (friend) Signed 13 May 1876. Polly (her X mark) Thompson (SEAL) Wits.: Joseph W. Adair and R. H. Collins. Sworn to and subscribed on 3 March 1877 before James Reider, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 223. Joseph B. Shawgo. To wife, land we live on in Troy Township (Whitley Co., Ind.) and at her death to Gearry W. Shawgo (son) (and also written George W. Shawgo) To Sarah J. Stilwell and Margaret E. Buntain. To Delila King and Eliza Smith. To Delila McKuhan and I(?) Shawgo. To Serena Shawgo. Signed 27 January 1877. Joseph B. Shawgo (SEAL) Witnesses: Jackson Sadler, William Tannehill. Sworn to and subscribed on 3 March 1877 before James Reider, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 225. Daniel Kemery of Whitley Co., Ind. To wife, Barbara Kemery. To my heirs and heirs at law of my late deceased wife: Susanna Kemery (minor dau. of my daughter Harriet Cos.( To: Mary Ann Mosher, Lydia Kemery, Amanda Jones, Marand Kemery, Daniel Kemery, Alpea Kemery, Solomon Kemery, Alexander Kemery, Adam Kemery, John Kemery. Signed 14 December 1876. Daniel (his X mark) Kemery. Wits.: Isaiah B. McDonald, G. W. Hollinger. Sworn to and subscribed on 12 December 1877 before James Reider, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 288. David Walter of Whitley Co., Indiana. to Ann Walter (wife) To my 4 children: Frederick, John, Anna Fritz (wife of Ferdinand Fritz), Caroline (a minor). To John C. McCarty, $100. Requested his wife to act as guardian of his dau. Caroline. Nom. as ex., Frederick Walter (son) Signed 28 September 1877. David Walter, (in German) (SEAL) Wits.: Adam Huffman, John Krider. Sworn to & subscribed on 2 October 1877 before James Reider, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 231. Mrs. Fanny Bitner of Lima, Ohio. To her husband, Adam Bitner. To her children: Lucetta Lug, Henrietta Ott, Albert Bitner, Kate Koontz, William Bitner, Maggie Kirkland, Frank Bitner, Emma Marshall. Ex. nom. - Michael Sickafoose of Columbia City, Ind. Signed 23 April 1877. Mrs. Fanny (her X mark) Bitner (SEAL) Witnesses: John Collett, Richard T. Hughes. (owned a house & lot in South Whitley, Indiana). Sworn to and subscribed on 19 November 1877 before James Reider, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 233. Elizabeth Keirn of Thorncreek Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To Rebecca Keirn, (dau). To gr.-son, William Keirn. To gr-son, Isaac Keirn. To sons: Turbet Keirn, Jonathan Keirn, Nathan Keirn. To gr-dau., Margaret E. Keirn; and William Keirn (children of James W. Keirn, deceased). Executors nom. - Turbet Keirn, Jonathan Keirn. Signed 21 September 1877. Elizabeth (her X mark) Keirn (SEAL). Witnesses: James S. Collins, Edmund M. Wilcox, Isaiah B. McDonald. Sworn to and subscribed on 24 November 1877 before James Reider, Clerk.

Books 2 (Copy) Page 136. James H. Hemphill of Allegheny City, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. To wife, Ann Maria Hemphill and her heirs. Exs. nom. - Wm. McKelvey of City of Allegheny, Pa. now manager of the Central Oil Refinery Co. (friend) and Gorge E. Hemphill (my brother). Signed 18 January 1877. James H. Hemphill (SEAL) Witnesses: Anthony Pope, Thomas M. Latimer. Produced 12 March 1877 before Joseph H. Gray, Register of Wills.

Book 2 Page 238. Emily Thomson of Richland Tp., Whitley County, Ind. To son John. To son Ezra. To daughters Emily and Sarah. Planned for fixing up the family burying ground on the old Thomson farm. Ex.x. nom. - daughter Emily. Signed 30 Oct. 1877. Emily Thomson (SEAL) Witnesses: Jackson Sadler, B. F. Thomson. Sworn to and subscribed on 4 December 1877 before James Reider, Clark.

Record 2 Page 241. Mary Ann Pierce, wife of W. Y. B. Pierce of Union Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To husband, W. Y.. B. Pierce. To son, John Eli Pierce. To daughter, Sarah B. Pierce. Ex. nom., John Eli Pierce, son. Signed 13 April 1877. Mary Ann Pierce (SEAL) Witnesses - James S. Collins, Reginald H. Collins. Sworn to and subscribed on 29 December 1877 before James Reider, Clerk. Noted on the record: Sarah B. Piece Married --- Powell and in January 1900 was living in Aurora, Cook Co., Illinois.

Record 2 Page 243. Emeline Lucinda Mowery of Richland Tp., Whitley Co., Indiana. To: Elizabeth Havens, Julia Ellen Burns, Allice T. Mowrey, Lyman Mc. Mowery, Nancy Jane Mowrey. The legacy of Elizabeth Havens held by John Smalley & to be paid over to her as needed. To my youngest son, Perry Gilbert Mowery. Ex. nom. - Henry Mowery who is to act also as guardian to her minor heirs. Will made 4 Sept. 1877. signed Emeline Lucinda Mowery. Wits.: James Grant, Catharine Pletcher. Sworn to and subscribed on 24 October 1877 before James Reider, Clark.

Book 2 Page 245. Salmon Noble of Troy Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. To wife, Harriet Noble. Ex's. Harriet Noble (wife). Signed 7 August 1876. Salmon Noble (SEAL) Wits: Daniel Kirkpatrick, Rich. Tp., Whitley Co. M. J. Noble, Trop Tp., Whitley Co. R. J. Elliott, Troy Tp., Whitley Co. Sworn to and subscribed on 6 November 1877 before James Reider, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 248. Robert Bell of Whitley Co, Indiana. To my legal heirs equally. Except that Chauncey Bell (son) is to have $50 more than any one of the others. Signed 16 January 1878. (Robert (his X mark) Bell (SEAL) Witnesses: Robert L. Pence, David Jackson. Sworn to and subscribed on 2 February 1878 before James Reider, Clark.

Book 2 Page 250. Susanah Roadarmel of Richland Tp., Whitley Co., Ind. To son, Jesse Roadarmel the farm on which I live the S.W. ¼ of the N. W. ¼ of Section 15, Township 31, North of Range 8 East. Signed 1 March 1865. Susanah (her X mark) Roadarmel (SEAL) Witnesses: William H. Lancaster, Abner Prugh. Sworn to and subscribed on 28 January 1878 before James Reider, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 252. Lewis Sweinhart. To Mena Sweinhart, wife. Ex's, Mena Sweinhart, wife. Signed 20 November 1874. (in German)( Witnesses: Cyrus B. Tulley, William Luckie, John Krider. Sworn to and subscribed on 3 May 1878 before James Reider, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 254. Edward P. Hiler of Whitley County, Indiana. to my wife (not by name) her lifetime & at he death equally to my children. Desires no court action. Signed 2 April 1875. Edward P. Hiler (SEAL) Wits.: Jams Broxon, John Brown. Sworn to and subscribed on 12 January 1878 before, James Reider, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 256. Zephaniah Bell of Whitley County, Indiana. To wife (not by name). To Levi W. Bell (son). To Theresa W. Bell,(dau.). To Elizabeth L. Brandenburg (dau.). To Maranda J. Malott (dau.). Nom. as ex's, Margaret Bell (wife). Signed 22 February 1875. Wits.: S. Kaufman, R. L. Pence. Sworn to and subscribed on 19 June 1878 before James Reider, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 258. Nancy Hitchcock of Whitley County, Indiana. To husband, William A. Hitchcock. Refers to her interest in the estate of her brother, David Hale, late deceased. Signed 23 April 1873. Wits.: Samuel Robbins, Lewis M. Steward. Sworn to and subscribed on 19 August 1878 before James Robbins, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 260. Henry Roberts of Troy Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To Sally (wife) bat at her death equally to my children except Emeline is to have $100 more than the other children. Signed 18 January 1877. Henry Roberts (SEAL) Witnesses - Rowland Lee, Levi Adams. Sworn to and subscribed on 28 August 1878 before James Reider, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 262. Conrad Kerch, sen. of Columbia Township, Whitley County, Ind. Requested burial in the Eberhart burying ground beside the remains of his wife and also erection of tombstone costing 30 or 40 dollars. To gr-dau., Elizabeth Hamlineger of Fountain City, Buffalo Co., Wis. To son, Conrad Kerch, Jun. Ex. nom. Conrad Kerch, Jun. Signed 13 February 1878. Conrad (his X mark) Kerch, Sen. (SEAL) Wits.: William H. Miller, August Fisher, Walter Olds. Sworn to and subscribed on 31 August 1878 before James Reider, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 265. Sarah P. Sheibley of South Whitley, Indiana. To Fermer Sheibley (son). To my 3 children: Wade P Sheibley, Flora Mitten, Ferner Sheibley. Reference to her deceased husband, Samuel A. Sheibley. Flora Mitten to have a house & lot in Huntington, Ind. which the testator had had built. Ex. nom. 0 Dr. Elijah Merriman. Signed 26 September 1878. Sarah P. (her X mark) Sheibley (SEAL) Witnesses: James S. Collins, Martha Cordill. Sworn to and subscribed on 7 October 1878 before James Reider, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 269. Joseph Farner of Thorncreek Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. To Susan (wife). Ex'x. Susan (wife). Signed 4 October 1878. Joseph Farner (SEAL) Wits: Isaac Judd, Walter Olds. Sworn to and subscribed on 6 November 1878 before James Reider, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 270. David Harshbarger of Union Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To wife, Elizabeth in lieu of dower. To Benjamin Cole and Mary Trundle, children of daughters Sarah, dec. To Drusilla Ball, Eliza Ball, Effa Ball ) children of my deceased daughter Rebecca. To sons: Silvester Harshbarger. Ira C. Harshbarger, Benjamin Harshbarger, Simon Harshbarger, John Harshbarger, David Harshbarger. To dau. Rachail, wife of Samuel Depoy the interest on a certain sun, the principal at her death to her children including Hazzard P. Edgar by a former husband. To dau. Lucinda, wife of Robert Hanna the interest on a certain fund then to her 3 children by a former husband namely, Frances Walker, Eliza Walker, Mary Walker and to her other children. To dau. Amanda Jane wife of John Bigby. She the interest, the principal at her dec. to her only child, Luella Heffelfinger by a former marriage and any other children she may have. To dau. Polly Ann, wife of John Henning, interest on a certain sum but at her death the principal to her children. Executors nominated: Ira C. Harshbarger, David H. Harshbarger } sons. Signed 24 December 1877. David Harshbarger. Witnessed: Joseph W. Adair, James S. Collins. Sworn to and subscribed on 10 December 1878 before James Reider, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 274. Erastus Rollins. To my 3 sons: Oscar F. Rollins, Erastus Rollins, Chester P. Rollins. request a gravestone be erected. Ex. nom. - Henry Norris. Signed 25 April 1878. Erastus Rollins (SEAL) Wits.: Lewis M. Steward, Oliver P. Stewart. Sworn to and subscribed on 7 February 1879 before James Reider, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 276. Christopher Clark of Jefferson Township, Whitley Co., Ind. Request erection of a $50 gravestone. To dau.., Mary Ellen. To James Clark (bro.), Thomas Clark (bro.) and Elizabeth Brown (sister). Adm. nom. James Clark (bro.). Mentions money owing farm" John Oser, Jr.; Wm. Roberts; John Ambrose Brown; Frank Byall and Denis O'Dea. Dated in heading of will - 7 Feb. 1879. Signed Christopher ?Clark. Wits.: John Kenin, William Oser. Sworn to and subscribed on 20 February 1879 before James Reider, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 278. James Clark of Jefferson Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. Dated - 12 February 1879. To Margaret (wife) but at her death equally to my children: Anna Maria Blee, Thomas Edward, Mary Elizabeth, John Ambrose, Angness, Charles, Carrie. Exs. nom. - Robert Brown, wife (she to serve also as guardian to the children). Signed James Clark. Wits.: John Kenin of Jefferson Tp., John Oser, Jr. of Jefferson Tp. Sworn to and subscribe on 20 February 1879 before James Reider, Clark.

Book 2 Page 280. Jacob Brubaker. Will dated in heading 5 March 1879. To Susan, wife, Jacob, son, Levina Shorb, dau., Susan Philips, dau. To my 4 daughters: Lidia Sheffer, Sarah C. Mygrant, Mary E. Falkner, Amanda Palmer. Ex. nom. - Thomas Jellison. Signed 5 March 1879. Jacob Brubaker (SEAL) Wits.: Milten B. Emerson, Anderson D. Parret. Sworn to and subscribed on 12 March 1879 before James Reider, Clark.

Book 2 Page 282. Nathan Geiger of Whitley Co., Ind. To Augusta (wife) who is to serve as executrix and as guardian to the minor children (not by name). When the youngest child is of age the state to be divided as follows: one half to wife and the other half to "my children." Signed - 30 December 1878., Nathan Geiger. Wits: Homer Diffendarfer, E. J. Applegate. Sworn to and subscribed on 13 March 1879 before James Reider, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 285. John Stoner. To wife Sarah and her heirs (not by name). Ex. nom. - George Bumgardner. Signed - 16 March 1879. John Stoner (SEAL) Wits.: John Gable, Joseph L. Williamson, David Goble. Sworn to and subscribed on 27 March 1879 before James Reider, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 286. Jmes Munden of the City of Allegheny, Allegheny Co., Pa. To Ann (wife). To John Munden (son). To Jane Ann Stevens (wife of Marlin L. Stevens) and heirs certain real estate in Whitley Co., Ind. on which is a sawmill. The property to be held in trust for her by John Munden (son). To: James H. Munden (son). Elizabeth Ate (dau.), Emily Munden, Luella Munden. Exs: - John Munden (son), William Tate (son-in-law), James M. Hemphill (friend). Signed -- 16 May 1870. James Munden (SEAL) Wits' Evan Owen, John A. Dickey and Alex Dickey. Admitted to Probate, 6 Jan. 1875 by J. H. Gray, Register. A true copy. att. 3 January 1879 by Joseph H. Gray, Register of Wills.

Book 2 Page 290. Berry Marrs of Troy Tp., Whitley Co., Ind. Division of his real estate to be made by Daniel Hoover of Kos. Co., Ind. and John Adams of Whitley Co., Ind. & Thorncrek Tp. according to law. To Sarah Marrs, wife. To sons - Dennis R. and Samuel Marrs. Exs. nom. Dennis R. and Samuel A. Marrs, "my two sons." Desired that Elizabeth Russell, my sister-in-law make her home with his family and have compensation for her services. Also that his father have a home & care. "hope they (the family) will care for him well." Signed 16 January 1878. Berry Marrs. Wits. John Smith, Henry Kile. Sworn to and subscribed on 19 April 1879 before James Reider, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 292. Otho W. Gandy. To Serena R. Gandy and Clara Gandy (my 1 daughters). To my lawful heirs or their children: Benson Gandy, Ingaby Gandy, Wm. Henry Gandy, Otis J. Gandy, Mary Johnson, Emeline Craig. Ex. nom. - Alexander Craig. Signed 14 May 1879. Otho W. Gandy (SEAL) Wits: J. M. Harrison (L.S.), Eli Falkinsburgh (L.S.) Sworn to and subscribed on 6 June 1879 before James Reider, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 295. John S. Jones of Troy Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To wife the land where we live the N. W. ¼ of S. E. ¼ of Sec. 1, township 32, North of Range 8 East (40 acres) also the S. W. ¼ of S. E. ¼ of above named Section. To William W. Jones (son). Ex. - Thomas Sheckler. Signed 1 May 1979. John S. Jones. Wits.: R. J.. Elliott of Troy Tp., Whitley Co., Ind., Samuel Keirn. Sworn to and subscribed on 29 July 1879 before James Reider, Clerk of the Whitley County Circuit Court.

Book 2 Page 297. Sarah Hasty of Whitley Co., Ind. Request erection of a tombstone for herself. To my 5 daughters: Mary Jane Aker, Hester Ann Berry, Matilda Snider, Sarah Ann Roberts, Louisa Houston. To my sons now living: John, Reuben R., Martin S. To heirs of Marcus L. Hasty (when 21). To Smithfield Webster Hasty (son of John Hasty (son) above named. Any 3 of the daughters are to chose an executor. Signed - 2 Jan 1872. Sarah (her X mark) Hasty (SEAL). Wits.: James Jeffries, Jesse Bridge. Sworn to and subscribed on 1 August 1879 before James Reider, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 299 William Guy of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Elizabeth (wife). Equally to my children: Francis C. Guy, William M. Guy, Louisa Kelcy, Julia M. Pletcher. To: (but relationship not stated), Albert Robert Guy, Milton W. Guy, Walter L. Guy, Charles F. Guy, Eva Guy, Luther (or Lotta?) Guy. Alpha Graves. Ex. nom. - Fletcher Hayden. Signed 4 January 1879. Wm. Guy (seal) Witnesses: George James. A S. McNagney. Sworn to and subscribed on 1 September 1879 before James Reider, Clerk. Elizabeth Guy the widow agreed to terms of the will on 4 June 1881. Att. James Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 303. Moses Fairchild of Whitley Co., Ind. to: James Fairchild (son), James Richmond (son-in-law), Samuel Brock (son-in-law). Signed 9 April 1879. Moses (his X mark) Fairchild (SEAL). Witnesses: Elias Brandenburg, William Bell. Sworn to and subscribed on 6 September 1879 before James Reider, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 305. Mortimer Jeffries of Smith Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. To Elizabeth Jeffries, wife and nom. her to act as ex'x. Signed 26 August 1879. Mortimer Jeffries. Witnesses: Northan Pence. Walter Olds. Sworn to and subscribed on 20 September 1879 before James Reider, Clerk of the Circuit Court.

Book 2 Page 307. Joseph Shoemaker of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. To Laura B. Shoemaker (dau.-in-law) and the widow of Dennis M. Shoemaker. To my sons and grandsons: Daniel F. shoemaker (son), Henry H.. Shoemaker (son), Benjamin F. Shoemaker (son), Alfred M. Shoemaker & Oliver P. M. Shoemaker } grandsons of sons of Dennis M. Shoemaker. Signed 28 September 1875. Joseph (F) (his X mark) Shoemaker (SEAL). Wits.: Rufus W. Dodge, James S. Collins. Codicil dated 3 Aug. 1876. signed Joseph C. Shoemaker (SEAL) Wits.; H. Swihart, James S. Collins. Will and Codicil proved on 31 October 1879 before James Reider, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 311. John E. Pike of Churubusco, Whitley County, Indiana. To Emily, wife. To children - Flora B., and George E. who be under guardianship of Galen Rose until they are aged 21 years. Executor nom.: John Deck, Sen. Signed 18 February 1879. John E. Pike (SEAL) Witnesses: Winfield S. Gandy, Lemuel Richey. Sworn to and subscribed on 6 December 1879 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 314. Crigore Brommer of Whitley County, Indiana. To Mary (wife). To all my children equally at death of my wife. To my 2 eldest sons: Geroge C. and John Michael Brommer (they are under 21). Ex's. nom. - Mary (wife). Signed 1 December 1879. Crigore Brommer. Witnesses: Owen O. Trine, George Bower. Sworn to and subscribed on 8 December 1879 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 317. Lewis Deem. To Catharine Deem (wife), John Deem (son), Eliza Krider (dau.)., Eldora Deem (gr-dau.). Ex. John Deem, son. signed 5 December 1879. Lewis Deem (SEAL) Witnesses: George W. Slagle, John Jones. Sworn to and subscribed on 27 December 1879 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 321. Copy. John Fankhauser, late of Franklin Co., Ohio but now of Clark Co., Ohio. To Louis Frankhauser, a nephew living in Springfield, Ohio land . . . and a lot in Columbia City, Indiana. Ex. nom. - Louis Fankhauser, nephew. Signed - 12 March 1871. John Fankhauser (SEAL). Witnesses - E. E. Wallace, Charles Augustus Betzler. Proved 6 October 1877 in Clark Co., Ohio. Not set down when the copy was made or entered on the record of Whitley County, Indiana.

Book 2 Page 322. Catherine Miller. To Elizabeth Long, dau. Margaret Long (dau) or her children. Ex. nom. - Barnard Long. Signed- 23 May 1870. Catherine (her X mark) Miller. Witnesses: Mathias Slesman, David J. Davis. Sworn to and subscribed on 16 April 1880 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 324. Moses Mannen. To Eliza Mannen (wife) she to use the property for the benefit "of my children." Ex's. James Cordill, L. M. Steward. Signed - 4 April 1880. Moses Mannen (SEAL). Witnesses: Lewis M. Steward, James Cordill. Sworn to and subscribed on 21 April 1880 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 326. Barnhart Long of Whitley County, Indiana. Requested placing of a tombstone on the grave of Catherine Miller as alike as possible as "my wife's" and one of less value for myself. To my children: Adam Long, Philip Long, Charles Long, Margaret Long, William H. Long, Laura Long (under 18). Frank and Edwin, heirs of Catherine Hoffman. Ex. nom. Mathias Slesman (friend). Names {William Tannehill, Asa Meredith} (gds of the ch.). Signed 13 April 1880. Barnhart Long (no seal). Witnesses: Cyrus B. Tulley, John Deitrich. Sworn to and subscribed on 20 May 1880 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 329. Joseph Putnam of Jefferson Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. To: Charles Putnam, son; John Putnam, son; Eliza, wife. To these $5 each and no more: William Putnam, Elizabeth Kinder, James Putnam, Nancy Heller, Henry Putnam, Amanda Barth, Samantha Farrell. Ex. nom. James Broxon. Signed - 19 Dec. 1871. Joseph Putnam (SEAL). Witnesses: Jacob Bowman, D. B. Loutzenhiser. Sworn to and subscribed on 28 May 1880 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 332. Elizabeth Komp of Whitley County, Indiana. To daughter Sarah D. Komp, repayment for money loaned. Equally to my children and heirs at law: Frederick, Daniel, Catharine, Caroline, John and Sarah D. Komp. Ex. nom. John D. Krider. Signed 22 May 1878. Elizabeth Komp (no seal). Witnesses: Oliver Hall, John Krider. Sw. to and sub. on 7 June 1880 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 334. Judith Heinley. To my two sons, Henry Heinley and William Heinley. Signed 20 May 1865. Judith (her X mark) Heinley. Sw. to and sub. on 14 June 1880 before wits. John J. Betzner and Oren Betzner. James H. Harrison, Clerk. Attest: Judith Heinley died 9 Oct. 1877. Orren Betzner died 26 Sep. 1873. John J. Betzner died 12 Feb 1878 so declared Catherine Romey, a daughter of Judith Heinley, dec. and present when Judith Heinley made and signed her will. Attest on 14 June 1880 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 337. John Hosack of Churubusco, Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife Mary, but at her death or marriage, then division among my children or representatives of those deceased. (Not by name). Signed 7 April 1876. John Hosack (no seal). Witnesses: John F. Shoaff, Ed A. Mossman. Sworn to and sub. on 17 August 1880 before James Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 339. Thomas Kemp of Whitley Co., Indiana. To wife, Nancy A. Kemp, in lieu of dower but at her death to my children: Jane Amanda Smith (hus. Anderson Smith); Frances Helen Blake (hus. John Blake); Thomas Jesse Smith, grandson. Ex. nom. Joseph Clark, friend. Signed 20 August 1880. Thomas Kemp (SEAL). Witnesses: Thomas Riley Marshall, Samuel Gipe. Sw. to and sub. on 3 September 1880 before James M. Harrison, Clerk. The widow accepted terms of the will & signed on 26 March 1900 before Thos. D. Watson, J.P..

Record 2 Page 342. Frederick Wantz, farmer of Whitley County, Indiana and of Cleveland Township. To wife, Catharine Wantz during her lifetime then equally to his heirs (not by name). Ex'x. nom. Catharine Wantz, wife. Made a request that Lous Hoffman remain on the farm so long as he and his wife (Catharine Wantz) agree. Signed 26 May 1880. Frederick (his X mark) Wantz. Witnesses: John Arnold, James Arnold. Sw. to and sub. on 28 May 1880 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 345. Charles G. Emerick. To wife (Augustine Emerick) her lifetime. To: Charles F. Emerick, son; Louis F. Emerick, son' John G. Emerick, son; Augustina Wenger, daughter. Ex'x Augustina Emerick (wife). Signed 18 September 1879. Charles G. Emerick (SEAL). Wits.: Leonard Aker, John Clark. Sw. to and sub. on 16 Oct. 1880. The acceptance of the widow Augustina Emerick was signed by her on 21 October 1880. James Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 348. John Arnold. Unless his wife, Elmira sees fit to close it up, want the partnership with Jesse Arnold, J. N. Arnold and Enoch G. Thomas be carried on for five years then a settlement made according to law except the share of his son John is to be held in trust until his death then given to his heirs (John's). The trustee of John's estate to be George Arnold of Bluffton, Indiana.

Record 2 Page 350. Joseph Budd of Whitley Co., Indiana. To: Charles Bull, Joseph Budd, Henry Carter, Edward Carter} $100 each. To Mercy Budd, wife. Signed 10 August 1880. Joseph Budd (SEAL). Witnesses: John Deck (SEAL), Western Ackley (SEAL). Sworn to and subscribed on 2 February 1881 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 352. Conrad Kerch of lawful age and a resident of Whitley County, Indiana. To wife, Magdalena Kerch in lieu of her dower and for her natural life. Provided support of the minor children. AT her death to his five children and their heirs equally (but no by name). Signed 4 May 1872. Conrad Kerch (SEAL). Witnesses: Walter Olds, Frederick Lederer. Sworn to and subscribed on 5 February 1881 before James M> Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 355. James Byrnes of Larwill, Indiana. To John O'Brien and Margaret O'Brien. To Morgan O'Brien. Ex. nom Frank Supple. Signed 10 February 1881. John (his X mark) Byrnes. Witnesses: David B. Bonar, Patrick Barry. Sw. to and sub. on 14 February 1881 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 358. Samuel Braden of Whitley County, Indiana. To David Braden, son, among other items, the old family clock, an heirloom in the family, but if he dies before my daughter Margaret J. Swisher the clock goes to her. To Mary Braden, wife. To daughter, Elizabeth Kinkade. To David Braden, son. To Margaret J. Swisher, dau. To Phoeba Robinette, dau. (husband Wm.). Requested the executor to watch his grave such time as he thinks to prevent taking up and the ex. is to be paid for this service. Exs. David Braden, Lewis Deem. Signed 2 June 1880. Samuel Braden (SEAL). Wits.: John Brand, John Krider. S & sub. 30 March 1881 before James M. Harrison, Clerk. Widow's acc. dated 31 March 1881.

Record 2 Page 365. Michael Wants. To son, Albert P. Wantz. To wife Jane Wantz. requested grave monuments to cost not less than thirty or more than 50 dollars. Ex. nom. Albert P. Wantz, son. Signed 17 January 1878. Michael Wantz (SEAL). Wits.: Lewis M. Steward, Oliver P. Stewart. Sworn to and subscribed on 4 May 1881 before James M. Harrison, Clark. On 6 May 1881, the widow accepted the will terms. Signed. Jane (her X mark) Wantz.

Record 2 Page 368. Ann Ihrig of Washington Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. To: Phebe Hood, dau; Mary Reed, dau; Samuel Onstadt; Sarah Cash} $10 each and no more. Equally to: Andrew J. Ihrig, Elizabeth Deems, Caroline Miller, Charity Kelsey, Jane Clark, John B. Ihrig, Margaret A. Hadley, Jacob H. Ihrig, Nancy E. Bell, Benjamin F. Ihrig, Francis M. Ihrig. Ex. nom. Andrew J. Ihrig, son. Signed 30 Sep. 1873. Ann (her X mark) Ihrig (SEAL). Witnesses: James Broxon, Andrew D. Miller. Sw. to and subscribed on 3 June 1881 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 370. Benjamin H. Cleveland. To: Jane Cleveland, wife; Myron Cleveland, son; Francis W. Cleveland, son; Dora Cleveland, dau.; Louisa Combs, dau.; Wilson Cleveland, son. Signed 1 March 1879. Benjamin H. Cleveland (SEAL). Witnesses: Michael Sickafoose, James S. Collins. Sworn to and subscribed on 24 May 1881 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 372. William Kates of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Mary Kates, wife; George W. Kates, son; John E. Kates, son; Mary E. Kates, dau.; Josiah P. Kates (if he returns home). Ex's. Mary Kates, wife, Mary E. Kates, dau. Signed 21 June 1871. William Kates (SEAL). Witnesses: John Decker, Joseph T. Wilson. Sw. & sub. 3 August 1876 before James Reider, Clerk. The original will was put in the safe.

Record 2 Page 375. John L. Davis. To wife, Lydia Jane Davis. To my children living at the time of my death and when the youngest child is of age. No bond or letters, testamentary are required by wife who is nom. to act as executrix. Signed 23 June 1881. John L. Davis. Witnesses: John Griffith, Edward (his X mark) Stuner, George D. Trembley. Sworn to and subscribed on 1 July 1881 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 377. Samuel Elder of Troy Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To my children: William C. Elder, Jane Hewit (wife of Levi Hewit), Sarah Nobles (wife of Lester Nobles), Cynthia Elder. To Gr-dau Adis (child of my dec. dau., Amanda Goodrich and the wife of William Keirn. Executor nominated Gideon W. Wilcox, esq. Signed 22 April 1880. Samuel Elder (SEAL). Witnesses: G. W. Wilcox, Levi Adams. Sworn to and subscribed on 23 July 1881 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 379. Alexander Wilson of Whitley Co., Ind. To: Caroline (wife). To: Martha Egner (wife of Thomas); Mary Jane Harmon (wife of William); Alice Wilson} daughters. To son Franklin Wilson, Conrad Wilson. To John Wilson, son. To dau. Caroline Klingerman, wife of Joseph Klingerman. Signed 24 October 1877. Alex Wilson (SEAL). Witnesses: Reginald H. Collins, James S. Collins. Sworn to and subscribed on 1 September 1881 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 382. Western Ackley of Churubusco, Indiana. To: Mary M. (wife); Ezra - son; Isaac L. - son; Cyrus McCurdy, gr-son; Theodore - son. Executor nominated John F. Criswell. Names Abraham Crider to serve as guardian to Theodore (son) until Theodore is aged 21 years. Signed (no day or month) 1881. Witnesses: Jeremiah Krider, Frank M. Kohre. Sworn to and subscribed on 28 October 1881 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 384. George Ditton. To Mary Ditton wife. Refers to an Article of Agreement made with Henry Ream and Charles Ditton wherein he set aside to them 4 ½ acres of his land. To children: George C. Ditton, Henry A. Ditton, Sarah Ditton, Emma Ditton, Franklin Ditton. signed 31 October 1881. George Ditton (SEAL)> Witnesses: Oliver P. Stewart, Lewis M. Steward. Sworn to and subscribed on 7 December 1881 before James H. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 386. Levi Myers, resident of Columbia City, Indiana. Lived in Block 4, Lot 12, Swiharts addition. To Christina Myers, wife. To children: Reuben R. Myers, Mary E. Weber, Naomi E. Boggs, Charles E. Myers. Ex. nom. Christian D. Waidlick, friend who is to serve also as guardian of Charles E. and John C. Myers (minor children). To Sister, Mary Adams. Signed 29 Oct. 1881. Levi Myers (SEAL). Witnesses: Michael Sickafoose, John Miller, Daniel Myers. Sworn to and subscribed on 13 December 1881 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 390. Peter Shoaff of Jefferson Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To wife, Rachel Shoaff but after her death to: David Shoaff - son, Amos Shoaff - son, Charles A. Shoaff - son, Silas M. Shoaff - son, Nancy A. Shoaff - daughter, Annie E. Shoaff - daughter, Amanda Shoaff - daughter. Exs. nominated: Robert Pence, Daniel Berry. Signed 30 December 1879. Peter Shoaff (SEAL). Witnesses: Samuel Plummer, Joseph B. Plummer. Sworn to and subscribed, 15 December 1881 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 393. Amelia A. Coyle. To: Amey Taylor, daughter, Chancy and Ella E. Noble, grandchildren. Will not dated. Signed Amelia A. Coyle. Witnesses: D. W. Sanders, Sarah A. Sanders. Sworn to and subscribed on 24 January 1882 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 395. Michael Hoben of Whitley County, Indiana. To: Johanah Hoben (wife). Sons: Thomas Hoben, James Hoben, Patrick Hoben. Names Thomas Hoben as guardian to Patrick Hoben. Executors nom.: Thomas Hoben, James McTague. Signed 10 March 1881. Michael (his X mark) Hoben. Witnesses: Wm. H. Hull, Solomon Smuck. Sworn to and subscribed on 22 October 1881 before James H. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 397. Jesse Hissem. Will dated at South Whitley', Ind. on 2 June 1881. To Catharine Hissem (wife) but if she marries to take her third, after the youngest child is of age. The remaining part to his heirs: William Hissem, Sarah A. Hissem, Eddie E. Hissem, Lewellyn Hissem. Signed. (no signature). Witnesses: John D. Sickafoose, Uriah Sickafoose. The witnesses declared etc. Sworn & subscribed on 22 May 1882. James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 399. Philip Stoler, a resident of Richland Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To Viola Curtis (granddaughter) and the only child of Manerva Curtis, dec. testator had made a lifetime lease of his land (also life of his wife Ann S. Stoler) to James A. Heaton. If his widow and Vila die then the estate to the testator's bothers and sisters (but not by name). Signed 4 February 1882. Philip Stoler (SEAL) Witnesses: Frederick Richard, Walter, Olds. Sworn to and subscribed on 25 July 1882 before James M. Harrison. Clerk.

Record 2 Page 402. Conrad Stern. To Austin Stern (son) the real estate "on which I reside" being 33 acres in Section 3, Township 32, Range 09. To Indiana Stern (wife). To my 3 living daughters: Malissa Scott, Hester Anspach, Amanda J. Ravely. To the heirs of Mary E. Fisher, dec. Executor nom. Austin Stern (son). signed 10 July 1882. Conrad Stern (no seal). Witnesses: William H. Widup, James McClintock. Sworn to and subscribed on 1 August 1882 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 404. Joseph L. Mossman of Union Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To: Evaline Mossman, wife; Edward A. Mossman, son; My heirs (but not by name). Signed 21 December 1864. Joseph Mossman (SEAL). Witnesses John Holloman of Union Tp., Whitley Co., Ind. William W. Anders of Union Tp., Whitley Co., Indiana. Sworn to and subscribed on 23 August 1865 before James B. Edwards, Clerk. (Corrected by order of the Court at the April Term, 1882. See Box 32 for the original will.) Wits.: Solomon Saylor, John Hollaman, William W. Sauder.

Record 2 Page 407. Copy. George W. Barley of Lowell, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. To: Jane Goss (aunt) of Ashland, N.H.; Henry B. Barley (cousin) of Lowell, Mass.; Ann S. Bailey (wife of Henry Bailey); Jennie Bailey (dau. of Henry B. and Ann S. Bailey); Louis B. Bailey (son of Henry B. and Ann S. Bailey); George S. Goss (son of Ann Goss); George E. Adams (son of Sophia Adams, late of Lowell, Mass)(cousin); Samuel C. Perry (uncle) of Michigan City, Ind.; Orrin Perry (cousin); Ida Perry (cousin); Aaron Perry (uncle) of Burlington, Vermont; Malvina Perry (cousin, dau. of Aaron Perry), Alvah Perry (cousin, dau. of Aaron Perry). Hannah Bartlett (as Hannah Healey wife of David Healey, Jr. of Lowell, Mass); Frederick and Gertrude Bailey, children of Benjamin and Sarah Bailey; Mrs. Ann C. Hall of E. Providence, R.I. for her kindness to the testator and faithfulness to his mother when he was away from home.; Jennie Bailey; Sarah, wife of George Rix of Lowell Mass.; Abigail Wilson (cousin) of Salem, N.H.; Joseph Bailey of Georgetown, Ill. to have land situated in Counties of Perry and Dubois, Indiana, to be held by him in trust - he empowered to execute deeds. To Trustees of the cemetery in Manchester, N.H. in which place the tombs of Phineas and George W. Bailey are located. Executors: Dr. Charles Wells, Manchester, N.H.; Henry B. Bailey, Lowell, Mass.; David Healy, Junr., Lowell, Mass. Signed 4 March 1881. G. W. Bailey (SEAL). Witnesses: William Nichols, Chas. F. Butler, John Davis, all of Lowell Mass. Proved at a Probate Court held at Cambridge, Middlesex, Co., Mass. on 14 June 1881. Signed George M. Brooks, J. P.

Record 2 Page 417. George Taylor. To: George Taylor; Christopher Roff (grandson); Missouri Hutcherl (wife of Otis Hutcherl her lifetime then to her living children), Benjamin F. Taylor (son) a life estate then to my daughter, Missouri Hutcherl and at her death to my son George Taylor and my grandson , Christopher Roff. Signed 30 December 1881. George (his X mark) Taylor. Witnesses: William F. McNagny, Thomas R. Marshall. sworn to and subscribed on 6 December 1882 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 421. Samuel Plummer. To: Catharine Plummer, wife, in lieu of her dower, the farm on which we live the E ½ of N. W. ¼ of Section 21. Township 30 North of Range 10 E. At her death the land to be sold etc. then proceeds to: Joseph B. Plummer, son; Sarah A Kelsey, dau.; {Sarah E. Plummer and Jacob E. Plummer} minor heirs of Jacob Plummer, deceased. Signed 12 May 1882. Samuel Plummer (SEAL). Witnesses; James Brown, Calvin Harley. Sworn to and subscribed on 15 June 1882 before James M. Harrison, Clerk. (Jefferson Township)

Record 2 Page 424. Margaret Roberts of Whitley County, Indiana. To my grandchildren, the children of Jonathan and Louisa Roberts, his wife; Almeda Robert, Charles W. Roberts, Laura Roberts. To: Jacob Roberts (son), Mary Ellen Coe (daughter), Sarah E. Martin (daughter), Jonathan Roberts (don). Signed 22 December 1877. Margaret (her X Mark) Roberts (SEAL). Witnesses: Isaiah B. McDonald, Isaiah E. Lawrence, George W. Ramp. Sworn to and subscribed on 12 October 1882 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 426. Ambrose M. Trumbull of Troy township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To gr-dau Florena Ermina Elliott, dau. of my late dec. dau. Ermina and Charles Elliott, Esq. To Rebecca Trumbull, wife. To children (or their heirs): Harriet A. Trumbull, Ann E. Barnes, Genora Trumbull, Lewis Trumbull. Names as Trustee John P. Kitt, brother-in-law of Noble Co., Ind. Nom. as executors: John P. Kitt, Lewis Trumbull. Signed 3 August 1881. Ambrose M. Trumbull (SEAL). Witnesses: E. L. McLallen, Asher R. Clugston. Sworn to and subscribed on 2 January 1883 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 431. Jeremiah Williams of Richland Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To wife, Mariah in lieu of dower. To my children: Benjamin Williams, Emeline Weiler (husband John J.), George W. Williams, Margaret Garver (hus. David), Joseph F. Williams. Signed 4 December 1882. Jeremiah Williams (SEAL). Witnesses: Daniel Kirkpatrick, William Sappington. Sworn to and subscribed on 2 January 1883 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 434. (Copy) William Ross of Allen Co., Ind. To Catharine A. Ross (wife) land in Whitley Co. Indiana. To my 5 children (not by name). Names his wife to act as guardian of sons" Frank W. Ross, William Ross, George Ross. Executor nominated Alfred B. Ross. Signed 16 July 1873. William Ross (SEAL). Witnesses: A. S. Bingham, James McLean, Alexander Craig. Sworn to and subscribed on 4 August 1873. A certified copy made by Willis D. Maier, Clerk of Allen Co., Circuit Court. Attest 15 March 1883.

Record 2 Page 436. George Eberhard of Whitley Co., Ind. To Mary C. Eberhard, her lifetime or widowhood then to my children or their heirs: Henry Eberhart, John Eberhart, George Eberhart, Annie Heinbach, Elizabeth Nolt, Catharine Wolfe. Ex. nom. Henry Eberhart (son). Ex. requested to set an "Italian Marble" tombstone suitable to the testator's estate. Signed 4 December 1876. George Eberhard (SEAL). Witnesses: Frederick Kneller, John Krider. Sworn to and subscribed on 24 April 1883 before James M. Harrison, Clerk. The widow Mary C. Eberhard accepted the terms and signed. Mary C. Eberhard (SEAL) on 24 April 1883 before witnesses, E. W. Brown and J. B. Sterling & was filed 25 April 1883.

Record 2 Page 440. George M. Omans of Whitley County, Indiana. To Louisa M. (wife); Julia Slagle, dau. (hus. Aaron); George Slagle, gr-son; Arthur Slagle, gr-son; Henry Clay Omans, son; Levi Frederick Omans, son; Constantia Garrison, dau. (wife of Levi); Jesse Omans, son. Daughter Esther Maria Hight (hus. James Hight) had received a house and lot in Steuben Co., Ind. Exs. nom. Louisa M. Omans, Levi Frederick Omans (son). Signed 9 June 1880. George M. Omans (SEAL). Witnesses: Thomas Riley Marshall, John W. Adams. Codicil revoked item 7 & gave to Constantia Garrison (hus. Levi) and to her children: Dessie Norman, Lola, Blanche Garrison. Signed 8 April 1882. George W. Omans (SEAL). Wits.: Thomas Riley Marshall, W. D. Ball, William A. Kaler. S. & sub. 4 May 183 before James H. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 447. Rebecca Smith of Smith Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. To brothers - Wells and Robert Smith. To brothers James and Samuel C. Smith. To Ellen Carter - Sister (she is to erect a tomb stone "at my gave' out of her portion. Exs. Wills Smith- brother; Asa Carter - brother-in-law. Signed 27 August 1879. Rebecca Smith (SEAL). Witnesses - Michael Sickafoose, William A. Summey. Sworn to and subscribed on 23 May 1883 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 451. Jacques Chavey of Washington Township, Whitley County, Ind. To Catharine Chavey (wife) her natural life or widowhood in lieu of her dower. Requested erection of a tombstone at his grave. To his children: Amiel F. Chavey, Amelia C. Chavey, Peter Chavey, Frederick Chavey, Mary E. Chavey, Jacob A. Chavey, Louisa F. Chavey, George W. Chavey, Blanche O. A. Chavey, Charles H. Chavey. Made ref. to his minor children. Ex'x. wife Catherine. Signed 17 May 1883. Jacques Chavey (SEAL). Witnesses: Peter Creager, Michael Sickafoose. S. & S. 25 May 1883 before James M. Harrison, Clerk. On 28 May 1883 the widow accepted terms of the will + signed. Catharine Chavey (SEAL) in presence of Michael Sickafoose.

Record 2 Page 455. Elizabeth McDonald of Troy Tp. To daughters: Mary E. Benton and Eliza A. Holycross. To gr-dau. Mary Jane McDonald. To gr-son Stephen D. McDonald. To son Melzer McDonald. To Catherine, wife of I. B. McDonald. To Lucinda, wife of William McDonald. Her wearing apparel to her 2 daus. The division to be made by Catherine M. Elliott and Catherine McDonald. To Silas B. McDonald. To Samuel McDonald. Ex. Isaiah B. McDonald (son) but to be assisted by Robert J. Elliott, a neighbor. Signed 27 April 1882. Elizabeth (her X mark) McDonald. Witnesses: Robert J. Elliott, William A. Elliott. Sworn to and subscribed on 23 June 1883 before James M. Harrison, Clerk. [Appears to be the same as 465. DEG]

Record 2 Page 458. Stephen Glean of Whitley Co., Ind. Burial beside his wife in the Van West Association Cemetery, Van Wet Co., Ohio & executor to erect a suitable marker not costing more than $75. Executor to hold in trust for heirs: To children: Sarah J. Royce, Charles F. Gleason, Louisa A. Keiser, Olover B. Gleason. To gr-child: Edith V. Evers, Rosa Evers, Catherine Evers, & Elnore E. Evers; a 1/4 part. To gr-children: Florence E. Albright, Cora Albright, Sherman Albright. Ex. nominated: James Cordill of Whitley County, Indiana (a friend). Witnesses: W. G. Lowman, Wade D. Ball. Signed 21 March 1883. Stephen (his X mark) Gleason (SEAL) S. to & sub. 27 June 1883 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 462. Marcus Norris of Richland Tp., Whitley County, Indiana. To son, Lewis L. Norris at age 31y. To wife Margaret M. Norris. To my five children: Samuel H. Norris, Mary M. Radcliff, Martha J. Anderson, Phebe E. Norris, Lewis C. Norris. Ex'x. nom. Margaret M. Norris, wife. Signed 20 April 1883. Marcus Norris (SEAL). Witnesses: Henry Norris (brother), Walter Olds. Sworn to and subscribed 29 June 1883 before James H. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 465. Elizabeth McDonald of Troy Tp. To daughters: Mary E. Benton and Eliza A. Holycross. To gr-dau. Mary Jane McDonald. To gr-son Stephen D. McDonald. To son Melzer McDonald. To Catherine, wife of I. B. McDonald. To Lucinda, wife of William McDonald. Her wearing apparel to her 2 daus. The division to be made by Catherine M. Elliott and Catherine McDonald. To Silas B. McDonald. To Samuel McDonald. Ex. Isaiah B. McDonald (son) but to be assisted by Robert J. Elliott, a neighbor. Signed 27 April 1882. Elizabeth (her X mark) McDonald. Witnesses: Robert J. Elliott, William A. Elliott. Sworn to and subscribed on 23 June 1883 before James M. Harrison, Clerk. [Appears to be the same as 455. DEG]

Book 2 Page 468. Christian Lucka of Whitley County, Indiana. Had land in Whitley Co., Ind. and a lot in Fort Wayne, Indiana. To wife her lifetime. To Mena Brockman, gr-child when aged 21 years. To Hannah and Mena Brockman (children of my daughter Mena). To my children and grandchildren share & share alike, the grand-children to take portions of their parents (deceased). Not by names. Signed 25 April 1883. Christian Lucks (SEAL). Witnesses, John Kneller, James S. Collins. Sworn to and subscribed on 14 November 1883 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 471. Nancy Heagy of Whitley Co., Ind. To daughters, Mary Brown, Catharine Miller, Rebecca Merriman. To my son, Phillip Parrett. To Ellen Parrett (wife of my son, Benjamin Parrett). A monument (one) to be set at the testator's grave & that of her deceased husband, John Parrett. Ex. nom. John M. Stultz. Signed 2 May 1883. Nancy Heagy (SEAL). Witnesses, James Arnold, Reginald Heber Collins. Sworn to and subscribed on 5 December 1883 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 473. Elizabeth Wertenberger of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. A respectable burial and coffin also a tombstone costing not over $50. To my daughter Mary Catharine Eberhart. Equally to my loved grandchildren: Jacob Plattner, Levi Plattner, William Plattner, Sophia Plattner, Lovina Plattner, Daniel Bohm, Amanda Warner. Ex. nom. Jacob Plattner, gr-son. Signed 20 Sep. 1881. Elizabeth (her X mark) Wertenberger. Wits. Michael Sickafoose, David Garver. Sworn to and subscribed on 11 December 1883 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 478. Jeremiah Harris of Cleveland Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To Jacob Harrison, son' Eulysses Franklin Harrison, son. Elvina Jane Newman, dau. to have a life interest then to the testators w sons above named or their heirs. Signed 24 December 1883. Jeremiah Harris (SEAL). Wits. Michael Sickafoose, Joseph Kreider. Proved 22 March 1884 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 481. To Catharine Fosler (wife) and at her death the remaining estate to my four children: George H. Fosler, Israel J. Fosler, Mary Etta Grimes, Antilla E. Welsheimer. To Samuel J. Fosler, son. To Charley F. Wyatt & Lydia Bell Wyatt, My gr-children. Remaining estate to George H. Fosler, Israel J. Fosler, Mary Etta Grimes, Antilla Williams. Request a suitable gravestone. Exs. nom. Catharine Fosler, wife, Samuel J. Fosler. Signed 12 June 1882. George Fosler. Witnesses, Lewis M. Steward, F. D. Stewart. Sworn to and subscribed on 22 April 1884 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 483. John W. Hunter of Columbia City, Indiana. To Augusta V. Hunter, wife. To Jessie V. Hunter, daughter. Referred to his drug store. Ex. nom. Martin Ireland. Signed 29 April 1884. J. W. Hunter (SEAL). Wits. J. N. Barnett, Michael Sickafoose. Sworn to and subscribed on 9 May 1884 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 487. John Allbright. To Beulah Allbright, wife 1/3 of the proceeds from the farm we live on, the S W ¼ of Section 26 in Township 31, 8 East. To son Otto the south half of the above real estate subject to the wife's dower. To son Samuel, the north half of the above real estate subject to the wife's dower. Ex. nom. Samuel Allbright, son. Singed 1 February 1877. John Allbright (SEAL). Wits. Lewis M. Steward, Hannah Steward. Sworn to and subscribed on 27 May 1884 before James H. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 488. Isaac Taylor. To daughters, Mary A. and Sarah Taylor. Executor nom. Frederick Smith. Signed 12 April 1882. Isaac (his X mark) Taylor (SEAL). Wits. John O. Clark, Frederick Smith. Proved and recorded on 28 May 1884. James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 489. William Trine of Whitley Co., Indiana. To Owen O. Trine, son; all my land, the north part of the N W ¼ of section 24, Township 30 (Washington) North of Range 9 East, containing 66.75 acres. To Salome Trine, wife. To Mary E. Wile, daughter. To Martha E. Nix (or her surviving children), daughter. To David M. Patten (?), gr-son & a minor. Signed 24 January 1884. William Trine (SEAL). Wits, John P. Ihrig, Lewis Deem. Certified and recorded on 23 July 1884. Attest, James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 491. Joseph A. Pyle of Whitley Co., Indiana. To Abby Pyle, wife, all real estate. The home farm was in Washington Township. Signed 14 May 1884. Joseph A. Pyle. Witnesses, B. H. B. Grayston, Charles E. Grayston. Recorded on 14 August 1884. James H. Harrison, Clerk.

Records 2 Page 493. Reuben W. Smith of Columbia City, Indiana. To Addie C. Smith, wife; Ethel M., our daughter. Ex'x. nom. Addie Smith, wife. Signed 29 July 1884. R. W. Smith (SEAL). Witnesses, J. M. Barnett, Thomas R. Marshall. Recorded 8 September 1884 by James H. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 495. Julia A. Mauk of Columbia City, Indiana. To all my children: Eliza Kagny (husband Aaron); John W. Mauk; Amanda C. Warner (hus. Elijah W.); Marshall W. Mauk; Margaret E. Bryon (hus. Jacob); Sidney O. Yontz (hus Henry C.); Louisa H. Brison (hus. Thomas); Francis M. Mauk; Newton H. Mauk; Medora A. Rutter (hus William H.). Estate consisted of a farm and a house and lot in Columbia City. Ex. nom. Francis M. Mauk, son. Signed 13 April 1877. Julia A. Mauk (SEAL). Wits. James S. Collins & Wooster M. Ireland. Codicil. To dau. Medora Rutter Lot 8 in Block 13 in original plat of Col. City for her full share. The other children share equally in the remaining estate. Signed 18 Nov. 1878. Julia A. Mauk (SEAL). Wits. A. B. Goble and James S. Collins. Will and Codicil proved 1 Sept 1884. James H. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 501. William James Uhler of Whitley County, Indiana. Ex. instructed to erect a grave stone on testators grave. To mother Anna M. E. Keel of Ohio. To father Abraham Keel, senr. of Ohio. To Jacob Keel of Indiana. To Zachariah Keel of Indiana. To Abraham Keel, Jun. (a brother to Jacob and Zachariah Keel of Indiana). To Mary F. Keel and Lida Keel of Indiana. Ex. nom. Zachariah Keel. Signed 18 August 1884. William James Uhler (SEAL). Wits. George Kreider, Jacob Smith. Sworn to and subscribed on 25 October 1884 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 504. Arthur Ernest Stouffs. To Zelia Stouffs, my mother to have her half of the grocery store owned with his brothers, George Stouffs. Executor nom. John J. Warner. Signed 28 June 1884. Arthur Ernest Stouffs. Witnesses W. D. Ball, Theo Garty. Sworn to and subscribed on 23 December 1884 before James H. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 506. Rachel Shoaff of Whitley Co., Indiana. To Amanda Worden, daughter; Amos, son; Amera (?) Eliza, daughter; Nancy, daughter. Ex's. Amera (?) Eliza Shoaff, daughter. Signed 6 February 1885. Rachel (her x mark) Shoaff. The testatrix lived in Allen Co., Ind. but if able planned to go to Whitley County, Ind. to live with A. Eliza and Nancy, her daughters. Witnesses, John Richards, Thomas W. Wilson. Sworn to and subscribed on 13 March 1885 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 509. Randall S. Glass of Columbia City, Indiana. To Eliza Jane Glass (wife). To Chester C. Glass (son) and Chester L. Cass, the woolen mills, engine, boiler, shafting machinery, fixtures, tools, etc. and real estate where situated and along the west side of Line Street and the P. F. W. & Chicago R. R. in Columbia city. Wife Eliza Jane Glass to act as guardian to Chester Glass, son. The testator had applied for a pension because of an injury when in U. S. Service. If granted to be divided equally among wife, son Chester and daughter, Frances J. Cass. Signed 28 march 1885. Randall S. Glass (SEAL). Wits. Michael Sickafoose, Joel B. Long. Sworn to and subscribed on 29 April 1885 before James B. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 513. Christian Minaka. To son Christian. To Sophia Slessman (daughter of my deceased daughter Carolina Slessman). To Michael Slessman, father of Sophia Sleesman. To Frederick Cornelius surviving husband, of my deceased daughter, Malcina Cornelius. To William Minaka, son. Ex. nom. Christian Winaka, son. To children of my deceased daughter, Carolina Sleesman, Sherman Sleesman, Eli Sleesman, Sophia Sleesman, Mina Eberhard (wife of Henry). To children of my son, William Minaka but William to enjoy the rents and profits so long as he keeps the land in a good state of cultivation. If he fails his life estate shall terminate (not by name). Signed 20 Aril 1885. Christian Minaka (SEAL). Wits. William Seivers, Adam Hoffman, William F. McNagny. Sworn to and subscribed 24 July 1885 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Samuel Rouch of Whitley Co., Indiana. To Louisa Rouch, wife; Lavina Snyder, (hus. Christopher) dau.; Louisa M. Rouch, gr-dau (dau. of my son Wm. & under 15 yrs). To: William Rouch, son; Barbara Hartsock (wife of Jeremiah S.); G. Lewis Rouch; Philip Rouch; Samuel Rouch; Lavina Snyder; David Rouch; Jacob Rouch; ?Cornelius Rouch; Joseph Jontz. Exs. William Rouch, G. Lewis Rouch, sons. Signed 15 December 1883. Wits. Asher R. Clugston, Samuel P. Kaler. Sworn to and subscribed on 9 July 1885 before James H. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 518. James M. Sherwood of Columbia Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To Mary E. Sherwood, wife a life interest of 40 acres, the N E ¼ of S W ¼ of Section 1, Township 31, North of Range 9 East, etc. To daughter Jane V (wife of John D. Sherwood). To son Hugh M. Sherwood. To daughters, Florence M. Sherwood and Josephine M. Sherwood, both under 21 years of age. Their mother (wife) to be their guardian. Signed 30 April 1885. James M. Sherwood (SEAL). Wits. O. H. Woodworth, James S. Collins. Sworn to and subscribed on 31 July 1885 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 520. Christian Shank. To: Harriet Shank, wife; Sebastian Shank, son; Wilbur Plummer, gr-son; gr-children: clement, Clinton and Wilbur Plummer, children of my dec. daughter, Lavinia Plummer. Ex. nom. Sebastian Shank, son. Signed 16 February 1885. Christian Shank (SEAL). Witnesses: Wm. F. McNagny, Thos. R. Marshall. Sworn to and subscribed on 20 October 1885 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 524. Michael Stickler of Columbia Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To Rebecca Stickler, wife. To John Stickler, William Stickler, David Stickler, Charles Stickler, Benjamin Stickler. Christina Kramer (wife of Samuel), Elizabeth Bentz (wife of George, dec.), Rebecca George (wife of Joseph), Children of Elizabeth Aker, my dec. dau; George Stickler, of unsound mind and is to have a guardian. Ex. nom. Henry Eberhard. Signed 20 May 1878. Michael (his X mark) Stickler (SEAL). Wits. George Eberhard, Sen., Eli W. Brown. Sworn to and subscribed on 2 November 1885 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Records 2 Page 529. William Vanmeter of Smith Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To John Vanmeter, son; Christina Myers, daughter; Phebe Diffendaffer, daughter; Rebecca Sterling, daughter; Heirs of Julia Ann Hurd, my dec. dau.; Scott Vanmeter, son; Alfred Vanmeter, son and his heirs; William Vanmeter, son; Melinda Vanmeter, wife; America Gradeless, daughter; Almeda Vanmeter, daughter; Melinda Vanmeter, daughter. Ex. nom. Stephen H. Clark of Union Township (Whitley Co., Ind.). Signed 18 January 1878. William (his X mark) Van Meter (SEAL). Wits. Stephen H. Clark (SEAL), James A. (his X mark) Cramer (SEAL). Sworn to and subscribed on 23 November 1885. Codicil dated 18 January 1884 names Scott, son; daughters: Christina, Phebe, Rebecca, Heirs of Julia, America, Almeda, Melinda May. Wife Melinda. Signed William (his X mark) Vanmeter. Wits. Stephen H. Clark (SEAL), James A. (his X mark) Cramer (SEAL). Sworn to and subscribed on 24 November 1885 before James H. Harrison, Clerk. [See Record 3 Page 39. for contested will]

Record 2 Page 537. Richard Collins of Columbia City, Indiana. To Catharine Collins, wife. Signed 11 December 1885. Richard Collins (SEAL). Wits. James S. Collins, Michael Sickafoose. Sworn to and subscribed on 29 January 1886 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 538. Martin Schrader of Washington Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To wife, Elizabeth Schrader so long as she remains my widow. To Alfred Wilson Schrader, son. To Stella May Schrader, gr-dau. Exs. nom., Elizabeth Schrader, wife; Alfred Wilson Schrader, son. Signed 3 May 1886. Martin Schrader (SEAL). Wits. James S. Collins, Richard Walker, Lewis Quick. Sworn to and subscribe on 14 May 1886 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 541. James S. Briggs of Whitley County, Indiana. To Samuel S. Briggs, son; Darius S. Briggs, son; Silas E. Briggs, son; John M. Briggs, son; Lois M. Briggs & Thomas B. Briggs, my two youngest children. Executor Samuel S. Briggs, son. Signed 13 April 1886. James S. Briggs (SEAL). Witnesses Wm. E. Merriman, A. J. Briggs. Sworn to and subscribed on 1 June 1886 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 545. John Pressler of Whitley County, Indiana. To Lydia Pressler, wife. To children at death of wife, equally: Valentine Pressler, Henry C. Pressler, Daniel Pressler, Adam Pressler, David Pressler, Rachel Egolf (wife of Adam), Emanuel Pressler, Amanda Pressler, William Pressler, Joseph Pressler. Children of Sarah Forker and Sarah to have the interest on the 1/11 share until the children are of age or until a guardian be appointed. Ex'x. Lydia, wife. Signed 27 May 1885. John (his mark) Pressler (SEAL). Wits: Cyrus B. Tulley, J. W. Adair. Sworn to and subscribed on 19 July 1886 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 551. Jacob A. Ramsey of Thorncreek Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To Mary Ann Ramsey, wife. Ex's. Mary Ann Ramsey, wife. Signed 1 March 1882. Jacob A. Ramsey (SEAL). Wits. Walter Olds, Daniel Zumbrun. Sworn to and subscribe on 2 September 1886 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 551. Henry Hull of Union Township, Whitley County, Indiana. Expected his wife, Jane Hull to take under the law. To my children and grandchild: Franklin Hull, son; Peter Hull, Philix Hull, Phebe Hull; Ernest Hull, son of Phebe; as to my other children these have received: William Hull, son; Adam Hull, son; Isaac Hull, son; Elizabeth (dau), wife of Loyd Sifer. Exs. nom William Hull, son; John O. Clark, Friend. signed 16 March 1881. Henry Hull. Wits. James S. Collins, Joseph W. Adair. Sworn to and subscribed on 7 January 1887 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 558. Christoph Sander, translated from the German. Translation Page 560. To Sofa Sander, wife during her lifetime. To son, Christoph Sander, now living in Colorado. To son Carl (Charles) Sander. To Julius Sander, son. To Elizabeth Swartz, dau. in Jolliett, Ill. To Sofa Swartz gr-dau.; Ernest Julius Swartz, gr-son. To Ernest Swartz, son-in-law but if he dies then the sum to his 2 children to go to his daughter (their mother) Elizabeth Swartz. If testator's wife desires she can name an executor. Signed 21 February 1885. Christoph Sander. Witnesses Isaac Zeller, George Steerhof. Codicil, If dau Elizabeth Swartz has more children the children are to share equally. Signed 13 December 1886. Wits Isaac Zellers and George Steerhof. Will & Codicil sworn to & subscribed on 22 February 1887 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 656. Thomas Keller. To Eliza Ann Keller (wife) and at her death to my 5 children (but no named). Requested that the will be read by James Arnold in the presence of all his heirs. Ex. nom.. Joseph Obenchain. Signed 18 August 1882. Thomas Keller (SEAL). Wits. James Arnold, George W. Reaser. Sworn to and subscribed on 24 February 1887 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 568. John McCartney of Whitley Co., Ind. Stated that his son, Robert McCartney had received. To Emma McCartney, daughter. To Mary, wife. To my children, Mary and William B. P. McCartney. Ex'x. moninated Mary McCartney, wife. Signed 7 June 1883. John McCartney (SEAL). Wits. Robert Lowery, J. F. Beergan at Ft. Wayne, Ind. Sworn to an subscribed on 4 March 1887 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 571. William Carr. The testator had an insurance policy with the Masonic Insurance Company, the same to be divided between his 2 daughters: Sadie Mitten, Ottie Linville. To wife Jennie Carr. Ex. nom. Elisha L. McLallen, friend. Signed 1 March 1887. William Carr. Wits. Joseph W. Adair, William Meiser. Sworn to and subscribed on 25 march 1887 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 574. Sarah Nickey. To my 2 gr-daughters, Sarah May Hively, Elizabeth Netta Hively. To my gr-sons: Charles E. Hively, Lewis Hively, Benjamin F. Hively. To my son John A. Hively. Ex. nom. Nelson Torbet. Signed 15 March 1882. Sarah (her X mark) Nickey (SEAL). Wits. Lewis M. Steward, Hannah Steward. Sworn to and subscribed both will and codicil on 21 April 1887. Codicil dated 25 Sep. 1886 leaving to her gr-children instead of her son. Wits. Lewis M Steward, Hannah Steward. James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Will Record Book Page(s)
Baker, Jacob A.3461
Baker, Jacob A., election of the widow3467
Baltes, Jacob3292
Bauer, Elizabeth3544
Bauer, George, SR.3144
Beghtel, Daniel3540
Berry, Sarah3303
Binkley, Daniel, 1st will351
Binkley, Daniel, 2nd will358
Brenneman, David R.3316
Brenneman, David R., acceptance of his widow3319
Briggs, Ruth A.3522
Brown, Daniel3364
Brown, David3483
Brown, David, election of the widow3495
Burkholder, Michael3247
Burkholder, Michael, acceptance of his widow3251
Carper, Mariah C.366
Carter, Elizabeth3164
Chapman, Laura A.392
Christian, John W.31
Cook, Catharine330
Cook, Harriet E.3468
Cook, Joseph3384
Crowell, Susannah3157
Deardorf, Susan375
Devault, Lemuel3578
Douglas, Clement A.3198
Douglas, J. M.3290
Dunfee, William H.363
Dupler, Jonathan3102
Edwards, Caleb3439+
Effert, Eliza3547
Egolf, Adam3170
Egolf, John3343
Farrell, Mary H.3437
Fisher, Michael3404
Goodyear, Jacob Y3513
Griffin, Margaret3147
Haas, John W.3500
Haas, John W. election of the widow3503
Harp, Oliver3515
Harshbarger, Daniel3379
Hartsock, Jennie R.3478
Hill. Lawrence3176
Hively, Samuel3145
Holt, Daniel W.37
Hose, Catharine3451
Howenstine, William S.3573
Hyatt, William G.3100
Johnson, Mary Ann3458
Jones, Brinton370
Kaler, George3283
Kaler, George election of the widow3256
Karnes, Susan3150
Kaufman, Mary Miller3454
Keirn, Turbet3510
Kepner, Mary3266
Kime, Isaac3111
Kingdom, John3340
Kingdom, John, revocation3349
Kourt, Christian3124
Kruse, Henry383
Lautzenhiser, David B.345
Ledderer, Frederick3150
Leslie, Abraham341
Long, Peter3129
Long, Thomas B. 3574
Maddox, Hezekiah3179
Mathews, Eliza W.3508
McCartney, John, acc. of widow323
McCune, John, acc. of widow3234
McDivitt, Amanda318
Meyer, Deonis3216
Miller, Daniel356
Miller, John A.3309
Miller, Mary Ann3277
More, John W.324
Morse, David S.3445
Myer, Rosa3185
Naber, Inez M.3300
Neiswonger, John348
Ness, Martin3268
Nickey, Jacob3221
Nix, NIcholas3329
Noble, Myron J., acc of widow3448
Nobles, Harriet M.321
Olinger, Elizabeth3558
Oman, Luiza M.3360
Orndorf, George W.3428
Ort, Joseph3200
Overdeer, John3254
Paige, Richard M.3577
Perry, Martha A.3167
Phillips, Joseph3181
Poland, Thomas3504
Poland, Thomas, election of the widow3521
Pressler, Valentine3357
Pressler, Valentine, election of the widow3368
Rapp, Charles3526
Ream, Sarah R.3312
Ream, Sarah R., Husband's election3315
Reaser, George W.3219
Rees, Brown386
Rice, Levi3581
Richards, Joseph3141
Rickey, Alfred A.372
Rider, John389
Robbins, Samuel3263
Rouch, Samuel L., wid. elec.3107
Sattison, Jonathan3434
Sauer, Catharine3796
Scott, Phoebe3207
Sheets, Henry3260
Sheets, Henry, refusal of the widow3262
Shelkett, William E.3327
Shifler, Wm. H.3307
Shinbeckler, Nimrod3473
Shinneman, Rachel3564
Shisler, Anna M.3209
Shoemaker, Jonathan3355
Shook, George A.3476
Show, James H.3569
Sickafoose, Francis M.3280
Slagle, George W.3352
Slagle, Jacob310
Smith, Elizabeth3196
Smith, Henry354
Snyder, Susan3530
Sterling, Margaret3395
Steward, Lewia M., acc. of the widow3393
Steward, Lewis M.3386
Stoler, Abraham3332
Stoner, Lydia3549
Stough, John, wid. elec360
Striggle, Paul3382
Summers, Solomon3287
Summers, Solomon, refusal of the widow3348
Swan, William H.3369
Taylor, Andrew33
Taylor, Henry3555
Thomason, Electa3105
Thompson, William3271
Thompson, William, acc of Harriet P.3276
Torbet, Nelson D.3346
Travis, Patrick3192
Trembly, John S.3335
Trembly, John S., Mary A., acceptance3339
Tressler, Abraham L.3257
Tuttle, Ransom3160
Vandeford, Richard3211
Vandewater, Job G.3240
Vanmeter, William - will revoked339
Wade, Obadiah J.3113
Walker, Thomas380
Ward, Azer378
Ward, Philip3204
Watson, William397
Waugh, Joseph3132
Weisweaver, William3470
Withrow, John A.3243
Withrow, John A., widow's refusal3253
Wolf, John3415
Worden, James3295
Worden, James, elc. of widow3299
Wresler, Jacob3321
Yeagle, Adam3533
Yontz, Deborah334

Book 3 Page 1. John W. Christian of Whitley County, Indiana. To my 2 grandchildren Amanda, Mary and Cora Etty Keirn (or Keim?). To daughter, Mary Ann Christian. Ex. nominated John Q. Adams. Signed 15 March 1887. John W. Christian (SEAL). Wits John Hoffer, Corydon Huff. Proved and recorded on 25 April 1887. James H. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 3. Andrew Taylor of Union Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To wife Susan Taylor her lifetime then at he death to his children: Mary E. McConnell, Ebenezer Taylor, L:ucy J. Watson, Francis J. Kiser, Burtney Taylor, Edward E. Taylor, Olive P. Taylor, Ellenora Taylor and gr-children Franklin M Byrum and Ora E. Byrum children of my daughter, Margaret J. Byrum. Requester no letters testamentary be issued. Signed 15 April 1887. Andrew (his X mark) Taylor (SEAL). Witnesses Michael Sickafoose, David G. Linvill, William Swarts. Sworn to and subscribed on 6 May 1889 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 2 Page 7. Daniel W. Holt of Jefferson Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To wife Orpha Holt also life estate in his farm where now lives it being 89 acres more or less, the N E fractional quarter of Section 2, Township 30, North of Range 10 East. To my children: Andrew H. Holt, Ann D. Holt, Ellen M. Dine (wife of William H. Dine). Requested no letters testamentary be issued until after the death of his wife. Ex. nom. Andrew H. Holt, son. Signed 2 July 1883. Daniel W. Holt (SEAL). wits. Wm. H. Knisely, James S. Collins. Sworn to and subscribed on 6 August 1887 before James H. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 10 (copy). Jacob Slagle of Ross County, Ohio. Requester burial with his three children in the northeast corner of his orchard north of my house where he had set aside a place 30 feet square to be used exclusively as a family burying ground. Wanted a stone fence around the plot with an iron gate. To Elizabeth Slagle, wife, to have a life estate in the farm where he lived including 160 acres more or less bought of Martin Bowers, 38 acres bought of Martin Bowers, 38 acres east of the house bought of Israel Miller, 25 acres west of the hosue, bought of Alexander Harper and 159 acres north of my house bought of Cadwallader Wallace being in all 390 acres more or less. To Franklin Shobe, gr-son, my gold watch marked J. S. when aged 15 years but if deceased then to gr-son Charles Woods at age 15, but if he dies then to the next oldest brother at the same age. To Henry Slagle, son; Franklin Slagle, son; Joseph Harvey Slagle, son; Silas Slagle, son; Elizabeth Ann Shobe & at he death to her heirs (daughter); Eliza Jane Wood (dau.) and wife of John Wood but at her death to her legal heirs. Susan Miller (dau.) wife of William Miller to have land bought of my brother, George Slagle, living on both sides of Eel River in the Counties of Allen and Whitley in Indiana but at her death to her heirs. Harriet Slagle, daughter for her lifetime when to her legal heirs. Exs. nom. my two sons, Henry E. Slagle and Franklin Slagle. Signed 18 June 1861. Jacob Slagle (SEAL). Wits, Joseph Harper, James S. Irion, Jacob Miller. Sworn to & subscribed in Ross Co., Ohio on 19 July 1861 beefier Samuel H Hurst, Pro. Judge. Certified copy dated 26 May 1884 signed by B. F. Stone, P. J. at Chillicothe, Ross Co., Ohio.

Book 2 Page 21. Harriet M Nobles. To my mother, Amelia A Coyle and my sister, Elizabeth Noble. Will not dated. Signed Harriet M. Nobles. Witnesses D. W. Sanders, Sarah A. Sanders. Sworn to and subscribed on 3 September 1887 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 24. John W. More of Union Township, Whitley County, Indiana. This day he and his wife conveyed to their son, William C. More a tract of land, the W ½ of S W ¼ of Section 1 in Township 31, North of Range 10 East except 14 acres off the west half of said S W ¼ which had been heretofore conveyed to our son William C. More but retains life estate in the land. And this day they conveyed to William C. More the S ½ of the N W ¼ of Section 1 in Township 31, North of Range 10 East containing 80 acres but retained a life estate in this Land. To Sons Alexander More, $1000 to be paid over by William C. More. To daughter, Sarah Ann Briggs, $1000 to be paid over by William C. More. To wife Mary More. Wanted a suitable tombstone set at his grave and also for his wife. No letters testamentary to be issued. Exs. Mary More, wife and William C. More. Signed 30 March 1880. John W. More (SEAL) wits. John C. Wigent and Michael Sickafoose. S. & S. 29 September 1887 before James H. Harrison.

Catharine Cook, widow of Henry Cook and of Whitley Co., Indiana. To Polly (dau.) and wife of Daniel Brown; Catharine Berry, wife of Emmitt Berry; Lillie Berry, dau of Emmitt Berry; John E. Berry, son of Emmitt Berry; William Cook, son; Joseph Cook, son; Henry Cook, son; Sophia Laughlin, dau. (wife of William), Hannah Brifogle (dau.) wife of Daniel; Catharine (dau.) wife of ----- Pierceton; Gr-dau, Emma and Cora Goodrich, daughters of my dec. dau., Addaline Goodrich. Requested three friends to make a division of the household good among certain heirs. The friends were: Jane Hyre, Harriet Miller, Mrs. David Humbarger. Ex. nom. Joseph Cook, son. Witnesses James S. Collins, Joseph W. Adair. Signed 14 August 1880. Catharine (her X mark) Cook (SEAL). Sworn to and subscribed on 3 October 1887 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 34. Deborah Yontz of Thorncreek Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. I recently married Benjamin Yontz and agreed before marriage because of our advanced ages and both having children to have separate estates to go to their own children. To husband, $50; James W. Burwell, son; Sarah F. Swigart, daughter; Mary E. Lovett, gr-daugher; Martha E. Douglas, gr-daughter; Jane V Lovett, gr-daughter; Joseph Lovett, gr-son; James M. Lovett, gr-son; Ellsworth W. Pheister, gr-son (to receive $400 at age of 26 years). Had real estate, 74 acres in Whitley County being the N ½ of N W ¼ of Section 34 in Township 31, N of Range 9 East. Ex. nom. James W. Burwell, soon. Signed 27 April 1887. Debora Yontz (SEAL). Wits. Sarah A. Egolf, James S. Collins, John Magley. S. & subscribe on 5 October 1887 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 39. William Van Meter will contested and revoked. Plaintiffs: Christina Meyers, Phoeba Diffendaffer, Rebecca Sterling, Slice Mc Cartney, Hamilton B. Hurd, Franis V. Hurd, Frances Vanmeter, guardian of John Vanmeter, a person of unsound mind. Defendants: Scott Vanmeter, Alfred Vanmeter, William Vanmeter, Melind aVanmeter, American Vanmeter, Melind May Vanmeter. The will was revokied and declared void. the defendants appealed to the Supreme Court of Indiana, granted. See order Book S., page 304. [for will see 2-529. DEG].

Record 3 Page 41. Abraham Leslie of Washington Township, Whitely County, Indiana. To Margaret Leslie, wife. To our children, Mary Jane Johnson, David Ira Leslie, Sarah E. Schrader, Ida A. Leslie, Icy T. Leslie. To John Leslie. To Gordon A. Oliver. signed 12 September 1889. Abraham (his X mark) Leslie (SEAL) Witnesses. Isaiah B. McDonald, Simon P. Loose. Sworn to and subscribe on 15 October 1887 before James M. Harrison, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 45. David B Lautzenhiser of Whitely County, Indiana. Executor nominated: Joseph Clark, a friend of Columbia City, Indiana. To wife Sarah Lautzenhiser. To my children equally: Harbin Lautzenhiser, John Lautzenhiser, Albert Lautzenhiser, Laura Smidt, Nettie Schinbectle, Mary Lautzenhiser. Signed 13 October 1883. D. B. Lautzenhiser (SEAL). Witnesses Thomas R. Marshall, John E. Martin. sworn to and subscribed on 17y November 1887 before James M. Harrison, Clark.

Record 3 Page 48. John Neiswonger of Whitley County, Indiana. To beloved wife, Harriet E. but at her death equally to my beloved children: Henry David Neiswonger, Ellsworth Neiswonger, Ellen Ingram, Barbara Ann Maynard, Laura Neiswonger. Ex'x. nom. Harriet E. Neiswonger, wife. Signed 2 November 1889. John Neiswonger. Witnesses: David L. Augsberger, Jesse D. Wurtsbaugh. Sworn to and subscribed on 5 January 1888 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 51. Daniel Binkley of Churubusco, Whitley County, Indiana. To Elizabeth Binkley, wife; Alexander Binkley, son;' Clarissa Budd, daughter; Jacob Binkley; William Binkley & Ida Gordon. Ex. nominated John Deck. Requester decent burial and a gravestone costing not less than $50. Signed 2 September 1875. Daniel Binkley (SEAL). Wits. James W. Harrison, J. W. Hutsel, sen. Sworn to and subscribed on 10 January 1888 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Book 33 Page 54. Henry Smith of Churubusco, Whitley County, Indiana. To wife, Katharine Smith. To my sons and daughter: Katharine Roach, William Smith, Henry Smith, John Smith, Philip Smith, Adam J. Smith. Ex. nom. my son, William Smith. Signed 3 September 1885. Henry (his X mark) Smith. Witnesses John W. Orndorf, Frederick Reed. Sworn to and subscribed on 10 January 1888 before Samuel R. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 56. Daniel Miller of Churubusco, Whitley County, Indiana. To sons and daughters: William A. Miller, David V. Miller, Daniel E. Miller, Sarah L. Rapp, Henry A Miller, Sampson J. Miller, James W. Miller, Mary J. Rockhill, Maria E. Miller. Exec. nom. Alexander Craig. Signed 27 October 1884. Daniel (his X mark) Miller. Witnesses Nathan W. Beavers, Frank M. Kohr. Sworn to and subscribed on 10 January 1888 before Samuel P, Kaler. Clerk.

Record 3 Page 58. Daniel Binkley of Churubusco, Whitley County, Indiana. To wife, Elizabeth Binkley, one third of the estate and the remainder to the sons and daughters: Alexander Binkley, William Binkley, Clara Ott, Jacob Binkley, Ida Slabaugh. Ex. nom. John W. Orndorf. Signed 24 August 1885. Daniel Binkley (SEAL). Witness James Maloney whose name does not appear on the will as recorded. Sworn to and subscribed on 10 January 1888 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 60. John Stough of Columbia City, Indiana. To wife, Elizabeth Stough all property, real and personal during her lifetime. Ex. nom. Henry Snyder of Columbia City, Ind. Signed 22 June 1886. John (his X mark) Stough (SEAL). Wits. James S. Collins. Lucy A (her X mark) White. Sworn to and subscribed on 14 February 1888 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk. The widow refused to accept the terms of the will on 14 March 1888 before James S. Collins. N.P.

Record 3 Page 63. William H. Dunfee of Whitley County, Indiana. To wife, Catharine B. Dunfee during her lifetime and after her death to Henrietta Rebecca Dunfee, my daughter. To Thera C. Bair, a girl living with us, $50. To my 3 children: Sophia E. Wise (wife of Wm. Wise), Henrietta Rebecca Dunfee, William J. Dunfee. Ex'x. nom. Catharine B. Dunfee, wife. Signed on 21 January 1886. W. H. Dunfee, (SEAL). Wits. Michael Sickafoose, James S. Collins. Sw. to and subscribed on 13 July 1888 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 66. Mariah C. Carper. Requested the placed of a suitable marker at her grave. Mordicai C. Carper has received including a farm in Iowa. To: Arthur G. Carper, son; Frances E. Hathaway, dau. Ex. nom. Elijah Merriman, M.D., a friend of South Whitley, Ind. Signed 10 August 1887. Mariah C. (her X mark) Carper. Wits. Franklin Goff, Andrew Mann. Sworn to and subscribed on 21 July 1888 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 70. Brinton Jones of Whitley County, Indiana. To Harriet Pompey, Lucy A. Smith, Joanna Pompey, Sarah A. Winburn. Ex. nom. Daniel M. Winburn. Signed 23 June 1888. Brinton Jones (SEAL). Wits. Marcus L. Jeffries, Hiram Jones. Sworn to and subscribed on 3 August 1888 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 72. Alfred A. Ricker of Columbia City, Indiana. Requested Isemia Ricker (wife) to set the family monument of Blue Mountain Granite to cost $500. He had transferred to his children, Elmer R. Ricker and Emma A. Ricker his grocery stock also queensware and glassware stock to hold equally. To daughter Emma A. Ricker the Chickering Piano, etc. To wife. Isemia Ricker. Names Elmer E. Ricker,(son) as guardian to Charles H. Snyder (gr-son). Signed 5 July 1888. Alfred A. Ricker (SEAL). Witnesses Michael Sickafoose of Columbia City, Ind.; Walter J Tyree of Columbia City, Ind.; Elmer D. Mills of Columbia City, Ind. Sworn to and subscribed on 14 August 1888 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 75. Susan Deardorf. To dau. Mary E. Fleck (hus. Solomon). real estate but cannot sell it so long as her husband lives. If she dies then to her children. To my children: Eva A. Nevieiter, Octavius D. Deardorf, Ossa J. Deardorf, Mary Ellen Fleck, Casper Deardorf, Children of Elijah Deardorf, dec. Ex. nom. Octavius D. Deardorf. Signed 29 June 1888. Susan (her X mark) Deardorf. Witnesses Julia Miller, Ft. Wayne, Ind., W. S. Gandy, Churubusco, Ind. Sworn to and subscribed on 28 August 1888 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 78. Azor Ward of Whitley Co., Ind. To my wife, Melissa Ward for her lifetime then equally among my children: Clayton Ward, Frank A. Ward, Ella Jenkins, Augusta Wance, Mattie Swanson. Signed 11 September 1888. Azor Ward. Witnesses Elijah Merriman, Lemuel C. Humphreys. Sworn to and subscribed on 12 October 1888 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 2 Page 80. Thomas Walker of Thorncreek Township, Whitley County, Ind. To my wife, Rebecca A. Walker, a life estate in 160 acres, the S W ¼ of Section 28 in Township 32, Range 9 East. To Ann Walker, dau. To my daughter: Eliza Smith, Mary Yeagle, Rebecca Stuckey, Ann Walker, Ellen Hass. Mentioned that he had advanced to his sons the equivalent of there portions (sons not by name). Signed 14 October 1884 (Thomas (his X mark) Walker (SEAL). Witnesses John C. Wigent, Michael Sickafoose, James S. Collins. Sworn to and subscribed on 15 December 1888 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 83. Henry Kruse of Whitley Co., Ind. To my beloved wife (not by name) land her lifetime and at her death the residue of the estate to be held in trust by Eliza Luicke present wife of August Luicke, for her children. Executor my wife. Signed 15 April 1878. Henry Kruse (SEAL). Witnesses Cyrus B. Tulley, Jeremiah A. Hartsock. Sworn to and subscribed on 31 January 1889 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 86. Bowen Rees of Whitley Co., Indiana. To Hiram, son; Charles W., son; Heirs of my deceased son, Robert; namely: Ellen Ludwig, Frances Mabus, Nathan Rees, Martin Rees, each $1; William, son; daughters: Rebecca, Samantha, Mahala H.. Ex. nom. Charles W. Hayden, friend. Signed 4 September 1886. Bowen Rees (SEAL). Witnesses. Henry (his X mark) Hook, Ephraim Eller. Sworn to and subscribed on 26 February 1889 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Pag 89. John Rider of Larwill, Whitley County, Indiana. To Catharine Rider, wife. To my heirs: Samuel Rider, Fannie Gick, Sarah Trump. To Mrs. Emma C. Higgins, a gr-dau. now living with me, the homestead, a house in Larwill, lots 7 and 8 and other lots in Larwill, formerly Huntsville. Ex. nom. Seth F. Robinson. Signed 7 Ocober 1887. John (his X mark) Ricer (SEAL). Witnesses Wm. Guy, G. A. Young, John Trachsell. Sw. & sub. 5 March 1889 before Sameul P. Kaler, Claerk.

Book 3 Page 91. The widow refused terms of the will. Her election signed 5 March 1889 in presence of Thos. R. Marshall and W. N> Andrews.

Record 3 Page 92. Laura A. Chapman of Whitley Co., Indiana, widow of Nathan Chapman, deceased. To Parmelia A. Scott, daughter; William Hazzard Chapman, land, but in trust for his children who survive him. Nathan Heber Chapman, gr-son. To gr-sons Lanty S. Cassel, Pheortis O. Cassel. Iantha Bell Lawrence, a gr-dau. who has cared for me since disabled. Ex. nom. John Q. Adams of Thorncreek Township. He to erect a tombstone at my grave similar to one I placed on my deceased husbands grave. wanted a former will destroyed, stored in the safe of Collins and Sickafoose in Columbia City, Indiana. Signed 4 September 1886. Laura A. (her X mark) Chapman (SEAL). Witnesses James S. Collins, Edmund Jones. Codicil signed 7 August 188. Laura S. (her X mark) Chapman, with witnesses, James S. Collins and Edmmon Jones, Codicil changed bequest to Parmelia Scott from $1500 to $1000. Will and Codicil sworn to and sub. 6 May 1899 before S. P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 97. William Watson of Richland Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To Elizabeth Jane Watson, wife. All my children but not by name). Signed 11 May 1889. William (his X mark) Watson (SEAL). No ex. nom. Witnesses Lewis H. Mowrey, J. W. Eastom, James S. Collins. Sworn to and subscribe on 22 May 1889 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 100. William G. Hyatt of Churubusco, Whitley County, Indiana. To Nancy J. Hyatt, wife and at her death to my son and daughters equally: Henry J. Hyatt, Nancy E. Farmer, Isabell Neal, Mary E. Valentine, Fransetta Farmer, Laura J. Orndorf. To wife and heirs of Freedom F. Hyatt, dec. No. ex. nom in will. Signed 7 December 1887. William G. Hyatt (SEAL). Witnesses Charles Richard, George Richards. Sworn to and subscribed on 24 May 1889 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Book 3 Whitley Co. Wills. Dupler Jonathan. Page 102- Page 104. 1886 July 3 Dated. 1889 June 15 produced before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk by Charles W. Hively, one of the wit. Beq. to ARthur Dupler ½ of ¼ of my estate which would come to Amand Spurrier, the rest of Amanda Spurrier. To Melvin Hilll, a grandson, $100. To Laura Kendall #100. Of rem. Prop 1/3 Prop Diannah Pressler, 1/3 prop. Katherine Sevits or heirs, 1/3 prop Matilda Appletong. Mentions Eliza Dupler, wife. Signed Jonathan (his X mark) Dupler. Wit. Charles W. Hively, Noah W. Hively.

Book III, Page 104. Widow's election to take under the will. I, Elizabeth Dupler, widow of Jonathan Dupler, late of Whitley Co. in the State of Indiana do hereby take the provision made for me in the will of my late husband Jonathan Dupler, and do elect to accept thereunder and do waive and release all my rights in his estate under the law. Witness my hand an seal this 25 day of July A.D. 1889. Eliza Dupler (SEAL). Acknowledged personally before P. H. Clugston, N. Public.

Whitley County Will Book III. Vanderwater, Job G. Page 240. 1892 Jan 28 dated. 1892 Feb 11 Rec. William H. Magley, clerk. Beq. J. N. Truman, Sarah Hermsdorpher to eldest dau. Sarah E. Grayless, the E ½ of S E ¼ of Sec 24, T 31 R 10 East (80a) Also E ½ of E ½ of S W ¼ of Sec 13 T 31 R 10 East (40a), to youngest daughter, C. A. McGinley. Signed Job G. Vandewater. Wit. Ira C. Harshbarger, Patrick J. Hoban.

Record 3 Page__. Jonathan Dupler. To my gr-son, Arthur Dupler ½ of ¼ of my estate and named Benjamin Sevits as guardian. Amanda Spurrier ½ of ¼; to gr-son, Melvin Hill $100; to Laura Kendall, $100; to Diana Pressler, to Katharine Sevits; to the children of Martha Appleton. Mentioned that his wife, Eliz Dupler had had a competent maintenance her lifetime. Signed 2 July 1886. Jonathan (his X mark) Dupler (SEAL). Witnesses Charles W. Hively, Noah W. Hively. S & sub. 15 June 1889 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk. The widow released her rights on 25 July 1889. Eliza Dupler (SEAL). Att. P. H. Clugston, N.P. Benj Sevits refused to act as guardian to Arthur Dupler on 2 July 1889.

Record 3 Page 105. Electa Thomson of Whitley Co., Indiana. To Sarah F. Arnold, my sister; Elmira Arnold, my sister; Augusta M. Wallace, my sister. Ex. nom. James Arnold. Signed 9 July 1999. Electa Thomson. Witnesses Phebe Cleveland, W. B. fox. Sworn to and subscribed on 15 July 1889 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 107. Samuel L. Rouch. To wife, Amanda Rouch. To my children John L. Rouch, James W. Rouch, Henry A. Rouch, Mary E. Rouch, Maud L. Rouch. When the youngest child is aged 15 years the home farm of 80 acres, in Township 31 section 18 North of Range 10 East is to be sold (Katie). To Warren E. Rouch, Stephen D. Rouch, Ella J. Rouch, Clement A. Rouch, Mattie Rouch, Katie Rouch. Executor nom. Samuel P. Kaler, friend. Signed 15 May 1889. Samuel L. Rouch (SEAL) Witnesses: Phillip Gongwer and Walter J. Tyree. Sw. to and subscribed on 21 August 1889. Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk. The widow refused the terms of the will on 27 September 1889 before P. H. Clugston, N. P.

Record 3 Page 111. Isaac Kime of Whitley Co., Indiana. To Rachel A. Kime, the farm on which we live, the N ½ of E ½ of N E ¼ of Sec 9 in Township 30, Range 10 E cont. 40 acres; also E ½ of N ½ of W ½ of N E ¼ of Sec. 9, T 30, North of Range 10 E containing 20 acres also S E ¼ of S E ¼ of Sec 8, township 30 and Range 10 E containing 40 acres and also the personal property. Signed 14 July 1878. Isaac Kime (SEAL). Witnesses Henry Clark, Enoch B. Bell. Sworn to and subscribed on 17 October 1889 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 117. Obidiah Wade of Smith Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To Caroline Wade, wife. To Mary J. Chockley, William J. Wade, Elizabeth A. Wade, James H. Wade, Francis A. Wade, Richard W. Wade, Augusta V. Leigh, Charles W. Wade, Children of John Wade (son). Executor nom. Asa H. Carter, friend. Signed 22 October 1878. Obidiah J (his X mark) Wade (SEAL) Witnesses Michael Sickafoose, Barret Reckard. Recorded on 12 December 1889. Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk. On 3 January 1890 the widow agreed to accept the terms of the will and signed. Caroline Wade (SEAL).

Record 3 Page 124. Chrsitan Kourt. To Mary Ann Kourt, wife. To my nine children: John Kourt, Christian Kourt, Caroline Alvord, Mary Kourt, Sarah Kourt, Henry Kourt, Ida Kourt, Julia Ann Kourt, Elizabeth Hively. Exec nom. Tobias Erne, Friend. Signed 7 Janaury 1890. Christian Kourt (SEAL). Witnesses John Hass, Wm. F. Mc Nagny. sworn to and subscribed on 4 February 1890 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clark.

Book 3 Page 144. The widow Mary A. Kourt elects to take under the will. Signed 27 March 1890. Mary A. (her X mark) Kourt. before Thomas R. Marshall, N.P.

Record 3 Page 129. Peter Long of Whitley County, Indiana. To my wife (not by name) life interest in the farm on which we live in Troy Township, then to my children: Peter Long, dec. whose children shall inherit; James Long; John Long; Francis Long; Hannah (wife of George Souders); Margaret (wife of John McCune); Michael long; Catharine (wife of Andrew Garver); George Long; Hiram Long; Susanna Long. Ex. nom. Henry McLallen, Jun. signed 11 May 1868. Peter Long (SEAL). Witnesses David A. Quick, Ed A Mossman. Sworn to and subscribed on 26 November 1870 before James A. Edwards, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 132. Joseph Waugh. To Nancy Waugh, wife. Daughters, Margaret J. Malinda and Martha E. Had advanced to son: Levi Waugh, Joseph Waugh, Jr. David M Waugh. To James A. M. Waugh, son. To gr-son William Judson Pence. To gr-children James L. Pence, David M. Pence, Mary E. Smith, Florence Pence. Exs. nom. sons David M. Waugh and James A. M. Waugh. Signed 4 February 1885. Joseph Waugh (SEAL). Wits Wm. H. Liggett, Michael Sickafoose. Sworn to and subscribed on 4 February 1890 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 141. Joseph Richards of Churubusco, Whitley County, Indiana. To Andrew Richard, son; George Richards, son; Charles Richards, son; Sarah E. Reed, dau. Ex. nom. George Richards. Signed 26 April 1887. Joseph Richards (SEAL). Witnesses Octavius Deardorff, John W. Orndorf. Sworn to and subscribed on 25 March 1890 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 144 [see details of will Book 3 Page 124 The widow Mary A. Kourt elects to take under the will. Signed 27 March 1890. Mary A. (her X mark) Kourt. before Thomas R. Marshall, N.P.

Record 3 Page 145. Samuel Hively of Thorncreek Township, Whitley County, Indiana. To Isabella Hively, wife; William R. Hively, son; David Edward Hively, son; Daniel F. Hively, son; Horace L. Hively, son; Royal A. Hively, son; Samuel R. Hively, son; Benjamin E. Hively, son; Margaret E. Appleton, dau.; Sarah E. Hively, dau. Signed 11 April 1890. Samuel Hively (SEAL). Witnesses Reuben King, Noah W. Hively. Sworn to and subscribed on 19 April 1890 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 147. Margaret Griffin of Whitley Co., Ind. To Cornelius Griffin, husband. To Martin Griffin, son, or his heirs. Requested the erection of a tombstone costing $75 at her grave. Signed 4 February 1890. Margaret (her X mark) Griffin. Witnesses Emma D. Gandy, Alice Harrold, Amanda Davis. Sworn to and subscribed on 8 April 1890 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 150. Susan Karnes. To the children of my deceased dau. Catharine Gable (wife of David Gabel) namely: Dora Brugh, Diana Jenkins, Mary M. Pence, Sheridan J. Gable. To David Gabel, son-in-law. To Richard Karnes (son) and Samantha J. Karnes, dau. Wants a respectable gravestone erected. Executor nominated Richard Karnes, son. Will written by James H. Harrison. Signed 5 May 1890. Susan (her X mark) Karnes. Witnesses Henry Kissinger, John Wirts. Sworn to and subscribed on 15 May 1890 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 153. Frederick Ledderer of Whitley County Indiana. Requested a monument costing not over $100. Same to bear his name and the names of his children, Sarah Anna and Theodore Franklin. To Genefeva Lederer, wife. To my children, Mary Magdalena Sell, Phoebe Jane Sell, Emma Christina Smith. To Christina Kemp if a good boy, stays with me to my death, quits drinking and abusing me, my wife & the stock. Executor, Henry sell, friend. signed (no date). Frederick Ledderer (seal) (in German). Witnesses Cyrus B. Tulley, Henry Strauss. sworn to and subscribed on 23 June 1890 before. Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk. The widow Genevieve Lederer (Page 156) rejected terms of the will. signed 24 June 1890. Genovefer Lederer (SEAL) before Henry Strauss and Christena Weick. Thomas Riley Marshall, N. P.

Record 3 Page 157. Susannah Crowell of Jefferson Township, Whitley County, Ind. To Andrew Akers, my brother; Daniel Akers, my brother; Julia Ann Hanks, my half sister; Mary Jane Whitney, my half sister; Edward Aker, son of Jacob Aker. Requester erection of a tombstone. To Harry F. Conner and wife E. A. Conner (my benefactors). Ex. nom. Andrew Aker, brother. Signed 10 June 1890. Susannah (her X mark) Crowell (SEAL). Witnesses George W. Hasty, John Robinette. Sworn to and subscribed on 23 July 1890 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 160. Ransom Tuttle of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. To my niece Laura A. Rouse and her children but if she dies without child or children then to my nephew, Caldwell W. Tuttle. To Caldwell W. Tuttle, nephew. To Franklin P. Tuttle, Nephew. Ex. nom. Caldwell W. Tuttle, nephew. Signed 8 October 1887. Ransom Tuttle (SEAL). Witnesses James S. Collins, Michael Sickafoose. Sworn to and subscribed on 11 August 1890 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 164. Elizabeth Carter, Whitley Co,, Indiana. To Asa H. Carter, James Garrison, Jesse W. Carter. signed 7 November 1889. Elizabeth Carter. Witnesses James M. Crone, Levi Jeffries. Sworn to and subscribed on 6 September 1890 before Samuel P, Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 167. Martha A. Perry. To my 2 children. John David Perry and Henry Martin Lucius Perry the home place. Lot 20 bought of David L. Shinneman in fist addition to town of Columbia City, Indiana. To Houston Perry, husband, a life estate in the property. Signed 1 January 1890. Martha A. Perry. Witnesses Albert E. Orbsby, Elias Lantzer, Ephraim K. Strong. Sworn to and subscribe on 11 October 1890 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 170. Adam Egolf of Whitley Co., Indiana. To my wife (names Lucy). To my Children: Malissa Sliger, Adam J. Egolf, Catharine Gaff, Harvey Egolf, Heirs of Amy Hughes, dec. } $5 each. To my children: Peter Egolf, John Egolf, Benjamin Egolf, George Egolf, Jamima McClain, Rachael Braddox, Lydia Ann McLain, Henry Egolf, Joseph Egolf. Exs. nominated Benjamin Egolf, George Egolf, my sons. Signed 31 December 1880. Adam Egolf (SEAL). Wits. Cyrus B. Tulley, Roscoe A. Kaufman. Sworn to and subscribed on 15 Nov 1890 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 174. George Bauer, Sr. of Washington Township, Whitley County, Indiana. My 2 sons: George W. Bauer, Joseph F. Bauer, who must do three masses every year for four years for the deceased members of our family. My 2 sons Peter Bauer, John Bauer have received.. Signed 20 March 1885. George (his X mark) Bauer, SR. Witnesses Antoine Ness, Michael Brommer. Sworn to and subscribed on 2 August 1890 before Samuel P, Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 176. Lawrence Hill of Whitley Co., Ind. To Elener Hill, wife. To Alfred L. Hill, son but subject to his mother's life estate. My 3 daughters: Catherine Johnson, Alice E. Johnson, Elenor I. Emerick. Exs. wife and son. Signed 22 November 1890. Lawrence Hill. Witnesses W. S. Gandy, John F. Crisswell. Sworn to and subscribed on 12 January 1891 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk. Record 3 Page 179. Hezekiah Maddox of Dunfee, Whitley County, Indiana. To Mary Maddox, wife. To son Joseph $200 more than the other children. Signed 3 March 1890. Hezekiah Maddox (SEAL). Witnesses Lewis Ginger, Charles H. Aker. Sworn to and subscribed on 30 January 1891 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk. Record 3 Page 185. Rosa Meyer of Whitley Co., Ind. To William Meyer. To sons; Anton Meyer, Charles Meyer, Frank Meyer. Mentioned land received from her deceased husband Deonis Meyer which her son Joseph had purchased. To daughter Mary Raupher (hus. Benj.) mentioned land in Marshall County Kas. Ex. nom. Franklin Shilts, friend. Signed 5 June 1882. Rose Meyer (SEAL) (in German) Witnesses Ferdinand Schneider, Michael Frederick. Codicil dated 14 Oct. 1884. Wits E. L. McLallen and Wm. F. McNagny. Signed Rose Meyer in German. Codicil & will sworn to and subscribed on 30 March 1891 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 192. Patrick Travis of Larwill, Whitley County, Indiana. To Thomas Travis, Oldest child to be held in trust until aged 21 years. All the rest of property in trust of Mary Travis, wife and no specific bequeath to children: Marie, Robert, Helen and Margaret Travis, having perfect faith in the judgment of their mother. Had a policy for $2000 in the Equitable Life Insurance Co of N.Y. Ex'x. Mary Travis, wife. Singed 21 July 1891. Patrick Travis (SEAL). Witnesses David B. Clugston, David J. Bowman. Sworn to and subscribed on 4 August 1891 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 196. Elizabeth Smith of Whitley Co., Indiana. To Jacob Smith, son; William W. Smith, son; Reuben Smith, son. Equally to: Eliza Ann Keller, Harriet Reed, Jacob Smith, William W. Smith. Signed 10 September 1879. Elizabeth (her X mark) Smith (SEAL). Wits. Saml. J. Foster, Milton B. Emerson. Sworn to and subscribed on 5 September 1891 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 198. Clement S. Douglass of Union Township, Whitley Co., Indiana. To my 2 sons Jacob W. Douglass, Walter C. Douglass. To Hattie O. Douglass, daughter. Signed 10 August 1886. Clement S. Douglass. Witnesses Curtis W. Jones, James S. Collins. Sworn to and subscribed on 15 September 1891 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 200. Joseph Ort of Churubusco, Whitely County, Indiana. To: Mary A. Ort, Wife. To Lucien Ort, Mary Ellen Long, Ann Eliza Smur, Alonzo Ort, Mary Jan Hager, my legal heirs. Exs. nom. George W. Maxwell, De Laverne Young. Requested that the will be read at his grave by the officiating minister or if the weather is unfavorable deferred until the friends and relatives return "to my house." Signed 21 August 1891. Joseph Ort (SEAL). Wits. C. E. Lancaster and W. W. Hollepeter. Codicil dated 21 August 1891 left to son, Lucien Ort, $25 and one hunter case watch owned by me. These more than his equal share. Signed Joseph Ort. Wis. W. W. Hollepeter and C. E. Lancaster. Sworn to and subscribed on 1 October 1891 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 204. Philip Ward of Whitley Co., Ind. Had already deeded 99 acre tract of land to sons: Wm. W. Ward, Francis M. Ward, James D. Ward. To daughters: Mary Hathaway (wife of William V.), Melissa Jones (wife of Solomon), Sarah J. Devine (wife of Michael), Rosa B. Setter (wife of Felix). To Samuel J. Ward, son. Made reference to his 8 children. Exs. nom. Samuel J. Ward, son William V. Hathaway, son-in-law. Signed 31 August 1891. Philip Ward (SEAL). Witnesses: W. F. McNagny, Byron C. Knight. Sworn to and subscribed on 21 September 1891 before Samuel P., Kaler, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 207. Phoebe Scott of Larwill, Whitley County, Indiana. To Samuel Scott, husband; Francis M. Hemminger, gr-son; children of Mary A. Hemminger; Verney Leora Johnston. Ex. nom. George F. Burt. Signed 18 December 1886. Phoebe (her X mark) Scott (SEAL). Witnesses W. Welker, S. M. Welker. Sworn to and subscribed on 15 October 1891 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Record 3 Page 209. Anna M. Shisler of Whitley County, Indiana. Request a $25 tombstone set at her grave by her executor. To Margaret R. Shisler, mother, but at whose death the real estate to Luella B. Shisler (niece) and William M. Shislet, nephew. Exs. Margaret R. Shisler, mother, W. S. Gandy. Signed 19 October 1886. Anna M. Shisler (SEAL). Witnesses G. W. Maxwell, J. W. Leiter. Sworn to and subscribe on 9 November 1891 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.

Book 3 Page 211. Richard Vanderford of Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana. To Delilah Vanderford, wife in Lieu of dower and at her decease the remaining estate to my children. John C. Vanderford, Jesse Vanderford, Rachel Delano, Richard Franklin Vanderford, Delilah Trumbull, The 3 children of Simon W. Vanderford deceased, the 2 children of William Riley Vanderford, deceased. Estate settlement to be made by Delila Vanderford and Richard Franklin Vanderford without bond or intervention of the laws of Indiana. Signed 13 October 1891. Richard Vanderford (SEAL) Witnesses signed on 15 Oct 1891; Isaiah B. McDonald, Margaret E. Yeater. Sworn to and subscribed on 11 November 1891 before Samuel P. Kaler, Clerk.


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