Genealogical Society of Whitley County

Note Books of Nellie Riley Raber
Book 3 — Marrs Family Records Whitley County, Indiana
Transcribed by Donald Gradeless

Only 4 Sheets of paper in this notebook were used.
Starting on Sheet 1: (Front)
Estate of Barton M. Marrs
Grave in the Snodgrass Cemetery, Troy Township:
Barton M. Marrs
Husband of Lavina Marrs
Died December 1, 1864
47 y 3 m.
Johnson Marrs one of the administrators made application for the settlement of the estate on 18th Aug. 1867. A sale was held of the personal property which brought $ 1537.22
Final Settlement
Lavina Marrs, Widow paid in full Voucher #22 - $ 276.90
Distributive shares to the heirs:
Samuel E. Marrs $ 69.22 James B. Marrs $ 69.22 Lavina Marrs as guardian of:
Leonidas D. Marrs }
Barton Marrs } $ 207.66
Thomas Marrs }
Wm. N. Marrs as guardian of
Jasper N. Marrs } $ 138.44
Eliza A. Marrs }
John C. Marrs his distributive share of $69.22
Report to the Court made 3 March 1871
Sheet 1: (Back)
Estate of Berry R. Marrs
Executors: D. R. and S. A. Marrs his two sons.
On 24 Nov. 1879 W. S. Smith was paid $5 to apply on the burial care. Daniel Hoover received $5 in full for his services full as a commissioner to divide the Real estate between the two sons.
An inventory of the personal property was made and sworn on 5 May 1879 by Robert Elliott and John Smith. Notes from the final report: Inventory of personal property $ 1026.80
W. S. Smith paid $ 20 for a coffin.
Sarah Marrs, the widow and the two sons the only heirs
Date of his death 28 March 1879 (Death Cause - tuberculosis)
Sheet 2: (Front)
Estate of Sarah A. Marrs
Administrators : Samuel A. Estlick, Charles N. Estlick
Paid to E. E. Ashley : $ 14 for funeral care $ 100 for casket
Paid D. R. Marrs $ 792.77
Paid Alva Mars, 50¢, appraiser
Note : mention made of Nursing Care board washing ironing
Only two heirs, sons Dennis R. and Samuel A. Marrs. Later Samuel A was called Arthur Marrs.
Sheet 2: (Back)
Estate of Jasper N. Marrs
Believed to have died 3 May 1895.
Andrew Kenner named, administrator
Bell Marrs renounced her right to administer the estate and desired the appointment of Andrew Kenner.
Personal estate estimated to be $ 300.00
Total Estate : $ 1890.95
Harriet I. (Isabelle) Marrs paid a claim of $ 562.00 in full.
Sworn and subscribed by Andrew Kenner before James S. Collins on 7 October 1896.
Grave in the Snodgrass Cemetery, Troy Township
Jasper Marrs
May 3, 1895
44 y 5 mo. 13 d.
Belle Marrs
1862 - 1951
Sheet 3: (Front)
Obituary of Harriet Isabelle Marrs
Died March 17, 1951 aged 89, at her home on State Road 5, ten miles northwest of Columbia City. Born in Troy Tp. 15 March 1862, daughter of John and Cynthia Smith. Married Jasper Newton Marrs 8 March 1883 at the Bapt. parsonage in Columbia City by Rev. D. W. Sanders.
Survivors: two daughters-in-law: Mrs. Ruth Marrs
Mrs. Eliza Marrs
Two sons, Ralph and Fred Marrs are deceased.
Funeral in the Troy Presbyterian Church. Burial in the Snodgrass Cemetery
Fred L. Marrs, 62 died 19 Aug. 1948
Married Eliza Estlick in 1914
Surviving Charles F. Marrs at home. Six daughters:
Mrs. Ralph Walburn, Troy Tp.
Mrs. Harry Hollopeter, Noble Co.
Mrs. Herman SVrersel (?), Troy Tp.
Mrs. Gerald Putnam, Ft. Wayne
Mrs. Morris Sheets, Jefferson Tp.
Miss Sallie Lou Marrs, at home
Burial Troy Presby. Cemetery
Sheet 3: (Back)
Ralph Marrs, son of Jasper N. and Harriet Belle Marrs died 18 April 1898. Born 30 Jan. 1889 in the house where he died. Married 28 March 1916 to Ruth Kile A son survives, Barton Marrs of S. Whitley also two daughters: Mrs. Raymond Watts, Eaglesmore, Pa. and Miss Evelyn Marrs, a senior in Larwill High School Funeral in Troy Presbyterian Church Burial in the church cemetery.
Sheet 4: (Front)
Estate of William N. Marrs A son Charles E. Marrs named administrator will will annexed. Heirs: Mary M. Marrs, the widow Nellie M. Russell, received $1295.97 for her share of the per. property.
Edith E. share 351.44 Corwin B. Marrs, Charles E. Marrs
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