Genealogical Society of Whitley County

Note Books of Nellie Riley Raber
Book 2 — Fayette County Ohio Transcribed by Donald Gradeless

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Starting on Sheet 1 (Front)
Page |
Names |
Date By Whom Married |
1 | Ellis, Henry Harper, Charity | 6-26-1810 Thomas W. Swinney
Hays, David Wolf, Theodocia | 7-17-1820 Henry Thurman
| Hurley, Wm. Kendle, Lucy | 11-22-1810 Joel Wood |
| Ferrell, Edward Wright, Mary | 12-13-1810 Henry Thurman, J.P. |
2 |
Flesher, Henry Popejoy, Susannah | 12-20-1810 James Kerr, J.P. |
| McGowan, John Rian, Polly | 3-10-1811 Joel Wood, J.P. |
| Harrod, Samuel Young, Sally | 3-10-1811 Joel Wood, J.P. |
| Bell, Joseph 3-28-1811 | Young, Sally Henry Thurman, J.P. of Union tp. |
Sheet 1 (Front)
Ross Co., O. I certify that on 7th
instant Robert Southerland and
Hannah (Rips or Kips) were Joined
Signed: Samuel Crothers, L.M.
The above bore date 5-3-11
Joseph Harris-(Lews) Stinson
were married within three months past
by me (June 12, 1811) Signed: James Kerr
Names |
Date By Whom Married |
| Armon, George Rosel Elizabeth | Were married by me. given under my hand and seal, 10 June 1811 Signed: John Page. |
| Popejoy, William Thompson, Polly | 9-26-1811 John Popejoy |
| Cox, Elias Ayre, Hannah | 8-1-1811 Henry Thurman, J.P. of Union township |
| Caylor, Jacob Snider, Catherine | 8-20-1811 Henry Thurman, J.P. |
| Chenoworth, Thomas Morgan, Rachel | 9-19-1811 Ralph Lotsprick |
| Fulton, William Loofbourrow, Eliza | 11-19-1811 John Page. |
Sheet 2 (Front)
Names |
Date By Whom Married |
| Barkshire, Tiboria (Gimes), Jane | 1-7-1812 Aaron L. Hunt, J.P. |
| Moon, David Ellis Mary | 1-7-1812 Philip Stout, J.P. of Green township |
| McCoy, Jesse Sanders, Martha | 1-2-1812 by Philip Stout, J.P. |
| Lews, Thomas Sowartz, Juliana | 12-5-1811 George Creamer, J.P. |
| McDorman, Riston Killgore, Elizabeth | 1-2-1812 George Creamer, J.P. |
| Blocker, Matthias Clark, Sarah | 12-12-182 Francis Ayers, J.P. |
| Waddle, Robert Orr, Eleanor | 1-10-1812 Henry Thurman |
| Seman, John Harrison, Elesabeth | 3-7-1812 John Popejoy |
| McGowan, James Carder, Saray | 4-22-1812 John Popejoy |
| Thompson, Jacob Carder, Nancy | 12-8-1812 John Popejoy |
Sheet 2 (Front) — — —
Names |
Date By Whom Married |
| Jackson, Uriah Allen, Ann | 3-12-1812 Philip Stout, J.P. |
| Day, Addison Compton, Elizabeth | 4-30-1812 Henry Thurman |
| Hartman, Isaac Rowe, Jane | 8-6-1812 Henry Thurman |
| Wilkin, William Windle, Rebecca | 8-13-1812 Joel Wood, J.P. |
| Rowley, Alpheus Keller, Seley | 8-23-1812 Joel Wood, J.P. |
| Coil, George Jones, Hannah | 7-16-1812 John Popejoy |
| Miller, Henry Powers, Sally | 8-18-1812 John Popejoy |
| Farinton?, William Newby, Elizabeth | 10-15-1812 Aaron L. Hunt, J.P. |
| Bartleson, Peter Parker, Nancy | 10-15-1812 Philip Stout, J.P. |
| Pancost, Shreves Myres, Polly | 8 -3-1812 John Page, J.P. |
Sheet 3 (Front)
Names |
Date By Whom Married |
| Coon, Michael Soward, Abigail | 9-20-1812 John Page, J.P. |
| Stout, William Vandolah, Mary | 9-27-1812 John Page, J.P. |
| Coon, Adam Dickinson, Eleanor | 8-27-1812 John Page, J.P. |
| Hannaman, George Hannaman, Polly | 11-26-1812 John Popejoy, J.P. |
| Monohon, Samuel Hobough, Caty | 12-4-1812 John Popejoy |
| Barrett, Thomas Bush, Rachel | 10-15-1812 George Creamer, J.P. |
| McLaughlin, William Hannaman, Elizabeth | 12-31-1812 Alexander Rimmins?. |
| Feagins, Neddy Bush, Elizabeth | 12-12-1812 Francis Ayers, J.P. |
| Hopkins, John Bevington, Mary | 2-4-1813 John Popejoy, J.P. |
| Rittenhouse, Richard Rowe, Susannah | 1-21-1813 Philip Stout, J.P. |
Sheet 3 (Front)
Names |
Date By Whom Married |
| Soward, Daniel Connelly, Sarah | 2-14-1813 George Creamer, J.P. |
| Love, William Holloday, Ann | 3-4-1813 Joel Wood, J.P. |
| Rankin, Thomas Fultz, Barbary | 2-25-1813 Aaron L. Hunt, Acting J.P. |
| Bryan, James Eyeman, Catherine | 12-24-1812 Henry Thurman, J.P. |
| Patterson, James Rodgers, Isabella | 12-17-1812 Henry Thurman, J.P. |
| Dell, Joseph Young, Peggy | 12-31-1812 Henry Thurman, J.P. |
| Romind, Noah Clavinger, Hannah | 4-23-1813 John Popejoy, J.P. |
| Funk, Jacob Popejoy, Susannah | 4-20-1813 John Popejoy, J.P. |
| Wick, John King, Elizabeth | 4-18-1811 John Popejoy, J.P. |
Sheet 4 (Front)
Names |
Date By Whom Married |
55th Marriage on record
| Buck, John Hays, Polly | "Married within thirty days past" No dates James Kerr. |
| Lee, John Richards, Polly | "Married within thirty days past" James Kerr Paper dated 4-20-1813 |
| Bush, Jacob Bouhan, Sarah | Jefferson township Certified under my hand and seal this 4-13-1813 Signed George Creamer
| Loofborgh, Wade Pancost, Mary | Given under my hand and seal this 5-15-1813 Signed: John Pope
| Skiles, James Smith, Catherine | Given under my hand and seal this 6-23-1813 Signed: John Pope
| Skidmore, Jeremiah Lonard, Milly | 5-16-1813 John Popejoy, J.P. |
| Martin, Charles Parker, Elizabeth | Parker, Elizabeth Philip Stout, J.P. |
| Winget, Luther Rude, Phebe | 6-29-1813 Philip Stout, J.P. |
| Hankins, Amos Clevinger, Polly | 6-24-1813 John Harrod, J.P. |
| Campbell, Runey Grubb, Winne | 7-25-1813 John Harrod, J.P. |
Sheet 4 (Front)
Names |
Date By Whom Married |
64 | Baker, Jo's Hankin, Mary | 6-20-1813 John Harrod, J.P. |
Sheet 5: (Front)
Fayette County, Ohio
Will Book #1 (of existing records) Page 1
Associate Justices met in the house of Aaron Johnson in Washington on 23rd September 1823
Deposition of Thomas Burnett, aged 39 — sometime in December, 1819 Michael O. Miller made his last will and testament witness by the deponent, Abraham Bush and Leonard Bush. Recollected that land was left to his son, Daniel Miller, however Daniel was to pay the widow's dower and the other heirs. Executors names: Robert Burnett, Henry Coil Signed: Thomas Burnett
Deposition of Abraham Bush, aged 48, and of Jesse Millikin aged 40 Will of Michael Miller, late of Fayette County was destroyed by fire in the late conflagration at the court house. The original book destroyed in which Jesse Miller recorded the will.
Sheet 5 (Front)
#2 — Page 2 — Fayette County, Ohio
Will of Thomas Moon, Fayette County, O.
Christiana - daughter
Jane - dau. now a widow
Margaret Rees - daughter
Thomas - son
Jacob } - sons - a tract of
David } land in Highland Co., O
William - son
John - son
Names as Executor —David- son
Date of Will — 6 October 1824
Signed: Thomas Moon [Seal]
Witnesses of Signing: John How, James Crothers
Proved in open court: 23 February 1828
Jesse Milliken, Clerk
Sheet 6 (Front)
# 3 — Fayette County, Ohio
Will of Michael Blue. Fayette Co., O.
Bequeaths: Mary - Beloved Wide
Refers to land purchase of Solomon and
Elizabeth Bowers, his wife on May 17, 1820
Part of survey # 3701 & 3421
Mentions: Elizabeth Lees }
Mary Campbell }
Ann Leese }
Kziah Lambert } — our four daus.
Mentions: William Leese
Bequeaths: Ephraim Herriot - my grandson & son of Elizabeth Leese
John Blue - my son
Michael Blue - my son
Isaac Blue - my son
Daniel Blue - my son
Garret Blue - my son
Uriah Blue - my son
Ann Lees - my dau. and wife of George Lees
Executors names: Garret & Uriah - sons
Date of Will - 16 February 1826
Signed: Michael [his MB mark] Blue [SEAL}
Wit: Sam'l Dew
Oliver Kile
John Sinsabaugh
P. B. Dodridge
James Cummins
Proved: May Term 1828, Jesse Milliken Clerk
Sheet 6 (Front)
# 4 — Page 12 — Fayette County, Ohio
Will of Daniel Rotrock, Paint township, Fayette, County
Bequeaths: Benjamin Rotrock
Names Executors: Jacob Rankin, Samuel Allen
Date of Will: 18 March 1828
Signed: Daniel Rotrock [seal]
Wit: John Hill, Morza Allen, Surana Lattimer
Appraised of Personal Property made 6 October 18128
Sale held: 11 October 1818
Sheet 7 (Front)
# 5 — Page 15
Benjamin Mouser, dec. late of Madison township, Fayette County, Ohio
Inventory taken by John Leavell, James Nutt, Andrew Gregory
Sworn to before Edmund Clarridge, J.P. on the 14 March 1838
No sale date given
Report approved by Court of Common Pleas of Fayette County
Sheet 7 (Front)
# 6 — Page 18 of Will Book — Fayette County, Ohio
Estate of William McCafferty, late of Fayette County, Ohio
Inventory taken by Appraiser: Andrew Gregory, John Smith, Otho Williams
Amount of app: $976.17 ¾, Sworn 5 Feb 1828
Amount of Sale: $904.02 ¾
Articles named in Inventory
Buyers at sale named
Page 21
Sale Bill of Sale held 15 February 1828, Estate of William McCafferty
Report md. 26 April 1828 by Jonathan McCafferty, Adm.
Sheet 8 (Front)
7 — Page 23 of Will Book — Fayette County, Ohio
Estate of Rebecca McCoy, deceased.
Adm: Robert R. Willson
App: William A Ustick, Garret M. Blue, Abraham Lambard (Sambard)
App: report dated July 111, 1828
Amt. of sale $114.87
Sheet 8 (Front)
8 — Page 26 — Fayette County, O.
Estate of Jacob Myers, Dec. late of Paint township, Fayette Co.
App. appointed by the Court: James Stewart, John Rankin, John Hays
Adm.: { Christiana (her X Mark) Myers
Adm.: { Samuel Myers
App. report given 21 March A.D. 1829
Signed by James Stewart, John Hays, John Rankin
Sale held 23 March 1829
Amount of sale: $261.55 ½
Taken by widow 189.35 ¼
Total 550.90 ¾
Sheet 9 (Front)
9 — Page 24 of Will Book — Fayette County, Ohio
Estate of Joseph Runels, late of Fayette County.
Adm: N. F. Jones (Norman F. Jones)
App: Thomas Walker, Thomas Hubart, James Baker
App. Made 7 October 1823 of the property at the home of Lemuel Steel in Union township,
who showed the goods for appraisal Amount of app. #172.68 ¾
Report made before S. Densey, Acting J.P.
Sale held 18 October 1828
Amt. of sale: 125.41 ¼¢
Claims due estate as reported by Adm. Norman F. Jones, $270.64
Sheet 10 (Front)
11 — Page 32 — Fayette County, Ohio
Estate of Abner Ogden, deceased late of Madison township, Fayette County, O.
Adm: Margaret (her X mark) Ogden
Inventory taken by: Jown Leavell, Andrew, Gregory, Samuel Finney
Report made before Robert Abernathy, J.P.
Amount of inventory — 583.56 ¼
Sale held 14 March 1829
Amount of sale: $304.27 ¾
Sheet 10 (Front)
12 — Page 35 — Fayette County, Ohio
Estate of Nathaniel Jones late of Fayette county, deceased
Adm: Catherine Jones (the widow)
Sale Amounted to $228.03+
Amt. found for distribution to the heirs- $76 and one cent.
February Term 1829 report ordered to be recorded.
Brought before the Court by: Jos. S. Gillespie, James Crother, James B. Webster
Sheet 11 (Front)
13 — Page 36 — Fayette County, Ohio
Estate of Servins (?) or Levin(?) Ross
Adm: Thomas Williams
Amount of Sale: 110.76 ½
Adm. Report: Made 28 Feb A.D. 1829
gave balance in hand of the Adm. 53.21 ¼
Signed: James B. Webster
Sheet 11 (Front)
14 — Page 37
Estate of Joseph McGarraugh, late of Fayette County, deceased
Adm: James B. Webster
Sheet 12 (Front)
15 — Page 40 — Fayette County, Ohio
Will of Stephen Yeoman, Sr. Wayne township
Bequeaths: Abigail - wife
Names as Sole Ex.: Abigail - Wife
Date of Will: 20 February 1826
Signed: Stephen (his X maker) Yeoman
Wit: Aaron Archer, James Adams
Proved: 19 September 1829
Jesse Millikan, Clerk
Sheet 12 (Front)
Page 42 — Fayette county, Ohio Regarding Estate of Samuel Waddle
Adm.: Norman F. Jones and Robert Waddle made last report on 19 September 1829
Sheet 13 (Front)
Page 52 — Regarding Estate of Daniel Rotrock
Adm: Samuel Allen and Jacob Rankin report list of Debtors to Estate
Sheet 13 (Front)
Page 52 — Regarding Estate of John McCormack, deceased.
Adm. William McCormack paid out to Dr. Blackstone $15 "for last sickness" to John Oliver $5 for making coffin for gravestones - $10 No dates given.
Sheet 14 (Front)
Page _ _ — Will of Henry Massie of Louisville, Jefferson County, State of Kentucky
Bequeaths: Helen - Wife
Thomas Massie,- brother
Constance Massie - Niece
Elizabeth Thompson - niece
Heath Jones Miller - Nephew of Louisville, Ky.
Nathaniel Massie - son of my deceased brother Nathaniel Massie
Alexander Scott Bullett, son of William Bullett
Sally Hawes, - niece.
Names Ex.(sole): wife - to serve giving no security
Date of Will: 6 February 1830
Signed: H. Massie [Seal]
Test: W. C. Galt, N. Bullett, Edw'd Johnson
Ex. appeared 9 march 1830, made oath before *
signed: Worden Pope, C. of Court
Sheet 15 (Front)
Fayette County, Ohio — Will Book 1 — Page 44 Will of Daniel Carmean
Benf: Andrew Jackson Cremean and Daniel Cremean, two youngest sons; two sons by testator's first wife (not name); Pearson Carmean, son.
Sheet 16 (Front)
Fayette — Will Book 1 — Page 75 Will of James Davis of Pike Co., Ohio
Benf.: Keziah, wife; James Hays and Margaret Hays, his wife, of Pee Pee Township, Pike county, Ohio; James W. Hays, gr-son (son of James and Margaret Hays); Jacob and Rachel Mace; Thomas Foster; Charles Davis, brother: James, George, Charles, Hannah Higley and Mary McNeil, Mary Corwin, wife of John Corwin.
Sheet 17 (Front)
Fayette County, Ohio — Will Book 1 — Page 77
Will of Henry Baughan
Benf.: Sarah Bush; Susannah Bush (hus. Daniel Bush); Richard Baughan; Zachariah Baughan; William H. Baughan; Benjamin F. Baughan; Amie An Yeoman (hus, Enos F. Yeoman); Lucy Galize (has, Adam Galize).
Date written - November 10, 1853.
Notes: Zachariah Baughan names in the will, died 9-27-1873 aged 69-2-20; cause - gravel; native of N. Carolina; died Union township, Fayette Co., O. From death rec. in Fayette Co., O.
Sheet 18 (Front)
Fayette County Ohio — Will Book 1 — Page 217 Will of Benjamin R. Davis
Benf.: Nelson, son; James, son (dec.); John, gr-son (son of James Davis, dec.); Jane Davis, wife; Matilda and Martha, young daughters; Nancy (hus., James O. Sheppard); Mary (hus. Charles Hughes); Sarah I. Johnson(?), (hus. Aaron Johnson); Alice (hus, William Kearney); Francis Maria Limes, gr-dau.; Benjamin Sheppard, gr-son (son of Nancy Sheppard).
Date Written: Feb. 2, 1862
Prob. Feb. 24, 1862
Wit.: Henry Stokey
Richard Hukill
Sheet 19 (Front)
Fayette County Ohio — Wills Book A — Page 220:
I, Marlin Hopkins, now of Fayette County, O.
Beq.: Mary - wife - Personal Property and a farm in Sandusky Co., Ohio.
John Marlin Hopkins - son, under five years of age.
Philip Gossard.
to brothers and sisters
Mentions - Jeremiah - brother
Date Made - 7th December 1836
Signed: Marlin Hopkins [Seal]
Witnesses: Abm Hegler
Anderson G. Jones
John Bybee
Proved. March Term 1837 by oaths of AbmHegler and John Bybee
Copied June, 1941.
Sheet 20 (Front)
Book A — Page 144 — Fayette County, Ohio
Will of Mathew Hopkins
In the name of God, Amen. I, Mathew Hopkins, viewing this mortal Life as uncertain and being weak in body but still having my right mind tanks be to God for his mercies, do make may last will and testament in words as follows (to wit). First, after my death, I wish my body to be entered in plain but descent manner and my Funeral expenses to be paid out of the effects of my personal property or effects. Secondly, I wish all my just and lawful debts to be paid and then the ballance goods and real estate I wish disposed in the following manner (to wit). I bequeath unto my beloved wife Mary all such ballance of my personal property goods and monies whatever as may remain and be over and above mentions. Thirdly, I bequeath unto my beloved wife the house and lot we now reside in, it being half
Sheet 20 (Front)
of in lot #26, in lot Number 25 in Washington during her lifetime and forthly I bequeath unto my beloved wife the use and profits of out lots No 10 and the use and profits of half of out lot No 398, half of out lot No 38 now occupied and in possession of myself all lying in the Town of Washington, Fayette County while she continued to be my widow in case it should so turn out that my beloved wife should have a living child to me after my decease then in that case bequeath unto such child all my real Estate here or else where at her decease or when she ceases to be my widow as above specified but in case my beloved wife should have no heir to me I then after, she, my beloved wife has used the aforesaid real Estate as above described and designated bequeath said (illegible) 25 and half of in lot Number 26 and out lot No 10 and two halfs of out lots No 37 and 38 lying in Washington aforesaid unto a child born of Susan Blackmore reported to belong to me (that is in case said child shall be legally proven to be my son and Heir provided said
Sheet 21 (Front)
Continued: Will of Mathew Hopkins:
child shall live to be twentyone years of age but in case said child shall not live to be twentyone years of age and after the decease of my beloved wife then in that case I bequeath all the real Estate as above described unto my Brothers and sisters or to their children in case they are decease. Fifth, I bequeath unto Mathew Jamison, my sister's son all that tract of land being or lying in the state or territory of Arkansas, it being 160 acres of land the North West quarter of section 26 of township S in range 4 East it being Philips county in said territory, the same peace bought of Joseph Sweet for which I have a deed bearing date march 7, 1822. Lastly, I do Lastly appoint, Mary, my beloved wife to be by executrix to carry into effect my wishes as before mentioned in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 25th day of July 1833
Signed sealed and acknowledged in presence of us to be his last will and testament for the purpose as above mentioned.
Sheet 21 (Front)
Benjamin Henton
Jacob Jamison
Signed: Matthew Hopkins [Seal]
September Term of the Fayette County Court of Common Pleas
Matthew Hopkin's widow and executrix of Matthew Hopkins dec'd on motion to prove will of the said deceased. Benjamin Henton one of the subscribing witnesses to said will states and says he was called upon by the said decedant Matthew Hopkins in his last sickness to attest the paper purporting to be his last will and testament now produced here in Court, that decedant was of sound mind and memory at that time that he published said paper to be his last will and testament and that he did sign and seal it voluntarily, and that witness did subscribe to the same as a witness in the presence of said decedant and at his decedants request Signed Benjamin Henton
proved in open Court September 7, 1833. Test. Jesse Millikan, Clerk
Sheet 22 (Front)
Will of Mathew Hopkins - continued:
Jacob Jamison who is another of the subscribing witnesses to the said last will and testament of the said Matthew Hopkins, deceased being duly sworn in open Court does state and say that the said deceased called on and requested witness to attest the said will as the last will and testament of the said Matthew Hopkins that witness did test and subscribe as witness said will in the presence of said Decedant that decedant was at that time of sound mind and memory and did declare the said will to be his last will and testament and that he said decedant signed and sealed the same voluntarily. Signed: Jacob Jamison Sworn to and subscribed in open Court this 7th day of September A.D. 1833.
Test: Jesse Millikan, Cl'k
Copied June 1941 by N.M.R.
Sheet 23 (Front)
Book A — Page 281 — Wills of Fayette County, Ohio
Will of John Hopkins of Hill and Dale, in county of Frederick, Virginia
Lucy Lyons - daughter
Portia Lee - Dau.
Hanna Philyss Ludwell
Mary Anna - Dau.
Hariet Lee Hopkins - Dau.
Cornelia Hopkins - wife
Portia Hodgson
my four infant children
Signed: J. W. Hopkins [Seal]
Date of Will: 10 December 1822
Produced in court 7th November 1828
Washington Court House, O.
copied June, 1941 by N.M.R.
Sheet 24 (Front)
Fayette County, Ohio — Will Book A — Page 299
James N. Davis
filed Jan. 16, 1829
Ex. - Benjamin R. Davis
(Will not located, N.M.R.)
Sheet 25 (Front)
Fayette County, Ohio — Will Book A — Page 341
Will of John Smith
Beq.: six eldest children
Sally Henderson
Joel Smith
Francis Smith - son
Susan McDonald
Polly (Reveae?) 6 youngest
Eady Rowe children
Nancy Corson
William Smith
Sole Ex. named: William S. Cockerill
Dated: 3 March 1837
Signed: John (his X mark) Smith
Wit: Jasper Tracy
John Brakefield
William S. Cockerill
Proved: 24 June 1837
Elam Henton, Clerk
Sheets 26-27 (Front & Back)
Old Pisgah Cemetery Ross Co. Ohio Visited June 1941
Wife of Joseph Bryan
Died Jan. 26, 1857
aged 67 years
9 months
Erskin F.
son of
Joseph & Charity
Sept. 22, 1854
Aged 9 m. 16 da.
Daughter of
Jos & M.
Oct. 25, 1814
in the 10th year
of her age
daughter of
Jos & M
1833 in the
6 yr of
her age
son of Jos &
M. Bryan
June 1835
in the 10 yr
of his age
William H.
Son of Francis & Jane Harper
Died Dec. 24, 1836
Aged 20 mo
& 20 ds.
Sacred to the memory
of Williminia
Wife of ----- -----
(See Ohio Tombstones pp. 68)
Elizabeth Grady
May 15, 1816
in the 50th year
of her age
Sons of
James & Prudence Harper
Died Feb 8, 1846
7 mo
1 d
In memory of Robert Harper
who Departed This
Life Oct. 8th A.D. 1843
Aged 67 years 7 mo
& 8 Days
(O. Tombstones has 5 days)
Wife of
Rob. Harper
Died Mar. 29, 1861
73 yrs 6 mo 8 da
(O. Tombstones has 3 days.)
In Memory of Alexander Harper
who departed this life February 19, 1843
in the 76th year of
his age
(O. Tombstones has 75th y.)
In Memory of
Wife of
Alexander Harper
who departed this life
April 26, 1823
Aged 47 years &
20 days
William son of Thomas &
Margaret McCoy
died Jan 22, 1833
aged 5 years & 5
Robert Coyner
Wife of Francis Harper
Died Nov. 14, 1854
Aged 42 yrs.
10 mo 22 d
William Preston
Son of
J. & C Bryan
Aug. 25, 1859
Aged 16 years 4 mos. 19 ds.
(O. tombstones has 15 y.)
Sheet 28 (Front) Blank
Sheet 28 (Front)
Davis, Benjamin, native of Virginia, came to Ohio in 1800 and settled Deer Creek Township, then on Darby Creek in Muhlenberg Township later to White Co., Indiana where died aged 90 years.
See p. 277, Biogr. & Pioneer Record.
His Children:
John Davis born 8-22-1807 in Deer Creek Township, married Elizabeth Crabb a native of Ross Co., Ohio, in 1810; died 1882; had 16 children, 10 reached maturity; wife died 4-8.
His children were: Martha, dec; William, born 11-14-1836; Joseph; Isaac, dec.; David; Thomas; Fletcher, dec.; Mary A.; Amanda; and Millard.
Of these William Davis married 11-22-1857, Rebecca A. McQuire who died 4-28-1881.
Sheet 29 (Front)
Rev. James K. Morris, born 1817 in Fayette County, O. married Phoebe Horney native of Ohio. He taught school 14 years after marriage & for 40 years was a local minister, M.E. Church. Had 12 children: James M. Morris was born 9-14-1847; engaged in mercantile business in Lilly chapel, O.; married a dau of Thomas Cullumber, old settler of Fairfield Township. She was Margaret J. Cullumber b. 6-25-1849 in Fairfield Tp., the 5th of 8 children, Susan Lilly, born in Virginia, was the wife of Thomas Cullumber. She died Fairfield Tp. in 1870.
Joseph and Phebe (Van Vaeter)
Melvin had John who married Sarah Inger.
Sheet 30 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio
Notes: George Creamer from Germany where born 1746; married Barbara Clover in 1774. Came to American, located in Pa. thence to Va. thence to Fayette Co., O.
Jonathan Shepherd born in Hardy Co., Va. 1787. to Ross Co., O. age of 15. To Marion Tp. Fayette Co., O. in 1810 where lived until his death in April 1862 aged 72. Bought 300 acres in Survey #607 (Quarles) in 1815. An original member of Salem M.E. Church.
A George Creamer from Berkeley Co., Va. had four sons:
Joseph m. Margaret Miller
David Elizabeth Smith
A George Creamer m. Elizabeth Barney from Rockingham Co., Va., to Fayette Co., O. in 1816.
Sheet 30 (Front) BAUGHN
From Biographical History of Miami, Howard, Cass Counties in Indiana. Published by Lewis, 1898 in Chicago.
Vol. 2, page 1062, Clay Township, Miami County
The Baughns came from North Carolina stock, Scotch ancestry, Henry Baughn went from N. Car. to Culpeper Co., Va.; had married Elizabeth Wall in N.C.. Had seven children; Benj. F., William H., Zachariah, Richard, Susan, Lucy and Amy. Henry was early in Fayette Co., Ohio, died aged about 80 years. Benjamin Bond born 1806 in N.C., married Malinda a daughter of George and Mary (Negley) Miller in Fayette Co., Ohio. In 1857 went to Miami County, Ind. and in 1876 to Atcheson, Kansas. Had George, Henry, Jasper, Elizabeth, Minerva, Martha, Ella and Arville. Jasper Bond b. 18 May 1842 in Fayette Co., Ohio, married Eliza McCammon, daughter of Archibald and Elizabeth (Smith) McCammon. She was born in Putnam Co., Ind. Had ch: John, Thomas, Charles, Rosie and Ella
Sheet 31 (Front) Notes on Fayette County
Hopkins, Jeremiah (son of Moses) wife, Nancy Claypool Hopkins. Moses Hopkins, son of Edward who will was proved in Allegheny Co., Pa. Jeremiah Hopkins died 5-3-1874 and was buried in Fayette Co., O. just outside the town of Washington, C.H.. Father of 13 children, 11 reached maturity: - Mary Jane married Cyrus Hegler
- Sarah married Julius Bicknell
- Washington Hopkins, Mt. Vernon, Mo. then Eldorado Springs, Mo.
- David Hopkins Wash. C.H. O.
- Elijah Hopkins, Hot Springs, Ark.
- Nancy married Joseph Beatty, Wash. C.H., O.
- Phoebe married Albert C. Peterson, Frankfort, O.
- Harriet Ann married George Hamilton lived Florida
- Scott, died After service, Civil War. Orange
- Josiah b 10-7-1831, d 4-14-1914
- Two children died young.
Hopkins, Matthew, brother of Moses Hopkins, born 6-6-1796 in Washington Co., Pa.; married Sarah Harper (born 1797 in Maryland) on 2-28-1819. Sarah died 9-16-1827. Matthew married 2nd, 4-3-1828. Rebecca Hopkins, dau. of Matthew, married Adam Day and lived in [continued on back]:
Sheet 32 (Front)
or near Hillsboro, Highland Co., O., had seven children, two of which number died in the Union Army. William Hopkins, son of Matthew.
Notes from Putnam's Fayette Co., O.
Peter Eyman early in Wayne Township, had Jacob and Samuel
Richard Sticky had children: David, Abraham, Jacob, Jack, James, William, John.
Davis, Benjamin, a native of S.C. moved to N. Car. then to Highland Co., O.; was a drum major in Rev. & served also in War, 1812; settled Griffiths Survey $738, Wayne Township, Fayette County. He died in 1837.
Jacob, son of Benjamin Davis, came to Ohio with his father married Ellen ----- who was born 1807 in Virginia; had children:
Jacob A. Davis drowned in Ohio River at Scott's Landing during Morgan's Raid. Co. E. 1st Reg. Fayette Co. Militia. [Continued . . .]
Sheet 33 (Front)
[continued from Sheet 32]:
----- Davis, married Abner Dixon and lives on the old home farm on Main Paint Creek.
It has been said that Benjamin Davis built the first horse mill in the county. Was owner of a book printed in 1779 for which he paid $45 in 1781. Wrote in it as follows:Don't steal this book for fear of shame. For above there is the owner's name.
List of Benjamin Davis's children:
John, a farmer and tanner
Hiram Davis, a farmer, father of 13 children; 5 sons served Civil War
Joel, a farmer
Zerubable Davis, Dec.
Ester Davis
Sarah, deceased
Polly, deceased
Benjamin, Jr.
Sheet 33 (Front)
Davis, Daniel came to Fayette Co. O. from Virginia, in 1818 and settled in Wayne Township. Sons who came with him:
G. W. Davis, farmer, miller, carpenter, blacksmith occupies the homestead. Children:
Lieut.. James M. 114 O.V.I.
Henry C.
Scott H.
Thomas Davis, deceased
Joseph Davis, died Civil War, Cav.
Robert Davis, a Shoemaker in Rockville.
Polly married Daniel Figgins
Sheet 34 (Front)
Hays, William, came to Paint Township Fayette Co., O. from Kentucky in 1803, locating on Big Walnut but in 1805 to (new Purchase?). Had children:
David Hays } Privates, Capt. McElwanes Militia under
William } Col. Harper and Helped build a
John } fort at Sandusky.
James Hays, Jr.
of these William Hays married Jane Lynn in 1818 and had: Morgan, James H., Edmond, William L., Julia, Letitia and Mary. The graves of Morgan, Edmond, William S. and Mary may be found in Bloomingsburg, O (cemetery)
Sheet 34 (Front)
Henry and Chrisley Core were sons of John Core, who moved from Ross to Fayette Co., O. & settled in Marion Township. Henry was a Serg. Major in Col. McDonald's staff (married Col. John McDonald's Daughter) Henry Core's sister married Benjamin Glaze. Chrisley Core married Catherine Glaze (Glaize)
Catherine Core married David Turnipseed who came from Virginia and settled on Compton Creek. Their children were: Solomon, William, John, Eliza, Mary, all moved west.
Sheet 35 (Front)
Charity, daughter of Moses Hopkins, married in 1830, John Kule, born 9-15-1808 son of John and Mary (Eyler) Kule; had eleven children.
Phoebe Hopkins, daughter of Moses, married 1833, Jacob Eyman (born 1798, 8-30-1879 died.
He was born in Virginia, son of Peter and Hannah (Whetstone) Eyeman). Phoebe had children.
(a) Melinda Eyman married Ananias Ware, son of Jacob and Eliza McDonald Ware, on 9-16-1858.
Her seven children:
Ida F.,
Charles A.,
W. A.,
Frank S.,
Ella and
_____ Ware.
Ananias Ware was born in 1836.
(b) Jesse Eyman was in Morgan's Raid.
(c) Peter, died young
(d) Allen Eyman
Look Eggleston's Survey, Marion Township, for cem. where Salem Chapel stood. Burials here began in 1818. This was on Deer Creek Circuit until 1833.
Sheet 35 (Front)
Stout, Sarah Jane
daughter of Jeremiah and Caroline (Sitler) Stout, married 1865, George W. Valentine, born 10-6-1844. She was a native of Wash. Tp., Pickaway Co., O. Her parents were from Pa., married in Ohio and had 10 children.
Vanschoyek, David,
native of Franklin Co., O. where his parents were pioneers. He married Esther Bailey & had Rosa born 4-30-1836, married 12-10-1867, Robert Milliken. the Millikens lived six miles south of Plain City. Rosa died there 1-28-1884; children:
Cora Milliken born 12-17-1868
Della Milliken b. 9-17-1870
Hopkins, Levi, son of Matthew and _____ Harper Hopkins, lived near Madison Mills, O.. His children: Silah, dec.; Ella; John E.; J.W.: H. S., dec.; John E. Hopkins, b 6-25-1862 near Linden, Ross Co., O. married Sarah Jane Taylor in 1883. Had children: Clem Hopkins m Eliza Cook & had Frank E. and Margaret Morris B. Hopkins Ruth Ann Hopkins Ref. Allen's Fayette Co. O. pub. by Bowen Co., 1914.
Sheet 36 (Front & Back)
Fayette County Ohio Smith's
Listed General Index of Adm. Wills.
Smith |
Book |
Page(s) |
Smith, Armilda P. | 2 | 244-245 |
Smith, Abraham M. | 2 | 258-259 |
Smith, Anna | 3 | 21 |
Smith, Almira Bell | 8 | 176 |
Smith, Anna | 8 | 274 |
Smith, Abba A. | 10 | 166 |
Smith, Bell Pleasant | 8 | 585 |
Smith, Cornelius | 8 | 17 |
Smith, Enoch | C (Will) | 395 |
Smith, Evan | 2 | 178 |
Smith, Edward | 2 | 331 |
Smith, Elisha | 2 | 371 |
Smith, Emma A. | 6 | 403 |
Smith, Harry B. | 5 | 293 |
Smith, Isaac | 3 | 500 |
Smith, Isaac P. | 8 | 133 |
Smith, Jane | 1 | 191 |
Smith, John | 2 | 302 |
Smith, John | 6 | 346 |
Smith, Jess W. | 8 | 1 |
Smith, Laura E. | 6 | 255 |
Smith, Mathias | A | 78-80 |
Smith, Margaret | 1 | 123 |
Smith, Mary C. | 2 | 542 |
Smith, Melda E. | 2 | 566 |
Smith, Malinda | 3 | 91 |
Smith, Martha E. | 9 | 266 |
Smith, Malissa | 11 | 145 |
Smith, Nancy | 2 | 430 |
Smith, Noah H. | 7 | 167 |
Smith, Samuel S. | 2 | 180 |
Smith, Stephen | 2 | 282 |
Smith, S. W. | 3 | 95 |
Smith, Sarah E. | #9746 | |
Smith, William | 5 | 6 |
Smith, William L. | 6 | 475 |
A Margaret Smith lived Fayette County in 1837,
a widow of Washington Township.
Her father, Jacob Castlemon.
She had sisters in Pitt Township, Allegheny Co., Pa:
Susanna, wife of John Ross
Mary, wife of Joseph Little
Rachel, wife of David Ekin
Sheet 37 (Front)
Fayette County Ohio
Index of Wills & Administrations. Jones, Stout, Horney, Hopkins
Name on Will |
Book |
Page(s) |
Jones, David M., et al | B | 373 |
Jones, Ellen | 7 | 180 |
Jones, Humphrey | 6 | 487 |
Jones, Jonathan Jr. | B | 40 |
Jones, Jonathan Sen. | B | 47 |
Jones, Matthew | 1 | 273 |
Jones, Nathaniel | A | 35 |
Jones, Norman F. | A | 285 |
Jones, N. F. | B | 20 |
Jones, Olave | 3 | 470 |
Jones, Robert W. | 10 | 537 |
Jones, Willis | 6 | 495 |
Jones, Spencer | 10 | 56 |
Stout, Peter | 2 | 42 |
Horney, Daniel | 1 | 299 |
Hopkins, John | A | 281 |
Hopkins, Jeremiah | 2 | 113 |
Hopkins, Matthew | A | 144 |
Hopkins, Marlin | A | 220, 370 |
Sheet 38 (Front)
Book B Page 40
Estate of Jonathan Jones, Jr.
App. made report on 10 October 1839 before John DeWitt, J.P.
Public Sale held 29 October 1839
Sheet 39 (Front) Fayette County , Ohio
Deed Book C Page 607
Grantee: George Pence of Fayette Co., O.
Grantor: Peter Windle, Sr. and Rachel, his wife of Fayette County, Ohio
Acres: 100 in Survey # 1379
Consideration: one hundred centers
Dated: 27 May 1819
Recorded: 20 May 1823
Signed: Peter Windle, Rachel (her X mark) Windle
Wit: George Benson, James Kilpatrick
Beginning at a walnut and two hickories and elm corner to Philip Faints Survey thence North 80 poles to a stake in a perari on said Faints line then West 200¼ poles to three elms on the line of original survey, thence South º 14' East 80 poles to two maples and elm on said line, thence East 199¾ poles to beginning containing 100 acres more or less, Part of Survey # 1379 made in the name of John Spotswood on waters of Sugar Creek
Sheet 39 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio
Deed Book H, page 456
Grantor: George Pence
Grantee: John Parrett
100 acres part of Survey # 1379
Consideration: $ 1000
Date of Deed: 16 April 1836
Received and Recorded: 27 June 1836
Signed: George (his X mark) Pence, Sally (her X mark) Pence
Wit: James Stewart, David Creamer
Description same as on reverse side of this page.
Sally Pence appeared before David Creamer, J.P., etc.
# 1379 traversed by Sugar Creek and Lancaster Pike
[The following Paragraph has an X through it. DEG]
The Pence farm in northwest part of survey?
The Jeffersonville Pike crosses n w corner of the
farm where in 1875 a house stood.
Was then owned by the W. J. Parrett heirs.
Prob. where Fultz farm was
Sheet 40 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio Original Survey # 6177 on Waters of North Fork of Paint Creek in name of Peter Manifold, containing 1,333 and 1/3 acres.
Beginning at four whiteoaks Northwesterly corner to James Thompsons Survey # 4122 running with his line North 83 degrees East 420 poles crossing several small branches to a stake and two whiteoaks northeast corner to said Thompson's survey and corner to William George's surveys # 1488, and 4123, thence with Georges line
North 43 degrees East 465 poles crossing several small branches to a stake Northwesterly corner to said Georges survey thence West 452 poles passing the southeast corner of Charles Erskine's survey #890 and with his line to two whiteoaks and a hickory thence South 578 poles crossing a branch to the beginning.
Carried the chains: Alexander (Gi---), James Harper
Marker - John McDonald
District Surveyor - D. McArthur
Date - 2 December 1808 20 December 1808 [MAP that I cannot reproduce here. DEG]
Sheets 40 (Front) & 41 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio Original Survey Book George Handy and Joseph Hiles, 725 acres
Beginning at two large white oaks cross long at the root and a hickory North West corner to Latham Stauntons survey # 6936 and north west corner to Duncan McArthurs # 7904 thence with line of McArthurs survey west 180 poles to a cherrytree northwest corner to said survey thence with another line thereof South 10 degrees West 184 poles crossing Whetstone run to a stake southwest corner to McArthurs said survey in line of represent---? of Matthew Arbuckles survey # 3899 thence with the line of said survey north 80 degrees West 50 poles to two hickories and three small buroaks southeast corner to Wm. Robinson's # 7252 thence with the line of Robinsons said survey North 192 poles to two buroaks and hickory thence east 62 poles crossing Whetstone run at 38 poles to four elms from one root an a Redoak thence
North 50 degrees West 80 poles crossing the run at 38 poles to a whiteoak thence
North 16 degrees West 117 poles crossing run at 26 poles to three small Bur Oaks and two small Jack oaks north corner to Robinsons said survey thence with the west line thereof
South 30 degrees West 135 poles crossing the run at 42 poles to two Buroaks from one root easterly corner to said Robinson's survey # 6452 thence with a line of said survey
North 60 degrees West 120 poles to Elm on the south side of a wet prairie corner to Robinson's said survey thence with another line thereof North 5 degrees East 86 poles to two dead hickories
South 84 degrees West 18 poles from the cabin in which John Dixon now resides and corner to Robinson's said survey thence with another line thereof connecting it corner
North 55 degrees West 275 poles to three hickories northerly corner to said survey and corner and said McArthurs survey # 5681 and # 8197 thence with the line of last mentioned survey
North 5 degrees West 99 poles to three hickories and whiteoak in the line of Richard Archers survey # 602, thence with his line and the line of Wm. Prices survey # 604
South 60 degrees East 723 poles to a stake where three white oaks ought to stand southerly corner to Prices said survey and corner to Augustine Davis survey # 2559 thence with Davis back line
South 79 degrees East 280 poles to three whiteoaks (one dead) lower back corner to Davis' said survey and most westerly corner to George Ryan's survey # 8778 thence with Ryan's said survey
South 4 degrees West 54 poles to three white oaks, one forked and a hickory corner to Ryans said survey and northeast corner to Stauntons survey thence in line of said survey
West 225 poles to beginning.
Carried Chains: William Chaffee, John Dixon
Marker - Abraham Whetstone
District Surveyor - Duncan McArthur
Date - 27 June 1817 16 September 1817 [MAP that I cannot reproduce here. DEG]
Sheet 41 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio Original Survey Book Survey # 3702
Containing 545 acres in the name of George Matthews on a branch of Paint Creek, Beginning at three Elms and a Hickory sowesterly corner to Wm. Evans Survey # 3421 and running West 12 poles to two white oaks thence North 23º West 580 poles to seven White Oaks southwest corner to said Matthews Survey # 3701 thence with his lower line East 318 poles crossing a branch at 244 poles to a stake in a prairie Northwest corner to William Evans Survey # 3768 thence with his line of said Evans Survey # 3421 58º West 540 poles crossing the branch to the beginning.
[Map I cannot reproduce here. DEG}
Sheet 42 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio
Original Surveys # 8196 and 8639 in name of Duncan McArthur, containing 216 acres.
136 acres on warrant # 5551 80 acres on warrant # 5718
On waters North Fork of Paint Creek
Beginning at a white oak and elm southeast corner to Charles Erskine's survey # 890 thence
East 330 poles to a Bur oak and Jack oak Southeast corner to Wm. Robinsons # 6452 thence with his line
North 39 degrees West 126 poles (crossing state road from Chillicothe to Xenia at 106 poles to three elms in line of Robert Means survey # 5882 thence with said line
West 85 poles to dead white oak and Black Oak in Joseph Bryan's field, southwest corner to Means said survey thence with another line thereof
North 39 degrees West 137 poles to hickory and black oak in line of said McArthur's survey # 5881 and 8197 thence with said line
South 40 degrees West 88 poles crossing the road to stake and two hickories southwest corner to McArthurs said survey in line of Erskines said survey thence with said line
South 7½ degrees West 138 poles to beginning
Chain carriers: Adam Kious, Isaac Herring
Marker: John Bryan
District Surveyor - Duncan McArthur
Date - June 10, 1816 June 25, 1816 [Map I cannot reproduce here. DEG
Sheet 42 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio Original Surveys
Survey # 1110 made for Robert Means on Military Warrant #5358
Located on the water of North Fork of Paint Creek. Beginning at two hickories and Buroak southerly corner to Duncan McArthurs entry # 5881 in the east line of Charles Erskines survey # 890 thence
South 39 Degrees East 170 poles to a Buroak and Blackoak thence
East 100 poles to three black oaks thence
North 35 degrees West 250 poles to stake in the line of McArthurs said entry thence with said line
South 40 degrees West 94 poles to beginning. Chain carriers: Adam Kious, Adam Davis Marker - John McDonald D.S. - Duncan McArthur Dates - January 7, 1808 to September 16, 1817
Sheet 43 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio Original Survey Book
[1/2 down the page]:
Chain carriers: Benj. Massie, Joseph Wade Marker, George Edgerton D.S. Nathaniel Massie Made April 27, 1795 Rec. May 12, 1795
[Square drawn at bottom of page containing:]
# 602
Richard Archer
1000 acres
Sheet 44 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio Original Survey Book - Page 70
230 acres on two warrants surveyed for Duncan McArthur.
Warrants # 3821 and 5162 and 30 acres on part of Warrant # 5551,
an Indian Camp on a branch of the North Fork of Paint Creek:
Beginning at three white oaks westerly corner to an entry # 602 made in the name of William Hendricks now entered and surveyed in the name of Richard Archer in the line of William Mosely's survey # 633 then with the line of Archers said survey
South 60 degrees East 75 poles crossing the branch at 45 poles to two hickories and two white oaks, thence
South 5 degrees West 80 poles to three hickories thence
South 35 degrees East 24 poles to a Hickory, Elm and two Bur oaks thence
South 40 degrees West 230 poles to a stake in the east line of Charles Erskines survey #890 thence with his line
North 200 poles crossing the branch at 176 poles to three Black Oaks northeast corner to said Erskines survey thence with north line thereof
West 140 poles to two white oaks and hickory thence
North 40 degrees West 134 poles crossing a small branch at 16 poles to two hickories and whit oak in line of said Mosely's survey, thence with said line
South 60 degrees East 100 poles to a white oak southerly corner to Mosely thence with another of his lines
North 30 degrees East 84 poles to beginning Carried chains: Thomas McDonald, Christopher Popejoy Marker - Adam Kious D.S. - Duncan McArthur Date - 15 December 1814 16 January 1815 [Map that I cannot reproduce here. DEG]
Sheet 44 (Front) Fayette County Ohio Original Survey Book - Page 77
Surveys # 6054 and # 6186 in names of Wm. Robinson and a representative of Wm. Sanford, Approximately 200 acres on a part of two military warrants, viz 100 acres on # 5400 (Sanford) and 10 acres on # 5573 (Robinson) lying on the waters of the East Fork and the North Fork of Paint Creek. Beginning at two white oaks and a black oak easterly corner to Thomas Worthington # 3703 running East 170 poles to a stake in a prairie thence North 52 degrees West 320 poles to three Buroaks thence West 170 poles to three Buroaks in the line of said Worthington Survey, thence with his line South 53 degrees East 320 poles to the beginning. Chain carriers: James Stewart, John Funk Marker, William Robinson Dis. Surveyor, Nathaniel Massie Date, Dec. 9, 1811 Rec. Dec. 21, 1811 [Map that I cannot reproduce that contains:}
# 6054 and # 6186 200 acres
Sheet 45 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio Book or Original Surveys - Page 82
Survey # 6452 containing 593 and 1/3 acres on two Military Warrants, # 5622 and 5629 and 193 1/3 acres on part of # 5573--on the waters of the North Fork of Paint Creek.
Beginning at three hickories south 5 West 80 poles from two white oaks and two hickories in the line of Richard Archers Survey # 602, the said Hickories and White oaks are south 60 East 75 poles from the most southwesterly corner of said Archers Survey running South 40 West 142 poles to two hickories thence South 39 East 360 poles to a Bur oak and Jack oak in an oldline thence East 200 poles to two hickories and a Bur Oak and old corner thence North 30 East 110 poles to two Bur oaks from one root thence North 60 West 120 poles to an Elm, in the edge of a Prairie thence North 5 East 80 poles to two Hickories thence North 60 West 337 poles to the beginning.
Chain Carriers: William Hill, James Powner Marker, William Robinson Nath'l Massie, D.S.
April 22, 1811 May 16, 1811
[Map that I cannot reproduce here. DEG]
Sheet 45 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio Original Survey
# 3703 containing 1200 acres in name of Worthington situated on the waters of Paint Creek,
Beginning at two white oaks, a Black oak and Hickory northerly Corner to George Matthews Survey # 370, running with his line South 70 degrees West 500 poles, crossing a branch to a stake, thence North 52 degrees West 458 poles to three Black oaks from one root thence North 70 degrees East 500 poles crossing the branch at 320 poles to three White oaks thence South 52 degrees East 458 poles to place of beginning. Chain carriers: Zadock -----, Charles Potter Marker, Jesse Spencer D.S. Duncan McArthur Made Sept. 30, 1799 Recorded, October 19, 1799
[Diamond Shaped Map that I cannot reproduce there, that contains:]
# 3703 Thomas Worthington 1200 Acres
Sheet 46 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio
Deed Book B 80 acres $80
Grantor - Wm. Robinson Grantee - Henry Miller Consideration Location - Survey 6054 Beginning at a black oak, two white oaks and a hickory eastwardly corner to Thomas Worthington Survey # 3702 thence East 105 poles to three Barren oaks thence north 38 degrees East 40 poles to four black oaks three from one root and Three barren oaks Thence north 52 degrees West 102 poles to a stake thence South 38 West 114 poles to two hickories thence South 52 East 18 poles to beginning containing 50 acres. Date January 15, 1818 Survey # 6054 patented to Wm. Robinson.
Sheet 47 (Front) Deeds Fayette County Ohio Page # 6 Book "B"
Grantee - Samuel Smith of Fayette Co., Ohio
Grantor - Richard Quarles of Richmond, Va. thr. his attorney (Cadwallader Wallace of Chillicothe, Ohio
Consideration : $ 200
Date of Deed : 22 January 1816
Recorded : 1 June 1816
On Waters of Paint Creek
Begin at two hickories and a black walnut northerly corner to Robert Quarles Survey # 673, thence with the east line South 37 degrees East 160 poles, thence South 48 degrees West 100 poles to four small dogwoods and a small black walnut, thence North 37 degrees West 163 poles to a large whiteoak and three dogwoods in the upper line of said Survey # 673, thence with the same North 53 degrees East 103 poles to beginning containing 100 acres more or less
Wit: Wm. Creighton, Ebenezer Tuttle
signed: Robert Quarles by
his attorney in fact
Cadwallader Wallace
Sheet 48 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio
Deed Book D. Page 221 Grantees - John and Joshua Robinson Grantors - Sally Robinson and James Stewart, ex. of the William Robinson estate. Dated - Dec. 3, 1824 83 acres in Survey 6452 for $50 Beginning at 5 buroaks from one root on a road thence S 43 E 165 to (2 buroaks and Elm corner) to a peace of the same survey sold to William Gradeless and Kirkendall then with Kirkendolls line N 18 E 110 poles to a stake in the original line, thence north 55 W 124 poles to three hickories one down then south 39 d. 15 m. 77 poles to the beginning containing 83 acres more or less being part of survey #6452 patented to Wm. Robinson by the President of the United States date April 11, 1815.
Witnesses of the signing: Comfort Robinson, Joseph S. Gillispie Signed - James Stewart ex., Sally Robinson
Sheet 49 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio
Book D. Page 226
Henry and John Arnold were bound to Addison Day on December 4, 1824. They were sons of Frederick Arnold, dec. late of Fayette County and Margaret Birk now of Ross county, late Margaret Arnold wife of Frederick Arnold. Bound with the consent of their mother. Henry was aged 10 years, 2 months and 15 days; John aged 6 years 1 month and 23 days. Henry must serve 10 years and 8 months. John must serve 14 years and 11 months. They were to have at the end of the terms two suits of common wearing apparel, one new Bible, one horse, saddle and bridle each.
Sheet 50 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio
Deed Book D, Page 455
Grantee - William Bryant
Grantors -
Date- November 12, 1829 (or 1825 ? )
Consideration - $88
Beginning at a buroak and jack oak in the line of the tract of land on which Will Hill now lies North then with his line E 112 poles to three small Jackoaks and a hickory corner to Miller's tract thence with their line N 31.30 W 129 poles to two black oaks corner to piece of which James Riley now lines, thence with Rileys line S 23 W 124 poles to the beginning containing 44 acres, part of survey # 6452 Witnesses: Comfort Robinson, Joseph S. Gillispie
Sheet 50 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio
Deed Book "F" page 96
Grantor - William Bryant Grantee - Abraham Hagler Location - Survey # 6452 Consideration Date Beginning at a buroak and jack oak in line of tract on which William Hill now lives thence with his line East 112 poles to three small jackoaks and a hickory corner to Miller tract thence with their line North 31.30 degrees West 129 poles to two black oaks corner to James Riley tract thence with his line South 23 degrees West 124 poles to beginning containing 44 acres
Sheet 51 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio
Deed Book E. Page 505 Survey 6452 Date - January 25, 1826
Grantee - Nathaniel Gradeless
Grantors - Robert Dickson Hannah Dickson
Daniel Miller Rachel Miller
Sewelin Christy Nancy Christy
Robert Miller Nancy Miller
John Miller
William Miller
Consideration - $156 Beginning at an elm and Jackoak corner to Jacob Cremeen thence 60 W 60 poles to an Elm thence 375 W 76 to a stake and blackoak in the line of James Reileys land thence with his lien and William Bryans line S 31.30 E 130 poles to two Elms in said Bryans line corner to said Jacob Cremeen thence with Cremeens line N 30 E 116 poles to beginning containing 51 acres 89 poles. Witness - Samuel Yeoman Gilbert Yeoman
Sheet 51 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio
Deed Book I (i) Page 248
Grantee - Nathaniel Gradeless Grantor - Robert Miller Consideration - $250 Date of Deed - 28 December 1835 Recorded -
Beginning at two white oaks and hickory, northwest corner to Peter Maniford's survey # 6117 thence with the line thereof West 206¼ poles to a stake, thence South 97 poles to a stake in John Bybee line, thence West with said Bybees line 206¼ poles to a stake in the original line thence with said line North 97 poles to beginning containing 125 acres.
Sheet 52 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio
Deed Book F Page 269 Grantors - Robert and Nancy Miller Grantee - Abraham Hegler Consideration Location
Beginning at the elm and Jackoak corner to Jacob Carmean thence North 60 degrees west 60 poles to an Elm, thence South 75 degrees West 76 poles to a stake and black oak in the line of James Rileys land then with his line and William Bryans line South 31.30 degrees East 130 poles to two elms in said Bryans line corner to Jacob Carmeans land thence with a line thereof North 30 degrees West 116 poles to beginning containing 51 acres 68 poles. signed - Robert Miller, Nancy Miller Witnesses: Dated - 26 October 1830 Recorded
Sheet 53 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio
Deed Book F, Page 181
Grantor - Alice Compton
Grantee - George Compton
Consideration $250 and a reserve of life estate.
Location - Survey # 602 150 acres Date - 20 November 1830 Beginning at a hickory the Westerly corner of Watt's survey running thence S 30 W 14.9 poles to a stake in the edge of a Prairie near a small drain thence S 60 d. W 150.9 poles crossing branch at 28 poles and at 74 poles and a small creek at the 118 poles and at 146 poles to a Walnut, white oak and buroak at the foot of a hill thence N 30 d. E 154.0 poles crossing the North fork of Paint to a stake in Watt's line thence with said line in the North Fork of Paint to the beginning Signed - Alice (s) Compton Witnesses - S. Demsey, Isaac Bonner - - - - -
From Stephen and Richard Archer, by deed held in common, George and Alice Compton had bought land. Date 22 Sept. 1818. Alice for $100 sold her undivided ½ to George on 10 August 1827.
Signed - Allice Compton
Witnesses - John Dewitt, Reuben Rowe
Sheet 53 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio
Deed Book F. Page 89 115 acres in Survey 633 for $145
Grantee - George Compton
Grantor - Allen Latham of Chillicothe, O. Beginning at a Hickory corner to the original survey thence with the original line S 30 d. W 185 poles to two Barron Oaks and small Jack Oak in Benjamin Davis line, thence N 30 E 185 poles to three small jack oaks in the original line thence S 60 d. E 100 poles to beginning containing 115 acres, Part of Survey # 633 in the name of Wm. Moseley. Signed - Allan Latham, Marial W. Latham Witnesses - James Miller, Benjamin R. Davis
Sheet 54 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio
Deed Book F Page 465
Grantor - Moses Hopkins
Grantee - Jeremiah Hopkins
Consideration - $50
Location - Survey # 6453 Beginning at two elms, a corner to land sold by Robert Miller and wife to Abraham Hegler thence South 18 degrees West 100 poles to hickory, elm and buroak, thence North 60 degrees West 83 poles to two buroaks and elm, thence North 18 degrees East 100 poles to a small buroak and jack oak bush, thence South 60 degrees East 83 poles to the beginning containing 50 acres part of Survey # 6452 Signed - Moses Hopkins, Sarah Hopkins
Witnesses - John Kuhl, Thomas Shannon
Date - 6 February 1831
Recorded -
Sheet 55 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio
Deed Book H Page 363
Grantors - Hannah Dickson et al of Fayette Co., O.
Grantee - Robert Miller of Fayette County, Ohio
Consideration - $250
Location Beginning at an Elm thence North 3 degrees East 94 poles to two Hickories stumps which is a common corner to Duncan McArthurs land thence with McArthurs line North 55 degrees West 86 poles to three small jack oaks thence South 20 degrees West 110 poles with Hopkins line to a white oak and elm thence South 13 degrees East 70 poles to a Jack oak and Stake thence North 75 degrees East 76 poles to place of beginning containing 55 acres in Survey entry 6452
Signed by Robert Dickson and Hannah, his wife
Sewellen Christy and Elizabeth, his wife
David Miller and Rachel, his wife
John, William and Samuel Miller
Robert Miller
Witnesses: Sam'l Yeoman
Albert Yeoman
Stephen Yeoman, Jr.
Peter Wagner Date: 2 December , 1826
Sheet 56 (Front)
Book I Page 5
Samuel Smith - Grantor of Fayette Co.
{ Greenup Campbell - Grantee
{ Hugh Campbell - Grantee
consideration $ 850 for 103¾ acres in # 673
Date of Deed: March 20, 1834
Recorded :August 6, 1836 by Stephen Yeoman.
Witnesses: Stephen Yeoman, Abed Yeoman
Signed: Samuel (his X mark) Smith, Rebecca (her X mark) Smith
Book B page 320
Samuel Smith - Grantor of Fayette County, O.
Edward Smith - Grantee of Fayette County, O.
In Lot # 117 in Washington C.H.
Date : March 13, 1816
Consideration : $ 100
Recorded : 13 April 1818 by Robert McElwain, Clerk
Signed: Samuel Smith, Rebecca (her X mark) Smith
Wit : Jesse Millikan, Nicholas Neely
Sheet 57 (Front)
Grantee : Hugh Roebuck
Grantor : Samuel M. Smith, et al
Book O. Page 169, Deeds of Fayette Co., Ohio
1/8 of 140 A. in Survey # 3703
Sheet 58 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio
Deed Book F Page 705
Grantor - Jeremiah Hopkins
Grantee - Abraham Heagler
Consideration - - $ 14,000 Beginning at a stake in center of road, and 36 poles North 25 degrees East from a buroak and jackoak, southwest corner to Wm. Robinson Survey # 6453, thence North 23 degrees East 83 poles to a stake, thence North 29 degrees West 95 poles to a whiteoak, thence North 26 degrees East 109 poles to four small jackoaks corner to Jesse White's land, thence North 55 degrees West 204 poles to a stone corner to J. T. Pugsleys land, thence with his line South 41½ degrees West 152 poles (passing five buroaks marked as a corner at 76 poles) to a buroak and redoak, thence South 38½ degrees East 109 poles to a stone, thence South 47½ degrees West 67 poles to a stake, thence South 65½ degrees East 68½ poles to a stone, thence south 24½ degrees West 28½ poles to a stone, thence South 65½ degrees East 194 poles to the beginning containing 388½ acres.
342½ in Survey 6452
46 acres in Survey #5882
Signed : Jeremiah Hopkins, Nancy Hopkins
Witnesses : John Smith, Adam F. Day
Date Made Date Recorded
Sheet 59 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio
Deed Book 1 Page 525
Grantee - Milton Hegler
Grantors - Allen Hegler and wife Cyrus Hegler and Mary, his wife
Note: Milton, Allen and Cyrus, sons of Abraham Hegler, dec.
Beginning at White Oak and Elm the southeast corner of P. W. and J. J. Erskines survey # 12036 (12037) in line of Jacob Eyeman thence with line of said Survey North 7½ East 180 poles to a stake Thence South 65 East 76 poles to a stake corner to lands of Jeremiah Hopkins, deceased Thence North 47½ East 90 poles to a stone corner to Hopkins thence South 38½ degrees West 109 poles to a Buroak and red oak another corner to said Hopkins; thence North 41½ degrees East 152 poles to a stone and another corner to Hopkins; Thence South 55 degrees East 20-4 poles to four Jackoaks corner to Jesse White thence North 30 degrees East 102 poles to a stake corner to Jesse White, known as the Rows corner thence South 60 degrees East 176 poles to a stone in the line of Henry Stuckey and corner to Cyrus Heagler, part of land bequeathed by Abraham Heagler deceased thence South 29 degrees West 335 poles to a stone on the south side of Chillicothe Pike, another corner of said Cyrus Hegler thence South 17 degrees East (?) 97½ poles to stone, another corner of said Cyrus Heagler; thence South 8½ degrees East 80 poles to a stone, another corner of Cyrus Heagler; thence South 50 degrees West 37 poles to a stone on the South bank of Herrod's Creek corner to Cyrus Hegler and Henry Slagle thence Eat 130 degrees West 106 poles to a stake corner to Henry Slagle, thence North 89½ West 251 poles to a stone corner to Henry Slagle and Jacob Eyeman thence north ½ degree East 97½ poles to a stake corner to Jacob Eyeman thence West 157 poles to beginning containing 1126 acres being
152 acres in Survey 6452
206 acres in 8196, *8030), 8639
100 acres in Survey 6117
342 acres in 6452
46 acres in Survey 5682 Total of 846 acres in Fayette County and
[continued on back . . ]:
Sheet 59 (Front)
Ross County, Ohio
170 acres in Surveys 4123, 4128
160 acres in Surveys 9121, 9142, 9143
Total of 330 acres in Ross.
Description of a second tract:
Situated on the water of North Fork of Paint Creek, being part of Survey # 12037 in names Patrick and John Erskine.
Beginning at a stone where three Blackoaks formerly stood, northeast corner to said survey thence with the original line west 236 poles near two buroaks. Thence south 196 poles to a stone; thence South 87½ degrees East 84 poles to a stone. Thence South 218 poles to two hickories and a Bur Oak in the southerly line of said survey. Thence with original line East 94 poles to an Elm and buroak original corner, thence North 8 degrees East 416 poles to beginning continuing 425 acres being part of Abraham Heaglers land deceased. Date of Deed - 10 February 1877.
Sheet 60 (Front) Fayette County, Ohio
Deed Book 29 Page 610
Grantor - Milton Hegler
Grantee - Dora Shobe Lot #7
Beginning at Iron Pin Center of C.H. & D.R.R. and in the center of the new county road corner to Orris Hegler Lot of 88.56 acres in the subdivision of these land Hence North 77.35 degrees West 5.58 chains to a joint in the center of said railroad thence on a curve to the right 8.6 chains to a join in the center of said Railroad thence North 60.30 degrees West 44.45 poles to an iron pin in the center of said rail road to Iva B Bakers lot of 80.73 acres in the Sub-division of these land thence North 44.55 degrees East 35.65 chains to corner of J. R. Mills thence South 351.5 degrees East 50.87 chains to a stone in the center of the county road, corner A. T. Vincent, Thence South 33.25 degrees West 22.57 chains to a stake in the north line of right of way of said Rail Road, at an angle to center line of County road, thence South 27.a15 degrees West. .39 chains to beginning containing 164 acres in Wm. Robinsons's Survey # 6452 and 20 acres in D. McArthurs Survey # 5881. Lot #8
Beginning at an iron pin in the center of the C. H. & D. R. R. and Center of new county road corner of Orris Hegler Lot of 88.56 acres in sub-division of these lands thence South 77.35 degrees East 31.97 chains to an iron pin in the R.R. center and ___? to subdivided portion of these land thence South 27.15 degrees West 14.12 chains to a stone corner to said portion or in the line of Almer Heglers Lot of 150 acres in subdivision of *****
Sheet 61 (Front)
Census 1830, Fayette Co., Ohio Wayne Tp.
James Riley
1 female 20-30
Samuel Devaul
1 male 5-10
2 males 10-15
1 male 40-50
1 females 15-20
2 females 20-30
1 female 40-50
Nathaniel Goodless
1 male 30-40
1 male 10-15
1 male 5-10
2 males under 5
1 female 5-10
2 female 10-15
1 female 30-40
William Goodless
1 male 10-15
1 male 40-50
1 female under 5
1 female 5-10
2 females 15-20
1 female 30-40
Jefferson Township - Census 1830
Peter Windle
1 male 20-30
1 female 60-70
Sheet 61 (Front)
Mr. Frank Shobe - pub. book on Shobe, Hire, Hagler, Stookey, Kirkpatricks has recently added a 20 page supplement.
Sheet 62 (Front) Kious
Adam Kious m. Margaret Hidy near 1800.
Had colonial brick house near Eyeman Cemetery.
In 1849 he had these children living:
Absalom m. Mary Waugh
George 1814-1888, Madison Co., Ohio
Cynthia Ann
Mary m. Milo Waugh
Five of these went to live near Fowler, Indiana
Tradition: Two Kious brothers came as Hessian soldiers - became captains in American Army.
Adam Kious to Ross co., Ohio in 1793.
Adam Kious died 1 Nov 1849
From Mrs. Paul Fisher
2415 Benderwirt
Rockford, Illinois
Sheet 63 (Front) Census of 1850
Fayette County , Ohio
Taken 27 July by William Smith
Wayne township 403-403
Leonard Bush, 32, Laborer
Malinda 34
Isabil 9
Sarah J. 6
Melissa 4
Rebecca 3
Joseph W. (All born in Ohio)
483-483, Aug 6, William Smith
Jesse White, 37
Elizabeth 30
Adam T. 12
Addison D. 10
Genette A., 8
Mary S. 7
Agatha 4
Martha E. 1 (all born in Ohio)
Jeremiah Hopkins, 45 b. Penna
Nancy 42
Sarah 19
Washington 18
Josiah 17
David 17
Nancy 14
Elijah 12
Harriet A. 7
Grange S. 6
Jeremiah F., 6/12
. . .
To Be Continued . . .

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