Genealogical Society of Whitley County

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The Note Books of Nellie Riley Raber

Book 1 — Blue River Cemetery Whitley Co.

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Inside Front Cover:

Jesse Allen DeMoney     19 Sept 1885
                                        7 Feb 1962
Effie Evelyn Lawrence D. Feb 20, 1956

Sheet 1 (front) Allen, George Lots # 70 Anderson, Clarence 14 Anderson, Ira 35 Archer, Josiah 37 Archer, Josiah 38 Barnes, Frank P. 79 Barney, Everett W. 97 Barney, William 12 Baron, George 101 Bash, Ira 141 Benjamin, Samuel 120 Bloom, William 81 Boggs, James 36 Braddock, George 32 Brumbaugh, Charles 69 Brumbaugh, John 71 Carter, Arthur Pugh 105 Carter, Mandeville Quick 104 Chapel, W. 24 Chockley Clark, Charles 118 Claxton, Ira 31 Claxton, Richard 102 Cleland, David 47 Corbin, Albert 30 Corbin, David H. 29 Corbin, David M. 28 Coverstone, Jacob 62 Coverstone, Samuel 41 Coverstone, William R. 140 Sheet 1 (back) Crabill, Harrison, Lot # 130 Crabill, Levi 128 Crabill, William 129 Davis, Rev. Wm. 58 Egolf, H. J. 124 Egolf, Theodore 42 Egolf Elery, Frank 27 Flory, Christian 128 Garrison, James 108 Garrison, Peter 98 Garrison, Martin 119 Gnaga, Christian 113 Gordon, Charles 11 Gradeless, Milton 132 Gradeless, Milton 125 Gradeless, Nathaniel Sr. 131 Gradeless, Rev. Nathan 123 Gradeless, William 86 Groebeck, Clyde 23 Harshbarger, Milo 9 - 0 Hazen, George 127 Hazen, Josiah 114 Hazen, William 64
Sheet 2 (front) Hedges, Charles 19 Charles 44 Hedges, Floyd 21 Hedges, Herman 6 Hedges, Hiram 63 Hedges, William 59 Heiney, M. A. 39 Hemmick, Robert 94 Hickman, Frank 82 Hively, Webster 45 Humbarger, Kimber 5 Horner, Amos 95 Humbarger, Lauren 49 Jagger, Albert 22 Jones, James 145 Jones, W. A. 52 Knott, Ben 57 Knott, Richard T. 55 Leach, John 77 Leech, Frank 143 Leech, James 76 Leech, John 77 Leech, Samuel 72 Lilly, Benjamin 135 Linville, Cleveland 20 Miller, Peter 73 Moore, Frank 18 Moore, Lewis 122 Moore, Park 134 More, Robert 3 McCoy Anna 16 McKown, William 46 McLain, Merritt 8 McLain, P. D. 44 Sheet 2 (back) Parkinson, Henry #88 Pence, Abraham 61 Pence, Absalom Pence, Absalom 42 Pence, Absalom 144 Pence, Anderson 140 Pence, Charles 139 Pence, David L. 115 Pence, Henry 126 Pence, John 91 Pence, John W. 53 Pence, Joseph 106 Pence, Orval 112 Pence, Wm. Henry 121 Pence, Willis 116 Pence, Merle 34 Pence, Virgil 25 Pontzius, Ira 51 Raypole, Carl R. 17 Raypole, Charles 65 Raypole, W. W. 66 Rhoads, Willis 89 Riley, Frank 142 Riley, James 109 Riley, Johnson 110 Riley, Samuel 85 Robbins, Charles 50 Rouch, Lewis 103 Rouch, Samuel 87 Shivley, Esli 96 Sliger, Ezra 48 Smith, Samuel 7 Smith, W. A. 67 Smith, William 84 Smuck, Emanuel 137
Sheet 3 (front) Shangler, R. 133 Swigart, George 111 Trumbull, Floyd 10 Wade, B. S. 136 Wade, Obediah J. 99 Wade, S. M. 13 Waugh, David 83 Waugh, Joseph Jr. 107 Waugh, Joseph Sr. 117 Waugh, Leigh 40 Waugh, Levi 43 Windle, Cora 54 Windle, John 78 Windle, Virgil 33 Windle, William 135 Windle Wood, George 26 Yant, Ward 68 Yant, Wilford 80 Zumbrum, Harry 2
Sheet 4 (front) Lot # 1 S.E. Corner
Sheet 5 (front) Lot # 2 Harry Zumbrum n - s 1 stone E. H. Zumbrum 1867 - 1935 Ida E. His Wife 1872 - 1940 Pearl M., Dau. 1900 - 1917 Ida E. died 2 Sep 1940, b. Feb 3, 1872 c/o Samuel & Sarah Elizabeth (Hese) Creager; M. Oct 1, 1892. He died Oct 1, 1935. Their only child was Pearl.
Sheet 6 (front) Lot # 3 Robert Moore Robert Moore m. Cora dau. Joseph & Caroline Heckman Lore. Robert Moore had dau. m. Clark Hively, son of Auston Hively Guy L. Moore 1897 - 1917 Robert L. 1863 - 19 - - Cora E., his Wife 1875 - 1957
Sheet 7 (front) Lot #4 Merritt McLain Son of John & Malinda McLain Had c. Sylvanus & sis Ida (census) Gerald son of (a son of ViEtta) M. & E. McLain Feb. 25, 1919 Apr. 1, 1919 McClain Mary ViEtta Wm Merit 1877 - 1961 1874 - 1934 a dau Mrs. Velma Urnebremer is dec. Mary Vietta died Apr 16, 1961 in Warsaw, Ind. She was born to Marlin D. and Mary (Jones) Crabill in Thorncreek Twp on Jan 10, 1877 and in 1898 m. William Merritt McLain who died Aug. 28, 1934. One Feb 18, 1939 she m. Vigil Bemis who dec. She surv. by son Perry of Warsaw, Joseph of Ft. Wayne, Robert J. of So. Whitley and Merritt R. of Tecumseh, Mich and Harold A. of Richmond, Ind. Wanita, Mrs. Jane Urnebremer of Noble Co., Mrs. Helen Loe of Richmond and Evelyn, Mrs. Earl Mueller of Busco
Sheet 8 (front) Lot #5 Kimber Humbarger Humbarger Rose L. Kimber H. 1899 - 1963 1897 - 1948 Richard Lauren / Humbarger / Mar. 10, 1920
Sheet 9 (front) Lot #6 Herman Hedge Daisy K / 1891 - 1920
Sheet 10 (front) Lot # 7 Samuel Smith Smith Chloe E. 1873 - 1920 Samuel A. 1866 - 1942 Sheet 10 (back) Lot # 7 Smith n SMITH s Chloe E. / 1873 - 1920 Samuel A. / 1866 - 1942 (living 1941)
Sheet 11 (front) Lot # 10 Floyd Trumbull Lewis Trumbull b. Mar. 1, 1863 to Ambrose Munson Trumbull; d. July 10, 1938 in Churubusco. M. 1st Anna Martin who d.; m. 2nd Mar 12, 1905, Ida A. Miller ch: Floyd of Collins Orma of Portland, Ore. Vaugh of St. Louis John of Churubusco m. Alta Windle Mrs. Albert Lippencott, Col. City 302 Chicago St. Mrs. Nora Blue, a sister. Rev. Russell Humeuckhouse off. bur. Adams Cem. Ida A. Trumbull widow of Lewis d. Jan 25, 1939 in Oregon City, Ore. She a native of Wash. Tp. Whit. Co., b. Mar. 14, 1866, dau. Walling and Harriet Guest Miller. Her 1st m. to Charles Foster. On Mar. 12, 1905 m. Lewis T. She had 4 ch. by 1st m. Flossie M. Hughes, lives Ore. so does Roy Foster; Vernie Foster of Logansport. Her three surv. bro. were Emmett & Albert of Whit. Co. & Arvillus of Fisk, Mo. 5 s. and 3 b. preceded her in death body shipped to C.C. Floyd Trumbull m. a dau of John & Essie Vernette Decker. gd. of Sylvia Smith Knight gg Wells Smith ggg Samuel Smith Sheet 11 (back) #10 Trumbull Helen R. Marie A. Trumbull 1920 - 1920 1921 - 1923 Lewis C. — Trumbull — 1925 - 1941 Floyd M. Trumbull 1887 - 1963 lived on Johnson Rd south of Collins died 13 Dec '63 Surv by 3 sons; Vaughn of Allen Co.; Carl of Noble Co. & Howard of Churbuusco; 5 daus. Pauline (Mrs. Donald Caskey) of Ligonier, Grace, Mrs. Conrad Branning of Larwill Mable (Mrs. Ralph Creech) Charlotte (Mrs. Roy Creech) n. Churubusco Dorothy Trumbull of S. Whitley. Surv by Bro. John of Churubusco and Orma of Portland, Ore. A half sister, Mrs. Vertle Edna Lippencott of Faris Nursing Home.
Sheet 12 (front) Lot # 11 Charles Gordon s - n Lena Leona Gordon D. July 28, 1931 Aged 14 yrs, 5 mos. 20 days Undertakers marker C. Truman |GORDON| 1914 - 19117 L. Laoma 1917 - 1931 Sheet 12 (back) # 11 Gordon # ? Crabill Almira Donald A. 1873 - 1953 1871 - 1957
Sheet 13 (front) Lot # 12 Will Barney | Barney | William D. 1864 - 1917 Martha E. 1870 - 1947 Steven Barney Apr 1842 Martha Elizabeth died Nov 10, 194 born Jan 26, 1870 in Union City, Mich. to Henry & Marian (Stevens) Warsop Mar. Dec. 27, 1887 to William D. Forest Barney at Pipe Creek, Kas. He died June 26, 1917. Had children William Lawrence, Stella (m. David Dunfee) Lester and Goldie. She had living bro. Alfred of Alexander, N. Y. and Merlin of Cleveland. Pall bearers for her were Ralph Daily, William Barney, Robert, Eugene, Edward and Calvin Dunfee.
Sheet 14 (front) Lot # 13 C. W. Wade Rev. C. W. | Wade | 1862 - 1924 Katie Wife of Rev. C. W. Wade 1858 - 1917
Sheet 15 (front) Lot # 14 Clarence Anderson Sheet 15 (back) #14 Anderson Here buried Carter Chloa Mae Otis Don 1878 - 1966 1867 - 1958 Walter Otis CARTER 1913 - 1917
Sheet 16 (front) # 16 Anna McCoy Anna, a wife of David H. McCoy of Lake Tp. Allen Co. d. Aug. 18, 1931, b. Jan. 8, 1883 in Whit. co., dau.. Daniel Zumbrum. 4 ch surv. Mrs. Helen Leffers, Ft. Wayne Ila Wilbert at home Robert sur. 4 sisters Mrs. C. M. Shively, N. Manchester Mrs. Noah Shively, (Nettie) Mrs. Martha Claxton, Ann Arbor Mrs. Wm. Brumbaugh, Noble Co. Fun. at Ch. of Bre. Blue R. burial Blue River Cem. Rev. Kreider off. assist. by Rev. Finch of Lake Chapel. Arma Zumbrum, dau of Daniel and Sarah (Ott) Zumbrum, s. of Henry & Julia Kinzie Zumbrum. Have 6 ch. Elom Harvey m. Ida. Criger, 1 ch Pearl Saba Elmina m. Clarence Shively; ch: Floyd Stella Jesse Wm. Henry Nellie M. Noah Shively, 6 ch liv. Lawrence Essie Lois Murry Ethel Isa Martha m. Ira Claxton, widow; 1 ch Clyde Caroline m. Wm. Brumbaugh; 5 ch liv.; Melvin Lelia Harrie Anna m. David McCoy son of John McCoy Sheet 16 (back) # 16 McCoy Anna E. McCoy 1883 - 1931
Sheet 17 (front) # 17 Carl R. Raypole Ruth A. Wife of Carl R. Raypole Oct. 3, 1884 May 26, 1908 grave in s e corner by drive
Sheet 18 (front) #18 Frank Moore s to n Jellie B. Dau. of C. C. & F. Moore (a) Apr. 25, 1894 Dec. 7, 1906 b Frank Moore June 26, 1866 June 26, 1906
Sheet 19 (front) #19 Charles Hedges s to n Mahlon C. May 7, 1886 Oct 2, 1909 Charles E. Emma Pence 1864 - 1940 1867 - 1950 Emma died Nov 22, 1950 in Ft. Wayne at the home of her son Frank in Ft. Wayne b. Aug. 20, 1867 to Henry C and Mary Young Pence. Married Feb. 15, 1884 Hus. died Nov. 29, 1940. Left dau. Mary Mrs. Earl Rundles of Cinn. Ohio & Frank, son Two sons, Mahlon and Everett are dead.
Sheet 20 (front) Lot # 20 Cleveland Linvill Notes from Com. Mail, Issue Mar. 27 m. 1912 (Wed.) died Monday A.M. aged 28 - 3 - 12 b. Steuben Co., Ind., Dec. 13, 1883, nee May C. Hovarter m. 5 yrs ago to Cleveland Linvill 1 dau. Mildred, aged 2 ½ y. Bur. Blue River Cleveland H. s to north Linvill Feb. 20, 1995 - 1951 Mae C. His wife Dec. 13, 1883 Mar. 22, 1912 Anna S. - 1888 - 1954 Infant dau 1927 Millicent 1916 - 1920
Sheet 21 (front) # 21 Floyd Hedges s to n Robert E. infant Hedges dau Mar. 28, 1912 1927 Age 5 D Maxine Eyvonne Snavely Died May 29, 1939 Aged 6 - 7 - 24 Ella Floyd 1886 - 1967 1884 - 19 - -
Sheet 22 (front) Lot # 22 Albert Jagger. C.C. Com. Mail. April 10 (Wed.) 1912 Ends died ptomain poison Her gr - parents, Mrs. and Mrs. M. H. Mayberry Her g - mother, Mrs. W. H. Jaggers her bro. Elmer and Ira D. Her sister, Esther Rev. Rhodes off. at service in Collins. U.B.Ch. Edna M. Jagger Aug. 20, 1905 April 6, 1912 Sheet 21 (back) # 22 Jagger Lillie L Albert W. 1881 - 1952 1878 - 1950
Sheet 23 (front) Lot # 23 Clyde Groesbeck Belle Groesbeck wife of Clyde B. Groesbeck Dau. of Samuel Smith & Eliza Pumphrey Riley Sept. 14, 1875 - Dec. 30, 1929 Laura (Groesbeck) Taylor, wife of Bates Taylor died in Chicago 1979. No children.
Sheet 24 (front) # 24 W. B. Chapel Ashes buried name of William B. Chapel on a cement market This lot belonged to Minnie E. Chapel, dau of Rev. William Davis and Mary J. Davis, his wife.
Sheet 25 (front) # 25 Virgil Pence Virgil J. 1870 - 1924 Bertha 1870 - 1949
Sheet 26 (front) # 26 George Wood Gerald Snapp 1929 Dau of Geo. Wood m. Carl L. Geiger son of Ben Geiger. Sheet 25 (back) # 26 Wood Wood Frank H. Effie J. 1890 - 1925 1877 - 1948
Sheet 27 (front) # 27 Frank Eley Zoella A. Eley Mar. 17, 1894 Mar. 30, 1912 A Frank Eley living 5 miles west of Col. City M. a dau of Edward A. and Jennie Anderson Young, dau of John S. and Harriet Martin) Long
Sheet 28(front) #28 David M. Corbin Sheet 28 (back) # 28 Corbin Majorie E. Baron 1926 - 1960
Sheet 29(front) # 29 David H Corbin 1847 - 1918 Nancy E. His Wife 1851 - 1913 Private Co. B. 184 O. Vol. Son Jesse b. Mar. 15, 1879 in Allen Co., d. Jan. 4, 1931; m. Edna Wood. Bur. Blue R. Dau. m. Kenneth Klingerman (Mary Nancy) Widow became 2nd w. of Harper Waugh, son of James + ______ (Klinck) Waugh Ren Corbin Albert Corbin Ida m. Geo. Baron Jesse Corbin b. Eel Riv. in Allen Co., his father came to Whit. Co. from Holgate, O. m. Edna Wood, dau Wm of Huntington Co. Ida Viola Baron 1870 - 1946
Sheet 30 (front) # 30 Albert Corbin Dora Albert J. 1876 - 1961 1875 - 1955
Sheet 31 (front) # 31 Ira Claxton Born July 12, 1874 Died Sept. 19, 1894 Martha Claxton Born June 29, 1875 Died June 10, 1958
Sheet 32 (front) # 32 George Braddock Herman R. son of F. D. & G. N. Braddock May 29, 1903 Mar. 14, 1904 Elmer E., 1912 - 1913 Grace Braddock m. Clair Wineland son of Charles; b. near Wilmot; 2 ch Beuthene, Darlene - - Frances D. George N. 1877 - 1951 1873 - 1942
Sheet 33 (front) Lot # 33 Virgil Windle Samuel Windle, son of "Bud" Grover & Nona Salesman, deep sea diver attached to U.S.S. Medusa service ship, wrote to his mother, Mrs. John P. Thorn, Noble Co. of his hon. dis. from U.S. Navy; Jan 4, 1941 at San Pedro, Cal. He & his wife, on Mar 1, will seek emp. in Ind. or Mich.
Sheet 34 (front) Lot # 34 Merle Pence Pence Evelyn L. Mother Father 1915 - 1916 Nellie M Merle L. 1886 - 1958 1886 - 1964
Sheet 35 (front) # 35 Ira Anderson Gone but not forgotten Eva J. Anderson June 3, 1877 Nov. 20, 1908 Ira Anderson vm no dates
Sheet 36 (front) # 26 James Boggs n to s James D. Boggs 1864 - 1939 Mary B. His Wife 1871 - 1907 Mary E. Boggs 1905 - 1905
Sheet 37 (front): #37 #38 Jos. Archer a Earl D. Archer 1882 - 1938 b Alice A. Archer 1852 - 19 - - c Josiah Archer 1845 - 1912 Dec 3, 1912 d Bertha Archer Brown 1879 - 1912 Josiah Archer Pri. Vo. A. 64 O.V. Earl Archer b. Jan. 19, 1882; d. July 13, 1938 e Arthur Brown 1880 - 1958 f Everett W. 1875 - 1954
Sheet 38 (front) # 19 M. A. Heiney n to s Milton D. Heiny 1875 - Mary, his Wife 1878 - 1914 Dau of Rev. William Davis and Mary J. Davis, his wife.
Sheet 39 (front) # 40 Lee Waugh Ethel J. Waugh 1886 - 1937 Ethel Gertrude dau. Lauren & Ellen (Van Houten) Humbarger b. Sept. 14, 18865 d. Feb 3, 1937; m. Dec. 15, 1907 to Leigh Waugh s. of Joseph & Sarah (Cobaugh) Waugh see lot # ___ She s. by son Worth Waugh and d. Ellen m. Asher Western, also bro Heber, Kimber and Void. She at time of d. was state sec of C. of G. Mission Circle Fun Egolf's Ch. by Rev. John Jones. Pall bearers: Henry Braddock Allon Fisher Allon Darley Donald Egolf John Pounder Sheet 39 (back): #40 Ethel G. Humbarger C. Leigh 1886 - 1937 1879 - 1968 Phil R. Waugh Infant
Sheet 40 (front) # 41 Alice Egolf Price 1868 - 1947 Samuel Coverstone Elbertine Coverstone s to n 1870 - 1948 Father Samuel Coverstone Almeda C. Price Died Feb. 16, 1902 1868 - 1947 Aged 67 y. 8 m. 14 d Jane Wife of Samuel Coverstone Born 1836 died July 17, 1907 Aged 71 yrs Mother Notes from Post. Issued July 20, 1907 Jane, b. Champaign Co. Ohio m. 1858 to S. Coverstone in Ohio 1863 to Thorncreek tp., M. E. Ch. 7 ch. Mrs. George Dull, Churubusco Mrs. Joseph L. Creager, Wash. tp. Mrs. Alice Egolf, Chicago Mrs. A. B. Hughes, Toledo Wm. Coverstone near Churubusco Rose Coverstone in Churubusco Ella Coverstone in Churubusco Fun. conducted by Rev. C. S. Parker, Blue River Ch. Funeral Saturday Census of 1880 Lists: Eunith aged 16 Theresa aged 14 Alice aged 12 Josephine aged 9 Elbertina aged 9 William aged 6 Levina aged 4 Sheet 40 (back) #41 Coverstone Comm. Issued Feb. 19, 1902 In 1901 moved from Simms farm in Thorncreek tp. to a home 1 ½ m. from Churubusco Theresa J. Widow of Joseph Creager b. Feb, 24, 1866 d. June 5 1932, dau of Samuel & Jane Weaver Coverstone Joseph L. Creager d. 1928, Feb. 14. m. Oct 2, 1890 Surs. bro & sis. Mrs. Aunith May Dull, Churubusco Mrs. Alice Almeda Price, Frazie, Minn. Mrs. Josephine Hughes, Toledo, O. Elbertine Coverstone, Ft. Wayne William Coverstone, Churubusco Rose Lovina Richards, Ft. Wayne Member U.B.Ch. Rev. Noah. McCoy off. Bur. Greenhill. Joseph L. Creager, lifelong res. Wash. tp. Whit. Co. b. May 7, 1862 to Peter & Melissa (Williamson) Creager; no ch. Bur. Greenhill Cem. Pallbearers C. Stickler, Roscoe Robbins, C. F. Newcomer, Ancil Mullett, Lewis Dreyer, Jacob Dial. [Following paragraph was on this page with a large X through the paragraph] Kaler His. John W. Claxton m. Eliza Coverstone b. Smith tp. July 26, 1858, of Pioneer parents, Samuel & Alice Egolf Price 1868 - 1947
Sheet 41 (front) #42 Theodore Egolf Oscar L. son of Egolf T. & M. Egolf Luella M. Theodore B. Born Feb 21, 1897 1878 - 1966 1873 - 1943 Died Oct. 8, 1900 Aged 3 y. 7 m. 17 d. Son of Theodore & Maude Gradeless Egolf Grd son of Wm. Gradeless Lot 86 gg son Milton Gradeless Lot 125 ggg son Nathan Gradeless Lot 131 Theodore son of George W. (s. Adam) & Angeline Garrison Egolf. Angeline b. Oct. 14, 1852 in Smith tp.; d. Thorncreek tp. Jan 1, 1940; d. of Rev. Z. & Catherine Ruckman Garrison m. Oct 3, 1872. Ch: Theodore m. Maude m. O. W. Cleland Arnie m. _____ Crow dau Charles m. 1st Ida Garrison 2nd Edna Terwilliger Maggie m. Archer Coverstone Dan Zumbrum Laura m. Will Judd Bur. Egolfs Rev. John Jones, Rev. Floyd Hedges Pall bearers, John King, Arthur Boggs, William Walker, Lee Waugh, Frank Beck, Gilbert Humbarger. Sheet 41 (back): Maxie D. Cleland d. May 15, 1940 (cancer) B. Sept. 1, 1876 to George & Adeline Egolf m. 26 Oct. 1897 Owen W. Cleland sur. son Carl L. of Churubusco gch. Keith E. & Rosalie Cleland A sis. Mrs. Laura Judd dec. Bur. Eel R. Rev. John Jones Off. Eunice Cleland d. May 29, 1940. liv 4 ch Lavon 9, Donna Jean 5, Robert 2, Edith Mae 1 Mother. Mrs. Ella Heffner Branshaw sis: Mrs. Robert Whitaker, Minneapolis Glenndoris, Branshaw Bro; Emery, Herald, Frederick & Ronald all of Eau Claire, Wis. She b. June 2, 1913 at Eau Claire, Wis. dau. Henry Branshow m. Jan 17, 1930 to Orville Cleland. Rev. Floyd Hedge. Blue River Cem. Pall B. Oren Alexander, Glenn Egolf, Loren Barrette, Roscoe Hindman, Robert Harold, Dale Cleland
Sheet 42 (front) # 43 Levi Waugh s to n 1 Margaret J. 1839 - 1920 Malinda 1849 - 1936 2 Levy Waugh Died June 28, 1900 Aged 55 y. 7 m. 8 d Melinda Waugh d. Aug. 12, 1936 b. June 13, 1849 in Ross Co., O. 1903 to Col. City from Smith Tp. one of 11 ch. born to Joseph and Nancy Harper Waugh Notes from Post of Nov. 6, 1920 Margaret Jane Waugh b. Ross Co. O. June 28, 1837 died aged 81 - 9 - 8 Came to Whitley County in 1852 Fun. at Blue River Ch. on Monday at 2.00 P.M. Rev. M. L. Lester, off. Pall bearers: Leigh, Burt, Kenneth and Harper Waugh, Ren McLain and E. R. Budd.
Sheet 43 (front) # 44 Chas. Hedges Chas. Hedges d. Nov. 27, 1940 at home in C.C. b. Whit. Co. Apr. 30, 1864; m. Feb. 15 1884 to Emma Pence, in log cabin near Round Lake by Rev. John Miller. Ch. Everett, Detroit Mich. Mary m. Earl Randells, Ohio Frank H. Ft. Wayne m. dau. of Alfred & Mary Knight Cooperrider Mahold Hedges dec. Fun. Blue Riv. Rev. Noah McCoy. Pall b. Laver Pence, Melvin P., Herman Hedges, Earl Grael, Leslie Gaff (Nephews) & Jesse Garrison.
Sheet 44 (front) # 45 Webster Hively Hale F. Hively 1848 - 1932 Died June 25, Ft. Wayne where lived for 40 y. Son of John and Mary Elizabeth Gradeless Hively. Gson of Nathaniel & Elizabeth Waugh Gradeless. (Lot #131). Born on what is now Isaac Judd farm in Thorncreek tp. Fun. serv. Blue River Cem. by Rev. R. C. Plank a son Floyd Hively of Neb. died 3 ½ yrs. ago Laura E. Webster Arminda Hively Hively Hively 1978 - 1917 1869 - 1952 1878 - 1960
Sheet 45 (front) # 46 W. J. McKown Eudora, widow of W. J. McKown d. May 28, 1939 305 E. Market St., C.C. She b. Licking Co., O. May 13, 1859, d. Geo. & Caroline (Barner) Fowler. 1st m. May 25, 1872 to Daniel Baker who d. 1922. In 1928 m. W. J. McKown. Sur. Ch. of 1st m: Charles & Harley Baker of C.C. George 7 Leroy Baker of S. Whitley Mrs. Otis Plattner of S. Whitley Mrs. Roy Covington, Newton Falls, O. after 2nd m. lived 5 yrs in Texas Bur. Eberhards. Sheet 45 (back) # 46 Mc Kown This lot now has Lula M. Wilbert 1879 - 1940 1896 - 1952
Sheet 46 (front) # 47 David Cleland Cleland Lulu M. 1877 - 1940 Heber Lee Cleland Died April 17, 1934 aged 8 Days Velma Irene Dau of D. W. & E. J. Cleland Died Oct. 17, 1898 Aged 2 m. 2 D David D. Cleland, 1853 - 1937 m. Eliza Jane pence. Bur. at Eel River. Ch Sur: Bert Alla Reed, Ft. Wayne Ursa Post, Angola Charles, Kendallville Forrest, N.Y. City Mrs. Walter Bennett, Columbia City Owen, Columbia City Heber, Columbia City Mrs. Cleland b. Dec 8, 1856 d. Aug. 3, 1934 aged 76 y. in Churubusco. Surv. ch. Lula Pence Cleland b. d. Feb 9, 1940 at home of her dau in Ft. Wayne. She b. Ft. Wayne Apr 27, 1876 m. 1900 leaves dau. Mrs. Earl Saffen of 3201 Monroe St. Ft. Wayne; Orval son, 6 g ch. Fun Blue River Sheet 46 (back) # 47 Cleland Rev. Floyd Hedges off. Pall b. John King, Mont. Herald, Wm. Gike, David Gradeless John Jagger, Forest Born.
Sheet 47 (front) # 48 Ezra Sliger Harve Son of E. & L. C. Sliger Died Sept. 1, 1898 Aged 2 y. 2 m. 9 d
Sheet 48 (front) Lot # 49 Lauren Humbarger Humbarger Luella 1859 - 1927 Otho, Son 1885 - 1899 Luella b. Iowa d. May 8, 1927 at home of son Kimber in Col. City, dau. John & Eliz. (Pence) Van Houten Sons Kimber, Ford, Heber dau. Ethel, Last of 5 ch. Welllington Van Houten a half bro. Rev. Gump off. Pall bearers, Guy, Will & Frank Archer, Aba Van Houten, Ed Pillars, David Gradeless. Otho 1885 - Son - 1897
Sheet 49 (front) # 50 Chas. Robbins Charles Robbins next south of Ira Pontius n - s Charles H. Robbins 1844 - 1900 Hannah J. his Wife 1848 - 1905 Notes from Com. Mail. Hannah J. b. Oct. 31, 1848 in Ind. d. Mar. 2, 1905 aged 56 - 4 - 1 at home of son Daniel in Ft. Wayne Surv. Ch. Vernon Addie of Millersburg, Ind. Clarence, Spokane, Wash. Garfield R., Spokane, Wash. Myron, Ft. Wayne Bertha Kokengard, Ossian, Ind. Sidney, Grand Rapids, Mich William, Ft. Wayne Benjamin, Ft. Wayne Charles H. Robbins, Private, Co., B., 153 I.V. Vernon Robbins, 2nd w. Ida M. d. Nov 1936 at the home in Ft. Wayne let d. Velma Robbins s. Melvin Robbins s. Robert Robbins stch. s. Harvey Robbins, Ft. Wayne stch. d. _____ m. Bert Walker Ch: 1880 Census Charles H. w. Jennie 35 & 31 Addie 6 Wilber R. 3 Clarence 5 Myron 2 Garfield b. May
Sheet 50 (front) # 51 Ira Pontius n to s Chester E. Son of I. W. & S. M. Pontzius Dec. 27, 1902 Sept. 4, 1903 Ira s. of Solomon & Elizabeth Born Pontzius Eliz. Born, dau of John & Eliz. Born Born, na of Canton Bern, Switz. Pontzius Susie Waugh Ira Wayne Chester E. 1875 - 1956 1876 - 1956 1902 - 1903
Sheet 51 (front) Lot # 52 W. A. Jones
Sheet 52 (front) J. W. Pence Pence John W. Pence 1852 - 1916 Sylvania L. His Wife 1854 - 1912 Ch. Elmer, Verne, Merle, Russell Verne Pence had dau. Lillian, mother, Florence Ruckman, b. C.C. m. Wm. Myers, 12 yrs ago live Chicago; leaves ch: Barbara aged 6, Billly aged 11. Sister Mrs. Lee Dare Young of Ann Arbor; Mrs. Lee Dowell & Faith Pence bro. Paul Pence. She d. Aug. 26, 1939 Rev. Howenstine off. bur. Greenhill Cem. Florence Ruckman, d. of William Edgar Ruckman & Cora Ruckman. Un. tp. A Merle Pence m. Nellie Betzer, d. of Wm. Henry & Lavina J. (Essig) Betzer Owen & Catherine Pletcher Betzner John Jacob Betzner na. Germ. d. Whit. Co. ch. Vallorous Pence, Ft. Wayne.
Sheet 53 (front) Lot #54 Cora Windle
Sheet 54 (front) Lot 55 Richard T. Nott s. to n. 1 James L. Nott Died Sept. 3, 1899 Aged 33 y. 6 m. 12 d His words were kindness His deeds were love his spirit humble, he rests above. 2 Dortha 3 Alice A. Dau of R. T. & Nancy Nott Died Sept. 11, 1889 Aged 16 y's 1 Mo & 5 D's A light from our household is gone A voice we loved is stilled A place is vacant in our hearts That never can be filled. 4 Willis Son of R. J. & N. J. Nott 1877 - 1893 5 Richard T. Knott 1830 - 1909 Nancy J. Greenewalt His wife 1837 - Richard Nott a Private Co. D. 129 Ind. Vol. Census of 1880: Richard Knott Nancy James 14 Martha 21 Hanna 16 Elmira 6 George 2 Richard Nott, uncle of Frank Nott James L. Nott, cousin of Frank Nott Clara Nott, dau of Richard lives in Michigan
Sheet 55 (front) Lot 56 Jacob Claxton s. to n. Emily E. Wife of Geo. Ott 1836 - 1905 Claxton Alice M. 1866 - 1932 Jacob A. 1858 - 1929 Alice M. Hedge, d. of William and Phylinda Knott Hedge was b. Feb 27, 1866 d. Aug. 4, 1932 in Whit. Co. one of 13 ch. m. Jacob Claxton, Nov. 20, 1884. Had 4 children, 2 died young Lloyd Claxton, Noble Co. Mrs. Olive Gaff, lived at home 6 gch & 1 g gch. Fun. at blue River M. E. Ch. Rev. Shroyer off.
Sheet 56 (front) Lot 57 Ben Knott Corp'l Benj. Nott Co. D. 129th Ind. Inf. From Frank Knott as told to his step - dau. Miss Ethel Sims. Frank Knott of Col. City son of Corp'l Benj. Nott. He says that Benj's father fought in the Revolution. Had children: William H. Nott Calvin Frank George Douglas Ella m. Claude Hayward Mary m. John Garnder Rose m. Jacob Kline and lives in Avilla, Indiana Frank Knott had: William A. Knott Erma Sanders Mae Revis Emily E. Hunt, wife of Benj. Nott. Phylinda Nott, Dau of Calvin and Mary Nott. Whitley co., Ind. Frank Nott a Spanish Am. War vet. and also World War. So he said. Sheet 56 (back): Whitley Co. Indiana Estate of Benjamin Nott April Term of Court, 1883. See N. Box 1 Clerk's Office Widow Emily App. by Isaac Claxton Adam Hull Report sworn and subscribed April 19, 1993 before James M. Harrison. No other papers on file.
Sheet 57 (front) # 58 Rev. William Davis s. to n. 3 | DAVIS | 1 2 (a) Loren - Lawrence b infant (c) family stone, marked above 1st face children of Rev. Wm. & M. J. Davis Infant son July 18, 1881 Loren & Lawrence June 7, 1882 June 21, 1884 2nd face Rev. Wm. Davis May 8, 1845 Jan. 6, 1913 Mary J. His Wife Sept. 12, 1854 June 11, 1925 Sheet 57 (Back): Post. Issue Jan 10, 1913 Notes 26 ys a minister, Rev. Davis Retired last Oct. from ministry at Lucerene, Cass Co., Ind. Came to Columbia City in November Died at 208 S. Line St., Monday, 3. a.m. Born at Churubusco, May 8, 1846 died at Col. City, Jan 6, 1913 aged 66 - 7 - 28 Taught 9 yrs in schools of Whitley & Noble Cos. 1886 Rec. Northern Indiana Conference by Bishop Joyce Began ministry at Bennetsville, Clark Co., Married July 21, 1869, Mary J. Gradless, a native of Whitley Co. 8 ch; 4 surv. Mrs. Virgil Pence Mrs. M. E. Hinley of Gary Mrs. W. B. Chapel of Chicago Talmadge Davis of Chicago Issue Com. Mail, June 11, 1925. Mary J. Davis, 206 S. Line St. died Thurs at 7:10 a.m. b. Sept 12, 1854; died aged 70 - 29 - 8; dau of Rev. & Catherine Gradeless, dec. He was a Free Meth. Min. She a member of the W.C.T.U. & W. R. C. sisters: Harriet Windle Cynthia Windle Mrs. Ella Allen
Sheet 58 (front) Rev. Davis, son of Evan and Philinda Knott Davis. His father died. His mother m. 2nd William Hedges. Lot 59. He has surviving ½ br. & sr. Lucinda w. Samuel Hyre Grabel w. Joseph Pence Emily M. w. Jacob Claxton Lot 56. Hiram Hedge m. Ella Hazen Lot 63 John Hedge m. Charles m. Emma Pence He was a mason his fun. by Rev. H. H. Cannon of Lucerne, ass. by Rev. C. W. Shoemaker. Fun. at Blue River
Sheet 59 (front) Lot 59 Wm. Hedges s. to n. Grant Hedges Died Mar. 22, 1894 Aged 26 y. 3 m. 29 d Our brother's blest, who is at rest. With Christ forever more. William Hedges died July 29, 1888 Aged 75 y's 8 m. 13 D Philinda Wife of Wm. Hedges Died June 27, 1882 Aged 55 ys 2 m. 7 D Philanda Knott, 1st m. 20 April 1843 to Evin Davis by John W. Moore, J. P. the 71st m. in the county. Her 2nd m. 11 May 1851 by Z. Garrison, M.G. to William Hedges
Sheet 60 (front) Lot 60 Walter Harold Myrtle E. Harrold 1887 - 1908
Sheet 61 (front) # 61 Abraham Pence 2|_____| 1 1 face Nancy wife of Abraham Pence Died July 10, 1866 aged 44 y. 28 D Amanda / dau. of A. & N. Pence died Sept. 13, 1861 Aged 10 y. 6 m. 27 d Abraham / Pence Died Mar. 21, 1897 Aged 77 y. 3 m. 7 d Electa dau. of A & N. Pence Died Oct. 12, 1873 Aged 14 y. 2 m. 17 d 2nd face Edward son of A. & N. Pence Died Sept. 9, 1845 Aged 20 D Sheet 61 (Back): Post. Issue Mar. 24, 1897 Abraham Pence d. Sunday AM. 1 o'clock a pioneer. Fun. at residence. Bur. Blue River. Issue Mar. 31, 1897 Abram Pence b. Fayette Co., O. Dec. 19, 1818 d. Mar. 21, 1897 a 78 - 3 - 2 one of 11 ch. of George C. & Sarah Windle Pence. Nov. 18, 1836 came to Whit. Co. with parents 41st m. in co. Aug 26, 1841 by I. A. Van Houten, Judge Whitley co. m. Nancy Buckaloo of Holmes Co., O. had 8 ch, liv. M. 2nd Mrs. Sarah Humbarger, nee Hyre na. Mont. Co., O. on May 7, 1867, by Philip Zeigler W. C. Rec. Served his tp. as trustee. Abt 1840 prof. religion. Leaves 4 ch. 10 gch. 6 g gch 1 bro. Fun. Tuesday 22 at Blue River ch. Rev. T. F. Lancaster, Off. Music by quartet from Col. City, M. E. ch. under direction of C. E. Lancaster. Lavina, dau of Abraham Pence m. Samuel Richey 18 April 1867 by Philip Zeigler M.G. W. Co. Rec., Clare Pence, dau Abraham m. C. W. Hively 8 Nov 1868
Sheet 62 (front) # 61 Children: John Pence m. Sylvania Carter dau Asa Carter Emma Jane Mrs. David Cleland, Lives Angola son Charles Clara, m. Charles W. Hively on Nov 6, 1868; 4 ch, one Webster b. Dec 13, 1846 Lavinia Pence m. Apr 18, 1869 Lemuel Richey b. Jan 11, 1843 in Northumberland Co. Pa., son of Miles and Miranda Woodrow Rickey Wm. he Henry Pence see Lot # John & Sylvania Carter Pence had ch. 1. Verne m. Richmond 2. Elmer 3. Russell 4. Sheet 62 (Back): Geo. C. Pence had Ch: (11) 7 b 3 g liv Henry Abraham John Absalom Willis Joseph JH. James H. Rousseau's wife, moved west both dec. Elisabeth m. John Van Houten. bur. Concord. Catherine 1st w. Michael K. Zorger.
Sheet 63 (front) Lot #62 Jacob Coverstone n. to s. Jacob Coverstone Died Feb. 13, 1883 Aged 67 y'rs 5 mo 28 Days The pains of death are past Labor and sorrow cease And lifes long warfare closed at last. His soul is found in Peace. Jane Wife of Jacob Coverstone Born June 23, 1829 Died Mar. 18, 1915 the grave to left of father's grave Amy R Dau of J. & J. Coverstone Died Nov. 20, 1880 Aged 7 Y 8 m. 9 D to right: Lester A. Coverstone - 1884 - 1943 Isaac D. - . 1860 - 1946 Sheet 63 (back): Post. Issue March 17, 1915 Mrs. James Coverstone died at Churubusco,Thurs a.m. of a stroke. She was b. Champaign County, Ohio June 23, 1829, daughter of George Halderman and died Aged 85 - 8 - 25 m. 28 March 1850 to Jacob Coverstone and had 10 children, 8 survive: (Mrs. Hugh) Mary McLain, Collins, Ind. George Coverstone, Nevada, Fallon Mrs. Hamalia Boggs, Colorado w. John Elizabeth Claxton, Churubusco Samuel Coverstone, Ari, Ind. John Coverstone, Thorncreek tp. William of Col. City Isaac of Churubusco In 1880 lived Smith Tp. Had at home Isaac 20 Amy 17 Samuel 15 Mahalah 12 John 9 Wife of John W. Claxton, Auctioneer. The fun. of Jane Coverstone held Sat. at Blue River Ch. Rev. Walter Surhart off. left 27 gch 27 g gch 2 g g gch. Jacob Coverstone b. O. Jan 15, 1847 d. Feb 21, 1930; m. July 4, 1875 Arnelia Anna Young who surv. with 2 ch: Mrs. Maude Rauseberg of Angola & Clyde R. Coverstone of Bremen, Ind. the son of Jacob must be by a 1st m. as the list above at ½ br & sis Bur. Eel Riv. Rev. J. C. Barley Off.
Sheet 64 (front) In Dec. 1929, John J. Boggs of Noble Co. cel. gol. w. & bus. bd. of Dec 25. b 1857. She b. Feb. 24 1863; sons Hollis, near Ormas, & Roy of East Moline, Ill.; dau; Erma McNear of Liberty Mills, Mrs. McNeal of Churu. & Mrs. Rheua Thompsons of Wolf Lake John Coverstone of Thorn tp. m. dau (b Noble Co) of Jacob & Phoebe (Harmon) Keister. parents of Archie. John W. Claxton, s. Isaac & Sarah Crow Claxton m. Sept. 4, 1884, Eliza Coverstone, She b. Smith tp. July 26, 1858; 2 ch: Sarah J. John B.
Sheet 65 (front) Hiram Hedges N. to s. 1. William H. 1899 - 19 - - 2. Inf. Dau of R. E. & H. Hedges May 23, 1883 3. Ella, His Wife 1863 - 1936 4 Ella, His Wife 1863 - 1936 5 Hiram Hedges 1858 - 1924 Ella Hazen hedge b. d. Oct 31, 1936 Dau. of Henry and Elizabeth Jones Hazen. Her brothers: Amon, Amos, Ella, Josiah (Lot ) and Erda. Her Jones gp. John & Martha bur. Concord. Her ch: Rev. Floyd Hedges m. Ella d. Richard Claxton and Elizabeth Harter Claxton Rev. Herman Hedges William Fun. by Rev. Kahl Dustin Ethel m. Walter Harrold, s of Gideon and Naomi Fulk Harrold Herman Hedges m. 1st Daisy K. Jackson 2nd Sadie McIntrye Louise d. of Floyd m. Snavely see Lot 21
Sheet 66 (front) # 64 Wm. Hazen Will Hazen, well driller fell from a windmill platform on George Mc Connell farm near Loon Lake, June 29 1934. 1st m. _____ McGuire 2nd Clara Egolf Moore, widow of Frank, see (Lot #18) who survives with son Paul. Of former m. Alla Hazen of Ft. Wayne & Carl Hazen of Arizona Fun. blue River, Rev. Noah McCoy, off. Sheet 66 (back) # 64 Hazen n. to s. William A. Hazen 1867 - 1934 Roma Marie Hazen Dau of Wm. & 1st Wife Cora July 11, 1895 Sept. 3, 1895
Sheet 67 (front) #65 Charles Raypole Humbarger Nellie M. Ford T. 1898 - 19 - - 1894 - 1966
Sheet 68 (front) W. W. Raypole Rosa Jane Raypole May 17, 1880 - 1945 William W. 1875 - 1960
Sheet 69 (front) # 67 W. A. Smith n. to s. Viola G. 1874 - 1940 W. Alonzo 1871 - 1957 Viola Gertrude Jones b. July 27, 1874 Smith tp. d. Feb. 21. 1940 at her home in Smith tp. Her par.: Samuel & Matilda Paugh Jones, na. of Ohio m. Feb 18, 1897 to William Alonzo Smith 2 sons. J. Roy Smith, History Central H. S. S. Bend and Arthur DeWitt Smith of Thorncreek tp. A bro Wm. Jones of Smith Tp. surv. James Jones Lot# a bro. Rev. Humerickhouse. DeMoney fun. Home Pall b., Lewis Rouch, Perry VanMeter, Wm Black, Willis, Rhoads, Charles & Dale Cummins.
Sheet 70 (front) # 68 Ward Yant
Sheet 71 (front) # 69 Cha. Brumbaugh s. to n. Brumbaugh Charles E. 1870 - 1956 Effie I. 1876 - 1931 Glenwood B. 1895 - 1919 Bat. E. 147th F.A. A.E.F. Glenwood B., son of Charles & Effie Bloom Brumbaugh was a bugler died in France in 1917. Post. Issued Nov. 5, 1920 Glenwood died in French hospital body to arrive at Albion on Sunday From New York City. Short service at Blue River.
Sheet 72 (front) # 70 George Allen s. to n. George O. Allen Born Feb. 27, 1851 died Nov. 9, 1885 Mother Emma Elmeda Allen 1859 - 1930 Infant 1894 Mrs. Allen a dau of Rev. Nathan and Catherine Hively Gradeless. See #123 She died in Chicago, Oct. 29, 1930, aged 63 Surv by 3 ch.; d. at home of a dau. in Chicago Son Charley G. Allen 1873 - 1934
Sheet 73 (front) John Brumbaugh Florence Brumbaugh Fuller John Henry | Brumbaugh | 1861 - 1947 Mother Florence A Pumphrey Brumbaugh 1857 - 1941 Blanche B. Brumbaugh 1966
Sheet 74 (front) # Lot 72 Samuel Leach Founder of family in Indiana left his farm to 2 sons — Samuel & James S. He was a Samuel. Samuel Leach Died Nov. 16, 1881 Aged 56 Y's 2 M 5 D Diana Wife of S. Leach Died May 2, 1902 Aged 74 Y 16 M 1 D mother Sarah F. Linville nee Leach April 18, 1849 May 16, 1912 From C.C. paper issue May 18, 1912 Mrs. Cornelius Linvill died at her home in Smith tp, Thurs. eve, aged 60 y - 28 d. of Catarrah of the bowels. She a dau. of Samuel and Diana Leach, b. in Whit. Co., on April 18, 1849. 1st m. to Charles Winbrenner, on child Mrs. William Black 2nd m. in 1875 to Cornelius Linville & Had 7 ch, 5 surv. Mrs. Ora Beck (Frank) Mrs. Daisy Hull of Andrews George Linville, Ft. Wayne [continued on the back side] Sheet 74 (Back): Cleveland Linville, Smith Tp. Arthur Linville, Col. City A sister Mrs. Charles Gaff of Ft. Wayne, Surv. Member Ch. of God Fun. Sunday at 10,00 at Salem EM. E. Ch. at Blue River. Rev. L. A. Luckenbill, off. issue. Col. City Paper May 7, 1902 (Wed.) d. Fri morning at res. of her dau. Mrs. C. Linvill, n e of Collins, aged 74 - 11 - 28 Mrs. Samuel Leach. Left two dau. Mrs. Cornelius Linville Mrs. Charles Gaff, Ft. Wayne Fun. Blue River Whit. Co. Rec. Samuel Leach m. Diana Martin, 2 July 1849 by Samuel Smith. Ora Linville m. Frank, s. of Samuel have 2 ch: Harmon m. & res. Garrett & Edna Louise. Live Smith tp. Mrs. W. A. Black (Daisy) Smith tp, Orig John Pence home. Mr. Black from Fairfield Co. O. Estate papers Samuel Leech Adm. Alpheus B. Gaff App:: Levi Stall and Wm. Washington Yates Total app: 1441.35 Taken by widow - 389.20 Public Sale held near Compton's (? Coverstone) School House in Smith township on Jan 5, 1882, Thursday.
Sheet 75 (front) 72 Estate Samuel Leech Notice of the sale posted at three places on Alma P.O. Grist Mill in Churubusco Geiger's hardware in Churubusco Notice to heirs to appear for final Settlement on 23 April 1883. Widow's names: Diana Leech Delpha Leech, dau, minor heir Sarah F. Linville, dau, minor heir Cost of Gravestone - $50 Sale cried by John Claxton Sale Clerk: William Bloom ===== ===== ===== ===== Notes from Mrs. W. A. Black (nee Edna Winebrenner) gr. dau. of Samuel and Diana (Martin) Leech. Samuel Leech died on his farm near Round lake where Edna W. was born. Sarah Martin (her gr - gr mother, wife of Benjamin Martin) died of Flux. Three of the family died in three weeks of flux. Sarah Martin, nee Rousseau and notes of her ancestry: David H. Rousseau born in France of a noted family; came with his parents to America where they located in North Carolina and where David grew to manhood. David H. Rousseau married - - - - - - - - - - of Scottish birth and reared 10 children (7 sons, 3 girls). Sheet 75 (Back): 1 Hilliard Rousseau 2 John Rousseau 3 Reuben (had Robert and 7 daughters) 4. William Rousseau 5. James reared 2 sons {David and Greely} David soldier Civil war teacher of Latin - lawyer - died in Little Rock, Kas. Greely raise 2 boys (Frank) yet living (19440 6. Robert (had no family) was twice married. 7. Sarah m. Benjamin F. Martin in N. Car.; remained in WilkesandBerry?? County until 7 ch. were born * 8. Amelia Rousseau m. - - - - - Howel, a lawyer had 2 days and 3 girls 9. Elizabeth m. Bert Martin (said not related to hus.. of Sarah); four ch.., one son Ensor Lafayette served 3 yrs. in Civil War later lived at Havannah, mason Co., Ill. All these reared large families. * Sarah Martin cont. 1. Nancy Martin b. N.C. 2. Dianah m. Samuel Leech b. N.C. 3. Franklin b. N.C. 4. David b. N.C. 5. James L. b. N.C. 6 Samuel Smith Martin b. N.C. 7. Hiram b. Wayne co. Ind. where parents had moved. Then parents to Whitley County, Ind where were born 8. William R. Martin 9. Lucinda Martin
Sheet 76 (front) 72 In 1837 Benjamin F. Martin was employed by the government (with others) to move the Indians west of the Mississippi River. Of the Children of Benjamin martin: Robert, d. in boyhood Nancy d. in girlhood Franklin died boyhood Dianah m. Leech & Raise 2 girls David m. at Breaking out of the Civil War, died in the service, had no children. James L. Martin, aged 19 in 1849 when he Went to Iowa and helped sectionized the north part o that country in 1850; married in 1852 and raised 4 girls (two born before the Civil War); in 1861 began service in civil War & continued 3 years and 6 months, came home and moved to Humansville, Mo. where raised a son and a daughter. Samuel Smith Martin moved to Kansas after the war & raised a family of 10 ch.. Hiram H. Martin married in Indiana moved to MO. in 1872. Had no children. William R. Martin went to Kansas in early days; served in Civil War; married & Raised 2 boys & one Girl; lives Springdale, Ark. Lucinda Martin married Re. ____ Dunn & reared one girl who lives in Indiana. David Rousseau died Aug. 27, 1855 age 75 - 11 - 13 Page 76 (Back): The Martin - Rousseau notes were furnished several years ago to Mrs. Black by James L. Martin aged 77 years and Hiram H. Martin aged 74 of Humansville, Mo., both of whom were visiting her in Indiana Mrs. Black's Father, Charles Winebrenner was born in Vernon, Wabash Co., Indiana, son of Isaac (b. 3 - 26 - 1823 in Mont. Co., O; died 1 - 30 - 1900 aged 76 - 10 - 4; Civil War, Co. A. 89 Reg. Ind. Inf. Vol., enrolled Aug. 1862, dis. 7 - 9 - 1865 at Mobile, Ala.) who married Sarah Clear a native of Stark Co., O. where born 1 - 1 - 1825 and she lived to be 82 y. 20 d. of age. Had several children, all now dec. but one living in Ft. Wayne. Her father Charles, died 5 - 30 - 1934 aged 79 yrs. Three Winebrenner brothers came to America — one was Isaac's father. Leech Family notes to Mrs. Edna Black by Wm. a. Leech. John Leech from Ireland to America & settled in Richland Co. O. Served War 1812. Died in Ohio. Had 11 children: Benjamin James Samuel Joseph John Esther Jane Marguret Mary Nancy Emely Elizabeth
Sheet 77 (front) John and Mariah (Craig) Strean: John Strean, a native of Ireland, came with his parents to America - to Knox Co., Ohio & in 1830 to Allen Co., Ind. later settling in Whitley Co., Ind. In the 50's to Harding Co., Iowa Where both died. Had 10 children: Mary Strean Mariah Hester Ann McKee Elizabeth John Sarah Joseph Lorain Jane Robert and Elizabeth (McKee) Strean, the former born in Ireland but later went to Knox Co., Ohio James Leech married Elizabeth Strean in Whitley County, Aug, 2, 1849. 7 ch: William A. Leech b. Richland Co., O. 3 - 31 - 1858 John W. (he & wife bur. 1 grave. he aged 48) Fanny m. William Jacuay, Allen Co., Ind. Austin d. y [died young] Maris m. James Pence Ira Elmer d. y Esther d. y Jane d. y. [William A. Leech] was brought to Ind. at age 1½ yrs; m. Lela Lavina Pence b. 9 - 15 - 1858, dau. Absalom & Clara Van Houten Pence.
Sheet 78 (front) Lot 73 Miller listed s. to n. H. W. Miller (a) 1849 - 1924 (b) Della C. Miller 1888 - 1913 c Ruth E / Dau. of / H W & E / Miller / Born / Sept 24, 1891 / Died / Oct. 14, 1892 / Sleep on sweet babe and Take thy rest. God called thee home He thought it best (d) Peter Miller born Nov. 11, 1811 Died Jan. 25, 1887 Aged 75 y's 2 m's 14 D's Rest father rest in quiet sleep While friends in sorrow oer thee weep. Sarah / wife of / Peter Miller / Died / April 1, 1880 / Aged / 69 y. 6 m's 28 D's Rest mother rest in quiet sleep While friends in sorrow oer thee weep. (e) Infant / Dau. of / H. W. & L. Miller / born and Died / dec. 10, 1879 Sheet 78 (back): #73 Miller 73 Peter Miller first in Ind. was a na. of Pa., s. of Adam & Mary natives of Germany who came to Am. in 1802. sett. York Co. Pa there d. His wife Sarah dau. John and Elizabeth Snyder was a native of Pa.; m. April, 1837. Parents of 5 ch.: Cornelius d. aged 66 y. in Ohio John A. d. aged 21 y. in Ohio Mary E. m. Wm. Miller, Richland tp. Henry W. b. June 24 1849, d. 1927 Samuel S. d. Dec 12. b. Apr 30 1844 (aged 62 d. Dec 12, 1906) 4 ch. Sold. 94 Reg. O.V.I.. m. Dec. 27, 1868 Anna 3 dau. Gideon & Elizabeth (Hornaday) Klinck Of these Henry b. Clark Co., O. June 24, 1849; m. Sept. 5, 1875 to Mary J. Spears, dau. Robert & Sarah (Akin) Spears who d. Nov. 19, 1876. On Nov 28, 1878 m. Eliz. Zellers, d. of John & Catherine Zellers, natives of Pa. Ch. of H. W. Miller: Charles H. m. Ruth Hart Mary J. twin m. Frank Lusk, Quincy, Mich. Alma R. m. Ralph Kohli, Col. Grove, O. Orb L. m. Nellie Aker. Edward W. M. Dorothy Della Catherine single Dora m. Rolls Mosher, Ft. Wayne Ruth d. 4 Josephine m. Robert Myers H. W. Miller elec. co. comm. in 1892. Served 3 yrs. Rev Courtland Miller off. Fun. at home. Cha., son of Henry & Mary Spear Miller m. Ruth Hart. have son Lewis m. & living in Toledo, O. whose 1st child, a son b. May 15, 1940 Sons John & James live Waukegan, Wis. Oliva M. wife of Clyde Phemister lives Zion, Ill
Sheet 79 (front) 73 1833 from Pa. to O. Until 1859 Peter Miller worked at his trade - cooper then bought a farm near Springfield, O. 1864 to Whit Co. bought of Johnson Riley, 217a Luth. ch. Samuel S. Miller 4 ch. Murray Ocie Ethel Mart Elizabeth, wife of Henry Miller, dau of John eld son of Peter & Mary Zellers. John b. Heidelberg Tp., Lebanon Co., Pa.; d. May 5, 1902 in Thorncreek tp. aged 81 - 6 - 9. On Oct 20, 1847 m. Catherine Spotz of Berks Co., Pa. & had 10 ch. 3 s 7 d. Of these 2 s 1 d. d before he came to Ind. in Inng wagon with wife in 1853 first a Presty. but member of C.C.U.B.Ch. time of dec. Ch: Lucinda Hively Sarah Wiley, Ft. Wayne Mary John Shriner Rebecca - - - Tatner Elizabeth - Henry Miller Susan Lewis Rouch Ed W. lives Welch, Iowa m. _____ Knight dau. Henry Rev. Love off. at home. Music by Mrs. & Mrs. Frank Magley. J. Sherwood Davis Williamson Miss Magley, Miss Egolf Zellers Occ. from Post. Issued May 7, 1902
Sheet 79 (front): Lot 74 P. D. McLain s. to n. (a) Philip D. McLain Born Jan. 1859. Died Jan. 1940 Aged 81 yrs. 0 mo. 10 days (b) Russel B. / Son of / P. D. & M. E. McLain / Born Feb 16, 1886 / Died Aug. 29, 1996 (d) J. A. McLain Sept. 27, 1884 June 15, 1910 Philip Demis McLain b d. Jan 20, 1940; b. Jan 10, 1859 in O. to Joseph & nancy Winget McLain m. Martha waugh in 1884. Surv. ch. Benjamin Mary m. Eastin Budd [Maybe it is Earlin - - DEG] 2 sis: Mrs. Virgil Compton & Mrs. John McDonald of Kendallville. Rev. Humerickhouse. Martha E. 1856 - 1955
Sheet 80 (front): Peter Windle n. to s. Luella May Dau. of Mrs. & Mrs. Peter Windle Born June 19, 1874 Died Mar 5, 1875 Aged 9 m. 11 D. Valentine (1) Wendall Windle had Peter Windle (2) b. in German m. {d. on their farm Paint tp.} Rachel Wolf. Had four sons & 8 dau. Peter(3), Abraham(3), Joseph(3), Sarah(3). Elizabeth(3) 2nd wife of Charles Holland. She died Dec. 1879 Catherine(2) Windle m. Capt. John Parrett. Had George(3) m. Mar 4, 1828 to Ann Fletcher, dau of Thomas & Ann Higby Fletcher. Lived Jefferson Tp. Fayette Co., O 7 ch: Elmira, Thomas T., Mary C., Elizabeth E., Belinda A., Susan L. d. aged 15 mo., Lucy O. Barbara(2) Windle m. Jacob House. Elizabeth who m. Charles Holland had 3 dau.: Rachel m. John Browns, Bloomingburg Susan m. Wm. Baldwin Catherine W. m. Henry Casey. Joseph(3) went to Mo., thence to New Orleans thence to Wash. Territory where d. wife also. Sheet 80 (back): # 75 Windle John Windle died Feb. 12, 1932, son of Peter & Elizabeth; m. May 22, 1873 to Harriet Lavina Gradeless Elmira Windle dau. Peter & Eliz. Lives Terre Haute, Ind. Four of the Windle ch. reached maturity.
Sheet 81 (front): Lot 76 James Leech n. to s. a Ira L. Leech / 1865 - 1924 (a) James Leech Died Feb. 23, 1879 (Check Feb. 28 or 23) Aged 54 y. 10 m. 8 d Farewell my wife an children all From you a father Christ doth call Mourn not for me, it is in vain To call me to your sight again. b James Austin Son of Jas. & Elizabeth Leech Died Aug. 25, 1862 Aged 6 yrs. 6 m. 8 d c Easter J. Dau. of J. & E. Leech Died May 10, 1852 Aged 10 days
Sheet 81 (back): # 76 James Leech James Leech b. Wayne Co., O. son of John and Fanny Leech. John a native of Ireland. In 1846 James came to Smith tp. to land entered by his father m. Aug. 2, 1849 by Rev. Samuel Smith, Elizabeth, dau of John and Maria Strean. John Strean was one of earliest teachers in Smith Tp. He also was a native of Ireland. James Leech had 7 ch., 5 liv. in 1880. son W. A. Leech m. dau. Absalom Pence John Leech had Frank m. Pearl Grable Grace Leona single Ira Leech, s. of James & Elizabeth Strean Leech who also had Fannie J. a. 24 in 1880 Maria a. 19 in 1880 James & Eliz. Leech had 7 ch. John W, he & w. bur. 1 grave #77 Fanny Leech m. William Jacquay, Allen Co Austin d. y. William A. Mariah m. James Pence Ira Elmer of Marion, Ind. Esther dec. Jane dec. The par. of Eliz. Strean were John & Mariah (Craig) Strean. He a nat. of Ireland who c. with par. to Know Co., O. and in 1850 loc. Allen Co. Ind. 1850 to Hardin Co., Iowa where both died. Had 10 ch. John Stream to Mariah Craig 2 Dec 1816 by James Smith, E.G.C. #53 Book A. Knox Co., O. Record
Sheet 82 (front): #76: John Leech (1) found Am. branch came to Am. from Ireland, sett. Richland Co., O. War 1812 d. O. had 11 ch;. all reached ma. Benjamin (2) James (2) (m. Elizabeth Strean) W.C. Record Samuel (2) (m Diana Martin) W.C. Record Joseph (2) John (2) Esther (2) Jane (2) Margaret (2) Mary (2) Nancy (2) Emily (2) Elizabeth (2) The Ch. of John (2) & Mariah (Craig) Strean. Mary (3) Mariah (3) Hester Ann (3) McKee b. Pence Cem. (3) Elizabeth (3) John (3) Sarah (3) Joseph (3) Lorain (3) Jane (3) John Strean, son of Robert's Elizabeth McKee Strean, he of Ireland thence to Knox. Co. O. To Allen Co., in 1830,, thence to Whitley Co. In 1853 to Hardin Co., Iowa where d. & buried. Sheet 82 (back): W. A. Leech b. Mar 31, 1858; m. Nov 1882 to :Leila Lavina Pence b. Sept. 15, 1858 in Smith Tp.
Sheet 83 (front): #77 John Leech John Leech John W. Leech 1850 - 1891 Maxim P. his wife. 1856 - 1891 John W. Leech, killed at r.r. crossing at Sam Riley farm. Maxia P. his wife, died within 23 hours. In 1880 they had Eva May, aged 4 James F. aged 2 other children Leona Grace On this lot also b Stella Leona Leech d. June 27, 1932; foster parents Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Hamilton; born near Churubusco Dec 28, 1880. Charter Mem. of Le Balme Chapter, D.A.R. surv.. sis. Mrs. Edna Brebner, Waterloo, Iowa Mrs. Grace Diehlman, Archbold, Ohio bro. B. A. Field cond. fun. service. Burial Nolt Cem. Brebner Eva M. Gavin 1875 - 19 - - 1866 - 1941
Sheet 83 (back): #77 Leech n. to s. John W. Leech Leech Ancestry
Sheet 84 (front): #78 James Windle n. to s. Warren S. Son of. J. C. & N. E. Windle Died Jan. 20, 1892 Aged 18 y. 6 m. 20 D His torts are past, his work is done He fought the fight, the victory won. John Windle m. Harriet Gradeless, Mary 22, 1873 in log h. still standing s. of Tri Lakes by Rev. Miller, house home of the bride then.
Sheet 85 (front): #79 Frank P. Barnes n. to s. Sarah J. Wife of F. P. Burns Born Sept 27, 1849 Died July 30, 1906 Frank P. Barnes Born May 30, 1852 Died Mar. 22, 1899
Sheet 85 (front): Lot # 80 Wilford Yant Wilford M. Yant b. Nov 14, 1876 Ohio d. Apr. 8, 1938 Churu. m. Mabel McConnell in 1905 He a s. of William A. & Luisa Yant. He had bro. Irvin, Ward & Arthur Yant. The Yants came to Ind. from Alger, Ohio
Sheet 86 (front): Lot # 81 William Bloom William Bloom has s. Walter d. Apr 30 1931 in Churubusco. Born in O. 1/2 bro. of Earl, B. J. Lena Fleck, Edna Carter full sister Mrs. Lea Galloway of Ft. Wayne & Mrs. Frank Heckman, dec. Union tp. Ch: Firman of Churubusco Clinton & Clayton Bloom, Albion alma, Gladys & Viva, married William Bloom m. 1st ____ Deday Had Ch: Walter Bloom (1864 - 1931) Loa m. _____ Galloway, Ft. Wayne Cynthia 1863 - Fank Heckman 2nd M. Wife, Elizabeth; Edna L. 7 Effie L 3 [Could be Effie I.—DEG] Lena E. 2 Benton 7/12 Earl Last heard of in west. Sheet 86 (Back): # 86 Bloom William Bloom (a) |_____| b Feb. 13, 1835 a Feb. 7, 1910 Aged 74 y. 11 m. 24 d. Sheltered and safe from sorrow b. Elizabeth Wife of William Bloom Died Jan. 20, 1898 Aged 54 y. 3 m. 28 d. Faithful to her trust Even unto death 3. Homer E. Son of W. & E. Bloom Died Aug. 12, 1874 Aged 3 Ms. 19 D's 4 Arthur B. Son of W. & E. Bloom Died Nov. 23, 1884 Aged 1 y. 7 m. 5 d
Sheet 87 (front): Bloom #81 5 Mary E. Dau. of W. & E. Bloom Died Oct. 4, 1884 Aged 3 y. 6 m. 12 d. 6 Zura A. Dau. of W. & E. Bloom Died May 1, 1888 Aged 1 y. 11 m. 15 d
Sheet 88 (front): #82 Frank Hickman Frank Hickman d. M ____ 1938 at his home in Collins where he moved, 1938 form his Union tp. farm where lived 38 y. He b. Dec 5, 1857 in Elkhart Co., to Daniel & Arminda Brownell Hickman He m. Cynthia Bloom in 1881. She d. 1890. Has surv. E. Ford Hickman of Union tp. & William A. Hickman of Richland tp.. 2 sons died. In 1891 m Malinda McLain, she d. 1928, Ralph Hickman sur. of this m. Ind 1933 m. Loa Galloway. A bro. Charles lives at Arcola. He m. of U.B.Ch. Cynthia Bloom, dau. of William and _____ (Diday) Bloom. See Lot 81
Sheet 89 (front): #83 David Waugh s. to n. 1 David M. 1840 - 1918 2. Mary A. 1844 - 1922 3. Harry Garfield Son of D. M. & M. A. Waugh Born July 30, 1881 Died Sept. 2, 1890 aged 9 y. 1 m. 13 d. 4. Alice M. Dau. of D. M. & M. A. Waugh died Mar. 11, 1872 Aged 4 y 4 Mo. 21 D's Sweet Alice unto earth A little while was given she plumed her wings for flight And soared away to heaven. 5. Laura E. Dau. of D. M. & M. A. Waugh Died April 20, 1872 Aged 3 Ys. 1 m. 12 D's. Heaven returneth now our treasure. Earth the lovely casket keeps And the sunbeams long to linger Where our little Laura Sleeps. Sheet 89 (Back): #89 David Minor Waugh, s. of Joseph & Nancy Harper Waugh (Lot #117) b. Ross Co. O. Dec. 15, 1840, one of 11 children In. 1850 to Ind. with parents. Civil War: Enl. Co. E. 17 I.V.I. Mustered out at Macon, Ga. Aug. 1865. In battles of Kenesaw Mt., Macon & Selma. M. Sept. 16, 1866, Mary Kinsey, dau . of Levi and Caroline Kinsey, natives of Ohio. 6 ch: Ida M. Willis Rhoads #83 Lillie C. Ezra Sliger #48 Susie M. Ira Pontius #51 Harvey m. Gertrude Riley #142 Edna m. Arthur Fogle Harrie G. Funeral of Mary Waugh was at Blue River Ch., Rev. M. O. Lester. Pall - bearers: Mark & Paul Rhoads; Ford Goble, Raber & Carl Sliger; Lyman Waugh.
Sheet 90 (front): #83 Rhoads - Waugh Io hart #83 = Willis Rhoads Willis Rhoads son of John (2), Jacob (1) & Permelia (Parkinson) Rhoads. He b. May 15, 1865 His father, John (2) was 10 when he came to America in 1844 and settled in Licking Co. O. Jacob d. 1869 in Ind. His w. in O. John Rhoads d. Dec. 30, 1899. his wife Aug. 12, 1905 She a n. of Licking Co. O. b 1826 d 1905. Had ch: James d. a. 14 Willis m. Dec. 30, 1889, Ida Waugh b. 1871* Ella m. Charles Pence Lot #139 Ida Ivy Van Houton * dau. of David Minor & Mary Kinsey Waugh see #83. Child 5: Mark W. m. Mary Snodgrass Margery m. Ralph Lynch Mary Ann Paul m. Mary Bechtold Lois m. Ford Goble Sheet 90 (back): Rhoads Waugh Rhoads Ida M> Willis 1871 - 1963 1865 - 1954 Mary Ann Rhoads 1894 - 1961
Sheet 91 (front): # 84 William Smith 1st m. to Catherine Tichthorn 9 Sept. 1853 by F. A. Crabb, J. P. She visiting in Whit. Co. at home of a bro. now Walker farm near Stough Cem. Went to her home in Green Co. O. to pack household goods Died & buried before Wm. arrive on horse back. 2nd m. W. Co. Rec. 26 Nov. 1854 to Cynthia Carter, dau. Asahel & Catherine Horn Carter, Sister of M. G. & A. P. see Lots # 104 & 105, resp. Jan. 28, 19033 Post Obit. Wm. Smith was b. in Muskingum Co. O., Aug. 15, 1830, d. at his home, 3 miles s. of Dunfee, Jan. 17, 1903, aged 72 y. 5 m. and 1 d. He was the s. of Samuel and Mary Elizabeth Smith. His fa. was the f. men of this & ad. counties. Wm. was m. to Catherine Phiesthorn, Sept. 8, 1853. After being m. a few weeks Mrs. S. started to her old home in O. to get some goods and while there she took sick and died. Mr. S. remained single for some time. On Nov. 26, 1854, he u. in m. with Cynthia Carter of Columbia City. To them were b. 7 ch, 5 of whom 2 are dead. On. Jan. 7, 1877, Mrs. S. d. leaving Mr. S. to take care of the children. Mrs. S. again u. in m. with Miss Bell McCumpsey July 2,nd 1878. To this union were b. 4 ch., one s and 3 d. Mr. S. lived the latter part of his l. in Aboite tp., Allen Co., Ind. On the ev. before his d., he took part in the family worship as usual. The father leaves a widow and nine ch. to m. their loss. Beloved father, thou from earth hast passed. They pilgrimage below is run Still with submissive hearts we breath. And Cry "Oh God, they will be done." Sheet # 91 (back): # 84 Smith For thou hast been so kind and true Our guardian in our tender years. and when we think of thy love Our eyes are filled with briny tears. Farewell some day, dear father, dear we'll meet no more to say farewell With hearts so dad, so full of grief. We cry "Farewell, father, farewell" New stone erected 1941 by son Alonzo replacing one erected for Cynthia Smith William Cynthia 1829 - 1903 1832 - 1877 the first wife (Feisthorn) of William Smith was a sister of Mrs. John McLain, mother of Howard McLain. Lived near Jamestown, O. John McLain & Mrs. Smith (the bride) left Whitley Co. in the McLain wagon - harness Pa. kind with broad bands and huge rings, to get her goods from home. She died of t.b. before her husband could get to Ohio by saddle horse. Notes from Howard McLain. the grandmother McLain of Howard was stuck by a train at a r.r. crossing and killed in Ohio, near Jamestown, Green co.
Sheet 92 (front): # 85 Samuel Riley s. - n. 1 Samuel S. 1857 - 1920 2 Eliza A. 1850 - 19 - - 3. Carl S. 1883 - 1883 Ernest J. 1892 - 1966
Sheet 93 (front): # 81 William Gradeless s. - n. Sarah E. (Check 1884 date) Wife of Wm. H. Gradeless Died June 12, 1884 aged 28 Y's 8 m 28 D. Infant 1895 aged 8 d William H. 1855 - 1944
Sheet 94 (front) #87 Samuel Rouch s. to n. Samuel, 1847 1916 1847 - 1916 Jennie, his Wife 1863 - 1928 Infant 1895 aged 8 D.
Sheet 95 (front): # 88 Henry Parkinson s. to n. Henry S. 1857 - 1928 71 y 1 m 2 d Emma Wife of H. Parkinson Died Nov. 27, 1895 Aged 39 y's. 9 D's. Hazen Gen: Ref. Emma Hazen b. Nov 18, 1856 d. Nov 28, 1895 Henry born Jan. 4, 1857 d. 1928 Ch: Myrtle b. 1888 m. Arthur Barker Talbert m. Goldie Schrader Sheet 95 (back): # 88 Parkinson Henry Simon Parkinson b. Fairfield Co. O. Jan. 4, 1857; d. Feb 8, 1928; d. due paralysis. grew up in O., at 22 to Whit. Co.. Dec. 14, 1887 m. Emma Hazen. She d. Nov. 27, 1895 had 2 dau Myrtle Parkinson Baker d. Jan. 1, 1911 Talbert E. Parkinson of C. City 2 g ch. fun. at sons h. C.C. Rev. L. A. Luckenbill. Pall b. Logan Staples, Hugh Spear, Elmer Armel Will Gregg, Day Scott, John Markwalder
Sheet 96 (front): Waugh 89
Sheet 97 (front): # 90 Milo Harshbarger
Sheet 98 (front): Lot # 91 John Pence Whit Co. Record—John Pence to Mary J. Hazen 12 March 1865 by James Black M.G. n. to s. 1 | PENCE | 3 2 1 John Pence Died Dec. 18, 1894 Aged 71 ys. 7 m. 20 d. We know no sorrow, knew no grief Till thy bright face was missed. 3 face Mary J. wife of John Pence Feb. 5, 1830 Oct. 5, 1913 From Col. City Paper issued 10 Oct. 1913 (Fri) Mary Jane Pence, Widow of John died at the home of her dau. Mrs. John Lewis in Smith tp. She b. Mt. Gilead, O. Feb. 5, 1849, d. of Isaac & Rachel (LeFever) Hazen. Came in cov.. wagon to Ind. sett. Smith Tp. where her father cleared enough land to build a home. m. John Pence, son of George C. & Sarah (Windle) Pence, pioneers, Smith tp. Had 5 ch. 4 survive. Mrs. Alice Lewis Mrs. Nellie Hedge Virgil Pence Mrs. Laura Deems Sheet 98 (back): # 91 Pence #91 Survived by 3 step ch. Joseph Pence of Col. City Mrs. Sarah Swihart, Scotts Bluff, Neb. Mrs. Ella Baker, Ft. Wayne, d bef. 1935 Sur. by bro. & sis. Mrs. Sarah Pence, Bryant, Ind. Mrs. Malinda Markwalder Mrs. Martha Boggs George Hazen Henry Hazen Martin Hazen She was a member of Concord Ch. but later Blue River. Rev. Sheldon, off. at funeral: — John Pence b. Fayette Co., O. April 28, 1823 1st m. to Sarah Strein d Oct, 1864 dau. of John and Maria Strean. She a native of Allen Co. 3 ch. of this marriage. Joseph M. Pence Sarah C. Swigart, Scotts Bluff, Neb. Ellen m. J. J. Baker m. 2nd Mar. 12, 1865 Mary J. Hazen & had Mary Alice m. S. L. Hout, Goshen Nellie J. m. John Hedges Lot # Virgil J. m. _____ Davis, d. Rev. Davis Laura C. m. W. S. Deems Infant d. The John Pence home now Blacks, Smith tp. John Strean b. on Atlantic Ocean, parent enroute to America
Sheet 99 (front): # 91 In 1880 John Pence had ch. at home: Joseph M. aged 25 Nancy A. aged 14 m. John Lewis Nellie J. aged 12 m. John Hedges Virgil J. aged 8 m. Bertha Davis Laura A. aged 8/12 m. W. L. Deems William L. Deems, son of John M., ma. Stark Co. O. & Emma Jane (Mowrey) Deems, gs. of Lewis and Catherine (Berney Deems. From Kaler History pp. 618. William Lewis Deem in 1989 m. Laura Pence b. Sept 16, 1878. 2 ch.: Helen and Bernice Early teacher (he). n. to s. Catharine A. Zorger W.C.M. Rec. Died m. Michael K. Zorger Aug. 1, 1883 11 March 1855 by Aged 62 y. Jacob Hooper In Loving One. Dau. Icey m. Remembrance Anglemeyer By Her Children. Hazen Gen: Mary Jane Hazen Funeral of John Pence off. by Rev. Lancaster assisted by Rev. Hains of Churubusco. John Pence 1st m. 9 Oct 1851, James Blair J.P., to Sarah Strean Page 99 (Back): # 91 Pence John Pence to Whit. Co. fall of 1836. In fall of 1852 went to Jones Co., Iowa. In 1853 to Hardin Co. Ia. 1854 ret. to Whit. Co., buying back his old farm. — Joseph M. Pence b. Feb 25, 1852 d. Mar. 13. 1936 (#59) m. Nancy Ann Hedges d. May 21, 1929. Surv. Ch. Melvin Pence m. Arnie Miller Arthur A. Pence (where died) m. d. of Wm. R. & Elsie Fisher Hively Heber dec. Joseph M. m. Blue R. Ch. where fun. held. Burial there b. Stark Co., O. on Jan. 16, 1861. In 1864 rac. self. Whit. Co. John M. Deem d. 1937, left ch: Mrs. Alice Johnson, Will Deem, Smith tp.; Heber Deem of Noble Co.; Florence Wermer of Ft. Wayne. Rev. Richardson off. Bur. Eel River. — John M. Lewis b. Jan. 18, 1862, Mansfield, O. d. Feb. 23, 1928, Smith tp. m. Dec. 26, 1886 m. Alice Pence mem. Blue River Ch. Bur. Eel River Rev. A. W. Pugh off. Pall b. Alexander Cordill, Harison Messner } all from Geo. E. Rickard, Noah Wolfe, Homer Phillips Wm. Evard ] M. W. Lodge
Sheet 100 (front): Lot # 92 Absalom Pence n. to s. N. W. Pence Died Feb. 7, 1882 Aged 25 y's. 11 D's In that beautiful city Where thou art gone We will strive to meet thee there Where death divided friends at last Shall meet to part no more Effie L. Dau. of A. & C. Pence died Apr. 28, 1890 Aged 27 y's. 5 m's. 7 D Rest in heaven Absalom had 6 ch: Northan W. Lelia m. Leech Melda d. y. Emma J. d. y. Effie L. Jacob E. Page 100 (Back): # 92 Jacob Pence m. Feb 3, 1882 Martha Almeda, d. John & Ingebea (Gandy) Jones, b. July 15, 1860. Her father b. Ohio. Her mother in Va. John b. Nov 1, 1825 d. Sept 15, 1895 Ingeba b. June 27, 1827; d. Mar 3, 1874 They had 6 ch. George W., Smith Tp. Charles, dec. Isaiah, dec. Samantha M. C. N. Smith Martha Almeda, Mary, m. Richard Cramer Jacob E. Pence: 3 ch. Ruth d. aged 23 Toby Absalom Herschel Oscar
Sheet 101 (front): # 93
Sheet 102 (front): # 94 Robert Hemmick Robert C. Hemmick n. - s. Died had sisters Mrs. Oct. 17, 1888 Grieser & Mrs. Irvin Aged Smith 38 y. 10 m. 20 d. Trust the Lord — Heber Hemmick 1881 - 1936 Son of Robert Clinton R. Clinton Hemmick b. Green Co., O. Nov 27, 1849 son of George W. & Mary Jane (Winget) Hemmick both natives Greene Co. 1851 parents came to Col. City where Jane died on June 22, 1863. Had 8 ch.: Rob't ed. taught school; in 1875 to Collins as a merchant m. 1st, Nov. 6, 1871, Catherine Graybill a na. of Montgomery Co. O., dau of Daniel & Ann (Hyre) Graybill. She d. July, 1875. m. 2nd. Alice A. Carter on Apr. 6, 1879. She b. in Smith Tp., Oct. 8, 1857 a dau. of Asa H. & Ellen (Smith) Carter. 1 child: Heber C. — Heber C. Hemmick d. May 19, 1936; b. April 1881. Trained at Marion Bus. Coll. became an Acc., travel and Gen. Motors. Surv. by his mother who lives with sons Harry & Robert 3 bro. Harry O. Hemmick, Akmulgee, Okla Walter Hemmick, Chicago Robert C. Hemmick, Van Buren, Ind. Sheet 102 (back): 94 Hemmick George & Mary Jane Winget Hemmick had [dates obviously wrong here] Eliza J. b. Sept. 17, 1853, d. May 10, 1831; m. Sept. 17, 1853, Alfred Helmick. Had 4 ch., 1 sur. Carl. Bur. Greenhill. Mary Hemmick Grieser. Mrs. Evin Smith 1/2 bro. Ed. Hemmick, Anderson, Ind. Albert Hemmick, Marion { Mrs. A. Hemmick d son {Sept. 29 1940 nee Clara son { y. dau Henry Knight 40 & hus son {sur., a dau also. George W. Hemmick b. Nov. 23, 1859 m. Jan. 21, 1882. Amanda J. Cotterly, dau John & Anna Born Cotterly. & d. 2 ch. dy. 1 dau. Lenora Alice Amelia Wife of Robert Clinton 1857 - 1947 Heber Carter 1881 - 1936 Son of Robert Clinton Walter O. 1884 - 1949 Son of Robert Clinton
Sheet 103 (front): # 95 Amos Horner n. to s. Alfred Son of Amos & Mary A. Horner died Feb. 24, 1865 Aged 23 yrs.. 8 mos. & 29 d's. to this sad shrine who eer thou art draw near Here lies the friend most loved, the son most dear Whome'er knew joy, but friendship might divide He gave his parent's grief but when he did. Amos Horner had son George, who died in S. Whitley at home of Mrs. Homer Fetro. Bur. S. W. His father, Amos Horner b. Oct. 2, 1816 in Union Co., Pa., son of Nicholas & Catherine (Kutz) Horner In 1840 m. Mary A. McKown b. N.J., May 26, 1826, dau. of Henry & Eliz (Gibbs) McKown. Post Feb 10, 1892, Wed. grandma Horner, mother of Amos Horner died at home of her son near Wabash Depot yesterday. Her fun. Sunday at 10 a.m. Died Feb. 9. Buried Blue River Sheet 103 (back): 95 Amos Horner George H. b. Ohio, live 25 y in So. Whitley Three George Horner ch. surv. are Charles Horner, Hammond, Ind. Mrs. Martha Miner, Chicago Mrs. Homer Fetro, S. Whitley — Amos Horner. Ester - Whitley co., Ind. A notice to heirs & credits to appear 4 November 1895 Adm: Christian Waidlick Wife Lucy Ann - only heir - Public Sale held at his late res. August 6, 1892 at which Geo. W. Wallace served as Clark. A bedstead bought by Johnson Riley for 50’ A suit bought by Wm. McKown, who stated that Amos Horner boarded, clothed and educated Christian Waidlich. Papers rel. to est. give: that Amos died leaving neither father, mother or child. Co. His. gives that of his 3 ch. none is living (1880)
Sheet 104 (front): # 96 Esli. Shively n. to s. Ford Son of E. & B. E. Shively 1914 - 1915 Esli Shively 1892 - 19 - - Blanche E. Jones His wife 1874 - 1914 Esli, Son of Noah and Nellie Zumbrum Shively 2nd wife dau of Frank and Elizabeth Krider Egolf. Shively Esli 1892 - 19 - - Blanche E. Helen A. 1894 - 1914 1902 - 19 - -
Sheet 105 (front): E. W. Barney # 97 n. to s. Everet W. Barney (Wellington) Died Oct. 25, 1874 Aged 54 y. 2 m. 14 D. the pains of death are past labor and sorrow cease And life's warfare on earth are oer This soul is found in peace. Mary wife of W. W. Barney Died June 25, 1868 Aged 41 y 5 m. & 24 d Tho Thou art gone And they fair form lies moldring In dust still, Mary fond memory clings to thee. Toland Co., Columbia City Polly Wife of Zenas Barney Died June 9, 1861 Aged 67 yes. 4 mos. Rest mother, rest in quiet sleep while friends in sorrow oer thee weep and hear their heartfelt offerings bring And oer thy grave they requiem sing. P. S. Underhill, Ft. Wayne Sheet 105 (back): # 97 Barney Ila Barney M. Oliver Hugh son of Robert & Sarah Akin Sheer. She d. Jan 1934 Rev. R. C. Plank, M.E. Ch. Off. Burial South Park Dau. Saidie m. Ellsworth Watson Phiester d. Jan 12, 1934 b. Miami Co., O., 1875 to Samuel & Ella Burwell Phiester. Oct. 12, 1902 m. surv. with 5 ch. James Lester _____ m. Jess Braddock _____ m. Clifton McKenzie, Huntington Co. Bertha May d. y. E. A. & Kate Pence Barney m. Nov. 16, 1882 Celebrate 50th ann. at farm , of 310 N. Wayne St., Col. City Mary Jane Lavering d. 1939 she b. N.Y. b. 1849 Everett Adelbert Barney d. Nov. 12, 1940 in house where b. Apr. 27, 1862; m. No. 16, 1882. Rev. R. Hamerickhouse, off. Pall b. Bert, Lee Wm. Waugh, Bert Harshbarger, Edward Miller, Dewitt Riley. Laura Ann Spear m. Louis Austin Fisher b. Thorncreek tp. Feb. 7, 1873; d. Jan. 24, 1930; son of Adam and Mary Stein Fisher; m. Sept. 6, 1899 & 2 sons are": Merle Carl m. Louise d. Ralph & Mable. Taylor Yoke.
Sheet 105 (front): # 98 Garrison North to South Clemantha J. Rachel May nee Egolf d. Oct. 23, 1927 Dau of b Aug 11, 1843 d. E. Y. & R. M. Adam & Lydia Egolf Braddock m. Dec. 20, 1860 Died Sept. 16, 1864 Aged 1 y 1 D Sweet baby lay and sleep until Jesus bids it rise. GARRISON Barbara 1849 - 1928 Peter R. 1848 - 1915 Lillie K. Garrison d. Sept. 4, 1935 in Ft. Wayne' dau of Peter & Barbara Aker Garrison O.E.S., W.C.T.U., P.H.C., R.N. m Willis C. Robinson. Leaves dau. Ardith dec., 1 son, Kenneth D. Robinson & gs. Jack Robinson of S. Bend also 3 s. Mrs. Fred Jackson, Ft. Wayne Mrs. George Braddock Anna, widow of Dr. Allen Vesy, Hudson, Mich. Jesse Garrison Rev. R. J. Burns off. at fun. serv. She was 65. Barbara b. Apr 27, 1848 in Union tp. dau. Simon Akers & Catherine Gunnett Aker, d. Aug. 19, 1928; m. by H. Wells M.G. (W.C.Rec.) 3 Dec 1868 to Peter Garrison, a dou.. wed. for her sister m. Sylvester Ruckman at same time. Last of her fam. of 10 ch. Had 6 ch., 5 sur. Rev. Boase off. at service. B.
Sheet 106 (front): # 99 O. J. Wade Post Issued Aug. 14, 1907 Mrs. Obediah Wade d. Sunday at home Rev. Charles W. Wade in Mishawaka aged 93. Her son was holding a Free Meth.. Guar. Mt. in Whit Co. when he Death occurred. Child.. Surviving: Richard Wade, Ormas Rev. Charles W. Wade Mrs. Samuel Broxton. (Anna) Mrs. Chockley, dec. the aged woman remembered as the kindest of pioneers. # (a) Obediah J. Son of O. J. & & C. Wade Died Nov. 3, 1874 Aged 24 y's. 6 m. 9 d. Death has been here and born away a brother from our side Just in the morning of his day In youth and love he died. (b) Della Daughter of O. J. & C. Wade Died Feb. 25, 1871 Aged 11 yrs. 11 mo. & 9 ds. Sheet 106 (back): # 99 A loved one is gone from our circle On earth we will meet her n more She has gone to her home in heaven and all her affliction are oer. (c) Catherine Holt Died June 6, 1873 Aged 83 years Tis finished, the conflict is past The heaven born spirit is fled Her wish is accomplished at last She now is entombed with the dead. Columbia City (d) O. J. Wade Co. Hi. Rec. Mar 2, 1814 Mar. 25, 1814 Nov 3, 1889 Caroline Wade Oct. 16, 1814 Sept 26, 1814 Aug. 6, 1907
Sheet 107 (front): #99 Obadiah Wade, native of Va., son of Richard and Rhoda (Harter) Wade. Richard served War of 1812. Caroline Holt na. Augusta Co., VA whom he m. on Jan. 28, 1837. 9 ch. born Mary J. - Mrs. Chockley John S. Elizabeth A. Crockston William I. James A. Francis A. Richard W. Augusta V. m. ____ Leigh Charles W. Came to Whitley Co. in 1841. Lived Thorncreek tp. then Smith Serv. Trustee under old constitution M. E. Ch. — Richard W. Wade b. Jan 7, 1852 Smith Tp. d. July 15, 1931 at home of a son Frank near Ormas. 1st m. Kate Hemmick who d. 2m Hallie Adair, 3rd Eva Mullen, moth. of his 2 sons, Frank & James Fun. off. Rev. A. C. Wolford, Rev. C. M. Schumaker & rev. Joseph Butler. Serv. Ormas Bap. ch. Bur. Thorn Cem. 4th m. to Mrs. Mary Goodrich who do. Mar. 13, 1925. Bur. Thorn Cem. O. J. Wade a Civil War Sol.
Sheet 108 (front): Lot # 100 W. A. Chockley n. to s. Mary J. Wife of W. C. Chockley Died Nov. 8, 1889 Aged 50 y's 8 mo. & 6 D's. She was a kind and affectionate wife, a fond mother and friend to all. — Dau of Obadiah and Caroline (Holt) Wade — next to or south of O. J. Wade the grave of Clemantha J. Dau. of E. Y. & R. M. Braddock Died Sept. 16, 1864 Aged 1 y. 1 d. Sweet Babe lay and sleep until Jesus bids it rise.
Sheet 109 (front): Lot # 101 George Baron. n. to s. Infant son of I. V. & G. W. Baron Aug. 11, 1803 (?) gaves no stones George W. & Ida V. (Corbin) Baron who had child - Arthur. Eloise Jean Baron d. Arthur & Fulmer Baron d. Apr. 27, 1930, b. Dec. 12, 1922 Bur. Blue River. bro. Earland sur. Inf. sister Ardeth Faye d. Aged 1 mo. Bur. Blue R. George Baron, s partent (Jacob and Susan) Baron of [confusing orer on this line - DEG] of George and Ida Baron celebrated 50th wedding ann. The m. Dec 1, 1889 at parsonage of U. B. Ch. in col. city by Rev. Adam Egolf. Sheet 109 (back): #101 Baron Infant / Son of / I. J. & G. W. / Baron / Aug. 11 / - - - -
Sheet 110 (front): Lot # 102 Richard Claxton Burials. n. to s. (a) Oren Son of R. B. & Elizabeth Claxton Born aug. 2, 1882 Died June 5, 1903 Aged 20 y 120 m 3 d. Remember friends as you pass by as you are now so once was I. As you are now so you will be. Prepare for death and follow me. (b) Richard Claston Born Jan. 6, 1850 not fin. Elizabeth His wife Born Jan. 6, 1856 ? Jan 8 Died Oct. 17, 1902 Aged 46 y 7 m. 11 D (c) Harvey Prob. Mrs. Clarence Son of Egolf of Smith tp. a Richard & dau. Elizabeth Claxton Born Aug. 3, 1872
Sheet 111 (front): # 103 Lewis Rouch George Louis Rouch 1843 1914 Susan His wife 1858 1935 Nina 1885 1886 Notes Lewis Rouch Philip and Elizabeth Harshbarger Rouch natives of Pa., moved to Wayne Co. O. where died 1846 & 1867 resp. Their son Samuel B. 1813, Jan 31 in Franklin Co., Pa.; m. Louisa Hammer, mar. 28, 1839. She b. in Germany, Sept. 16, 1818. In 1854 to Union tp. Whit. co. Ch: William George Louis m. Susan Zellers Philip m. Desdie Briggs Samuel m. Jennie Smith Lavina m. Christian Snyder, Allen co. David Jacob Cornelius C. . 8 ch. b. Un. tp. Nov. 18, 1856; 1884 m. Sarah Rouch of Wayne Co. O. 1884 Barbara 1841 - 1927 b Wayne Co., O. bur. Greenhill m. Jeremiah Hartsock Harry of Col. City Asa at home Lillie at home Mrs. R. F. Hood Mrs. Anna Baker
Sheet 111 (back): # 103 Rouch Susan Zellers b. Nov. 12, 1858; d. Jan 2, 1925 dau. John & Catherine Shotz Zellers m. Feb. 25, 1885 Louis Rouch d. Apr. 13, 1914 Lived Smith Tp. Rev. L. V. Kreider of ch. of Bre. Wayne Co. O. Philip, William & Henry Rouch natives of Pa. located Plain tp. in 1818, 1815 & 1815 resp. Ch. sur. d. of Mrs. Rouch Bertha m. Castor Herron, Albion John Lewis James Albert — Cornelius C. Rouch 8 ch,: Susie Jackson, Rush Barnes of C.C.; Delphia Douot, Portland, Ore.;
Sheet 112 (front): # 104 Mandeville Quick Carter M. Q. Carter s. to n. a Havanna J. Carter b. Harry W. Carter c. Clara M. Carter d. Emma Carter 1897 - 1940 (cremated) e. 4 3| Carter | 2 1st face Havanna J. Died July 27, 1860 Aged 2 Ys 2 M's 12 D's 1st face Harry W. Died Sept. 26, 1864 Aged 2 yrs 6 D's Children of M. Q. & C. M. C. Carter 2nd face Ashes of Emma Carter beside her mother 1877 - 1940 Clara M. Wife of M. Q. Carter Died Sept. 6, 1880
Sheet 112 (back): # 104 Aged 42 Ys 6 Ms 2 Ds. — Emma Carter d Jan 25, 1940 in Luth. Hos. Ft. Wayne, b. Nov 13, 1877 in Col. City to Mandeville & Clarissa Ross Carter at age of 3 taken in home of James G. Two bro. surv. Frank & Allie of Ft. Wayne. Rev. Hollifield off. DeMoney Fun. Home Cremated.
Sheet 113 (front): # 105 Arthur Pugh Carter Arthur P. Carter Died Sept. 26, 1901 Aged 71 y 6 m 23 D (a) Sarah C. His Wife Died Nov. 3, 1920 Aged 84 y 11 m 27 D 2 | Carter | 1 2 face Willie O. Died July 26, 1878 Aged 16 y 21 D Infant died Mar. 24, 1861 Children of A. P. & S. C. Carter above on large stone. (b) Willie Oscar Son of A. P. & S. C. Carter Died July 26, 1878 Aged 16 Y's 21 D's (c) Infant Dau of A. P. & s. C. Carter Died
Sheet 113 (back): # 105 Mar. 24, 1861 Only gone before — Post. Issue Oct. 2, 1901 Arthur P. Carter d. Fri. morning Sept. 27, 1901 aged about 71 Fun. Sun. a.m. 10:00 at Salem M.E. Ch. Rev. T. E. Lancaster off — Post of Nov. 5, 1920 Sarah Catherine Carter died Col. City dau. of Mrs. & Mrs. Elizabeth Winright; b Allen Co., Ind., Nov. 8, 1835. Aug. 1859 m. 2 ch. 1 sur. Norman E. Carter She the last of her father's family member of Salem M. E. Ch. Funeral at Norman Carter Home on W. Market St., Sun. 1:30 p.m. Burial Blue River Norman E. Carter b. Oct. 1, 1869 d. July 27, 1936 at home in C. C.; m. Oct. 11, 1891, Edna Bloom dau of Wm. Lot #81 4 ch. b. all liv. Olaf m. Perry Conser, Alliance O. Vernice m. D. S. Mosher, Detrioit, Mich. Heln m. John Feagler Arthur William Carter at home Mr. Carter last of his f. family burial at Blue River, new part, Rev. G. F. Hubburtt
Sheet 114 (front): # 105 Carter Lineage Asapel Carter was b. 1799 in Louden Co., Va. to Asa and Cynthia (Parker) Carter. He married Catherine Horn in 1820. Notes from Donald B. Cowan of Van Wert, Ohio who is gathering data of Carters Asa Carter b. 25 July 1771, died March 26, 1844 in Franklin co., Ohio. Married Cynthia Parker who died 5 Oct. 1825 in Franklin Co., Ohio. The had 7 children Asahel Havilah Dedan Ardalas Addison Lucinda Gelina (or Juliana) Donald Cowan had gggranfather Ardalas Carter b. 22 march 1805 in Loudoun Co., Va. and who died 30 June 1889 in Adams Co., Ind. His wife was Hannah Gulick b. 8 Sep. 1812 in Hampshire Co., Va and died 28 March 1892 in Adams Co., Ind. They had 14 children, one of whom was Loretta Carter who married Norman Acker. Their 2nd of 6 ch. was Alpheus Norman Acker who m. Edna A. Faust Their 2nd of 6 children was Norckie
Sheet 114 (back): Elizabeth Acker who married Harry Blaine Cowan and had Donald B. Cowan.
Sheet 115 (front): Lot # 106 Joseph Pence Joseph Pence had dis. longest res. of any Smith tp. pioneer s. to n. Florence Pence Heller 1867 - 1929 2 Alice C. Pence b. Sept. 17, 1850 1850 - 1929 d. May 13, 1929 dau Phillip & Charlotte 3. J. Pence Richards Henley 1831 - 1916 m. Nov. 14, 1875 Rev. Pugh off. at Fun., Rev. McCoy3 4. Susan Pence pall bearers: W. A. Smith 1837 - 1871 Willis Rhoads Rustus Goodyear 5. Eldora Pence Homer Shafffer 1856 - 1862 William Black She a s law of Bishop Wm. Ball of U.B. Ch. 6. Infant Dau. of J. L. & Am. M. Pence Dec 6 1886 Ae 11 d Smith Josiah J. 1856 — 1929 Mary E. his Wife 1856 — 1924 Notes: Jospeh J. Pence b. Nov 28, 1831, Fayette Co. O. one of 11 ch. of George C. & Sarah Windle Pence. Joseph J. Pence m. 1st July 28, 1855, Whitley Co. Lic marr by J. W. Bradshaw, Susanna Waugh, b 1837 d. June 6, 1871, a native of Ross co., O. & dau of Joseph and Nancy Harper Waugh. Six ch. born a. Mary Elizabeth m.. Josiah J. Smith & had Jess & Minnie b. Eldora d. y. d. David M. Pence m. Mariam Coulter & had van J. & Lulia Mae who m. George F. s of W. J. & Louisa Helen (Hollabaugh) McConell
Sheet 115 (back): # 106 Pence e. Florence A. m. Frank J. Heller; ch: Kate Grace Lois f. William Judson Pence, d. mar 11 1939 aged 65 in Churubusco m. Zella Clark (her 2nd hs. C. V. Bear) & had Hallie & Amelia. Mrs. R. A. Ruble, Chicago } Mrs. Leroy Myers, Ft. Wayne } Married names of the dau. c. James Abraham Lincoln Pence m. Maria Leach & had: Olive, Mabel, Joseph C. 2nd m. of Joseph J. Pence on Nov. 14, 1872 or 3 to Alice C. Henny b. Sept. 17, 1850, a native of Jefferson tp. Whit. Co., Dau of Phillip & Carlotta (Richard) Henny natives of Stark Co., O. George C. Pence s. Philip b. Nov. 20, 1791, Highland Co., O. In 1836 to Ind from a farm in Fayette Co., O. Paid 1200 for section 19. Smith Tp. 1st to drive thru Smith tp. — Jospeh J. Smith, native of Allen co., Ind b. Feb 1, 1856, d. Aug 11, 1839; son of Josiah J. & Jerusha (Holley) Smith. Aug. 15, 1875 m. Mary E. Pence. She d. Apr. 25, 1924 leaving Jess M. Smith of Ft. Wayne Minnie A., wife of G. Ed. Hively of Bourbon, Ind Josiah J. Smith m. 2nd Mar. 29, 1928, Mrs. Eliza Davis, mee dau Edward Halfield of Marshall Co., Ind.
Sheet 116 (front): James L. Pence b. April 26, 1861 d. Oct. 26, 1939 of Smith tp. Rev. Russell Humerickhouse Pall bearers: Leslie, Harry & Howard Gaff Bert Shiller, Howard Shroyer & Samuel Egolf Three g. ch.: Cathleen & Wilbur Hire, Ft. Wayne Wife: Alice Leech, dec. Joseph Pence, son, Smith tp. Mrs. Criswell, 1208 Crescent Ave., Ft. Wayne Mrs. Esta Hire, 3430 S. Calhoun St., Ft. Wayne mem Charter Oak Ch. Fun. at Sonday Fun. Home List of Geo. C. Pence Ch. as given by Joseph J. 10 ch Henry Eliza George C. Pence d in Iowa, 1866 Abraham He m. 2nd a Mrs. Gauger, nee John Reece formerly of Whit. Co.. Absalom Catherine Willis F. Elizabeth Joseph J. Jesse List of his own Ch: Mary Eliizabeth m. J. J. Smith Edlora d James Abraham Lincoln Pence m.Maria Leech has ch: Olive Mabel Joseph C. David M. m. Miriam Coulter has ch. Evan & Lylia May Florence m. F. J. Keller William Judson 2 ch. Halie & Alice Amelia
Sheet 117 (front): # 107 Joseph Waugh 1 Joseph Waugh 1842 - 1923 Co. E. 17 Reg. Ind s. to n. 3 2 |WAUGH| 1 2. Sarah E. Waugh ( E. = Elizabeth ) 1854 - 1936 3. Ralph D. Waugh (Dewitt) [Ed. Note: not sure?] 1889 - 1918 Co. C. P. V. B. N. Whit Co. Mar. Rec. Joseph Pence - Susan Waugh, 28 July 1855 by J. W. Bradshaw, M. G. Joseph Waugh, Pri. Co. E. 27 Ind. Vol. or 17th Reg. Ind (check) Sarah E. Cobaugh, dau. of Henry and Mary Allebaugh Cobaugh. Henry was the eldest child of Deitrich Cobaugh, was born in Hagerstown, MD. on October 26, 1824 and died Feb. 9. 1906. Deitrich Cobaugh died when Henry was 12 years old. The family went to Greentown, Ohio thence to Columbia City, Ind. in 1850. Henry had 2 brothers and three brothers to survive him: John Daniel Sarah Roth, Canton, O. Amelia Bumgardner, Canton, O. Mahala Davis, Akron, O.
Sheet 118 (front): 108 James Garrison Garrison s. to n. 1 In Memory of a Sister Elizabeth Carter Born July 8, 1821 Died Feb. 13, 1890 Aged 68 y 5 m 5 d Not lost blest thought But gone before Where we may meet To part no more 2 Elmire A. Carter Sumny Hise wife July 25, 1839 Dec 9, 1920 3. James Garrison Oct. 9, 1831 Oct. 1, 1910 4. Emma L. Wife of James Garrrison June 19, 1848 Sept. 28, 1873 Whit. Co. Rec. James Garrison to Emma Ginger Feb 11, 1868 by P. S. Stephens
Sheet 118 (back): # 108 Garrison # 108 James Garrison, son of Card and Elizabeth Davis Garrison; son of William Garrison a Vermont Yankee who located in Richland Co. O. soon after 1812 where died. Card Garrison removed from old home farm in Richland Co., O. to Plymouth, Ind. He died there, June 5, 1894. His w. July 27, 1885. They had 7 ch: Martin D. James Mary Ann Sarah Ann Lyuman Amos Orrin Franklin James Garrison b. Oct. 9, 1831 in Richland Co., O. To Whit. Co., in 1867 pur. 140 a., nw Ό sec 25, Thorncreek tp where lived his life. 1st w. Emma Gingher, a native of Lancaster Co., O. One son, Lorenzo B. m. Addie Robbins and live LaGrange Co., Ind. Emma D. Sept. 28, 1873. 2nd m. Dec. 17, 1874, widow — Elmire Carter Sumny, whose husband Samuel died in Feb 20 1860. She a native of Logan Co., O. b. July 25, 1839; d. of Asahel & Catherine Horn Carter, who came to Ind. Smith tp. in 1842. Asahel Carter had 7 ch: Elmire the last of them Asa Horn Ellen Smith Elizabeth (single) Mandeville Quick Clara - - - - - Arthur Pugh - - - Cynthia m. Wm. Smith Elmire m. Samuel Sumny - James Garrison Jesse Whitehead
Sheet 119 (front): 108 James & Elmire Garrison had son Amos C. m. Bertha May Walker. Mrs. Sumny had a son, William Alonzo Sumney She a methodist. Notes from Post, Issue Dec. 10, 1920 Elmire b. Defiance, O. July 20, 1839 died aged 81 - 4 - 14, d Parents to Ind. in 1842. April 8, 1858 m. by Samuel Smith N. A.; Samuel Sumney who died Feb. 20, 1860 leaving a son W. A. Sumeny. M. by Rev. Samuel Smith Samuel, son of John Sumney was 24th yr at time of death. Buried Concord Cem. near his parents. Dec. 18, 1874 m. 2nd James Garrison Lived on Farm in Thorncreek until 1910 then to Col. City on N. Main St. 1895 joined M. E. Ch. at Salem. Had two ch. W. A. Sumney & Amos G. A stepson Lorenzo B. lives Portland, Ore. Has 14 gch. & 6 ggch. Rev. Linkham off. at fun. at Blue River, Sunday, 2:00 a.m. # Post issued oct. 5, 1910 Died Sat. A. M. James Garrison at N. Main St. Born Oct, 9, 1831 was aged 78 - 11 - 22 Dec. 17, 1874 m. 2nd Elmire Carter He, last of father's family Enl. in Ohio, Civil War, in 1864, co., H. 163rd O. Inf. G. His co. in state guards known as 100 day men. fun. 10:00 Blue River. Rev. Reichelderfer G.A. R. George Stough Post
Sheet 119 (back): #108 Garrison James Garrison Pri. Co. H. 163 O. W. A. Sumney m. Dec 9, 1880 at home of Mrs. Garrison, bride's parent, liv. 2 m west of Collins. Alonzo b. June 19 will be 72 and Mrs. 68 on Apr. 30. Her par. Wm. & Tracy (Graves) Garrison
Sheet 120 (front): # 109 Riley s. to n. 1 Attie M. Allie Maxy wife of (no doubt Allie for Angleine) J. Tawney (John) Tawney Died April 21, 1883 Aged 23 y's 1 m 6 D. Dau. of J. & M. Riley — 2 Jessie 3 2 |RILEY| 1 1st mary A. Wife of J. Riley (Johnson Riley) Died Feb. 9, 1895 Aged 66 ys 5 D's Jessie F. Tawney (Jessie Faith Tawney) Grandchild of J. & M. A. Riley Died Mar. 27, 1893 Aged 12 y 9 m 26 D 2nd face Johnson Riley Died mar 2, 1901 Aged 77 y 4 m 14 d.
Sheet 120 (back): # 109 Riley 4 Infant Dau. of W. R. & J. Couche Died Aug. 26, 1872 Aged 2 m 3 Ds. 5th stone Lawson son of J. & M. A. Riley Died Feb. 13, 1854 Aged 15 Y 5 M 28 D. Death has been here & bourne away a brother from out side Just in the morning of his day In youth and love he died. 6th William F. (Franklin) Son of J. & M. A. Riley Died Feb. 11, 1861 Aged 2 y 10 m 2 d With prospects bright an Just rising into bloom Death came.
Sheet 121 (front): 109 Holy Bible There is rest in heaven James Riley Died June 22, 1860; Aged 72 yrs 6 mos. The pains of death are past Labor and sorrow cease And life's long warfare closed at lat This soul is found in peace 8th James C. Riley (Core) Died Mar. 21, 1879 Aged 53 y 2 m 24 D 9th grave Mary (Hogan) Walters marked on James C. Riley stone 1787 - 1886 check
Sheet 122 (front): # 111 G. Swigart s. to n. Delphy A. Dau. of G. J. & M Swigart Died Jan. 28, 1875 Aged 9 m 12 D Sweet little rose but for earth too fair Hath gone to heaven to blossom there. — George J. Swigart Died Aug. 13, 1879 Aged 28 Y's 4 m 3 D. Farewell my wife and children all From you a father, Christ doth call Mourn not for me it is in vain To call me to your sight again. Ligonier Son of Abraham Swigart & Margaret (McCuen) Swigart who had 10 sons. ed. John B. Mar. 22, 1846 Richland Co. O. d. Feb 8, 1931 m. Feb. 14, 1867 to Sarah F. Burwell of Thorncreek tp. Cele. 60th wed. a. at Hardy, Ark. Sur. ch: Mrs. William Ramsey, Memphis, Tenn. J. L. Swigart, Joplin, Mo. Mrs. Ira Ydoer, Ligonier Mrs. Fred Clark, Col. City 20 2 d dec
Sheet 122 (back): # 111 Swigart #111 other Ch. A. Y. Swigart Christopher b. Dec 30, 1860 in Thorncreek d. June 18, 1938; m. Estilla Hill on Sep. 24, 1890; she d. Oct 30, 1914; dau Maudes m. Dr. Jon McGuire, Evanston, Ill. who has a son. Burial Greenhill m. Maria Flaherty, b. Butler O, 1856 d 1929, m 1893. Isaac m. Alonzo (9 son) m. Glayds, dau. John & Arvilla Pumphrey Yontz Frank John A. Swigart, celeb. 60th wed., m. Feb. 14, 1867. to Sarah Burwell by Rev. Wells. Liv Ch. Mrs. William Ramsey, Hardy Neb. where w. celeb. Wm. so of Jacob Alexander & Mary Ann King Ramsey Mrs. Fred Clark, Col. City Mrs. Ira Yoder, Kimmell J. L. Swigart, Joplin, Mo. 5 gen live. Mr. & Mrs. John Swigart Mrs. Will Ramsey, whose d. Mrs. Charles Jagger, Ft. Wayne whose d. Mrs. Harry Holderbaum, Troy Tp. O. Glenn, 6 m. old. Mrs. John Swigart d. May 27, 1927. She was a dau. of Joseph & Deborah Watson Burwell, b. in Piqua Co., O. Sept. 18, 18444. Had 8 ch. 4 Surv. She a methodist. — The Christ Swigart pall bearers were: John & Ralph Gates, Roscoe Brumbaugh, Frank Meitzler, Fred & Oren Clark. Abrahm Swigart was Co. Coroner 1867 - 1870
Sheet 123 (front): Swigart # 111 George Swigart m. 1873 Mary b. Dec. 25, 1856 d Oct. 14, 1923 Luth. Ho. dau. of Henry and Mary Young Pence. Ch: Delpha, Ida and Artie. Of these Delphia b. May 16, 1874 d. Jan. 28, 1875 Ira Wellington Swigart b. Mar. 26, 1876 left orphan lived with g. father Pence, uncle, Willis Pence, Kas and loc Washington in [Ed note: Kansas] 1898. m. Nora Willet in 1902. She b. 1884, d. Alonzo and Carrie Willet of Olympia, Wash. Ch. George, eng. with father in lumber bus. Olympia. Artie Margaret Swigart b. 1880; m. Thomas Shannon. Lived Indianapolis, ch: Thelma and Dorothy. The widow Mary Pence Swigart m. 2nd Benjamin Witham. lived Hellers Corners, Smith tp. later in Churubusco. Had 2 ch: Faye & Inf. dec. Benj. dec. wife m. 3rd Levi Bear b. Starke Co., O. Dec 25, 1854 d. Churubusco May 17, 1927. Bur. Eel River. Delphy A. dau of G. J. & M. Swigart Died Jan. 28, 1875 Aged 9 m 12 D Sweet little rose but for earth too fair. hath gone to heaven to blossom there.
Sheet 123 (back): George J. Swigart Died Aug. 13, 1879 Aged 28 Y 4 M 3 D Farewell my wife and children all From you a father, Christ doth call Mourn not for me, it is in vain To all me to your side again. (stone from Inks, Ligonier)
Sheet 124 (front): # 112 O. L. Pence 1. Orval L. Pnce 1883 - 1915 2 Mamie F. Pence (nee Fora) 1881 -
Sheet 125 (front): # 113 Christian Gnaga Christina Gnaga Died March 17, 1850 Aged 41 Yrs. 11 Mo 24 D's True worth will live beyound the grave and will pierce death's shwdowy mists And near the throne of God on high Eternity exist G. Merkling Kendallville Mother grave - no carving W. Co. Marriage Rec. E. A. Canaga - Jonathan Dupler 29 July 1861 by John Miller, Pas. Ev. Luth. Ch., * a Lutheran
Sheet 126 (front): # 114 Josiah Hazen n. to s. Hazen Juda F. 1869 - 1927 Josiah 1869 - 1935 Josiah Hazen had C. Amon b. Dec. 8, 1858 m. Dec 3, 1892 d. Feb. 20, 1937; bur Stough's; m. Phoebe Cooperrider; son Northa, 1 gs Earl. Last of his fam. Rev. L. V. Kreider. Bess, dau. of Josiah m. John L. Johnson of Union tp. son of Wm. who loc Thornc. tp. about 1855. Eva Hazen m. Glenn son of Isaac, ch: Mildred, Gerald, Robert, Walter, Murray, Rex & Eloise. Goldie Hazen M. Dennis Keirn s. Isaac Keirn Ch.: Velma, Clifford, Marie, Herbert.
Sheet 127 (front): # 115 D. L. Pence 1st Rosa A. 1865 - 1943 David L. 1859 - 1931 2nd Albert W. s. of D. L. & R. A. Pence Died Aug. 29, 1887 Aged 2 m 17 d. David Lorenz Pence b. Mar 13, 1859 d. Aug. 3, 1931 at his farm in Smith tp. where he born Son of William & Mary Jane (Birney) Pence m. Nov. 22, 1882 Rose DeMoney, dau. Albert & Mary Donaldson DeMoney Ch: Orville Albert Willis Benjamin Franklin Estella His mother's parents John & Cathrine Myers Burney son of William and Elizabeth Ticher Burney of Harrison Co., O. m. Rose A. DeMoney Nov 22, 1883. She b. March 2, 1865, dau. of Albert A. & Mary Donaldson DeMoney Ch: Orval Lot #11 Albert Willis Estella m. Wm. Price Benj. Rev. Anc. of Rosa, a dea. Wm. Matthews buried Kinsman, O.
Sheet 128 (front): #116 W. F. Pence n. to s. Willis Willis Pence to Mary Waugh Husband of 8 April 1853 Josiah J. Cooper, M.G. Mary J. Pence W. Co. Rec. m. 22 April 1858 1 Died Mary J. Birney, ((w sign m) Jan. 2, 1862 Aged J. J. Pence to J. J. Hollenbeck 33 y 1 m 14 d 12 Feb. 1865 W. Co Rec. — 2 Joseph Wesley Son of W. F. & M Pence Born Oct. 9, 1855 Died Nov. 19, 1855 3 Mary Wife of Willis F. Pence Dau. of Joseph & Nancy Waugh Born June 11, 1835 Died Oct. 18, 1855 In the triumpf of living faith a member of the M. E. Church
Sheet 128 (back): # 116 Pence From Bible of George C. Pence in poss. of W. C. His. Soc. See Clippings by Mrs. Heller & Hymn Book from log ch. Blue River.
Sheet 129 (front): # 117 Joseph Waugh n. to s. Lot | a b c d| Charlie B. son of J. & N. Waugh 1 Died (c) (d) In the triumph Sept. 24, 1861 of living faith a Aged member of the M. E. Church 7 m 28 d Nancy Ellen Dau of J. & N. Waugh 2 Joseph Waugh born Born Mar. 10, 1832 Apr. 3, 1806 (a) died Died Jan. 18, 1855 Jan 25, 1890 Aged 83 y 9 m 22 d Nancy (b) Wife of Joseph Waugh Born July 19, 1812 Died Mar. 27, 1903 Aged 90 y 8 m 3 da.
Sheet 129 (back): # 117 Waugh James A. Waugh d. mar. 29, 1940 aged 93 Born Ross Co. O. Feb 28, 1847' to Ind. 1850 m. Mar. 14, 1882 to Elizabth Klinck Lived Thorncreek tp. m. life ch. Fern Hammer Merth Waugh Mrs. Ross Wickliffe, Chicago Harper K. Waugh, Trustee Troy Tp. Kenneth, Man. Farmer's Mill & Elev. Marguerite dec. m. Harvey Ott. sur. sis Martha McLain Pall b. James Hammer, Leigh, Robert James to. Calvin & Harold Ott. gsons. Rev. F. G. Habbartt, Rev. Blake m. Franklin off.
Sheet 130 (front): Waugh Lineage The anc4stor, John Waugh buried in the Morris Burying Ground, in Litchifeld, Co., Conn. In Memroy of Mr. John Waugh who Departed this life Sept. the 6 A.D. 1781 in the 95th year of his age. In Memory of Mrs. Margaret wife of Mrs. John Waugh who departed this Life Feb ye 15, 1773 AE 74 Here lies intere'd an house of clay That yields to worms an easy prey Yet Christ my Lord this tomb shall burst And raise again the sleeping dust. — Farm a Genealoigcal Register of Litchifeld, Conn. 1720 - 1800 John Waugh died 3 August 1781, ae 94 Alexander Joseph Thomas Robert of these Joseph Waugh married Elizabeth & had Thaddeus, b. 2 Jan 1759, died 1810 Joseph, b. 4 Dc 1763 Rachel, b. 8 Apr 1766. Rebecca, b. 13 Mar 1768 Elizabeth, b. 26 Oct. 1772 Leman, b. 4 Aug. 1774
Sheet 130 (back): robert Waugh died 6 Oct 1802 ae 73 or 78 m. Ruth Gitteau on Nov. 28, 1758 who died 8 June 1816 ae 88 ch.: Ruth b. 21 Dec 1759 James Margaret Christen d. 1815 thomas Waugh d. 24 Feb 1801 ae 74 m. Rosina Watson who d. 4 Aug. 1789 Alexander Waugh m. Elizabeth Throop Feb. 12, 1766. She d. Sept. 1807 ae 67 ch.: Dan b. 12 Nov 1767
Sheet 131 (front): # 118 Charles Clark Charles W. Clark 1847 - 1915 Catherine Clark 1855 - 1940 Catherine Arvilla Clark d. June 26, 1940 at her home. Union tp.; b. Feb. 16 1855 in Thorncreek tp. m. June 28, 1877 rev. Humerickhouse - Rev. R. J. Burns, Ft. Wayne Pall b. Clyde Woods, Joe Smith, Jay Woods Carol Auers, James Hess Organ music - no singing.
Sheet 132 (front): # 119 M. Garrison n. to s. 1 Ethel M. (no dates) 2 Freeman son of C. M. & E. Baker Died Aug. 1, 1891 Aged 9 m 2 ds (a livin) 3 Elizabeth (a market) On family monument Ethel M. Dau. of Er and Belle Garrison Died Aug. 8, 1881 Aged 1 y 5 m 28 d (face) elizabeth Baker Dau. of M. D. & C. Garrison Died Spr. 23, 1893 Aged 33 y 1 m 29 d South face M. D. Garrison Died Dec. 17, 1903 Aged 74 y 1 m 10 d Christina Wife of M. D. Garrison Died May 26, 1901 Aged 69 y 3 m 13 d Mother ( a head marker) Father " " Marriage Rec. Richland Co. O. Book 2 p. 262 Martin G. Garrison - Christinia Sheckler
Sheet 132 (back): # 119 Garrison Eliz. Garrison Baker left son Forest, reared by Hugh & Elmira Phumprey Sherwood. He resided 1938 in Hinsdale, Mont. Forest d. Jan 1940 on a ranch. Glasgow, Mont. He b. Whit. Co. Mar. 26, 1893 to Charles & Eliz. Garrison Baker. Taken by Sherwoods at age 2 days. World War leaves wife, 6 ch., a sister & a bro. Martin Garrison, State Rep. Whitley Co., a district alone, 1885 - 1889 Fairy Baker, m. Ben Garrison, son of Zach. & Emma Egolf Garrison Rev. Rev. Zach Garrison farm (now Maggerts) built the brick house - made own brick. The Jake Plummer brick house was built by him for one of his boys notes given by Howard McLain
Sheet 133 (front): # 120 Benjamin Benjamin Samule 1850 - 1915 Lydia F. his wife 1858 - 19 - -
Sheet 134 (front): # 121 W. H. Pence n. to s. Sergt. Wm. A. Pence Co. B. 8 U. S. Inf. 1878 - 1913 2 mary Ann Pence Jan. 3, 1934 Aged 88 y 1 m 16 d 3 Wm. H. Pence Co. K. 88 Ind. Inf 1842 - 1917 Wm. Henry Pence, son of Abraham and Nancy Buckalow Pence. 2 ch. Lula M. m. Burt Cleland Wm. A. Pence Feb 26, 1902 Issue Post: Wm. A. Pence enlisted in regular army & is on the way to Manilla. The family Bible in possession of Mrs. Elva Harrold, Columbia City, Ind. R. 4 Franklin Edwin Pence Born May 24, 1872 Lulu Myrtle Pence Born Apr. 27, 1877 William Abraham Pence Born Nov. 18, 1878 Deaths: Orten Leroy died March 3, 1881 Bernard Cashus died Nov. 4, 1884 William Abraham died March 8, 1913 William Henry died March 6, 1917
Sheet 134 (front): # 121 Pence Marriages: Lulu Myrtle married Bert Cleland franklin Pence married and moved to Kansas no dates set down. Begin here — — Abraham Pence born 1818, Sons of George C. and Sarah Windle Pence, both of Fayette County O. Abraham married nacy Bucklers, Holmes county, Ohio William Henry Pence born Oct. 5, 1842 Mary Nicodemus (this wife) born Nov. 17, 1845 Orten Leroy Pence born Apr. 9, 1867 Bernard Cashus Pence born Feb. 22, 1869
Sheet 135 (front): # 122 L. T. Moore n. to s. Martha A. Moore Born Feb. 16, 1841 Died Feb. 12, 1893 (1892) check Lewis T. Moore born Jan. 12, 1834 Died Apr. 29, 1907 Pearl, Dau. of L. T. & M. A. Moore Died Jan. 22, 1893 Aged 10 y 2 m 29 d blessed ar the early dead. Ch: Charles Lewis, 1862 - 1932 Cora Elizabeth, 1861 - 1934 Norner Ann Robert #3 Park see #134 1867 - 1913 Frank # 18 1866 - 1906 Maude _ Mrs. Charles Schenefield Pearl d y #122 Chalres Lewis Moore b. Nov. 17, 1862 in N. Georgetown. columbiania Co., O. to Lewis & martha (Jewell) Moore m. May 1889 to Mary Augsberger, dau David & Catherine Augsberger) 2 ch. sur. Robert of Huntington & Mrs. Henry Kramer. Kate Firestone, a dau dec prior to father's death. Sermon by Rev. C. M. Manes Caserine Firestone d. Apr 27, 1927, b. July 10, 1890, see next page Mrs. Geo. Horner d. Jan. 6. 1934, b. N. Georgetown O. Mar. 29, 1861. In 1878 m. Had 7 ch, 2 surv. wid. husband {Lived S. Whitley, her Ch: {Bur.
Sheet 135 (front): 122 Moore Charle Horner Mrs. Homer Fetro, S. Whitley Mrs. F. E. Miner, Chicago Geo Hormer & wife lived Whit. Co. over 45 yrs m. at Bryan, O., Nov. 19 1878 to Cora Moore m. over 52 yrs. — Catherine Moore Firestone. Her 1st marriage was to James Johnson & hd. David Johnson, l. Huntington, Ind. Dec 2, 1920 m. Floyd Firestone. Bur. Greenhill.
Sheet 136 (front): # 123 Moses T. Gradeless Died Dec. 5, 1902 Aged 82 y Mary, wife of M. T. Gradeless Died June 27, 1875, aged 56 - 10 - 11 Joseph Gradeless Died Gallatin, Tenn. Dec. 23, 1852 Aged 18 y 11 m 23 d. — Moses Trader Greadeless b. Fayette County, O. son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Waugh Gradeless (Lot # ) Whit. Co., M.R. m. Mary, b. Fayette Co., O Aug. 16, 1818, dau of Samuel and Rbecca Jones Smith. Chil: Mary E. Vanderment Clarissa m. J. W. Smith Martha m Wm. Coverstone Rebecca J. M. Benj. Fisher Moses Gradeless (mason) m 2nd Spet 9, 1877, Mrs. Mary (Morse) Foster, b. Sept. 5, 1817 a dau. of Jotham & Dorcas (Ferris) Morse.
Sheet 137 (front): # 123 Rev. N. Nathan Gradeless n. to s. Mary E. dau. of N. & C. Greadless 1 Died Jan. 19, 1864 Aged 2 y 7 m 9 d 2 Charley V.C. (no dates) (1 stone) Nancy E. Maxie E. dau N. & C. Gradeless d Jan 19, 1864 a 2 - 7 - 9 3 In Memory of Our Father Rev. Nathan Gradeless Died April 22, 1882 Aged 52 y 8 m 15 d Catherine, his wfie April 25, 1830 Mar. 5, 1891
Sheet 137 (back): # 123 Gradeless Children Jane m. Rev. William Davis Lot # Lot #78 Harriett m. John Windle Cynthia m. Peter Windle Ella m. George Allen Lot #70 Alice m. Watson Zenas m. America Van Meter Whit. Co. M. R. — Nathan Gradeless to Cartherine Hively, 23rd Dec. 1849 by Samuel Smith. — Alice Watson: Frank L. Watson d. Oct. 28, 1938 a this home in Marion, Ind. where he lived alone; son of William and Mary Watson, early pioneer family in Whit. Co. native of Richland tp. In 1891 m. Alice Gradeless of Thorncreek tp. She d. 20 yrs. ago. Sur. by 3 sons: Charles of Marion, Hollis of Indianapolis and Glenn of Calif. Sur. by 2 sis., Mrs. Frank Klingaman of Troy tp. & Mrs. Anna Cummins, 2 bro. & 1 sis. preceded him in d. Was 72 yrs. o. Funeral in Marion.
Sheet 138 (front): # 120 Record of Whitley Co., Indiana Estate of Nathan Gradless Executor and Adm. — Alpheus B. Gaff Notice of Adm's sale, posted at: Hively's corners. Abraham Friend's Grocery Store at Bloomfiled Miller's Corner's Sale held at late residence in Thorncreek township, near Magley's saw mill on Friday, Sept. 15, 1882 Appr. of Estate of Nathan Greadless: William Bloom and Fredrick Magley Clerk of Sale: William Bloon Total sales: $18.70 Dr. Grieser presented a long bill Heirs: Catherine - widow Zenas list of Cynthia Windle "only heirs" Mary J. Davis Harriet Windle Ellmena Allen Louisa E. Gradeless Cora A. Gradeless
Sheet 138 (back): William Bloom and Henry Hazen app. the real estate, made a reprot before Alpheus Gaff, J. P. 1 Feb. 1883. Ex. Bond signed by Alpheas Gaff 8 Feb. 1883 William A. Geiger Samuel F. Barr Real Estate = the undivided 2/3 of S W Ό of N. E. Ό of Section #13, Township #32 north of Range 9 East, subject to a school mortgage of $225. Offered for sale, 14 Sept. 1883 at a public auction on the premises. Bid in by George Allen for $530 plus mortgage whcih he agreed to pay.
Sheet 139 (front): # 124 H. J. Egolf Henry J. Egolf Died Mar. 11, 1872 Aged 4 y 1 m 28 d
Sheet 140 (front): # 125 M. Gradeless Nancy Ellen Dau of Milton & Mary Ann Greadless Died Oct. 5, 1869 Aged 13 y 12 ds Milton Gradeless m. Mary Ann Egolf 11 April 1852 by Z. Garrison, M. G.
Sheet 141 (front): Henry Pence 126 n. to s. 1 stone Henry Pence Died May 29, 1892 Aged 80 y 4 m. 16 d Equilla wife of H. Pence died Nov. 17, 1841 Aged 23 y. 1 stone George C. son of Henry & Equilla Pence died Nov. 8, 1843 Aged 3 y 8 m 26 d William Son of Henry & Mary Pence Died July 24, 1853 Aged 2 y 10 m 9 d
Sheet 141 (back): # 126 3 Eliza Dau. of H. & M. Pence Died march 17, 1861 Aged 10 ds. 4 Rebecca Dau. of H. & M. Pence Died Aug. 25, 1872 aged 14 y 9 m 10 d.
Sheet 142 (front): # 126 Lot Henry Pence B. Jan. 13, 1813 in Fayette Co. O. D. May 29, 1892 aged 79 - 4 - 16 to Ind. at age of 22, remained summer season then went back to Ohio. Next summer, 1835 to Ind. with his father's fam. They located on the banks of Blue River in Smith tp. He worked 1 yr for his father who then gave him 100 acres. M. Dec. 30, 1838, Equilla Gradeless, this the first m. in Thorncreek tp. and the 4th in the county. She d. 1841 leaving 2 ch. M. 2nd April 20 1845, Mary Young who bore 12 ch. 9 living in 1892. Mary d. in 1874, since then dau. Martha kept. house. Henry Pence, 1st assessor in Whitley Co. People lived in settlements & he carried a compass to guide him. His first vote was for Harrison. Mem. of Methodist ch. over 50 years Rev. Hobkiler preached funeral sermon. His text. Phil. 1.21 To die is to gain. Bur. Blue River. Surviving 3 bro. Abraham} John } Smith tp. Joseph } Four sons & 6 dau: Mrs. Sarah Flora } Willis Pence } Lawrence, Kas. Grant Pence } Catharine Haze, m. Samuel Kelly Tecumseh, Neb. Anderson Pence m. Sarah Hazen from C.C. Com. Mail. Issue June 8, 1892
Sheet 142 (back): # 126 Pence Lot # 126 Henry Pence / died / May 29, 1891 / Aged 80 y 4 m 16 d Mary / wife of / H. Pence / died / Mar. 14, (a) 1874 / aged 49 y 3 m 17 d Equilla / wife of / H. Pence / died / Nov. 17, 1841 Aged / 22 y 10 m 2 d above on 1 stone (b) George C. / son of / Henry & Equilla Pence / died / Nov. 8, 1843, / aged / 3 y 8 m 26 d. William / son of / Henry & Mary Pence / died / June 24, 1853 / aged 2 y 10 m 9 d c Eliza / Dau of / H. & M. Pence / died / May 17, 1864 / aged /10 da d Rebecca / Dau of / H. & M. Pence / died / Aug. 25, 1872 / aged / 14 y 9 m 10 ds. Hazen Gen. Caterine Pence, d. Henri & Mary Young Pence, b. Whit. Co. Sept. 30, 1851; m. Sanuel kelly Hazen, Mary 16, 1871, as his 2nd wife. Went to Johnson Co., Neb. Died Tecumseh. She d. Oct. 26, 1915, bur. Tecumseh. Sam. b. Berrien Co., Mich, June 25, 1840; d. Dec. 17, 1917. Ch: Orville & Virgil. Anderson Pence m. June 6, 1869, Sarah Hazen b Morrow Co., O. Dec 24, 1848. He b. August 20, 1846 left Whit. co. & went to Jay Co. Ind. Had Cassius, Nora Noah, Wilfred, Oliver, Eva, Noah bur. Blue River, Anderson
Sheet 143 (front): # 126 Sarah Hazen Pence funeral at Blue River Rev. Wesley Puch & Rev. Grant Pence off. Anderson Pence a teacher of vocal music. Solo. Civil War, Oct. 13, 1864 — July 14, 1865, 142 Ind. inf. Disch. at Nashivlle. 3 times on 1st to Sarah Hazen in 1869 2nd Mimie Crampton who d. Mar. 15, 1930 3 Lavina Jones on July 3, 1930 He died Aug. 21. 1931. bur. Blue River. Sarah Hazen, dau of Isaac & Rachel LeFever Hazen. Isaac Hazen, Samuel, Samuel, John, Thomas, Edward, Hannah, Grant (2nd w) from Eng. Sett. Essex Co., Mass. Henry Pence children: Sarah m. Isaac Flory W. Co. Rec. S. E. Pence to Isaac Flory (2 Feb. 1863 by John Van Houten, Justice) Ch. { Cassius { Virgil have N. Gradeless Bible George C. d. 1843, 1st ch. Eliza b. 1864 d y Rebecca d. 1872 aged 14 Anderson b. 1846 - 1931 Charles Pence Willis Pence Emma m. Charles Hedges Martha 1862 - 1925 m. Ira Back Lot # 127 Lucinda 1847 - 1924 m. George Hazen Mary Witham m. 2nd Levi Bair as 2nd wife she Grant Pence b. Oct. 15, 1923 Levi Bear d. May 17 1927, b. Stark Co. O. Marriages Dec 25, 1854~ dau (Mrs. Frazier, Allen Co.) 4th in Whit. co. Lic. issued Dec. 28, 1839 m. Dec 30 at res. of Nathaniel Gradeless by Benj. F. Martin, A. Judge. 2nd m. was 111th in co. on 20 April 1845 by J. A. Van Houten, Ass. Judge.
Sheet 143 (back): At Henry Pence funeral 24 gch 1 ggch, all present at fun. except 1. Mrs. Grant Pence nee Laura Jeanette Bigbee, b. Nov 1, 1867 m. Dec. 12, 1886; d. Plymouth, Ind. July 7, 1935, her hus. Rev. Grant Pence, U.B. Min. Surv. 6 ch; Mrs. June Hull, RR #7, Col. City Mrs. T. L. Barhite, Clinton, Iowa Mrs. E. S. Bennet, Plymouth, Ind. Mary Grace Pence, " " E. A. Pence, Mt. Vernon, Ind. Mrs. Albert Best, Morrocco, Ind. Grant Pence b. Apr 10 1864, Smith tp. d. cancer d. Mar. 10, 1927 bur Plymouth held pastoralee at Tyner Bremen, Buckel, Morocco the fun. con. Rev. J. W. Lake, Fulton, Ind. Bur. Plymouth — Notes Mary (Pence) Witham Bear: Levi Bair had ch. of 1st m: Chauncey, Churub. Wm. of Ft. Wayne; Cassius & Alpha of Allen Co; Arthur of Ft. Wayne; Mrs. Ida Smith of Allen Co., Mrs. Stella Smith of Ft. Wayne. He bur. Eel River.
Sheet 144 (front): From Mrs. June Hull who copied from Pence Gen. R.R. #4 Col. City Henry Pence b. Jan. 13, 1813 d. may 29, 1892 2nd wife, Mary Young, dau. of Wm. & Lucinda (Smith) Young, b. Nov. 27, 1825, d Mar. 14, 1874; m. Henry Pence Apr 20, 1842 of 1st m. 2 ch: (1) Sarah Pence b. Nov 8, 1841 d. June 23, 1915 m. Isaac Flory, son of Abraham Flory on March __ 1863. She bur. Pleasant Grove Cem., Douglas Co., Kas. (2) George C. Pence b. Aug. 20, 1846 d. Nov. 8, 1843 2nd m. of Henry Pence (3) Anderson Pence b. Aug. 20, 1846 d. Aug. 21, 1931 m. 1st Sarah Hazen a dau. of Isaac & Rahel (LeFever) Hazen, June 6, 1869. Died Aug. 29, 1924. His 2nd m. to Minnie Crampton, d. Mar. 15, 1930. Lived in Whitley & Jan. co's. Ind. Bur. Blue Riv. (4) Lucinda Pence b. Dec 25, 1847 d. June 13, 1924 m. George Hazen son of Isaac & Rachel, Jan 16, 1866. Bur. blue Riv. (5) Catherine Pence b. Sept. 30, 1850 d. Oct 16, 1915 m. Samuel kelly Hazen, son of Ezra and Sarah Clement Hazen May 10
Sheet 144 (back): 1871. Spent m. life in Johnson Co., Neb. Bur. Tecumseh, Neb. Sarah was a 2nd w. (6) Anderson Pence b. Oct. 22, 1851 d. July 24, 1853 bur. Bl. River (7) Willis A. Pence b. Nov 8, 1853, liv. douglas Co., Kas. & Payallup, Wash. He m. Ella Van Hossen, d. of E. H. & Mary Van Hoesen. (8) Mary Pence b. Dec. 25, 1856; d. Oct. 14, 1923 m. 1st Swigart in 1873, son of Abraham & Margaret McCuen Swigart m. 2nd Benjamin Witham m 3rd levi Bair. Bur. Eel Riv. (9) Rebecca Pence b. Nov. 15, 1858 d. Aub. 25, 1872 bur. Blue Riv. (10) Charles Pence b. Oct. 14, 1859, liv m. 1st Ella Rhoads. dau of John & Phymelia Packinson Rhoads. m. 2nd Della Kimmel Parson in 1920 & 3rd nancy Hively Rice on Dec. 4, 1932 & m. 4th Mrs. Madden. (11) Martha Pence b. Dec, 25, 1862 d. May 20 1925 m. Ira Bash of Ohio. Lived Ind. & Ohio. (12) Eliza Pence b. Mar, 7, 1864 d. Mar. 17, 1864 bur Blue Riv. (13) Henry Grant Pence b. Apr. 10, 1865 d. Mar. 10, 1927
Sheet 145 (front): m. Laura Jeanette Dau of Thomas Jefferson & Clementine Brainerd Bigbee on Dec. 12, 1886. He was 20 y min. in U.B. Ch. bur. Buck Cem. Plymouth, Ind. His wife d. July 7, 1935 Spent life in Ind. & 3 y in Kansas (14) Emma Pence b. Aug. 20, 1867 m. Charles Elmer Hedges, Feb 12, 1885. Peter Windle was a son of Valentine Wendall Windle, b. in Germany, m. Rachel Wolf. Peter Windle was the father of Sarah Windle Pence b. Nov. 18, 1792, d. Aug 18, 1854; m. George C. Pence on Jan. 20, 1812.
Sheet 146 (front): # 127 G. Hazen n. to s. George Hazen 1840 - 1915 Lucinda Pence, his wife 1847 - 1924 Their chidlren. Elnora & Eldora 1870 - 1871 Infant Son 1885 Lucinda Pence, dau of Henry, see # 126 Living ch.: Will 1867 - 1934 Lot # 64 Austin Cora Austin m. Hanna ch.: { Wilma { Lawrence George Hazen fun. by Rev. Sheldon, d. Mar. 7, 1915 Cora m. 1st Alonzo Egolf, bro. Marion 2nd Patterson George Hazen, Private Co. D. 129 Ind. Vol. wounded at Resaca, Ga. — Cora Viola Hazen b. May 9, 1877 in Smith tp. d Apr 28, 1934 ; m. Alonzo Egolf who d. 1924. 1 ch. Lucinda Malinda, m Glen Coolman & d. Jan. 7, 1917 leaving a son Garland Coolman. M. 2nd Lloyd Patterson Fun. by Rev. R. C. Plank. Burial Heively Cem. Alongo Egolf b. Jan. 27, 1877, d. Aug. 5, 1920 son of Henry & Malinda (Garrison) Egolf Lucinda Malinda, 1896 - 1918 Glen Coolman s. of Wm. & Jennie Hively Coolman
Sheet 146 (back): 127 Hazen Lloyd Patterson, son of James & Julia Elliot Patterson, 1868 - 1931. His fun. by Rev. Plank. Bur. C.C. Whit. Co. Rec. George Hazen to Lucinda Pence 6. Jan. 1866 by James Black, M. G.
Sheet 147 (front): 128 Levi Crabill Levi Crabill may 23, 1834 Oct. 5, 1904 Sol. Private Co. C. 42 Ind. Vol. War of 1861
Sheet 148 (front): 129 W. M. Crabill W. M. Crabill, father of Lot #128 Levi 1834 - 1904, a bach. Martin Lot #130 Harrison, 1822 - 1915 Eliza Cathrine 1821 - 1917 Caroline 1830 - 1869 Whit. Co. Mar. Rec. Minerva 1837 - 1843 Eliza Crabill to Emanuel Flory 7 May 1855 by Joseph Zeigler, M.G. Isaac C. Crabill m. Eve Flory, 14 Oct. 1855 Joseph Zeigler, M.G. Caroline Crabill to William Miles, 10 Feb 1857 by Eld. Jos. Zeigler Minera Caroline Dau of Wife of Wm. & C. Crabill Wm. Miles Died Died Dec. 17, 1843 oct 19, 1869 in her 6th yr. Aged 28 y 11 m 7 d Wm. Grabill Wm. Miles m. 2nd Died Dec. 1, 1870 Reseline Aug. 2, 1845 Pumphrey, dau Reason in his 5th Wells & Anne Hively yr. Pumphrey. In 1884 she a widow m. Catherine Fuink Franklin Goff, Apr. 22, 1889 Wife of she d. 1937 July 24 aged Wm. Crabill 94. 1800 - 1862
Sheet 149 (front): 129 Crabill Levi Crabill May 23, 1834 Wm. & Cath. na. Va. William M. Crabilll, b. Va. son of Abraham m. C. Funk in 1820. Was a blacksmith 1837 to Champaign Co., O. 1841 to Whitley Co., Ind. Live just east of Fullers Corners land entered in 1838. Here died. Was trustee of Smith tp. 1 term. Had 14 children b. Mary Ann dec. m 1st Jacob Fredericks Dec 15, 1839 by Adam Egolf, J. P. Catherine b 1821 m 2nd Jacob Nickey buried Concord Cem. Harrison Crabill William to Missouri Jacob died before 1900 Infant Caroline 1830 - 1869 had Levi. He m. dau. Festus Crabill Levi b. on Hedge farm, Smith tp. oldest mason, So. Whitley L. Margart m. Andrew Miller 27 Sep. 1849 by Michael Northland Isaac Eliza m. Flory Levi 1834 - 1901 Ellen m. Abraham Paulis Minerva Festus, Fulton Co., Ind. Martin Crabill Civil War ent. May 1864, Co. K., 139 I.V.I. Dis Nov 1864 Deacon U.B. Ch. m. Sept 8, 1867, Mary E. Jones a dau. of Hairma and Catherine (Davis) Jones She b. Smith tp. Oct. 5, 1848. Hiram Jones (son of John and Martha Stillwell Jones) b. Knox. Co. O. Catherine Davis b. Luzerne Co. Pa. Martin's four ch: William E. m. Elnora Harter, live Smith tp. Nami Alice died y. bur. Concord. Mrs. C. 1939 Albert Austin Ch. of Nazerene Lot #4 Mary Trella m. Merrill McLain bur. Eel R. s. Joseph & Malinda McLain
Sheet 150 (front): The hus. sur. Mrs. Martin Crabill, a son Cletus Crabill, 2 d. A Mrs. Martin Crabill d. Feb 19, 1939 aged 66 y. Sur. by hus. son Cletus; d. Mrs. Rose Geiger of Churu.: Mrs. Ella Nolt of Churu. & 2 bro. Frank Ray, Charles Ray of Collins, & Loman Ray of C.C., Her fun. at Ch. of Nazerene in Churu. with Rev. Morford Off. Bur. Eel R. Levi Crabill had dau. Dorothy E. m. Sanford E. Maggert, son of & Nora Maggert. Saniford Maggert had dau. Inez Delores d. July 20, 1940, b. Sept. 4, 1932 Rev. Marion Shroyer. Bur. Blue River. Surv. sis & bro Ferrold E. Robert Lee Gerald LeRoy Roy Eddie Wayne Mrs. Gerald Dinius, Coesse Mrs. George Henderson, E. Jeff. St., C. C. William Miles, hus. of Caroline Crabill had Levi H. Miles b. in log house on Hedges farm in Smith tp. Wm. Miles d. when Levi was 12 yrs. or age Levi m. dau of Festus Crabill Wm. Grable (Crabille) J. P. in 1843
Sheet 150 (back): List given by Martin D. Crabill of bro. & sis. Mary Ann dec. bur. Concord W. C. Caster. Catherine m. Fredericks m. Nickey Harrison William to Mo. Jacob dec. Child d inf. Caroline m. William Miles 10 Feb . 1857 by Elder Philip Zeigler. Margaret 29 Sep. 1849 to Andrew Miller by Michael Northland. Isaac J. m. 14 Oct. 1855 to Eve Flory by Joseph Zeigler M. G. Eliza m. 6 May 1855 by Joseph Zeigler, M.G. to E. W. Flory, Kansas Lei Ellen m. Abraham Paulis Minerva d. y. Martin Festus, Fulton Co., Ind. William Miles m. 2nd Rose Pumphrey and to them 2 ch. born. one Blanche m. James E. Evans of S. Whitley. She d. in a yr. His 2nd m. to Clara Williams & 3rd to Violet Lancaster. Was a son of Daniel Evans; was b. Randolph co., Ind.; died aged 65 on Dec 5, 1937, So Whitley barber.
Sheet 151 (front): Whitley Co. Probate Record Box 1G Estate of William Grable, deceased. Inventory take (21 - 21 - 1845) by: App: James Davis and James Rousseau Sworn before Clerk 11 - 21 - 1845 David B. Rice, Clark Adm: Harrison Crabill Sale held at late dwelling house on 22 November 1845 Sept. 20, 1845 Benj. Grable, D. E. Long gave bond for $500 September 21, 1845, Benjamin Grable, Duly app. adm. At the sale John Ray bought 10 bu. wheat and Boston Day went security at sale, Benjamin Grable signed as adm. Total from sale: $42.83 - 3/4 Estate of Wm. Grabill, Dr. Aug. 2, 1845 To H. Hannah for making coffin — $6 May 22, 1848, Harrison Grable, Adm. paid Henry Hannah $6 in full for making coffin James S. Collins rec. $1 on 10 Nov. 1846 for clerking sale. C. W. Long rec. $1 on 6 Feb. 1846 for crying the sale. William Young on 30 Jan. 1847 was pd. a balance due for making a coffin for one of the children of Wm. Grabill, dec. (made sometime prior to Wm's death)
Sheet 151 (back): Final report file Nov 14, 1849 before R. Collins, Clk. Levi Miles had bro. Emery Miles who died Jan. 1906.
Sheet 153 (front): 130 harrison Crabill Harrison F. Crabill 1822 - 1915 Catherine, his wife 1844 - 1921 Addie B. Died May 3, 1891 Aged 8 m 1 d child of H. & M. Crabill Harrison, son of William & Catherine (Runk) Crabill was b. Shenandoah Co., Va. on Oct 9, 1822. After 21 taught school. In 1852 to Calif. arriving in Sacremento Valley in the fall. Came home in 1854 by way of the Horn and New York. In 1855 and for 2½ yrs. kept store and P. O. at Fuller's Corners. In March 1868 m. Catherine Fair, a. native of Stark Co., O. 5 children Harrison Cassius M. Alpha D. Lester D. L. Lemuel D.
Sheet 153 (back): 130 Crabill Note. W. S. Nickey state his mother a native of Rockingham Co., Va.
Sheet 154 (front): # 131 nathaniel Gradeless nathaniel Gradeless Died Mary 28, 1862 Aged 70 y 3 m 23 d Go home my friende, dry up your tears I must lie here till Christ appears. When Christ appears, then I shall rise And see him with immortal eyes. Elizabeth Wife of nataniel Gradeless Died May 19, 1862 Aged 64 y 11 m 8 d Joseph Greadless Died Feb. 8, 1857 Aged 21 Y 10 m 20 d Infant Son of J. & C. Greadeless
Sheet 154 (back): #131 Nathaniel, native of Maryland War of 1812. m. ross co., O. Sept 28, 1815 by Rev. Reuben Rowe to Elizabeth Waugh dau of Jospeh & mary Hopkins Waugh Her Hopkins lin. = Her Waugh lin: Joseph; Joseph; John, Rev. Sol. Children: Equilla see Lot #126 m. Henry Pence Elizabeth m. 1st John Jively, 20 Jan. 1842 by Samuel Smith, M.G. 2nd Peter Shriner, 17 May 1853 by Samuel Smith, M.G. Joseph 1836 - 1857 Eliz. C. King 23 April 1855, Z. Garrison, M.G. she m. 2nd Samuel Garrison 4 Dec 1856, Z. Garrison, M.G. Moses See Lot # Milo See Lot # Milton See Lot # m. Mary Ann Egolf Nathan See Lot # Maria m. Joseph Knight, 10 mar 1850 by Samuel Smith Elizabeth Hively had Charles W. as given by C. W. Hively Hale, see Lot # Irwin d Civ. W. Noah Henry Clay, Kas. Clay Charles W Mary Shriner Matthew Hale John Morgan Shriner Noal Cynthia Garte John Hively, na of Licking County, O. To Thorncreek tp. Died aged 33 m. 5 ch. Irvin Hivley, d. Divil War Henry Clay, kansas Charles W. Hively, b. Nov. 15 1846 Hale, Ft. Wayne Noah
Sheet 155 (front): # 131 She m. 2nd Peter Shriner & had Mary, m. Aaron Bair John m. Mary, dau John & Catherine Zellers Co. City Lucinda m. Andrew Garty Sarah Elziabeth d. y. Charles W. Hively b. nov 15, 1846; m. Nov 7, 1868. Clara Pence, dau of Abraham and Nancy (Buckalow) Pence (See Lot # She d. leaving 4 ch. Webster Cora E. m. Albert Anspaugh Leomar, d. aged 7 yrs. Infant 2n m. to Della, dau of John and Elizabeth (Pence) VanHouten, see Lot # Dau. Frances E. M. David Gradeless, son of Zenas & American (Can Meter) Gradeless Sella was 20 yrs. lic. minister of the U.B. Ch. She died Mar., 26, 1902. His 3rd m. to Ella, dau of Solomon Miller. She has 1st m. _____ Orr. maris Knight has 10 Ch. Charles m. Sylvia, dau of Wells smith m. 2nd _____ Ray Henry N. d 1892 m. Della , dau Wells m. 2nd 24 Nov. 1890 Rebecca Friediger 1861 - 1937 dau of John & Elizabeth Roslorfee Friediger Fairfield Co., O. came with parents to Whit. Co, had Blanche K. m. Perl Lawrenece of Allen Co. Ind. William Spencerville, Ind. Joseph m. Tillie, D. John Orr. west west, Wichita, Kansas Mary d July 26, 1919 m. Alfred Cooperider b. Jan. 22, 1859 in Perry Co. O. s. Robert & Margaret Jane Leaugherty Cooperrider d. Aug 2, 1931. to Ind. aged 44y on Feb 27, 1887. m2 2nd Sept. 23, 1920 Maragert E. Keirn, Bur. Stough. & had: Allen Luella wife Oscar Hill Carl m. Frank hedges dau. m. Henry J. Bair s. Geo. & Rebecca Shook Bair b. Dec. 29, 1855 in (. d May 10, 1937 ch 1 d y 2. Mrs. Wayne Buckler 3. Mrs. Ray Gawthrop, Wolf Lake 4 Daisy Rarick, Col. City 5. Alvin Bair, West Road 30 6. Jesse Bair, Oregon Emma Jane m. Nobles
Sheet 155 (back): b. June 24, 1863, Thorncreek tp. d. Nov. 4, 1940 Elvina m. Sept 1887 Jaames L. Allen, had bur. S. Park d. Feb 4, 1933 ch Ethel Hyre, Hazel, harry Balzer, Auburn, Heber Allen Re. Sparling of M. E. Ch. Pall b. Allen Cooperrider, Grant Knight, Ray Gawthrop, Carl Cooperrider, Alvin Bear, Oscar Hill Dora m. Mosher Della m. Murray, son of Samuel & Anna Klinck Miller, gs of Peter, see Lot # Heber Knight — Moses Gradeless m. mary Smith Ch: Martha m. W. R. Coverstone See Lot # 146 Mollie m. Vanderment Josiah Augusta Milo Gradeless m. Hannah Smith dau of Samuel & Recca Jones Smith, Ch: Wells Trader Gradeless b. Sept. 17, 1841, Union Tp. d. Jun 29, 1928 Hiram B. rev. nathan Gradeless Noah Webster Hively b. Aug. 7, 1850 d. mar. 11, 1931; m. April 11, 1874. Mary Matilda King d. Aug. 22, 1905. 12 Ch: John dec Lewi dec. Melvin, CC Mrs. Eber McNabb Mrs. William Mathias, Sr., Larwill Timohty, Memphis Mrs. Chas. Snell, Richland tp. Chas s. of Milton & _____ Mauk Snell Charles Mrs. Chester Hively
Sheet 156 (front): # 131 John Morgan Shriner m. Mary Catherine Zellers b. Feb 1863 in Thorncreek tp d. John & Catherine Shotz Zellers; died May 22, 1929. he d. August 1921; sur. ch. Wm. Lee Shriner Mrs. Mytile Severine } Claude Shriner } South Bend Louise dec. May, 1910 Rev. Boase off. Bur. Greenhill. Mrs. William Matthias Sr. formerly Rose Hively Smith, dau. Noah. 1st m. Charles Smith d. May 27, 1905, had Lester Smith, Rich. tp. ch: m. Charles Adang Otto Trimmer, Union tp. Hazel Maud b. Nov 4, 1905; d. Nov 10 1937. Bur. Pierceton, Ind. William Mathias, Sr. D. Apr. 25, 1940, near Larwill. He b. Bucyrus, O. Jun 5, 1863 to John & Elizabeth Hess Mathias. 1st w. Phebe Weater m. 2nd Dec. 4, 1928 to Rose Smith, widow. Charles & Sylvia Knight had dau. Essie Vernette who d. Dec, 12, 1940 in co. C. at home of a dau, Mrs. Ralph Lefever. Essie Vernette Knight b. Thorncreek tp. June 25, 1880; m. July 2, 1899 to John Oscar Decker of Wash. Tp. sur. her husgand. dau. Mrs. Clarence Galbreath, Mrs. Mabel Carey, Oscar J. Decker, Charles Henry Decker of Elkhart; Mrs. Clarence Downey, Edgar Earl Decker, Mrs. Roy Greensides, Elkhart Co.; Mrs. Ralph Lefever of Col. City. Mrs. Gilbert Juillerat, Wash. Tp. 2 ½ br & 2 ½ sis. Otto & Grant Knight of Col. City Mrs. Sidney Johnson of Churu. & Mrs. Floyd Trumbull of Collins. Bur. Eberhards
Sheet 156 (back): A Sunday School at Nat. Gradeless house in 1841 Rev. Sam Smith 1st sent by M. E. Conf. Preacher at this place George C. Pence 1841 Overseer of Poor — Cecil son of Zenas m. dau. Albert Anspuagh [Cecil Gradeless] 2 ch: Betty & Albert. Joseph Gradeless m. Elisabeth C. King 23 April 1855 by Z. Garrison M. G. After his death she m. 4 Dec. 1856, Samuel Garrison by Z. Garrison, M.G.
Sheet 157 (front): Rev. Noah McCoy off. Wells Gradeless 1st m. Margaret Spear 86 yo 2 m Nov 20, 1879 Elma E. Kensey of 1st, 1 dau Alice, d age 17 of 2nd 4 ch. 2 dgy; s Walter d. May 28, 1921; son Milo P. Gradeless surv. Bur. Eel R.
Sheet 158 (front): 131 Mary Shriner born mar 19, 1854 d. Mar. 20, 1937 Isaac d. Oct. 22, 1934 Rev. Ed. Hively off. Bur. Hively's m. Aaron Bair a native of Stark Co. O. 1847 - 1933, son of Gorge and Rebecca (Shook) Bair; m. Oct 12, 1876, 5 ch: Ada Elma d 1893 d yrs ago Ocie Delphis d 1894 d yrs. ago Timothy Monroe Bari Ollie Pearl Ramsey Cuba L. M. Firmer Firsher, Thorncreek tp. Burial at Hively . — Linina Knight . James L. Alln, 1860 - 1922 son of John & Cynthia Allen on Sept. 18, 1887. Ch: Ethel m. Eugene Hyre Heber Hazel _____ m. Harry Balzer
Sheet 159 (front): 132 M. Gradeless Milton Gradeless Died Mar. 27, 1900 Aged 72 y 2 m 15 d Mary A. Gradeless Died Jan. 23, 1919 Aged 86 y. 8 m. 17 d Miton Gradeless m. Mary Ann Egolf on April 11, 1852, Z. Garrison, off. Ch: William See Lot # Nancy. See Lot #125 In 1880 William Gradeless was 24 Sarah 21 Ch. Mary Ida 4 Luella May 1 Rosa J. 4/12
Sheet 160 (front): 133 R. Spangler A. B. Died Aug 14, 1861 Aged 2 y 14 d Inf. dau. died Nov. 24, 1858 Infant children of S. B. & E. Spangler
Sheet 161 (front): Lot 134 Park Moore Park Moore 1867 - 1913 Thomas J. Son of P. & F. Moore Died Mar. 24, 1899 Aged 2 m 4 d Park Moore s. of Lewis see Lot #122 m. Florence dau. of Andrew and Sarah (More) Briggs Her g.p. Samuel & Agnes Shepherd Briggs who d. in Ross Co., O. John W. and _____ Spear More buried Eel River Cem, early settlers of Smith & Union Townships. Son Paul B. m. a Dau of Albert Dimmick. 1 child Willodean.
Sheet 162 (front): # 135 William Windle Benjamin Lilly Benjamin Lilly b. 1804 in Fluvanna Co., Va. son of Armiger and Rebecca (Hutchinson) Lilly who went to Ross then Madison Co., O. Banjamin m. there Rosanna Clover She bur. in Clover Cem. west of Columbus., O. Left Ch: Armiger B., Aaron, Joshua and Henry.
Sheet 162 (back): 135 Windle Mildred Windle d. April 28, 1936, wife of Clayton Timmerman, d. Ft. Wayne, Her par. sur. & br. & sis: Inf s. Robert Lee d before mother. Florence m. E. E. Weigold, Col. City Ethel m. Preston Chapman Alta m. John Trumbull Hazel m. Diffendarfer 2nd Clayton T. George Fun. at Egolf. Ch. by Rev. John Jones. Bur. Blue River. William Windle b. July 28, 1865 son of James & Elziabeth Geiger Windle, d. Dec. 25, 1838. He m. Mary Priscilla Baron, Mar. 21, 1889 who d. Nov. 5, 1938 Sur. Ch: Mrs. S. E. Wiegold, Col. City. Mrs. John Trumbull, Green Tp., Noble Co. Mrs. Preston Chapman George Windle A sister, Mrs. James Gillespie survives at Kendallville.
Sheet 163 (front): 136 B. S. WAde B. S. Wade n. to s. Feb. 3, 1828 Mar. 15, 1869 M. A. Wade Sept. 28, 1821 Feb. 20, 1899 one stone S. G. Wade dau of B. S. & M. A. Wade Died April 5, 1891 Aged 31 - 5 - 3 d martha Ellen Wade b. Aug 2, 1857 in Va d. Mar 3, 1938 dau Benjamin & Martha Harlwo Wade, & came to Whit. Co. with parents at age of 2 yrs. M. 1st Capt. Worman who d. Oct. 3, 1924. Later m. J. S. Young who surv. with these ch: Mrs. William Strong, Churubusco Grover Workman, Indianapolis Shirley Workman, Wash. D.C. Charles Workman, add unk. Her Fun. Churubusco, funeral home. Rev. K. Dustin. Bur. Eel R.
Sheet 164 (front): 137 E. Smoock Emanuel Smuck Bron July 12, 1812 Died Nov. 16, 1890 Martha B. Wife Born Sept. 2, 1817 Died Sept. 2, 1891 m. in Whitley Co., July 13, 1867 to Martha B. Wade by Z. Garrison. The Smucks were expert carpet weavers making carpet that would stand alone. Note from Howard McLain
Sheet 165 (front): # 138 Christian Flory Franklin Son of C. & M. A. Flory Died Mar. 14, 1862 Aged 64 4 m 3 d Samuel A. Son of C. & M. A. Flory Died Mar. 21, 1862 Aged 4 y 2 m 13 d Thomas Son of C. & M. A. Flory Died Apr. 16, 1862 Aged 2 y 17 d
Sheet 166 (front): 139 Charles Pence Pence Charles W. 1859 - 1948 Ella Della Charles Pence m. Della Kimmel b. Feb. 2, 1868 d March 11, 1982; m. 1920 Born at Wolcotville, Ind. Rev. Wagner off. at fun. at Blue River. was aged 64 - 1 - 9 m. in 1920 Has step ch: Ora Mrs. William Walker Essie m. Rev. Wesley Pugh Sylvia Charles Laver
Sheet 167 (front): 14 Anderson Pence Anderson Pence W. C. Rec 1846 - 1931 Anderson Pence Sarah His wife to S. Hazen 1848 - 1924 6 June 1869 by Infant Noah Pence John Miller, M.G. Anderson D. Pence b. Aug. 16, 1846 in Smith township, son of Henry and mary Young Pence see Lot #126 Died in Decauter Hospital. Lived in Bryant, Ind. His first wife was Sarah Hazen, Dau of Isaac and Rachel (LeFever) Hazen. Sh b. Morrow Co., O. Dec 24, 1848. He b. June 6, 1846. Lived Jay Co. Indiana Children of 1st marriage: Cassius. Spring Valley, Wisconsin Nora Mrs. Stansburg, Eaton, Ind. Eva Mrs. cramer, Bryant, Ind. Oliver Bryant, Ind. Wilford Etna, Ind. Sur. bro. & Sister Charles W. Pence Mrs. Charles Hedges Willis Pence of Puyllup of Wash. Moved to Bryant about 1900. Pa. bearers, sons & sons - in - law Fun. con. by Rev. Smith of Bryant. Rev. Wagtner, Churubusco. Civil War Vet.
Sheet 168 (front): 141 Ira Bash Ira Bash 1862 - 1927 Martha Pence, his wife 1862 - 1925 Martha, dau. of Henry & Mary Young Pence See Lot # 126 She a second wife Mo children.
Sheet 169 (front): 142 Frank Riley Gertrude Riley Waugh d. Apr. 16, 1940 b. Union tp. Mary 25, 1878 m. Sept, 1902, Harvey Waugh Rev. Chas. Tinkham. Pall b. Hiram Hazen, John Markley, Robert Pontqius, Rex & Samuel Riley & Joseph Smith. In Memory of Gertude Riley Daughter of Samuel and Eliza (Pumphrey) Riley 1876 - 1940
Sheet 170 (front): # 143 F. Leech Pearl Frank 1885 - 1949 1877 - 1964
Sheet 171 (front): 144 Absalom Pence Absalom Pence 1824 - 1875 Clara, his wife 1834 - 1917 Son of George C. & Sarah Windle Pence the bodies of Absalom Pence and his mother are in old Pence Cem. on banks of Blue River, Sec #19, Smith tp. 6 ch: Northan W. died aged 25 Lelia Lavina m._____ Leach Melda d. y. Jacob m. Meda Jones bur. Eel R. Effie Infant On Sept. 29, 1853 m. Clarissa Van Houten by J. H. Swan, M.G. Lelia Pence & Husband, William A. Leach bur. new part of Blue River. W. A. b. March 21, 1858. Was 1½ when brought to Ind. from his native co. of Richland, O. His parents, James & Elizabeth Strean Leech See Lot # 76 Jacob E. Pence's wife was a dau. of John Jones. George C. Pence sd to be the first man to drive thru Smith tp. Meda Jones Pence d. Jan. 31, 1930, ch Tobias & Herschel.
Sheet 171 (back): 144 J. Pence son of Abs. Lelia Pence b. Sept 1858 d Nov. 6, 1939 in Churubusco Rev. Humerickhouse off. Sonday Funeral Home Jacob Elmer Pence d. Dec. 29, 1939 at Linville hos. b. Mayu 3, 1861. His w. martha Elmeda Jones d. Jan. 31, 1930. Sur. Tobias A. Pence, Angola Herschel O. Pence, Churubusco Ruth m. _____ Raypole, dec. Bur. Eel River Absalom Pence b. Highland Co. O. Clara Van Houten b. Rich. Co. O., Oct. 28, 1825 dau. Jacob & Catherine Ann Van Houten who came to Whit. Co. in 1837 loc Smith tp. Jacob 1 of 2 Judges 1st app. Co. served at 1st court. Jacob d. 1875 & W. in 1868, both mem. Presty. Ch. at Coesse. Had 11 ch. John, M.E. min in Ill. Isaac David Jacob Alexander Jane Clara Emma Absalom & Clara Pence m. at Concord. in 1853
Sheet 172 (front): 145 James Jones James H. Jones 1858 - 1935 Nency E. Jones 1860 - 1044 Ilo I. Jones 1924 - 1932 — Dau. Beulah m. Lyman O., son of E. P. Goodyear son of Jacob, na of Pa. Mrs. E. P. Goodyear b. O. dau. Samuel Nichols Lyman O., b. Huntington Co.
Sheet 173 (front): 146 W. R. Coverstone William R. Coverstone 1854 - martha E. 1849 - 1931 Martha E. dau. of Moses Trader and Mary (Smith) Gradeless (Lot 123) Her parents were Samuel and Rebecca Jones Smith, natives of Va. who came from Fayette Co., O. to Smith tp. Whitley Co., Ind. m. Oct. 5, 1875 at Coesse, Live 64 Grant Co., 4 y in Allen Co & 1 yr Ky. Rest in Whit. Floyd A. / Coverstone / 1888 - 1957 Martha E. / Coverstone / 1849 - 1931 Ailleane R. / Coverstone / 1854 - 1947
Sheet 174 (front): Adam Hull m. Esther Ann Strean 9 Dec 1843 W. Grabill, J. P. Lilly Benjamin H. 1804 - 1958 Windle Mary P. William L. 1865 - 1938 1865 - 1938
Sheet 175 (front): Names and their Meaning Abraham, from the Hebrew - father of multitudes. Archibald - Greek - Holy Prince - extremely bold Charles - Old German - strong, Manly, noble, spirited. Christopher - Greek - bearing Christ. David - Hebrew - Beloved. Ernest - Greek - earnest. Franklin - teutonic - freeman, freeholder. George - Old German - landholder, husbandman. Henry - Old High German - head of chief of a house. Hiram - Hebrew - most noble. Isaac - Hebrew - one who laughs, laughter. James - Hebrew - supplanter. Jeremiah - Hebrew - exhalted of the Lord. Jesse - Hebrew - wealth Jerome - Greek - bearing a holy name. Hieronymus John - Habvariation. John - Hebrew - Gracious gift of God. Variations: Joham, Johannes, Giovani, Jean, Juan, Hans, Shaun, Jack, Jock, Hansel. Joseph - Hebrew - he shall add. Lawrence - Latin - crowned with laurel. Leonard - German - strong, brave as a lion. Lewis - Old High German - bold warrior. Matthew - Hebrew - gift of Jehovah, var, matthias. martin - Latin - warlike. Michael - Hebrew - like God Nathaniel - Hebrew - gift of God. var. Nathan. Oliver - Latin - olive tree. Peter - Greek - a rock. var. Pearce, Pearson, Petrus. Philip - Greek - lover of horses. var. Felipe. Richard - Old High German - strong rules. Robert - Old High German - bright in fame, far. Rupert, Robertus etc. Rudolph - Old High German - famous wolf or hero, var. Raoul. Ralph, Ralston etc. Samuel - Hebrew - heard of God, asked for of God. Stephen - Greek - a crown, var. Steven, Stefan, Estevan. Thomas - Hebrew - a twin. William - Old High German - resolute, protector var. Guillaume, Guillermo, Willis, Wilson, Wilhelm, Wylie.
Sheet 176 (front): [Very shakey handwriting, very difficult to read] New Addition s. to n. East Row Henry Loretta J. / Overholser 1853 - 1926 1858 - 1924 — Warren A / Overholser / 1885 - 1963 — Maggert Ward M. / 1863 - 19__ Helen C. / 1862 - 1925 Julia / Edna / 1920 - 1924 Maggert Earl L. Lenora Lawson 1885 - 1930 1864 - 1942 1859 - 1929 E Edith Gaff / Born Nov. 4, 1906 / Died Jan. 2rd, 1947 Shultz Eva M. J. Ernest 1910 - 19__ 1920 - 1968 Maggert Marie M. Elden N 1902 - 1964 1893 - 1955 Rosabell Mae / Schultz / 1930 Helen Lenora / Schultz / 1931
Sheet 176 (back) n. to s. Row 2 [Very shakey handwriting, very difficult to read] Shultz Rosie L. John W. 1881 - 1964 1856 - 19__ Maggart / Inez D. / 1933 - 1940 Dorothy A. Maggart 1899 - 1967 Shivley Noah A. Nettie V. 1868 - 1926 1873 - 1951 Row 3 s. to n. shivley Arlos Sarah Lawrence 1929 - 1930 1894 - 19__ 1890 - 1964 Wickliffe Ross E. W / Letha Waugh Aug. 10, 1891 Aug. 6, 1891 Mar. 5, 1953 May 20, 1962 Row 4 n. to s. Waugh Chloa Harper K. Kiester 1885 - 1961 1887 - 1937 Merth W. Waugh / 1886 - 1944 — Waugh Elizabeth Klinck James A. 1857 - 1944 1847 - 1940
Sheet 177 (front): [Very shaking handwriting, very difficult to read] Pressler Lola E. Riley M 1903 1903 - 1959 Fletcher Beulah Buck 1920 1895 - 1966 Buk Fletcher / Kentucky / Pfc Co A. Development Bn Warold War I Oct. 29, 1895 June 19, 1966 Darrell Leon / Linvill / Nov. 17, 1964 Samuel Gale / Raber / 1892 - 1967 Nellie Riley / Raber 1891 - 19__ Marshall J. / Menzie 1890 - 1952 Warren J. Davidson / 1897 - 1950 Charles W. / Riley / 1867 - 1919 Mary Hyres / Riley / 1870 - 1956 Hiram J. Hazen / 1899 - Christobel R. / Hazen / 1898 - 1961 James Ryley / Hazen / 1930 - Margie Zumbrum / Hazen / 1913
Sheet 177 (back): [Very shaking handwriting, very difficult to read] Harshbarger Effie Burt 1879 - 1967 1870 - 1959 Cleon S. / 1906 - 1937 Early Mary M. Harry O. 1890 - 19__ 1871 - 1956 Linda Sue Shafler 1961 1961 Alice Kay / Herrick / 1940 - 1957 / Goodyear Mary J. Erastus P. 1861 - 1946 1864 - 1935 Geneva Timmersman / 1934 - Mildred E. / Timmerman / 1908 - 1936 Infant / Roger L. / Timmerman / D. Apr. 23, 1936 Infant / Geneva L. / Timmerman / D. June 3, 1931 harold Infant Son of / Frank & Hazel / Diffendafer / Died Jun 19, 1933 Arthur L. / Pence / July 28, 1949 Pence Grace L Arthur A. 1877 - 19 1892 - 1946
Sheet 178 (front): [Very shaking handwriting, very difficult to read] Anspaugh Albert J. / 1868 - 1938 Cora E. His wfie 1875 - 1925 Carter Edna L. Norman E. 1872 - 1954 1869 - 1936 Raymond W. / Barnes / 1900 - 1942 Marcella June / Hazen / 1929 - 1966 Florence Tohrer / Hazen / 1900 - 1939 William Albert / Hazen / 1897 - 1965 Pvt. Batry D. 150 Fld Arty World War I Jan. 17, 1897 July 13, 1965 Humbarger Alma J. / 1892 - 19__ Herber E. 1888 - 19__ Young Florence V. Rev. Frank S. 1889 - 19__ 1888 - 1948 Windle Harriet L. John 1857 - 1932 1850 - 1932 Clair Urneland Un.
Sheet 178 (back): [Very shaking handwriting, very difficult to read] Smith Vera B. Forest M. 1907 - 19__ 1905 - 1926 Daughter / Beverly A. / Bohnstedt / 1936 - 1962 Crabill Mary J. Jefferson 1914 - 19__ 1899 - 1961 Jessie Helen / Crabill / 1923 - 1923 Barney Clarence W. Lois B 1884 - 1939 1895 - 1958 Barney Everet A. Katie V. Barney 1860 - 1940 1860 - 1950 Keirn Eva M. Glen O. 1891 - 19__ 1890 - 1934 Son / D. Rex / 1927 - 1947 Corbin Effie M. John R. 1892 - 1934 1889 - 19__ Elnore / Corbin u m Elzora E. Corbin u m
Sheet 179 (front): [Very shaking handwriting, very difficult to read] James Leland / Gaff / 1927 - 1929 Mary Francis / Gaff / 1921 - 1937 Edna / Corbin / 1888 - 1968 Jesie Corbin / 1879 - 1931 Barney Eleanor R. married Forrest M. 1919 - Nov. 20 1915-1966 1944 Goodyear Beulah B. Lyman O. 1890 - 1964 1890 - 19__ Infant / Orbin Goodyear / 1928 Leech Leila L. William A. 1858 - 1939 1858 - 1934 William E. / Beck 1929 Keirn Dennis Goldier 1892 - 19__ 1892 - 1929 Donald E. / 1932 1939 Sumney William A. 1859 - 1933 Eda / His wife / 1863 - 1945 John W. . 1832 - 1921
Sheet 180 (front): [Blank]
Sheet 180 (back): [Very shaking handwriting, very difficult to read] Windle Peter / 1848 - 1924 Cynthis Windle / 1852 - 1935 u m. Pence C. Laver Nellie D. 1892 - 19__ 1896 - 1964 Orville L. / Pence / July 24, 1920 Bessie Bennet u m George Bennet u m Pence Alice M. 1861 - 1926 James L. 1861 - 1939 Waugh Rose B. Bert B. 1887 - 19__ 1881 - 1958
Sheet 181 (front): [Very shaking handwriting, very difficult to read] Decker Ida A. Ervin D. 1856 - 19__ 1880 - 1968 Oville W. / 1922 - 1922 Hedge John J. 1862 - 1937 Nettie J. 18676 - 1951 Pence Arnie May Melvin C. 1885 - 1946 1884 - 1951 Donald Dick / Pence 1924 - 1914 Joseph M. nancy Ann 1852 - 1936 1860 - 1929 Marlene Kay / Mueller 1848 - 1949 u m Pence Heber J. 1886 -1929 Carrie B. / His Wife / 1888 - 19__
Sheet 180 (back): [Very shaking handwriting, very difficult to read] Smith Chloe W. / 1873 - 1920 Samuel A. / 1866 - 1942 Hedges Daisy K. 1891 - 1920 Emig Bertha Charles 1865 - 1951 1863 - 1956

Letter inserted in the notebook.

Printed Letterhead: Cowan & Son Funeral Home - Ambulance Service, 616 South Washington Street, Van Wert, Ohio

22 March 1962

Mrs. S. G. Raber
Columiba City, Ind.

Dear Mrs. Raber:

Several months ago I wrote to the J. A. DeMoney & Son Funeral Home inquiring about descendants of the ASHIEL CARTER family, hoping they might supply me with names of some of the CARTER descendants. I was unaware that the DeMoney family had any connection with the CARTER family until Robert J. DeMoney replied, and furnished what data he could.

He informed me that you were a descendant of ASAHEL CARTER, and could possibly give me some data.

I am enclosing a chart which is very incomplete. However, it is all the data I know. There must be at least fifty descendants that are not included in the chart. If you would help in nay way, either by supplying names, or dates of births, or dates of deaths, or to who they were married, or names of persons and their addresses to whom I could write and obtain some information, it would be appreciated.

I has been a slow process, but in the past three years I have gathered more than four hundred names of descendants of the ASA CARTER—CYNTHIA PARKER union.

Asa CARTER was born 25 July 1771. He may have been born in Virginia, or perhaps in England. He died 26 march 1844 in Franklin county, Ohio. He was married to CYNTHIA PARKER. She may have been born 2 Oct. 1763. She died 5 Oct. 1825 in Franklin County, Ohio. They had seven children: Asahel, Havilah, Dedan, Ardalas, Addison, Lucinda and Gelina (or Julina).

My Great - Great - grandfather was ARDALA CARTER, who was born 22 March 1805 in Loudoun County, Virginia, and died 30 June 889 in Adams County, Ind. He was married to HANNAH GULICK, who was born 8 Sept. 1812 in Hampshire County, Virginia, and died 28 march 1892 in Adams County, Indiana. They had fourteen children. The third child LORETTA CARTER, married my great - grandfather, NORMAN ACKER. Their second of six children was ALPHEUS Norman ACKER, who married EDNA A. FAUST. Their second of six children was NACKIE ELIZABETH ACKER who married HARRY BLAINE COWAN. I, Donald B. Cowan, am the third of four children. That is my connection to the CARTER family.

Enclosed is a stamps envelop for your reply. Yours very truly, s/Donald B. Cowan.

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