Pioneer Families of Whitley County IN
c/o Genealogical Society of Whitley County
P. O. Box 224 — Columbia City, IN 46725-0224


Direct descendants of early settlers of Whitley County, Indiana may become a member of Pioneer Families of Whitley County. Applicants must prove that their ancestor(s) lived within the boundaries of present-day Whitley County between December 31, 1850 and December 31, 1870 AND that they are direct descendants of the said person(s)


Member / Address Ancestor / Settled
1-PFRebeckah R. Wiseman
Columbia City
William Brubaker & his mother
Sarah (Foster) Parkison
Thorncreek Twp about 1852
2-PFRebeckah R. Wiseman
Columbia City
William P. Wise,
Jacob & Malissa (Stem) Wise &
Conrad and Indiana (Sisley) Stem
Thorncreek Twp by 1854
3-PF Rebeckah R. Wiseman
Columbia City
James & Sophia (Hazlett) Dunfee
Jefferson Twp about 1854
4-PF Dianna Jean Keiser Boxx
Middleburg, Florida
Daniel Keiser
Columbia Twp in 1852
5-PF Thomas R. Johnson
Granger, IN
John W. Johnson, Christina (France)
Johnson & James Franklin Johnson
Washington Twp in 1853
6-PF Jeanette Wince Brown
Columbia City
Lester Emery Wince
born in Washington Twp 1867
Alfred B. Wince
Philip & Martha (Scott) Wince
Washington Twp 1854
from Ohio
7-PF Jeanette Wince Brown
Columbia City
Cora Della (Pence) Wince
born in Washington Twp 1870
Robert Lucas & Magdaline (Biery) Pence
Washington Twp 1870
from Ohio
8-PF Phyllis Smith Egolf
Columbia City
Philip Long
Jefferson Twp 1861
from Ohio
9-PF Phyllis Smith Egolf
Columbia City
Oliver Smith
Jefferson Twp 1852
from Fayette Co
10-PF Lee James "Joe" Perry
Columbia City
Henry & Rebecca Kyle Perry
Washington Twp 1870
from Ohio
11-PF Rita Mullendore Hively
Columbia City
James & Margaret A. Tyner Broxon
Jefferson Twp 1854
from Fayette & Cass Co
12-PF Rita Mullendore Hively
Columbia City
Amelia Ann Broxon Plummer
Jefferson Twp 1854 from Cass Co
Joseph B. Plummer, Samuel Plummer
and Catherine Berry Plummer
Jefferson Twp 1860 from Ohio
13-PF Connie S. Ware Overholser Denihan
Columbia City
John Henry & Nancy Ann
(Householder) Hiner
Washington Twp by 1860
from Huntington Co
14-PF Connie S. Ware Overholser Denihan
Columbia City
Peter Roy Goble
Washington Twp in 1853
from Perry Co. Ohio
15-PF Connie S. Ware Overholser Denihan
Columbia City
Andrew & Elizabeth (Kirkendall) Clark
Otho Clark & Elizabeth Oaks Clark
Jefferson Twp in 1866
from Huntington Co
16-PF Cindy Sue (Greider) Keirn
Columbia City
Jacob Sevits
Thorncreek Twp by 1860
from Ohio
17-PF William Sherm Keirn
Columbia City
Henry & Elizabeth (Jones) Hazen
Isaac & Rachel (LeFevre) Hazen
Smith Twp by 1860
from New Jersey & Ohio
18-PF Charlotte Sue Hurd Blair
Columbia City, Indiana
Henry & Mary Ann (Steward) Sheets
Jacob Wesley Sheets
Whitley Co 1858
from Ohio
Jacob born Jefferson Twp 1863
19-PF Charlotte Sue Hurd Blair
Muskego, Wisconsin
Michael Boney
Jefferson Twp 1858
from Ohio
20-PF Dorothy Louise Bordner
State College, Pennsylvania
Ruvulon Jefferson Bordner
William & Sarah Ann (Schneider) Bordner
Columbia Twp 1865
from Ohio
21-PF Dorothy Louise Bordner
State College, Pennsylvania
John & Henrietta/Harriet (Smith) Schrader
? Sarah Ann Schrader
Columbia Twp about 1864
from Ohio
22-PF Dorothy Louise Bordner
State College, Pennsylvania
Michael & Margaret/Rebecca (Heiser) Stickler
John M. Stickler
Columbia Twp 1853
from Ohio
23-PF Charles Dwane Grace
Lima, Ohio
Simon & Mary (Fritz) Grace
Jefferson Twp 1870
from Morrow Co Ohio
24-PF Rita Kay Mullendore Hively
Columbia City
Joseph & Elizabeth (Baker) Mullendore
Washington Twp before 1870
25-PF William Keirn
Columbia City
William & Sarah Ann (Schneider) Bordner
Ruvulon Jefferson Bordner
Columbia Twp 1865
from Ohio
26-PF William Keirn
Columbia City
Sarah Ann Schrader
John & Henrietta/Harriet (Smith)
Columbia Twp 1864
from Ohio
27-PF Janice Anderson Mathias
Qilliam W. Schuman
Columbia Twp 1859
from Ohio
28-PF Janice Anderson Mathias
James Davis
Columbia Twp 1868
from Pennsylvania
29-PF Janice Anderson Mathias
Bazel Watters
Troy Twp 1860
from Ohio
30-PF Janice Anderson Mathias
James McKown
Thorncreek Twp 1853
from Ohio
31-PF Jonathan Pook
South Whitley
Charles Frederick Pook
Washington Twp 1866
from Hanover
32-PF Jonathan Pook
South Whitley
Gottlieb Kunberger
Columbia Twp 1869
from Wurttemburg
33-PF Jonathan Pook
South Whitley
Jacob Auer
Columbia Twp 1852
from Wurttemburg
34-PF David E. Keiser
Columbia City
John & Henrietta/Harriet
(Smith) Schrader
Hiram & Mary Ann (Schrader) Keiser
Columbia Twp about 1864
from Ohio
35-PF David E. Keiser
Columbia City
Henry Eberhard married 1855
to Fanny Nolt
Catherine Eberhard b 1868
Columbia Twp 1852 from Ohio
36-PF David E. Keiser
Columbia City
James & Martha Ann (Dyer) Jeffries
daughter Martha May Jeffries
Jefferson Twp before 1860
Martha born Jefferson Twp 1868
37-PF Herbert Ira Ressler
Columbia City
Jacob Ressler and
his son John Ressler
Cleveland Twp before 1870
from Ohio.
38-PF Calvin Clinton Dunfee
Columbia City
Everett Wellington Barney &
his wife Mary
& son William D. Barney
came from Ohio before 1860
William born Thorncreek Twp
June 1864
39-PF Charlotte Blair
Muskego, Wisconsin
Elisha Richard & Nancy (Clya) White
& their son Drury Vincent White
came from Ohio in 1864
lived in Thorncreek & Jefferson Twps.
40-PF Clark Waterfall
Columbia City
John Wesley Waterfallc& his parents
Marie Helblig & Samuel Waterfall
Thorncreek Twp 1845 from Ohio
41-PF Clark Waterfall
Columbia City
Frederick Humbarger & Elizabeth Hetrick
Thorncreek Twp 1854 from Ohio
daughter Caroline Humbarger born
Thorncreek Twp 1854
42-PF Kristine Diane Taylor Richey
Columbia City
Henry Howard Taylor &
Melvina Elizabeth Mossman
Jefferson Twp 1854
from Coshocton County Ohio
son John Marshall Taylor born
Jefferson Twp 1863
43-PF Kristine Diane Taylor Richey
Columbia City
Frederick & Catherine (Gross) Woldord
and her mother
Anna Mary (Shafer) Gross
Washington Twp 1865
from Crawford County Ohio
44-PF Kristine Diane Taylor Richey
Columbia City
Joshua Henry Schuman & his parents
William W. & Mary Ann (Snyder) Schuman
Columbia Twp 1859
from Clark County Ohio
45-PF Kristine Diane Taylor Richey
Columbia City
Zenus Tillotson Noble his wife
Catherine Turney
and daughter Mary Ett Noble
Etna Troy Twp 1852
from Franklin County Ohio
46-PF Kristine Diane Taylor Richey
Columbia City
George & Elizabeth (Keener) Gable
and son David Gable & his wife
Catharine Karnes
Cleveland Twp 1853
from Darke County Ohio
Karnes to Cleveland Twp before 1860
47-PF Charlotte Sue Hurd Blair
Columbia City
Andrew Jackson Ihrig
Jefferson Township from Ohio
048-PF Alice Jane Ray Wilson
Farwell, Michigan
Joel & Lydia (Huddle) Stoner
Daniel & Mahala (Allen) Stoner,
and Noah Franklin Stoner
Whitley County by 1870
from Ohio and Huntington County
049-PF Bruce Sndyer
Culver, Indiana
John Snyder,
Anna Barbara Hoffer-Brudi
Thorncreek Twp from Ohio by 1860
050-PF Jean Marie Fremion McKibben
LaGrange, Indiana
Jacob Auer & Sophia Panna
Columbia Twp. from Württemburg 1852
051-PF Elmer Stocker
Carmel, Indiana
Philip Long
Jefferson Township 1861
052-PF Dallas Wayne King
Columbia City, IN
David K. King, Charles E. King,
and James Burr King
Richland Township 1852
from Ohio
053-PF Jo Ellen Adams McConnell
Columbia City, IN
John Quincy and Christianna (Elliott) Adams
John Wilson and Sophie DuPont (Collins) Adams
Thorncreek Township 1853
from Ohio
054-PF Dallas Wayne King
Columbia City, IN
Philip and Rebecca (Williams) McNear
Eliza Jane McNear
Smith Township 1851
from Ohio
055-PF Connie Sue Ware Overholser Denihan David Hartman and his
wife Martha Smith
Cleveland Township 1866
from Williams Co. Ohio
056-PF Arron DeWayne King David K. King, Charles E. King,
and James Burr King
Richland Township 1852 from Ohio
James born in Richland Township
058-PF Deborah Stilwell-Storbeck
Kalamazoo, Michigan
George Richard
Washington Township - 1853
From France
059-PF Dorothy Doriot Bell
Glendale, Arizona
Emile (Lemuel) Doriot and wife
Elizabeth Pheister Doriot
From Switzerland
060-PF Robert Lawrence Kohrman James, Charles and James W. Blee
Jefferson Township 1856
from Ireland
061-PF James E. Eagleston
Middlebury, Indiana
James, Charles and James W. Blee
Jefferson Township 1856
from Ireland
062-PF Nicole Marie Eagleston Martin James, Charles and James W. Blee
Jefferson Township 1856
from Ireland
063-PF Regan Nicole Martin
Goshen, Indiana
James, Charles and James W. Blee
Jefferson Township 1856
from Ireland
064-PF Steven Bates
Marion, Indiana
Meinrad Schinbeckler &
Joseph Bish
Jefferson Township 1855
from Switzerland and Ohio
065-PF Gregory Anthes
New Durham, New Hampshire
Philip George Anthes Sr.
Columbia Township - 1870
from Prussia

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