Index to the
Bulletin of the
Whitley County Historial Society
Jeanette Brown


Item - Author : Date of Bulletin
1886 Style Entertainment by Schultz, George: December 1986
1st Settlers Smith Township by Palmer, George A: February 1983
30 years Whitley County Historical Society: June 1988
8th grade graduation School by Gates, Ralph: August 1972



Abandoned Pioneer Cemeteries Book: April 1988
Accident Railroad (1908) by Kemery, Glen: February 1973
Adair, Joseph Wilson (biography): December 1995
Adams Cemetery: August 1965
Adams, Andy (biography) by Schultz, Geo F: June 1979
Adams, Clarice Vivian (Mink) (biography): December 1992
Adams, Hester (Author): Green Hill Academy School: October 1958
Adams, Hester (Author): School Green Hill Academy: October 1958
Adams, Hester Little (biography): October 1991
Adams, J Q (biography): June 1988
Adams, James D (Author): Biography: Peabody, S J: February 1966
Adams, James D (Author): Club Rotary: August 1988
Adams, James D (Author): Peabody, S J (biography): February 1966
Adams, James D (Author): Rotary: August 1988
Adams, John Q (biography): February 1988
Adams-Pond (biography) by Pond, Mack Adam: October 1975
Adams-Pond Marker (1976): October 1975
Adkins Trailer Park (1966) by Riddick, Foster: October 1993
Ague Medicine: October 1991
Airmail Mail by Bridge, Franklin M: February 1983
Airplanes Crash (1945): April 1989
Airplanes Old Settlers (1913): August 1967
Airplanes Wilkswood Landing Strip: October 1972
Aker, George (biography) by Schultz, George: October 1990
Aker, Margaret Coyle (biography) by Meyers, Betty Thomson: April 1987
Albaugh, Anita (Author): Biography: Marshall, Thomas: October 1981
Albaugh, Anita (Author): Marshall, Thomas (biography): October 1981
Alexander Knisely School: June 1982
Alexander, Helen McConnell (Author): Farm Life: October 1979
Alexander, Helen McConnell (Author): Farming Mint: June 1979
Alexander, Helen McConnell (Author): Johnson School: December 1978
Alexander, Helen McConnell (Author): Life Farm: October 1979
Alexander, Helen McConnell (Author): Mint Farming: June 1979
Alexander, Helen McConnell (Author): School Johnson: December 1978
Alley, The by Meitzler, Edwin: August 1972
American Legion by Schultz, George: February 1984
American Railway Express Robbery (1946): March 1999
Anderson, Betty J (Author): Farm Life: June 1996
Anderson, Betty J (Author): Life Farm: June 1996
Anderson, Clarence E (Author): Biography: Stockert, Jacob: December 1978
Anderson, Clarence E (Author): Stockert, Jacob (biography): December 1978
Angell, Maude Johnson (Author): Etna School: October 1980
Angell, Maude Johnson (Author): School Etna: October 1980
Annie Lewis: December 1985
Antarctic Snow Monster (1939) by Diffendarfer, Carter: October 1981
Art Courthouse Display: February 1983
Artist Langohr, Margo: December 1996
Assault (1898): March 1998
Auer, Del (Author): Autos Crest: December 1988
Auer, Del (Author): Crest Autos: December 1988
Aunt Jemina Visits (1940): March 1999
Austin Marker: October 1978
Auto Accident Railroad (1934): October 1993
Autos (1930): September 1995
Autos Crest - 1902: October 1984
Autos Crest by Auer, Del: December 1988
Autos First: April 1990
Autos Henderson Race car: October 1983
Autos Model T Visit (1999): September 1999
Autos Model T: April 1991
Autos Old Settlers (1910): August 1967
Autos Young Drivers (1920): August 1993
Autos: April 1982
Autos: October 1969


Babes in the Woods by Flowers, Henry: October 1972
Bachelor Club: June 1981
Bachelor Club: October 1971
Baker, HE (Author): Church Presbyterian (Bell): August 1976
Baker, HE (Author): Presbyterian (Bell) Church: August 1976
Baker, John (biography): April 1981
Banana Row by Gates, Ralph F: April 1972
Band Concert, 1st Music (1919): April 1992
Band Concerts Music (1918): March 1995
Bank Examiner (1926): March 1999
Banks Insured (1934): March 1998
Barber, Edwin Lusk (biography): June 1995
Barbers: August 1981
Barbers: June 1992
Bardonner, Myrtle I (Yeager) (biography): December 1992
Barnes, Dr Charles K (biography) by Fleck, Cleon: August 1983
Barnraising by Braddock, E Yost: December 1974
Barnraising by Holycross, Eudolph: February 1978
Baseball (1904): September 1998
Baseball (1934): February 1994
Baseball (1939): March 1995
Baseball by Holycross, Doc: February 1984
Baseball by Schultz, George: October 1983
Baseball Rules: June 1999
Baseball: August 1965
Bash Hill School (1911): December 1978
Basketball (1939): June 1998
Basketball (1940): March 1999
Basketball (1945): March 1998
Basketball by Gates, Benton E: June 1986
Basketball by Yoder, Harry T: August 1974
Basketball: December 1974
Bauman, Henry (biography): March 1997
Beard, Eugene (biography): December 1992
Beard, Juanita King (Author): Larwill Mail: December 1978
Beard, Juanita King (Author): Larwill: April 1983
Beard, Juanita King (Author): Mail Larwill: December 1978
Beard, Juanita King (Author): Town Larwill: April 1983
Beard, Robt (biography) (1939): October 1993
Beard/Goodrich 1897 Wedding by Meyers, Betty Thomson: October 1987
Becker, Holda McLaughlin (Author): Biography: Peabody, S J: June 1979
Becker, Holda McLaughlin (Author): Peabody, S J (biography): June 1979
Bedroom Museum (1988): April 1988
Beech Chapel School by Fries, Leo J: June 1975
Beeson, Edward B (biography): March 1998
Bell Courthouse: April 1975
Bell, Carolyn Vance (Author): Biography: Marshall, Morrison: October 1993
Bell, Carolyn Vance (Author): Marshall, Morrison (biography): October 1993
Bellings by Overdeer, Mary: April 1979
Bennett, Harry (biography) (1998): September 1998
Berwert, Ed (biography) by Berwert, Vivian: December 1991
Berwert, Edward Henry (biography): December 1997
Berwert, Vivian (Author): Berwert, Ed (biography): December 1991
Berwert, Vivian (Author): Biography: Berwert, Ed: December 1991
Bethel Church: September 1996
Big Brown Beast: August 1990
Billman Bros Service St. (1926): March 1999
Binder, Edward & Nerva (Hall) (biography): August 1992
Binder, Homer (biography): December 1984
Binder, Joachim Frederick (biography): February 1980
Biography: Adair, Joseph Wilson: December 1995
Biography: Adams, Andy by Schultz, Geo F: June 1979
Biography: Adams, Clarice Vivian (Mink): December 1992
Biography: Adams, Hester Little: October 1991
Biography: Adams, J Q: June 1988
Biography: Adams, John Q: February 1988
Biography: Adams-Pond by Pond, Mack Adam: October 1975
Biography: Aker, George by Schultz, George: October 1990
Biography: Aker, Margaret Coyle by Meyers, Betty Thomson: April 1987
Biography: Baker, John: April 1981
Biography: Barber, Edwin Lusk: June 1995
Biography: Bardonner, Myrtle I (Yeager): December 1992
Biography: Barnes, Dr Charles K by Fleck, Cleon: August 1983
Biography: Bauman, Henry: March 1997
Biography: Beard, Eugene: December 1992
Biography: Beard, Robt (1939): October 1993
Biography: Beeson, Edward B: March 1998
Biography: Bennett, Harry (1998): September 1998
Biography: Berwert, Ed by Berwert, Vivian: December 1991
Biography: Berwert, Edward Henry: December 1997
Biography: Binder, Edward & Nerva (Hall): August 1992
Biography: Binder, Homer: December 1984
Biography: Binder, Joachim Frederick: February 1980
Biography: Bloom, Benton & "Jack" (1912): April 1991
Biography: Bloom, Benton J (1919) by Schultz, George: December 1990
Biography: Bloom, Benton J by Bloom, Bill: April 1988
Biography: Bloom, Benton Jay by Schultz, George: February 1980
Biography: Bloom, Benton Jay: June 1979
Biography: Bloom, BJ by Souder, Don: December 1989
Biography: Braddock, Yost by Judd, Robert: October 1983
Biography: Brenneman, Franklin R: March 1996
Biography: Briggs, Dr. Orville C: August 1982
Biography: Briggs, Rebecca Nickey by Kaler, Bertha Mossman: August 1980
Biography: Briggs, Silas: June 1980
Biography: Brown, Vallorous: October 1979
Biography: Broxon, Dr James W by Fleck, Cleon: August 1983
Biography: Brubaker, Susan Miller by Curtis, Helen Ulrey: April 1990
Biography: Bryan, William Jennings: April 1981
Biography: Bryan, William Jennings: June 1985
Biography: Bryan, Wm Jennings by Emery, Lee: August 1975
Biography: Buffalo Bill by Meyers, Betty Thomson: June 1988
Biography: Carter, Henry: August 1987
Biography: Carver, Bernice (1939): August 1993
Biography: Carver, Bernice by Lemon, Lola: December 1981
Biography: Carver, Bernice: April 1984
Biography: Carver, Bernice: October 1992
Biography: Carver, Bernice: September 1997
Biography: Chauncey, Elihu by Palmer, George A: October 1981
Biography: Cleveland Family by Wilcox, D G: December 1982
Biography: Clugston, D B (1919): December 1999
Biography: Coesse: December 1996
Biography: Collins Family: October 1974
Biography: Collins, Eliza Jane: December 1979
Biography: Cook Family by Smith, Mildred (Cook): February 1977
Biography: Cuppy Family: February 1964
Biography: Cuppy, Sarah: December 1991
Biography: Daniel, Dan (1915): August 1981
Biography: Daniel, Hattie: December 1979
Biography: Daniel, Lee by Carver, Bernice: June 1990
Biography: Davis, Harley G: September 1994
Biography: DePoy, John: October 1963
Biography: DeVol, Abe: June 1987
Biography: Dillman, Franklin: December 1981
Biography: Dillman, Franklin: December 1983
Biography: Dorman, Fay: October 1992
Biography: Douglas, Lloyd C by Meier, Aileen C: June 1990
Biography: Douglas, Lloyd C: October 1967
Biography: Douglas, Lloyd Cassel: February 1980
Biography: Douglas, Lloyd: December 1981
Biography: Douglas, Rev Alexander Jackson: December 1980
Biography: Dowell, Mary: December 1992
Biography: Dowell, Mary: June 1997
Biography: Easterday Family: April 1986
Biography: Easterday, Dennis (1955): September 1999
Biography: Easterday, George: February 1993
Biography: Edwards, Charles: October 1983
Biography: Emery, J Lee by Holycross, Thelma: December 1979
Biography: Farren, Phil: June 1986
Biography: Fleck, Alvin by Fleck, Cleon: February 1986
Biography: Fleck, Alvin: April 1986
Biography: Fleck, Cleon by Kirk, Tom: June 1994
Biography: Fleck, Cleon: February 1992
Biography: Fleck, Cleon: October 1992
Biography: Foster, Berlin by Schultz, George: April 1983
Biography: Foust by Gates, Ralph F: June 1969
Biography: Foust Family by Gates, Ralph: December 1976
Biography: Foust, Archie H: February 1991
Biography: Foust, Leroy S: August 1982
Biography: Frances Slocum by Gater, Laura: March 1999
Biography: Frances Slocum: August 1966
Biography: Frida, Henry L by Murphy, Max: September 1994
Biography: Friskney, Marie: June 1963
Biography: Gaff, Max - POW: August 1990
Biography: Gandy, Otho: April 1968
Biography: Gates Family: September 1996
Biography: Gates, Alice C: June 1982
Biography: Gates, Governor: April 1975
Biography: Gates, Helene Edwards: October 1982
Biography: Gates, Ralph by Schultz, George: February 1979
Biography: Gates, Ralph: February 1972
Biography: Glenn, Sheline: October 1979
Biography: Goodspeed: October 1982
Biography: Grace, John by DeBolt, Alice: October 1985
Biography: Grove, Ulyssis by Haid, Dick: June 1999
Biography: Grund, Freda: February 1980
Biography: Hallowell, Mary by Hill, Fay Osborn: October 1980
Biography: Hallowell, Mary Elizabeth: April 1980
Biography: Hallowell, Mary: April 1982
Biography: Hammer, Fern (1939): August 1993
Biography: Hammer, Fern (Waugh) by Schultz, George: April 1991
Biography: Hammer, Fern Waugh: June 1984
Biography: Harris, Vivian: October 1992
Biography: Harshbarger, Marshall McNagnie by Schultz, George: October 1987
Biography: Hartman Family: June 1992
Biography: Hathaway Family by Fricke, Phyllis Kyler: February 1983
Biography: Hayden, David & Alma (Cone): March 1995
Biography: Helm's Howard: December 1990
Biography: Hennig, Rev Valentine by Tripcony, Fern (Labar): December 1994
Biography: Hessler, Clarence by Hessler, Clarence "Bill": December 1991
Biography: Hickman Family by Hickman, John: June 1984
Biography: Hickman, E Ford by Hickman, John F: August 1982
Biography: Hickman, John: December 1996
Biography: Hicks, Robert E by Fleck, Cleon: August 1980
Biography: Hole, John: February 1980
Biography: Hollenbaugh, Herbert: December 1995
Biography: Holycross, Doc & Thelma: August 1988
Biography: Hooper, Edith Belinda Swayze: December 1979
Biography: Hunsaker, Edith: September 1994
Biography: Hunter, John Wesley by Schultz, George: June 1980
Biography: Hyre, John Wesley Jr: September 1998
Biography: Ihrig, Herbert: August 1992
Biography: Ireland, Maj Gen Merritte W: April 1968
Biography: Ireland, Merritte W: December 1980
Biography: Ireland, Merritte Weber by Schultz, George: February 1981
Biography: Jagger, Dean: June 1977
Biography: Jagger, Dean: October 1964
Biography: Jagger, Harry by Sherbahn, Kenneth: April 1991
Biography: James, Jesse's Mother: June 1963
Biography: Jeffries, Pompeys, Keen etc: March 1995
Biography: Jellison, Tom: October 1979
Biography: Jews in Whitley County by Strouse, AK: February 1980
Biography: Johnny Appleseed: September 1996
Biography: Johnson, Jack by Carver, Bernice: August 1975
Biography: Johnson, Jack by Souder, Don: August 1990
Biography: Johnson, Lawrence: June 1991
Biography: Johnston, James Magley: August 1989
Biography: Johnston, Jim: December 1989
Biography: Jones, Bill: June 1995
Biography: Jones, Washington: December 1980
Biography: Kaufman, Henry by Kaufman, Ethan A: December 1978
Biography: Kaufman: February 1966
Biography: Keefer, Eliza Jane Washburn: December 1979
Biography: Keirn, Thelma - actress: October 1990
Biography: Keiser, John H: October 1979
Biography: Kenner, Andrew: December 1964
Biography: Kerr, Chauncey: April 1983
Biography: Kessler, Samuel Edward by Samsen, Arta C: October 1989
Biography: Kilsoquah by Craighead, George: June 1968
Biography: Kilsoquah: August 1965
Biography: Kilsoquah: December 1998
Biography: Kissinger, Wm H by Bragg, Rick: February 1982
Biography: Kistler, Jerry by Lemon, Lola: August 1990
Biography: Kithcart, Dr. Nathan I by Schultz, George: August 1980
Biography: Knisley, Alexander J: October 1972
Biography: Knox, Fanny Florence Smith by Lemon, Lola: October 1986
Biography: Kocher, Martin: February 1980
Biography: Kretzinger, Letter (1856): June 1986
Biography: Kyler, Merle: October 1976
Biography: LaBalme by Schultz, Geo F: October 1985
Biography: LaBalme by Schultz, George F: October 1981
Biography: LaBalme by Schultz, George F: October 1986
Biography: LaBalme by Schultz, George: October 1980
Biography: Leedy Family by Leedy, Roy B: October 1993
Biography: Lehman, George J: March 1998
Biography: Lemon, Hazel & Lola: October 1992
Biography: Lemon, Hazel by Lemon, Lola: June 1988
Biography: Lillich Ed: August 1983
Biography: Lillich, Ed by Gates, Ralph: June 1977
Biography: Linvill, Dr Ben by Schultz, George: February 1990
Biography: Linvill, Dr. Benj: October 1993
Biography: Linvill, Dr. Benjamin (1923): August 1990
Biography: Linvill, Dr. Benjamin by Duffield, Evelyn Magley: February 1993
Biography: Linvill, Dr. Benjamin: October 1986
Biography: Linvill, Frank (1892) by Schultz, George: June 1983
Biography: Linvill, Hayes (1903) by Kirk, Tom: December 1989
Biography: Linvill, Hayes (1922) by Schultz, George: April 1991
Biography: Linvill, Hayes (1922) by Schultz, George: December 1990
Biography: Linvill, Hayes by Gates, Ralph F: December 1984
Biography: Linvill, Hayes by Schultz, George: April 1986
Biography: Linvill, Hayes by Schultz, George: April 1987
Biography: Linvill, Hayes by Schultz, George: April 1990
Biography: Linvill, Hayes by Schultz, George: April 1992
Biography: Linvill, Hayes by Schultz, George: October 1989
Biography: Linvill, Hayes by Schultz, George: October 1990
Biography: Linvill, Hayes: April 1984
Biography: Linvill, Hayes: August 1986
Biography: Linvill, Hayes: December 1984
Biography: Linvill, Hayes: February 1990
Biography: Linvill, Hayes: February 1991
Biography: Linvill: February 1966
Biography: Linville, Dr Benj: June 1988
Biography: Little Turtle by Gater, Laura: December 1998
Biography: Little Turtle by Lancaster, Robt F: December 1976
Biography: Little Turtle: April 1983
Biography: Little Turtle: August 1987
Biography: Little Turtle: February 1967
Biography: Little Turtle: June 1990
Biography: Little Turtle: June 1996
Biography: Little Turtle: September 1996
Biography: Lohman, Mary A: December 1979
Biography: Long, Jill: February 1990
Biography: Loutzenhiser, Albert: December 1992
Biography: MacArthur, Douglas: August 1970
Biography: Magley Family: June 1986
Biography: Mallock, Wm (Stage Driver): February 1965
Biography: Marchand, Frederick: August 1965
Biography: Marshall Quips: September 1996
Biography: Marshall, Cruise Letters by Marshall, Thomas: April 1990
Biography: Marshall, Dr Daniel M: April 1975
Biography: Marshall, Dr Daniel: June 1991
Biography: Marshall, Lois by Reinhart, Diana: February 1976
Biography: Marshall, Lois K by Carver, Bernice: February 1985
Biography: Marshall, Lois: April 1976
Biography: Marshall, Lois: October 1988
Biography: Marshall, Morrison by Bell, Carolyn Vance: October 1993
Biography: Marshall, Thomas (1922): August 1993
Biography: Marshall, Thomas by Albaugh, Anita: October 1981
Biography: Marshall, Thomas by McNagny, Rob R: October 1993
Biography: Marshall, Thomas by Palmer, Geo A: October 1975
Biography: Marshall, Thomas by Schlup, Leonard: December 1988
Biography: Marshall, Thomas by Schultz, George F: December 1989
Biography: Marshall, Thomas by Schultz, George F: February 1991
Biography: Marshall, Thomas by Schultz, George: April 1989
Biography: Marshall, Thomas by Schultz, George: August 1990
Biography: Marshall, Thomas by Schultz, George: June 1990
Biography: Marshall, Thomas by Schultz, George: October 1989
Biography: Marshall, Thomas by Schultz, George: October 1990
Biography: Marshall, Thomas Poem: December 1986
Biography: Marshall, Thomas: April 1975
Biography: Marshall, Thomas: April 1979
Biography: Marshall, Thomas: April 1984
Biography: Marshall, Thomas: April 1991
Biography: Marshall, Thomas: April 1993
Biography: Marshall, Thomas: August 1976
Biography: Marshall, Thomas: August 1989
Biography: Marshall, Thomas: December 1980
Biography: Marshall, Thomas: December 1990
Biography: Marshall, Thomas: December 1995
Biography: Marshall, Thomas: February 1982
Biography: Marshall, Thomas: February 1994
Biography: Marshall, Thomas: June 1967
Biography: Marshall, Thomas: June 1981
Biography: Marshall, Thomas: June 1988
Biography: Marshall, Thomas: June 1991
Biography: Marshall, Thomas: June 1993
Biography: Marshall, Thomas: June 1995
Biography: Marshall, Thomas: March 1995
Biography: Marshall, Thomas: September 1996
Biography: Marshall, Thomas-Scottsdale: October 1987
Biography: Marshall: August 1993
Biography: Marshalls in Alaska: April 1970
Biography: Marshalls in Scottsdale: June 1984
Biography: Marshall's Visit (1909): February 1977
Biography: Marshall's Woman's Suffrage: February 1990
Biography: Martin Family: June 1966
Biography: Martz, Joe by Martz, Hugo: April 1988
Biography: McDonald, Col. Isaiah B (1861) by Schultz, George: February 1978
Biography: McDonald, Col. Isaiah B by Gates, Ralph F: June 1967
Biography: McDonald, Col. Isaiah B by Schultz, Geo F: April 1979
Biography: McDonald, Col. Isaiah B by Schultz, Geore F: June 1978
Biography: McDonald, Col. Isaiah B by Schultz, George: December 1981
Biography: McDonald, Col. Isaiah B: April 1984
Biography: McDonald, Col. Isaiah B: December 1979
Biography: McDonald, Col. Isaiah B: June 1981
Biography: McDonald, Col. Isaiah B: October 1974
Biography: McLallan Family: October 1976
Biography: McLallen Family: March 1998
Biography: McLallen, Elisha Lyman by Holycross, Eudolph: August 1982
Biography: McLallen, John Addison: August 1979
Biography: McNagney: February 1966
Biography: McNagny, Rob: April 1993
Biography: Metzger, Loren: September 1995
Biography: Mier, Samuel: December 1979
Biography: Miller, Blanche: June 1981
Biography: Miller, Courtland: February 1980
Biography: Mink, Pauline: October 1992
Biography: Mink, Ralph by Martz, Hugo: April 1988
Biography: Mitten, Sarah Elbertine by Schultz, George F: August 1985
Biography: Mosher, Rollo: March 1998
Biography: Mossman, William E: June 1984
Biography: Mullet Family: June 1976
Biography: Myers, Abram W by Schultz, George: April 1980
Biography: Myers, Daniel: October 1983
Biography: Myers, Frank: August 1986
Biography: Myers, Walter D: December 1983
Biography: Nickey, Alfred Poems: June 1983
Biography: Nix, Kenneth: September 1996
Biography: O'Donnell, Red Ned by Fries, Leo J: December 1994
Biography: O'Donnell, Red Ned: August 1980
Biography: Ohki, Shinzo by Logan, Grace Ohki: April 1985
Biography: Oliver, Reuben by Ruckman, Nellie Oliver: March 1999
Biography: Osbun, Carl J: September 1996
Biography: Overdeer, Austin E: October 1979
Biography: Overly, Vera: October 1992
Biography: Palmer, George: June 1976
Biography: Parrett family: August 1984
Biography: Peabody, S J by Adams, James D: February 1966
Biography: Peabody, S J by Becker, Holda McLaughlin: June 1979
Biography: Peabody, S J by Gates, Ralph F: August 1991
Biography: Peabody, S J: October 1969
Biography: Peabody, S J: October 1988
Biography: Peabody, S J: October 1990
Biography: Peabody, S J: September 1997
Biography: Pence homestead by Stultz, Marguerite: June 1968
Biography: Pence, Jacob by Pence, O Leigh: August 1989
Biography: Pence, Mildred by Geiger, Marie: June 1994
Biography: Perry, Lee "Joe" Jr.: April 1992
Biography: Pioneer Families: February 1974
Biography: Plummer, Caroline: June 1986
Biography: Plummer, Wilbur Zebulon by Schultz, George: June 1990
Biography: Plummer: June 1987
Biography: Raber, Mary by Bockelman, Darlene: December 1985
Biography: Raber, Mary Frances: October 1992
Biography: Raber, Mary: June 1963
Biography: Raber, Nellie: December 1983
Biography: Raber: February 1966
Biography: Ravarre, Anthony: October 1966
Biography: Revolutionary Descendents: October 1976
Biography: Rhodes, Ann Enslen: December 1979
Biography: Rhodes, Francis L: October 1983
Biography: Rhodes, Mark W: December 1994
Biography: Rose Bud Slim: December 1981
Biography: Rose Bud Slim: October 1981
Biography: Rosebud Slim by Harris, Vivian: August 1986
Biography: Rosebud Slim: April 1988
Biography: Rosebud Slim: December 1986
Biography: Rosebud Slim: June 1970
Biography: Rosebud Slim: June 1982
Biography: Rush, Col I B: June 1984
Biography: Samuel, Zerelda: June 1963
Biography: Schaper, Theodore A: February 1980
Biography: Schrader Family: December 1997
Biography: Schrader family: June 1968
Biography: Schultz Family: June 1985
Biography: Schultz, George (1939): August 1993
Biography: Schultz, George by Schultz, George: June 1986
Biography: Schultz, George Franklin by Kirk, Tom: February 1993
Biography: Schultz, Ted A by Gerard, Alta: December 1990
Biography: Schuman, Dr Oliver V: October 1970
Biography: Schuman, Dr. Oliver V: April 1990
Biography: Scott Family by Blain, Melvin: October 1976
Biography: Scott, Dr: August 1977
Biography: Scott, Edward D: December 1980
Biography: Seagley, John by Voight, Birdena: December 1969
Biography: Secrist, Samuel: March 1996
Biography: Shenefield, Eugene & Thural by Fleck, Cleon: October 1987
Biography: Sherbahn, John M by Gerard, Alta: December 1979
Biography: Shinneman, Isaac by Shinneman, Harry: October 1980
Biography: Shoemaker, Joseph: October 1993
Biography: Simonson, Peter: October 1965
Biography: Smith, Kittie by Gerard, Alta: February 1981
Biography: Smith, Orpha: October 1988
Biography: Smith, Stuart D: September 1997
Biography: Smith, W S: April 1991
Biography: Souder, Cleo Barnes: December 1992
Biography: Squires, Capt. Oliver PM by Vanderford, Kenneth H: October 1984
Biography: Stauffer Family by Stauffer, Dave: June 1994
Biography: Steel, Burr by Schultz, George F: October 1991
Biography: Steel, James: June 1988
Biography: Stewart, Cleveland: February 1980
Biography: Stickler, Henry O (Sherriff) by Stickler, Cleo: June 1992
Biography: Stockert, Jacob by Anderson, Clarence E: December 1978
Biography: Stough, Eleanor Mickey: December 1979
Biography: Stough, George Washington: June 1965
Biography: Strong Family by Schultz, George: June 1990
Biography: Strouse Family by Strouse, A K: August 1987
Biography: Strouse, Edgar J: October 1979
Biography: Stultz, Marguerite dies: June 1986
Biography: Stultz, Marguerite: August 1978
Biography: Swan Family: December 1965
Biography: Tapy, George: October 1990
Biography: Thomas, Frances Smith: June 1991
Biography: Thomson, William "Charlie" by Schultz, George: August 1990
Biography: Thornburgh, Bertha May: March 2000
Biography: Tinkham, Sanford: September 1995
Biography: Torbet, Matilda Egolf: December 1979
Biography: Torbet, Oliver S: April 1981
Biography: Trier Family: March 1995
Biography: Trout, Adalene by Judd, Robert: August 1983
Biography: Trout, Ned E by Schultz, George: February 1985
Biography: Truex, Lowell (1952): June 1999
Biography: Truman, Harry S by Sutherlin, Harry A: June 1976
Biography: Ulrey, Eliza Ann by Curtis, Helen Ulrey: August 1983
Biography: Ummel, Jeff by Jackson, Marilyn: December 1984
Biography: Walter, George E by Schultz, George F: December 1990
Biography: Walter, George E by Schultz, George: August 1990
Biography: Walter, Otto "Skinny" by Schultz, George F: August 1991
Biography: Warnick, Dale (Burned) (1954): September 1999
Biography: Waterfall, Clark "Doc": March 1998
Biography: Waterfall, Clark: December 1991
Biography: Waterfall, Franklin: June 1991
Biography: Watson, Jim by Gates, Ralph F: October 1980
Biography: Watson, Sen. James E: June 1982
Biography: Watt, John: August 1984
Biography: Welker, Sherman: April 1985
Biography: Whiteleather Family by Hopper, Hazel Whiteleather: October 1985
Biography: Whitley, Wm: April 1982
Biography: Williams, Alice Baker MD by Meyers, Betty Thomson: August 1987
Biography: Williamson, Laura Knisely by Williamson, Perry W: June 1983
Biography: Williamson, Wallace W by Williamson, Perry W: October 1982
Biography: Wilson, Jennie-songwriter by Curtis, Helen Ulrey: June 1978
Biography: Wince, John L: September 1997
Biography: Winebrenner, Nelson by Kirk, Tom: February 1993
Biography: Woodham, Madge Schumaker: December 1983
Biography: Yoder, Hallie Z: December 1992
Biography: Yoder, Harry: October 1992
Biography: Zumbrun, Lynn (1963): December 1999
Blacksmith Shop by Flowers, Henry M: October 1975
Blain, Melvin (Author): Biography: Scott Family: October 1976
Blain, Melvin (Author): Scott Family (biography): October 1976
Blee Manse House: June 1964
Blizzard (1918): April 1978
Blizzard (1978): February 1978
Bloom, Benton & "Jack" (biography) (1912): April 1991
Bloom, Benton J (biography) (1919) by Schultz, George: December 1990
Bloom, Benton J (biography) by Bloom, Bill: April 1988
Bloom, Benton Jay (biography) by Schultz, George: February 1980
Bloom, Benton Jay (biography): June 1979
Bloom, Bill (Author): Biography: Bloom, Benton J: April 1988
Bloom, Bill (Author): Bloom, Benton J (biography): April 1988
Bloom, BJ (biography) by Souder, Don: December 1989
Blue Bell (1940): December 1999
Blue Bell: February 1987
Blue Lake by Flowers, Henry: April 1976
Blue River Bridge River: December 1996
Blue River River (1952): June 1999
Boarding House by Herrold, Mildred DeWitt: October 1978
Bockelman, Darlene (Author): Biography: Raber, Mary: December 1985
Bockelman, Darlene (Author): Raber, Mary (biography): December 1985
Bollinger, Marian E (Author): Depression: June 1978
Book Abandoned Pioneer Cemeteries: April 1988
Book Indentures by Cornmesser, Mary: April 1988
Boonville: December 1984
Bottling Works: December 1992
Box Suppers: April 1982
Boxes Music: June 1992
Braddock, E Yost (Author): Barnraising: December 1974
Braddock, E Yost (Author): Building Barnraising: December 1974
Braddock, Yost (biography) by Judd, Robert: October 1983
Bragg, Rick (Author): Biography: Kissinger, Wm H: February 1982
Bragg, Rick (Author): Kissinger, Wm H (biography): February 1982
Brandon, Clint World War II: October 1991
Brenneman, Franklin R (biography): March 1996
Brickyards by Gerard, Alta: December 1979
Bride mishipped (1917): February 1992
Bridge, Franklin M (Author): Airmail Mail: February 1983
Bridge, Franklin M (Author): Chautauqua Fair (1913): June 1985
Bridge, Franklin M (Author): Fair Chautauqua (1913): June 1985
Bridge, Franklin M (Author): Mail Airmail: February 1983
Briggs, Dr Orville (Author): Deliveries Groceries: August 1978
Briggs, Dr Orville (Author): Groceries: August 1978
Briggs, Dr Orville C (Author): Hazel Cot House: August 1983
Briggs, Dr Orville C (Author): House Hazel Cot: August 1983
Briggs, Dr. Orville (Author): Thorncreek: October 1977
Briggs, Dr. Orville (Author): Thorncreek: October 1977
Briggs, Dr. Orville C (biography): August 1982
Briggs, Rebecca Nickey (biography) by Kaler, Bertha Mossman: August 1980
Briggs, Silas (biography): June 1980
Brotherhood of Threshers (1918): March 1995
Brown Bobbies: December 1984
Brown Bobbies: February 1985
Brown, Jeanette (Author): Entertainment Taylor Game Shop: June 1997
Brown, Jeanette (Author): Taylor Game Shop: June 1997
Brown, Vallorous (biography): October 1979
Broxon Cemetery: October 1966
Broxon, Dr James W (biography) by Fleck, Cleon: August 1983
Brubaker, Susan Miller (biography) by Curtis, Helen Ulrey: April 1990
Bryan, William Jennings (biography): April 1981
Bryan, William Jennings (biography): June 1985
Bryan, Wm Jennings (biography) by Emery, Lee: August 1975
Buffalo Bill (biography) by Meyers, Betty Thomson: June 1988
Building Barnraising by Braddock, E Yost: December 1974
Building Barnraising by Holycross, Eudolph: February 1978
Building by White, Allan D: June 1979
Building Central Hall: April 1978
Building Permits (1949): March 1997
Building Tuttle by Gates, Ralph: June 1977
Bull Town by Judd, Robert: April 1983
Bulletin Policies: December 1983
Busco School (1854): August 1984
Butchering by Gerard, Alta M: October 1979
Butchering: February 1978
Butler, Charles (Hanging) Hanging: October 1966
Butler, Charles Murder by Palmer, George A: August 1978
Butler, Charles W Murders (1884) by Sexton, Don: June 1987


Cakewalks Music: October 1983
Camp Fire Girls Club: October 1989
Camp Whitley: June 1995
Campaign Memobilea: June 1984
Campbell Ranch 1st frame House by Carver, Bernice: August 1973
Canal by Flowers, Henry M: October 1973
Canal Jefferson Township (1835): April 1976
Canal Wabash/Erie by Judd, Robert: April 1984
Canal Wabash/Erie: October 1983
Candies: December 1971
Candy: April 1981
Cannon: April 1984
Cannon: December 1978
Carding Mill: February 1964
Carriers Mail: August 1971
Carriers Mail: August 1988
Carter, Harvey L (Author): School Smith, Collins: June 1981
Carter, Harvey L (Author): School Stories: April 1981
Carter, Harvey L (Author): Smith, Collins School: June 1981
Carter, Harvey L (Author): Stories School: April 1981
Carter, Harvey Lewis (Author): School Spelling Matches: October 1977
Carter, Harvey Lewis (Author): Spelling Matches School: October 1977
Carter, Henry (biography): August 1987
Carver, Bernice (Author): Biography: Daniel, Lee: June 1990
Carver, Bernice (Author): Biography: Johnson, Jack: August 1975
Carver, Bernice (Author): Biography: Marshall, Lois K: February 1985
Carver, Bernice (Author): Campbell Ranch 1st frame House: August 1973
Carver, Bernice (Author): Con Man: August 1990
Carver, Bernice (Author): County Jail: August 1975
Carver, Bernice (Author): Courthouse: October 1983
Carver, Bernice (Author): Crime Con Man: August 1990
Carver, Bernice (Author): Crooked Lake: December 1979
Carver, Bernice (Author): Daniel, Lee (biography): June 1990
Carver, Bernice (Author): Depression: February 1979
Carver, Bernice (Author): Early History Ice Age: April 1982
Carver, Bernice (Author): Hist House: April 1976
Carver, Bernice (Author): House Campbell Ranch 1st frame: August 1973
Carver, Bernice (Author): House Hist: April 1976
Carver, Bernice (Author): Ice Age Early History: April 1982
Carver, Bernice (Author): Jail County: August 1975
Carver, Bernice (Author): Johnson, Jack (biography): August 1975
Carver, Bernice (Author): Lake Crooked: December 1979
Carver, Bernice (Author): Laud Strike Telephone (1906): October 1977
Carver, Bernice (Author): Marshall, Lois K (biography): February 1985
Carver, Bernice (Author): Ordinances Speed Limits: October 1980
Carver, Bernice (Author): Speed Limits Ordinances: October 1980
Carver, Bernice (Author): Telephone Laud Strike (1906): October 1977
Carver, Bernice (biography) (1939): August 1993
Carver, Bernice (biography) by Lemon, Lola: December 1981
Carver, Bernice (biography): April 1984
Carver, Bernice (biography): October 1992
Carver, Bernice (biography): September 1997
Case Strike (1957): March 1997
Cash & Carry (1919): October 1991
Catalo: October 1983
Catholic mystery by McCoy, Nora Wince: February 1977
Cattle Stockyards: June 1988
CCHS School (1923) by Fleck, Cleon: October 1989
CCHS School: December 1998
CCJHS School: June 1994
Cemetery Adams: August 1965
Cemetery Broxon: October 1966
Cemetery Cleveland by Kinsey, Florence Harley: April 1983
Cemetery Cleveland: March 1997
Cemetery Garrison: June 1999
Cemetery Indexing: October 1965
Cemetery Troy: August 1965
Cenntennial Piepho Farm: December 1966
Centennial (1938): June 1976
Centennial Farms: April 1976
Centennial Farms: February 1977
Centennial: October 1988
Central Hall Building: April 1978
Chapman, Grover (Author): World War I: August 1992
Chapman, Grover I (Author): One Room School: April 1984
Chapman, Grover I (Author): School One Room: April 1984
Charity Ball (1886): June 1995
Charter Membership Whitley County Historical Society: April 1983
Chauncey, Elihu (biography) by Palmer, George A: October 1981
Chautauqua Fair (1913) by Bridge, Franklin M: June 1985
Chautauqua Fair (1919): March 1999
Chautauqua Fair by Reinhart, Diana: December 1975
Chautauqua Music (1919) by Dowell, Mary: June 1987
Checkers: August 1991
Cherry Trees (1940) by Egner, Willadene: April 1990
Childhood Farm by Kyler, Merle: June 1981
Christmas (1915) by Dowell, Mary: December 1985
Christmas Holidays: December 1968
Christmas Holidays: December 1971
Christmas: December 1993
Chronology of Columbia City & Whitley County School: October 1958
Church Bethel: September 1996
Church Catholic mystery by McCoy, Nora Wince: February 1977
Church Etna Baptist: March 2000
Church Etna Troy by Davis, Rev Gail: December 1981
Church Evangelist: December 1985
Church First Baptist: December 1987
Church First Presbyterian by Pugh, Mary: September 1994
Church Grace Lutheran by Dowell, Mary: June 1994
Church Grace Lutheran: October 1969
Church Hope Lutheran (1859): October 1984
Church Laud Christian: April 1986
Church Lutheran (1922): February 1980
Church Oak Grove (Compton) by Krider, Ann: March 1995
Church Presbyterian (1893): February 1977
Church Presbyterian (Bell) by Baker, HE: August 1976
Church Presbyterian: February 1966
Church Records by Rev Swan: April 1986
Church Snodgrass: April 1969
Church St John's Lutheran by Tripcony, Fern (Labar): December 1994
Churches Dunkard - Tunker: October 1983
Churches Spring Fountain Sun Sch Picnic: August 1987
Churches Zion Lutheran, Ellsworth St: August 1991
Churubusco Bank (1920): December 1995
Churubusco: December 1996
Churubusco: February 1972
Churubusco: June 1985
Circuit Rider: June 1966
Circus- So Whitley: March 1997
Circus: December 1985
Civil Wal Volunteers: August 1979
Civil War by Schultz, George F: December 1978
Civil War by Schultz, George: August 1980
Civil War Diaries by Schultz, George: June 1980
Civil War Diary (John Lowe): June 1999
Civil War Diary: September 1998
Civil War Draft (1863) by Schultz, George: December 1989
Civil War Letter by Schultz, George: April 1980
Civil War Letter by Schultz, George: October 1990
Civil War Letter by Watson, Lucy Ann: December 1976
Civil War Letter: August 1982
Civil War Letter: December 1975
Civil War Letter: September 1996
Civil War Letters: December 1992
Civil War Monument: June 1964
Civil War Stories by Schultz, George F: December 1977
Civil War Volunteers by Schultz, George: October 1978
Civil War Volunteers: April 1978
Civil War Whitley Co Involvement: June 1998
Civil War: April 1971
Cleveland Cemetery by Kinsey, Florence Harley: April 1983
Cleveland Cemetery: March 1997
Cleveland Family (biography) by Wilcox, D G: December 1982
Cleveland Township : April 1964
Cleveland's 1st School: April 1964
Cloverleaf Clubs: October 1991
Club Bachelor: June 1981
Club Bachelor: October 1971
Club Camp Fire Girls: October 1989
Club Coterie (1895): March 1997
Club DAR: August 1976
Club ISM by Dowell, Mary: April 1987
Club Klu Klux Klan by Egner, Willadene: October 1986
Club Knights Temple (1967): April 1967
Club Literary-Science Circle: December 1966
Club Lloyd D Clapham #58: December 1996
Club Masonic Lodge (1971): June 1971
Club Masonic Lodge: October 1971
Club Official Fraternal Association (1903): April 1972
Club Rotary by Adams, James D: August 1988
Club Soldiers Aid Society by Schultz, George: December 1979
Clubs American Legion by Schultz, George: February 1984
Clubs Cloverleaf: October 1991
Clubs Oddfellows, Rotary: March 1996
Clugston, D B (biography) (1919): December 1999
Clugston: October 1975
Coal & Feed by Mosher, Helen: October 1979
Coesse (biography): December 1996
Coesse by Holycross, Eudolph: August 1985
Coesse by Scott, CV: February 1964
Coesse General store: June 1968
Coesse PO Mail: February 1965
Coesse School: April 1964
Coesse: April 1980
Coesse: December 1995
Coesse: December 1996
Coesse: June 1984
Coesse: September 1994
Collamer School (1930): December 1995
Collamer, S Whitley Music by Scott, Myrtle Fleck: February 1977
Collins Family (biography): October 1974
Collins House House by Reed, Dorothy Magley: June 1981
Collins School: April 1984
Collins, Eliza Jane (biography): December 1979
Collins: February 1978
Columbia City (1859): October 1981
Columbia City 1st Mayor Politics: June 1988
Columbia City Basketball (1910): June 1987
Columbia City by Johnston, James Magley: April 1989
Columbia City by Palmer, George: February 1987
Columbia City Deliveries by Johnston, James Magley: April 1989
Columbia City Directory (1902) by Judd, Robert: April 1986
Columbia City Fiddlers Green by Fries, Leo J: April 1967
Columbia City Fiddler's Green: October 1993
Columbia City Fire by Johnston, James Magley: April 1989
Columbia City Horses at large (1879): April 1987
Columbia City Housing Additions by Gates, Benton E: February 1985
Columbia City Memories by Thomson, Bill: April 1987
Columbia City Newspaper: June 1968
Columbia City Public Square 1840-1888 by White, Allan D: June 1975
Columbia City Retail (1902): April 1983
Columbia City School (1892): August 1993
Columbia City School (1902) by Lawrence, Perl K: June 1979
Columbia City Street Names: February 1970
Columbia City Trivia: October 1985
Columbia City: June 1994
Columbia Dairy (1946): August 1981
Columbia Engineering: October 1983
Columbia Township , 1st election Politics: December 1983
Comic Strips: March 1999
Commencement: December 1985
Con Man by Carver, Bernice: August 1990
Concord Marker: August 1964
Confectionary, Myers: August 1986
Confectionary, Myers: December 1971
Construction Courthouse by White, Allan D: June 1975
Construction School: April 1975
Cook Bowling Lanes Robbery (1952): June 1999
Cook Family (biography) by Smith, Mildred (Cook): February 1977
Cornerstone Courthouse: June 1988
Cornmesser, Mary (Author): Book Indentures: April 1988
Cornmesser, Mary (Author): Indentures Book: April 1988
Coterie (1895): March 1997
County Court & Mill Marker: December 1965
County Fair: October 1966
County Jail by Carver, Bernice: August 1975
County Spellers School (1937): March 1996
Courthouse Bell: April 1975
Courthouse by Carver, Bernice: October 1983
Courthouse Cannon: April 1984
Courthouse Cannon: December 1978
Courthouse Construction by White, Allan D: June 1975
Courthouse Cornerstone: June 1988
Courthouse Display of Art: February 1983
Courthouse Redication: August 1990
Courthouse Wooden Indian (1887) by Dunlap, Jane: August 1990
Courthouse: April 1965
Courts History: June 1965
Craighead, George (Author): Biography: Kilsoquah: June 1968
Craighead, George (Author): Kilsoquah (biography): June 1968
Crash of Airplanes (1945): April 1989
Cresco by Martz, Hugo: June 1979
Cresco: April 1967
Cresco: April 1980
Cresco: December 1965
Cresco: February 1980
Cresco: June 1969
Crest Autos (1902): October 1984
Crest Autos by Auer, Del: December 1988
Crime Assault (1898): March 1998
Crime Con Man by Carver, Bernice: August 1990
Crime Crotack, Joe (1919): April 1988
Crime Maple Grove (1939): October 1993
Crime Robbery,Bank by Kemery, Glen: April 1973
Crime South Whitley Elevator (1949): June 1997
Crooked Lake by Carver, Bernice: December 1979
Crotack, Joe (1919): April 1988
Crystal Radio: February 1965
Cuppy Family (biography): February 1964
Cuppy House: April 1978
Cuppy House: February 1964
Cuppy, Sarah (biography): December 1991
Curtis, Helen Ulrey (Author): Biography: Brubaker, Susan Miller: April 1990
Curtis, Helen Ulrey (Author): Biography: Ulrey, Eliza Ann: August 1983
Curtis, Helen Ulrey (Author): Biography: Wilson, Jennie-songwriter: June 1978
Curtis, Helen Ulrey (Author): Brubaker, Susan Miller (biography): April 1990
Curtis, Helen Ulrey (Author): Ulrey, Eliza Ann (biography): August 1983
Curtis, Helen Ulrey (Author): Wilson, Jennie-songwriter (biography): June 1978
Customs Indian: September 1997


Daniel Packing,DeMoney Fire: March 2000
Daniel, Dan (biography) (1915): August 1981
Daniel, Hattie (biography): December 1979
Daniel, Lee (biography) by Carver, Bernice: June 1990
DAR: August 1976
Davis, Harley G (biography): September 1994
Davis, Rev Gail (Author): Church Etna Troy: December 1981
Davis, Rev Gail (Author): Etna Troy Church: December 1981
de La Balme statues by Langohr, Margo: April 1987
DeBolt, Alice (Author): Biography: Grace, John: October 1985
DeBolt, Alice (Author): Grace, John (biography): October 1985
Deeds, First: June 1963
Deliveries Columbia City by Johnston, James Magley: April 1989
Deliveries Groceries by Briggs, Dr Orville: August 1978
Deliveries Groceries by Miller, Blanche: August 1976
Deliveries Groceries: October 1976
Deliveries Grocery by Heinley, Virgil: April 1976
Deliveries Huckster by Fisher, Merle: December 1982
Deliveries Huckster by Jagger, Catherine: April 1986
Delivery Mail (1911): October 1986
DePoy, John (biography): October 1963
Depression by Bollinger, Marian E: June 1978
Depression by Carver, Bernice: February 1979
Depression by Kyler, Merle W: December 1978
Depression by Nauman, Mary: April 1991
Depression Hendrickson, Lulu: December 1978
Depression Turpin, John D (WPA Toilet) by Turpin, Mona Bell: August 1980
Depression WPA (1939): October 1993
Depression WPA by Diffendarfer, Carter O: April 1979
Derailing Railroad (1943): October 1982
DeVol by Kissinger, Keith: June 1996
DeVol by Warnick, Dennis: June 1996
DeVol Field (Carter): December 1983
DeVol Field by Gates, Benton E: April 1993
DeVol, Abe (biography): June 1987
Diaries Civil War by Schultz, George: June 1980
Diary (John Lowe) Civil War: June 1999
Diary Civil War: September 1998
Diffendarfer, Carter (Author): Antarctic Snow Monster (1939): October 1981
Diffendarfer, Carter (Author): Games Marbles: February 1981
Diffendarfer, Carter (Author): Lorraine: February 1978
Diffendarfer, Carter (Author): Marbles: February 1981
Diffendarfer, Carter (Author): Misc Antarctic Snow Monster (1939): October 1981
Diffendarfer, Carter (Author): Town Lorraine: February 1978
Diffendarfer, Carter O (Author): Depression WPA: April 1979
Diffendarfer, Carter O (Author): Fire Harper Buggy (1921): October 1977
Diffendarfer, Carter O (Author): Harper Buggy Fire (1921): October 1977
Diffendarfer, Carter O (Author): WPA: April 1979
Dillman, Franklin (biography): December 1981
Dillman, Franklin (biography): December 1983
Dining Room Museum (1988): December 1988
Directory Columbia City (1902) by Judd, Robert: April 1986
Disaster Blizzard (1918): April 1978
Disaster Blizzard (1978): February 1978
Disaster Flood (1913): April 1974
Disaster Flood (1950): December 1999
Disaster Tabernacle Collapse (1915) by Meitzler, Edwin: April 1972
Disaster Tabernacle Collapse (1915): February 1986
Diseases by Holycross, Thelma: April 1980
District School: October 1958
Doctors: February 1964
Doctors: June 1973
Dorman, Fay (biography): October 1992
Dorman, Fay E (Author): One Room School: December 1974
Dorman, Fay E (Author): School One Room: December 1974
Douglas Marker: October 1978
Douglas, Lloyd (biography): December 1981
Douglas, Lloyd C (biography) by Meier, Aileen C: June 1990
Douglas, Lloyd C (biography): October 1967
Douglas, Lloyd Cassel (biography): February 1980
Douglas, Rev Alexander Jackson (biography): December 1980
Dowell, Mary (Author): Chautauqua Music (1919): June 1987
Dowell, Mary (Author): Christmas (1915): December 1985
Dowell, Mary (Author): Church Grace Lutheran: June 1994
Dowell, Mary (Author): Club ISM: April 1987
Dowell, Mary (Author): Entertainment Parties: February 1987
Dowell, Mary (Author): Entertainment Whist: December 1986
Dowell, Mary (Author): Fire McLallen (1963): August 1987
Dowell, Mary (Author): Grace Lutheran Church: June 1994
Dowell, Mary (Author): Gypsies: February 1988
Dowell, Mary (Author): ISM: April 1987
Dowell, Mary (Author): McLallen Fire (1963): August 1987
Dowell, Mary (Author): McLallen School: August 1987
Dowell, Mary (Author): Misc Gypsies: February 1988
Dowell, Mary (Author): Music Chautauqua (1919): June 1987
Dowell, Mary (Author): Music Phil Farren: August 1986
Dowell, Mary (Author): Music Phil Farren's Baton: June 1986
Dowell, Mary (Author): Music Pipe Organs: October 1986
Dowell, Mary (Author): Parties: February 1987
Dowell, Mary (Author): Phil Farren Music: August 1986
Dowell, Mary (Author): Phil Farren's Baton Music: June 1986
Dowell, Mary (Author): Pipe Organs Music: October 1986
Dowell, Mary (Author): School McLallen: August 1987
Dowell, Mary (Author): Whist: December 1986
Dowell, Mary (biography): December 1992
Dowell, Mary (biography): June 1997
Draft Civil War (1863) by Schultz, George: December 1989
Draftees World War I by Schultz, George F: February 1983
Dreiser, Theodore Fair (1915): December 1975
Drowning Lake Larwill (1952): August 1983
Drowning Trumbell, Robert (1960): December 1999
Drug Store: March 1997
Duffield, Evelyn Magley (Author): Biography: Linvill, Dr. Benjamin: February 1993
Duffield, Evelyn Magley (Author): Linvill, Dr. Benjamin (biography): February 1993
Dunkard - Tunker Church: October 1983
Dunlap, Jane (Author): Courthouse Wooden Indian (1887): August 1990
Dunlap, Jane (Author): Wooden Indian Courthouse (1887): August 1990
Dunnigan, Brian Leigh (Author): Fort Construction Pioneers: December 1975
Dunnigan, Brian Leigh (Author): Pioneers Fort Construction: December 1975


Early Farming: June 1984
Early History Ice Age by Carver, Bernice: April 1982
Early History Prehistoric Sites by Richey, Kris: August 1984
Early Life Homemaking by Holycross, Thelma: February 1984
Early Roads: June 1982
Early, Mary Barney (Author): History Pioneers: February 1973
Early, Mary Barney (Author): Pioneers History: February 1973
East Ward School: April 1987
Easterday Family (biography): April 1986
Easterday, Dennis (biography) (1955): September 1999
Easterday, George (biography): February 1993
Eberhard School: June 1977
Edwards, Charles (biography): October 1983
Eel & Little Turtle River: August 1971
Eel Post Marker: August 1971
Eel River by McCammon, Ryan J: August 1984
Eel River Railroad: April 1967
Eel River: February 1968
Eel Trubutaries River: April 1968
Egner, Willadene (Author): Cherry Trees (1940): April 1990
Egner, Willadene (Author): Club Klu Klux Klan: October 1986
Egner, Willadene (Author): Klu Klux Klan: October 1986
Egner, Willadene (Author): Misc Cherry Trees (1940): April 1990
Egner, Willodene (Author): Scrap Drive World War II (1942): April 1988
Egner, Willodene (Author): World War II Scrap Drive (1942): April 1988
Egolf School: April 1975
Elections (1934): October 1993
Electric (1908) by Schultz, George: February 1992
Electricity by Kyler, Merle: June 1986
Electricity in Whitley County by Kyler, Merle: June 1987
Emery, J Lee (biography) by Holycross, Thelma: December 1979
Emery, Lee (Author): Biography: Bryan, Wm Jennings: August 1975
Emery, Lee (Author): Bryan, Wm Jennings (biography): August 1975
Entertainment 1886 Style by Schultz, George: December 1986
Entertainment Annie Lewis: December 1985
Entertainment Charity Ball (1886): June 1995
Entertainment Circus- So Whitley: March 1997
Entertainment Circus: December 1985
Entertainment Comic Strips: March 1999
Entertainment Commencement: December 1985
Entertainment Evangelist: December 1985
Entertainment Gas Light Players: March 1996
Entertainment Linville Hall: December 1985
Entertainment Lutheran Fair: December 1985
Entertainment Memorial Day: December 1985
Entertainment Mitten Skating Rink: December 1985
Entertainment Motion Pictures: December 1985
Entertainment Myrtle Ferns: December 1985
Entertainment New Years (1934): June 1997
Entertainment New Years: December 1985
Entertainment Parties by Dowell, Mary: February 1987
Entertainment Railway Excursions: December 1985
Entertainment Red Mill Theater: December 1985
Entertainment Riley's Ministral Co: December 1985
Entertainment Smith School (1907): April 1980
Entertainment St. Paul's: December 1985
Entertainment Taylor Game Shop by Brown, Jeanette: June 1997
Entertainment Townsend Co: December 1985
Entertainment Uncle Tom Company: December 1985
Entertainment Whist by Dowell, Mary: December 1986
Entertainment Whitley Co Teacher's Fair: December 1985
Equipment Farming: April 1992
Escaped Monkey (1922): April 1993
Estlick Marker (1974): October 1974
Estlick, Blanche-Briggs (Author): Farm Life: October 1975
Estlick, Blanche-Briggs (Author): Life Farm: October 1975
Etiquette Polly Chauncey's: June 1999
Etna (fire) School: December 1984
Etna Baptist Church: March 2000
Etna Basketball: December 1984
Etna by Gates, Ralph: December 1977
Etna Marker: June 1966
Etna School by Angell, Maude Johnson: October 1980
Etna School Fire: December 1984
Etna School: April 1980
Etna School: December 1984
Etna School: October 1976
Etna Tornado (1913) by Terman, Juanita: February 1981
Etna Township : August 1977
Etna Troy Church by Davis, Rev Gail: December 1981
Etna: August 1971
Evangelist Church: December 1985
Evangelist: December 1985


Fads (1947): March 1998
Fair Chautauqua (1913) by Bridge, Franklin M: June 1985
Fair Chautauqua (1919): March 1999
Fair Chautauqua by Reinhart, Diana: December 1975
Fair County: October 1966
Fair Dreiser, Theodore (1915): December 1975
Fair Jefferson Township Farmers Picnic (1922): April 1993
Fair July 4th: September 1996
Fair Old Settlers (1881): August 1964
Fair Old Settlers (1904): August 1963
Fair Old Settlers (1906): December 1996
Fair Old Settlers (1937): March 2000
Fair Old Settlers (1953): March 1997
Fair Old Settlers Monument (1976): August 1976
Fair Old Settlers: August 1979
Fair Old Settlers: August 1985
Fair Old Settlers: December 1998
Fair Old Settlers: September 1998
Fair Onion Days-Wolf Lake by Gates, Ralph: August 1975
Fair So Whitley Chautauqua by Grischke, Tural: August 1985
Fair South Whitley 1911: April 1985
Fair Whitley Co Centennial (1938) by Pugh, Mary Alice: February 1988
Fairs Jubilee (1886) by Schultz, George: August 1986
Fairs Onion Days: October 1976
Farm Childhood by Kyler, Merle: June 1981
Farm Life (1920): April 1978
Farm Life by Alexander, Helen McConnell: October 1979
Farm Life by Anderson, Betty J: June 1996
Farm Life by Estlick, Blanche-Briggs: October 1975
Farm Life by Kyler, Merle W: April 1980
Farm Life by Kyler, Merle W: August 1979
Farm Life by Metzger, Loren: September 1995
Farm Life: September 1996
Farmers Loan & Trust: February 1982
Farming Brotherhood of Threshers (1918): March 1995
Farming Butchering by Gerard, Alta M: October 1979
Farming Butchering: February 1978
Farming Early: June 1984
Farming Equipment: April 1992
Farming Galloway's Strawberries by Gates, Ralph: August 1977
Farming Institute (1904): December 1998
Farming Marijuana (1912): December 1990
Farming Mint (1915): December 1999
Farming Mint by Alexander, Helen McConnell: June 1979
Farming Muck (1939): September 1997
Farming Onion by Gates, Ralph: August 1975
Farming Onion Fields by Herrold, Edward I: February 1977
Farming Onion Fields: April 1993
Farming Onion workers: June 1977
Farming Onion: October 1975
Farming Onions: August 1976
Farming Threshing by Holycross, Doc: June 1978
Farming Threshing by Kyler, Merle W: February 1985
Farming Vocational Ed (1926): March 1999
Farms Centennial: April 1976
Farms Centennial: February 1977
Farren, Phil (biography): June 1986
Feist, Clarence A (Author): Golf, Crooked Lake: June 1977
Feist, Clarence A (Author): Sports Golf, Crooked Lake: June 1977
Fiddlers Green Columbia City by Fries, Leo J: April 1967
Fiddler's Green Columbia City: October 1993
Fire Columbia City by Johnston, James Magley: April 1989
Fire Daniel Packing,DeMoney: March 2000
Fire Etna School: December 1984
Fire Harper Buggy (1921) by Diffendarfer, Carter O: October 1977
Fire Harper Buggy (1921): February 1986
Fire Larwill: June 1981
Fire Laud Planing Mill (1889): March 1999
Fire McLallen (1963) by Dowell, Mary: August 1987
Fire Muck (1934): December 1993
Fire Sawmill Explosion (1879) by Pence, Mildred Geiger: June 1973
Fire So Main St (1910): April 1972
Fire Station: August 1964
Fire Washburn Block (1910): August 1968
Fire: April 1978
First Autos: April 1990
First Baptist Church: December 1987
First House (1840): August 1983
First Presbyterian Church by Pugh, Mary: September 1994
First Retail: February 1990
First School Marker (1937): February 1973
First Settlers Pioneers: August 1974
First Wills Pioneers: October 1964
Fisher, Merle (Author): Deliveries Huckster: December 1982
Fisher, Merle (Author): Huckster: December 1982
Fisher/Kenner Houses: October 1980
Fishing (1923): August 1990
Fishing (1934): February 1994
Fishing (1939): December 1994
Fleck, Alvin (biography) by Fleck, Cleon: February 1986
Fleck, Alvin (biography): April 1986
Fleck, Alvin School by Fleck, Cleon: February 1986
Fleck, Cleon (Author): Barnes, Dr Charles K (biography): August 1983
Fleck, Cleon (Author): Biography: Barnes, Dr Charles K: August 1983
Fleck, Cleon (Author): Biography: Broxon, Dr James W: August 1983
Fleck, Cleon (Author): Biography: Fleck, Alvin: February 1986
Fleck, Cleon (Author): Biography: Hicks, Robert E: August 1980
Fleck, Cleon (Author): Biography: Shenefield, Eugene & Thural: October 1987
Fleck, Cleon (Author): Broxon, Dr James W (biography): August 1983
Fleck, Cleon (Author): CCHS School (1923): October 1989
Fleck, Cleon (Author): Fleck, Alvin (biography): February 1986
Fleck, Cleon (Author): Fleck, Alvin School: February 1986
Fleck, Cleon (Author): Funerals: December 1979
Fleck, Cleon (Author): Hicks, Robert E (biography): August 1980
Fleck, Cleon (Author): Indians Miami Descendants: April 1984
Fleck, Cleon (Author): Miami Descendants Indians: April 1984
Fleck, Cleon (Author): Misc So Korea Gold Mines: December 1983
Fleck, Cleon (Author): School CCHS (1923): October 1989
Fleck, Cleon (Author): School Fleck, Alvin: February 1986
Fleck, Cleon (Author): School Superintendent: June 1975
Fleck, Cleon (Author): Service Funerals: December 1979
Fleck, Cleon (Author): Shenefield, Eugene & Thural (biography): October 1987
Fleck, Cleon (Author): So Korea Gold Mines: December 1983
Fleck, Cleon (Author): Superintendent School: June 1975
Fleck, Cleon (Author): World War I: April 1993
Fleck, Cleon (Author): World War I: October 1988
Fleck, Cleon (biography) by Kirk, Tom: June 1994
Fleck, Cleon (biography): February 1992
Fleck, Cleon (biography): October 1992
Flood (1913): April 1974
Flood (1950): December 1999
Flowers, Henry (Author): Babes in the Woods: October 1972
Flowers, Henry (Author): Blue Lake: April 1976
Flowers, Henry (Author): Lake Blue: April 1976
Flowers, Henry (Author): Misc Babes in the Woods: October 1972
Flowers, Henry M (Author): Blacksmith Shop: October 1975
Flowers, Henry M (Author): Canal: October 1973
Flowers, Henry M (Author): Indian Trails: February 1973
Flowers, Henry M (Author): Service Blacksmith Shop: October 1975
Flowers, Henry M (Author): Trails Indian: February 1973
Food Aunt Jemina Visits (1940): March 1999
Food Brown Bobbies: December 1984
Food Brown Bobbies: February 1985
Food Candies: December 1971
Food Candy: April 1981
Food Ice Cream: April 1978
Food Ice Cream: August 1986
Food Recipes: August 1975
Food Sorghum by Gerard, Alta: February 1981
Football (1904): March 1998
Fort Construction Pioneers by Dunnigan, Brian Leigh: December 1975
Foster School by Fries, Leo J: August 1975
Foster, Berlin (biography) by Schultz, George: April 1983
Foster, Kenneth D (Author): Murder Singer, George M: June 1980
Foster, Kenneth D (Author): Singer, George M Murder: June 1980
Foust (biography) by Gates, Ralph F: June 1969
Foust Family (biography) by Gates, Ralph: December 1976
Foust, Archie H (biography): February 1991
Foust, Leroy S (biography): August 1982
Fox Hunting (1935): December 1993
Fox, Susan (Author): Indian Miami: September 1998
Fox, Susan (Author): Miami Indian: September 1998
Frances Slocum (biography) by Gater, Laura: March 1999
Frances Slocum (biography): August 1966
Frank, Glenn (Author): Greenhouse, Frank's: February 1985
Frank, Glenn (Author): Retail Greenhouse, Frank's: February 1985
Fricke, Phyllis Kyler (Author): Biography: Hathaway Family: February 1983
Fricke, Phyllis Kyler (Author): Hathaway Family (biography): February 1983
Frida, Henry L (biography) by Murphy, Max: September 1994
Fries, Leo (Author): School Thorncreek: February 1975
Fries, Leo (Author): Thorncreek School: February 1975
Fries, Leo J (Author): Beech Chapel School: June 1975
Fries, Leo J (Author): Biography: O'Donnell, Red Ned: December 1994
Fries, Leo J (Author): Columbia City Fiddlers Green: April 1967
Fries, Leo J (Author): Fiddlers Green Columbia City: April 1967
Fries, Leo J (Author): Foster School: August 1975
Fries, Leo J (Author): Hoops School: April 1975
Fries, Leo J (Author): Immortal "J N ": August 1973
Fries, Leo J (Author): Miller-Hyre School: June 1975
Fries, Leo J (Author): Misc Immortal "J N ": August 1973
Fries, Leo J (Author): O'Donnell, Red Ned (biography): December 1994
Fries, Leo J (Author): Riley School: April 1975
Fries, Leo J (Author): School Beech Chapel: June 1975
Fries, Leo J (Author): School Foster: August 1975
Fries, Leo J (Author): School Hoops: April 1975
Fries, Leo J (Author): School Miller-Hyre: June 1975
Fries, Leo J (Author): School Riley: April 1975
Fries, Leo J (Author): Service Wolf Lake Trolley: February 1977
Fries, Leo J (Author): Wolf Lake Trolley: February 1977
Friskney, Marie (biography): June 1963
Funeral Homes by Smith, Stuart: December 1990
Funeral Parlors by Smith, Stuart D: June 1974
Funerals by Fleck, Cleon: December 1979
Furniture: August 1974


Gaff School (1888): August 1969
Gaff, Max - POW (biography): August 1990
Galloway's Strawberries by Gates, Ralph: August 1977
Games by Keiser, Marjorie: February 1981
Games Marbles by Diffendarfer, Carter: February 1981
Games Wolfe, Maurice E: August 1981
Gandy, Otho (biography): April 1968
Garden Gift Shop by Garringer, Jan: April 1980
Garden Gift: June 1982
Garringer, Jan (Author): Garden Gift Shop: April 1980
Garringer, Jan (Author): Retail Garden Gift Shop: April 1980
Garrison Cemetery: June 1999
Gas Light Players: March 1996
Gater, Laura (Author): Biography: Frances Slocum: March 1999
Gater, Laura (Author): Biography: Little Turtle: December 1998
Gater, Laura (Author): Frances Slocum (biography): March 1999
Gater, Laura (Author): Little Turtle (biography): December 1998
Gates Family (biography): September 1996
Gates, Alice C (biography): June 1982
Gates, B Earl (Author): Retail: December 1987
Gates, B Earl (Author): Retail: December 1987
Gates, Benton E (Author): Basketball: June 1986
Gates, Benton E (Author): Columbia City Housing Additions: February 1985
Gates, Benton E (Author): DeVol Field: April 1993
Gates, Benton E (Author): Housing Additions Columbia City: February 1985
Gates, Benton E (Author): Lake Tri Lakes: June 1993
Gates, Benton E (Author): Sports Basketball: June 1986
Gates, Benton E (Author): Sports DeVol Field: April 1993
Gates, Benton E (Author): Tri Lakes Lake: June 1993
Gates, Benton Earl (Author): Industry Weatherhead: April 1993
Gates, Benton Earl (Author): Judicial Prosecutor Memories: August 1993
Gates, Benton Earl (Author): Prosecutor Memories: August 1993
Gates, Benton Earl (Author): Weatherhead: April 1993
Gates, Governor (biography): April 1975
Gates, Helene Edwards (biography): October 1982
Gates, Ralph (Author): 8th grade graduation School: August 1972
Gates, Ralph (Author): Biography: Foust Family: December 1976
Gates, Ralph (Author): Biography: Lillich, Ed: June 1977
Gates, Ralph (Author): Building Tuttle: June 1977
Gates, Ralph (Author): Etna: December 1977
Gates, Ralph (Author): Fair Onion Days-Wolf Lake: August 1975
Gates, Ralph (Author): Farming Galloway's Strawberries: August 1977
Gates, Ralph (Author): Farming Onion: August 1975
Gates, Ralph (Author): Foust Family (biography): December 1976
Gates, Ralph (Author): Galloway's Strawberries: August 1977
Gates, Ralph (Author): Glass Blowers: October 1975
Gates, Ralph (Author): Industry Glass Blowers: October 1975
Gates, Ralph (Author): Lillich, Ed (biography): June 1977
Gates, Ralph (Author): Onion Days-Wolf Lake Fair: August 1975
Gates, Ralph (Author): Onions: August 1975
Gates, Ralph (Author): Plat Map Whitley Co (1862): August 1976
Gates, Ralph (Author): School 8th grade graduation: August 1972
Gates, Ralph (Author): Sports Stellar Team: June 1975
Gates, Ralph (Author): Stellar Team: June 1975
Gates, Ralph (Author): Town Etna: December 1977
Gates, Ralph (Author): Tuttle Building: June 1977
Gates, Ralph (Author): Whitley Co Plat Map (1862): August 1976
Gates, Ralph (biography) by Schultz, George: February 1979
Gates, Ralph (biography): February 1972
Gates, Ralph F (Author): Banana Row: April 1972
Gates, Ralph F (Author): Biography: Foust: June 1969
Gates, Ralph F (Author): Biography: Linvill, Hayes: December 1984
Gates, Ralph F (Author): Biography: McDonald, Col. Isaiah B: June 1967
Gates, Ralph F (Author): Biography: Peabody, S J: August 1991
Gates, Ralph F (Author): Biography: Watson, Jim: October 1980
Gates, Ralph F (Author): Foust (biography): June 1969
Gates, Ralph F (Author): Industry Sealing Wax: December 1977
Gates, Ralph F (Author): Linvill, Hayes (biography): December 1984
Gates, Ralph F (Author): McDonald, Col. Isaiah B (biography): June 1967
Gates, Ralph F (Author): Peabody, S J (biography): August 1991
Gates, Ralph F (Author): Retail Banana Row: April 1972
Gates, Ralph F (Author): Sealing Wax: December 1977
Gates, Ralph F (Author): Watson, Jim (biography): October 1980
Geiger, Marie (Author): Biography: Pence, Mildred: June 1994
Geiger, Marie (Author): Pence, Mildred (biography): June 1994
Gene's Mens Chorus Music (1927): June 1997
Gerard, Alta (Author): Biography: Schultz, Ted A: December 1990
Gerard, Alta (Author): Biography: Sherbahn, John M: December 1979
Gerard, Alta (Author): Biography: Smith, Kittie: February 1981
Gerard, Alta (Author): Brickyards: December 1979
Gerard, Alta (Author): Food Sorghum: February 1981
Gerard, Alta (Author): Indian Seek's Village: October 1980
Gerard, Alta (Author): Industry Brickyards: December 1979
Gerard, Alta (Author): Marker Seek's Village (DAR) (1990): August 1990
Gerard, Alta (Author): Schultz, Ted A (biography): December 1990
Gerard, Alta (Author): Seek's Village (DAR) Marker (1990): August 1990
Gerard, Alta (Author): Seek's Village Indian: October 1980
Gerard, Alta (Author): Sherbahn, John M (biography): December 1979
Gerard, Alta (Author): Smith, Kittie (biography): February 1981
Gerard, Alta (Author): Sorghum: February 1981
Gerard, Alta M (Author): Butchering: October 1979
Gerard, Alta M (Author): Farming Butchering: October 1979
Gerard, Alta M (Author): Jail So Whitley: October 1984
Gerard, Alta M (Author): So Whitley Jail: October 1984
German Origins Pioneers: December 1997
Girls Basketball: December 1981
Glass Blowers by Gates, Ralph: October 1975
Glenn, Sheline (biography): October 1979
Globe Superior (1936): December 1993
Goat Man (1947): September 1994
Golden Specter Flour Collamer: June 1964
Golf, Crooked Lake by Feist, Clarence A: June 1977
Goodrich Quartet Music: April 1985
Goodrich/Beard Wedding (1897): October 1987
Goodspeed (biography): October 1982
Grace Lutheran Church by Dowell, Mary: June 1994
Grace Lutheran Church: October 1969
Grace, John (biography) by DeBolt, Alice: October 1985
Grade 8 Exam School (1904): December 1998
Graff, Mary Parrett (Author): Memories Pioneer Life: August 1984
Graff, Mary Parrett (Author): Pioneer Life Memories: August 1984
Green Hill Academy School by Adams, Hester: October 1958
Green Hill Academy School: April 1985
Green Hill Academy School: December 1985
Greenhouse, Frank's by Frank, Glenn: February 1985
Gregg, Jim (Author): Printing: December 1973
Gregg, Jim (Author): Service Printing: December 1973
Grischke, Tural (Author): Fair So Whitley Chautauqua: August 1985
Grischke, Tural (Author): So Whitley Chautauqua Fair: August 1985
Grishke, Tural Uley (Author): Medicine Spanish Influenza (1918): April 1989
Grishke, Tural Uley (Author): Spanish Influenza Medicine (1918): April 1989
Groceries by Briggs, Dr Orville: August 1978
Groceries by Miller, Blanche: August 1976
Groceries: October 1976
Grocery by Heinley, Virgil: April 1976
Ground Hog School by Hollenbaugh, Linda: April 1982
Grove, Ulyssis (biography) by Haid, Dick: June 1999
Grubb Hill School: October 1969
Grund, Freda (biography): February 1980
Gutcher Sanitorium Medicine: August 1970
Gutscher Marker (1988): October 1988
Gypsies by Dowell, Mary: February 1988


Hack School by Holycross, Eudolph: April 1984
Hack School: February 1971
Hacks School by Palmer, George: April 1986
Haid, Dick (Author): Biography: Grove, Ulyssis: June 1999
Haid, Dick (Author): Grove, Ulyssis (biography): June 1999
Halloween Pranks Memories: October 1971
Hallowell, Mary (biography) by Hill, Fay Osborn: October 1980
Hallowell, Mary (biography): April 1982
Hallowell, Mary Elizabeth (biography): April 1980
Hammer, Fern (biography) (1939): August 1993
Hammer, Fern (Waugh) (biography) by Schultz, George: April 1991
Hammer, Fern Waugh (biography): June 1984
Hanging Butler, Charles (Hanging): October 1966
Harper Buggy (Blackmail): August 1992
Harper Buggy Factory (1925): December 1993
Harper Buggy Fire (1921) by Diffendarfer, Carter O: October 1977
Harper Buggy Fire (1921): February 1986
Harper Buggy: April 1978
Harper Buggy: October 1979
Harris, Vivian (Author): Biography: Rosebud Slim: August 1986
Harris, Vivian (Author): Rosebud Slim (biography): August 1986
Harris, Vivian (biography): October 1992
Harshbarger, Marshall McNagnie (biography) by Schultz, George: October 1987
Harter, George House: October 1963
Hartman Family (biography): June 1992
Hartman House: April 1985
Hathaway Family (biography) by Fricke, Phyllis Kyler: February 1983
Hayden, David & Alma (Cone) (biography): March 1995
Hazel Cot Castle House: February 1964
Hazel Cot House by Briggs, Dr Orville C: August 1983
Hazel Cot House: August 1985
Heavy Traffic Railroad (1927): February 1980
Hedington, AE (Author): Larwill: December 1977
Hedington, AE (Author): Town Larwill: December 1977
Heel Factory (1897): December 1984
Heinley, Elmer W (Author): Hell's Half Acre: October 1978
Heinley, Elmer W (Author): Misc Hell's Half Acre: October 1978
Heinley, Virgil (Author): Deliveries Grocery: April 1976
Heinley, Virgil (Author): Grocery: April 1976
Heinley, W. Elmer (Author): Hell's Half Acre: August 1978
Heinley, W. Elmer (Author): Misc Hell's Half Acre: August 1978
Hell's Half Acre by Heinley, Elmer W: October 1978
Hell's Half Acre by Heinley, W. Elmer: August 1978
Hell's Half Acre: June 1973
Helm's Howard (biography): December 1990
Henderson Race car: October 1983
Henderson, Lulu (Author): Music: June 1984
Hendrickson, Lulu: December 1978
Hennig, Rev Valentine (biography) by Tripcony, Fern (Labar): December 1994
Herrold, Edward I (Author): Farming Onion Fields: February 1977
Herrold, Edward I (Author): Onion Fields: February 1977
Herrold, Mildred DeWitt (Author): Boarding House: October 1978
Herrold, Mildred DeWitt (Author): Service Boarding House: October 1978
Hessler, Clarence "Bill" (Author): Biography: Hessler, Clarence: December 1991
Hessler, Clarence "Bill" (Author): Hessler, Clarence (biography): December 1991
Hessler, Clarence (biography) by Hessler, Clarence "Bill": December 1991
Hessler, Clarence World War II: December 1991
Hickman Family (biography) by Hickman, John: June 1984
Hickman, E Ford (biography) by Hickman, John F: August 1982
Hickman, John (Author): Biography: Hickman Family: June 1984
Hickman, John (Author): Hickman Family (biography): June 1984
Hickman, John (biography): December 1996
Hickman, John F (Author): Biography: Hickman, E Ford: August 1982
Hickman, John F (Author): Hickman, E Ford (biography): August 1982
Hicks, Robert E (biography) by Fleck, Cleon: August 1980
Hill School School: December 1984
Hill, Fay Osborn (Author): Biography: Hallowell, Mary: October 1980
Hill, Fay Osborn (Author): Hallowell, Mary (biography): October 1980
Hindbaugh, LaVerne (Author): Laud: April 1986
Hindbaugh, LaVerne (Author): Town Laud: April 1986
Hist House by Carver, Bernice: April 1976
History Pioneers by Early, Mary Barney: February 1973
Hole, John (biography): February 1980
Holidays Christmas: December 1968
Holidays Christmas: December 1971
Holidays July 4th (1845): August 1966
Holidays Memorial Day by Overdeer, Mary: December 1978
Hollenbaugh, Herbert (biography): December 1995
Hollenbaugh, Linda (Author): Ground Hog School: April 1982
Hollenbaugh, Linda (Author): School Ground Hog: April 1982
Holycross, Doc & Thelma (biography): August 1988
Holycross, Doc (Author): Baseball: February 1984
Holycross, Doc (Author): Farming Threshing: June 1978
Holycross, Doc (Author): Sports Baseball: February 1984
Holycross, Doc (Author): Threshing: June 1978
Holycross, Eudolph (Author): Barnraising: February 1978
Holycross, Eudolph (Author): Biography: McLallen, Elisha Lyman: August 1982
Holycross, Eudolph (Author): Building Barnraising: February 1978
Holycross, Eudolph (Author): Coesse: August 1985
Holycross, Eudolph (Author): Hack School: April 1984
Holycross, Eudolph (Author): Ice Preservation: October 1984
Holycross, Eudolph (Author): Industry Peabody Sawmill: February 1982
Holycross, Eudolph (Author): McLallen, Elisha Lyman (biography): August 1982
Holycross, Eudolph (Author): Misc Snow Cruiser: February 1985
Holycross, Eudolph (Author): Peabody Sawmill: February 1982
Holycross, Eudolph (Author): Pioneers: June 1966
Holycross, Eudolph (Author): School Hack: April 1984
Holycross, Eudolph (Author): School Troy Center: October 1981
Holycross, Eudolph (Author): School Whitley County 1st: October 1958
Holycross, Eudolph (Author): Service Ice Preservation: October 1984
Holycross, Eudolph (Author): Snow Cruiser: February 1985
Holycross, Eudolph (Author): Surveyors: June 1982
Holycross, Eudolph (Author): Town Coesse: August 1985
Holycross, Eudolph (Author): Troy Center School: October 1981
Holycross, Eudolph (Author): Whitley County 1st School: October 1958
Holycross, Eudolph (Author):: June 1966
Holycross, Eudolph (Author):: June 1982
Holycross, Thelma (Author): Biography: Emery, J Lee: December 1979
Holycross, Thelma (Author): Diseases: April 1980
Holycross, Thelma (Author): Early Life Homemaking: February 1984
Holycross, Thelma (Author): Emery, J Lee (biography): December 1979
Holycross, Thelma (Author): Homemaking Early Life: February 1984
Holycross, Thelma (Author): Life styles 1910-1989 Memories: June 1989
Holycross, Thelma (Author): Livery: October 1981
Holycross, Thelma (Author): Medicine Diseases: April 1980
Holycross, Thelma (Author): Medicine: April 1980
Holycross, Thelma (Author): Memories Life styles 1910-1989: June 1989
Holycross, Thelma (Author): Memories Spring Cleaning: April 1982
Holycross, Thelma (Author): Memories Wash Day: April 1983
Holycross, Thelma (Author): Memories: October 1987
Holycross, Thelma (Author): One Room School: December 1979
Holycross, Thelma (Author): School One Room: December 1979
Holycross, Thelma (Author): School Thorncreek (1905): April 1981
Holycross, Thelma (Author): School Wartburg College: December 1980
Holycross, Thelma (Author): Service Livery: October 1981
Holycross, Thelma (Author): Spring Cleaning Memories: April 1982
Holycross, Thelma (Author): Thorncreek School (1905): April 1981
Holycross, Thelma (Author): Wartburg College School: December 1980
Holycross, Thelma (Author): Wash Day Memories: April 1983
Home Cures Medicine: December 1976
Home Remedies Medicine by McCoy, Nora Wince: June 1977
Home Remedies Medicine: December 1984
Homemaking Early Life by Holycross, Thelma: February 1984
Hoop School: April 1991
Hooper, Edith Belinda Swayze (biography): December 1979
Hoops School by Fries, Leo J: April 1975
Hope Lutheran Church (1859): October 1984
Hopper, Hazel Whiteleather (Author): Biography: Whiteleather Family: October 1985
Hopper, Hazel Whiteleather (Author): Pioneers: December 1969
Hopper, Hazel Whiteleather (Author): Whiteleather Family (biography): October 1985
Hopper, Hazel Whiteleather (Author):: December 1969
Horses at large Columbia City (1879): April 1987
House Blee Manse: June 1964
House Campbell Ranch 1st frame by Carver, Bernice: August 1973
House Collins House by Reed, Dorothy Magley: June 1981
House Cuppy: April 1978
House Cuppy: February 1964
House First (1840): August 1983
House Harter, George: October 1963
House Hartman: April 1985
House Hazel Cot by Briggs, Dr Orville C: August 1983
House Hazel Cot Castle: February 1964
House Hazel Cot: August 1985
House Hist by Carver, Bernice: April 1976
House Log Cabin (1910) by Marshall, TR: October 1993
House Magers, Dr Francis: December 1964
House Marshall: December 1983
House McDonald: August 1964
House More Farm: December 1965
House Paige Mansion: December 1965
House Paige: August 1964
House Schuman: December 1963
House Stockamp Ranch: December 1984
House Tour (1980): August 1980
House Tour (1981): August 1981
House Tour (1981): October 1981
House Tour (1985): August 1985
House Tulley-Riley: June 1968
House Wigent -moved: February 1986
Houses Fisher/Kenner: October 1980
Houses Silk Stocking Row: August 1982
Housing Additions Columbia City by Gates, Benton E: February 1985
Huckster by Fisher, Merle: December 1982
Huckster by Jagger, Catherine: April 1986
Hunsaker, Edith (biography): September 1994
Hunt Smith, Leigh by Meitzler, Edwin: February 1976
Hunter, John Wesley (biography) by Schultz, George: June 1980
Hunting Fox (1935): December 1993
Hunting Wolf (1935): February 1994
Hunting Wolf-Coyote (1918): September 1995
Hyre, John Wesley Jr (biography): September 1998


Ice Age Early History by Carver, Bernice: April 1982
Ice Cream: April 1978
Ice Cream: August 1986
Ice Cream: August 1986
Ice cutting, storage by Myers, WD "Muzzy": April 1975
Ice Preservation by Holycross, Eudolph: October 1984
Ihrig, Herbert (Author): Laud- Saloon: June 1979
Ihrig, Herbert (Author): Maring School: June 1979
Ihrig, Herbert (Author): School Maring: June 1979
Ihrig, Herbert (Author): Town Laud- Saloon: June 1979
Ihrig, Herbert (biography): August 1992
Immortal "J N " by Fries, Leo J: August 1973
Indentures Book by Cornmesser, Mary: April 1988
Indexing Cemetery: October 1965
Indian Customs: September 1997
Indian Jeffries: September 1999
Indian Miami by Fox, Susan: September 1998
Indian Miami: September 1997
Indian Potawatomi: October 1964
Indian Potawatomi: October 1966
Indian Red Wigwams & Wh Cabins by Lancaster, Robt: August 1993
Indian Seek's Village by Gerard, Alta: October 1980
Indian Trails by Flowers, Henry M: February 1973
Indian Treaties: December 1981
Indian: June 1996
Indian: June 1996
Indiana "Moon" by McNagy, Rob: October 1990
Indians Miami Descendants by Fleck, Cleon: April 1984
Industry Blue Bell (1940): December 1999
Industry Blue Bell: February 1987
Industry Bottling Works: December 1992
Industry Brickyards by Gerard, Alta: December 1979
Industry Carding Mill: February 1964
Industry Cattle Stockyards: June 1988
Industry Columbia Engineering: October 1983
Industry Furniture: August 1974
Industry Glass Blowers by Gates, Ralph: October 1975
Industry Globe Superior (1936): December 1993
Industry Golden Specter Flour Collamer: June 1964
Industry Harper Buggy (Blackmail): August 1992
Industry Harper Buggy Factory (1925): December 1993
Industry Harper Buggy: April 1978
Industry Harper Buggy: October 1979
Industry Heel Factory (1897): December 1984
Industry Ice Cream: August 1986
Industry Iron Works: December 1989
Industry Ligget Mills Stone: June 1971
Industry McKown Furniture: April 1988
Industry Non-explosive gas can (1919): August 1993
Industry Peabody Sawmill by Holycross, Eudolph: February 1982
Industry Pontius Sealing Wax: April 1988
Industry Precision Plastics (1965): September 1998
Industry Raupher Brewery: December 1977
Industry Sealing Wax by Gates, Ralph F: December 1977
Industry Superior Garment Co: September 1994
Industry Tuttle Mill: June 1983
Industry Tuttle's Mill (1900) by Kirk, Tom: April 1990
Industry Walter-Raupfer: February 1971
Industry Weatherhead by Gates, Benton Earl: April 1993
Influenza Medicine (1918): September 1995
Institute Farming (1904): December 1998
Interurbans: April 1978
Ireland, Maj Gen Merritte W (biography): April 1968
Ireland, Merritte W (biography): December 1980
Ireland, Merritte Weber (biography) by Schultz, George: February 1981
Iron Works: December 1989
Island, The Marker: February 1968
ISM by Dowell, Mary: April 1987


Jackson School: October 1978
Jackson, Marilyn (Author): Biography: Ummel, Jeff: December 1984
Jackson, Marilyn (Author): Ummel, Jeff (biography): December 1984
Jacobs/Travelbee Wedding (1935): June 1997
Jagger, Catherine (Author): Deliveries Huckster: April 1986
Jagger, Catherine (Author): Huckster: April 1986
Jagger, Dean (biography): June 1977
Jagger, Dean (biography): October 1964
Jagger, Harry (biography) by Sherbahn, Kenneth: April 1991
Jail by Kirk, Tom: April 1990
Jail County by Carver, Bernice: August 1975
Jail So Whitley by Gerard, Alta M: October 1984
James, Jesse's Mother (biography): June 1963
Jefferson Cornet Band Music: April 1986
Jefferson Township by Sheets, Dorotha: June 1990
Jefferson Township Canal (1835): April 1976
Jefferson Township Farmers Picnic Fair (1922): April 1993
Jeffries Indian: September 1999
Jeffries, Pompeys, Keen etc (biography): March 1995
Jellison, Tom (biography): October 1979
Jews in Whitley County (biography) by Strouse, AK: February 1980
Jive Talk (1946): March 1998
Johnny Appleseed (biography): September 1996
Johnson School by Alexander, Helen McConnell: December 1978
Johnson, Jack (biography) by Carver, Bernice: August 1975
Johnson, Jack (biography) by Souder, Don: August 1990
Johnson, Lawrence (biography): June 1991
Johnson, Lawrence Music: June 1991
Johnston, Herb Music: December 1996
Johnston, James Magley (Author): Columbia City Deliveries: April 1989
Johnston, James Magley (Author): Columbia City Fire: April 1989
Johnston, James Magley (Author): Columbia City: April 1989
Johnston, James Magley (Author): Deliveries Columbia City: April 1989
Johnston, James Magley (Author): Fire Columbia City: April 1989
Johnston, James Magley (Author): Sports Columbia City: April 1989
Johnston, James Magley (biography): August 1989
Johnston, Jim (biography): December 1989
Johnston, Lawrence Music: August 1991
Jones, Bill (biography): June 1995
Jones, Chuck (Author): Pat's Cafe: September 1994
Jones, Chuck (Author): Service Pat's Cafe: September 1994
Jones, Washington (biography): December 1980
Jones/Slope Lawn Academy School: September 1994
Journey Pioneers: June 1973
Jubilee Fairs (1886) by Schultz, George: August 1986
Judd, Bob (Author): Recess School: December 1984
Judd, Bob (Author): School Recess: December 1984
Judd, Edith (Author): School Wartburg College: October 1958
Judd, Edith (Author): Wartburg College School: October 1958
Judd, Robert (Author): Biography: Braddock, Yost: October 1983
Judd, Robert (Author): Biography: Trout, Adalene: August 1983
Judd, Robert (Author): Braddock, Yost (biography): October 1983
Judd, Robert (Author): Bull Town: April 1983
Judd, Robert (Author): Canal Wabash/Erie: April 1984
Judd, Robert (Author): Columbia City Directory (1902): April 1986
Judd, Robert (Author): Directory Columbia City (1902): April 1986
Judd, Robert (Author): Town Bull Town: April 1983
Judd, Robert (Author): Trout, Adalene (biography): August 1983
Judd, Robert (Author): Wabash/Erie Canal: April 1984
Judge Pelfrey's Duck Dinner (1948): June 1997
Judicial Courts History: June 1965
Judicial McNagney, Marshall: June 1981
Judicial Prosecutor Memories by Gates, Benton Earl: August 1993
July 4th Fair: September 1996
July 4th Holidays (1845): August 1966


Kaler, Bertha Mossman (Author): Biography: Briggs, Rebecca Nickey: August 1980
Kaler, Bertha Mossman (Author): Briggs, Rebecca Nickey (biography): August 1980
Kaufman (biography): February 1966
Kaufman, Ethan A (Author): Biography: Kaufman, Henry: December 1978
Kaufman, Ethan A (Author): Kaufman, Henry (biography): December 1978
Kaufman, Henry (biography) by Kaufman, Ethan A: December 1978
Keefer, Eliza Jane Washburn (biography): December 1979
Keirn, Thelma - actress (biography): October 1990
Keiser, John H (biography): October 1979
Keiser, Marjorie (Author): Games: February 1981
Kemery, Glen (Author): Accident Railroad (1908): February 1973
Kemery, Glen (Author): Crime Robbery,Bank: April 1973
Kemery, Glen (Author): Railroad Accident (1908): February 1973
Kemery, Glen (Author): Robbery,Bank: April 1973
Kenner, Andrew (biography): December 1964
Kerr, Chauncey (biography): April 1983
Kessler, Samuel Edward (biography) by Samsen, Arta C: October 1989
Kilby, Roy (Author): Little League: June 1996
Kilby, Roy (Author): Sports Little League: June 1996
Kills Owen Deviney Railroad (1859): October 1993
Kilsoquah (biography) by Craighead, George: June 1968
Kilsoquah (biography): August 1965
Kilsoquah (biography): December 1998
Kinsey, Florence Harley (Author): Cemetery Cleveland: April 1983
Kinsey, Florence Harley (Author): Cleveland Cemetery: April 1983
Kinsey, Florence Harley (Author): Mail: October 1978
Kinsey, Florence Harley (Author): Music Theater: February 1977
Kinsey, Florence Harley (Author): Theater Music: February 1977
Kirk, Tom (Author): Biography: Fleck, Cleon: June 1994
Kirk, Tom (Author): Biography: Linvill, Hayes (1903): December 1989
Kirk, Tom (Author): Biography: Schultz, George Franklin: February 1993
Kirk, Tom (Author): Biography: Winebrenner, Nelson: February 1993
Kirk, Tom (Author): Fleck, Cleon (biography): June 1994
Kirk, Tom (Author): Industry Tuttle's Mill (1900): April 1990
Kirk, Tom (Author): Jail: April 1990
Kirk, Tom (Author): Larkin Co Mail Order: April 1990
Kirk, Tom (Author): Linvill, Hayes (biography) (1903): December 1989
Kirk, Tom (Author): Mail Order Larkin Co: April 1990
Kirk, Tom (Author): Murder Stallsmith, Frank (1903): December 1989
Kirk, Tom (Author): Schultz, George Franklin (biography): February 1993
Kirk, Tom (Author): Stallsmith, Frank Murder (1903): December 1989
Kirk, Tom (Author): Tuttle's Mill (1900): April 1990
Kirk, Tom (Author): Winebrenner, Nelson (biography): February 1993
Kissinger, Keith (Author): DeVol: June 1996
Kissinger, Keith (Author): Sports DeVol: June 1996
Kissinger, Wm H (biography) by Bragg, Rick: February 1982
Kistler, Jerry (biography) by Lemon, Lola: August 1990
Kithcart, Dr. Nathan I (biography) by Schultz, George: August 1980
Klu Klux Klan by Egner, Willadene: October 1986
Knights Temple (1967): April 1967
Knisely, James D (Author): Memories Whitley Co: February 1991
Knisely, James D (Author): Whitley Co Memories: February 1991
Knisley, Alexander J (biography): October 1972
Knox, Fanny Florence Smith (biography) by Lemon, Lola: October 1986
Kocher, Martin (biography): February 1980
Kretzinger, Letter (biography) (1856): June 1986
Krider, Ann (Author): Church Oak Grove (Compton): March 1995
Krider, Ann (Author): Oak Grove (Compton) Church: March 1995
Kuhn, Marvin Shooting (1890): December 1963
Kyler, Merle (Author): Childhood Farm: June 1981
Kyler, Merle (Author): Electricity in Whitley County: June 1987
Kyler, Merle (Author): Electricity: June 1986
Kyler, Merle (Author): Farm Childhood: June 1981
Kyler, Merle (Author): Township Union: August 1989
Kyler, Merle (Author): Union Township : August 1989
Kyler, Merle (Author): Utilities Electricity in Whitley County: June 1987
Kyler, Merle (Author): Utilities Electricity: June 1986
Kyler, Merle (biography): October 1976
Kyler, Merle W (Author): Depression: December 1978
Kyler, Merle W (Author): Farm Life: April 1980
Kyler, Merle W (Author): Farm Life: August 1979
Kyler, Merle W (Author): Farming Threshing: February 1985
Kyler, Merle W (Author): Life Farm: April 1980
Kyler, Merle W (Author): Life Farm: August 1979
Kyler, Merle W (Author): One Room School: December 1978
Kyler, Merle W (Author): School One Room: December 1978
Kyler, Merle W (Author): Threshing: February 1985


LaBalme (biography) by Schultz, Geo F: October 1985
LaBalme (biography) by Schultz, George F: October 1981
LaBalme (biography) by Schultz, George F: October 1986
LaBalme (biography) by Schultz, George: October 1980
LaBalme by Schultz, George F: October 1982
LaBalme Site Marker: October 1974
LaBalme: April 1970
LaBalme: June 1970
Lake Blue by Flowers, Henry: April 1976
Lake Crooked by Carver, Bernice: December 1979
Lake Larwill Drowning (1952): August 1983
Lake Loon: December 1988
Lake Tri Lake by Zwissler, Gayle Yontz: September 1994
Lake Tri Lakes by Gates, Benton E: June 1993
Lakes Pollution: August 1970
Lakes Resorts: October 1968
Lakes: October 1970
Lancaster, Robt (Author): Indian Red Wigwams & Wh Cabins: August 1993
Lancaster, Robt (Author): Pletche, Joe Stories: December 1973
Lancaster, Robt (Author): Red Wigwams & Wh Cabins Indian: August 1993
Lancaster, Robt (Author): Stories Pletche, Joe: December 1973
Lancaster, Robt F (Author): Biography: Little Turtle: December 1976
Lancaster, Robt F (Author): Little Turtle (biography): December 1976
Lancaster, Robt F (Author): Road Squawbuck: October 1973
Lancaster, Robt F (Author): Squawbuck Road: October 1973
Langhor, Dr. John Medicine: June 1993
Langohr, Margo (Author): de La Balme statues: April 1987
Langohr, Margo (Author): Misc de La Balme statues: April 1987
Langohr, Margo: December 1996
Larkin Co Mail Order by Kirk, Tom: April 1990
Larwill (1921): August 1986
Larwill Baseball: June 1984
Larwill by Beard, Juanita King: April 1983
Larwill by Hedington, AE: December 1977
Larwill Fire: June 1981
Larwill Mail by Beard, Juanita King: December 1978
Larwill Nat Gas (1887) by Schultz, George: February 1988
Larwill School by Smith, Edgar Paul: December 1976
Larwill: August 1983
Larwill: June 1982
Larwill: October 1972
Laud Band Music: October 1970
Laud by Hindbaugh, LaVerne: April 1986
Laud by McCoy, Nora Wince: August 1977
Laud Christian Church: April 1986
Laud Planing Mill Fire (1889): March 1999
Laud- Saloon by Ihrig, Herbert: June 1979
Laud School: April 1986
Laud Strike Telephone (1906) by Carver, Bernice: October 1977
Lawrence, Perl K (Author): Columbia City School (1902): June 1979
Lawrence, Perl K (Author): School Columbia City (1902): June 1979
Leedy Family (biography) by Leedy, Roy B: October 1993
Leedy, Roy B (Author): Biography: Leedy Family: October 1993
Leedy, Roy B (Author): Leedy Family (biography): October 1993
Lehman, George J (biography): March 1998
Lehmberg, Dr. O F (Author): Medicine: December 1992
Lemon, Hazel & Lola (biography): October 1992
Lemon, Hazel (biography) by Lemon, Lola: June 1988
Lemon, Lola (Author): Biography: Carver, Bernice: December 1981
Lemon, Lola (Author): Biography: Kistler, Jerry: August 1990
Lemon, Lola (Author): Biography: Knox, Fanny Florence Smith: October 1986
Lemon, Lola (Author): Biography: Lemon, Hazel: June 1988
Lemon, Lola (Author): Carver, Bernice (biography): December 1981
Lemon, Lola (Author): Kistler, Jerry (biography): August 1990
Lemon, Lola (Author): Knox, Fanny Florence Smith (biography): October 1986
Lemon, Lola (Author): Lemon, Hazel (biography): June 1988
Lemon, Lola (Author): Music: October 1986
Lemon, Lola (Author): Party Line Telephone: February 1986
Lemon, Lola (Author): Summit: June 1979
Lemon, Lola (Author): Telephone Party Line: February 1986
Lemon, Lola (Author): Town Summit: June 1979
Letter Civil War by Schultz, George: April 1980
Letter Civil War by Schultz, George: October 1990
Letter Civil War by Watson, Lucy Ann: December 1976
Letter Civil War: August 1982
Letter Civil War: December 1975
Letter Civil War: September 1996
Letters Civil War: December 1992
Life Farm (1920): April 1978
Life Farm by Alexander, Helen McConnell: October 1979
Life Farm by Anderson, Betty J: June 1996
Life Farm by Estlick, Blanche-Briggs: October 1975
Life Farm by Kyler, Merle W: April 1980
Life Farm by Kyler, Merle W: August 1979
Life Farm by Metzger, Loren: September 1995
Life Farm: September 1996
Life styles 1910-1989 Memories by Holycross, Thelma: June 1989
Ligget Mills Stone: June 1971
Lillich Ed (biography): August 1983
Lillich, Ed (biography) by Gates, Ralph: June 1977
Lincoln Highway Road (1913): June 1995
Lincoln Hiway Marker: October 1990
Lincolnway Marker: August 1965
Linvill (biography): February 1966
Linvill, Dr Ben (biography) by Schultz, George: February 1990
Linvill, Dr. Benj (biography): October 1993
Linvill, Dr. Benjamin (biography) (1923): August 1990
Linvill, Dr. Benjamin (biography) by Duffield, Evelyn Magley: February 1993
Linvill, Dr. Benjamin (biography): October 1986
Linvill, Frank (biography) (1892) by Schultz, George: June 1983
Linvill, Hayes (biography) (1903) by Kirk, Tom: December 1989
Linvill, Hayes (biography) (1922) by Schultz, George: April 1991
Linvill, Hayes (biography) (1922) by Schultz, George: December 1990
Linvill, Hayes (biography) by Gates, Ralph F: December 1984
Linvill, Hayes (biography) by Schultz, George: April 1986
Linvill, Hayes (biography) by Schultz, George: April 1987
Linvill, Hayes (biography) by Schultz, George: April 1990
Linvill, Hayes (biography) by Schultz, George: April 1992
Linvill, Hayes (biography) by Schultz, George: October 1989
Linvill, Hayes (biography) by Schultz, George: October 1990
Linvill, Hayes (biography): April 1984
Linvill, Hayes (biography): August 1986
Linvill, Hayes (biography): December 1984
Linvill, Hayes (biography): February 1990
Linvill, Hayes (biography): February 1991
Linville Hall: December 1985
Linville, Dr Benj (biography): June 1988
Literary-Science Circle: December 1966
Little League by Kilby, Roy: June 1996
Little Turtle (biography) by Gater, Laura: December 1998
Little Turtle (biography) by Lancaster, Robt F: December 1976
Little Turtle (biography): April 1983
Little Turtle (biography): August 1987
Little Turtle (biography): February 1967
Little Turtle (biography): June 1990
Little Turtle (biography): June 1996
Little Turtle (biography): September 1996
Little Turtle Village Marker: April 1967
Little Turtle Village Marker: February 1968
Livery by Holycross, Thelma: October 1981
Livery: February 1979
Lloyd D Clapham #58: December 1996
Log Cabin House (1910) by Marshall, TR: October 1993
Logan, Grace Ohki (Author): Biography: Ohki, Shinzo: April 1985
Logan, Grace Ohki (Author): Ohki, Shinzo (biography): April 1985
Lohman, Mary A (biography): December 1979
Long, Jill (biography): February 1990
Loon Lake: December 1988
Loraine by Martz, Hugo: June 1979
Lorane: February 1966
Lorraine by Diffendarfer, Carter: February 1978
Louthan, Robert World War II: April 1985
Loutzenhiser, Albert (biography): December 1992
Lutheran Church (1922): February 1980
Lutheran Fair: December 1985
Lutheran Organ Music (1886): February 1985


MacArthur, Douglas (biography): August 1970
Magers, Dr Francis House: December 1964
Magley Family (biography): June 1986
Mail Airmail by Bridge, Franklin M: February 1983
Mail by Kinsey, Florence Harley: October 1978
Mail Carriers: August 1971
Mail Carriers: August 1988
Mail Coesse PO: February 1965
Mail Delivery (1911): October 1986
Mail Larwill by Beard, Juanita King: December 1978
Mail Order Larkin Co by Kirk, Tom: April 1990
Mail Post Masters: March 1996
Mail: December 1981
Mail: June 1980
Mallock, Wm (Stage Driver) (biography): February 1965
Manuels School (1899): March 2000
Maple Grove (1939): October 1993
Maple Grove: September 1995
Marbles by Diffendarfer, Carter: February 1981
Marchand, Frederick (biography): August 1965
Marijuana Farming (1912): December 1990
Maring School by Ihrig, Herbert: June 1979
Maring School by Sheets, Dorotha: October 1958
Maring School: April 1986
Marker Adams-Pond (1976): October 1975
Marker Austin: October 1978
Marker Concord: August 1964
Marker County Court & Mill: December 1965
Marker Douglas: October 1978
Marker Eel Post: August 1971
Marker Estlick (1974): October 1974
Marker Etna: June 1966
Marker First School (1937): February 1973
Marker Gutscher (1988): October 1988
Marker Island, The: February 1968
Marker LaBalme Site: October 1974
Marker Lincoln Hiway: October 1990
Marker Lincolnway: August 1965
Marker Little Turtle Village: April 1967
Marker Little Turtle Village: February 1968
Marker Marshall (1976): April 1976
Marker Projects: December 1964
Marker Projects: February 1965
Marker Seek's Village (DAR) (1990) by Gerard, Alta: August 1990
Marker Seek's Village: October 1980
Marker Springfield Academy: April 1964
Marker Turtle Village: December 1966
Marker Warburg College, Gone: December 1980
Marker Whitley: December 1974
Marshall (biography): August 1993
Marshall House: December 1983
Marshall Marker (1976): April 1976
Marshall Quips (biography): September 1996
Marshall, Cruise Letters (biography) by Marshall, Thomas: April 1990
Marshall, Dr Daniel (biography): June 1991
Marshall, Dr Daniel M (biography): April 1975
Marshall, Lois (biography) by Reinhart, Diana: February 1976
Marshall, Lois (biography): April 1976
Marshall, Lois (biography): October 1988
Marshall, Lois K (biography) by Carver, Bernice: February 1985
Marshall, Morrison (biography) by Bell, Carolyn Vance: October 1993
Marshall, Thomas (Author): Biography: Marshall, Cruise Letters: April 1990
Marshall, Thomas (Author): Marshall, Cruise Letters (biography): April 1990
Marshall, Thomas (biography) (1922): August 1993
Marshall, Thomas (biography) by Albaugh, Anita: October 1981
Marshall, Thomas (biography) by McNagny, Rob R: October 1993
Marshall, Thomas (biography) by Palmer, Geo A: October 1975
Marshall, Thomas (biography) by Schlup, Leonard: December 1988
Marshall, Thomas (biography) by Schultz, George F: December 1989
Marshall, Thomas (biography) by Schultz, George F: February 1991
Marshall, Thomas (biography) by Schultz, George: April 1989
Marshall, Thomas (biography) by Schultz, George: August 1990
Marshall, Thomas (biography) by Schultz, George: June 1990
Marshall, Thomas (biography) by Schultz, George: October 1989
Marshall, Thomas (biography) by Schultz, George: October 1990
Marshall, Thomas (biography): April 1975
Marshall, Thomas (biography): April 1979
Marshall, Thomas (biography): April 1984
Marshall, Thomas (biography): April 1991
Marshall, Thomas (biography): April 1993
Marshall, Thomas (biography): August 1976
Marshall, Thomas (biography): August 1989
Marshall, Thomas (biography): December 1980
Marshall, Thomas (biography): December 1990
Marshall, Thomas (biography): December 1995
Marshall, Thomas (biography): February 1982
Marshall, Thomas (biography): February 1994
Marshall, Thomas (biography): June 1967
Marshall, Thomas (biography): June 1981
Marshall, Thomas (biography): June 1988
Marshall, Thomas (biography): June 1991
Marshall, Thomas (biography): June 1993
Marshall, Thomas (biography): June 1995
Marshall, Thomas (biography): March 1995
Marshall, Thomas (biography): September 1996
Marshall, Thomas Poem (biography): December 1986
Marshall, Thomas-Scottsdale (biography): October 1987
Marshall, TR (Author): House Log Cabin (1910): October 1993
Marshall, TR (Author): Log Cabin House (1910): October 1993
Marshalls in Alaska (biography): April 1970
Marshalls in Scottsdale (biography): June 1984
Marshall's Visit (biography) (1909): February 1977
Marshall's Woman's Suffrage (biography): February 1990
Martin Family (biography): June 1966
Martz, Hugo (Author): Biography: Martz, Joe: April 1988
Martz, Hugo (Author): Biography: Mink, Ralph: April 1988
Martz, Hugo (Author): Cresco: June 1979
Martz, Hugo (Author): Loraine: June 1979
Martz, Hugo (Author): Martz, Joe (biography): April 1988
Martz, Hugo (Author): Mink, Ralph (biography): April 1988
Martz, Hugo (Author): Town Cresco: June 1979
Martz, Hugo (Author): Town Loraine: June 1979
Martz, Hugo E (Author): Pioneers Stories: April 1981
Martz, Hugo E (Author): Stories Pioneers: April 1981
Martz, Joe (biography) by Martz, Hugo: April 1988
Mary Raber School (1951): December 1994
Masonic Lodge (1971): June 1971
Masonic Lodge: October 1971
Mayflower Cup: August 1963
McCammon, Ryan J (Author): Eel River: August 1984
McCammon, Ryan J (Author): River Eel: August 1984
McCoy, Nora Wince (Author): Catholic mystery: February 1977
McCoy, Nora Wince (Author): Church Catholic mystery: February 1977
McCoy, Nora Wince (Author): Home Remedies Medicine: June 1977
McCoy, Nora Wince (Author): Laud: August 1977
McCoy, Nora Wince (Author): Medicine Home Remedies: June 1977
McCoy, Nora Wince (Author): Pioneers Stories: October 1977
McCoy, Nora Wince (Author): Stories Pioneers: October 1977
McCoy, Nora Wince (Author): Town Laud: August 1977
McDonald & Cox School: February 1965
McDonald House: August 1964
McDonald School: August 1964
McDonald, Col. Isaiah B (biography) (1861) by Schultz, George: February 1978
McDonald, Col. Isaiah B (biography) by Gates, Ralph F: June 1967
McDonald, Col. Isaiah B (biography) by Schultz, Geo F: April 1979
McDonald, Col. Isaiah B (biography) by Schultz, Geore F: June 1978
McDonald, Col. Isaiah B (biography) by Schultz, George: December 1981
McDonald, Col. Isaiah B (biography): April 1984
McDonald, Col. Isaiah B (biography): December 1979
McDonald, Col. Isaiah B (biography): June 1981
McDonald, Col. Isaiah B (biography): October 1974
McKenna, Charlotte (Author): Service Taverns: October 1972
McKenna, Charlotte (Author): Taverns: October 1972
McKown Furniture: April 1988
McLallan Family (biography): October 1976
McLallen Family (biography): March 1998
McLallen Fire (1963) by Dowell, Mary: August 1987
McLallen School by Dowell, Mary: August 1987
McLallen, Elisha Lyman (biography) by Holycross, Eudolph: August 1982
McLallen, John Addison (biography): August 1979
McNagney (biography): February 1966
McNagney, Marshall: June 1981
McNagny, Rob (biography): April 1993
McNagny, Rob R (Author): Biography: Marshall, Thomas: October 1993
McNagny, Rob R (Author): Marshall, Thomas (biography): October 1993
McNagy, Rob (Author): Indiana "Moon": October 1990
McNagy, Rob (Author): Misc Indiana "Moon": October 1990
Medicine Ague: October 1991
Medicine by Holycross, Thelma: April 1980
Medicine by Lehmberg, Dr. O F: December 1992
Medicine Diseases by Holycross, Thelma: April 1980
Medicine Doctors: February 1964
Medicine Doctors: June 1973
Medicine Gutcher Sanitorium: August 1970
Medicine Home Cures: December 1976
Medicine Home Remedies by McCoy, Nora Wince: June 1977
Medicine Home Remedies: December 1984
Medicine Influenza (1918): September 1995
Medicine Langhor, Dr. John: June 1993
Medicine Polio (1949): June 1997
Medicine Spanish Influenza (1918) by Grishke, Tural Uley: April 1989
Meier, Aileen C (Author): Biography: Douglas, Lloyd C: June 1990
Meier, Aileen C (Author): Douglas, Lloyd C (biography): June 1990
Meitzler, Edwin (Author): Alley, The: August 1972
Meitzler, Edwin (Author): Disaster Tabernacle Collapse (1915): April 1972
Meitzler, Edwin (Author): Hunt Smith, Leigh: February 1976
Meitzler, Edwin (Author): Music: August 1973
Meitzler, Edwin (Author): Prohibition: April 1987
Meitzler, Edwin (Author): Prohibition: April 1987
Meitzler, Edwin (Author): Scrap Drive World War II: August 1987
Meitzler, Edwin (Author): Service Alley, The: August 1972
Meitzler, Edwin (Author): Smith, Leigh Hunt: February 1976
Meitzler, Edwin (Author): Tabernacle Collapse Disaster (1915): April 1972
Meitzler, Edwin (Author): World War II Scrap Drive: August 1987
Memorial Day Holidays by Overdeer, Mary: December 1978
Memorial Day: December 1985
Memories by Holycross, Thelma: October 1987
Memories Columbia City by Thomson, Bill: April 1987
Memories Halloween Pranks: October 1971
Memories Life styles 1910-1989 by Holycross, Thelma: June 1989
Memories Pioneer Life by Graff, Mary Parrett: August 1984
Memories Spring Cleaning by Holycross, Thelma: April 1982
Memories Wash Day by Holycross, Thelma: April 1983
Memories Whitley Co by Knisely, James D: February 1991
Metzger, Loren (Author): Farm Life: September 1995
Metzger, Loren (Author): Life Farm: September 1995
Metzger, Loren (biography): September 1995
Meyers, Betty Thomson (Author): Aker, Margaret Coyle (biography): April 1987
Meyers, Betty Thomson (Author): Beard/Goodrich 1897 Wedding: October 1987
Meyers, Betty Thomson (Author): Biography: Aker, Margaret Coyle: April 1987
Meyers, Betty Thomson (Author): Biography: Buffalo Bill: June 1988
Meyers, Betty Thomson (Author): Biography: Williams, Alice Baker MD: August 1987
Meyers, Betty Thomson (Author): Buffalo Bill (biography): June 1988
Meyers, Betty Thomson (Author): Wedding Beard/Goodrich 1897: October 1987
Meyers, Betty Thomson (Author): Williams, Alice Baker MD (biography): August 1987
Miami Descendants Indians by Fleck, Cleon: April 1984
Miami Indian by Fox, Susan: September 1998
Miami Indian: September 1997
Mier, Samuel (biography): December 1979
Miller, Blanche (Author): Deliveries Groceries: August 1976
Miller, Blanche (Author): Groceries: August 1976
Miller, Blanche (biography): June 1981
Miller, Courtland (biography): February 1980
Miller-Hyre School by Fries, Leo J: June 1975
Mink, Pauline (biography): October 1992
Mink, Ralph (biography) by Martz, Hugo: April 1988
Mint Farming (1915): December 1999
Mint Farming by Alexander, Helen McConnell: June 1979
Misc Antarctic Snow Monster (1939) by Diffendarfer, Carter: October 1981
Misc Babes in the Woods by Flowers, Henry: October 1972
Misc Bellings by Overdeer, Mary: April 1979
Misc Big Brown Beast: August 1990
Misc Bride mishipped (1917): February 1992
Misc Building Permits (1949): March 1997
Misc Camp Whitley: June 1995
Misc Case Strike (1957): March 1997
Misc Catalo: October 1983
Misc Cherry Trees (1940) by Egner, Willadene: April 1990
Misc Circuit Rider: June 1966
Misc Crystal Radio: February 1965
Misc de La Balme statues by Langohr, Margo: April 1987
Misc Escaped Monkey (1922): April 1993
Misc Fads (1947): March 1998
Misc Goat Man (1947): September 1994
Misc Gypsies by Dowell, Mary: February 1988
Misc Hell's Half Acre by Heinley, Elmer W: October 1978
Misc Hell's Half Acre by Heinley, W. Elmer: August 1978
Misc Hell's Half Acre: June 1973
Misc Immortal "J N " by Fries, Leo J: August 1973
Misc Indiana "Moon" by McNagy, Rob: October 1990
Misc Jive Talk (1946): March 1998
Misc Judge Pelfrey's Duck Dinner (1948): June 1997
Misc Larwill Nat Gas (1887) by Schultz, George: February 1988
Misc Mayflower Cup: August 1963
Misc Oscar: March 1997
Misc Rat Killing (1922): April 1993
Misc Reindeer: June 1977
Misc Snow Cruiser (1939): December 1994
Misc Snow Cruiser by Holycross, Eudolph: February 1985
Misc So Korea Gold Mines by Fleck, Cleon: December 1983
Misc Superstitions by Overdeer, Mary: February 1994
Misc Teacher Smoking: April 1987
Mitten Skating Rink: December 1985
Mitten, Sarah Elbertine (biography) by Schultz, George F: August 1985
Model T Visit (1999): September 1999
Model T: April 1991
Monument Civil War: June 1964
More Farm House: December 1965
Mosher, Helen (Author): Coal & Feed: October 1979
Mosher, Helen (Author): Retail Coal & Feed: October 1979
Mosher, Rollo (biography): March 1998
Mossman, William E (biography): June 1984
Motion Pictures: December 1985
Muck Farming (1939): September 1997
Muck Fire (1934): December 1993
Mullendore/Oliver Wedding : December 1986
Mullet Family (biography): June 1976
Mulletts Music: June 1976
Municipal Electric Plant: June 1991
Municipal Water (1893) by Schultz, George: April 1991
Municipal Waterworks (1910): August 1991
Murder Butler, Charles by Palmer, George A: August 1978
Murder Sheckler, Delmar (1929): March 2000
Murder Singer, George M (1895): March 1997
Murder Singer, George M by Foster, Kenneth D: June 1980
Murder Stallsmith, Frank (1903) by Kirk, Tom: December 1989
Murder Zumbrun, Harry (1936) by Zumbrun, Mrs Rely: February 1990
Murders Butler, Charles W (1884) by Sexton, Don: June 1987
Murphy, Max (Author): Biography: Frida, Henry L: September 1994
Murphy, Max (Author): Frida, Henry L (biography): September 1994
Museum (1976): October 1976
Museum Bedroom (1988): April 1988
Museum Dining Room (1988): December 1988
Museum Purchase (1963): December 1963
Museum Purchase (1988): February 1989
Museum Purchase Planned (1963) by Shroyer, Marion R: October 1963
Museum Restoration (1984): June 1984
Museum Restoration: October 1984
Music (1939): December 1994
Music Band Concert, 1st (1919): April 1992
Music Band Concerts (1918): March 1995
Music Boxes: June 1992
Music by Henderson, Lulu: June 1984
Music by Lemon, Lola: October 1986
Music by Meitzler, Edwin: August 1973
Music by Ott, Millard: August 1984
Music Cakewalks: October 1983
Music Chautauqua (1919) by Dowell, Mary: June 1987
Music Collamer, S Whitley by Scott, Myrtle Fleck: February 1977
Music Gene's Mens Chorus (1927): June 1997
Music Goodrich Quartet: April 1985
Music Jefferson Cornet Band: April 1986
Music Johnson, Lawrence: June 1991
Music Johnston, Herb: December 1996
Music Johnston, Lawrence: August 1991
Music Laud Band: October 1970
Music Lutheran Organ (1886): February 1985
Music Mulletts: June 1976
Music Phil Farren by Dowell, Mary: August 1986
Music Phil Farren's Baton by Dowell, Mary: June 1986
Music Pipe Organs by Dowell, Mary: October 1986
Music Summer Concerts: October 1985
Music Theater by Kinsey, Florence Harley: February 1977
Music War (1941): June 1993
Music: June 1978
Myers, Abram W (biography) by Schultz, George: April 1980
Myers, Daniel (biography): October 1983
Myers, Frank (biography): August 1986
Myers, Walter D (biography): December 1983
Myers, WD "Muzzy" (Author): Ice cutting, storage: April 1975
Myers, WD "Muzzy" (Author): Service Ice cutting, storage: April 1975
Myrtle Ferns: December 1985


Nauman, Mabel School: June 1993
Nauman, Mary (Author): Depression: April 1991
New Years (1934): June 1997
New Years: December 1985
Newspaper Columbia City: June 1968
Newspapers So Whitley 100 yrs: June 1983
Nickey, Alfred Poems (biography): June 1983
Nix, Kenneth (biography): September 1996
Non-explosive gas can (1919): August 1993
Nut shells for Gas Masks World War I (1919): February 1994


Oak Grove (Compton) Church by Krider, Ann: March 1995
Oddfellows, Rotary Clubs: March 1996
O'Donnell, Red Ned (biography) by Fries, Leo J: December 1994
O'Donnell, Red Ned (biography): August 1980
Official Fraternal Ass (1903): April 1972
Ohki, Shinzo (biography) by Logan, Grace Ohki: April 1985
Old Settlers Airplanes (1913): August 1967
Old Settlers Autos (1910): August 1967
Old Settlers Fair (1881): August 1964
Old Settlers Fair (1904): August 1963
Old Settlers Fair (1906): December 1996
Old Settlers Fair (1937): March 2000
Old Settlers Fair (1953): March 1997
Old Settlers Fair: August 1979
Old Settlers Fair: August 1985
Old Settlers Fair: December 1998
Old Settlers Fair: September 1998
Old Settlers Monument Fair (1976): August 1976
O'Leary Shooting (1858): October 1993
Olive Chapel School: August 1969
Oliver, Reuben (biography) by Ruckman, Nellie Oliver: March 1999
Oliver/Mullendore Wedding: December 1986
One Room School by Chapman, Grover I: April 1984
One Room School by Dorman, Fay E: December 1974
One Room School by Holycross, Thelma: December 1979
One Room School by Kyler, Merle W: December 1978
One Room School by Smith, Prof Edgar Paul: October 1975
One Room School: June 1975
Onion Days Fairs: October 1976
Onion Days-Wolf Lake Fair by Gates, Ralph: August 1975
Onion Fields by Herrold, Edward I: February 1977
Onion Fields: April 1993
Onion workers: June 1977
Onion: October 1975
Onions by Gates, Ralph: August 1975
Onions: August 1976
Ordinance: April 1978
Ordinance: February 1979
Ordinances (1900): December 1999
Ordinances Speed Limits by Carver, Bernice: October 1980
Osbun, Carl J (biography): September 1996
Oscar: March 1997
Ott, Millard (Author): Music: August 1984
Overdeer, Austin E (biography): October 1979
Overdeer, Mary (Author): Bellings: April 1979
Overdeer, Mary (Author): Holidays Memorial Day: December 1978
Overdeer, Mary (Author): Memorial Day Holidays: December 1978
Overdeer, Mary (Author): Misc Bellings: April 1979
Overdeer, Mary (Author): Misc Superstitions: February 1994
Overdeer, Mary (Author): Superstitions: February 1994
Overly, Vera (biography): October 1992


Paige House: August 1964
Paige Mansion House: December 1965
Palmer, Geo A (Author): Biography: Marshall, Thomas: October 1975
Palmer, Geo A (Author): Marshall, Thomas (biography): October 1975
Palmer, George (Author): Columbia City: February 1987
Palmer, George (Author): Hacks School: April 1986
Palmer, George (Author): Pioneers: June 1980
Palmer, George (Author): School Hacks: April 1986
Palmer, George (Author): Town Columbia City: February 1987
Palmer, George (Author):: June 1980
Palmer, George (biography): June 1976
Palmer, George A (Author): 1st Settlers Smith Township : February 1983
Palmer, George A (Author): Biography: Chauncey, Elihu: October 1981
Palmer, George A (Author): Butler, Charles Murder: August 1978
Palmer, George A (Author): Chauncey, Elihu (biography): October 1981
Palmer, George A (Author): Murder Butler, Charles: August 1978
Palmer, George A (Author): Smith Township 1st Settlers: February 1983
Parrett family (biography): August 1984
Parties by Dowell, Mary: February 1987
Parties: December 1994
Parties: December 1994
Party Line Telephone by Lemon, Lola: February 1986
Pat's Cafe by Jones, Chuck: September 1994
Peabody Co-Op: September 1996
Peabody Sawmill by Holycross, Eudolph: February 1982
Peabody, S J (biography) by Adams, James D: February 1966
Peabody, S J (biography) by Becker, Holda McLaughlin: June 1979
Peabody, S J (biography) by Gates, Ralph F: August 1991
Peabody, S J (biography): October 1969
Peabody, S J (biography): October 1988
Peabody, S J (biography): October 1990
Peabody, S J (biography): September 1997
Peabody: December 1984
Peabody: June 1976
Peabody: June 1992
Pence homestead (biography) by Stultz, Marguerite: June 1968
Pence, Jacob (biography) by Pence, O Leigh: August 1989
Pence, Mildred (biography) by Geiger, Marie: June 1994
Pence, Mildred Geiger (Author): Fire Sawmill Explosion (1879): June 1973
Pence, Mildred Geiger (Author): Sawmill Explosion Fire (1879): June 1973
Pence, O Leigh (Author): Biography: Pence, Jacob: August 1989
Pence, O Leigh (Author): Pence, Jacob (biography): August 1989
Penn-Central Depot Railroad: April 1969
Pennslyvania School School: December 1984
Pennslyvania School: February 1972
Pennsy Bridge Railroad (1894): June 1983
Perry, Lee "Joe" Jr. (biography): April 1992
Phil Farren Music by Dowell, Mary: August 1986
Phil Farren's Baton Music by Dowell, Mary: June 1986
Piepho Farm Cenntennial: December 1966
Pioneer Families (biography): February 1974
Pioneer Life Memories by Graff, Mary Parrett: August 1984
Pioneers by Holycross, Eudolph: June 1966
Pioneers by Hopper, Hazel Whiteleather: December 1969
Pioneers by Palmer, George: June 1980
Pioneers Deeds, First: June 1963
Pioneers First Settlers: August 1974
Pioneers First Wills: October 1964
Pioneers Fort Construction by Dunnigan, Brian Leigh: December 1975
Pioneers German Origins: December 1997
Pioneers History by Early, Mary Barney: February 1973
Pioneers Journey: June 1973
Pioneers Stories by Martz, Hugo E: April 1981
Pioneers Stories by McCoy, Nora Wince: October 1977
Pioneers Story (1905) by Pletcher, Joe: June 1973
Pioneers Thomas Marshall Story (1839): August 1963
Pipe Organs Music by Dowell, Mary: October 1986
Plat Map Whitley Co (1862) by Gates, Ralph: August 1976
Pletche, Joe Stories by Lancaster, Robt: December 1973
Pletcher, Joe (Author): Pioneers Story (1905): June 1973
Pletcher, Joe (Author): Story Pioneers (1905): June 1973
Plummer (biography): June 1987
Plummer, Caroline (biography): June 1986
Plummer, Leigh S (Author): Printing: October 1982
Plummer, Leigh S (Author): Printing: October 1982
Plummer, Wilbur Zebulon (biography) by Schultz, George: June 1990
Policies Bulletin: December 1983
Polio Medicine (1949): June 1997
Politics Campaign Memobilea: June 1984
Politics Columbia City 1st Mayor: June 1988
Politics Columbia Township , 1st election: December 1983
Politics Elections (1934): October 1993
Politics: June 1978
Politics: June 1978
Politics: October 1984
Politics: October 1984
Pollution Lakes: August 1970
Polly Chauncey's Etiquette: June 1999
Pond, Mack Adam (Author): Adams-Pond (biography): October 1975
Pond, Mack Adam (Author): Biography: Adams-Pond: October 1975
Pontius Sealing Wax: April 1988
Poor Hook School: April 1983
Poor Hook School: June 1992
Poor Hook School: September 1995
Post Masters: March 1996
Potawatomi Indian: October 1964
Potawatomi Indian: October 1966
Precision Plastics (1965): September 1998
Prehistoric Sites Early History by Richey, Kris: August 1984
Presbyterian (Bell) Church by Baker, HE: August 1976
Presbyterian Church (1893): February 1977
Presbyterian Church: February 1966
Printing by Gregg, Jim: December 1973
Printing by Plummer, Leigh S: October 1982
Printing by Plummer, Leigh S: October 1982
Prohibition by Meitzler, Edwin: April 1987
Prohibition by Meitzler, Edwin: April 1987
Projects Marker: December 1964
Projects Marker: February 1965
Prosecutor Memories by Gates, Benton Earl: August 1993
Public Square 1840-1888 Columbia City by White, Allan D: June 1975
Pugh, Mary (Author): Church First Presbyterian: September 1994
Pugh, Mary (Author): First Presbyterian Church: September 1994
Pugh, Mary Alice (Author): Fair Whitley Co Centennial (1938): February 1988
Pugh, Mary Alice (Author): Whitley Co Centennial Fair (1938): February 1988
Purchase Museum (1963): December 1963
Purchase Museum (1988): February 1989
Purchase Planned Museum (1963) by Shroyer, Marion R: October 1963




Raber (biography): February 1966
Raber, Mary (biography) by Bockelman, Darlene: December 1985
Raber, Mary (biography): June 1963
Raber, Mary Frances (biography): October 1992
Raber, Nellie (biography): December 1983
Raber: August 1983
Raber: October 1982
Raccoon Village: June 1966
Races Horses Railroad (1913): October 1988
Radio, Crystal: February 1965
Railroad (1856): August 1984
Railroad (1980): June 1994
Railroad Accident (1908) by Kemery, Glen: February 1973
Railroad Auto Accident (1934): October 1993
Railroad Derailing (1943): October 1982
Railroad Eel River: April 1967
Railroad Heavy Traffic (1927): February 1980
Railroad Kills Owen Deviney (1859): October 1993
Railroad Penn-Central Depot: April 1969
Railroad Penssy Bridge (1894): June 1983
Railroad Races Horses (1913): October 1988
Railroad Vandalia (Panhandle): August 1968
Railroad Vandalia: June 1977
Railroad Vandalia: June 1983
Railway Excursions: December 1985
Rat Killing (1922): April 1993
Ration Books World War II: March 1996
Ration Books World War II: March 1997
Raupher Brewery: December 1977
Ravarre, Anthony (biography): October 1966
Recess School by Judd, Bob: December 1984
Recipes: August 1975
Records by Rev Swan: April 1986
Red Mill Theater: December 1985
Red Wigwams & Wh Cabins Indian by Lancaster, Robt: August 1993
Redication Courthouse: August 1990
Reed, Dorothy Magley (Author): Collins House House: June 1981
Reed, Dorothy Magley (Author): House Collins House: June 1981
Reindeer: June 1977
Reinhart, Diana (Author): Biography: Marshall, Lois: February 1976
Reinhart, Diana (Author): Chautauqua Fair: December 1975
Reinhart, Diana (Author): Fair Chautauqua: December 1975
Reinhart, Diana (Author): Marshall, Lois (biography): February 1976
Resorts Lakes: October 1968
Restoration Museum (1984): June 1984
Restoration Museum: October 1984
Retail Banana Row by Gates, Ralph F: April 1972
Retail by Gates, B Earl: December 1987
Retail by Gates, B Earl: December 1987
Retail Cash & Carry (1919): October 1991
Retail Coal & Feed by Mosher, Helen: October 1979
Retail Columbia City (1902): April 1983
Retail Columbia Dairy (1946): August 1981
Retail Confectionary Myers: December 1971
Retail Confectionary, Myers: August 1986
Retail Drug Store: March 1997
Retail First: February 1990
Retail Garden Gift Shop by Garringer, Jan: April 1980
Retail Garden Gift: June 1982
Retail Greenhouse, Frank's by Frank, Glenn: February 1985
Retail Grocery- Souder: December 1989
Retail Self Serve Grocery (1919): December 1980
Retail Washburn Block (1910): August 1986
Retail Weick's Shoes (1939): October 1993
Retail Weick's Shoes: March 1997
Retail Yontz Grocery by Zwissler, Gayle Yontz: June 1978
Revolutionary Ancestors: April 1976
Revolutionary Descendents (biography): October 1976
Rhodes Tavern : December 1994
Rhodes, Ann Enslen (biography): December 1979
Rhodes, Francis L (biography): October 1983
Rhodes, Mark W (biography): December 1994
Richey, Kris (Author): Early History Prehistoric Sites: August 1984
Richey, Kris (Author): Prehistoric Sites Early History: August 1984
Richland Township , first School: August 1983
Richland Township : March 1995
Richland Township : October 1964
Richland Township School: October 1964
Riddick, Foster (Author): Adkins Trailer Park (1966): October 1993
Riddick, Foster (Author): Service Adkins Trailer Park (1966): October 1993
Riley School by Fries, Leo J: April 1975
Riley's Ministral Co: December 1985
River Blue River (1952): June 1999
River Blue River Bridge: December 1996
River Eel & Little Turtle: August 1971
River Eel by McCammon, Ryan J: August 1984
River Eel Trubutaries: April 1968
River Eel: February 1968
Road Lincoln Highway (1913): June 1995
Road Squawbuck by Lancaster, Robt F: October 1973
Road Squawbuck: September 1996
Roads Early: June 1982
Roads Interurbans: April 1978
Roads Sinkholes: August 1968
Robbery American Railway Express (1946): March 1999
Robbery Cook bowling Lanes (1952): June 1999
Robbery,Bank by Kemery, Glen: April 1973
Robison, Brenda Reeg (Author): Schang's Drive In (1950): September 1999
Robison, Brenda Reeg (Author): Service Schang's Drive In (1950): September 1999
Rose Bud Slim (biography): December 1981
Rose Bud Slim (biography): October 1981
Rosebud Slim (biography) by Harris, Vivian: August 1986
Rosebud Slim (biography): April 1988
Rosebud Slim (biography): December 1986
Rosebud Slim (biography): June 1970
Rosebud Slim (biography): June 1982
Rotary by Adams, James D: August 1988
Round Top School: August 1964
Ruckman, Nellie Oliver (Author): Biography: Oliver, Reuben: March 1999
Ruckman, Nellie Oliver (Author): Oliver, Reuben (biography): March 1999
Rush, Col I B (biography): June 1984


Samsen, Arta C (Author): Biography: Kessler, Samuel Edward: October 1989
Samsen, Arta C (Author): Kessler, Samuel Edward (biography): October 1989
Samuel, Zerelda (biography): June 1963
Saw and Grist Mill: April 1984
Sawmill Explosion Fire (1879) by Pence, Mildred Geiger: June 1973
Schang's Drive In (1950) by Robison, Brenda Reeg: September 1999
Schaper, Theodore A (biography): February 1980
Schlup, Leonard (Author): Biography: Marshall, Thomas: December 1988
Schlup, Leonard (Author): Marshall, Thomas (biography): December 1988
School 8th grade graduation by Gates, Ralph: August 1972
School Alexander Knisely: June 1982
School Bash Hill (1911): December 1978
School Beech Chapel by Fries, Leo J: June 1975
School Busco (1854): August 1984
School by Smith, Edgar Paul: February 1977
School CCHS (1923) by Fleck, Cleon: October 1989
School CCHS: December 1998
School CCJHS: June 1994
School Chronology of Columbia City & Whitley County: October 1958
School Cleveland's 1st: April 1964
School Coesse: April 1964
School Collamer (1930): December 1995
School Collins: April 1984
School Columbia City (1892): August 1993
School Columbia City (1902) by Lawrence, Perl K: June 1979
School Construction: April 1975
School County Spellers (1937): March 1996
School District: October 1958
School East Ward: April 1987
School Eberhard: June 1977
School Egolf: April 1975
School Etna (fire): December 1984
School Etna by Angell, Maude Johnson: October 1980
School Etna: April 1980
School Etna: December 1984
School Etna: October 1976
School Fleck, Alvin by Fleck, Cleon: February 1986
School Foster by Fries, Leo J: August 1975
School Gaff (1888): August 1969
School Grade 8 Exam (1904): December 1998
School Green Hill Academy by Adams, Hester: October 1958
School Green Hill Academy: April 1985
School Green Hill Academy: December 1985
School Ground Hog by Hollenbaugh, Linda: April 1982
School Grubb Hill: October 1969
School Hack by Holycross, Eudolph: April 1984
School Hack: February 1971
School Hacks by Palmer, George: April 1986
School Hill School: December 1984
School Hoop: April 1991
School Hoops by Fries, Leo J: April 1975
School Jackson: October 1978
School Johnson by Alexander, Helen McConnell: December 1978
School Jones/Slope Lawn Academy: September 1994
School Larwill by Smith, Edgar Paul: December 1976
School Laud: April 1986
School Manuels (1899): March 2000
School Maring by Ihrig, Herbert: June 1979
School Maring by Sheets, Dorotha: October 1958
School Maring: April 1986
School Mary Raber (1951): December 1994
School McDonald & Cox: February 1965
School McDonald: August 1964
School McLallen by Dowell, Mary: August 1987
School Miller-Hyre by Fries, Leo J: June 1975
School Nauman, Mabel: June 1993
School Olive Chapel: August 1969
School One Room by Chapman, Grover I: April 1984
School One Room by Dorman, Fay E: December 1974
School One Room by Holycross, Thelma: December 1979
School One Room by Kyler, Merle W: December 1978
School One Room by Smith, Prof Edgar Paul: October 1975
School One Room: June 1975
School Pennslyvania School: December 1984
School Pennslyvania: February 1972
School Poor Hook: April 1983
School Poor Hook: June 1992
School Poor Hook: September 1995
School Recess by Judd, Bob: December 1984
School Richland Township , first: August 1983
School Richland Township : October 1964
School Riley by Fries, Leo J: April 1975
School Round Top: August 1964
School Schrader: March 1995
School Schuh (1895): October 1983
School Schuh: October 1969
School Scott (1919): August 1969
School Shuh: December 1983
School Shuh: June 1988
School Smith, Collins by Carter, Harvey L: June 1981
School Smith, Sadie: October 1984
School So Whitley Alumni (1944): March 1998
School Spelling Matches by Carter, Harvey Lewis: October 1977
School Springfield Academy: April 1964
School Stories by Carter, Harvey L: April 1981
School Stories by Yoder, Harry T: February 1976
School Superintendent by Fleck, Cleon: June 1975
School Superintendents: October 1958
School Teacher Licencse: August 1975
School Teacher: December 1966
School Teachers (1905): October 1965
School Teachers: October 1963
School Testing (1958): December 1999
School Thorncreek (1887): February 1973
School Thorncreek (1897): June 1986
School Thorncreek (1905) by Holycross, Thelma: April 1981
School Thorncreek by Fries, Leo: February 1975
School Thorncreek, Etna: April 1969
School Thorncreek: June 1970
School Thorncreek: October 1970
School Township High sch: October 1958
School Troy (1897): April 1986
School Troy Center by Holycross, Eudolph: October 1981
School Troy Township : June 1984
School Troy: February 1969
School Wartburg College by Holycross, Thelma: December 1980
School Wartburg College by Judd, Edith: October 1958
School Washington Center: March 2000
School Weaver: April 1970
School Whitley County 1st by Holycross, Eudolph: October 1958
School Woodham in Korea: December 1983
School: December 1992
School: October 1992
Schrader Family (biography): December 1997
Schrader family (biography): June 1968
Schrader School: March 1995
Schuh School (1895): October 1983
Schuh School: October 1969
Schultz Family (biography): June 1985
Schultz, Geo (Author): World War I: June 1989
Schultz, Geo F (Author): Adams, Andy (biography): June 1979
Schultz, Geo F (Author): Biography: Adams, Andy: June 1979
Schultz, Geo F (Author): Biography: LaBalme: October 1985
Schultz, Geo F (Author): Biography: McDonald, Col. Isaiah B: April 1979
Schultz, Geo F (Author): LaBalme (biography): October 1985
Schultz, Geo F (Author): McDonald, Col. Isaiah B (biography): April 1979
Schultz, Geore F (Author): Biography: McDonald, Col. Isaiah B: June 1978
Schultz, Geore F (Author): McDonald, Col. Isaiah B (biography): June 1978
Schultz, George (Author): 1886 Style Entertainment: December 1986
Schultz, George (Author): Aker, George (biography): October 1990
Schultz, George (Author): American Legion: February 1984
Schultz, George (Author): Baseball: October 1983
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Aker, George: October 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Bloom, Benton J (1919): December 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Bloom, Benton Jay: February 1980
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Foster, Berlin: April 1983
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Gates, Ralph: February 1979
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Hammer, Fern (Waugh): April 1991
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Harshbarger, Marshall McNagnie: October 1987
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Hunter, John Wesley: June 1980
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Ireland, Merritte Weber: February 1981
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Kithcart, Dr. Nathan I: August 1980
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: LaBalme: October 1980
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Linvill, Dr Ben: February 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Linvill, Frank (1892): June 1983
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Linvill, Hayes (1922): April 1991
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Linvill, Hayes (1922): December 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Linvill, Hayes: April 1986
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Linvill, Hayes: April 1987
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Linvill, Hayes: April 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Linvill, Hayes: April 1992
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Linvill, Hayes: October 1989
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Linvill, Hayes: October 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Marshall, Thomas: April 1989
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Marshall, Thomas: August 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Marshall, Thomas: June 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Marshall, Thomas: October 1989
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Marshall, Thomas: October 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: McDonald, Col. Isaiah B (1861): February 1978
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: McDonald, Col. Isaiah B: December 1981
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Myers, Abram W: April 1980
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Plummer, Wilbur Zebulon: June 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Schultz, George: June 1986
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Strong Family: June 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Thomson, William "Charlie": August 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Trout, Ned E: February 1985
Schultz, George (Author): Biography: Walter, George E: August 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Bloom, Benton J (biography) (1919): December 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Bloom, Benton Jay (biography): February 1980
Schultz, George (Author): Civil War Diaries: June 1980
Schultz, George (Author): Civil War Draft (1863): December 1989
Schultz, George (Author): Civil War Letter: April 1980
Schultz, George (Author): Civil War Letter: October 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Civil War Volunteers: October 1978
Schultz, George (Author): Civil War: August 1980
Schultz, George (Author): Club Soldiers Aid Society: December 1979
Schultz, George (Author): Clubs American Legion: February 1984
Schultz, George (Author): Diaries Civil War: June 1980
Schultz, George (Author): Draft Civil War (1863): December 1989
Schultz, George (Author): Electric (1908): February 1992
Schultz, George (Author): Entertainment 1886 Style: December 1986
Schultz, George (Author): Fairs Jubilee (1886): August 1986
Schultz, George (Author): Foster, Berlin (biography): April 1983
Schultz, George (Author): Gates, Ralph (biography): February 1979
Schultz, George (Author): Hammer, Fern (Waugh) (biography): April 1991
Schultz, George (Author): Harshbarger, Marshall McNagnie (biography): October 1987
Schultz, George (Author): Hunter, John Wesley (biography): June 1980
Schultz, George (Author): Ireland, Merritte Weber (biography): February 1981
Schultz, George (Author): Jubilee Fairs (1886): August 1986
Schultz, George (Author): Kithcart, Dr. Nathan I (biography): August 1980
Schultz, George (Author): LaBalme (biography): October 1980
Schultz, George (Author): Larwill Nat Gas (1887): February 1988
Schultz, George (Author): Letter Civil War: April 1980
Schultz, George (Author): Letter Civil War: October 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Linvill, Dr Ben (biography): February 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Linvill, Frank (biography) (1892): June 1983
Schultz, George (Author): Linvill, Hayes (biography) (1922): April 1991
Schultz, George (Author): Linvill, Hayes (biography) (1922): December 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Linvill, Hayes (biography): April 1986
Schultz, George (Author): Linvill, Hayes (biography): April 1987
Schultz, George (Author): Linvill, Hayes (biography): April 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Linvill, Hayes (biography): April 1992
Schultz, George (Author): Linvill, Hayes (biography): October 1989
Schultz, George (Author): Linvill, Hayes (biography): October 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Marshall, Thomas (biography): April 1989
Schultz, George (Author): Marshall, Thomas (biography): August 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Marshall, Thomas (biography): June 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Marshall, Thomas (biography): October 1989
Schultz, George (Author): Marshall, Thomas (biography): October 1990
Schultz, George (Author): McDonald, Col. Isaiah B (biography) (1861): February 1978
Schultz, George (Author): McDonald, Col. Isaiah B (biography): December 1981
Schultz, George (Author): Misc Larwill Nat Gas (1887): February 1988
Schultz, George (Author): Municipal Water (1893): April 1991
Schultz, George (Author): Myers, Abram W (biography): April 1980
Schultz, George (Author): Plummer, Wilbur Zebulon (biography): June 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Schultz, George (biography): June 1986
Schultz, George (Author): Soldiers Aid Society: December 1979
Schultz, George (Author): Sports Baseball: October 1983
Schultz, George (Author): Strong Family (biography): June 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Thomson, William "Charlie" (biography): August 1990
Schultz, George (Author): Trout, Ned E (biography): February 1985
Schultz, George (Author): Utilities Electric (1908): February 1992
Schultz, George (Author): Utilities Municipal Water (1893): April 1991
Schultz, George (Author): Volunteers Civil War: October 1978
Schultz, George (Author): Walter, George E (biography): August 1990
Schultz, George (Author): World War I: April 1987
Schultz, George (Author): World War I: August 1984
Schultz, George (Author): World War I: February 1986
Schultz, George (Author): World War I: February 1987
Schultz, George (biography) (1939): August 1993
Schultz, George (biography) by Schultz, George: June 1986
Schultz, George F (Author): Biography: LaBalme: October 1981
Schultz, George F (Author): Biography: LaBalme: October 1986
Schultz, George F (Author): Biography: Marshall, Thomas: December 1989
Schultz, George F (Author): Biography: Marshall, Thomas: February 1991
Schultz, George F (Author): Biography: Mitten, Sarah Elbertine: August 1985
Schultz, George F (Author): Biography: Steel, Burr: October 1991
Schultz, George F (Author): Biography: Walter, George E: December 1990
Schultz, George F (Author): Biography: Walter, Otto "Skinny": August 1991
Schultz, George F (Author): Civil War Stories: December 1977
Schultz, George F (Author): Civil War: December 1978
Schultz, George F (Author): Draftees World War I: February 1983
Schultz, George F (Author): LaBalme (biography): October 1981
Schultz, George F (Author): LaBalme (biography): October 1986
Schultz, George F (Author): LaBalme: October 1982
Schultz, George F (Author): Marshall, Thomas (biography): December 1989
Schultz, George F (Author): Marshall, Thomas (biography): February 1991
Schultz, George F (Author): Mitten, Sarah Elbertine (biography): August 1985
Schultz, George F (Author): Steel, Burr (biography): October 1991
Schultz, George F (Author): Stories Civil War: December 1977
Schultz, George F (Author): Walter, George E (biography): December 1990
Schultz, George F (Author): Walter, Otto "Skinny" (biography): August 1991
Schultz, George F (Author): War LaBalme: October 1982
Schultz, George F (Author): World War I Draftees: February 1983
Schultz, George Franklin (biography) by Kirk, Tom: February 1993
Schultz, Ted A (biography) by Gerard, Alta: December 1990
Schuman House: December 1963
Schuman, Dr Oliver V (biography): October 1970
Schuman, Dr. Oliver V (biography): April 1990
Scott Family (biography) by Blain, Melvin: October 1976
Scott School (1919): August 1969
Scott, CV (Author): Coesse: February 1964
Scott, CV (Author): Town Coesse: February 1964
Scott, Dr (biography): August 1977
Scott, Edward D (biography): December 1980
Scott, Myrtle Fleck (Author): Collamer, S Whitley Music: February 1977
Scott, Myrtle Fleck (Author): Music Collamer, S Whitley: February 1977
Scrap Drive World War II (1942) by Egner, Willodene: April 1988
Scrap Drive World War II by Meitzler, Edwin: August 1987
Seagley, John (biography) by Voight, Birdena: December 1969
Sealing Wax by Gates, Ralph F: December 1977
Secrist, Samuel (biography): March 1996
Seek's Village (DAR) Marker (1990) by Gerard, Alta: August 1990
Seek's Village Indian by Gerard, Alta: October 1980
Seek's Village Marker: October 1980
Self Serve Grocery (1919): December 1980
Service Adkins Trailer Park (1966) by Riddick, Foster: October 1993
Service Alley, The by Meitzler, Edwin: August 1972
Service Bank Examiner (1926): March 1999
Service Banks Insured (1934): March 1998
Service Barbers: August 1981
Service Barbers: June 1992
Service Billman Bros Service St. (1926): March 1999
Service Blacksmith Shop by Flowers, Henry M: October 1975
Service Boarding House by Herrold, Mildred DeWitt: October 1978
Service Churubusco Bank (1920): December 1995
Service Clugston: October 1975
Service Farmers Loan & Trust: February 1982
Service Funeral Homes by Smith, Stuart: December 1990
Service Funeral Parlors by Smith, Stuart D: June 1974
Service Funerals by Fleck, Cleon: December 1979
Service Ice cutting, storage by Myers, WD "Muzzy": April 1975
Service Ice Preservation by Holycross, Eudolph: October 1984
Service Livery by Holycross, Thelma: October 1981
Service Livery: February 1979
Service Pat's Cafe by Jones, Chuck: September 1994
Service Peabody Co-Op: September 1996
Service Printing by Gregg, Jim: December 1973
Service Saw and Grist Mill: April 1984
Service Schang's Drive In (1950) by Robison, Brenda Reeg: September 1999
Service So Whitley Hotel: June 1966
Service Taverns by McKenna, Charlotte: October 1972
Service Telegrams: April 1978
Service Well Drilling (1910): April 1967
Service Wolf Lake Trolley by Fries, Leo J: February 1977
Sexton, Don (Author): Butler, Charles W Murders (1884): June 1987
Sexton, Don (Author): Murders Butler, Charles W (1884): June 1987
Sheckler, Delmar Murder (1929): March 2000
Sheets, Dorotha (Author): Jefferson Township : June 1990
Sheets, Dorotha (Author): Maring School: October 1958
Sheets, Dorotha (Author): School Maring: October 1958
Sheets, Dorotha (Author): Township Jefferson: June 1990
Shenefield, Eugene & Thural (biography) by Fleck, Cleon: October 1987
Sherbahn, John M (biography) by Gerard, Alta: December 1979
Sherbahn, Kenneth (Author): Biography: Jagger, Harry: April 1991
Sherbahn, Kenneth (Author): Jagger, Harry (biography): April 1991
Shinneman, Harry (Author): Biography: Shinneman, Isaac: October 1980
Shinneman, Harry (Author): Shinneman, Isaac (biography): October 1980
Shinneman, Isaac (biography) by Shinneman, Harry: October 1980
Shoemaker, Joseph (biography): October 1993
Shooting Kuhn, Marvin (1890): December 1963
Shooting O'Leary (1858): October 1993
Shroyer, Marion R (Author): Museum Purchase Planned (1963): October 1963
Shroyer, Marion R (Author): Purchase Planned Museum (1963): October 1963
Shuh School: December 1983
Shuh School: June 1988
Silk Stocking Row Houses: August 1982
Simonson, Peter (biography): October 1965
Singer, George M Murder (1895): March 1997
Singer, George M Murder by Foster, Kenneth D: June 1980
Sinkholes: August 1968
Sleighing: December 1969
Smith School (1907): April 1980
Smith Township 1st Settlers by Palmer, George A: February 1983
Smith, Collins School by Carter, Harvey L: June 1981
Smith, Edgar Paul (Author): Larwill School: December 1976
Smith, Edgar Paul (Author): School Larwill: December 1976
Smith, Edgar Paul (Author): School: February 1977
Smith, Edgar Paul (Author):: February 1977
Smith, Kittie (biography) by Gerard, Alta: February 1981
Smith, Leigh Hunt by Meitzler, Edwin: February 1976
Smith, Mildred (Cook) (Author): Biography: Cook Family: February 1977
Smith, Mildred (Cook) (Author): Cook Family (biography): February 1977
Smith, Orpha (biography): October 1988
Smith, Prof Edgar Paul (Author): One Room School: October 1975
Smith, Prof Edgar Paul (Author): School One Room: October 1975
Smith, Sadie School: October 1984
Smith, Stuart (Author): Funeral Homes: December 1990
Smith, Stuart (Author): Service Funeral Homes: December 1990
Smith, Stuart D (Author): Funeral Parlors: June 1974
Smith, Stuart D (Author): Service Funeral Parlors: June 1974
Smith, Stuart D (biography): September 1997
Smith, W S (biography): April 1991
Snodgrass Church: April 1969
Snow Cruiser (1939): December 1994
Snow Cruiser by Holycross, Eudolph: February 1985
So Korea Gold Mines by Fleck, Cleon: December 1983
So Main St Fire (1910): April 1972
So Whitley 100 yrs Newspapers: June 1983
So Whitley Alumni School (1944): March 1998
So Whitley Chautauqua Fair by Grischke, Tural: August 1985
So Whitley Hotel: June 1966
So Whitley Jail by Gerard, Alta M: October 1984
Socials Box Suppers: April 1982
Soldiers Aid Society by Schultz, George: December 1979
Sorghum by Gerard, Alta: February 1981
Souder Grocery: December 1989
Souder, Cleo Barnes (biography): December 1992
Souder, Don (Author): Biography: Bloom, BJ: December 1989
Souder, Don (Author): Biography: Johnson, Jack: August 1990
Souder, Don (Author): Bloom, BJ (biography): December 1989
Souder, Don (Author): Johnson, Jack (biography): August 1990
South Whitley 1911 Fair: April 1985
South Whitley Elevator (1949): June 1997
Spanish Influenza Medicine (1918) by Grishke, Tural Uley: April 1989
Speed Limits Ordinances by Carver, Bernice: October 1980
Spelling Matches School by Carter, Harvey Lewis: October 1977
Sport Columbia City Basketball (1910): June 1987
Sport Sleighing: December 1969
Sport Street Skating: June 1985
Sports Baseball (1904): September 1998
Sports Baseball (1934): February 1994
Sports Baseball (1939): March 1995
Sports Baseball by Holycross, Doc: February 1984
Sports Baseball by Schultz, George: October 1983
Sports Baseball Rules: June 1999
Sports Baseball: August 1965
Sports Basketball (1939): June 1998
Sports Basketball (1940): March 1999
Sports Basketball (1945): March 1998
Sports Basketball by Gates, Benton E: June 1986
Sports Basketball by Yoder, Harry T: August 1974
Sports Basketball: December 1974
Sports Checkers: August 1991
Sports Columbia City by Johnston, James Magley: April 1989
Sports DeVol by Kissinger, Keith: June 1996
Sports DeVol by Warnick, Dennis: June 1996
Sports DeVol Field (Carter): December 1983
Sports DeVol Field by Gates, Benton E: April 1993
Sports Etna Basketball: December 1984
Sports Fishing (1923): August 1990
Sports Fishing (1934): February 1994
Sports Football (1904): March 1998
Sports Girls Basketball: December 1981
Sports Golf, Crooked Lake by Feist, Clarence A: June 1977
Sports Larwill (1921): August 1986
Sports Larwill Baseball: June 1984
Sports Little League by Kilby, Roy: June 1996
Sports Stellar Team by Gates, Ralph: June 1975
Sports Wrestling (1914): August 1990
Sports: February 1982
Spring Cleaning Memories by Holycross, Thelma: April 1982
Spring Fountain Sun Sch Picnic Church: August 1987
Springfield Academy Marker: April 1964
Springfield Academy School: April 1964
Squawbuck Road by Lancaster, Robt F: October 1973
Squawbuck Road: September 1996
Squires, Capt. Oliver PM (biography) by Vanderford, Kenneth H: October 1984
St John's Lutheran Church by Tripcony, Fern (Labar): December 1994
St. Paul's: December 1985
Stallsmith, Frank Murder (1903) by Kirk, Tom: December 1989
Station Fire: August 1964
Stauffer Family (biography) by Stauffer, Dave: June 1994
Stauffer, Dave (Author): Biography: Stauffer Family: June 1994
Stauffer, Dave (Author): Stauffer Family (biography): June 1994
Steam Heat: August 1978
Steel, Burr (biography) by Schultz, George F: October 1991
Steel, James (biography): June 1988
Stellar Team by Gates, Ralph: June 1975
Stewart, Cleveland (biography): February 1980
Stickler, Cleo (Author): Biography: Stickler, Henry O (Sherriff): June 1992
Stickler, Cleo (Author): Stickler, Henry O (Sherriff) (biography): June 1992
Stickler, Henry O (Sherriff) (biography) by Stickler, Cleo: June 1992
Stockamp Ranch House: December 1984
Stockert, Jacob (biography) by Anderson, Clarence E: December 1978
Stories Civil War by Schultz, George F: December 1977
Stories Pioneers by Martz, Hugo E: April 1981
Stories Pioneers by McCoy, Nora Wince: October 1977
Stories Pletche, Joe by Lancaster, Robt: December 1973
Stories School by Carter, Harvey L: April 1981
Stories School by Yoder, Harry T: February 1976
Story Pioneers (1905) by Pletcher, Joe: June 1973
Stough, Eleanor Mickey (biography): December 1979
Stough, George Washington (biography): June 1965
Street Names Columbia City: February 1970
Street Skating: June 1985
Strong Family (biography) by Schultz, George: June 1990
Strouse Family (biography) by Strouse, A K: August 1987
Strouse, A K (Author): Biography: Strouse Family: August 1987
Strouse, A K (Author): Strouse Family (biography): August 1987
Strouse, A K (Author): World War I: April 1986
Strouse, AK (Author): Biography: Jews in Whitley County: February 1980
Strouse, AK (Author): Jews in Whitley County (biography): February 1980
Strouse, Edgar J (biography): October 1979
Stultz, Marguerite (Author): Biography: Pence homestead: June 1968
Stultz, Marguerite (Author): Pence homestead (biography): June 1968
Stultz, Marguerite (biography): August 1978
Stultz, Marguerite dies (biography): June 1986
Summer Concerts Music: October 1985
Summit by Lemon, Lola: June 1979
Superintendent School by Fleck, Cleon: June 1975
Superintendents School: October 1958
Superior Garment Co: September 1994
Superstitions by Overdeer, Mary: February 1994
Surveyors by Holycross, Eudolph: June 1982
Sutherlin, Harry A (Author): Biography: Truman, Harry S: June 1976
Sutherlin, Harry A (Author): Truman, Harry S (biography): June 1976
Swan Family (biography): December 1965
Swan, Records by Rev.: April 1986


Tabernacle Collapse Disaster (1915) by Meitzler, Edwin: April 1972
Tabernacle Collapse Disaster (1915): February 1986
Tapy, George (biography): October 1990
Tavern Rhodes: December 1994
Taverns by McKenna, Charlotte: October 1972
Taylor Game Shop by Brown, Jeanette: June 1997
Teacher Licencse School: August 1975
Teacher School: December 1966
Teacher Smoking: April 1987
Teachers (1905): October 1965
Teachers: October 1963
Telegrams: April 1978
Telephone 3 Articles: December 1998
Telephone Companies: April 1973
Telephone Laud Strike (1906) by Carver, Bernice: October 1977
Telephone Party Line by Lemon, Lola: February 1986
Telephone: June 1980
Telephones: March 1999
Terman, Juanita (Author): Etna Tornado (1913): February 1981
Terman, Juanita (Author): Tornado Etna (1913): February 1981
Testing School (1958): December 1999
Theater Music by Kinsey, Florence Harley: February 1977
Thomas Marshall Story Pioneers (1839): August 1963
Thomas, Frances Smith (biography): June 1991
Thomson, Bill (Author): Columbia City Memories: April 1987
Thomson, Bill (Author): Memories Columbia City: April 1987
Thomson, William "Charlie" (biography) by Schultz, George: August 1990
Thornburgh, Bertha May (biography): March 2000
Thorncreek by Briggs, Dr. Orville: October 1977
Thorncreek by Briggs, Dr. Orville: October 1977
Thorncreek School (1887): February 1973
Thorncreek School (1897): June 1986
Thorncreek School (1905) by Holycross, Thelma: April 1981
Thorncreek School by Fries, Leo: February 1975
Thorncreek School: June 1970
Thorncreek School: October 1970
Thorncreek, Etna School: April 1969
Threshing by Holycross, Doc: June 1978
Threshing by Kyler, Merle W: February 1985
Tinkham, Sanford (biography): September 1995
Torbet, Matilda Egolf (biography): December 1979
Torbet, Oliver S (biography): April 1981
Tornado Etna (1913) by Terman, Juanita: February 1981
Tour House (1980): August 1980
Tour House (1981): August 1981
Tour House (1981): October 1981
Tour House (1985): August 1985
Town Boonville: December 1984
Town Bull Town by Judd, Robert: April 1983
Town Churubusco: December 1996
Town Churubusco: February 1972
Town Churubusco: June 1985
Town Coesse by Holycross, Eudolph: August 1985
Town Coesse by Scott, CV: February 1964
Town Coesse General store: June 1968
Town Coesse: April 1980
Town Coesse: December 1995
Town Coesse: December 1996
Town Coesse: June 1984
Town Coesse: September 1994
Town Collins: February 1978
Town Columbia City by Palmer, George: February 1987
Town Columbia City: June 1994
Town Cresco by Martz, Hugo: June 1979
Town Cresco: April 1967
Town Cresco: April 1980
Town Cresco: December 1965
Town Cresco: February 1980
Town Cresco: June 1969
Town Etna by Gates, Ralph: December 1977
Town Etna: August 1971
Town Larwill by Beard, Juanita King: April 1983
Town Larwill by Hedington, AE: December 1977
Town Larwill: June 1982
Town Larwill: October 1972
Town Laud by Hindbaugh, LaVerne: April 1986
Town Laud by McCoy, Nora Wince: August 1977
Town Laud- Saloon by Ihrig, Herbert: June 1979
Town Loraine by Martz, Hugo: June 1979
Town Lorane: February 1966
Town Lorraine by Diffendarfer, Carter: February 1978
Town Maple Grove: September 1995
Town Peabody: December 1984
Town Peabody: June 1976
Town Raber: October 1982
Town Raccoon Village: June 1966
Town Summit by Lemon, Lola: June 1979
Town Wynkoop/ Taylors St: June 1983
Towns Larwill: August 1983
Towns Peabody: June 1992
Towns Raber: August 1983
Towns Tunker: October 1983
Townsend Co: December 1985
Township Cleveland: April 1964
Township Etna: August 1977
Township High sch School: October 1958
Township Jefferson by Sheets, Dorotha: June 1990
Township Richland: March 1995
Township Richland: October 1964
Township Troy- Taxes: June 1978
Township Union by Kyler, Merle: August 1989
Trails Indian by Flowers, Henry M: February 1973
Travelbee/Jacobs Wedding (1935): June 1997
Treaties Indian: December 1981
Tri Lake Lake by Zwissler, Gayle Yontz: September 1994
Tri Lakes Lake by Gates, Benton E: June 1993
Trier Family (biography): March 1995
Tripcony, Fern (Labar) (Author): Biography: Hennig, Rev Valentine: December 1994
Tripcony, Fern (Labar) (Author): Church St John's Lutheran: December 1994
Tripcony, Fern (Labar) (Author): Hennig, Rev Valentine (biography): December 1994
Tripcony, Fern (Labar) (Author): St John's Lutheran Church: December 1994
Trivia Columbia City: October 1985
Trout, Adalene (biography) by Judd, Robert: August 1983
Trout, Ned E (biography) by Schultz, George: February 1985
Troy Cemetery: August 1965
Troy Center School by Holycross, Eudolph: October 1981
Troy School (1897): April 1986
Troy School: February 1969
Troy- Taxes Township : June 1978
Troy Township School: June 1984
Truex, Lowell (biography) (1952): June 1999
Truman, Harry S (biography) by Sutherlin, Harry A: June 1976
Trumbell, Robert Drowning (1960): December 1999
Tulley-Riley House: June 1968
Tunker: October 1983
Turpin, John D (WPA Toilet) by Turpin, Mona Bell: August 1980
Turpin, Mona Bell (Author): Depression Turpin, John D (WPA Toilet): August 1980
Turpin, Mona Bell (Author): Turpin, John D (WPA Toilet): August 1980
Turtle Village Marker: December 1966
Tuttle Building by Gates, Ralph: June 1977
Tuttle Mill: June 1983
Tuttle/Barnes Wedding: March 1996
Tuttle's Mill (1900) by Kirk, Tom: April 1990


Ulrey, Eliza Ann (biography) by Curtis, Helen Ulrey: August 1983
Ummel, Jeff (biography) by Jackson, Marilyn: December 1984
Uncle Tom Company: December 1985
Union Township by Kyler, Merle: August 1989
Utilities Electric (1908) by Schultz, George: February 1992
Utilities Electricity by Kyler, Merle: June 1986
Utilities Electricity in Whitley County by Kyler, Merle: June 1987
Utilities Municipal Electric Plant: June 1991
Utilities Municipal Water (1893) by Schultz, George: April 1991
Utilities Municipal Waterworks (1910): August 1991
Utilities Steam Heat: August 1978
Utilities Water (1919): June 1995


Vandalia (Panhandle) Railroad: August 1968
Vandalia Railroad: June 1977
Vandalia Railroad: June 1983
Vanderford, Kenneth H (Author): Biography: Squires, Capt. Oliver PM: October 1984
Vanderford, Kenneth H (Author): Squires, Capt. Oliver PM (biography): October 1984
Victims World War II: April 1971
Viet Nam (1963): December 1999
Vocational Ed Farming (1926): March 1999
Voight, Birdena (Author): Biography: Seagley, John: December 1969
Voight, Birdena (Author): Seagley, John (biography): December 1969
Volunteers Civil Wal: August 1979
Volunteers Civil War by Schultz, George: October 1978
Volunteers Civil War: April 1978


Wabash/Erie Canal by Judd, Robert: April 1984
Wabash/Erie Canal: October 1983
Walter, George E (biography) by Schultz, George F: December 1990
Walter, George E (biography) by Schultz, George: August 1990
Walter, Otto "Skinny" (biography) by Schultz, George F: August 1991
Walter-Raupfer: February 1971
War LaBalme by Schultz, George F: October 1982
War Music (1941): June 1993
Warburg College, Gone Marker: December 1980
Warnick, Dale (Burned) (biography) (1954): September 1999
Warnick, Dennis (Author): DeVol: June 1996
Warnick, Dennis (Author): Sports DeVol: June 1996
Wars LaBalme: April 1970
Wars LaBalme: June 1970
Wars Revolutionary Ancestors: April 1976
Wartburg College School by Holycross, Thelma: December 1980
Wartburg College School by Judd, Edith: October 1958
Wash Day Memories by Holycross, Thelma: April 1983
Washburn Block (1910): August 1986
Washburn Block Fire (1910): August 1968
Washington Center School: March 2000
Water (1919): June 1995
Waterfall, Clark "Doc" (biography): March 1998
Waterfall, Clark (biography): December 1991
Waterfall, Franklin (biography): June 1991
Watson, Jim (biography) by Gates, Ralph F: October 1980
Watson, Lucy Ann (Author): Civil War Letter: December 1976
Watson, Lucy Ann (Author): Letter Civil War: December 1976
Watson, Sen. James E (biography): June 1982
Watt, John (biography): August 1984
Whitley County Historical Society 30 years: June 1988
Whitley County Historical Society Charter Membership: April 1983
Weatherhead by Gates, Benton Earl: April 1993
Weaver School: April 1970
Wedding Beard/Goodrich 1897 by Meyers, Betty Thomson: October 1987
Wedding Jacobs/Travelbee (1935): June 1997
Wedding Oliver/Mullendore: December 1986
Wedding Tuttle/Barnes: March 1996
Weick's Shoes (1939): October 1993
Weick's Shoes: March 1997
Welker, Sherman (biography): April 1985
Well Drilling (1910): April 1967
Whist by Dowell, Mary: December 1986
White, Allan D (Author): Building: June 1979
White, Allan D (Author): Columbia City Public Square 1840-1888: June 1975
White, Allan D (Author): Construction Courthouse: June 1975
White, Allan D (Author): Courthouse Construction: June 1975
White, Allan D (Author): Public Square 1840-1888 Columbia City: June 1975
Whiteleather Family (biography) by Hopper, Hazel Whiteleather: October 1985
Whitley Co (1858): December 1996
Whitley Co Centennial Fair (1938) by Pugh, Mary Alice: February 1988
Whitley Co Involvement Civil War: June 1998
Whitley Co Memories by Knisely, James D: February 1991
Whitley Co Plat Map (1862) by Gates, Ralph: August 1976
Whitley Co Teacher's Fair: December 1985
Whitley Co: April 1966
Whitley Co: March 1998
Whitley County 1st School by Holycross, Eudolph: October 1958
Whitley Marker: December 1974
Whitley, Wm (biography): April 1982
Wigent -moved House: February 1986
Wilcox, D G (Author): Biography: Cleveland Family: December 1982
Wilcox, D G (Author): Cleveland Family (biography): December 1982
Wilkswood Landing Strip: October 1972
Williams, Alice Baker MD (biography) by Meyers, Betty Thomson: August 1987
Williamson, Laura Knisely (biography) by Williamson, Perry W: June 1983
Williamson, Perry W (Author): Biography: Williamson, Laura Knisely: June 1983
Williamson, Perry W (Author): Biography: Williamson, Wallace W: October 1982
Williamson, Perry W (Author): Williamson, Laura Knisely (biography): June 1983
Williamson, Perry W (Author): Williamson, Wallace W (biography): October 1982
Williamson, Wallace W (biography) by Williamson, Perry W: October 1982
Wilson, Jennie-songwriter (biography) by Curtis, Helen Ulrey: June 1978
Wince, John L (biography): September 1997
Winebrenner, Nelson (biography) by Kirk, Tom: February 1993
Wolf Hunting (1935): February 1994
Wolf Lake Trolley by Fries, Leo J: February 1977
Wolf-Coyote Hunting (1918): September 1995
Wolfe, Maurice E Games: August 1981
Wooden Indian Courthouse (1887) by Dunlap, Jane: August 1990
Woodham in Korea School: December 1983
Woodham, Madge Schumaker (biography): December 1983
World War I by Chapman, Grover: August 1992
World War I by Fleck, Cleon: April 1993
World War I by Fleck, Cleon: October 1988
World War I by Schultz, Geo: June 1989
World War I by Schultz, George: April 1987
World War I by Schultz, George: August 1984
World War I by Schultz, George: February 1986
World War I by Schultz, George: February 1987
World War I by Strouse, A K: April 1986
World War I Draftees by Schultz, George F: February 1983
World War I Nut shells for Gas Masks (1919): February 1994
World War I: April 1985
World War I: June 1991
World War II Brandon, Clint: October 1991
World War II Hessler, Clarence: December 1991
World War II Louthan, Robert: April 1985
World War II Ration Books: March 1996
World War II Ration Books: March 1997
World War II Scrap Drive (1942) by Egner, Willodene: April 1988
World War II Scrap Drive by Meitzler, Edwin: August 1987
World War II Victims: April 1971
World War II: December 1995
WPA (1939): October 1993
WPA by Diffendarfer, Carter O: April 1979
Wrestling (1914): August 1990
Wynkoop/ Taylors St: June 1983




Yoder, Hallie Z (biography): December 1992
Yoder, Harry (biography): October 1992
Yoder, Harry T (Author): Basketball: August 1974
Yoder, Harry T (Author): School Stories: February 1976
Yoder, Harry T (Author): Sports Basketball: August 1974
Yoder, Harry T (Author): Stories School: February 1976
Yontz Grocery by Zwissler, Gayle Yontz: June 1978
Young Drivers (1920): August 1993


Zion Lutheran, Ellsworth St Church: August 1991
Zumbrun, Harry Murder (1936) by Zumbrun, Mrs Rely: February 1990
Zumbrun, Lynn (biography) (1963): December 1999
Zumbrun, Mrs Rely (Author): Murder Zumbrun, Harry (1936): February 1990
Zumbrun, Mrs Rely (Author): Zumbrun, Harry Murder (1936): February 1990
Zwissler, Gayle Yontz (Author): Lake Tri Lake: September 1994
Zwissler, Gayle Yontz (Author): Retail Yontz Grocery: June 1978
Zwissler, Gayle Yontz (Author): Tri Lake Lake: September 1994
Zwissler, Gayle Yontz (Author): Yontz Grocery: June 1978

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