1850 Census Mortality Schedule
Whitley County Indiana
In 1850 census enumerators were directed to secure in addition to the usually
required census data, information as to all persons dying in the twelve month period prior to the enumeration of the census about 1 June 1850. This list is compiled from various published sources and likely contains mispelling and errors. It appears the original list was compiled by the Genealogy Division of the Indiana State Library in Indianapolis. Only 7 of the 10 columns are listed here. Please Send corrections.
1850 Census started 14 Aug 1850, completed 17 Oct 1850.
Total Population of Whitley County 5,190
Total Number of Dwellings visited 914
Total Number of Families 940

Name |
Died |
age |
Sex |
Born |
Occupation |
Cause of Death |
Aker, Elizabeth | February | 51 | Female | Virginia | Housewife | Dispepsia |
Boner, Jane | May | 44 | Female | New York | Housewife | Childbed Fever |
Campbell, James A. | May | 2 months | Male | Indiana | | Scarlet Fever |
Chapman, Peter | December | 9 | Male | Ohio | | Scarlet Fever |
Clark, Julia | February | 2 | Female | Indiana | | Jaundice |
Collins, Jane | December | 64 | Female | Kentucky | Housewife | Inflamed Liver |
Collins, John | June | 72 | Male | Virginia | Farmer | Dropsey |
Compton, Alvert H. | November | 1 | Male | Indiana | | Liver Fever |
Compton, Francis | April | 1 month | Male | Indiana | | |
Compton, Orpha J. | April | 30 | Female | Ohio | Housewife | Sore Throat |
Cook, Sarah | May | 1 | Female | Ohio | | Burn |
Cornell, Benjamin H. | August | 55 | Male | New York | | Congestion Chills |
Cuppy, Abraham C. | January | 26 | Male | Indiana | Farmer | Consumption |
Davis, Evan | May | 29 | Male | Pennsylvania | | Consumption |
Dils, Adaline J. | August | 9 Months | Female | Ohio | | Consumption |
Dils, Mary Jane | June | 25 | Female | Ohio | | Consumption |
Doty, Louisa J. | April | 7 months | Female | Indiana | | Sct Rash |
Dupler, ---- | April | 1 month | Male | Indiana | | Convulstions |
Dupler, ---- | April | 6 months | Female | Indiana | | Convulsions |
Fletcher, ----- | April | 1 month | Male | Indiana | | Deformed |
Flora, Peter | February | 93 | Male | Pennsylvania | farmer | Palsy |
Ford, Levi | May | 5 | Male | Indiana | | Whooping Cough |
Ford, Martha | May | 2 | Female | Indiana | | Whooping Cough |
Ford, Mary | May | 8 months | Female | Indiana | | Whooping Cough |
Gilbert, ----- | June | 30 | Female | South Carolina | | Consumption |
Gillespie, Menzes | January | 2 | Male | Indiana | | Scarlet Fever |
Goodrich, John F. | December | 2 | Male | Indiana | | Eresipelas |
Hapner, Salome | October | 36 | Female | Ohio | Housewife | Consumption |
Hartsock, Levi | August | 1 | Male | Indiana | | S Compt |
Hopkins, Elias | November | 24 | Male | Ohio | farmer | Small Pox |
Jeffreys, Harbert | October | 60 | Male | Virginia | farmer | Dropsey |
Jones, John | October | 1 | Male | Indiana | | Chills & Fever |
Joslin, Elcy E. | May | 2 | Female | Indiana | | Scarlet Fever |
Joslin, Mary J. | March | 3 | Female | Indiana | | Scarlet Fever |
Kelsey, Caroline | January | 3 | Female | Indiana | | Scarlet Fever |
King, ----- | February | 1 day | Female | Indiana | | |
Lemon, Francis M. | October | 8 | Male | Ohio | | Eresipelas |
Leopard, John | February | 15 | Male | Pennsylvania | | Scarlet Fever |
MacLurgh, Allice A. | October | 9 | Female | Indiana | | Inflamed Brain |
McCafferty, Mary A. | March | 3 | Female | Indiana | | Lung Fever |
McGrew, Hiram M. | September | 6 | Male | Indiana | | Typhus Fever |
Mosher, Nancy M. | May | 7 months | Female | Indiana | | Inflamed Lungs |
Nicholas, Rosan | February | 1 month | Female | Indiana | | Fits |
Ormsby, Ebenezer | September | 43 | Male | Vermont | Teacher | Flux |
Pert, Abner | August | 25 | Male | South Carolina | | Cholera |
Pierce, Mary A. | October | 26 | Female | Ohio | Housewife | Bisl. Fever |
Presler, Lydia | May | 1 | Female | Indiana | | |
Rambo, Helen | July | 4 | Female | Indiana | | Scarlet Fever |
Rea, ----- | February | 1 day | Male | Indiana | | |
Ride, Meriah L. | February | 1 | Female | Indiana | | Scarlet Fever |
Riley, Sarah J. | April | 2 months | Female | Indiana | | Sct. Rash |
Sherrer, William | August | 4 | Male | Ohio | | Flux |
Shoemaker, Asa | July | 50 | Male | New York | Farmer | Brain Disease |
Slussman, John M. | June | 19 | Male | Germany | | Lightning |
Smith, Clarendem | July | 1 | Male | Ohio | | Flux |
Souder, Mary | August | 18 | Female | Ohio | Housewife | Ulcer |
Stolstorf, George | August | 30 | Male | Germany | Miller | Cholera |
Thrasher, Elias | March | 14 | Male | Virginia | | Scrofula |
Tuttle, Mary A. | November | 1 | Female | Indiana | | Int. Fever |
Wayner, Martha J. | May | 28 | Female | Ohio | Housewife | Lung Fever |
Whitman, James | March | 13 | Male | Indiana | | Lung Fever |
Wiwnicke, Henry | September | 29 | Male | Germany | Farmer | Cholera |
Yetts, Catherine B. | April | 6 months | Female | Indiana | | Convulsions |
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